Hitler Admirers

Guy White recently coined the term “Hitler-admirers” to describe White Nationalists who aren’t Neo-Nazis, but who don’t agree with the total demonization of Nazi Germany. I’ve been included in this unusual category. He posted about this the day I moved from Alabama to Virginia. An epic snowstorm buried Virginia around that time and I never got around to responding.

I don’t like the term. It is not descriptive of my views. Unlike most White Nationalists, I am genuinely not interested in the Third Reich or European nationalist movements. I rarely write about European issues on Occidental Dissent. This blog has always been focused on the United States. In fact, the original subtitle was “Racial and Cultural Preservation in North America.”

My favorite racial regime of the twentieth century is the Jim Crow South. I have over a hundred books about the subject on my bookshelf and all sorts of Jim Crow memorabilia. My second and third choices would be the Belgian Congo and Apartheid South Africa which I have written about in the past. If I was forced to pick my “favorite racial regime of all time,” I would easily choose the Confederacy, which was based on the “cornerstone” of racial inequality, or the White Republic which lasted from 1789 to 1865. In January and February, I wrote several book reviews about the subject.

I admire Adolf Hitler in the sense that I acknowledge he had a few good points. He was a talented and charismatic public speaker. Hitler was a conservationist. He was an artist, a supporter of eugenics, a German patriot, put Germans back to work, proscribed degenerate art, and funded cancer research. Nazi Germany was renowned for its technological marvels like the V2 rocket program. Hitler annexed German minorities in neighboring countries to the Fatherland and removed Jews from all positions of influence and power. He withdrew from the League of Nations, repudiated Versailles, and restored German national confidence.

I can also say positive things about Abraham Lincoln, FDR, and Winston Churchill. Lincoln spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to deport blacks from the United States. In his famous debate with Stephen Douglas, he repudiated social equality. Lincoln signed the Homestead Act. The Morrill Land Grant Colleges Act led to the foundation of my alma mater. Lincoln’s ideas about industrial development were more progressive than those of his Southern counterparts.

FDR was a gifted politician. He can be credited for the TVA, SEC, FDIC, Social Security, and Glass-Steagall. His “Good Neighbor Policy” was a vast improvement in American foreign relations with Latin America. Like Hitler, Churchill was a talented writer, artist, and public speaker. He opposed non-White immigration to Britain. Churchill was a diehard imperialist who opposed the independence of India. I enjoyed his History of the English Speaking Peoples which I have in my library.

Does this make me a Lincoln-admirer, FDR-admirer, or Churchill-admirer? Perhaps. I don’t consider any of these terms useful or valid categories though. I have profound differences with Hitler, Lincoln, FDR, and Churchill on foreign policy. Few historical figures are entirely good or bad. I don’t have much respect for people who think in this binary way.

Most of them are idiots.

Update: The discussion continues on Guy White’s blog.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Sam Davidson – do you have any idea of how oblivious most Whites are to White Nationalism, in the first place?

    The derailing of the American Renaissance Conference is a precise marker of degree to which Whites have been dispossessed of all the rights created by our White forebears. The WN community is all aflutter (rightfully so), and journalists, and the “news” community know what has happened, but the majority of Americans have never ever heard of American Renassiance, in the first place.

    As far as my terminology goes – I apologize if I have embarrassed you, or any-one else here-in.

    I do think my terminology is an apt description, considering the degree of obliteration of White civlization, over the past 200 years.

    Now – what to do about the scope of Judaic power? What to do about the relentless colonization of the White Collective Consciousness, and the continued demonization of Whites, by Jews, (along with the relentless and gleeful cheerleading, by and for the short-term benefit of non-Whites, for the demonization, marginalization, and obliteration of Whites)? What to do about the fact that Jews are actively, every day and every way, instructing Whites to kill themselves off, as fast as possible, and Whites are happily going along with the pogrom?

    Has any-one here made plans to go to the “White Privilege” Conference, and point out that Whites are being (deliberately) confused with Jews? Point out that Jews have all the privilege – not Whites?

    I talk all the time, with Unawakened Whites. I Name the Jew. I spend a lot of the time trying to explain to Whites why is matters, in the first place, that Jews and Whites are not the same. Then I have to explain Judaism, in the first place, Then I have to expian just how thoroughly Jews have completely subjugated Whites. They don’t believe it. They don’t see it. They invariably go back to the, “It’s not all Jews” stance. I then have to explain that “It’s not all of them” is not the point. I have to repeat, re-iterate, re-state, provide lots of sources, provide sources again, cause they’ve “lost the links”, or forgotten, etc.

