Wik’s Picks: Top Ten White Sites

The Foremost Problem created a post, “The 25 Most Important Pro-White Organizations”. I’m not going to be so bold as to rank the sites by importance, but I do think it would be fun and potentially helpful to list my ten favorite pro-White sites.

10. Nicholas Stix, Uncensored

Life’s just not that simple. Like it or not, the best and most determined journalist out on the front lines of drawing attention to Whites being victimized by multicult madness is a Jew. While the goyim are content to reshuffle and repackage existing information and ideas, Stix is out there doing original research. He does the difficult and boring work that goes into sharing these powerful stories of people who’ve been repeatedly victimized by their aggressors, then victimized again by the media and government scumbags who try to ignore inconvenient tragedies.

9. The Political Cesspool

James Edwards is nearly as eloquent, principled, and passionate about defending his people as he is handsome. He plays up his Southern humility and deference as much as he can, but he knows in the back of his mind that he’s our best hope for making a successful seque into mainstream politics. His radio show features nearly every noteworthy White Advocate. His blog offers a nice balance of good reporting and clever commentary.

8. Cambria Will Not Yield

It’s easy, especially for a geek, to lose touch with the spiritual dimension of our struggle. This Christian Kinist reminds me that we’ve lost far more than just our physical safety and our ability to speak fluent English with the new neighbors. We’ve lost our honor. We’ve lost our heritage. We’ve lost the spiritual core that once bloomed in White Christian Europe.

7. VDare

VDare’s status as a pro-White site is arguable. It features posters who aren’t even White, posters who would like for you to die in the desert for Israel, and posters who actually think that Irish illegal immigration is a serious concern. It doesn’t allow comments and it looks like it was designed by a shaky old man using HTML in Notepad on a 486DX machine running Netscape Navigator on an AOL account during the Clinton Administration. But despite all these sins, it’s among the best pro-White sites out there. It directly engages the daily news beat. It features Jared Taylor and Kevin MacDonald. It’s also the place to go for Steve Sailer, who would be pro-White if it weren’t for his suffering some kind of autistic disorder.

6. TakiMag

Damn you, CaptainChaos! 🙂

5. American Renaissance

I’m a former moderator from here…and yes, I probably deleted your anti-Semitic tirade. It doesn’t belong there. Jared Taylor could have had all the respect in the world but he chose honor, instead. He’s a soft-spoken Ivy League polymath with a nuanced perspective on race and identity who isn’t the least bit nuanced about the primary objective: White Advocacy. The site design is stale and the comments are a bit stifled relative to other forums, but Jared and his organization have awakened countless Americans (including myself) to the importance of preserving our precious racial heritage.

4. Voice of Reason Radio

We’ve all ranted to each other about how we need to pioneer and master new media technologies to reach a wider audience. But VOR has actually done it. Their growing list of intelligent and amusing Internet radio shows are attracting new audiences and keeping the rest of entertained. If I were a betting man, I would bet that this site will become the hub of White Advocacy within the next five years.

3. The Occidental Observer / TOQ Online

This collective of pro-White scholars is managed by Professor Kevin MacDonald, but it’s led by the acerbic and imaginative Alex Kurtagic. Tom Sunic, Lasha Darkmoon, Merlin Miller, Kevin Lamb, and other luminaries regularly churn out brilliant essays on the big questions, the big issues, and the big problems. There’s so much overlap in name, style, and quality between TOO and TOQ that they’re both tied for third place, with TOQ offering a lot of great original content in addition to aggregating the best of the pro-White web.

2. Spirit/Water/Blood

This site offers a weekly skewering of our sorry state of affairs from a Christian Kinist’s perspective. As a web professional, I admire how he has adapted his prose to the medium rather than pretending he’s writing a newspaper article. He’s punchy, direct, often hilarious, and loaded with relevant links, images, and videos.  He offers a welcome alternative to the repackaged humanism of contemporary Christian “leaders” and defends White America with the same honor and vigor that Christians once defended Europe.

1. Occidental Dissent

The martial arts traditions began as collections of self-defense techniques but often devolved into something more like synchronized swimming. It’s the nature of humans to settle into increasingly rigid patterns of behavior, which is what makes Mixed Martial Arts so fun to watch. You can watch the traditions compete with hardly any rules and enjoy the creative energy that goes into fusing the differing styles into systems which are superior to their forebears.

OD is the MMA of White Advocacy, a valuable intersection where respectability and radicalism collide in an open forum. Atheists, neo-pagans, Christian Identity adherents, Kinists, Mormons, and even Jews are included in the fray. Obnoxious philo-Semites and monomaniacal anti-Semites get to the very heart of the Jewish Question while other posters offer targeted activist projects that the visitors to the site can actually use on the street.

The net result is an emergent synthesis of the best ideas, making it a dangerous place for arrogant anti-White activists to peddle their tired shtick. While we’re never going to agree on everything, the wide-open nature of this place makes it my favorite pro-White site.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. I am familiar with the work of David Wilson, and other contemporary advocates of group selection. It is MacDonald’s application of the theory of group selection that strikes me (and many others) as dated. Anyway, my main point was not necessarily that MacDonad’s theory is wrong, but that it hinges too strongly on a theory that is still highly contentious within the relevant fields to justify the degree of certainty with which laymen anti-Semites accept Macdonald’s thesis.

  2. Yosemite:

    What Kevin MacDonald does is select the “bad” (or, if you prefer, “anti-Gentilic”) movements in which Jews have been overrepresented, neglecting to mention the extent to which they were represented among the critics of those movements

    Well, to what extent were they, and why was the Jewish role in the opposition not as effective as the Jewish role in promulgating those things? It would suggest that the Jewish energy in the role of anti-raciam, pro-immigration policy, and so forth was far greater than any Jewish role in supporting traditional values.

    and also failing to take into account contemporary egalitarian and environmentalist schools of thought that were strictly Gentile in origin

    Well, it really boils down to the argument of whether or not those schools of thought that were generally or strictly gentile in origin were as effective as the ones Jews were involved with. While Hunter has given us some insight into, for example, the religious motivation of some of the Christian Protestant anti-racists, can you really make an effective arguemnt that they were as effective and successful as Jews were?

    As an example of his statistical blunders, he mentions that the Jews were overrepresented among Russian communists, without mentioning that communism in its early phase was an almost exclusively urban movement, and the Jews a distively urban population. (Jews were then roughly 20 percent of the Russian urban population, and constituted a little less than 20 percent of the early Bolshevik leaders – as expected based on their population size within urban areas.)

    That may be the case (I don’t know the numbers personally, so I can’t dispute them off hand), but it is not a particularly strong argument because the meat of the issue here is that Jews weren’t just members, but they were often the brains and power within it, well beyond their proportion of representation even at the 20 percent number.


    This isn’t an anti-racist argument. Sir Arthur Keith made the same point. As a rough analogy, one’s sense of ‘family’ would certainly diminish if any stranger could enter one’s home and would be regarded as just as much a family member as one’s own biological siblings, even if the said stranger belonged to the same race. It’s the same with the national spirit. In a society, such as America, in which there is a lot of social mobility, intersectional migration, and the constant assimilation of foreign elements, even if the latter belong to the same biological taxon as the founding population, national identity is diluted and undermined. You don’t feel like you belong to a distintive ethnic group, because of its lack of exclusivity. If a German and an Italian can be an American just as easily as a member of the founding ethnicity, what makes the descendants of the founding ethnicity so special?

    The simple fact, which I will repeat for you again, is that in America, whites were seen as distinct race and there were protections and privileges for whites in America – mass immigration of non-Northern Europeans was discouraged and opposed.

    While this is a generally valid criticism of American cultural and ethnic identity, it isn’t at all suggestive of how we got to where we are today, based on the facts. Something else happened to suppress this ethnocentricity. What was it?

  3. When I say that liberal democracy is to blame for the situation that the white race is in, I do not mean that the white race voted for its own replacement. What democracy has done is demoralised our people, making them apathetic and indifferent to their own demise.

    This reformulation of your contention in no way accounts for the list of four antithetical phenomena, that we have experienced under this regime, to which you must yet attach the label “liberal democracy” – unless you wish to withdraw your thesis altogether.

    It is certainly not “liberal” in the classic sense of political, rather than socio-economic and racial/sexual equality, as you maintain was its origin. But you have it that the classic became the modern out of an internal evolutionary logic that has yet to be explained as logical and other than the product of promotion by illiberal parties.

