Hitler Admirers

Guy White recently coined the term “Hitler-admirers” to describe White Nationalists who aren’t Neo-Nazis, but who don’t agree with the total demonization of Nazi Germany. I’ve been included in this unusual category. He posted about this the day I moved from Alabama to Virginia. An epic snowstorm buried Virginia around that time and I never got around to responding.

I don’t like the term. It is not descriptive of my views. Unlike most White Nationalists, I am genuinely not interested in the Third Reich or European nationalist movements. I rarely write about European issues on Occidental Dissent. This blog has always been focused on the United States. In fact, the original subtitle was “Racial and Cultural Preservation in North America.”

My favorite racial regime of the twentieth century is the Jim Crow South. I have over a hundred books about the subject on my bookshelf and all sorts of Jim Crow memorabilia. My second and third choices would be the Belgian Congo and Apartheid South Africa which I have written about in the past. If I was forced to pick my “favorite racial regime of all time,” I would easily choose the Confederacy, which was based on the “cornerstone” of racial inequality, or the White Republic which lasted from 1789 to 1865. In January and February, I wrote several book reviews about the subject.

I admire Adolf Hitler in the sense that I acknowledge he had a few good points. He was a talented and charismatic public speaker. Hitler was a conservationist. He was an artist, a supporter of eugenics, a German patriot, put Germans back to work, proscribed degenerate art, and funded cancer research. Nazi Germany was renowned for its technological marvels like the V2 rocket program. Hitler annexed German minorities in neighboring countries to the Fatherland and removed Jews from all positions of influence and power. He withdrew from the League of Nations, repudiated Versailles, and restored German national confidence.

I can also say positive things about Abraham Lincoln, FDR, and Winston Churchill. Lincoln spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to deport blacks from the United States. In his famous debate with Stephen Douglas, he repudiated social equality. Lincoln signed the Homestead Act. The Morrill Land Grant Colleges Act led to the foundation of my alma mater. Lincoln’s ideas about industrial development were more progressive than those of his Southern counterparts.

FDR was a gifted politician. He can be credited for the TVA, SEC, FDIC, Social Security, and Glass-Steagall. His “Good Neighbor Policy” was a vast improvement in American foreign relations with Latin America. Like Hitler, Churchill was a talented writer, artist, and public speaker. He opposed non-White immigration to Britain. Churchill was a diehard imperialist who opposed the independence of India. I enjoyed his History of the English Speaking Peoples which I have in my library.

Does this make me a Lincoln-admirer, FDR-admirer, or Churchill-admirer? Perhaps. I don’t consider any of these terms useful or valid categories though. I have profound differences with Hitler, Lincoln, FDR, and Churchill on foreign policy. Few historical figures are entirely good or bad. I don’t have much respect for people who think in this binary way.

Most of them are idiots.

Update: The discussion continues on Guy White’s blog.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hey GM you RETARD – Patton was MURDERED – cause he was saying, in PUBLIC , that the USA was on the wrong side, before WWII ever ended.

    Churchill and DFR were both Hebes. Hitler attacked UnWhites because THEY attacked Germany.

    I wish we were in the same room, right now.

  2. GM,

    “If Hitler was such a champion for whites, why was his first act of war to invade and crush white Poland and Czechoslovakia?”

    He was a champion first of Germans, and did as you say in order to bring Germans that had be abducted from the Fatherland via Versailles back into the Reich.

    “Why destroy white France and England?”

    There was never any desire to fight, much less “destroy” France and England on the part of Hitler. It was France and England that declared war on Germany. The German occupation during Vichy era France was mild indeed. From 1918 to 1945 Hitler said naught but that it was his earnest desire to form an alliance with England, his every attempt at said was rebuffed. Also, and most importantly, Stalin was planning to invade Western Europe. It is not hard to imagine what that would have entailed, including the decapitation of the gene-pools of W. Europe by Stalin’s Jewish NKVD. There was no choice but for Germany to fight, and, if a man is holding one arm behind your back (England and France) as you attempt to defend yourself from another assailant (Soviet Union), then the former must be beaten off as well.

    “WW2, which was an act of Socialist agression,”

    LOL! You probably think ‘socialism’ and big gubmint are the root of all evil. Stop listening to Glen Beck and Limbaugh. Dittoheads are shitheads. Get this, when you become a racialist you begin to think more in collectivist terms rather than as a deracinated cog in the machine of economic productions, essentially and necessarily.

