Alternative Right

Richard Spencer’s new website Alternative Right launched this afternoon. As many of you know, Spencer left Takimag back in January to strike out on his own. A cursory glance at Alt Right is enough to reveal that Spencer has created a superior product. He obviously signed up a very talented webmaster who has done an incredible job with the graphics. I’m glad he took his time putting this together. It was worth the wait.

Some food for thought: a podcast with Jared Taylor on the 2010 Amren Conference is available. Richard Hoste of HBD Books has an article on the Alternative Right. Paul Gottfried seems to have found a new home. Spencer promises in the opening YouTube video that Alt Right will regularly discuss HBD and other politically incorrect topics that mainstream conservatives (including some paleos) would rather die than address publicly. This is a positive indicator that Alt Right won’t pussyfoot around on the subject of race.

I think Alt Right will prove a wise move for Spencer. Takimag was holding him back. I can only imagine his frustration in having to deal with a navelgazing Catholic crybaby like John Zmirak (that’s racist!) or vapid non-entities like Christina Oxenberg (let me tell you about my purple teddy bear). Thomas Fleming spent much of last year attacking Spencer, Gottfried, and “young neo-pagans” within the paleo movement. Atheists, agnostics, and secularists are likewise anathema to the graying Chronicles crowd.

I’m glad to see the “post-paleos” doing their own thing. Alt Right will appeal to a younger audience (Gen X’ers and Gen Y’ers) who don’t have the slightest interest in kosher conservatism or paleo old fogies with their seemingly endless hairsplitting discussions about this or that Medieval Pope. The sleek web design with the podcasts and integrated social networking features reveals that Alt Right is the product of a younger mind. Gone are the flights of fancy into arcane history (i.e., the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Confederacy, Medieval Europe, Roman Empire, etc.) that clutter most paleo websites.

People our age care about relevant public policy issues: changing racial demographics driven by third world immigration, racial discrimination in the form of affirmative action, the demonization and trashing of our culture, the ruination of our currency, income stagnation, the transfer of high paying jobs overseas, the redistribution of our wealth to undeserving non-White minorities, being forced to pay into bankrupt social programs, the insufferable social etiquette of political correctness, and so on. There is plenty of good material for Alt Right to work with that doesn’t touch on the Jewish Question. We can always handle that matter on the Occidental sites.

I’m worried that some of the agent provocateurs that infest our side of the political spectrum will attempt to disrupt Alt Right before it gets off the ground. This forced Takimag to shut down the comment feature. That killed all the momentum it has generated. Alt Right’s comments seem to be open for now, but that could change if the Führer of Kirksville and his Neo-Nazi minions pull another one of their stunts. In light of experience, I bet Spencer has anticipated this problem and taken measures to prevent it from happening again. Having commentators register on Alt Right should work as a solution.

Now let me see what has been posted …

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Reader
    Most importantly, even media that does not criticize Jews should not be placed under Jewish control or give too much attention to material written by Jews.

    This is usually a self correcting problem. Eventually the jews demand that the organization or publication make a firm stand against “antisemitism” and the owner either caves in or the jews leave. As long as Spencer can be counted on to stand firm when Gottfried has his inevitable temper tantrum the site will remain useful to us.

    I concede that giving jews any platform is a risky business, since it puts them in a position to influence and harm any group that includes them.

  2. Richard Spencer support Amit Singh against Mark Ellmore for the GOP nomination for Congress in 2008 in Virginia’s 8th district.

    Search: Amit Singh Mark Ellmore Richard Spencer

    Richard Spence at Takimag.

    “Well, Amit Singh didn’t quite do it and was defeated by Mark Ellmore last night in the contest in Virginia’s 8th. Dave Weigel reports from the after party. As Dave mentions, the crowd was youthful, enthusiastic, sometimes intoxicated. I actually felt like one of the oldest in the room.”

    “OK, it might be true that Amit’s not too good on H-1B Visas, but this, quite frankly, strikes me as a mere blemish on a solid limited-government and antiwar platform—and something I’m more than willing to live with.”

    My comments from the Ellmore Singh debate:

    Singh wants to make H-1B transfer from company to company easier.

    Ellmore pointed out that people going to college are seeing jobs taken by H-1B.

