James O’Keefe and Ritual Shaming

James O’Keefe, the conservative activist who busted ACORN a few months ago, is catching hell from the mainstream media for allegedly attending a Robert Taft Club event on “Race and Conservatism” in 2006 with Jared Taylor. That’s a clear violation of political correctness! White people aren’t even supposed to think about having racial interests or associate with those who do.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. At some point, Foxtards have gotta realize that the only men who seriously and consistently stand up for their real interests are the ones who stand firm on identity. A man who fights for abstractions, ideological constructs, and principles instead of his fellow men will assuredly have his abstractions twisted toward his own destruction by the masters of deception.

  2. Re. comment #2, very well said Wicki. By the way, I see that the neocon sleazeball, and Christard-Zionist stooge Richard Armey is now trying to hijack the ‘tea party’ crowd for his handlers.

  3. Wait, I thought that under the Overton window, the far right was supposed to shift the debate, to bring the moderates toward them? It seems instead to be the opposite — anyone who gets within a half mile of Jared Taylor is politically contaminated, and talking about race is verboten.

    Although it would be interesting (and refreshing) to see what would happen if someone busted for associating with Taylor and other far rightists would simply be honest about their association. Something like “I don’t agree with him about most things, but I think his ideas are worthy of consideration and respectful debate.”

  4. Junior Varsity Jew Breitbart makes his media macher bones with the O’Keefe punks ACORN story. Embezzlement and voter fraud followed by further revelations of moral turpidude at ACORN make no appreciable difference to either legislators or the “yeast people” so this is a non-story, no?

  5. To All – the readers and posters on this blog are highly intelligent, thoughtful, and erudite.

    I tend to post things in a “Redneck Woman” vein, for my own amusement – cause ya gotta be ready to get down and dirty, fellas, when the situation calls for such tactics.

    Re: the marvelous comment, by Wiki, in Post #2 – such an elegant and beautiful mode of expression.

    I am, in my real life, openly WN. When accused of “racism” – I just tell my opponents to “P!ss off”. Or worse.

    I never explain, or defend. I just make sure I have a tone, in my voice, that indicates a potential for absolute mayhem – and pure murder in my eyes.

    We are not dealing with righteous, sincere, honorable people, in delaing with the haters of the White Race. They do not care about fairness, reason, a free exchange of ideas, or the right of Whites to even exist. They care about power. They think, by removing Whites form Time and Existence, they can elevate themselves to the Throne of White Power. The Throne that White builds.

    They cannot. We know this. They cannot EVER accept this truth.

    Any attempt to explain, or justify, or defend wil always be derided, and swept aside, at best. Far more punative, and final, reactions have been enacted for almost 200 years.

    So – it’s best to deal with detractors, of the Racially Awake, in a more practical manner, and utilize the communication methods they understand.

  6. The Overton Window doesn’t work for the right-only for the left. But
    O’Keefe might survive, Derbyshire shared the podium with Taylor and he’s still at National Review.

  7. Of course O’Keefe will SURVIVE!

    He should join us though, instead of playing junior G. Gordon Liddy. His face is known now — no more video-stings for him.

    If you’re reading this, James O’Keefe, stay strong. You did a great job stinging ACORN, but don’t get hooked on the spotlight. Much work to be done in this is not as glamorous. Now you should probably focus on making money for affordable family formation and breeding.

  8. Of course, if James O’Keefe had attended a LA RAZA-THE RACE IN INGLES-and wrote about it approving, there wouldn’t be a peep at of this worthless rootless cosmopolitian. And of course, if James O’Keefe was a fanatical suported of Israel’s,Indi,China’s, and Mexico’s-it is a very long list-ethnocentric-racialist immigration policies….there would not have been a peep out of this distusgusting rootless cosmopoltian immigration enhusaist -and all around cockroach- Blumental.

    If James O’Keefe has any fighting balls, he would throw the racism charge back at this cockroach.
    And if he is, James O’Keefe should mention that he is an avid reader of American Renassaince.

    What O’Keefe should throw back at Blumenthal:why do support an LEGAL IMMIGRATION policy that will reduce NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS to an ever dwindling racil minority within the borders of America. Blumentahl the rootless cosmopolitan immigration enthusiast has a race problem. He doesn’t like the NATIVE BORN WHITE CHRISTIAN majority. Blumenthal and every other rootless cosmopolitan immigration enthusiast are obssessed with race.

    Lots of free publicity these days for American Renasaince!!!!

  9. Hunter Wallace

    Unfortunately you and other people who post are using the communist charge in a very vague and silly way that defects attention away from Blumenthals enthusiasm for the racialst politics of jews,chinese,mulsims blacks,asians and hispanics. It is tactically foolish. O’Keefe should go for Blumenthalist racialist throat. Attack the core. It is not well defended.

    O’Keefe, if you are reading this:say to Blumenthal if he is appaled that Hillary Clinton,Barack O”Bama, John Dean and George W Bush… all of them…attetnded that largest national conference of LA RAZA-THE RACE in ingles..an organization that boost about how high-fertility hispanic immigrants and ther offspring will outbreed NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS with the intent of making then an ever dwindling racial minority within the borders of America…as soon as possible.