    The question, then, is why should have the spirit of freedom, paramount in the political egalitarianism of classical liberalism, have devolved into the quest for uniformity. It is because classic libertarian liberalism has “internal contradictions,” the consequences of which are societally unendurable, leading thus to government regulation of economy, i.e., bureaucratic socialism. And Communist Jewry explicitly adopted the tactic of passing as “socialist” for the sake of forwarding their crypto-anarchist, quasi-messianic Communist agenda, world-wide. And they have subverted the Western world under that cloak and on that otherwise-legitimate pretext, which is resisted by those who fail to distinguish bureaucratic socialism from Communist police-statist terrorism and who are thus vulnerable to the exploitation of the errors of their own ideological position. Thus do the masters of the present dispensation play off the two erroneous ideological positions and representative parties (communism/egalitarianism/Democrats vs. capitalism/libertarianism/Republicans), to the advantage of their own agenda, mis-labeled “liberal democracy”.

    [On a footnote, statistically-speaking, the top several-dozen Bolshevik leaders were 90% Jewish, not 20%. And you identify a chicken-and-egg conundrum in analyzing Communism in Russia as an urban phenomenon and not a Jewish one, without considering that it was an urban phenomenon *because* of the overrepresentative Jewish habitation therein which you identified. A metro area with 20% of other than elderly Jews is ipso facto and effectively a hot-bed of Bolshevism, anywhere in the Western world. Had the number of Jews been *proportional to the imperial population as a whole*, you would have a case for Jewish innocence.]

  4. “I am familiar with the work of David Wilson, and other contemporary advocates of group selection. It is MacDonald’s application of the theory of group selection that strikes me (and many others) as dated. Anyway, my main point was not necessarily that MacDonad’s theory is wrong, but that it hinges too strongly on a theory that is still highly contentious within the relevant fields to justify the degree of certainty with which laymen anti-Semites accept Macdonald’s thesis.”

    So you’re saying that MacDonald might be right, but you think his theory is overly dependent on group selection being a valid evolutionary model. To which fields are you referring?

  5. Sadly, some of the websites you have listed, despite their merits, have allowed themselves to get caught up in the hoary old mythology of antisemitism, a disease of the mind of which European nationalists are largely free.

    Whatever. The European “nationalists” you’re referring to here are , I assume, those like the BNP and Geert Wilders. Why no, they aren’t antisemites. Nor are they real revolutionaries.

    You have not demonstrated that antisemitism is a “disease of the mind.” You have proclaimed it. I could proclaim that philosemitism is the same just as credibly.

    The sooner we cleanse the Anglo-Saxon pro-white movement of antisemitism and kraut nationalism, the better.

    “…because I say so.”

    In addition to the factual problems of antisemitism, it must be rejected for the simple reason that it is incapable of yielding fruitful political gain.

    That doesn’t follow. And your statement, “…incapable of yielding fruitful political gain” is false in any case as any number of historical examples could prove otherwise in spades.

    Anglo-Saxons will never embrace a movement which champions antisemitism and kraut nationalism.

    I find it funny that you deign to speak for an entire ethnicity. Really there has never been uniform philosemitism in Anglo-Saxon culture. Mainly that has come from the elites in the last century-plus.

  6. The Germans had moral awareness, yet killed millions of innocent people anyway.

    A combatant out of uniform is subject to summary execution.

    Jewry has historically chosen the strategy and tactic of making war against host populations without adopting identifying uniform, thus choosing the advantage and profit of conducting combat on an irregular basis. And they have predictably and repeatedly suffered the traditional, complementary, and disadvantageous penalty of pogrom, massacre, and expulsion accordingly. A traditionalist should understand this.

  7. What Kevin MacDonald does is select the “bad” (or, if you prefer, “anti-Gentilic”) movements in which Jews have been overrepresented, neglecting to mention the extent to which they were represented among the critics of those movements, thus giving a distorted picture of reality; and also failing to take into account contemporary egalitarian and environmentalist schools of thought that were strictly Gentile in origin.

    And the counter-point has been made in asking why the incorrect side of the issue always wins, despite the supposed fair number of Jewish proponents of the truth. And the answer is the subversion, by Jews, of the academic and media communities that determine what is to be popularly believed and to be made the (ostensible) basis of public policy. No “liberal democracy” at work here, either.

  8. You guys are all so amusing …. but sad. I do agree with one thing though, you can attack the Christian, attack the German, attack the Southerner, attack just about everyone … but the Jew. I guess it’s true, they really do control the world!

    After looking at the back and forths above, the Jews are the problem even when they aren’t the problem. My opinion is that they are a part of the problem, maybe even the root of the problem, but they are not the entire problem. We have non-Jews that are just as baaaaaaaad! Are they wannabe Jews? I don’t think so.

    I think those opposing the antisemitism do so out of fear (unless you can convince me otherwise) AND I understand that. However, it is important to fault the Jews when they are responsible – and sometimes they alone are – but in a reasonable, diplomatic manner. The childish antics above – although entertaining – make all of us look like idiots or, worse, divided idiots!!!

    Gentlemen, no more goosesteps and no more delete button, please. For all of us.

  9. Joanne,
    Nobody deleted a single comment. Please don’t post comments that consist of nothing but vague insults, baseless accusations, and condescending head pattings…

  10. The thread is about the 10 BEST WN web sites and blogs. As long as we’ve veered so far off course I’d be interested in seeing what people think are the 10 WORST sites because even though I’m a relatively intelligent and polite person I do have my guilty pleasures. One is “Terrible Tommy” Metzger. I’d say he’s the cotton pickinest “cornpone nazi” ever. http://www.resist.com/
    I like the Zundelsite, too. “Police! Put the paintbrush down, put your hands on your head, and step away from the easel. Now!”

  11. Donald,

    ‘White’ was certainly part of America’s identity, but its primary and original ethnic identity was Anglo-Saxon protestant, in addition to ‘white’. Its ethnic identity became diluted, weakened, and undermined by the importation and assimilation of millions of heterogenous non-Anglo-Saxon and non-Protestant Caucasian minorities, whether Irishmen, Germans, Jews, Frenchmen, or Italians, as well as continuous intersectional migration. I am astonished that I even need to make this point, since it is so blazingly obvious.

    “Well, to what extent were they, and why was the Jewish role in the opposition not as effective as the Jewish role in promulgating those things?”

    Two reasons, actually. First, the new egalitarianism benefitted from preëxisting religious and political tendencies (Christianity, the clamour for political equality, etc). Tom Sunic in ‘Against Democracy and Equality’ shows how the liberalism of Mill and Locke paves the way for more extreme forms of egalitarianism. Second, racialism and eugenics fell into disrepute as a result of the atrocities committed by the Nazis. Boas was a nobody until WWII.

    “Well, it really boils down to the argument of whether or not those schools of thought that were generally or strictly gentile in origin were as effective as the ones Jews were involved with.”

    Yes. Behaviouralism, for instance, has gained wider acceptance in the English-speaking world than Freudian psychoanalysis.

    “That may be the case (I don’t know the numbers personally, so I can’t dispute them off hand), but it is not a particularly strong argument because the meat of the issue here is that Jews weren’t just members, but they were often the brains and power within it, well beyond their proportion of representation even at the 20 percent number.”

    I was talking about the brains and power within the earky Bolshevik movement. The percentage of Jews among early Bolshevik leaders is exactly what you would expect based on their population

  12. [My last message got cought off. Here is the rest of it.]

    … size within urban areas – about twenty percent. Of course, this percentage declined significantly during Stalin’s régime.

  13. I agree with a lot of what Yosemite is saying when it comes to some anti-Semites overstating their case and oversimplifying the situation. I also believe that America does indeed lack the cohesive ethnic identity of a more ethnically homogeneous nation like Ireland or Italy. But he overstates his own case, implying that the White American melting pot was a colossal failure when it was anything but. Dozens of nationalities almost seamlessly merged into the dominant Anglo-American nationality even as that origin fell into the numeric minority.

    The American nation is a true ethnic nation, if perhaps not as cohesive as some others. It’s not a propositional nation or some sort of empire spanning dozens of White ethnic enclaves. There were some hiccups with the Irish and Southern European groups, but White America came together and it worked. It was a nation. We are a common people with a common heritage, a common view of the world, and a common future.

  14. The commenter ‘Yosemite’ sounds more and more like a Jew every time he comments here, especially given his rampant and blatant anti-Germanism.

    Yosemite constantly insults Germanics on this site, yet he fails to realize that modern Germany is far better and more ‘civilized’ than the modern USA is very many ways. The same is true of the UK — while the USA and UK continue to quickly degenerate in a social, economic, and racial sense, at least Germany remains almost completely White, has a better and more stable economy than the USA and UK, and retains some semblance of tradition in many of its social institutions.

    The Germanic peoples, represented by Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Scandinavia, are clearly much more superior and prosperous when compared to the Judaized Anglo-Saxon degenerates of the UK and USA. Just look at the cities of the UK or the USA and compare them to the cities of Germany or Norway.

