Implicitly White

Tea Parties seem like a good time.  Whether or not you know anything about the Constitution, the Federal Reserve, or the Flat Tax, you may just get a curious urge to get up and check one out.  Tea Parties, as some in media have pointed out (in order to marginalize them, no doubt) are all White affairs. (The MSM does get some things correct occasionally.)  The Tea Party movement is implicitly White, which makes it unconsciously attractive to other Whites.  It has the secondary effect of getting White people into issues they normally wouldn’t care about.  Fractional reserve lending and Fiat money-creation may be a bit obscure to some, but when this is required reading for those starving for racial association, Whites are willing to do some homework and learn for the promise of the company it provides.
Tea Parties are one of many genres which push up through the margins as the pressure to keep a lid on such racial consciousness is forced down.  For instance, in my college years, before White Consciousness ever occurred to me,  I was a fan of Punk/Hardcore music.  In retrospect, the attraction was not so much the gentleman barking into the microphone or the fiercely loud guitars.  Rather, the live shows, which fostered a real sense of fraternity, were all filled with White kids.  It was certainly more about going to the shows than listening to the records.  My question is this: were these kids rebelling against a general and cliché idea of “society” or against a culture that grew evermore diverse and alienating?  After all, New York, Washington D.C., and San Francisco, where Punk/Hardcore most developed into thriving scenes were already very diverse in the 1980’s.
To be honest, it seems that what I had found most aesthetically attractive in my early years was based in part around which way the wind was blowing, racially.  Hardcore bands and even the gentler indie rock bands such as The Smiths or Belle & Sebastian certainly have no overt racial message, but the fan base and experience of a live show attended completely by Whites was powerful, though it may remain unacknowledged.   Bands have bumper stickers and patches because bands are symbols of association.  And for the racially-starved White kids of today, those patches sewn onto their hooded sweatshirts represent so much more.   Whereas Blacks and Hispanics may use clothing and product labels, often deceptively, as symbols of wealth, many Whites use their rock band patches as something entirely different.  They are patches of identity and allegiance.  These brothers and sisters are submarines, sending out signals in the dark for others in hopes of making meaningful contact.
There are, however, implicitly White genres which I tend to find annoying, such as Dungeons & Dragons fantasy gaming and those who are a little too serious about the Renaissance Faire.  I’m afraid, however, that I’ll have to stop rolling my eyes at these people.  Making fun of White genres is tantamount to picking low-hanging fruit, be it the Tea Parties or “Nerd Rock”–these fantasy-dwellers, too, have sought out and found a piece of very rare all-White real estate to call their own.  What good is a 34 sided dice and a Mountain Dew without the camaraderie of other Whites and the pretense of reenacting Tolkienesque heroes?  To openly name your enemy, the encroaching Orks, or Trolls, or whatever, and fight and rid them from your lands; this must be incredible satisfying and a tremendous palliative to these days of obvious racial decline.
Where does this end?  From Civil War reenactors, NASCAR enthusiasts, and Fire Department buffs to antique Road Show-goers, there is a fruited plane of Whites on the periphery, staking out ground far from the long-conceded center of main-stream American life.  They are out there, diverted for now, but out there nevertheless.  Again, how many times can you watch a squad of cars turn left for two hours if not for the context?  Let’s be honest about what the context is, and what draws us all here.


  1. We need to build a bridge between the Tea Party movement and explicit Whiteness. There’s a bit of a time bomb being set up here, as a large contingent of Whites have become politically engaged in a way they’ve never been before. They’re bound to become frustrated with the vacuous Potemkin Village of “values ‘n shit” that the Jewish lobbyists and multinational corporations operating the GOP offer.

    We need to be out there trying to reach them.

    We can’t assume that they’ll find their way to us and we can’t assume that they’re beyond reach.

  2. #1

    True, but everything starts somewhere, it has a beginning, and if this is the beginning of something that is White-centric are you going to turn your back on it because it lacks the proper pedigree?

  3. In retrospect, the attraction was not so much the gentleman barking into the microphone or the fiercely loud guitars. Rather, the live shows, which fostered a real sense of fraternity, were all filled with White kids. It was certainly more about going to the shows than listening to the records.

    I noticed this as a teen some 20 years ago. The Italians and other S. Euros were into “dance” or “techno” music, the Arabs, Indians and Islanders preferred hip-hop and “RNB” (there were no blacks to speak of where I grew up), while N. Euros gravitated to hard rock and metal — or as I put it these days, “Many bands make white lurk.”

    (I have no idea what Asians are into. I’ve always simply ignored them. They tend to be non-violent and content to associate among themselves so they are like invisible people to me. Even fifteen years ago this place was swarming with them but I’d scarcely see a single one at the nightspot precincts I’d frequent; whether that’s because they weren’t there or I just didn’t notice them I’m not sure.)