  3. Denise,
    Please start acting like a lady. You’re making a fool of yourself and you’re making a fool of the men who are humoring your misbehavior.

    You’re missing some background context that might help clarify the situation. Taking unprovoked potshots at the “anti-semites” is part of a strategic attempt by Guy to win mainstream and media credibility by distancing racialism from the most stigmatized aspects of it. Hunter hasn’t been “admiring” Hitler over here. He’s been focusing on relevant and contemporary issues.

    Some of us object to the 24/7 Cadaver Synod held for Hitler’s corpse by the philo-Semites. I certainly do.

  4. Oh. Gosh. Thanks, Mr Johnson. I prolly demolished any interest you had, in my remarks, in my [above] ….errr…”statement: to GM (I am restraining myself, in termd of what I think those initials stand for, just for the record, so every-one knows that I am capable of restraint) – but so be it.

    GM…..sweetums….why don’t your research words and phrases like “Patton on Jews”? While you are at it – why don”t you type in the words “Judea Declares War on Germany”?. Come back and tell us what you’ve discovered, dear.

    England was under the complete control of the Kikenvermin Devil spawn, by WWI – when that repulsive, odious, disgusting UnWhite Race Traitor insect George V allowed his own relatives, the Romanov children, to be murdered by the Jews. Nicholas an Alexandra had it coming, for thier fecklessness, and ineptitude – but Georgie at least considered harboring the Prince and Princesses. The Hebes of England, however, told him not to. It would not be “politically expedient” to allow his own kin refuge in England. He listened. He did as he was told. The murder of Prince Alexi, and the Princesses, is one the most horrendous crimes in history. Not merely for it’s gruesomeness, and tragedy – but for the spiritual and methaphorical horror.

    Their murder was a harbinger of the death of the White Race. The murder of the White Race. Genuine White royalty was butchered.

    It’s not merely about their bloodlines. The Romanov children were Nature’s Royalty, as well. If you’ve ever read anything they ever wrote – especially the heartbreaking letters of the young Prince, written when held in captivity – you cannot miss the intelligence, wit, charm, and utter goodness. Especially poor Alexi. His wonderul, ebullient personality still sparkles from the letters he penned, while imprisoned. Had he somehow survived, and lived to rule – I feel the world we know, and suffer in, today would be a very different place.

    The finest examples, the literal embodiment of the very best of the White Race, was betrayed by their own family, for the benefit of the Race of murdering demons that slaughtered them.

    The King is the Land. The Land is the King. George’s betrayal of his own blood was the real moment when England died.

  5. Captain – that depnds on you.

    Wiki – run along to an Israeli brothel, where you can smack females around to your heart’s content.

  6. “Captain – that depnds on you.”

    Whatever you wanna do, girl. So long Wiki ain’t watchin’.

  7. “GM”

    Looks like ‘Guy White’ is posting under his real initials — ‘Goy Marxist’.

  8. Wiki – is your anatomy as lame as your attempts at humour? Your sheep Daisy thinks so.

    Captain, My Captain – Wiki will be nowhere in sight.

    “Goy Marxist” That’s good. I was thinking other things….

  9. I’m fascinated by the things I’m discovering. The Reich, and Dear Old Herr H. are almost the polar opposite the Kosher smelt. The trajectory of the 20th Century now makes sense. — Denise

    Denise et al,

    If you are interested in reading primary source material from National-Socialist Germany, without having it being ‘interpreted’ for you — here is an excellent site that archives a good deal of it –


  10. Kulalks – Thankee, sir! I have toiled too long online. The day is gorgeous! The day awaits. I’ll check that site tonight.

  11. Ya know, I have never been much of a WWII buff, and I really don’t know much about Hitler other than what the college textbooks and the History Channel told me, and never really had the urge to learn about it.

    To me, Hitler is a joke. Surprise! Hitler!

    Like Godwin’s Law, anytime you don’t agree with a Jew, you’re Hitler. It’s like a stand-up comedy routine. What – you criticized Goldman Sachs? Goldman Sachs is run by Jews? Surprise – Hitler! What, you are against Israel killing Palestinians? Israel is the Jewish state – Surprise! Hitler! You are white, in a tea party with mostly white people? That’s like the KKK – Surprise! Hitler!