    It is the greedy Judaizing Anglo-Saxon race-traitors of the 20th Century who have primarily led the White race in to its current malaise, not the Germanics.

  15. Also, it is clear from the historical evidence that imperialist-minded elite Anglo-Saxonry is in some kind of sickening alliance with imperialistic international Jewry and has been for the last 250+ years.

    As such, large portions of Judaized Anglo-Saxonry cannot be trusted because they are pathetic sell outs — history shows us that avaricious Anglo-Saxons have a troubled past (and present) of selling out their White racial brethren for piles of Jewish cash…for them, a bit of money trumps ancient blood ties. For the White race to thrive in the future, Anglo-Saxon greed and meddling is going to have to be brought under control and they are going to have to be become better informed about the primordial realities of race and blood as opposed to the often corrupting and degenerate influence of Jew money.

  16. Yosemite,
    I’m genuinely curious about the remarkable transformation in your beliefs over the past several months. On Hunter Wallace’s posts about James von Brunn you commented that von Brunn is a “martyr”, that “the Jews are our misfortune”, and that all Jews support the race-replacement of Whites. You also said that Jews needed to be “fumigated” from White countries. And now here you are claiming that the Jews bare no culpability and instead attack other White ethnies and anti-semites.

    What brought about such a radical change?

  17. Yosemite: “whether Irishmen, Germans, Jews, Frenchmen, or Italians”

    There’s something wrong with your list.

    What you should say is either:
    Irishmen, Germans, Frenchmen, Italians…

    Or: Europeans, Africans, Jews…

  18. Yosemite:”I was talking about the brains and power within the earky Bolshevik movement. The percentage of Jews among early Bolshevik leaders is exactly what you would expect based on their population size within urban areas – about twenty percent. Of course, this percentage declined significantly during Stalin’s régime.”

    You vastly understate the numbers.

    In his book THE JEWISH CENTURY, Yuri Slezkine offers evidence showing that Jews were often 70+% of the population of many major Soviet cities.

    After most of the Jews had moved to Soviet cities, during the late 20s through the 30s and 40s Stalin and his Jewish associates then started to forcibly urbanize the rest of the population, collectivizing agriculture (which caused widespread starvation amongst many), removing the means and material for people to live more independently in the countryside/small towns by herding people in to the cities where the Soviet (often Jewish) elite held almost total sway.

  19. “In his book THE JEWISH CENTURY, Yuri Slezkine offers evidence showing that Jews were often 70+% of the population of many major Soviet cities.”

    Then that would make Jews drastically underrepressented among Bolshevik leaders. According to my sources, though, Jews made up about 20 percent of the Russian urban population at the time of the October Revolution.

  20. Regarding the relationship between Jews and Russian Bolevhism, here are the facts.

    Thr first members of Council of People’s Commissars were as follows:

    Chairman: V. I. Lenin – 1/4 Russian, Tatar, German, Jewish (allegedly, although the relative from who he gets his Jewishness, the records show, was also a practising Christian and was even known for his hostility towards Jewish people)

    Commissar of Agriculture: V. P. Milyutin – Russian

    Army and Navy: V. A. Ovseyenko, N. V. Krylenko, P. V. Dybenko – Russians

    Commerce and Industry: V. P. Nogin – Russian

    Education: A. V. Lunacharsky – Ukrainian

    Food: I. A. Teodorovich – Polish

    Foreign Affairs: L. D. Trotsky – Jewish

    Interior: A. I. Rykov – Russian

    Justice: G. I. Oppokov – Russian

    Labour: A. G. Shlyapnikov – Russian

    Nationality Affairs: I. V. Stalin – Georgian

    Post and Telegraphs: N. P. Avilov – Russian

    Treasury: I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov – Russian

    State Property – Karelin V.A., Russian

    Local Government: Trutovsky V.E., Russian

    Thus, there was one Jew out of about 18.

    Politburo members, 1919-1939:

    Lenin – Russian
    Bubnov – Russian
    Kamenev – (Paternal) Half Jewish Lost spot in 1926
    Trotsky – Jewish. Lost spot in 1926
    Stalin – Georgian
    Krestinsky – Jewish convert to Christianity.
    Zinoviev – Jewish; Lost spot in 1926
    Bukharin – Russian
    Rykov – Russian
    Tomsky (real name Efremov) – Russian
    Molotov (real name Scriabin) – Russian
    Kalinin – Russian
    Kuibyshev – Russian
    Grigory Yakovlevich Sokolnikov – Unknown
    Dzerzhinsky – Polish
    Frunze – Romanian
    Voroshilov – Russian
    Rudzutak – Latvian
    Petrovsky – Ukrainian
    Uglanov – Russian
    Ordzhokinidze – Georgian
    Andreyev – Russian
    Kirov – Russian
    Mikoyan – Armenian
    Kaganovich – Jewish. Purged in 1956
    Chubar – Ukrainian
    Kossior – Ukrainian
    Karl Yanovich Bauman – from Latvia. Unknown. Nonetheless, executed circa 1938
    Syrtsov – Russian
    Postyshev – Ukrainian
    Zhdanov – From Ukraine; gentile.
    Robert Ivanovich Eikhe – Latvian
    Yezhov – Russian
    Khrushchev – Ukrainian
    Beria – Georgian
    Shvernik – Latvian

    After 1945, there were virtually no Jews in the the leadership of the Party and in the member Supreme Soviet; according to USSR statistics from 1959, there were only 14 ethnic Jews out of 5,312 members of this Supreme Soviet body.

  21. “After 1945, there were virtually no Jews in the the leadership of the Party and in the member Supreme Soviet”

    And oddly enough, after 1945 the worst Anti-White excesses and Genocides stopped happening.

  22. “And oddly enough, after 1945 the worst Anti-White excesses and Genocides stopped happening.”

    And even before 1945, as I demonstrated, the Jews were underrepresented.

  23. By the way, when the Bolshevik leadership was planning the October Revolution, Lenin was opposed by Kamenev and Zinoviev, who were both Jewish. If the Revolution had been a Jewish conspiracy, why would the two most powerful Jewish members of the Bolshevik Party (Trotsky had only recently defected from the Mensheviks, and had no power base in the Bolshevik Party) oppose it? Indeed, they were so bitterly opposed to the idea of the October Revolution that they even disclosed the exact date of the Revolution to a public newspaper two weeks before it was due to begin! Their opposition to the October Revolution was therefore sincere and they did everything in their power to stop it happening. Lenin was enraged by this betrayal, and neither he nor Stalin forgave them for it.

    To idea that the October Revolution was nothing but a Jewish conspiracy is flies in the face of historical reality.

  24. Regarding your comment # 73, visit the site http://brianakira.wordpress.com/judaism/ and then scroll down and look at the lists of names and note how many Jews there are…and that only scratches the surface.

    Also, it doesn’t matter if Jews were not the public-face or main leaders of Communism; as always, they were the meddling bureaucrats, bankers, traders, lawyers, and ‘political advisers’ behind the scenes with the real power. There has never been a Jewish President in the USA, yet Jews have had disproportionate power here for decades — that is because they work mostly behind the scenes to prevent a public backlash against them.

  25. “Also, it doesn’t matter if Jews were not the public-face or main leaders of Communism; as always, they were the meddling bureaucrats, bankers, traders, lawyers, and ‘political advisers’ behind the scenes with the real power.”

    The Jews weren’t “the” bureaucrats, but a proporiton of the bureaucratic leadership and, as I have shown, not a particularly large proportion of them. Obviously, the Jews in Czarist Russia were typically more educated than the largely illiterate Russian population. Bureaucratic activities demand some degree of education. When the Soviets asked for bureucrats, you would have expected a considerable proportion of them to be Jewish.

    “Hey Yosemite — are you Guy White?”

    No. I regard Guy White is just another liberal. I have almost nothing in common with him. I am an old school reactionary.

  26. “Joanne,
    Nobody deleted a single comment. Please don’t post comments that consist of nothing but vague insults, baseless accusations, and condescending head pattings…”

    I was referring to the content of the above posts (referring to actions on this site and other sites) which is here for all to see – both friend and foe. I assumed that most people are truthful in what they’re posting here. A good portion of the above thread is a group of people going back and forth at each other with direct insults. Some very clever minds are often on this site but they often lose focus. I wasn’t consciously trying to insult any particular person. I was attempting to target the tone of the posts with a little sarcastic humor which apparently was lost. I guess it didn’t come across that way. I apologize to anyone who may have been personally insulted by my earlier post. I’ll keep it to myself in the future.

  27. Regarding the relationship between Jews and Russian Bolevhism, here are the facts.

    Thr first members of Council of People’s Commissars were as follows:

    [Understandable Jewish revision/concealment of history]

    So, let us consult the sources of the time for authentic information:

    The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920: “The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction, and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world.”

