Race and Conservatism

Conservatism: Lately, the term has been weighing heavily on me.

Searching my thoughts, I find that I have two mindsets on the subject. There is the phony American conservative movement that we are all familar with. These people are hopelessly infected with political correctness, philo-Semitism, and anti-racism. American conservatism is populated by ridiculous figures like Jonah Goldberg, K-Lo, and Dinesh D’Souza. You also have the likes of Hannity and Limbaugh on FOX News and talk radio. This is conservatism the joke: a set of partisan talking points about public policy issues.

Conservatism is also supposed to be a mentality. A conservative treasures the web of social institutions (family, church, culture, ethnicity, neighborhood, community, race, state, nation) that ground and restrain the individual and give his life meaning and direction. In theory, a conservative should be rooted in a particular place and tradition. A conservative should want to maintain the glue (morality and culture) which holds these social institutions together. In the 18C and 19C, a lot of Americans (such as those in Charleston) would have been “conservatives” in this sense of the word.

I’ve tried to salvage this older version of “conservatism” by calling it “communitarianism” or just assuming it will become part of the social fabric of the White ethnostate. If this race business was ever settled in our favor, I imagine I would move on to the restoration of a healthy White culture and economy. Those who care about their bloodline will naturally take an interest in their culture.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Communitarianism? Well, now, it looks to me like there’s the old, small-c variety and then there’s the one that’s getting some folks real excited in recent years. Moi, I don’t know, but I found the following rather interesting.

    “Just in from George Butler of the Secret Truth radio show. Communitarianism is big news today, but little to nothing about the actual Communitarian Network or its Israeli founder, Dr. Amitai Etzioni, Obama’a guru. Apparently Howard Dean said exactly what it is so Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh can ignore the facts. It’s just socialism people, so don’t bother looking ANY further. “

  2. In an attempt to seize the language, I refer to my political beliefs, when asked, as those of ‘EuroAmerican Communitarianism’. Certainly sounds better than ‘National Socialism’. Similiar to the adoption of ‘white nationalism’ over ‘white supremacy’; we need to aggressively reframe the debate – and the first fundamental step is choosing the proper terms to describe ourselves.

  3. Hunter Wallace. Using the “Communitarian” tag at the bottom of your post I see that you apparently don’t know what Communitarianism is.
    You should brief yourself because it’s here and it’s another insidious “ism” promoted by Jews: http://nord.twu.net/acl/
    Communitarianism is a “socio-economic” pseudo-soft science devoted to changing thinking about common law at the city, state, federal and international levels. American university law departments are now partnering with Jewish billionaire philanthropists to study the Talmud and find ways to slip it’s tribal law to us. This dated Harvard Law lecture by Suzzane Last Stone is just the tip of the iceberg: http://www.law.harvard.edu/programs/Gruss/stone.html
    WNs don’t seem to be worried in the least about Amatai Etzioni (aka Warner Falk) and the direction he has been pushing and networking internationally for years to get this country going in. In Europe, especially France, they know about “communitarianisme”. Opposition to it is one of the foundations of Camaroon comic
    Deudonne M’Bala M’Bala’s new anti-Zionist party. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTAJUNrXIJo
    If you like Martin Buber you’re going to love Communiarianism!

  4. What would this state be like?
    Anything like the Bill of Rights?
    Private guns?
    Trial by jury?
    Forced schooling?

  5. I think that many conservatives could be pulled back from the brink if they could be reached with the right message(s). For example, something as simple as pointing out to them that the concepts of race and nation have for thousands of years had basically the same meaning; id est, racism and nationalism are basically the same things; anyone against race is against nationhood. The sender of the message and the context is hugely important.

    Whatever. My point is that most real conservatives are difficult to reach. They are not deep thinkers or researchers and are rarely on the interwebs much in a serious way. They work, they watch TV, they go to ball games, the younger ones go to school, and that’s about it. They don’t read alot or think very deeply. They are not activists. They do seek good causes but want lots of cover because keeping up appearances (keeping a low, respectable profile) are very important to them.

  6. Lawrence Auster uses the term “traditionalism” to contrast his views from the main stream movement conservatives. I think it is a much better term than “communitarianism” which has been latched onto by leftists as a nicer way of saying “communism”. If we are all about supporting the “community” we’d have to do a lot of education about what that “community” is.

