Guy White recently coined the term “Hitler-admirers” to describe White Nationalists who aren’t Neo-Nazis, but who don’t agree with the total demonization of Nazi Germany. I’ve been included in this unusual category. He posted about this the day I moved from Alabama to Virginia. An epic snowstorm buried Virginia around that time and I never got around to responding.
I don’t like the term. It is not descriptive of my views. Unlike most White Nationalists, I am genuinely not interested in the Third Reich or European nationalist movements. I rarely write about European issues on Occidental Dissent. This blog has always been focused on the United States. In fact, the original subtitle was “Racial and Cultural Preservation in North America.”
My favorite racial regime of the twentieth century is the Jim Crow South. I have over a hundred books about the subject on my bookshelf and all sorts of Jim Crow memorabilia. My second and third choices would be the Belgian Congo and Apartheid South Africa which I have written about in the past. If I was forced to pick my “favorite racial regime of all time,” I would easily choose the Confederacy, which was based on the “cornerstone” of racial inequality, or the White Republic which lasted from 1789 to 1865. In January and February, I wrote several book reviews about the subject.
I admire Adolf Hitler in the sense that I acknowledge he had a few good points. He was a talented and charismatic public speaker. Hitler was a conservationist. He was an artist, a supporter of eugenics, a German patriot, put Germans back to work, proscribed degenerate art, and funded cancer research. Nazi Germany was renowned for its technological marvels like the V2 rocket program. Hitler annexed German minorities in neighboring countries to the Fatherland and removed Jews from all positions of influence and power. He withdrew from the League of Nations, repudiated Versailles, and restored German national confidence.
I can also say positive things about Abraham Lincoln, FDR, and Winston Churchill. Lincoln spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to deport blacks from the United States. In his famous debate with Stephen Douglas, he repudiated social equality. Lincoln signed the Homestead Act. The Morrill Land Grant Colleges Act led to the foundation of my alma mater. Lincoln’s ideas about industrial development were more progressive than those of his Southern counterparts.
FDR was a gifted politician. He can be credited for the TVA, SEC, FDIC, Social Security, and Glass-Steagall. His “Good Neighbor Policy” was a vast improvement in American foreign relations with Latin America. Like Hitler, Churchill was a talented writer, artist, and public speaker. He opposed non-White immigration to Britain. Churchill was a diehard imperialist who opposed the independence of India. I enjoyed his History of the English Speaking Peoples which I have in my library.
Does this make me a Lincoln-admirer, FDR-admirer, or Churchill-admirer? Perhaps. I don’t consider any of these terms useful or valid categories though. I have profound differences with Hitler, Lincoln, FDR, and Churchill on foreign policy. Few historical figures are entirely good or bad. I don’t have much respect for people who think in this binary way.
Most of them are idiots.
Update: The discussion continues on Guy White’s blog.
I like Silver. His posts are …..eerr…..”vivid”.
Had he been a Wog, I would be actually rather disappointed. I’d still like his stuff – but I like White. If he’s Greek + Serb – it’s a weird mix – but it’s OK by me.
Especially trhe Serbian part. America owes Serbs, if they owe any Nation.
Thanks, AR. I’m glad you like what I write.
Kulaks knows just what to say to a gal. ; } !
I’ve had to go to training classes, all week, for my job. (Urrgghhh. Annoying. The presentations are too sloooooooooooow…..every-one asks…………QUESTIONS!!! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! AAAGGHHH! If they would just let me read, on my own, I could do the entire course in a day……)
Anyhoo – I chatted today, with a fellow I have known, for some time. We were joking about the economy, and outta the blue, he began telling me that he’s been reading up on Nazi Germany. (He’s into politics, and history).
Now – they kinda sorta know about my politics, and beliefs, at work. OMG. White Paranioa, the Classic WN Disease, kicked in. “Is he trying to set me up?” etc….as this topic is The Biggest Taboo Ever in the History of the World.