    Singh said we have a problem with education in this country. He said we don’t have the education in our country to fill these jobs. (Singh’s father is a math professor at Virginia State University and is supposed to teach this.) Singh said H-1B visa holders don’t take jobs Americans would take because Americans are incapable of fulfilling these jobs.

    Ellmore said he has a daughter at Marymount University who has to compete with them.

    Singh said foreign workers are doing hard work. He said we need to have the best labor force. Ellmore said we have it in this room. Singh said recruit it around the world and that this was how we won the space race.


    Alternative Right looks interesting and I will likely read it for a while, but it seems to me that what I think of as the alternative right has already passed it by.

  3. One further point, Richard Spencer wrote multiple columns for Singh. Spencer was trying to turn young Republicans at George Mason University against white Mark Ellmore and for Indian nationalist Singh. That was trying to teach young white Republicans not to be loyal to their own or expect loyalty to them from their own. That is not the teacher we want for young Republicans.

  4. Thank you for posting that information Old Atlantic. No wonder Spencer is so enamored of the Asian supremacist/interracial pornography addict Razib Khan.

  5. That Sailer thread is a fine example of why I absolutely despise the Asiaphiles and HBD/Race Realist wimps. There were a few good comments, like our own ATBOTL responding to the dissembling of the Jew mnuez.

    The “HBD” blogs are absolutely infested with East and South Asians and Asiaphiles promoting Asian immigration and other Asian interests in the guise of “cognitive elitism.” To listen to them you would think white Americans are a bunch of helpless dummies who would be nowhere without brilliant Asians. In their view this country was apparently a primitive backwater prior to 1965. Asians come over and exploit the nation our ancestors built and then spew venom toward us. After feasting on the decaying carcass of America, they whine about hallucinations of persecution at the hands of white bigots and racists. Then they lecture us with absurd claims about how America is and always was intended to be a propositional nation while gloating over our dispossession.

    “Cognitive elitism” and mass “elite” immigration are recipes for our dispossession. They lead to alien groups gaining power and control over our professions and institutions. These groups then pursue their interests at the expense of ours. Indians are one of the absolute worst groups in this regard. The influx of Asians has been just one more disastrous result of the 1965 immigration act.

    I also hate the acronym “NAM” (Non-Asian minority). The HBD/Race realist types love this idiotic term, which implies a false togetherness between whites and Asians.

    Even pro-white websites are not immune from attitudes of Asian supremacism. Some people, like Kievsky, tell us we are to blame for the H1B fraud and our dispossession at the hands of Asiatic vectorists.

  6. Great post MGLS. I agree completely. I’m also glad that someone in that Sailer thread brought up the benefits given to these cretins via Whitey tax dollars. I really despise these people.

    Ben Tillmans point about immigration itself being an AA program was also spot on.

  7. Why is Ragzib Kahn an asian supremacist writing for Alternative right. Kahn is predatory asian who advocates increased asian immigration. Why not have a regular contributor writing about the vicious race war against that asians our waging against White Americans.

    Paul Gottfried is a boring. His son was a law clerk for Sotomayor and now is a a paid whore for the corprations.

  8. MGLS, you are welcome. Also very good points on H-1b and the idiotic running down of whites. IQ is not everything in the brain. Whites developed math, physics, and the legal institutions of the modern world. Kulaks Never Learn thanks. Great discussion at the thread you linked to.

  9. I also hate the acronym “NAM” (Non-Asian minority). The HBD/Race realist types love this idiotic term, which implies a false togetherness between whites and Asians.

    Agreed. I also have a problem with the “M” for minority. It implies that Whites remain politically dominant because we’re still a majority within one arbitrary political unit. We’re not a majority in the world, or in Texas, or in California. Or in New York City or Dallas or Houston or Atlanta or LA. The use of “minority” to mean “non-White” has got to stop.

    Ben Tillmans point about immigration itself being an AA program was also spot on.


  10. The website Alt-R has too much JavaScript embedded. Older computers are having trouble navigating the site because the CPU is maxing out to 100%. This takes away the positive experience of reading the site.

    I’m sure not all users are experiencing this, but if I’m experiencing it’s likely some newbies are having the same problem too. Let’s not chase away people because of a technical issue.

  11. I prefer to call them “foreigners”. My intention is to frame it so that White Americans are the only “real” Americans and the rest are foreign. To settle for anything less than that is to lend a false legitimacy to “citizenship” as understood by the regnant regime.