  7. “Communitarianism” has been long taken by at least one other group I know about. Besides, it sounds way too close to “communism” for any conservative to take seriously. Larry did not invent traditionalism, it’s OK to use it. I believe most conservatives would be fine with it.

  8. Founding Fatherism? I like the idea of simply hearkening back to the original vision of the United States, plus a few necessary but legally minor (in the textual sense; their ramifications would be a radical departure from the nuttery that rules today) changes.

    If people want to get more specific than that, I just fall back to neutral ethnopatriotism: monarchy, oligarchy, theocracy, democracy, republic, whatever; I don’t really care as long as it’s explicitly and fundamentally ethnopatriotic because I figure a relatively competent people can sort these things out long-term if they aren’t destroyed in the mean time.

    If they want to get more specific than that, then we’re just shooting the breeze and personally I’m somewhat libertarian but I set all that small stuff aside for the most part.

    I don’t self-refer as conservative, though I often see the overlap.

  9. Don’t throw the “communitarian” baby out with the bathwater.

    Yes, Etzioni and his like have heisted the term, but it can still be used without that baggage. The term itself contains memes of “community” and “togetherness”, and only needs to be interpreted properly to be useful.

    Alain de Benoist addresses the term in depth in chapter 3 of his essay, “On Identity”, available here: http://www.alaindebenoist.com/pdf/on_identity.pdf

    The whole essay is fantastic, so don’t limit yourself to chapter 3.

  10. For most familiar with VFR, prior to L. Auster, there was James Kalb. Some may be interested in checking out his Traditionalist website.


    I’ve read his most recent book, The Tyranny of Liberalism, and as you might expect, it puts the neoconservative screed of Jonah Goldberg (Jewish NRO pundit, and author of Liberal Fascism) about where it belongs.

    Part of being the Vanguard implies embracing adulthood, which is the appropriate paradigm vis-à-vis the yokel conservative who listens to Rush Limbaugh. 1 Corinthians 13:11 is appropriate here.

    Cheers, Mike

  11. I don’t know , guys. The opposition always tries to “co-copt” terms from our language and give them negative connotations or otherwise twist our vocabulary to their advantage, but a word like “communitarian” seems a little too generic to be stolen that easily. Think of all the many groups and organizations that it can refer to: community, monastery, cloister, ethny, country, county , city, region, state, all of these can be “communitarian” in one sense or another as Old Raven implied. I do like both “communitarianism” and “ethnopatriotism” (although both words are a mouthful). At some point we have to make a stand and not let the whole language be co-opted by our foes and used against us. It does seem prudent to loose the “old saw terms” like National Socialist , White Nationalist, and especially; White Supremacist. They carry negative connotations that cannot be overcome. Some sort of “ethnic partisan” or “ethnic separatist” idea should be considered though. Objections to that on the part of our opressive government would imply that they are against ethnic groups in principle. That could be useful.

  12. HW: I’ve tried to salvage this older version of ”conservatism” by calling it “communitarianism”

    It could also be called paleoconservatism, oldtime conservatism, racial conservatism, white nationalism…

    Svi: ethnopatriotism

    which basically means the same as white nationalism.

    Whodareswings: In Europe, especially France, they know about “communitarianisme”.

    In France, especially since the 1789 revolution, state institutions have been dominated by a centralist anti-democratic ideology (jacobinism) defending the idea that everyone in the country should be frenchified and made interchangeable. It is classic imperialism, like London trying to anglicize the Welsh. Today, there is an effort by Jewish activists to present themselves as traditional French jacobins. But they say miscegenation and race-replacement are in line with the 1789 principles. That’s obviously not true. In the past, Paris tried to transform every “Frenchman” into a Parisian. Today, Jewish activists want Parisians to be replaced with Africans. It is not exactly the same philosophy. They have come up with the word “communautarisme” to describe narrow-minded people who would rather have American-style multiculturalism than embrace the new multiracial, monocultural, Jewish-supervised, “French identity”. Meanwhile, of course, Jews cultivate their own brand of “communautarisme”, and the Black antizionist entertainer Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala is aware of the Jewish hypocrisy.