    Hitler finds out Americans are calling each other Nazis:


    If someone were to call me a neo-nazi or compare my ideas to Hitler, I would probably chuckle. And for maximum fun – *always* compare the Zionazis Israeli Jews to, well, Real Nazis. They hate that. It’s non-stop lulz.

  12. Denise,

    Please refrain from using phrases like “Kikenvermin Devil spawn.” Exposing Jewish influence is great, but you need to call them Jews and not some clever nickname.

  13. Contrary to what holocaustianity adherents and propagandists like Guy think, Hitler did have redeeming qualities and was a true man of the West. Simply because a person finds admirable qualities in Hitler doesn’t mean they wish to see a form of National Socialism take root in America or that Jews should be herded into gas ovens nor more than they wish to see Roman paganism resurrected because they admire Scipio Africanus or Julius Caesar.

    Like it or not Hitler was a towering figure of twentieth century history. It’s difficult not to take a keen interest in that chapter of history since the defeat of the third Reich doomed the eugenics movement throughout the West and led to the marginalization and persecution of white American racialists and anti-semites forcing them into a defensive posture lasting even to this day. A German triumph in WWII would have prevented the calamities now plaguing America and Europe and severely hampered all leftist movements owing to the complete extirpation of Russian Communism.

  14. Last sentence should be corrected to read:

    “A German triumph in WWII would have prevented the calamities now plaguing America and Europe and severely hampered all leftist movements owing to the complete extirpation of Jewish communism in Russia.”

  15. Dr. Johnson,
    The nuisance of wading through offensive and abusive comments is preferable to sites which are excessively and unfairly moderated. Obviously, a moderator who behaves sensibly would be preferred, but sensible people are a rarity. If OD starts moderating like TOQ, the site will become a ghost town within days.

  16. Personally, I can’t understand the sentiment over the Jim Crow South. Of course, Jim Crow is much preferable to the radical equalitarianism of today but the goal is a white ethnostate free of black and/or brown hordes and Jewish influence. We shouldn’t desire to live as a privileged minority among a sea of violent and hostile aliens. Therefore, while it’s important we understand our past we need to look to the future.

    The fact is that the Southern elites of the antebellum period created an economic model requiring untold numbers of racial aliens (African slaves) to maintain it which laid the groundwork for America’s future racial discord. The demography of the deep south ensures that it, along with major urban centers, will become ground zero should any widespread armed racial conflict erupt similar to what is described in Civil War II by Tom Chittum.

  17. Mr. Dithers @68,

    The truth of what you say is why Philosemitism is inherently worthless.

    To be a Philosemite like Guy White you have to believe that Germany losing World War II was somehow a good thing for Whites, and people who can believe that can believe ANYTHING the Jews tell them to.

    This explains why they are so mealy mouthed even on issues that don’t relate to their campaign to distinguish themselves from “Neo-Nazis”, like Immigration.

    Just look at some of Wilders idiotic statements about Immigration, some of which MGLS quoted above.

  18. I guess his Blog readers will never see this, but in sharp contrast to Guy White’s assertion that the Great Purge was some kind of Anti-Jewish Pogrom that somehow managed to put an end to disproportionate Jewish Influence in the Soviet Union, it is actually the case that THE VERY MAN WHO CARRIED OUT THE GREAT PURGE HAD AN ACTIVE JEWISH WIFE!

    “And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the ‘bloodthirsty dwarf.’

    Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book ‘Stalin: Court of the Red Star’, Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.”


  19. Regarding the Truth, even Guy White can be fair sometimes


    In Defense of Hitler

    While I am criticizing Adolf Hitler, it’s worth noting that much of the assault against him is completely unfair. The problem is that nobody can defend him against defamation without being called a Nazi. But much of the criticism is unfair.

    Completely by accident, I was talking today with someone who just watched a documentary on Hitler’s alleged psychological and psychiatric issues. The claims made are utter BS. Nobody actually evaluated the guy. You don’t diagnose a person this way.

    Likewise, it is claimed that Joseph Goebbels taught people to “lie big” and “stick to it”‘. This is a lie. He was merely discussing the power of propaganda. Everyone believes in their main theory. They may acknowledge that they may fib on small things, but people want to believe that on the whole, they are good and honest. …


  20. I’d much rather use the Nazi mythology as-is than try to rehabilitate it. You know, draw parallels between National Socialist Germany and Soviet Russia to pull the Jewish media’s pants down, draw parallels between National Socialist Germany and National Socialist Israel to pull organized Jewry & the Jewish media’s pants down, etc. I guess in a roundabout way that would do a lot to rehabilitate the mythology of National Socialist Germany…

  21. Reginald:

    We know the Jews were the Bolshevik leadership.