    HBD types who aren’t advocates are to be held in lower regard than the merely ignorant. They KNOW what’s going on, KNOW what this spells for our future generations, and STILL scramble like courtly eunuchs to praise their immigrant overlords. Being too stupid to get it is a true blessing in this age, as those who aren’t are left with a stark choice between being a traitor to your nation and a traitor to your state.

  12. The “HBD” blogs are absolutely infested with East and South Asians and Asiaphiles promoting Asian immigration and other Asian interests in the guise of “cognitive elitism.”

    Right on, what a bunch of frauds and perverts. They’re infested with miscegenators, homosexuals and pedophiles. I have no doubt that Chris Hansen has caught a few HBDers on his show.

  13. “…I have no doubt that Chris Hansen has caught a few HBDers on his show.”

    Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 😀

    Ha ha!

  14. “If I see one more comment rant about the inferiority of Anglo-American Whites relative to some romantic vision of [Slavic / Nordic / Mediterranean / Whatever] Whites, I’m going to shove a fork in my eye socket.”

    Yes this dividing of Whites is really annoying.

    As a show of solidarity with Wikitopian I would like to thank Anglo-kind for producing Elizabeth Hurley. 🙂

  15. If I see one more comment rant about the inferiority of Anglo-American Whites relative to some romantic vision of [Slavic / Nordic / Mediterranean / Whatever] Whites, I’m going to shove a fork in my eye socket. Those who sew division and distrust between the White nationalities are either feds or fools, and I don’t have the time or inclination to differentiate.

    Why does that distress you so much? You can’t expect people to solely have an ambiguous identity of white.

    White is a relative term. Ancestry, ethnicity and sub-race are more definitive.

    In some ways white has caused our decline, as Jews were accepted as white, and look where that got us.

    In America, where the white concept was born, it was originally associated with Northern Europe, particularly Anglo-Saxons. The Immigration Act of 1924 for example not only restricted non-whites, but also Southern and Eastern Europeans. White began as Nordicism, and has declined since.

  16. As a show of solidarity with Wikitopian I would like to thank Anglo-kind for producing Elizabeth Hurley.

    Unfortunately she had an illegitimate child with a Jew and married an Indian.

  17. Why doesn’t Steve Sailer just come out and publicly state that WE don’t need any asian immigrants at all. Develope home grown NATIVE BORN WHITE TALENT in places such as Appalachia. Some question for the foreigner Peter Brimelow. If they did, people in the blogsphere and other places would take notice.

    But they won’t. Both Sailer and Brimelow are HBD types who very likely believe White Appalachians are subhumans compared to post-1965 asians.

  18. Mark,
    If you had been enough of a gentleman to have read ALL of my comments, you would have seen that I’m not objecting to recognizing differences within the White race and even deeming them crucial. What I objected to was a simple friendly fire attack.

  19. “The Immigration Act of 1924 for example not only restricted non-whites, but also Southern and Eastern Europeans. White began as Nordicism, and has declined since.”

    The Immigration Acts of 24/65 are two sides of the same coin. The first sought to limit non-nordics, the second sought to swamp them. “Desegregation” and “integration” — of the same vintage as the ’65 Act — are part and parcel of the same general program.

    Only problem for Anglos is that in swamping “greaseballs” and similar riff-raff, they’ve created a demographic problem for themselves as well. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

    In a different context it’s known as “blowback”.

  20. Good points Euro.

    Let’s also remember as well that since the 1924 cut-off of southern and eastern European immigration (and large-scale immigration in general), many of the Slavs and ‘Meds’ already here began to assimilate into the Anglo-American civilization rather well.

    A lot of the anti-Italian (or anti-‘Med’) types tend to forget that Italians are some of the least ‘Pee Cee’ kind of Whites here in America.

    In addition to Tom Tancredo, Lou Barletta, Virginia’s newest super-conservative attorney-general Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II…

    they also have “Epic Beard Man” — Thomas Bruso,

    …and Congressman James Traficant — one of the only members of Congress to directly take on the ‘Israel Lobby’.

    So c’mon gang, stop always piling on the ‘Eye-talians’.

    Our movement could use good men with ‘moxie’ like these.