I let him talk. He starts telling me about all the wonderful things they invented, and how they were “…the best-run country in the history”. I mentioned that any woman who has had her life saved, due to breast cancer screenings, owes Dear Adolf a great big kiss.
Well – we went through the torture of the class material – but continued the chat, between segments. I asked him if ever heard about “Revisionism” (by this time the White Paranoia abated). He said “No”.
He’s gonna learn more than the course material, later today.
I need to learn how to computer thingies. How do I put a little Devil face, on these posts?
Anyway – Hitler said his spirit will rise from the grave, and be vindicated. Perhaps the earth is stirring…
Reading through the thread….Joanne Dee – thanks for the offer.
Let’s not jump the gun, and jinx anything. However – I’ll remember your kindness.
NN -Arrghhh!
I like Silver. His posts are …..eerr…..”vivid”. — Denise
Our friend Silver had a great piece today over at Accidental Dissent, his blog, with him deftly deconstructing the dissimulating bunk of ‘Takuan Saiyo’ of the ‘Gates of Vienna’ gang –
Good stuff, Silver.
Aw come-on…be a sport!
[Bet you never done it with a Seigneur!]
A memory to get you off for the rest of your life with the Kulak, eh?
BTW, Denise, I hope you will have the spunky response to my little jest that I would expect of you, based on the persona you project here.
If not, I apologize – with the explanation that I cannot be broken of the habit of testing people for their response to provocation. I learn a great deal, very quickly, about such as “Antonio” and “The Admiral” and “Trainspotter” and “OldRight” and “Captainchaos” and “Wikitopian” (Mr. Parrott, who likes crackers), and others.
It’s the dominance hierarchy thing, well-developed in yours truly.
And you have my high regard, despite my familiarity.
Don’t tell me. You are a gentleman!
I tought your post was funny, actually. I have had an insanely busy week. By the time I read that post – I was actually too sleepy to properly respond.
I thought your post was rather witty, and playful. Truth to tell. Not offended at all.
@ Denise
I have had an insanely busy week
March 15th: Corporate Tax Time.
[The guys over at Majority Rights have had a little giggle at my expense, today, over a classic malapropism committed by y-t amidst one of my bleary-eyed attempts to proof-read what I’d written on the screen. (The Greater Judean War-Criminal regime will not keep me from my rounds of the Resistance Cells, no matter my fatigue).]
And I am very glad to hear that I have not offended – that you were receptive in the spirit that I anticipated.
(I take it, then, that you do not resent being given Sonderbehandlung as a lady/woman/female – since I haven’t the least concern about appropriately offending, otherwise.)
NN, Chauvinist Pig and Associate Hitlerite
I thought your post was rather witty, and playful. Truth to tell. Not offended at all.
I thought so as well, NN. 🙂
I just wanted to add another dimension to the whole supposed ‘anti-Slavism’ charge/libel of not only the Third Reich, but of Germany and the German People in general.
As the article I posted from Dr. Tomislav Sunic so truthfully pointed out, a good portion of the German Volk is indeed descendants of Slavs, and they are as loyal and as integral to the German nation as are their Teutonic bruders.
And the Slavic influence is not exclusive to the eastern half of Germany, but in the German west as well, since a fair number of Germans from the agricultural east in the late 19th and early 20th century settled in the industrialized west looking for work were indeed of Slavic-German heritage , especially in the Ruhr (ever hear of the Ruhrpolen?).
I think that many racialist authors have written that many Germans, on average, are a Nordic-Alpine mix. This was also partially due to the Slavs and Baltic peoples settling within Germany due to drastic population losses, particularly after disastrous Thirty Years War.
And these people are completely German! German culture did a really good job of assimilating various European peoples: Evidence the magnificent Königreich Preußen — The Kingdom of Prussia — where many of its original inhabitants were of ethnic Slavic and Baltic descent.