    “Mr. Summers, US Consul General in Moscow on May 2, 1918 sent a telegram to the Secretary of State in Washington DC saying in part: ‘Jew predominant in local Soviet government, anti-Jewish feeling growing among population which tends to regard oncoming Germans as deliverers.'”

    “Robert Wilton, a long time Russia correspondent for the London Times, said in his book, The Last Days of the Romanovs, ‘According to the data furnished by the Soviet press, out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State . . .there were in 1918-1919: 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Lets, 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 2 Poles, 2 Finns, 1 Karaim, 457 Jews. ‘”

    “With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders… In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astounding. And the prominent if not the principal part in the system of terrorism applied by the extraordinary Commissions for combating Counter Revolution has been take by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing. (“Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People.” Illustrated Sunday Herald, London, February 8, 1920.)”

  28. Hey, WP, your post # 67 was very good and cuts to the chase. I’m afraid that the average White will have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the camp of racial reality.

  29. By the way, when the Bolshevik leadership was planning the October Revolution, Lenin was opposed by Kamenev and Zinoviev, who were both Jewish. If the Revolution had been a Jewish conspiracy, why would the two most powerful Jewish members of the Bolshevik Party (Trotsky had only recently defected from the Mensheviks, and had no power base in the Bolshevik Party) oppose it?

    Why did Hitler murder Roehm and decapitate the SA, his fellow Nazis?

    Fundamental disagreements about strategy – not ultimate objectives.

    The point is that *Bolshevism*, the party and agenda in general, and not the particular choice and/or timing of several possible paths to power, was predominantly Jewish.

  30. Joanne:”I’ll keep it to myself in the future.”

    No need to do that Joanne — we don’t have very many race-conscious females commenting here.

    Feel free to comment as you please. We need the perspective of more White females on these issues.


    Ethnic Jews were very overrepresented at the highest levels of the original Bolshevik leadership.

    Consider the following list of the most important leaders, vital to the success of the Bolshevik takeover. This list includes Lenin himself and Bolshevik leaders mentioned by name in Lenin’s “Testament”:

    Lenin – Leader of Bolsheviks
    Trotsky – Creator of Red Army
    Stalin – Organizer of the Soviet bureacracy
    Kamenev – Party boss in Moscow
    Zinoviev – Party Boss in Leningrad, leader of Comintern
    Bukharin – Editor in chief of Bolshevik newspaper

    Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev were ethnically Jewish. Stalin was Georgian, Bukharin Russian, and Lenin was of mixed Russian, Jewish, Tartar and German ethnic background. Even if you ignore Lenin’s part-Jewish ethnic background, you are still confronted with a 50% Jewish composition of the top leadership of an empire with less than 4% Jewish population.

    The situation is even worse when you consider the left/right divide within the ranks of the top leadership after Lenin’s death. The Bolshevik left, led by Trotsky, wanted a foreign policy based on “exporting revolution”, which risked involving the Soviet Union in the miseries of a foreign war, and a domestic policy of collectivization/de-kulakization, certain to cause mass-misery in the countryside. (A program more antithetical to the slogan “Land, peace, bread” is difficult to imagine.) Kamenev and Zinoviev adhered to the left position. The Bolshevik right, led by Bukharin, advocated a foreign policy based on “socialism in one country” and a domestic policy based on the continuation of the NEP. In essence, the right policy was designed to give rural Russians and Ukrainians a reprieve from the miseries inflicted upon them during the civil war. Stalin adopted a centrist position which enabled him to play the right and left factions off against each other, and thus consolidate his own power. Once this was acheived, Stalin proceeded to implement the domestic policy advocated by Trotsky and the foreign policy advocated by Bukharin. Of Lenin’s 5 most important successors, therefore, all three Jews supported the cruel left position, the Russian supported the humane right position and the non-Russian/non-Jew supported a position between these two extremes.

    In case you consider inclusion in Lenin’s testament to be too restrictive a definition of “early Bolshevik leaders”, lets consider other figures who were absolutely essential to the Bolshevik seizure of power:

    Alexander Helphand, aka “Parvus” – arranged German funding and right of way through German territory for Bolsheviks
    Dhrzinsky – First leader of the Cheka
    Tukhachevsky – Although not a Bolshevik, this collaborator’s military leadership was an important contributor to Bolshevik success in the civil war
    Litvinov – His brilliant but devious diplomacy gained diplomatic recognition for the Soviet Union and staved off the threat of renewed foreign intervention.

    Helphand and Litvinov were Jews, Dhrzinsky was a Pole, and Tukhachevsky a Russian.

    Thus, a top ten list of the most important contributors to Bolshevik success is 50% Jewish, including the leading advocate of the atrocious collectivization/dekulackization – Trotsky. The two indisputable Russians on the list are Bukharin, the most humane of the major Bolsheviks, and Tukhachevsky, a reluctant collaborator.

    For a consideration of Jewish overrepresentation in the middle and lower ranks of Bolshevik/CPSU leadership during the bloodiest years of European Communism – the Russian Civil War and collectivization – I recommend volume 2 of Solzhenitsyn’s “Two Hundred Years Together”. If you are unable to read Russian or French, unfortunately the only two languages in which this book is currently available, please see the serialized summary in “The Occidental Quarterly”.

    To understand the magnitude of the horrors perpetrated 1918-1934, see Robert Conquest’s “Harvest of Sorrow” and the pertinant sections of “The Black Book of Communism”

    Please note, Kevin MacDonald does NOT use the early Marxists or the Bolsheviks as examples of secular Jewish movements, because:
    1. Marx and Trotsky vehemently rejected their Jewish roots
    2. Marx and Trotsky do not explicitly state that their movements advance Jewish interests
    3. The early Marxists and the Bolsheviks were obviously not overwhelmingly Jewish in membership, and non-Jews such as Engels, Lenin, Stalin etc. had real influence, as opposed to marginalized figurehead/window dressing status

    There is a chapter in “Culture of Critique”, however, in which MacDonald features Leninist groups which DO fulfill his criteria of “Jewish Movements”: the post WW2 communist regimes in Poland and Hungary, and the CPUSA. If your prejudice against MacDonald is so great that you refuse to read the pertinant sections of “CofC”, at least read the books which he references – many written by Jews or other writters who are definitely not anti-semetic – to support his contention that in 1950 the Communist Parties of Poland, Hungary and the USA were overwhelmingly Jewish in composition, in which all the most important leadership positions were held by Jews proud of their ethnic heritage and self-consciously intent on promoting Jewish ethnic interests.

    The crimes perpetrated by communists in Eastern Europe from 1918-1953 were colossal and horrendous. The Black Book of Communism estimates 20 million people were murdered by communists in the Soviet Union 1918-1953 and a further 1 million were murdered by communists in other Eastern European countries after WW2. That is an average of more than 1600 Eastern Europeans murdered per day, every day for 35 years! To put that into perspective, 1600 is more than the total number of Jews executed by the Czarist government or killed in pogroms during the entire period 1795-1916!

    Yosemite, I do not know who you are or what your motives are, whether you are an honest man who argues in good faith or a sabotuer intent on creating division and confusion. Either way, if you have any consideration for historical truth, I implore you in the name of the 21 million – open your mind and take a fresh look at the evidence. Do not join with those who would prevent all possibility of a discussion, by politely ignoring/censoring/misrepresenting/nit-picking Solzhenitsyn and damning every other writer who addresses this topic as a mentally deranged hate filled anti-semite. Only by boldly confronting the unvarnished truth can white gentiles and Jews hope to live in true harmony.

  32. Re:#82 – Junghans: thank you. I agree that most Whites are going to have to be more than simply ‘coaxed’ in to accepting racialist and pro-White views. It is going to take 2+ generations of pro-White educational and mass-media efforts to change the minds of many Whites, to ‘un-brainwash’ and ‘de-program’ them from the anti-White/pro-multiracial propaganda which is now ubiquitous in the Jewish-controlled mass-media and educational system.

  33. Joanne,
    I took your post in an overly serious manner because other people got me wound up. I re-read it in the appropriate spirit and hope you feel welcome to continue posting your thoughts.