    And these are Whites that are “open to the message”.

    I think it’s vital to challenge the “Hitler as Worst Demon Bad Guy Villian on Earth Ever” meme, because the Jewish hold on the White American imagination is the source of their continued power. It’s also a lie. So it’s important to get the true facts out there, in order ot defeat the lie.

    I use all kinds of terminology to describe Jews. Including naughty, emabarrassing terms. No one thnks I am mentally ill. I don’t start out by calling them Devils. I work on getting my subject to that point though. They may be surprised to hear “poor, innocent, oppressed” Jews, being referred to as devils in Human form, and Satan Seed – but after they begin to comprehend the scope of Judaic malevolence – they “get it”. For awhile. Then they go back to the safe, comforting stance that “They are not all like that”. Cause “demonization” isn’t nice…..it’s not happy talk. Fluffy bunny feel good talk.

    A few posts up, this thread, MMM stated that, “….There’s a lot to be said for not adopting the demonology of your enemies…..”

    Oh? Really? Tell me “why”? Newsflash – “demonizaton” works. It’s a successful strategy. Ugly terminology serves to dehumanizes the enemy. Naughty names serve to psychologically, and emotionally dis-connect from the enemy. You don’t care about being polite, so you won’t care about removing and/or destroying your enemy. This is why “demonization” is used.

    Do I hate individual Jews? No. Not at all. I like a lot of individual Jews. Liking indiviual Jews gives them a foot in the door, so to speak. It’s inviting the vampire in. Do I hate The Jew? Yes. The Jew hates me. Why should I love The Jew, and worry about being polite, when The Jew experiences decency, tolerance, and kindness as weapons to be wielded against me, and my Race.

    I know this is the forum for young, and brilliant “thinkers”. Every-one is polished, thoughful, educated, articulate, and introspective. That, and five dollars, will get you a cuppa coffee at Starbucks.

    Sooner or later you are going to have to fight. Fight. You are not going to be able to avoid a fight. Which is what the “High End” White Nationalists have done for a very very, very long time. The American Renassance 2010 debacle ought to indicate the success of such politesse.

  2. ATBOTL – your post 98 on this thread, is the first time you have contributed any thoughts on this thread.

    What do you add?

    You are one of the guys that posts on Amren Comments, correct? A lot of the Amren readers come here, in order to discuss the Jewish Problem (it’s not a “Question”), in the first place, cause AmRen doesn’t permit the slightest whisper or murmur on the JP, in the first place. Right?

    Has Jared Taylor ever written about Hitler, or the Nazis, at all?

    I think Adolf Hitler was a Tragic Hero. He made a lot of mistakes – but he tried. I think that his demonization must must must must be contradicted, and corrected, passionately and vociferously – with no quarter permitted – by any-one who tries to perpetuate the Judaic lies.

    What are your thoughts on Hitler? What is your position on Hitler?

  3. “He comes in and makes a claim that there were no Jews in Europe prior to WWII. I disprove it.” -Guy White

    Hey Guy, I never said that.

    I was wondering why you quoted the estimates of the Worldwide Jewish population prior to WWII like they meant something, but now I realize you hallucinated me saying something I never did.

    Obviously there were Jews in Europe before WWII, otherwise why were the National Socialists still concerned with the problem of Jews holding on to too many high level German jobs, in spite of the Pro-German Hiring Policies that was implemented?

    Guy White made the blanket statement that there was nowhere the Jews in Poland could’ve gone, and therefore they must have just about all been killed.

    Since we have no way of knowing how many Jews took the obvious expedient of fleeing into the Pro-Jew regime called the Soviet Union in response the German occupation taking a less than friendly tack with the Polish Jews, this statement by Guy White was clearly historically inaccurate.

    “He made a series of other claims that were disproven (Oligarchs
    were already rich when Gorbachev opened archives”

    Once again, I never said that. While I used ambigious language, what I meant was that when almost all the Cheka documents were released, the Oligarchs had dominance over Russia.

    I didn’t say anything about money, for one thing, and for another thing I wasn’t just talking about who had dominance over Russia the first day the long process of shifting through massive Soviet Era records began.