Historically, since the der Deutsche Ost (the German East) was very rural, it was further in need of additional people to help settle and develop it. Frederick encouraged Europeans from many lands to come and help build the state during the Deutsche Ostsiedlung (March to the East).
“It means that it was possible for an agricultural state of few millions of inhabitants, on a small territory, without a fleet or direct maritime commerce, and with comparatively little manufacturing industry, to maintain, in some respects, the position of a great European power. Truly amazing.”
“The army was magnificent. Frederick had devised Europe’s first-ever battle-scale maneuvers in 1743, which gave his generals invaluable peacetime experience in directing large scale bodies of troops.” (Duffy – “Instrument of War” Vol I p 117)
Thanks to Der Große König – Friedrich der Große [Frederick the Great], the former principality of Markgrafschaft Brandenburg — Margraviate of Brandenburg — became Brandenburg-Prussia and was turned into a major European and world power, one that has had enormous impact on the world we live in today, such as with the public school system and a myriad of social programs designed to help those in times of need, such as health and unemployment insurance; and a pension and welfare system for workers and their families, especially so in the Deutsches Kaiserreich — the Second German Reich.
Even northern Italians came and settled in Berlin, with a distinguished soldier by the name of Georg Leo Graf von Caprivi de Caprera de Montecuccoli (there is a name for you) becoming the second Deutscher Reichskanzler (Chancellor) of the recently united German Reich following Otto von Bismarck.
So much for German/Prussian “intolerance”!
“The German people, as the synthesis of all European races and residing in the place where North and West meet South and East in Europe, are in many ways the most accomplished of all Indo-European peoples. Rising from the ashes of WWII, they have built the strongest, most productive economy in Europe. …” – Tom Sunic – The Beauty and the Beast: Race and Racism in Europe, Part IV
So true, Dr. Sunic, so true. Regardless of an individual German’s particular ethnic ancestries, they all possessed (and still possess) the “heart, merit and soul” of the White European and the Anglo-Teutonic people.
Blüh’ im Glanze dieses Glückes,
Blühe, deutsches Vaterland
I love this thread.
Amidst coming global catastrophe, mid-century, whatever is left of the military will inevitably assume command of the situation – for good or ill. Satan is on his way to collect his due for WWII, after a century of party-time for the conniving and back-stabbing Anglo-Americans. Indeed, the ghost of Hua Guofeng whispers to us his cautionary tale, from the shadows around us into which we do not see. (NeoNietzsche)
The bill will come due for America’s past indiscretions, probably in the lifetime of most people here. Also, he’s absolutely right that, at this juncture, democratic populism is useless. When your enemy has command of all the institutions, money, media, and force, it’s impossible to counteract them with democratic action. The elites could quickly diffuse that, one way or another. (Kasimir Petrenko)
The Oligarchs who were purged were the most egregious cases, i.e., he [Putin] probably had to do that to look good. (Kasimir Petrenko)
Precisely. The hard Marxist lesson as to the Oligarchic Evils of Capitalism had been well-laid-on the bared backs of the Russian people. It was time to cleanse the regime of the cruel slave-masters and their exploitative “form-of-government”. And time to cut the people down from the imported Western whipping post – once again to heal a long-suffering people, pro tempore, in a crypto-anarchist Communist ward sporting the facade of a statist Socialist hospital. (NeoNietzsche)
While the US military is busy in Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon, in Iran – Mexico, Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Cuba and other Latin American countries are forming powerful alliances, as occurred in Cancun, Mexico, this past week.
This, in addition to powerful alliances with Islam and Russia, by Latin America, spells very bad news for the USA indeed. (Kievsky)
What will happen in the coming years is anyone’s guess but even if war is “unthinkable” now, Europe’s half-century long divorce from reality will likely come to a violent end and sooner than most people surmise. (Mark I.)
Power struggle behind revival of Maoism
By Willy Lam
As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership tries to convince United States President Barack Obama and other world leaders that China is eagerly integrating itself with the global marketplace, the ultra-conservative norms and worldview of Chairman Mao Zedong are making a big comeback in public life….