  13. Svi: ethnopatriotism

    which basically means the same as white nationalism.

    A closer approximation is racial nationalism, but yes I usually use it to mean white nationalism. Regardless, no I don’t use it as distinct from WNism if that’s on your mind. I just like patriotism better than nationalism. Let them spend a few billion to ruin patriotism the way they ruined nationalism, and piss off millions of patriots along the way. They still use the word patriotism for their own purposes, so I might as well tap into their marketing campaign and leverage their budget for my own purposes.

  14. Race is the only thing that matters now – because of all the factors in Western civilization, race is the only thing that we can’t get back once it’s lost. If the loss of our irreplaceable racial heritage occurs – which will likely happen – then our civilization will be gone forever. There’ll be no point in debating the merits of abortion or gun-control when our nations are composed of mestizo gangs and black sociopaths. No more country-clubs, no more libraries or representative government. The continuing bankrupty of the federal and state governments of America is already proof that our nation is rapidly declining. Our medical and educational budgets are overburdened by populations of non-whites who can’t pull their own weight. Compared to our racial decline everything else shrinks into meaninglessness.

  15. I like the term “Traditionalism”, and “Traditionalists”. “Communitarianism” is too long a word, and sounds too much like “Communism”. In time, I think that factions of Conservatism will move towards race realism. We can expect them to move toward Jared Taylor’s camp for various reasons. The most important of these will be the increasing polarization of the vote. Others have pointed out that even now, 90% of Republican votes come from Whites, while 80% of minorities vote Democratic. After 20 more years of increasing polarization and failed efforts to recruit minorities, in addition to increasing ethnic friction, Conservatism will have no choice but to recognize what has been in front of everyones face the entire time: that race is the central issue. Once this happens, Conservatism is then one step away from discovering the JQ.

  16. “White advocacy” is pretty much impervious to assault. Who can deny that Whites have the right to advocate for themselves? But communitarian is still good because our biggest battle is the fight for the rights of community, which we, Whites (I’m talking American Whites), are denied. We are not allowed, by Jewish supervised multiculturalism, to claim a group identity. We are not allowed advocates in the media, we are not allowed lobbies, unions, dorms, organs — we are only allowed fractured and alienated individuality. When was the last time any of you read in the MSM the term “White community”? Yet, everyday you hear “Black community”, “Latino community”, “Chinese community”, “homeless community”, “gay community”, “Jewish community”. What kind of coordination must it take for the entire MSM to ban such an obvious signifier as “White community”?

  17. As others have noted here lately, American “conservatism” must again become a conservatism firmly rooted or based upon racial/biological principles, i.e. “bio-conservatism.” Foremost should be the well-being of the race, the family, and the homeland.

    Instead of paleocons and neocons and tradcons and Catholic-cons all of that, this nation needs more BIOCONS.

    In terms of my personal politics, I am both leftist and rightist in many respects, preferring to utilize both sides to find a hoped for Golden Mean. The leftist in me tends toward strict environmentalism and under ideal conditions moderate ethno-socialism (White-specific socialism), while the rightist in me is more conservative about social/family values, rejection of modern decadence, and so on. That being said, I would gladly live under either/or a far-right or far-left government provided the government recognized the primacy of race first and foremost and always placed White racial survival and advancement over all other secondary social, political, and economic issues.

  18. Sam Davidson
    There’ll be no point in debating the merits of abortion or gun-control when our nations are composed of mestizo gangs and black sociopaths.

    If things get that bad there may be no point in debating the merits of guns but there will be a clear and present reason to have them.

  19. HW:”I’ve tried to salvage this older version of ”conservatism” by calling it “communitarianism””

    “Communitarianism” sounds much too much like “Communism” obviously, and something like that ain’t gonna fly in the USA ever.

    The term “cooperationism” seems better, as in “White cooperationism” — for instance, one could say that we aren’t ‘White Nationalists,’ we are instead ‘White cooperationists.’

  20. In the interests of disclosure, on Etzioni’s blog I left the comment right after Hunter’s, commenting as ‘Realist.’

  21. “Race is the only thing that matters now – because of all the factors in Western civilization, race is the only thing that we can’t get back once it’s lost. If the loss of our irreplaceable racial heritage occurs – which will likely happen – then our civilization will be gone forever.”

