UGA: Tunnel of Oppression

A small group of liberals at the University of Georgia are putting on an interactive exhibit called the “Tunnel of Oppression” as part of something called “Diversity Awareness Week.” The idea is to raise student awareness of the “discrimination” faced by minority groups. The four “experiences” include LGBTQ, racism, homelessness, and immigration; none of which are relevant to the lives of most UGA students.

In the homelessness room, students will be harassed by inner city bums who beg for change and break into fights. 1/3 of homeless people in America suffer from schizophrenia, a chronic, debilitating mental illness, which is the result of an underlying genetic predisposition. 1/2 of the homeless are alcoholics or chronic drug abusers. A large number of the chronically homeless are unemployed because they have a criminal record. Most of the rest suffer from low intelligence or various neurological disorders which impair complex goal directed behavior. Don’t expect these inconvenient facts to be included.

The LGBTQ room will include a “Pride Parade” which will be confronted by right-wing demonstrators who shout angry slurs. My heart bleeds for these poor oppressed souls: straight people don’t define themselves in terms of their sexuality, flaunt their sexuality in licentious public displays, lobby for special privileges under the law, or take offense when someone cracks a joke about their sex life. The LGBTQ community is hardly “oppressed” in America. Under federal hate crime statutes, violent criminals who target homosexuals face stiffer legal penalties than similar crimes committed against heterosexuals. Homosexuals often experience contempt simply because their actions are outrageous and invite ridicule.

A “Tunnel of Oppression” would hardly be complete without a laughable “racism” exhibit. The “racism room” will include separate tables for blacks and whites. The “white table” will have checkered cloth decorated with flowers. The “black table” will have paper plates and plastic utensils. Talk about beating a dead horse: segregation has been illegal in Georgia for almost half a century. There isn’t a single segregated restaurant, hotel, school, theatre, park, bus, or shopping center anywhere in the state. No UGA student is old enough to have experienced segregation. The racial scab is being picked at solely to stir up anti-White animosity.

My favorite exhibit is the “immigration room.” Students were asked to produce valid identification at a border checkpoint before being allowed to proceed. When I applied for a P.O. Box last week, I had to produce my driver’s license, student ID, and a valid mailing address within the city limits. Americans have to present their driver’s license and social security number all the time to register for various public and private services. Illegal aliens don’t have these documents because they are guilty of breaking and entering into our country. If they are being “oppressed” in the United States, they only have themselves to blame, as they sought out “oppression” by coming here.

The “Tunnel of Oppression,” which is also touring Midwestern campuses, is scrawled with racial taunts and graffiti. There is some irony in the fact that the usual suspects who habitually complain about “hate speech” and “racism” created a racist exhibit for they could flagellate themselves and collectively wallow in self pity. It reminds me of the Tawana Brawley case, the Kentucky Census worker suicide, the Duke Lacrosse scandal, or attention seeking Jews who spraypaint swastikas on their own property.

Sad people.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Other major features included two tables depicting historical segregation in restaurants, one for whites, decorated with flowers and a checkered cloth, and the other for blacks, with paper plates and plastic utensils.

    Students were asked to show I.D.s, passports and visas at the immigration station before being allowed to continue.

    Oh my – the terrible oppression of having to show ID before crossing a border, or eating off of paper plates! I tell ya, it’s just as bad as slavery or the holocaust!

  2. Sad people and dangerous too. The ultimate message of “the victims” is that White people by their very community create the conditions for “hate crime”, and the solution to that problem is obvious.

  3. When I was in law school, one day while studying in the university’s main cafeteria there was an argument between a black and a White student that slowly escalated to a racist shouting match. I was just about to tell them both to shut up and separate in no uncertain terms, standing to do so, when they suddenly broke their arguement and turned towards the crowd.

    The White student then said: “This was not a real racist incident, but we’re here today to show how we all are adversely affected by racism.”

    Since I was already standing and very annoyed, I added “So, in other words, there being not enough actual, real racism on this campus, in order to advance your petty political point you are now engaging in fake racism, do I have that right?”

    The crowd busted up laughing and our activists slunked off…..

  4. Do we need any more evidence? We are losing BIG TIME.
    May be it IS us. Maybe we have failed in some way.

  5. Perhaps we should counter with our own Tunnel of Oppression. You walk into the Racism Room, and you’re immediately jumped by five black thugs. Then walk into the LGBTQWERTY Room, and you are forced to watch films of the Folsom Street Fair. Afterwards, you walk into the Holocaust Room, and are forced to superglue a yarmulke to your head, then take down a cross and put up a menorah, while Jeffrey Imm is in the background, haranguing you to “Choose Love, Not Hate”.