  4. D&D is NOT thoroughly white, but rather heavily influenced by Jews.

    If you have any interest in the history of such things, look at how Jewish nepotism destroyed the TSR business enterprise. Likewise, another big game company, White Wolf, was rife with Jewish politics until it got bought out by one of the sleaziest names in the computer game business.

  5. Excellent post!

    “My question is this: were these kids rebelling against a general and cliché idea of “society” or against a culture that grew evermore diverse and alienating?”

    There is certainly a segment of punk/ hard-core that appears to be against alienating diversity. (Just for the record I am more of an Alt-rock/ Grunge kind of guy…)

    Just listen to Slayers cover of ‘Guilty of being White’ (here is an excellent live rendition: Whoa Kerry King even looks like a skin-head here! Laugh out loud since he is Jewish). Slayer even changed the lyrics from ‘Guilty of being White, Guilty of being White’ to ‘Guilty of being RIGHT’ which caused a minor racialist controversy.

    Then there is Black Flags song ‘White Minority” as well.

    These are ‘mainstream’ bands within the Punk/ Hard-core scene so the case seems pretty solid!

    “Hardcore bands and even the gentler indie rock bands such as The Smiths or Belle & Sebastian certainly have no overt racial message, but the fan base and experience of a live show attended completely by Whites was powerful, though it may remain unacknowledged.”

    Uh did you mention The Smiths??!?!

    Dude, do you know about Morrisseys history in this area?

    Here is just a small excerpt from Morrisseys Wikipedia page (not going to put a link ’cause I don’t want post to get caught up in moderation)

    ” Accusations of racism
    Morrissey was accused of racism throughout part of the 1980s and much of the 1990s, in part due to the ambiguous lyrics in songs such as “Bengali in Platforms”, “Asian Rut” and “The National Front Disco”, the latter containing the lyric “England for the English”. These criticisms also stemmed from Johnny Rogan’s biography of the singer which claimed that, in his late teens, the singer wrote “I don’t hate Pakistanis, but I dislike them immensely”. In 2006 Liz Hoggard from The Independent argued that “Morrissey didn’t help his case with an uneasy flirtation with gangster imagery: he took up boxing and was accompanied everywhere by a skinhead, named Jake.” She claimed that the “man who abhorred violence became strangely fascinated by it.”[80] Encyclopaedia Britannica argues that Morrissey’s 1990s albums, including Your Arsenal (1992), Vauxhall and I (1994), Southpaw Grammar (1995) and Maladjusted (1997) “testified to a growing homoerotic obsession with criminals, skinheads, and boxers, a change paralleled by a shift in the singer’s image from wilting wallflower to would-be thug sporting sideburns and gold bracelets.”[81]
    A trigger for much of the criticism was Morrissey’s performance at the first Madness Madstock! reunion concert at Finsbury Park, London, in 1992, in which he appeared on stage draped in the Union Flag, often associated with nationalism and hence, by some, with far right groups in Britain. As a backdrop for this performance, he chose a photograph of two female skinheads. ”

    “I have no idea what Asians are into. ”

    Near as I can tell they listen to real syrupy Pop music, especially Asian females are into that sort of thing. Japan is the only place where Alyssa Milano and Jennifer Love Hewitt have ever gone on tour!!

    ” D&D is NOT thoroughly white, but rather heavily influenced by Jews.”

    Whoa. Jewry was behind making Orcs into negroid stereotypes?!?! Someone call Farrakhan! Laugh out loud.

  6. I’ve been doing the Tea Party scene, since [it] began. You success in Awakening the group you involve your self with will depend on 3 factors:

    1) The proximity of your group to non-White populations

    2) the relative group wealth.

    3) Your ability to be subtle, and proceed at a slow and steady pace.

    The first group I joined (their are several, in my area), is relatively well-to-do, an the majority of the members have *never ever ever* spent significant time around non-Whites. There are still regions, in the USA that are mostly White. Regarding my Primary group – the area is still argely White. Non-Whites are seeping in, and making thier presence felt, but, alas, the troika of God-AWFUL females that founded the group, have not ever lived around non-Whites.

    Social status is a primary concern with most Humans, after basic needs such as food, shelter, etc. have been met. Social status issues, I think, are the primary focus of most people’s lives. Humans are generally Herd creatures. Females, especially. Most females are repellently “group-think” creatures, hideously easily swayed by the latest fad, or whatever some “Conservative” talk radio show host tells them.