    Exactly! This is why I label myself a White Nationalist. The term has already gone main-stream in the works of Carol Swain and Leonard Zeskind so why not just pick it up and us it.

    Conservatism has been a colossal failure. One needs to only look around themselves at the miserable state of current affairs to confirm this.

    Probably the only Conservative of any value has been Sam Francis, lets take some of his good ideas and jettison the rest of the dry husk of conservatism.

    Practically speaking, all I care about are Racial Issues, other stuff just fades into the fog of the background from this vantage point… other stuff? Just not important.

  22. “communitarian is still good because our biggest battle is the fight for the rights of community, which we, Whites (I’m talking American Whites), are denied. We are not allowed, by Jewish supervised multiculturalism, to claim a group identity.

    Well said. Moreover, we need to remind ourselves of the need to reverse the atomization imposed on us.

    What kind of coordination must it take for the entire MSM to ban such an obvious signifier as “White community”?

    Great point.

  23. I’m curious, do you guys really think we need the word “white” in there anywhere?

    Is there some other openly ethnopatriotic bloc from whom we need to distinguish ourselves?

    Here in cyberspace every

    I’m not advocating my favorite term here so much as I’m wondering why “white” needs to be in the sentence. It evokes all the other political uses of “white,” which are all negative, as far as I can recall (white supremacy, white power, whites-only). Basically it’s like waving a red flag at a bull; the bull is the structure erected in the average Euro’s mind by our enemies. Why not go in the back door, and leave the bull out front to wait for someone who wants to wave a flag at it?

    “So, what do you call yourself?”
    “I’m a white nationalist/Advocate/whatever”
    “Oh” (Oh Lord one of those people).
    “So, what do you call yourself?”
    “I’m an ethnic patriot/advocate/whatever”
    “Oh, that’s interesting” (Oh brother)
    Conversation ensues, and at some point, depending on your subtlety, the unsuspecting Euro realizes “OMFG he means he’s a WHITE ethnic patriot/advocate/whatever! WTF???

    Explosion of cognitive dissonance. You just forced him into thinking about an NAAEP and a White Congressional Caucus.

    To belabor the point, giving yourself a political name like White X seems to me like playing into our enemies’ hands. The enemy doesn’t want us snuggling in next to the NAACP in the minds of our kinsmen.

    “White community” doesn’t suffer from this because “black community” is already in wide circulation. So “white community” is a good phrase IMO. Problem is you can’t really turn that into a good group name.

  24. “In theory, a conservative should be rooted in a particular place and tradition. “

    Not quite, Hunter. A conservative should be rooted in a particular conservative place and tradition. More, a conservative ought to have a stem and petals to go along with his roots.

  25. “Today, Jewish activists want Parisians to be replaced with Africans. It is not exactly the same philosophy. They have come up with the word “communautarisme” to describe narrow-minded people who would rather have American-style multiculturalism than embrace the new multiracial, monocultural, Jewish-supervised, “French identity”. Meanwhile, of course, Jews cultivate their own brand of “communautarisme”, and the Black antizionist entertainer Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala is aware of the Jewish hypocrisy.”

    Thank you for the clarification. I went to a lecture last night at a local university where a lecturer on literary postmodernism proclaimed fraudulent memoirs a la Binjamin Wilomirski and Irene Zisblatt new and important holocaust “metafiction.” The name for patriotic miscegenation in France is “metassage,” but then it probably has a variety other academic Marxist (postmodern) meanings to make it sound like something it isn’t. http://galliawatch.blogspot.com/2008/12/mtissage-now-its-obligation.html

  26. Svigor,

    You seem to be advocating ‘implicit whiteness.’ I advocate explicit whiteness. We need to address Whites openly and honestly. Otherwise, to paraphrase George Wallace, the “conservative” groups will ‘out-nigger’ us every time.

    The only way we can steer the flock away from the Republican shepherds is to explain to them in the clearest way possible that they will be totally displaced from their own nations if they refuse defend their race. The ‘implicit’ arguments aren’t going to reach them.

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