  21. n/a recently had two excellent posts about negrophilia

    n/a seems more than a little mendacious with his repeated assertions that “white ethnics” are guilty of negrophilia when his examples are all Jews. It’s hard to see that as anything other than an inaccurate attempt to impugn non-nordic whites for the crimes of Jews. He made a similar move in another post when he claimed that the idea that blond women like black men is a myth promoted by Meds and Jews. He pointed to a Jewish operator of an interracial pornography company as evidence of this. Again, no support for his claim that anyone other than Jews are involved.

  22. I’ve long been on a one man crusade against the terms “non-asian minority” and “race realist.” I’m someone noticed.

    We need to define ourselves as whites who are for our own group interests. A “race realist” can be anything and believe almost anything.

  23. Being a “race realist” is a cop out.

    They are only interesting in the sense that they may become White nationalist someday when they grow up and become men.

  24. The Immigration Acts of 24/65 are two sides of the same coin. The first sought to limit non-nordics, the second sought to swamp them. “Desegregation” and “integration” — of the same vintage as the ’65 Act — are part and parcel of the same general program.

    So now you have concocted a conspiracy theory that Anglo-Saxon Americans enacted the 1965 immigration act in order to swamp Mediterraneans in this country? Never mind that Jews and Mediterraneans were the ones who protested against the national origins system and wanted to change the immigration law. Never mind that Jews and Irishmen were the sponsors and major promoters of the bill.

    1924 immigration act: designed to protect the interests the founding American population
    1965 immigration act: opened the floodgates to the entire world and dispossessed the founding American population

    Yet in Euro’s feverish mind, these two acts are part and parcel of the same plan.

  25. We need to define ourselves as whites who are for our own group interests. A “race realist” can be anything and believe almost anything. — ATBOTL

    Ah, poetry to my ears 🙂

  26. Wikitopian
    If you had been enough of a gentleman to have read ALL of my comments, you would have seen that I’m not objecting to recognizing differences within the White race and even deeming them crucial. What I objected to was a simple friendly fire attack.

    Forgive my indelicacies, my good man, but I did not notice in your previous posts what you claim here. Now, would you kindly pass the Grey Poupon?

  27. Finally, we’ve arrived at the level of discourse commensurate with my refined and sensitive tastes!

    *polishes his monocle*

  28. A lot of the anti-Italian (or anti-’Med’) types tend to forget that Italians are some of the least ‘Pee Cee’ kind of Whites here in America.

    In addition to Tom Tancredo

    With all due respect, Tancredo isn’t exactly non-PC. Yes, he’s made comments about third world populations in America and is against illegal immigration, but he’s also said that a black man can represent him as well as a white man. He also threatened legal action against Byron Jost for his documentary “The Line in the Sand.”

    Bruso is a credit for his heroic act. It’s not even about the man, it’s about the deed.

    Personally I am not anti-Italian or anti any European nationality. It is not even about nationality per se, since there has been so much population exchange, it is about subrace. Caucasoid subraces are more differentiated. Most of the Italians in America came from the South, in contrast Northern Italy has many Northern racial types.

  29. A lot of the anti-Italian (or anti-‘Med’) types tend to forget that Italians are some of the least ‘Pee Cee’ kind of Whites here in America.

    Many Jews, Arabs, and Turks are “anti-PC” and ethnocentric. That does not make them our co-ethnics.

    In addition to Tom Tancredo, Lou Barletta, Virginia’s newest super-conservative attorney-general Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II

    How about Michelle Malkin and Piyush Jindal? Are Asians included also?

    And how about Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell? Sean Hannity would call them “great Americans.” Does the fact that there are black conservatives mean we must now consider blacks our co-ethnics?

    Racialism is based on race and ethnicity, not political ideology. Someone of a different racial or ethnic group does not become my co-ethnic because he subscribes to aracial conservatism or some other political philosophy. Racialists are not proponents of the “propositional nation.”

  30. MGLS,

    The ancestors of the Italians were undoubtedly much closer to your ancestors in Culture, Language, and Genetics than the ancestors of Jews and Turks were.

    So to me the analogy you use is over the top.

    Also comparing Tancredo, who has done a lot to fight immigration in the Congress in spite of his culturist rhetoric, to Piyush “Bobby” Jindal is rather absurd.

    Jindal has never done anything on immigration except try to get more Indians into the Country.

    I admit Italians probably aren’t the same Ethnic Group as you, and this is significant.

    However I do think they are from the same large scale Race as you, in the same way that a Japanese and a Chinese are of the same large scale race.