    The females that founded my primary group have gone all vain-glorious. The group has been pretty successful, in terms of attracting membership. The area is filled with aging White taxpayers, ya see, who are watching their dream of Golden Years, turn to lead, before their very eyes. The group doesn’t realize [it’] not actually accomplishing anything. They “prefer to work within the system” (I was told this after I, and a few others, tried to point out the fact that the historical American system has already collapsed, and the system being implemented *now*, is the problem, and that there is NO difference between Democrats, and Republicans, in terms of “taking the country back”. They would hear none of this).

    I was booted out of the original group, for being “too racist”. The real reason for ejection revolved around the fact that one of the Foundresses is a Crypto. She’s ostensibly a Christian. This is how she identifies herself, or did, initially. In retrospect, she looks like a Jew, and behaves like a Jew, and speaks like a Jew. My ejection around my relentless challenges to the veracity of the Holohoax. There was one particular incident I refuted, and I was out of the group that night. She is now apparently running around citing her “Jewish blood”, and completely censoring the group’s message board. I still get reports, form various members, and they are pretty disgusted.

    This particular group has devolved into a Glenn Beck Worship group. The.Primary. Goal. of this group is to gain attention from Glenn Beck. Many TP groups are GBW groups. That is the true emotional motivation of the Troika of Hags. They tell themselves, and every-one else, that it’s about “gettng the country back”, and ending “unfair taxation” – but it’s really All About Glenn. What Would Glenn Do?

    I am still in what I call the “secondary” group – which is now my primary group. This group’s membership is more working class, and much rowdier. Many of the members have had to compete with non-Whites, directly, for jobs, and resources. They are much more connected to reality. Finally – females founded this group, as well – but these females are Italians. The majority of (dare I use a hyphenated name? Yes – I dare) Italian Americans never swallowed the Multi-Kulti Koolaide. This makes all the difference.

    I am still posting all osrts of things, on this group’s MB. I cited 3 elements, at play, at the beginning of this post. I have almost zero zippo zilch talent for subtlety. I am as subtle as a flying brick. There’s a thread going, now, the contents of would get me booted out of almost every “mainstream” forum, or group. If I don’t get booted out over this thread – I never will. (The subject is about overt Jewish control of the USA. I didn’t begin the thread – but I “grabbed the ball” so to speak – and am running with it, like mad) I ought to find out today if I get booted.

    Many of the members of the original group, and other local groups, have migrated to this group’s MB. There are actual free discussions going on, ya see. I just found out that all sort of folks are dropping in, and reading. I wonder how this will all play out.

    Anyway – this is what I have discovered, with the Tea Party set.

  7. it’s really All About Glenn. What Would Glenn Do?

    For God’s sake, just how stupid and gullible are white people in America these days? Glenn Beck is a *comedian* – like Steven Colbert – yet con-tards all over the nation tune in breathlessly waiting to have his next joke go over their heads.

    I find a very simple metric is nearly always accurate to gauge the usefulness of a person – how much TV do they watch? And how seriously do they take what they see? Anyone who describes themselves as a Glenn Beck fan, or a Ditto-head, or a Keith Olbermann fan, or whatever, is an idiot, plain and simple, a moron.

    Back during the Gulf War CNN had some of their actors pretending to be in a “target zone” and the anchor says something to the effect of “well, get off the air and put on your gasmask if you are in danger!” This was done in a hotel in Saudi Arabia – and the CNN audience ATE IT UP and believed every word. A decade later the b-roll gets leaked and the actors are laughing it up.

    Americans are stupid, there’s no nice way to put it. They are ignorant, gullible morons sitting on their really big fat asses watching the Jew-Tube and believing it’s real. Half the time I wonder if these people are even worth “saving” or “trying to reach.”

    We have a ballerina hebe spy pulling Obama’s strings and the con-tards think he’s a Secret Muslim. And they are *proud* to send their kids – who have been lied to their whole life – off to fight for Anti-Christ Kike-istan half way around the world and get a Gold Star when Johnny comes home in a box, or with his legs blown off.

  8. “a 34 sided dice”?

    1. One “die”, two “dice”.
    2. There is no Platonic polyhedron with 34 faces. (Only the Platonic solids are used as dice, for an obvious reason, and there are only five of them.)

  9. The majority of (dare I use a hyphenated name? Yes – I dare) Italian Americans never swallowed the Multi-Kulti Koolaide. This makes all the difference.

    That’s because Italians are (I know Euro will like this), as James Bowery said, junior partners of the Jews.

  10. MGLS – I don’t think so. I think they have enough African in ’em to still retain a sense of racial identity.

  11. That’s because Italians are (I know Euro will like this), as James Bowery said, junior partners of the Jews.

    If Italians were actually the extended phenotype of Jews, wouldn’t you expect them to be more into multiculturalism?

  12. If Italians were actually the extended phenotype of Jews, wouldn’t you expect them to be more into multiculturalism?

    I think he is kidding around with his ‘foil-friend’ Euro.