    We know the Jews were the “Russian” Oligarchs who stole Russia from the Russians before the Russians took it back.

    We don’t know what happened in between, at least I don’t, but reading between the lines I don’t get an impression favoring the “Jews were purged” theory. Some people say there was a purge, but a more likely explanation is that a modus vivendi was reached, where Jews ran the economy of Russia and Russians the government.

  22. A choice idiotic gem of a quote from the philo-semitic apologist Goy Blight –

    “It is true that Jews were a large percentage of the NKVD for a couple of years, but that’s when the NKVD operated as a legitimate organization, on par with what the FBI is today. …”


    “Holodomor ended when Jews took over NKVD. Shouldn’t Jews be praised rather than condemned for it? …”



    For you to say this shows that you are an insensitive, sarcastic bastard who is only looking to curry favor with the establishment rather than being concerned with ‘finding facts’.

    How dare you trivilalize Holodomor because its victims were ‘merely’ Slavic peasants rather than ‘God’s Chosen Children’.

    Apparently you are a ‘Holocaust Deniar’ yourself — and a mentally ill one at that — but since the victims of Holodomor, and of Soviet Genocide in general are just ‘goys’, well, it just doesn’t matter then, right, ‘Goy’.

    You know, come to think of it, I think n/a, and a lot of people like him, are right about you after all: Besides being a boastful coward (the worst kind of coward), you are, even worse, an *envious, status-seeking guinea-dago* scuzzbag who will sell-out fellow White Americans to the Jews cause you are so *jealous and resentful* of ‘WASPS’ and other Northern European White men (this is why not even a week can go by where you are not praising to the heavans and fawning on Jews – and sometimes Italians). The tone of your polemical, stupid blog SAYS IT ALL!

  23. Buchanan in 1977 (quoted by HH) : “Though Hitler was indeed racist and anti-Semitic to the core, a man who without compunction could commit murder and genocide, he was also an individual of great courage, a soldier’s soldier in the Great War”

    In other words, dislike of Jews is bad, while killing one’s fellow Europeans at war is good and heroic. Anyway, it didn’t prevent Jewish activists from using that quote as proof of Buchanan’s “antisemitism” !

  24. We don’t know what happened in between, at least I don’t, but reading between the lines I don’t get an impression favoring the “Jews were purged” theory.

    Jews weren’t purged; Medvedev is a zhid, Putin previously installed a veritable synagogue of appointees to his government. The Oligarchs who were purged were the most egregious cases, i.e. he probably had to do that to look good. Many of Russia’s current billionaires are Jews. Now the regime is even building holyhoax museums in Russia, wtf?! Putin and his cabal are enemies of Russia.

  25. Here is an article for the philo-semitic apologist Guy “White” from an honest Jewish Israeli man who fully admits to the highly disproportionate role that Jews played in the Soviet Red Terror and Holocaust of Slavic Europeans –

    “Stalin’s Jews”

    “We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish.”

    “Here’s a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka.

    “Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.

    “We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.”

    “Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined “terror officials,” cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a **kosher certificate**.”

    “And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the **greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century**, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. **Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system.** After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the “bloodthirsty dwarf.”

    “Stalin’s close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as **the “first Stalinist” and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine**, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao’s terror in China, did not move Kaganovich.

    “**Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity.** We’ll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD’s special department and the organization’s chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.”

    “The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses (in the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and “Soviet people.” Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin and “play dumb”: What do we have to do with them? But let’s not forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.”

    “Even if we deny it, we cannot escape **the Jewishness of “our hangmen**,” who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin.”


    Heh, and Guy “White”, the status-seeking, ass-kissing resentful Dago, has the nerve to call the NKVD under Jewish domination ‘…a legitimate organization, on par with what the FBI is today’!

    *Everyone make sure ‘Guy’ sees this article.

  26. Whites are to blame in a way, we are too rebellious and don’t make good slaves, so we can’t be used for cheap labor. Non-whites are able to enslave their own people, whites are not. The path of least resistance and most profit leads to non-white labor.

    I have always appreciated that HW is loyal to his own people first, and has a Southern identity, not merely a generic white one. He is unique in his defense and knowledge of the South, where many American white nationalists cling to Europe and hate their own country.

