I’m touring UVA later today with a friend and setting up the OD P.O. Box in Charlottesville. We plan to reintroduce Thomas Jefferson’s principles and racial ideals to his own college campus. Monticello is a short hop outside town. I can’t wait to check it out. I’m going to snap some photos for OD Virginia.

Jefferson always took enormous pride in America’s Anglo-Saxon heritage. He proposed that the Great Seal of the United States include Hengist and Horsa, “the Saxon chiefs from whom we claim the honor of being descended, and whose political principles and form of government we assumed.” At UVA today, there are Chinese, Indonesian, and Afghan student associations, but not a single Anglo-Saxon club for indigenous Virginians. That has to change.

Update: I can’t get a P.O. Box as “Hunter Wallace.” I’m going to try to a business account as “Occidental Dissent.” We did manage to throw back a few beers at the Blue Mountain Brewery.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Bless you, in your intention to establish an Anglo-Saxon ourganization at UVA. You know you are going to get crucified, don’t you?

    Please let me know if there is anything I can to do help. I don’t know how I can help – but please let me know if there is one little thing.

    God Speed.

  2. Sounds like a “Do Tank” sort of thing. Training the cadres!

    White advocacy is something that comes naturally to high IQ Whites, especially amid all this cultural wreckage.

    Since you are going to be involved in talking to people and the art of persuasion, you should definitely study NLP. Get the book “Frogs into Princes,” by Richard Bandler. Also, when you have your cadres, train them in NLP and help them understand that this is something that will help them in every walk of life, from attracting the opposite sex to getting the best jobs or doing well as an entrepreneur, along with of course helping people overcome their fear of their own racial instincts.

    It’s not so much about persuading someone to believe something incongruous to their natural inclinations, like a whacky religion, but rather dissolving the fear of explicitly advocating what they implicitly and instinctively believe anyways.

  3. See the founding fathers were right wing libertarian “Anglo-Chauvinists” (and philosemites), but they certainly were not white nationalists in the same way that Stormfront is.

  4. Were the founding fathers “philo-semites”?

    George Washington’s friendly if measured welcome to Jews might be contrasted with Ben Franklin’s reported comments at the Constitutional Convention that warned that, were not Jews excluded from the Republic, “our descendants will be working for them.” He outlined the likely Jewish tactics in such a scenario with accuracy, and his warning was prescient.

  5. The Franklin Prophecy. Jews deny he ever uttered those words. They call the “Protocols” forgeries, as well (forgieries of what?).

    However – the proof is in the Wrecked Nations!

  6. Jews were not a big issue at the time. They were not trying to undermine the Anglo hegemony, which is in contrast to the Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe that came in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

    The founding fathers were not WN in the same sense we are today because the situation was different. I would have though that to be blindingly obvious but I guess its not.

  7. The Franklin prophecy is fake and you’re right, it was Sephardic Jews who were welcomed and Ashkenazi Jews who were disliked.

    But my point is that the founding fathers didn’t want the Irish, the Southern Europeans, the Germans, the Slavs, etc.

  8. Many of the ‘Founding Fathers’ were also Masons and Deists who shared some of the philo-semitic prejudices of their British forebearers.

    And much of this was probably due to their desire for finance-capital from the Rothschilds and other Sephardic Jewish bankers of London and Western Europe.

  9. And much of this was probably due to their desire for finance-capital from the Rothschilds and other Sephardic Jewish bankers of London and Western Europe.

    In other words, perhaps they were more concerned with ‘biting the proverbial hand that feeds them’ regarding the infinitesimally small Sephardic minority than much of anything else, since ‘the Irish, the Southern Europeans, the Germans, the Slavs, etc’ didn’t have much to ‘offer’ in the way of loan financing (and debt).

    Good points about the distinctions drawn in America between the more recent Jewish immigrants and the longer-established Sephardics… who referred to themselves in relation to the ostJuden Ashkenazi’s as ‘Our Crowd’.