    Again, I think they should just ‘kiss and make up’, er, ‘shake hands’. (LOL)

  13. …I think they have enough African in ‘em to still retain a sense of racial identity.

    This is a joke? (I hope)

  14. More on the D&D/TSR/nepotism issue:
    ‘In 1975, after the highly successful release of Dungeons & Dragons, Don Kaye died of a stroke. The immediate result was that Blume and Gygax dissolved Tactical Studies Rules and founded a new company named TSR Hobbies, Inc. The board of directors for TSR Hobbies, Inc. consisted of Brian Blu[m]e, Gygax, and Kevin Blume, Brian Blume’s younger brother who has received shares from Melvin Blume, Brian and Kevin’s father, who had purchased shares in the company. Brian Blume acted as President of Creative Affairs, while Kevin Blume acted as President of Operations, and Gygax acted as the company’s CEO and President. Unlike the equal partnership of Tactical Studies Rules, Brian Blume & Kevin Blume owned a majority of the new company’s shares.’

    Only one Jew, Kaye, is generally acknowledged as a major influence on early D&D, but the Blume family applied the white-collar criminal techniques that the popular mind ascribes to Jews in general.

    So, Heinous Henry will not be impressed, but there are some unresolved white-collar crime cases in the game industry with Jewish suspects.

  15. …I think they have enough African in ‘em to still retain a sense of racial identity.

    Guys, stop disparaging good, fellow White Americans like the Italians with dubious comments like this. Italy and much of the Italian people is a long-established, integral part of the White, Western World.

    Since they were a major empire (the longest White one in history in fact) of course they picked up a fair amount of foriegn racial elements in parts of their homeland (particularly the extreme south), BUT – so did other European empires/countries like France, Holland and Britain as well. However, like those countries, there still exists a core, historical, ‘Founding Stock’ Italian people who are our Western brothers and sisters.

    A lot of the anti-Italian types tend to forget that Italians are some of the least ‘Pee Cee’ kind of Whites here in America.

    In addition to Tom Tancredo, Lou Barletta, Virginia’s newest super-conservative attorney-general Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II…

    …they also have “Epic Beard Man” — Thomas Bruso.

    So c’mon gang, stop always piling on the ‘Eye-talians’.

    Our movement could use good men with ‘moxie’ like these.

  16. Word of advice to those who may get and develop their images, perceptions – and possible prejudices – of Italians and Italian-Americans from watching Talmudvision.

    This is from the Council of Conservative Citizens website –


    “Jersey Shore” cast not really Italian.

    An MTV “reality show” that depicts New Jersey “Guidos,” claims the cast is “100% Italian.” Italian groups have been speaking out against the show for being offensive. The shows most offensive characters do not even look Italian and it turns out they aren’t. What do you expect from a network run by Samuel Rothstein that has been vilifying white people and promoting multiculturalism since 1981.

    At least two of the characters are 0% Italian. The shows’ most notorious character, Snookie is from Chile. According to gossip magazines she is of mixed Caucasian and Amerindian ancestry and has no Italian blood. The character JWoww is half Irish and half Latino. The character “Situation” is half Italian and half Latino.

    It has also been reported in the gossip pages that most of the characters are not even from New Jersey either.

    The so-called “reality stars” receive $10,000 each per episode.

  17. “The character JWoww is half Irish and half Latino. ”


    Sometimes it is very difficult to resist the allure of females who are hybrids. They are part White after-all, so it is not like being attracted to a someone that is full on part of a Racial ‘Other’. It is just not the same thing.

    Indeed miscegenation needs to be ended soon so that this type of disturbing phenomenon ends!!!

    For instance just the other day I was channel surfing and saw a show with Kristen Kreuk (half-Danish/ half-China-Woman) and could not help but be attracted to her since as a Eurasian she still practically looked like an attractive White Woman. Ugh, end the mixing!

  18. I think the motivation behind the punk type thing is more alienation with an intrusive government and an economic system the mostly rewards sociopathic proffesions. Myself I tried to be a hippie for a few years mainly because in school all the social studies textbooks talked glowingly all the “free love” in the hippie era. In my misanalysis I thought that if I grew my hair out and wore a tie dye the girls would just walk up to me, tug my arm, and say “hey let’s go have sex.” Unfortunately I found out that it wasn’t that simple. Also this was the late 80’s and the happening crowd all followed the trends of the times, not that pathetic tie dye subculture.(By the way I’ve seen quite a few newsreels from the hippie era and have yet to see one tie dye being worn at the time.) After about a year an a half I took a look in the mirror and noticed I looked really creepy and promptly cut my hair and started wearing normal clothes. One thing though, I never could stand that dreadfully boring “Grateful Dead” type music. Now I could care less about popular music, a little elevator music in the background is good enough for me.

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