    “KGB was filled with Jews, etc)”

    I said the KGB had Pro-Jewish elements, such as the many agents who ran deep interference for the Oligarchs (like Alexander Litvinenko), who may have suppressed records that would have been highly embarrassing and damaging to International Jewry.

    Anyone who thinks all the records from the Soviet Era have been released yet has no understanding of how things work in Russia.

    They don’t have a freedom of information act, for just one thing.

    “I guess he was hoping I would get tired of Googling at some point.”

    An absurd inference on Guy’s part.

    Nothing Guy posted had references, and therefore I didn’t realize he was using Google to generate his responses.

    Maybe ADL.org gave him his snappiest comebacks.

    Nonetheless, it is clear his statements about the Great Purge destroying Jewish Power in the Soviet Union were false, and the fact of such claims having been refuted has even been acknowledged by an Israeli writer for a major Israeli newspaper.

    Moreover there was even a book documenting the persistence of Jewish influence in Stalin’s court, in spite of a handful of the most powerful Jews being executed for their ideologically motivated plot to overthrow Stalin and replace him with someone more Trotskyite in foreign policy.

    It is interesting that even Jews in Israel like Sever Plocker are far more honest about Jewish History than a Non-Jew in America is.

    It is the unfortunate mentality of a slave who goes even further in praising and degrading himself before his master than the master desires him to.

  4. Denise @ 104,

    Very well said.

    The fundamental weakness of modern western conservatism is that even the so called conservatives allow the Left to have unchallenged control of how people feel about the past, while at best only quibbling about how the Left tries to get people to feel about the present.

    It just will not do.

    For if people accept the Liberal Frame of History, and especially the White Groupism paralyzing Frame that the embodiment of evil just happened to be the one major leader who cared about things like the future of his race and preserving the standards of Western Civilization against the assaults of Decadence Fostering Jews, they will be led as if under hypnosis to think and behave in the present in a way entirely consistent with the aims of the Left.

    I wonder why so few understand that Hitler is vilified not because it is held he pursued his aims too roughly, or too cruelly, but rather because his aims were inherently inconsistent with the aims of the left.

    The proof of this is that Stalin killed far more people without fair trial than Hitler ever did, and yet somehow Stalin is praised far more than he is condemned by the very Liberal Academics who convulse with hatred at the very mention of Hitler’s name.

    The reason for this is that they like the Anti-White and Marxist Omelet Stalin was cooking up, and therefore don’t care about the utter butchery he inflicted in the making of it.

    But with Hitler, they hate what Hitler was trying to accomplish, so they dig through everything he was ever accused of to find all they can to try to turn people against him.

    He who controls the past, controls the future.

    The Left understands this, even if only a few people on the Right like Denise have what it takes to comprehend it.

  5. “I then have to explain that ‘It’s not all of them’ is not the point. I have to repeat, re-iterate, re-state, provide lots of sources, provide sources again, cause they’ve ‘lost the links’; or forgotten, etc.”

    If only people weren’t so brainwashed by Liberal Hyper-Individualism, I think they’d have a much easier time understanding that the behavior of a minority of Jews is irrelevant to the question of whether, in aggregate, Jewry acts as an organism dedicated to our extreme exploitation and eventual destruction.

  6. “The finest examples, the literal embodiment of the very best of the White Race, was betrayed by their own family, for the benefit of the Race of murdering demons that slaughtered them.

    “The King is the Land. The Land is the King. George’s betrayal of his own blood was the real moment when England died.”

    “Does it really matter, in the end, how “decent”, “dignified”, or or “above it all” we are?”…


    (Kulak is descending on one knee…) Will you marry me??

  7. Reginald – the White Race is the only Race that really values Individualism. In an all-White society – it’s wonderful!

    In a multi-Racial society – it’s absolute disaster.

    Whites are brainwashed cause that want t obe brainwashed. They flatter themselves that Hyper Individualism is vituous. Not ever merely “good” – ice cream is “good” – but virtuous.

    We need to develop methods to demonstrate, and prove, our views on this theme.

    That Hyper Individualism is bad, and evil, in multi-racial societies, because it’s a way for Whites to permit Non-Whites to destory them. It’s an unfair system.

    We actually have to begin at the beginning, and get Whites to understand, and accept, the concept that preserving the White Race is a desirable goal. Hyper Individualism permits Whites into deluding themselves that non-Whites are capable of doing the same things that Whites do.