  27. “Frankly I do not know what the solution will be, but I sincerely believe that the collapse of Communism and the breakup of the USSR, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia have more practical lessons to offer us than the rise of the NSDAP. I also think that Harold Covington is right that the emergence of the Irish Republic may be a better model for creating a North American white ethnostate than the German experience. “


    These guys did in fact manage to bring down a Leftist Hegemon. Many anti-commie Dissidents were also anti-semites but haven’t been thoroughly demonized in the public mind by the ADL about this yet! Alexander Solzhenitsyn is still held in High Regard in many circles. For someone on this path, it would be wise to study Alexandr Dugin as well!

    ” A German triumph in WWII would have prevented the calamities now plaguing America and Europe and severely hampered all leftist movements owing to the complete extirpation of Russian Communism.”

    It is also worth noting Revilo P. Olivers opinion that Uncle Adolf bought Western Civilization a good 30-40 years of ‘breathing room” before the Jews got back to work ruining everything (in the Radical 1960s and Feminist 1970s)

  28. Just to get back on topic, I’ll quote what an Italian-American friend once told me: “If the White race survives another one hundred years, they’ll be building monuments to Hitler”.

  29. “*Everyone make sure ‘Guy’ sees this article.”

    I provided several links including that one to Guy debunking his specious claims about Jews in the NKVD playing a secondary role in the mass murder of Russians and Ukrainians. However hard evidence is discounted if it contradicts his view of Jewish infallibility. In Guy’s feverish mind the Jew Yagoda’s reign coincided with time of an unprecedented civil liberty and social justice for the Russian people. Applying his own standards makes him a Yagoda and Kaganovich admirer.

    Historical revisionism is acceptable if the purpose is to exonerate Jews of atrocities they committed. Yet, attempt to set the record straight on certain Germans and their alleged crimes and Guy will label you a knatsy who wants to kill six million jews in addition to being loony and beyond the pale of respectability. Double standard anyone?

  30. I share Revilo Oliver’s view that Hitler’s Germany was fighting the battle of the Alamo for the white race. The race realists and WN’s who pretend otherwise and engage in Hitler bashing with the leftists and Kosher conservatives are doing so out of ignorance, cowardice and political expediency.

  31. Just to get back on topic, I’ll quote what an Italian-American friend once told me: “If the White race survives another one hundred years, they’ll be building monuments to Hitler”.


    I bet they would.

    Just a little clarification on my (fully justified) ethnic criticisms of ‘Goy Weiss’: I, like I have said a few times before, am an ‘Ey-talian-American myself, so I in no way wish to attack good Italians (especially like my ‘Paisan’ Euro – ;)).

    What I truly loathe more than anything, however, is envious little malcontents like ‘Goy’ who don’t know their place in this beautiful country of America.

    Contrary to popular fiction and ethnic Minority cheerleading, both on the Liberal Left AND on the putatively CONservative, “Race Realist’ Right”, America is what it is overwhelmingly thanks to its English/British and Northern European racial and cultural character, and not much else.

    Wilmot Robertson is so right about, again contrary to ethnic Minority cheerleading about how America is supposedly so ‘great’ cause its a ‘melting pot’, that in reality this country wouldn’t last a day without its Northern European Majority.

    I have run into a few assholes within the Italian-American community (luckily, just a few) who, like ‘Weiss’ are oh-so-insecure that White America (the REAL White America) doesn’t ‘appreciate’ or ‘respect’ them enough, so they carry this resentful grudge around on their shoulder the size of Brooklyn. (Of course, many, many Jews are legendary for this anti-White, anti-WASP arrogance.)

    ‘Goy’ definately demonstrates a pattern of engaging in low-level ‘ethnic warfare’ against the White American Majority, of which he is absolutely not a member of — and I think this is what really burns him inside. Regardless of what he may look like, it is his attitude more than anything that I feel causes this envious resentment that he and those like him have for NW European-Americans, which just oozes out, and is so evident, in his writings.

    This is why GW is so, soooo *obsessive* with his rambling screeds on his blog on the supposed ‘superiority’ of AshkeNAZI “Jews”, — and how ‘wonderful’ and ‘culturally advanced’ Southern Europe supposedly is compared to Northern Europe. Not even a few days can pass without him putting up another polemical philo-semitic thread on what’s ‘good for the Jews’ …and conversely… what’s ‘bad for the American Majority’!