  34. About AmRen being on your “top ten list”;

    You say the following; “I’m a former moderator from here…and yes, I probably deleted your anti-Semitic tirade. It doesn’t belong there. Jared Taylor could have had all the respect in the world but he chose honor, instead. He’s a soft-spoken Ivy League polymath with a nuanced perspective on race and identity who isn’t the least bit nuanced about the primary objective: White Advocacy. ”

    “It doesn’t belong there” – Really?
    On their website, AmRen states?: “Progress requires the study of all aspects of race, whether historical, cultural, or biological. This approach is known as race realism. ” In scanning the site, the preponderance of commentary is on the various criminal episodes of American blacks. How can AmRen claim to “study all aspects of race” when they ignore “The Chosen Ones”?Both Jews and Kevin McDonald claim that Jews are a separate race. Are they wrong about that Wiki? If not, then why is the very word “Jew” taboo on AmRem? I once posted a comment ALLUDING to, not naming the people behind our current problem with various “peoples of color” and the comment was ignored. Personally, I think you are being disingenous when you say that the topic of Jews is not germane to AmRen’s stated mission. Likely, they fear the power of this group of white haters, and prefer the relative safety of topics like “Gang Arrests Stir Tacoma’s Hilltop” and “Diversity in the Army”. Focusing on such topics while wearing blinders to the topic of Jewry’s machinations in fostering and furthering unimpeded legal and (mostly) illegal immigration from 3rd world countries and the marginalization of whites through quota hiring (also the brainchild of neocons in our goverment) is simply ignoring the root cause of the problems.
    I can tell you, a “tirade” against Jews was hardly necessary for a comment to be deleted or (more likely) never posted on AmRen, their website censorship is far more draconian than that!

  35. @Whites Unite,

    !) The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920.

    2) Mr. Summers, US Consul General in Moscow on May 2, 1918.

    3) Robert Wilton, a long time Russia correspondent for the London Times,…in his book, The Last Days of the Romanovs, “According to the data furnished by the Soviet press,…”.

    4) Winston Churchill, in Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,” Illustrated Sunday Herald, London, February 8, 1920.

    How might all of these sources have been deceived by White Russian propaganda, as a disinformation agent might want to argue?

  36. Whites Unite,

    Could I repost your comment to my Blog? It’s really an excellent and important point you make about what happened in the pivotal aftermath of Lenin’s death.

  37. Yosemite, no one wants to read your weak apologias for Jews. Why don’t you post on Jobling’s site if that’s what you think? He needs the comments anyway.

    Anyone who has been involved in the moderation of Amren.com comments is highly suspect in my book. They don’t just censor crazy talk, but even the most mild and reasonable criticism or even identification of anti-white Jews. We aren’t even allowed to do things like point out that a Jewish anti-white activist with an English sounding name like “Hodge” was born “Oppenheimer”(an actual example). That’s aiding and abetting the enemy by allowing them to pretend they are us. It’s completely unacceptable for someone who claims to be pro-white to censor discussion of the ethnic identity of those who are attacking us. Why does Amren’s motto stop where Jews begin? How honest is that?

    I would also point out that this idea that “European Nationalists,” a collection of many different people and groups, have “rejected anti-Semitism,” is nonsense. Some European nationalists are still as openly “anti-Semitic” as the laws in their countries allow. Some can not say what they really think because criticizing Jews is punishable by large fines and/or prison sentences in their countries. Some have made a tactical decision to not mention or take establishment approved public positions on Jews while privately still being “Anti-Semitic” for electoral reasons. Some really have views on Jews that would be acceptable to the philo-Semites here. Finally, some of the supposedly not “anti-Semitic” nationalists in Europe are ideologically like the American Republicans, ie they are not really part of the same movement as the others.

  38. “I’m genuinely curious about the remarkable transformation in your beliefs over the past several months. On Hunter Wallace’s posts about James von Brunn you commented that von Brunn is a “martyr”, that “the Jews are our misfortune”, and that all Jews support the race-replacement of Whites. You also said that Jews needed to be “fumigated” from White countries. And now here you are claiming that the Jews bare no culpability and instead attack other White ethnies and anti-semites.

    “What brought about such a radical change?”

    Yes indeed, what did?

    Another ‘Friedrich Braun’ (Freddy ben Brownstein) troll, I suppose.

    “Anyone who has been involved in the moderation of Amren.com comments is highly suspect in my book.” @ATBOTL

    Oh no, he was one of them as well??? 🙁

  39. “Yosemite”

    “Yo” – personal pronoun “I” in Spanish.

    “Semite” – member of the Semitic people

    “Yosemite” = “I, Semite”?

  40. “Yo” – personal pronoun “I” in Spanish.

    “Semite” – member of the Semitic people

    Yeah, one of those Crypto-Marrano’s, no doubt.

    ‘yo-semite’ — LMFAO!

  41. Wrong again. I am half English, half Scandinavian, and I was born in England.

    ‘Yosemite’ is the name of a valley located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains. The word is not of Spanish origin; so your attempted etymological derivation of “I, Semite” is false. Like many American place-names, it is actually of Indian origin, and means ‘those who kill’ (Yos, “to kill,” the modifier e, “one who,” and the plural suffix -meti).

  42. “Yosemite, no one wants to read your weak apologias for Jews. Why don’t you post on Jobling’s site if that’s what you think?”

    Jobling is a worthless liberal cretin. We may agree on the minor issue of the Jewish question, but we disagree on almost everything else. Jobling doesn’t even allow me to post comments on his blog. He knows who I am in real life.

  43. “I’m genuinely curious about the remarkable transformation in your beliefs over the past several months. On Hunter Wallace’s posts about James von Brunn you commented that von Brunn is a “martyr”, that “the Jews are our misfortune”, and that all Jews support the race-replacement of Whites. You also said that Jews needed to be “fumigated” from White countries. And now here you are claiming that the Jews bare no culpability and instead attack other White ethnies and anti-semites.

    “What brought about such a radical change?”

    Alright, enough of Señor ‘Yo-Semite’s’ dissimulation.

    I felt a bit bad attacking him the other day — but apparently he doesn’t care to respect us or our sensibilities by being so obviously deceitful — especially when it is so easy to do a little ‘fact-checking’ on him or anyone else.

    Here is some of his previous ‘pearls of wisdom’ –

    7 Yosemote on 30 Jun 2009 at 10:12 pm

    “Honestly, Prozium, with all the merits of your blog, it still boggles my mind that you continue to give a platform to such crypto-Semites as Guy White and Ian Jobling. Why give them the oxygen of publicity? Why link to them? Why advertise for them? Why give them a voice? Why let them spread their philosemitic message?

    “We need to follow a NO PLATFORM policy towards Jews and Jew-ennablers.”

    10 Yosemote on 30 Jun 2009 at 11:21 pm

    “I would say 100 percent of Jews. The few Jews who even claim to be against white race-replacement are merely trying to use whites to fight our Muslim allies. It’s merely an excuse to secure a safe environment for Israel, and to protect Jews from the growing (and justified) antisemitism of the black race. The Jews are indeed our misfortunate, and the only solution is to fumigate the entire nation so that every Jewish and jew-ennabling parasite can be obliterated.”

    24 Reader on 01 Jul 2009 at 5:09 pm
    “Em, is it just me or does something about “Yosemote” seem a bit odd? Namely, obvious insincerity + calls for violence? A rookie infiltrator?”


  44. Wrong again. I am half English, half Scandinavian, and I was born in England.

    Didn’t you mention once that you’re half-Asian?

    For all we know, you could be Marcus Epstein.

  45. Re:YoSemite – #75: “And even before 1945, as I demonstrated, the Jews were underrepresented.”

    Das ist falsch.

    Stop being a liar YoSemite.

    I hate to temporarily be a copy/paste ‘troll,’ but I’m doing it to prove that you are lying and and spreading misinformation and to refute you list (comment #73); so here ya go:


    [?????? ????? – ????? ? ?????? ? ? ????, ???-????? 1967, ??????????? 1994]


    * I.V. Stalin
    * L.M. Kaganovich [Jew]


    * I.V. Stalin
    * Y.B. Gamarnik [Jew]
    * N.I. Ezhov
    * M.M. Kaganovich [Jew]
    * N.M. Shvernik



    * G.F. Grinko


    * E.B. Genkin (Rosental) [Jew]
    * R.Y. Levin [Jew]
    * Y.A. Teumin [Jew]

    Keeper of valuables and manager of external trade department:

    * O.I. Kahan [Jew]


    * L. Shanin [Jew]
    * Malakhovsky [Jew]
    * A.A. Pekis
    * Naifeld [Jew]
    * A.Y. Khatskevich [Jew]
    * Tamarkin [Jew]
    * I.V. Blink [Jew]

    Chairman of Central Committee of Finance and Bank Employees:

    * D. Zaslavsky [Jew]


    * L.E. Mariazin [Jew]


    * G.M. Arkus [Jew]