    What’s the genetic distance between Japanese and Chinese again?

    Because honestly, half the time I can’t tell them apart.

  31. “Unfortunately she had an illegitimate child with a Jew and married an Indian.”

    The solution…

    ” In 2004, Lane authored a short story entitled KD Rebel, which is set in the near future and tells the story of a Wotanist colony who have established tenuous control over portions of Western Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming,which they call Kinsland. The story mostly focuses on the Kinslanders’ practice of kidnapping miscegenating or “wayward” young girls and women from urban areas, in order to indoctrinate them into Wotanism and so the Kinslanders can practice polygamy and have large numbers of children.”

  32. Gussie,

    “his examples are all Jews”

    False. Peter Rosa and (apparently) Guy White are Italian.

    “no support for his claim that anyone other than Jews are involved.”

    Anyone who has paid attention to race-related fora for a reasonable length of time will have noticed many comments of the sort I had in mind.

  33. False. Peter Rosa and (apparently) Guy White are Italian.


    Just out of curiosity, how do you know ‘Goy Weiss’ is Italian??

    *Do you or anyone else know more about where ‘Goy’ came from or how he made his appearance into the ‘Race Realist’ internet scene?

  34. It has been my experience that non-Nordish White Nationalists frequently conflate Nordish preservationism with radical Nordicism of the Rosenbergian stripe; too often, they make no distinction whatsoever between the two inclinations, and this generates ill-will among all parties.

    The argument of White Universalists — essentially, that all “Whites” are the same and that we should actively seek to distort meaningful ethnic/linguistic boundaries — is prima facie absurd. It is a thoroughly modern and repugnant impulse, and it finds sympathy in WN quarters for only one reason: racial insecurity.

    While most of my Scandinavian comrades readily admit to the fact that they are in desperate need of a racial hygiene/eugenics program, and bemoan the fact that the mean cephalic index among Hallstatt Nordics is now 77 (mesocephalic rather than dolichocephalic), my Southern Italian and Spanish friends vociferously defend the purity and vitality of their blood. They are uncomfortable with the reality of the situation, and they don’t like to be reminded of it by their fairer cousins to the North.

    Whether or not an anthropological assessment of human history leads a thinking man to Nordic-determinism (Günther, Grant, Stoddard, etc.) is inconsequential to most Nordish preservationists. We are not seeking to prove the innate superiority of Northernkind or denigrate other Europeans. We wish to safeguard our unique identity regardless of the merits of others. We like being ourselves, and we want our grandchildren to look and behave as we do; there is nothing more natural than that.

  35. Why doesn’t Steve Sailer just come out and publicly state that WE don’t need any asian immigrants at all.

    1. It’s more persuasive to put the facts on the table and let people come to their own conclusions. I don’t know why, but it is. Tell a man he’s getting five bucks and his eyes glaze over. Tell him he’s getting 2+3 dollars and suddenly he’s involved.

    2. It’s more effective to put the facts on the table and refrain from pointing out the (inevitable) conclusions because it’s harder to persecute and ostracize people for pointing out facts than it is to persecute them for opinions.

    I’m not ecstatic over some of Sailer’s moves and positions either but you asked a specific question so there’s a specific answer.

  36. On second thought, it’s perfectly obvious why man prefers 2+3 to 5; it makes him involved. It lets him own a little piece of the thing. It makes it his idea.

  37. Robert Campbell
    The argument of White Universalists — essentially, that all “Whites” are the same and that we should actively seek to distort meaningful ethnic/linguistic boundaries — is prima facie absurd. It is a thoroughly modern and repugnant impulse, and it finds sympathy in WN quarters for only one reason: racial insecurity.

    In north america there’s a more practical reason for papering over these differences. We are very close to losing control over the United States. If we don’t unite against non-europeans we’ll lose everything. Bringing up issues that anger potential and essential allies does not help.

  38. n/a,

    Just out of curiosity, how do you know ‘Goy Weiss’ is Italian??

    Well n/a, do you know this for sure, or are at least reasonably certain about this?

  39. …Also comparing Tancredo, who has done a lot to fight immigration in the Congress in spite of his culturist rhetoric, to Piyush “Bobby” Jindal is rather absurd.

    Jindal has never done anything on immigration except try to get more Indians into the Country.

    I admit Italians probably aren’t the same Ethnic Group as you, and this is significant.