    MGLS *was so right* about the likes of Guy “White”: The 1924 Immigration Reform Act was not passed early enough to stop the likes of him and his family from getting into the United States and attacking its Historical Majority and Founding-Stock People.

    I don’t care one wit what anyone has to say (such as Liberals, certain other Italians, Jews) about my ethnic criticism of him and those like him, and other putative ‘White’ aliens in Anglo-America.
    This country has been nothing but good to my family since they arrived here over 100 years ago from Italy, and I would never, EVER, turn my back on, or ‘kick while their down’, like GW does, America’s Founding Stock Majority.

    America — traditional ‘WASP’ America — is the ONLY America that I know and truly love — and I will stand by my Northern European brothers till the very end — for better or worse, for good times and bad.

  32. “I provided several links including that one to Guy debunking his specious claims about Jews in the NKVD playing a secondary role in the mass murder of Russians and Ukrainians.”

    Amazing huh? For such a macho ‘tough-guy’ (LMAO :)) as he *pretends* to be, he rarely allows anyone who disagrees with his ‘noble lies’ to post on his site. Especially you, Mr. Dithers, since you are always polite and respectful in what you have to say.

    C’mon ‘Guy’ — for goodness sake, STOP BEING SUCH A FUCKING PUSSY.

  33. Oh dear. My early morning posts were not “proper. Mondo apologies.

    Lighten up once in awhile, fellas.

  34. Sam Davidson – I call ’em like I see ’em. Jews have behaved, consistently, as they have been characterized by the Christ, on John – 8:44 to be specific.

    Does it really matter, in the end, how “decent”, “dignified”, or or “above it all” we are?

    We are dealing with savages. Muderous savages, that do not think the way Whites do. Muderous savages, that want us dead and gone. Look at the history of the 20th Century. It’s one remorseless attack on the White Race, after anotherm by Jews, from every front imaginable.

    It’s a fight to the death. We are losing. Yet the names I use, especially in relationship to what Jews have done to Whites (and any other poor unfortunate that comes under their power), in Russia, are offensive?

    Jews, when given the opportunity, consistently behave like demons. Monsters. Fiends. Are these more appropriate terms? How would you characterize their treatment of Palestinians, in Gaza, now?

  35. An amazing, and somewhat depressing thread. You dangerous WNs need to spend less time mourning Hitler, a lot less time doing encyclopediac blogposts, and a lot more time doing things like weapons drill, real-world political and paramilitary organizing, and the like. It all leads me to believe that a successful nationalist movement in this country is going to have to extend somewhat beyond the whites, more than half of whom, in any case, do and will behave like non-Jewish Jews.

  36. I’m getting sick of the some the posters who say stupid things and turn the comment threads into soap operas. What do Denise, CC and NN add to the discussion here?

  37. Denise, when you use ridiculous names you make us look ridiculous in the eyes of other Whites. Most of them think that anyone who rants about “kikenvermin demon spawn” is probably mentally ill.

  38. The Oligarchs who were purged were the most egregious cases, i.e. he [Putin] probably had to do that to look good. (KP)

    Precisely. The hard Marxist lesson as to the Oligarchic Evils of Capitalism had been well-laid-on the bared backs of the Russian people. It was time to cleanse the regime of the cruel slave-masters and their exploitative “form-of-government”. And time to cut the people down from the imported Western whipping post – once again to heal a long-suffering people, pro tempore, in a crypto-anarchist Communist ward sporting the facade of a statist Socialist hospital.

    But – for now at least – you are Looking Good, Comrade Putin!

  39. Seadragonconquerer – why do you assume that people posting on this forum, or any other WN forum, are only posting on forums?

    How can a Nationalist Movement extend beyond Whites? There are already Black and Brown Nationalist, and de facto Nationalist Movements (fully funded by Whites American taxpayers) – but they are more interested in stealing what Whites have created, and killing off Whites, than in aligning with Whites.

  40. I’m getting sick of the some the posters who say stupid things and turn the comment threads into soap operas. What do Denise, CC and NN add to the discussion here?

    Well – I missed where I’ve added *anything* prior to the question being asked (other than SSSS’s oblique reference to me, at the beginning).

    Thus it appears that I’m an innocent bystander and collateral damage, here.

    [So please be careful when you touch off that BF-ing scatter-Gun of yours, ATBOTL.]


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