    * V.A. Balitsky
    * I.S. Unshlikht
    * K.Y. Bauman [Jew]
    * A.S. Bulin [?]
    * I.M. Varaikis
    * M.I. Kalmanovich [?]
    * Y.B. Gamarnik [Jew]
    * D.S. Baika [Jew]
    * N.I. Ezhov
    * Zifrinovich [Jew]
    * I.A. Zelensky
    * Trakhter [Jew]
    * I.D. Kabakov (Rosenfeld) [Jew]
    * F.P. Griadinsky [Jew]
    * Y.A. Iakovlev (Epshtein) [Jew]
    * G.N. Kaminsky [Jew]
    * Bitner [Jew]
    * L.M. Kaganovich [Jew]
    * G. Kaner [Jew]
    * M.M. Kaganovich [Jew]
    * V.G. Knorin [Jew]
    * L. Krishman [Jew]
    * I.E. Yakir [Jew]
    * A.K. Lepa [Jew]
    * S.S. Lobov
    * S.A. Lozovsky (Dridzov) [Jew]
    * I.E. Lubimov (Kozlevsky) [Jew]
    * B.P. Pozern
    * D.Z. Manuilsky
    * T.D. Deribas [Jew]
    * I.P. Nosov
    * V.V. Osinsky [Jew]
    * U.L. Piatakov
    * K.K. Strievsky
    * I.A. Piatnitsky (Blumberg) [Jew]
    * N.N. Popov
    * M.O. Razumov (Sagovich) [Jew]
    * S. Schwarts [Jew]
    * A.I. Ougarov
    * E.I. Veger [Jew]
    * G.I. Blagonravov
    * M.L. Rukhimovich [Jew]
    * A.P. Rosenholts [Jew]
    * L.Z. Mekhlis [Jew]
    * A.P. Serebrovsky [Jew]
    * K.V. Ryndin
    * A.M. Shteinhart [Jew]
    * I.V. Stalin
    * I.P. Pavlunovsky [Jew]
    * M.M. Khataevich [Jew]
    * G.Y. Sokolnikov (Brilliant) [Jew]
    * M.S. Chudov (Askov) [Jew]
    * G.I. Broido [Jew]
    * A.M. Shvernik
    * V.I. Polonsky [Jew]
    * R.I. Aikhe [Jew]
    * G.D. Vainberg [Jew]
    * G.G. Yagoda [Jew]
    * M.M. Litvinov (Finkelshtein) [Jew]

    REMARK: 59 members in all, of which 40 were Jews.


    * M.F. Vladimirovsky
    * E.S. Kohan [Jew]
    * I.S. Shelekhes [Jew]
    * Y.A. Popok [Jew]
    * V.V. Adoratsky [?]
    * P.M. Pevzniak [Jew]
    * Y.S. Agranov (Sorenzov) [Jew]
    * S.F. Redens [Jew]
    * Y.G. Soifer [Jew]
    * L.N. Aronshtam [Jew]
    * N.M. Yanson [?]


    * Z.M. Belenky [Jew]
    * K.B. Gay [Jew]
    * N.M. Antselovich [Jew]
    * U.M. Gladshtein [Jew]
    * A.I. Gaister [Jew]
    * L.E. Goldich [Jew]
    * I.S. Zemliachka [Jew]
    * M.A. Daich [Jew]
    * I.M. Moskvich
    * N.I. Ilin
    * B.A. Roizenman [Jew]
    * A.I. Karlik [Jew]
    * Y.Y. Bauer (Baier) [Jew]
    * R.Y. Kissis [Jew]
    * L.P. Bogat [Jew]
    * K.L. Soms [Jew]
    * E.I. Vainbaum [Jew]
    * S.Y. Manfred [?]
    * P.S. Vengerova [Jew]
    * G. Melamed [Jew]
    * M.I. Gemmervert [Jew]
    * A.N. Gussev (Fridkin) [Jew]
    * Y.I. Gindin [Jew]
    * A.P. Rosit [Jew]
    * V.G. Faigin [Jew]


    * L.M. Kaganovich [Jew]
    * L.A. Paparde [Jew]
    * N.I. Ezhove
    * A.N. Petrovsky (Birkman) [Jew]
    * E. Yaroslavsky [Jew]
    * D.A. Bulatov [Jew]
    * E.I. Yurevich [Jew]
    * I.M. Bekker [Jew]
    * N.S. Berezin
    * R.G. Rubinov [Jew]
    * S.K. Brikke [?]
    * M.I. Rubinshtein [Jew]
    * E.B. Genkin (Rosental) [Jew]
    * V.P. Stavsky [Jew]
    * M.L. Sorokin
    * M.L. Granovsky [Jew]
    * M.M. Temkin [Jew]
    * V.Y. Grosman [Jew]
    * A.A. Frenkel [Jew]
    * P.E. Davidson [Jew]
    * S.T. Khavkin [Jew]
    * B.A. Dvinsky [Jew]
    * V.F. Sharangovich [Jew]
    * A.A. Levin [Jew]
    * A.I. Yakovlev (Epshtein) [Jew]
    * Z.I. Meerzon [Jew]
    * N.N. Rabichev (Zaidenshner) [Jew]



    * G.K. Ordzhonikidze


    * A.I. Gurevich [Jew]
    * M.M. Kaganovich [Jew]
    * A.P. Serebrovsky
    * G.L. Piatakov
    * A.M. Pitersky
    * M.L. Rukhimovich [Jew]
    * A.V. Vinter


    * Birman [Jew]
    * V. Grosman [Jew]
    * Shtern [Jew]
    * Y. Gugel [Jew]
    * Y.B. Shumiatsky [Jew]
    * Erman [Jew]
    * P.I. Andraunas [Jew]
    * Israilovich [Jew]
    * A.A. Sokolenko [Jew]
    * Figatner [Jew]
    * S. Ginsburg [Jew]
    * Shtein [Jew]
    * A.I. Dubrovitsky [Jew]



    * I.E. Lubimov (Kozlevsky) [Jew]


    * A.M. Fushman [Jew]
    * A.B. Genkin (Rozental) [Jew]
    * V.A. Levin [Jew]
    * Shvartsman [Jew]
    * M.A. Daich [Jew]
    * Margulis [Jew]



    * S.S. Lobov


    * Kazatsky [Jew]
    * A.K. Albert [Jew]
    * A.G. Rozin [Jew]
    * K.Y. Rosental [Jew]
    * I.A. Vladek [Jew]
    * Greenshtain [Jew]
    * M.A. Sovetnikov



    * M.I. Kalmanovich [Jew]


    * K.P. Soms
    * G.L. Ostrovsky [Jew]
    * M.G. Gerchikov [Jew]
    * T.A. Yurkin (Vainberg) [Jew]
    * V.L. Paverman [Jew]
    * L.A. Grushevsky [Jew]
    * A.L. Lvov [Jew]



    * M.A. Chernov


    * I.I. Raingold [Jew]
    * A.A. Levin [Jew]
    * Podgaets [Jew]


    * S.B. Uritsky [Jew]
    * L.L. Paperni [Jew]
    * Kahan [Jew]
    * L. Shtok [Jew]



    * A.P. Rosenholts [Jew]


    * I.Y. Veinzer [Jew]
    * M.I. Frumkin [Jew]
    * A.B. Ozersky


    * B.S. Belenky [Jew]
    * S.A. Mesing [?]
    * S.G. Bron [Jew]
    * B.I. Plavnik [Jew]
    * M.G. Bronsky
    * F.Y. Rabinovich [Jew]
    * S.M. Dvoilatsky [Jew]
    * N.N. Romm
    * L.H. Fridrikhson
    * Y.A. Sokolin [Jew]
    * M.G. Gurevich [Jew]
    * M.L. Sorokin [Jew]
    * Y.D. Yanson [Jew]
    * A.M. Tamarin [Jew]
    * M.A. Kattel [Jew]
    * S.B. Zhukovsky [Jew]
    * F.F. Kilevets
    * I.I. Flior [Jew]
    * A.A. Kisin [Jew]
    * I.M. Katsnelson [Jew]
    * B.I. Kraevsky [Jew]



    * A. I. Mikoian


    * M.N. Belenky [Jew]
    * M.F. Levitan [Jew]
    * Y.K. Yaglom [Jew]
    * M.N. Belsky [Jew]
    * S.Y. Grossman [Jew]


    * B. Giber [Jew]
    * P.Y. Rosenta [Jew]
    * Golman [Jew]
    * R.P. Rozit [Jew]
    * G.I. Dukor [Jew]
    * N.G. Gurevich [Jew]
    * Indenbaum [Jew]
    * A.N. Kliazet [?]
    * S. Ginzburg [Jew]
    * L. S. Nikolaevsky [Jew]



    * I.A. Zelensky


    * A.S. Kishak [Jew]
    * B.L. Krichevsky [Jew]
    * M.S. Epshtein [Jew]

    Chairman of All-Union Co-Operative Bank:

    * M. Vul [Jew]



    * F.I. Goloshchenko [Jew]

    His deputy:

    * I.K. Hamburg [?]