    However I do think they are from the same large scale Race as you, in the same way that a Japanese and a Chinese are of the same large scale race. … — Reginald

    My sentiments exactly Reginald, and you articulated what you said very well.

    Also, let’s not also forget about ‘America’s Toughest Sheriff’ – Joe Arpaio, and Frank Borzellieri – whom Jared Taylor spoke so eloquently and thoughtfully about in the forward of his book on race


    The Unspoken Truth: Race, Culture and Other Taboos ~ Frank Borzellieri

    From the Forward by Jared Taylor:

    “The columns that Frank Borzellieri writes for the Ledger-Observer newspapers and other publications — and the reactions he gets — remind me of one of Mark Twain’s remarks: “nothing astonishes people more than to tell them the truth.” Witty old cynic that he was, Twain wasn’t writing about how we reply when a lady asks if we like her latest hairdo. He was thinking of the secret truths that all societies shield from view with taboos, myths, and what we today call political corectness.

    “Twain did not have policital correctness to deal with, and it’s a pity he didn’t; it wouldn’t have survived the hilarious blasts would have unleased against it. But he did have silly posturings to ridicule, windbags to deflate, and lies to expose — and he knew that every age would have its posturings, windbags, and lies. I do not doubt that Twain now smiles down on those who battle these scourges, and that he directs a particularly encouraging smile in the direction of Frank Borzellieri.

    “The reason, of course, is that Frank Borzellieri and untruth are incompatible, and that when he sees the nonsense that passes for today’s political wisdom he cannot sit idly by. He rolls up his sleeves, spits on his hands, and — well — astonishes people. There has never been another time in the history of America when even small doses of truth caused such astonishment, and Frank doesn’t stop with small doses.

    “Mark Twain didn’t say this, but when you make it your business to astonish people by telling them the truth, they don’t always react with relief and gratitude. People become very attached to their illusions and don’t enjoy seeing them punctured. What makes the business of astonishment-through-truth so important today is the desperation and even viciousness with which the defenders of orthodoxy fight to protect their illusions. Debates that should be about simple, verifiable facts are often turned into professions of faith and denunciations of evil. It is almost impossible to debate a liberal without discovering something that is half-mania, half-religion. Indeed, one of liberalism’s most unattractive traits is its tone of moral superiority, its insistence that dissenters are not merely wrong but heretical.

    “But now that public policy has become an opportunity to exhibit politically correct virtues, people like Frank Borzellieri who stand for truth, fairness, and common sense become targets of invective and excommunication. Racist, Nazi, homophobe, bigot — he has been called all these names and more. When the other side doesn’t like his facts, it stoops to name-calling. It would be hard to think of a more graceless way for opponents to admit they have lost the argument, but they don’t seem to realize how hysterical it makes them sound. These are the people who, a few centuries ago, burned dissenters at the stake.

    “But there is something else that readers of this volume should know about Frank Borzellieri. He doesn’t just talk and write about how things ought to be. He makes them happen. He has won far more notoriety as an elected school board member and candidate for public office than as a columnist.

    “Of course, millions of Americans know that Frank Borzellieri is right, that he says in print what others know in their bones but are afraid to say. But why bother? Why take the heat? Why endure the insults of the people who have a near-monopoly on public discourse? For only one reason: Frank Borzellieri cares passionately about the future of America. Unlike talk show hosts or editorial writers who choose their politics for reasons of vanity, Frank’s greatest concern is to restore America’s greatness.”

  40. “Just out of curiosity, how do you know ‘Goy Weiss’ is Italian??”

    As I recall, this is what Hunter said Iceman said guywhite told him, and guywhite tacitly acknowledged he was of S. Euro ancestry in a response to one of my posts.

  41. How about a ginger group to support your your site?

    May I suggest the Ferdinando Wood Club?

    Consider Hizzoner’s take on the first federal draft:
    “It is a strange perverion of the laws of self-preseravtion which would compel the white laborer to leave his family destitute and unprotected while he goes forth to free the negro, who, being free, will compete with him in labor.” (New York Daily News, July 23, 1863)

    Or would conjuring up the shade of Gotham’s most courageous of mayors entail “a flight of fancy into arcane history”?

  42. Sounds good

    I suggest an OD style comment guidelines moderated comments

    Something a bit more permissive on J subjects much less than daily stormer

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