There is no politics to yank us out, no matter if we slave in Kwa or Albion or the graveyard of Germany or that mighty hope Russia, with its whores and orphans and junkies. Politics in a democratic plutocracy don’t mean dick. Lowly heilôtai back in the day had more than us – at least they could acknowledge the degree of their bondage. A gaggle of frustrated men writing in a language that tribes in Nigeria are taught, on a medium that can be accessed by fourth graders, is not going to change the world or their own situation, no matter how many books they’ve read or historical insights gained. (Curious Vojtech)
The Earth is crying out for a threshing and it’s coming, much bigger than any normal intervention has ever been prior. While the Jews have all the slackjawed yokels fixing their gaze on the menacing spectre of towelheads charging on their goats to destroy the West … meanwhile Russia and China are 180 degrees opposite preparing to relieve all these gawping jackasses of their pathetic lives in a single day. So by all means keep worrying about Abdul the Falafel cook over there where my finger is pointing. (Bill Baxter)
In her Russia–Lost in Transition: the Yeltsin and Putin Legacies, by Liliia Fedorovna Shevtsova, she reports a 2006 poll showing that 71% of Russians “regretted” the dissolution of the USSR. And she characterizes the present “Russian” state as a “pseudo-democracy,” engaged in a game of “Let’s Pretend” that this autocracy is something other than it is.
And one should adduce here, in evidence, credulity at the clumsy and transparent street theater of the “coup” against Gorbachev, the “heroism” of Yeltsin atop the AFV, and the “assault” on the parliament building, as symptomatic of a pathetic and universal lack of any sense of politico-economic logic in the deluded West, combined with a craven desire to find ideological vindication in the events, however vague the basis thereof. – NeoNietzsche
Whenever I hear this sort of claptrap, I respond: “Russia is run by the same elite which ran it in Communist days. Aside from some differences in political and economic structure, the ideology and methodology of the regime is exactly the same.” Russia never ceased being Communist, perhaps even more importantly one must realize that “capitalism” and “communism” in their global manifestations are two sides of the same coin.
No, silly goyim, Communism is not dead. Your brains are, however. (Ragnar de Lodbrock)
[Thus] the example of the current “Russian” and Red Chinese regimes, that are doing as militant regimes do in making use of the weapons, now in governmental and economic organization, of the imperialist militarists whom they have discovered they can destroy by no other means.
But goyim will insist that “Communism” has been universally discredited and abandoned, in the magnificently stupid misunderstanding of the culture thereof – one in which they are veritably swimming – as merely a system or form of government that may “collapse” or be “overthrown”. (NeoNietzsche)
Essentially, the general flavor of the anarchist milieu is one that expresses the same set of primary values as Marxists, social democrats and left-liberal Democratic Party activists, with the added qualification of “by the way, we’re also against the state as well.”
I love this thread.
Yeah, this is a good one. OD has grown by leaps and bounds. HW should be very pleased with how well it’s turned out, this site has the best discussion now of any racialist site.
I love this thread.
MEGA-DITTOS Kasimir and Denise!!
I love this thread.
And MEGA-THANKS to ‘Goy Slight’ for INSPIRING IT!!! 🙂
I recommend pp. 580-82 of Irving’s, “Hitler’s War,” which proves my point.
“Rosenberg– supported by Ribbentrop, Zeitzler, and Goebbels – wanted to win the subject peoples’ support in the ?ght against Stalin, and he complained that Koch’s brutal methods and pasha lifestyle were incompatible with this.
Koch’s harsh duty was to squeeze every ton of grain and
every slave labourer he could out of the region. The idea of harnessing
Russians voluntarily to the war against Stalin was a chimera, said Hitler.
When Ribbentrop identi?ed himself with General Vlasov’s idea for a
Russian army of liberation, Hitler rapped his knuckles. ‘There will be no
such political operations. They will only result in our people fraternising
with the Russians.’”