    * A.I. Vainshtein [Jew]
    * A.P. Schneider [Jew]



    * I.A. Akulov

    Assistant Procurators:

    * A.A. Solts [Jew]
    * Shirving [Jew]


    * Sigal [Jew]
    * Leplevsky [Jew]
    * A.Y. Vyshinsky



    * M.M. Litvinov (Finkelshtein) [Jew]


    * G.Y. Sokolnikov-Brilliant [Jew]

    N.N. Krestinsky

    * L.M. Karakhan [Jew]

    Secretary of People’s Commissariat:

    * P.P. Otlichin


    * B.I. Shmokh-Bronskaia [Jew]
    * S.B. Epshtein [Jew]
    * M.S. Morshtiner [Jew]
    * V.I. Dyment [Jew]



    * Y.A. Rothshtein [Jew]


    * B.G. Burshtein [Jew]



    * I.S. Yakubovich [Jew]



    * F.K. Grikman [Jew]

    1st WESTERN DEPARTMENT (Poland, Scandinavia, Baltic):


    * L.E. Berezov [Jew]


    * L.Y. Gaidis [Jew]

    Referent on Poland:

    * E.L. Kontis [Jew]

    2nd WESTERN DEPARTMENT (Central Europe, Balkans):


    * D.G. Shtern [Jew]


    * F.V. Linde [Jew]

    Referent on Czechs and Balkans:

    * M.S. Shapiro [Jew]

    Referent on Germany, Switzerland & Holland:

    * V.L. Levin [Jew]

    Referents on Austria & Hungary:

    * M.I. Rossovsky [Jew]
    * S.P. Kanter [Jew]

    3rd WESTERN DEPARTMENT (Anglo-Roman countries):


    * E.V. Rubinin [Jew]


    * H.S. Veinberg [Jew]

    Referent on USA:

    * S.L. Stoler [Jew]

    Referent on England:

    * K.Y. Lelians

    1st EASTERN DEPARTMENT (Middle Eastern countries):

    * Chief: V. M. Zukerman [Jew]

    Press Director:

    * E.L. Galperin [Jew]

    2nd EASTERN DEPARTMENT (Far Eastern countries):


    * B.I. Kozlovsky [?]

    Referent on China:

    * M.S. Smirnov-Bregovsky [Jew]

    Referent on Japan:

    * E.G. Eizenshtadt [Jew]



    * A.V. Sabanin


    * M.A. Plotkin [Jew]


    * V.G. Blumfeld [Jew]
    * V.O. Braun [Jew]


    * I.S. Duvan [Jew]
    * N.E. Rivlina [Jew]
    * A.B. Rafalovskai [Jew]



    * B.D. Rosenblum [Jew]


    * R.M. Fligelbaum [Jew]



    * A.V. Zaslavsky [Jew]


    * A.A. Poliak [Jew]
    * V.N. Krivitskaia
    * V.N. Serebriannyi [Jew]
    * E.A. Shmulevich [Jew]



    * K.A. Umansky [Jew]


    * Y.B. Podolsky [Jew]
    * S.S. Belsky [Jew]
    * B.M. Mirnov [Jew]



    * Y. M. Martizon [Jew]


    * L.A. Gashkel [Jew]


    Under the Russian SFSR:

    * A.A. Rozé [Jew]
    * G.I. Melamed [Jew]
    * G.I. Vainshtein [Jew]

    Under the Ukrainian SSR:

    * G.B. Gelyunovsky [Jew]
    * A.M. Petrovsky-Schwartzman [Jew]

    Under the Byelorussian SSR:

    * I.A. Kartashev [Jew]

    Under the Transcaucasian SSR:

    * Y.S. Ilyinsky [Jew]
    * R.M. Naimark [Jew]
    * A.G. Itkin [Jew]

    Under the Uzbek SSR:

    * Y.A. Einkhor [Jew]
    * G.A. Apresov [?]

    Under the Turkmen SSR:

    * S.L. Borisov [Jew]
    * B.B. Shargorodsky [Jew]

    Under the Tajik SSR:

    * I.S. Veinberg [Jew]




    * V.P. Potemkin


    * M.I. Rosenberg [Jew]
    * E.B. Girshfeld [Jew]

    Trade representative:

    * S.M. Dvoilatsky [Jew]

    Military attaché:

    * S.I. Ventsov (Kranets) [Jew]



    * Y.Z. Surits [Jew]


    * A.V. Girshfeld [Jew]


    * L.S. Kaplan [Jew]


    * B.M. Gordon [Jew]

    Trade representatives:

    * D.V. Kandelaki [?]
    * L.H. Fridrikhzon [Jew]
    * A.S. Feinshtein [Jew]
    * M.Y. Volynsky [Jew]
    * Military attaché:
    * L.A. Schnitman [Jew]



    * I.M. Maisky (Liakhovsky) [Jew]


    C.B. Kahan [Jew]


    * A.F. Volchov (Berkman) [Jew]

    Trade representative:

    * A.V. Ozersky (Friedman) [Jew]



    * B.E. Shtein [Jew]


    * P.M. Dneprov (Goldshtein) [Jew]


    * P.S. Fridgood [Jew]


    * L.B. Gelfand (Helphand) [Jew]

    Trade representatives:

    * B.C. Belkeny [Jew]
    * B.P. Shapiro [Jew]



    * Y.H. Davtian


    * B.G. Podolsky [Jew]

    Trade representative:

    * A.M. Tamrin [Jew]



    * L.M. Karakhan [Jew]


    * H.A. Zalkind [Jew]

    Trade representative:

    * S.I. Akivis



    * A.A. Troianovsky


    * B.E. Svirsky [Jew]


    * A.F. Naiman [?]
    * G.I. Hokhman [Jew]


    * B.K. Lipko [?]
    * G.M. Grigoriev [Jew]



    * A.M. Petrovsky [Jew]


    * Lorents [Jew]


    * P.K. Nekunde


    * G.E. Shainin [Jew]



    * M.V. Kobetsky [Jew]


    * G.Y. Bezhanov [Jew]

    Trade representative:

    * N.S. Angarsky [Jew]

    His assistant:

    * V.A. Adamson



    * K.K. Yurenev (Ganfman) [Jew]


    * N.Y. Reivid [Jew]


    * A.B. Ascov [Jew]
    * B.A. Gintse [Jew]



    * S.I. Brodovsky (Brightman) [Jew]


    * I.M. Morshtin [Jew]



    * M.A. Karsky (Bekman) [Jew]


    * S.M. Kofman [Jew]

    Trade representative:

    * A.M. Samarin (Markovich) [Jew]



    * S.E. Chutskaev


    * I.Y. Zlatkin [Jew]


    * Y.G. Gorsky [Jew]

    Trade representative:

    * A.I. Beerkinhof [Jew]



    * I.S. Yakubovich [Jew]

    Trade representative:

    * P.I. Kushner [Jew]



    * M.S. Ostrovsky [Jew]



    * A.M. Kallantoi [Jew]



    * A.E. Minkin [Jew]


    * A.A. Ostrin



    * E.A. Asmus

    Trade representative:

    * L.L. Nepomniashchy [Jew]



    * V.I. Mezhlauk


    * I.S. Unshlikht
    * E.I. Kuring
    * A.I. Gaister [Jew]


    * Khvesin [Jew]
    * S.S. Dikansky [Jew]
    * N.E. Volynsky [Jew]
    * B.L. Markus [Jew]
    * S.B. Karp [Jew]
    * E.Z. Goldenberg [Jew]
    * G.B. Lauer [Jew]
    * Mandelson [Jew]
    * M.I. Rubinshtien [Jew]
    * S.L. Goldberg [Jew]
    * S. Guberman [Jew]


    SECRETARY to M. I. Kalinin:

    * Miagky [Jew]



    * M.F. Verbitsky


    * Z.S. Ostrovsky [Jew]
    * A.A. Simanovsky [Jew]



    * I. Yashtain [Jew]



    * Resh [Jew]



    * Maximovsky [Jew]



    * A.V. Shotman [Jew]


    * G.S. Gurievich [Jew]



    * A.S. Munik [Jew]


    * S.P. Milicin [Jew]



    * S. Dimanshtein [Jew]


    * B.I. Trotsky [Jew]


    * A.R. Temkin [Jew]

    Chief Administrator:

    * E.M. Kohan [Jew]



    * A.V. Shotman [Jew]


    * M.I. Mashintseva



    * M.V. Ottenberg [?]



    * D.M. Naridotsky [?]