  10. I’m all for activism, but be prudent. Get your degree and even tenure first and then you can roll like MacDonald. Use the dialectical method. Ask hard questions. Be a little mysterious. But remember we live in an oppressive regime and fading out too early may not do anyone any good.

  11. No, kike is a reference to a circle, which is how Jews at Ellis Island would sign their names rather than with a cross.

  12. Why do you state, Iceman, that the Franklin Prophecy is “fake”? It seems to have been borne out, in practice, has it not?

  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Cotesworth_Pinckney

    Charles Cotesworth Pinckney was the person that is credited with recording Franklin’s dire, and apparently wholly accurate assesment of what would occur, if Jews were permitted to infest American soil, at the Consitutional Convention of 1787. I’ve also read that old Ben, and Jefferson complained bitterly about Jews. They ought to have been quite familrar with Judaic machinations, in Europe, by that time.

    Why would Pinckney lie?

  14. Iceman wrote: “But my point is that the founding fathers didn’t want the Irish, the Southern Europeans, the Germans, the Slavs, etc”

    Well there is the case of Casamir Polaski, the Pole who founded the first US Cavalry and was made a general by George Washington. So at least some Slavs were wanted.

  15. Iceman wrote: “But my point is that the founding fathers didn’t want the Irish, the Southern Europeans, the Germans, the Slavs, etc”

    Well there is the case of Casamir Polaski, the Pole who founded the first US Cavalry and was made a general by George Washington. So at least some Slavs were wanted.

    Let’s also remember as well that it wasn’t so much that the FF ‘didn’t want’ the fore-mentioned groups — it was more due to the fact that the early United States was not an immigrant society but a settler one.

    To think otherwise would be committing the mistake of thinking anachronistically — IE, looking and judging the early American Republic by late-19th & early 20th century (and of course through the post-1965 loss of American collective sanity) pro-immigrant solipsism.

  16. Thomas Jefferson, dissing the Jews of the cities:

    Those who labour in the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever he had a chosen people, whose breasts he has made his peculiar deposit for substantial and genuine virtue. It is the focus in which he keeps alive that sacred fire, which otherwise might escape from the face of the earth. Corruption of morals in the mass of cultivators is a phaenomenon of which no age nor nation has furnished an example. It is the mark set on those, who not looking up to heaven, to their own soil and industry, as does the husbandman, for their subsistance, depend for it on the casualties and caprice of customers. Dependance begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.

  17. I call fake on the Franklin Document.

    It’s too ominous for his notoriously cheerful demeanor. The talk of their return to Palestine being politically useless feels more politically compatible with the time it was “discovered” than the time it was allegedly recorded. But most importantly, the mercantile elites who founded the nation were more or less allied with the Jews at the time in a common struggle against the Catholic and aristocratic orders. For them, Jews didn’t seem like that big of a deal and weren’t considered opposed to their agenda.

  18. Why would Pinckney lie?

    Franklin was a genuine, honest-to-goodness genius. So was Jefferson, in my not so ver humble opinions, Do you think they didn’t know about Jews, and their odious history? Christianity, and the West, were not wholly corrupted by that time.

    Wiki? Have you ever read Franklin’s letters, regarding his attempts at diplomacy with England, before the break? His tone was hardly “cheerful”.

  19. You do have a point, Kulaks. The 13 colonies were British settlers and in general, different european nations settled separately. The USA didn’t even exist yet.

  20. “Apparently, the Ku Klux Klan originally gets it’s name from the Greek word for circle, kyklos. It was basically the kyklos klan, or KKK, changed slightly to Ku Klux Klan. If you take a look at jew owned wikipedia, it even admits this is the true origin of the name for the KKK here.

    This particular part of the video made my ears perk up, because overall the video is useless drivel about America’s first “terrorist” organization, racism, lynching etc. However, for those who know about the jew, it’s a well known fact the reason they are called kikes, is because of the yiddish word for circle, which is kikel.”

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