…Like I said, I am going to stand by my Northern European brothers till the bitter end.
Since I am no ’sunshine patriot’, and since adversity shows us what we are truly made of — I am actually honored to be living during a time in America where I will be given the opportunity to prove and demonstrate my love and devotion to this great nation, …
Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. 🙂
Oops, for whatever reason, ‘Z”s comment I intended to quote was cut-off mid-paragraph. Here is the entirety:
…Like I said, I am going to stand by my Northern European brothers till the bitter end.
Since I am no ’sunshine patriot’, and since adversity shows us what we are truly made of — I am actually honored to be living during a time in America where I will be given the opportunity to prove and demonstrate my love and devotion to this great nation, and its Founding Stock people, who have been nothing but good to me and my family.
When Ribbentrop identi?ed himself with General Vlasov’s idea for a
Russian army of liberation, Hitler rapped his knuckles. ‘There will be no such political operations. They will only result in our people fraternising with the Russians.’”
There indeed was a ‘Russian Liberation Army’ (ROA), so this must have been quoted out of context before it was in fact created, in 1944.
As a matter of fact, there was well over a million ‘Soviet’ citizens that volunteered to serve with the Deutsches Heer (German Army) and SS, and with the Wehrmacht in general (they were referred to as Hiwi’s and Ostruppen). And many of these dudes were not only the ‘Nordish’, White ethnic Russians and Ukrainians — but many were Asiatic ones from the ‘stan’ republics as well.
I do see how my complaint could be taken as multicult redux. I will, however, stand behind it.
You’re sacrificing some of your race for political ambition and to appease more people, and that’s just what the conservatives do except to an absurd degree.
White is a relative term and I still don’t know where you draw the line. Historically the definition of white in America has always been Northwestern European at the core. The standard these days has fallen so far as to include North Africans, Near Easterners including Jews, and mixed race people like mestizos.
You’re still hung up on the straw man of nationality and a sort of dual loyalty, which I have never advocated. In my experience Mediterraneans exhibit stronger ties to their home countries and culture than Nords do. Denise creates another straw man with fratricide. My racialism is traditional Americanism.
Landser 129 – “The only ‘worm’ here is YOU, Silver-stein” “you loud-mouthed jerk”
Landser 157 – “Our friend Silver had a great piece today” “Good stuff, Silver”
Sockpuppetry lol
Kulaks Never Learn = Landser = Z = Reality Check = Kuato = Get Real = Jeff Imp is a Cowardly Hypocrite = Kronprinz Wilhelm
Hey guys, there were many foreign volunteers in the German Armed Forces during WW2 — such as the Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism (Légion des Volontaires Français contre le Bolchévisme, or LVF),
AND especially the brave French soldiers of the SS Division Charlemagne, some of the last and final defenders in Berlin of the Reichstag and the Reich Chancellery.
A fantastic memoir of Belgian/Walloonian SS General Leon Degrelle, on how he and his comrades from the war were treated by the hypocritical post-war ‘democratic’ society. (So much of what he says about the political Right and Left is just as applicable today as when he wrote this article.)
8 of the 15 recent comments are by Landser
“White is a relative term and I still don’t know where you draw the line. Historically the definition of white in America has always been Northwestern European at the core.”
When were Southern Europeans ever called Non-White?
I’m not sure what you mean by “at the core”, seems like confusing semantics to me.
Now the definition of American, which at that time automatically excluded Non-Whites, once was widely understood to center on and/or consist of Northwestern European derived stock and culture.
That’s a different issue that whether they were considered White or not.
You are reminding me of that crazy Harvard Professor who said the Irish weren’t considered White, just because they were at first considered distinct from Americans. Charlie Brown
Claim: A B-17 damaged on a bombing raid over Germany reached England safely after a German pilot declined to shoot it down.
Status: TRUE.