    * Mant [Jew]



    * A.A. Simanovsky [Jew]



    * G.G. Yagoda (Gershel Yagoda) [Jew]


    * Y.S. Aranov (Sorenzon) [Jew]

    Chief of Main Administration of Militia:

    * L.N. Belsky [Jew]

    Chief of Main Administration of Camps and Settlements [GULAGs]:

    * M.D. Bergman [Jew]

    Chief of Belomor Camps:

    * L.I. Kohan [Jew]

    Chief of Belomoro-Baltic Camps:

    * S.G. Firin [Jew]

    Chief of Main Administration of Prisons:

    * Apeter [Jew]


    North Caucasian Territory:

    * Fridberg [Jew]

    Central Asia:

    * Piller [Jew]


    * Solonitsyn


    * Krukovsky [?]


    * Purnis [?]

    Stalinsk Territory:

    * Rappoport [Jew]

    Vinitsk Province:

    * Sokolinsky [Jew]

    Kharkov Province:

    * Karlson [?]

    Far Eastern Territory:

    * T.D. Deribass [Jew]


    * Zolin [Jew]

    Smolensk Province:

    * Nelke [?]

    Western Province:

    * Blat [Jew]

    Moscow Province:

    * Redens [?]

    Leningrad Province:

    * Zakovsky [Jew]

    Orenburg Province:

    * Risky [Jew]

    Kiev Province:

    * V.A. Balitsky


    * M.A. Trilisser [Jew]
    * S.A. Rosenberg [Jew]
    * L.A. Zalin [Jew]
    * A.G. Minkin [Jew]
    * L.A. Mayer [Jew]
    * G.P. Kladovsky [?]
    * Z.B. Katsnelso [Jew]
    * F.M. Kats [Jew]
    * F.M. Kurmin [Jew]
    * A.L. Shapiro [Jew]
    * L.D. Wool [Jew]
    * L.I. Shpiegelman [Jew]
    * A.I. Rybkin
    * M.L. Pater [Jew]
    * G.V. Grodiss
    * N.A. Frenkel [Jew]
    * A.P. Formeister [?]
    * A.R. Dorfman [Jew]
    * F.I. Sotnikov [?]
    * B.V. Ginzburg [Jew]
    * I.I. Ivanov [Jew]
    * V.S. Baumgart [Jew]
    * I.F. Yucis
    * E.G. Johanson [?]
    * E.I. Senkevich
    * E.A. Vodarsky [Jew]
    * S.A. Gindin [Jew]
    * A.A. Abramovich [Jew]
    * M.D. Bergman [Jew]
    * A.M. Vienshtien [Jew]
    * V.Y. Ziedman [Jew]
    * L.M. Kudrik [Jew]
    * D.Y. Ziedman [Jew]
    * M.I. Lebel [Jew]
    * Y.F. Volfzon [Jew]
    * I.V. Putilik [Jew]
    * Y.M. Dyment [Jew]
    * K.A. Goldshtien [Jew]
    * G.Y. Abrampolsky [Jew]
    * M.F. Goskin [Jew]
    * I.G. Vaitsman [Jew]
    * M.S. Kurin [Jew]
    * M.M. Vaitsman [Jew]
    * M.S. Iezuitov [Jew]



    * Y.B. Gamarnik [Jew]

    His assistants:

    * Ozol [Jew]
    * A.S. Bulin [Jew]

    Chiefs of Sectors:

    * Roset [Jew]
    * Rudzit


    * Berlin [Jew]
    * Politman [Jew]
    * Raskin [Jew]
    * I. Greenberg [Jew]
    * Reichman [Jew]
    * A. Katnelson [Jew]

    Chiefs of Political Administration:

    Far Easter Army:

    * L.N. Aronshtam [Jew]

    Ukrainian Military District:

    * Amelin [Jew]

    Far Eastern Fleet:

    * Bulyshkin

    Black Sea Fleet:

    * Gugin [Jew]

    Transcaucasian Aviation:

    * N.N. Gents [Jew]

    The Volga Aviation:

    * A.V. Veltner [Jew]

    Baltic Fleet:

    * Rabinovich [Jew]

    The Volga Military District:

    * Mezis [Jew]

    North Caucasian Military District:

    * Shifres [Jew]



    * Y. Yaroslavsky (Goublemann) [Jew]

    His deputy:

    * A. Lukachevsky [?]

    Personnel Training Department:


    * D. Mikhnevich [?]

    Agitation of Masses and Anti-Religious Work Department:


    * Kefala [Jew]

    Department of Anti-Religious Studies in Schools:


    * M. Iskinsky [Jew]



    * M. Yakoviev (Ephshtein) [Jew]

    Department of International Upbringing:


    * I. Intsertov [Jew]

    Department of Anti-Religious Work in the Army:


    * G. Strukov (Blokh) [Jew]

    Department of Scientific Research:


    * L. Lukachevsky [Jew]

    Museum of Anti-Religious Struggle:


    * U. Kohan [Jew]


    * G. Ailderman [Jew]
    * M.M. Sheinman [Jew]
    * F. Saifi [Jew]
    * V. Dorfman [Jew]
    * A. Minkin [Jew]
    * U.M. Vermel [Jew]
    * S. Mitin [Jew]
    * M. Altshuler [Jew]
    * Raltsevich [Jew]
    * K. Berkovsky [Jew]
    * V. Kozlinsky [Jew]
    * M. Percits [Jew]
    * A. Ranovich [Jew]
    * S. Volfzon [Jew]
    * A. Kozlovsky [Jew]
    * D.I. Zilberberg [Jew]
    * U. Ganf [Jew]
    * I. Greenberg [Jew]
    * Klintch [Jew]
    * A. Shliter [Jew]



    * B.Z. Shumiatsky [Jew]

    Scientific worker:

    * Y.G. Tager [Jew]

    Prominent workers:

    * L.Z. Trauberg [Jew]
    * G.Y. Roshel [Jew]
    * V.S. Iosilevich [Jew]
    * M.Kaufman [Jew]
    * L.G. Katsnelson [Jew]
    * M.P. Schneiderman [Jew]
    * Y.N. Blekh [Jew]
    * A.P. Shternberg [Jew]
    * S.M. Eizenshtein [Jew]
    * A.G. Greenberg [Jew]



    “Economicheskaia Zhisn”

    * Veisberg [Jew]


    * M. Saveliv [Jew]

    “Za Industrializatsiyu”

    * Tall [Jew]

    “Krestianskaia Gazeta”

    * S. B. Uritsky [Jew]


    * M. Koltsov (Ginzburg) [Jew]

    “Komsomolskaia Ukraina”

    * M. Minain [Jew]

    “Tikhookeanskaia Zvezda”

    * I. Shatsky [Jew]

    “Vodnyl Transport”

    * M. Tsekhar [Jew]

    “Krasnaia Zvezda”

    * M.M. Landa [Jew]

    “Komsomolskaia Pravda”

    * V.M. Bubeken [Jew]

    “Bakinsky Rabochyi”

    * N.K. Belyi [Jew]

    “Worker’s Way”

    * S. Sheidlin [Jew]


    * L. Khaifets [Jew]


    * Too many Jews to mention.



    * V. Kaminsky [Jew]

    Chief Administrator of the Kremlin Hospital:

    * Y. Levinson [Jew]

    Head Doctor of the Kremlin Hospital:

    * M. Kroll [Jew]

    His deputy:

    * B. Kohan [Jew]


    * L. Levin [Jew]


    1.1 per cent of population; 11 per cent of all scientific workers; 10.4 per cent jurists (procurators, judges, lawyers); 14.7 per cent of all Soviet doctors; 8.5 per cent writers and journalists; 7 per cent art workers (actors, artists, musicians, sculptors).


    Central Committee of ACP

    * 61 Jews
    * 17 Non-Jews
    * 7 Unknown

    Council of People’s Commissars

    * 115 Jews
    * 18 Non-Jews
    * 3 Unknown

    Central Union of Consumer Societies

    * 7 Jews
    * 1 Non-Jew
    * 4 Unknown

    Procurator’s Office

    * 4 Jews
    * 2 Non-Jews
    * 0 Unknown

    Commissariats: Foreign Affairs and Trade

    * 106 Jews
    * 17 Non-Jews
    * 8 Unknown

    State Planning Commission

    * 12 Jews
    * 3 Non-Jews
    * 0 Unknown

    All-Russian Central Executive Committee

    * 17 Jews
    * 3 Non-Jews
    * 2 Unknown

    Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD)

    * 53 Jews
    * 6 Non-Jews
    * 8 Unknown

    Political Administration of the Red Army

    * 20 Jews
    * 1 Non-Jew
    * 1 Unknown

    Culture, Education and Union of Militant Atheists

    * 40 Jews
    * 0 Non-Jews
    * 1 Unknown

    Press: Editors of newspapers

    * 12 Jews
    * 0 Non-Jews
    * 0 Unknown

    – MORE INFO @ http://brianakira.wordpress.com/judaism/

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