Keltoi, Amren, White Nationalism

At White News Now, Keltoi reacts to the Amren conference and the various discussions across the White Nationalist blogosphere that have followed. He believes White Nationalists should “at every opportunity, seek to map out, and strategically implement their own ‘world-view’ in conjunction with tried and true concepts …” Keltoi also eagerly awaits “a larger, comprehensive, Political effort, its phraseology, … its implications of mass momentum.” I’m mangling his words here, but that is the gist of what he is getting at.

I will respond by pointing out that previous efforts – the ones that have failed, which Keltoi refers to – usually never got off the ground because they were too ambitious in scope. We have various White Nationalists launching their careers by running for the U.S. Senate or President of the United States. There are a slew of tiny internet based national organizations each with their own president or world commander. Most of them have no comprehension or interest in the techniques of communication and marketing. They don’t have any training or experience in professional activism either.

I want to do two things at Occidental Dissent. First, I plan to spend most of my time building up the “media wing” (this blog and future projects) that can potentially reach into every White household in America. Second, I want to build a real world social network of racialists in Virginia. Nothing like this exists at the moment. Instead, we have people scattered around the state who either don’t know each other or interact exclusively online.

This social network should have realistic and tractable goals. Here’s an example: adding five new people to the network, locating racialists in the Richmond area, creating a book club, hosting a private dinner at a restaurant in Arlington, hosting speakers, and so on. Everyone who participates in the network should determine their own level of involvement. There will be some of us who want to do street level activism. The idea is to start small and create a lasting institution that can eventually take on a life of its own.

Some will ridicule this idea as “eat, meet, retreat.” The sad truth is that we don’t even have people within driving distance doing that in Virginia. The old saying that you have to crawl before you can walk applies here. Running would be the equivilant of a social network that has matured to the point where it becomes a grassroots political organization. There is no reason why OD readers in other states can’t set up their own networks.

A practical approach like this based on incremental progress could work. I think it is a better idea than chasing after elected offices that we have no hope of winning.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, excellent post. Your reasoning is rock-solid and sound.

    I will be arriving in Virginia taking up a new job in April, and I will certainly be in contact.

  2. It takes time to build a political network, but, it’s well worth it.

    Not everyone you attract, will be political, they just might like you personally or feel comfortable with what your saying.

    Did you get your Occidental Dissent business cards ordered with your web address and e-mail on them? Hunter Wallace, Editor & Publisher?

  3. I want to do two things at Occidental Dissent. First, I plan to spend most of my time building up the “media wing” (this blog and future projects) that can potentially reach into every White household in America. Second, I want to build a real world social network of racialists in Virginia.

    All reasonable and worthy goals. But there’s a third project that hopefully some selected whites will be interested in pursuing – that of an organized, para-intelligence service that doesn’t focus on republican politics or proselytizing, but in gathering strategic information and facilitating (legal) covert operations.

    My proposed model is a data mining/market research firm.

    At some point maybe we can direct our own equivalent of the JDO/OPP “anarchist” street thugs.

    Kiev’s NLP-type ideas may be a model for developing “field agents” (Kiev, are you familiar with the Men Who Stare At Goats documentary and movie? Worth checking out if you haven’t already.) One goal would be to recruit a network of intelligence nodes/data gatherers who are NOT public “activists” or campaigners. Another interesting story Kiev and Wiki may be interested in is a character like John Dee, British spy and cryptographer using a cover of “occult magic” – similar perhaps to the role that Houdini played for British intelligence (yeah, that’s an interesting story, check it out.)

    Grassroot organizing is important, but at some point we will need a disciplined, private organization, and data mining and intelligence is a great legal way to start.

  4. We in Norway have just had a popular science program on TV that more than 1 in 10 watched, and the title was “brainwash”

    It is the first in a series, and the subject is how especially social scientist are “brainwashed” into believing that humans are social entities, rather than social animals with an evolutionary inheritance.

    The effect anyway, has been shocking, and I have never seen so many pissed Norwegians on the net, since the “social scientists” have used the argument “that there is no modern science that says there are inborn sex or intellectual differences”, and now they know it is simply not true.

    This is the single biggest WIN I have seen for truth so far, since it basically left the social contructivists naked, and painted them as people who WILL disregard reality if it is in conflict with their theories.

    Google translated news-search for the ones who is interested.

    Norway one of the most gender egalitarian societies in the world, where there are no formal separation between the sexes, and the result have been….

    One of the most gender separated workplaces in the world, where women become hairdressers, nurses, teachers, etc while the men becomes engineers, carpenters, mechanics etc.

    This, the social constructivist can not explain, but if you ask an evolutionary psychologist, the explanation is that the fewer cultural norms influencing education, and the less differences it is in salaries, you are left with inborn sex differences controlling a larger part of these choices.

    Men generally find technical objects interesting, while females generally find other humans the most interesting, and this is what seems to put men into traditional male occupations, and the females into classical female ones.

  5. Hunter makes some sound points that too man American WN groups are not practical about achieving anything, they start their political careers by running for President of the United States – same thing Constitutionalists, libertarians do. We should be working locally, where our side can actually compete, challenge to win.

    But then Hunter starts to go down this same path when he writes:

    “I plan to spend most of my time building up the “media wing” (this blog and future projects) that can potentially reach into every White household in America.”

    I think it is very unrealistic to thing any White Nationalist media will reach in to every White household in America – even a 2% market share would be great.

    American White Nationalists should work to get up to speed with British Nationalists, Europeans who are doing well. The BNP web site is the most visited web site of any British political party.

  6. Jack – should American WN admit nonWhites, into White groups, like the BNP does, and slobber over Die Juden – lile the BNP does? And obsequiously trumpet how welcome and wonderful and groovy Die Juden are?

    Just curious.

    FYI – a website is not a Movement.

  7. Hunter – please take a nod form Jack, and make like the BNP. Use the media you are creating to beg for money, 24/7.

  8. For Denise.

    I support the BNP and all nationalists in Europe who achieve success, win in very difficult times.

    As for the BNP changing it’s constitution to allow non whites – this is just facing reality. No nationalist party will be legal in UK, Europe if it bans non Whites. The BNP move should be understood the same way any White person hoping to do well, survive had to acknowledge the power of the Catholic church during the Middle Ages.
    As far as the BNP as you say “Worshipping the Juden” – I don’t see this at all – the BNP is against the Jewish supremacist program 100%, the BNP opposes all Zionist wars – it does so everyday on their (popular) web site, the BNP opposes the worst Jewish supremacist Neo Conservative program of mass non white immigration in to the UK and it to all White communities, opposes cultural marxism – the whole rotten Jewish program.
    The BNP just understands that open Jew baiting, ranting about how “We hates the Jews” turns off the White public. And those regular Jewish people in the UK who aren’t in to the anti White program, the BNP leaves them alone and there are a lot less Jews in the UK than Paki Muslims.
    The BNP is playing to win as are the Swiss People’s Party. I do agree that Geert Wilders is sucking up to Israel, Zionists way too much, but he is really the only exception I see to principled, successful nationalists in Europe, UK.
    American White nationalists need to learn how to win, how to win anything, how to avoid embracing losing.
    It is a horrible reality in America that the Patriot movement if full of loner, drop out, societal misfits who like to lose – if any WN in America is ever successful at anything, ever wins somethings, these contrarians will scream that he/she is “selling out”, compromising with THE SYSTEM, the winner is either a Jew or sucking up to the Jews.
    My point is clear. Try to win. Back winners. Learn how to win at something, anything and educate yourself on how WN in Europe/UK are starting to win.
    Winning is better than losing.

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