    The possibilities of parody are endless.

  6. In the video, Brittany Tedeschi mentions funding from something called the “Difficult Dialogue Grant” and it was designed to get the students talking about “Muslim Christian Jewish” relations (and how much do you want to bet that dialogue had any serious discussions about such a thing)

    I think she said it was from the “Butler Center” but I couldn’t really understand.

    Another Wallace, most students don’t take this stuff all that seriously, and all the student “activists” are being paid. The number of white students who actually get recruited into the mutl-cult is rather small.

  7. We are not engaging, or challenging, directly. Hunter and Pip did, with Imm. We need to do the sort of thing that they did.

  8. I agree with Denise, “Matamoros – well done!” These are the sort of incidents where wit and coolness like yours make a difference. The power of humor is one that the Left tries to deny us. Any time we use it, they call it hate, if they can.

  9. Eh, I preferred the “Labyrinth of White- loathing” over this dud. Plus, kids under 12 get in free to the labyrinth and let me tell ya, in these tough economic times, every penny counts!

  10. I was subjected to this kind of brainwashing as an undergrad. Ironically, it pushed me in the opposite direction.

  11. What science do the leftist have, that tells them these sorts of public humiliation work the way they are intended?

    Almost nothing else the lefties do works, so why should this?

    We want to get the message across that anti-racist means anti-white, and somebody who have been through a “Tunnel of Oppression” might have an easier time understanding this.

  12. 1. Who is they victim? The gay guys who can’t peruse happiness? or the Religions right who needs to oppress them?

    >The four “experiences” include LGBTQ, racism, homelessness, and immigration; none of which are relevant to the lives of most UGA students.

    2. All the more reason to expose it to them. The world is a bitch, then you have the conservatives who just want to oppress and exploit as much as they can.

    >A large number of the chronically homeless are unemployed because they have a criminal record. Most of the rest suffer from low intelligence or various neurological disorders which impair complex goal directed behavior. Don’t expect these inconvenient facts to be included.

    3. So they shouldn’t get help? Because they made a mistake in their life they are forced to live on the streets?

    >My heart bleeds for these poor oppressed souls: straight people don’t define themselves in terms of their sexuality

    4. No question, but by calling them straight, you just defined them by their sexuality. 🙂

    >Homosexuals often experience contempt simply because their actions are outrageous and invite ridicule.

    5. Have you seen nascar races? We laugh at them all they time, but you dont see gays attack nascar fans. Smart people use their minds, others use their fists.

    >No UGA student is old enough to have experienced segregation. The racial scab is being picked at solely to stir up anti-White animosity.

    6. Or to show students who have never experienced it to see what its like, so they can see what actions of racists and other conservatives cause.

  13. “Perhaps we should counter with our own Tunnel of Oppression. You walk into the Racism Room, and you’re immediately jumped by five black thugs. Then walk into the LGBTQWERTY Room, and you are forced to watch films of the Folsom Street Fair.”

    You enter a room where the walls consist of nothing but television sets showing nothing but Jewish Hollywood miscegenation flicks on a continuous loop.

    Your visual cortex is bombarded by waves of images of the women of your Race being defiled and your Race being literally genocided from the planet: ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’, ‘Save the Last Dance’, ‘Crazy/ Beautiful’…

  14. Good post Hunter — these people truly are sad in seeking to debase themselves and others in this way. This ‘Tunnel of Oppression’ is clearly racist against Whites.

    Minor copyediting: “There is some irony in the fact that the usual suspects who habitually complain about “hate speech” and “racism” created a racist exhibit for they could flagellate themselves and collectively wallow in self pity.” — the word “for” seems like it should be “so.”

    “attention seeking Jews who spraypaint swastikas on their own property.”

    Reminds me of a funny cartoon –

  15. This following list should be prominantly featured when we have an exhibit that chronicles the true ‘Tunnel of Oppression’ – the deathsand murders of Whites – Our People – as a result of the naïve trust they put in ‘their government’ and ‘the System’ and its ‘enforcers’ – the Satanic multi-kulti liars and deceivers.


    The Green Arrow | THE FALLEN LIST | Recording the deaths of those who have died as a result of multiculturalism

  16. “I was subjected to this kind of brainwashing as an undergrad. Ironically, it pushed me in the opposite direction.”

    I can’t imagine it having any other effect except on the braindead.

    I think it’s fortunate for these subtle-as-a-sledgehammer ideologues are doing this. I predict it will have two effects: 1) reinforce the prejudices of the hopelessly doctrinare and unreachable 2) get anybody else thinking

  17. We should NOT, absolutely not mimic this kind of crude propaganda (except to parody it) in mirror image.

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