  10. Mr O’Keefe – if you do find your way to this thread – attend the AmRen conference. Go “all the away”. Screw Blumenthal, and his ilk.


  11. Jupiter made a good observation on the use of the communist label. Most leftists are proud to be called communists. Go for the throat, stick to the destructive agenda of issues that they support. This tactic is what has propelled JT so far. In his debates he never gets into labeling, it is always repudiation through fact and is very effective.

  12. Maybe he attended in opposition, like Jeffrey Imm plans to do at the upcoming Amren conference.

    Oh wait, I forgot the heart of leftism, Lenin’s Imperative: “who? Whom?” My mistake. Imm good, O’Keefe bad. Since O’Keefe is more Republican than Democrat his presence at an Amren function is automatically interpreted as malfeasance; since Imm is more Democrat than Republican, his presence at an Amren function will be automatically interpreted as beneficence.

  13. A man who fights for abstractions, ideological constructs, and principles instead of his fellow men will assuredly have his abstractions twisted toward his own destruction by the masters of deception.

    Yes, yes, yes. I despise “men of principle.” Not men who have principle, but “men of principle.” “Men of principle” never give a shit about actual human beings, they’re too busy hunching over their principles. Men of principle stand ever ready to betray their fellow men.

  14. The “man of principle” sees his exemplar in the “righteous backstabber” Hollywood archetype. Avatar, Dances with Wolves, etc. The oh-so-righteous backstabbing traitor who screws his own over for the alien is a “man of principle.”

  15. I never explain, or defend. I just make sure I have a tone, in my voice, that indicates a potential for absolute mayhem – and pure murder in my eyes.

    Me too. 🙂 I use “go fuck yourself” or something similar but I agree, the tone is more “I’d very much like to slap you around right now.” This is a measured response, because when people call you a racist, they’re saying a lot more than anything actually having to do with racism. They’re calling you a lowlife.

  16. Denise gets it. This is not a debate between “people with points of view.” This is not a “dialogue.” This is a fight to the death. And I don’t mean that in the physical sense; I mean that in whatever arena we’re fighting (spiritual, intellectual, or physical) this should be approached as a life and death struggle – even if the chosen arena is one of polite, civil debate. It’s easy to see when people don’t have their heads in the game; e.g., Ron Paul was shocked, mortified when Ben Stein called him an anti-Semite.

  17. It is in this sense, at least, that I agree with John Jay Ray when he calls ethnopatriots leftists. Yeah JJ, we plan to fight fire with fire. No, we aren’t interested in hearing about our mortal enemies’ point of view.

  18. Denise: I tend to post things in a “Redneck Woman” vein, for my own amusement – cause ya gotta be ready to get down and dirty, fellas, when the situation calls for such tactics.

    That’s just fine, ma’am, strong women breed strong men.

    A tribute to Denise.

    living among Negroes has consequences.


    So beating a man nearly to death for saying nigger only gets a black probation. Thing is, if the white man had defended himself and hurt the nigger, he’d be in prison for years on some trumped up hate crime. But we’re living in a free and just society right?

    Political correctness is anti-white correctness.

  19. Svigor – it is a literal fight to the death, as well as a metaphorical and metaphysical fight to the finish. Whites are literally disappearing.

    We need to fight with EVERYTHING we have.

  20. James O’Keefe was caught planting a bug in a Louisiana senator’s office on Monday. Attending an AmRen conference a few years ago are the least of his worries now.

    Landrieu phone plot: Men arrested have links to intelligence community
    (Raw Story)

    Two of the three men arrested on Monday along with “ACORN pimp” James O’Keefe for “maliciously tampering” with Sen. Mary Landrieu’s (D-LA) phones in her New Orleans office have ties to the United States intelligence community.
    The three accused by the FBI of “aiding and abetting” O’Keefe are Stan Dai, Robert Flanagan and Joseph Basel. O’Keefe is 25, and the other three are 24. Dai’s links to the intelligence community appear to be particularly strong. He was a speaker at Georgetown University’s Central Intelligence Agency summer school program in June 2009, and is also listed as an Assistant Director at the Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence at Trinity in D.C.
    The university’s president Patricia McGuire told The Associated Press that it promoted careers in intelligence but denied that it trains students to be spies.

    The Trinity program received a “$250,000 renewable grant from the U.S. Intelligence Community” upon launching in 2004, according to its Web site. The program’s goals are stated:
    The IC CAE in National Security Studies Program was established during 2005 in response to the nation’s increasing need for IC professionals who are educated and trained with the unique knowledge, skills and capabilities to carry out America’s national security objectives.


  21. Denise gets it. This is not a debate between “people with points of view.” This is not a “dialogue.” This is a fight to the death. And I don’t mean that in the physical sense; I mean that in whatever arena we’re fighting (spiritual, intellectual, or physical) this should be approached as a life and death struggle – even if the chosen arena is one of polite, civil debate. …

    “…It’s easy to see when people don’t have their heads in the game; e.g., Ron Paul was shocked, mortified when Ben Stein called him an anti-Semite. — Svig

    They will come around –


    by Rudyard Kipling

    It was not part of their blood,
    It came to them very late,
    With long arrears to make good,
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    They were not easily moved,
    They were icy — willing to wait
    Till every count should be proved,
    Ere the Saxon began to hate.

    Their voices were even and low.
    Their eyes were level and straight.
    There was neither sign nor show
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not preached to the crowd.
    It was not taught by the state.
    No man spoke it aloud
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not suddently bred.
    It will not swiftly abate.
    Through the chilled years ahead,
    When Time shall count from the date
    That the Saxon began to hate

  22. “Although it would be interesting (and refreshing) to see what would happen if someone busted for associating with Taylor and other far rightists would simply be honest about their association. Something like “I don’t agree with him about most things, but I think his ideas are worthy of consideration and respectful debate.””

    Actually this happens all the time. The Left just quickly sweeps it under the rug is how they seem to deal with it.

    1.) Tony Snows kind words about David Duke in 1991: ” Duke is talking about things people really care about: high taxes, crummy schools, crime-ridden streets, welfare dependency, equal opportunity. A lot of politicians aren’t talking about these things.” (If memory serves Snow also said Dukes position on Affirmative Action served notice that this policy needed to be re-examined)

    2.) Ann Coulters defense of the Council of Conservative Citizens as just another patriotic group.

  23. What a great Kipling poem.

    I wonder why it wasn’t in any of my high school or college English literature textbooks???

  24. Here is another great poem by Rudyard Kipling.

    The Stranger

    The Stranger within my gate,
    He may be true or kind,
    But he does not talk my talk—
    I cannot feel his mind.
    I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
    But not the soul behind.

    The men of my own stock,
    They may do ill or well,
    But they tell the lies I am wonted to,
    They are used to the lies I tell;
    And we do not need interpreters
    When we go to buy or sell.

    The Stranger within my gates,
    He may be evil or good,
    But I cannot tell what powers control—
    What reasons sway his mood;
    Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
    Shall repossess his blood.

    The men of my own stock,
    Bitter bad they may be,
    But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
    And see the things I see;
    And whatever I think of them and their likes
    They think of the likes of me.

    This was my father’s belief
    And this is also mine:
    Let the corn be all one sheaf—
    And the grapes be all one vine,
    Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
    By bitter bread and wine.

  25. Thanks, MGLS. Another classic.

    Too bad Kipling didn’t realize that the imperialism he advocated in “White Man’s Burden” would lead to the pernicious immigration he warned against in “The Stranger”.

    Two years after the annexation of the Phillipines & Puerto Rico an exasperated American wrote:
    “We took up the White Man’s Burden
    Of ebony and brown.
    Now can you tell us, Mr. Kipling please,
    How we can put it down?”

  26. “It’s easy to see when people don’t have their heads in the game; e.g., Ron Paul was shocked, mortified when Ben Stein called him an anti-Semite.”

    You would think he would have an easy time disposing of the allegation. Ron Paul’s number one intellectual hero is a Jew, and he named his son after a Jewess. He supports Israel’s right to do whatever the hell it wants to do in the world, just without American money.

    The problem is the same for Ron Paul and this James O’Keefe fellow: dealing with fear of being branded as a pariah, as illegitimate, as beyond the pale. Fear of being excluded from polite (and powerful) company.

  27. The problem is the same for Ron Paul and this James O’Keefe fellow: dealing with fear of being branded as a pariah, as illegitimate, as beyond the pale. Fear of being excluded from polite (and powerful) company.

    I may often disagree with you, CA, but here you have absolutely hit the nail on the head regarding these “respectable conservative” types.

  28. Thank you, MGLS. My own views have actually become more moderate and mainstream over the last year. And so I find myself reflexively saying “yes, but…” to race realist, white nationalist, anti-semitic, revisionist ideas that I found interesting, attractive, even somewhat compelling in 2008. But what I refuse to do is demonize and ostracize and revile those who continue to hold these viewpoints. I guess I feel that all perspectives and arguments have a role to play in the great movement of life forward, and it is a “sin’ to dismiss someone’s opinion out of hand, simply by labeling that person as being part of some reviled or allegedly “dangerous” group.

  29. There are two versions of this Kipling poem floating around the Internet. This one seems to be correct:


    It was not part of their blood,
    It came to them very late
    With long arrears to make good,
    When the English began to hate.

    They were not easily moved,
    They were icy willing to wait
    Till every count should be proved,
    Ere the English began to hate.

    Their voices were even and low,
    Their eyes were level and straight.
    There was neither sign nor show,
    When the English began to hate.

    It was not preached to the crowd,
    It was not taught by the State.
    No man spoke it aloud,
    When the English began to hate.

    It was not suddenly bred,
    It will not swiftly abate,
    Through the chill years ahead,
    When Time shall count from the date
    That the English began to hate.


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