  8. What do Denise, CC and NN add to the discussion here?

    In a word: PASSION

    Also – HUMOR. Ridicule is a powerful weapon that whites have not been using effectively against the enemy.

    You know, we already have TOQOnline for heavily censored dry academic discussion, why would we need another? The enemy will not be defeated by academics.

    NN reminds me of the quote from The Departed: “Staff Sergeant Dignam has a style of his own. I’m afraid we all have to get used to it.” But his constant admonitions to see reality as it is are useful to help avoid the ideological pissing contests of this ideology vs. that ideology. (He might call that arguing over form-of-government.)

    Denise is a sassy broad who brings to mind the sentiment “if I can’t dance I don’t want to be a part of your revolution.” She’s funny too. “Kikenvermin Devil spawn” is funny, you stuffy old sour-pusses.

  9. Sure, Kulaks. I’d be honored. When do you have a free weekend?

    Anytime my dear fair lady.

    I really think you are a tremendously beautiful and passionate lady and human being.

    God bless you Denise! I always love to read what you have to say.

  10. SSSS. Thanks! One word of warning – don’t tell me I’m funny. I am funny – and your comment will only egg me on. Which is not apparently appreciated. (Although humour is a really effective tool, and weapon).

    Kulaks – thanks again. Careful – I may take you up on your offer. I
    I’ll have to discover a way to find out your real indentity, first. and your locale, etc….Thanks for enjoying my writing, and seeing past my endless typos. ( I do proofread – but I always see the mistakes I’ve missed, after I posted something.)

    We could always hold a Cyber Ceremony, on April 20th, in honor of the subject of this thread. Whadya think?

  11. Kulaks – thanks again. Careful – I may take you up on your offer. I I’ll have to discover a way to find out your real indentity, first. and your locale, etc….

    I would be honored to get to know such an intelligent and thoughtful lady like yourself!

    Yes, let’s figure out a way we can speak more one-on-one, mano-a-mano. (Let’s be careful with this site, however, since its crawling with moles and trolls.)

    We could always hold a Cyber Ceremony, on April 20th, in honor of the subject of this thread. Whadya think?

    The first round of Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu is on me!:)

  12. Z, such fine sentiments. Maybe they’ll build a monument to you, too. The problem is they’re interested in race, not in attitudes or behavior. You wouldn’t accept a nigger in Italy just because he mouthed the same fine sentiments about that country as you do about America. Now, okay, maybe a nigger’s too genetically distant; but what of a Zidane in France? Were he to mouth the same fine sentiments about that country, I’m sure many would be touched, but quite clearly his co-ethnics in that country don’t come close to feeling or behaving the same way; yet if it ever came to the crunch you could expect that most of them would earnestly begin mouthing too. You could expect that that would be accompanied by a certain level of behavioral improvement too, but it still leaves you with millions of people with decidedly questionable (to put it mildly) genetic qualifications. Quite simply, it’s not enough that you’re among the first on the scene here among your co-ethnics, regardless of how genuine the sentiment you voice is. Either you’ve got the genetic goods or you haven’t. But it’s not even as simple as that: say you’ve got the goods to pass; what about your sister, your cousin, your Godfather, and the rest of the human constellation of which you’re a part? Have they? And would you really turn your back on them?

    Frankly, trying to pound the basics of racial reality into a skull like your seems as pointless an endeavor as pounding the concept of a limit in calculus into the skull of the average nog. Fortunately, I don’t have to, because my I’m quite confident that if it ever came to the crunch you’d slink away from “WN” like the worm you are the second you realized your ass was on the line.

  13. http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/images/ws/ws08.jpg

    Translation of above poster: “If International Finance Jewry should succeed once more in plunging the peoples into a world war, the result will not be the victory of Jewry, but rather the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe.” — Adolf Hitler: major speech on 30 January 1939

    Full Translation of statement: “If international finance Jewry in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!” – http://www1.yadvashem.org/about_holocaust/documents/part1/doc59.html

    Video of speech extract: http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/media_fi.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005175&MediaId=3108

  14. Frankly, trying to pound the basics of racial reality into a skull like your seems as pointless an endeavor as pounding the concept of a limit in calculus into the skull of the average nog. Fortunately, I don’t have to, because my I’m quite confident that if it ever came to the crunch you’d slink away from “WN” like the worm you are the second you realized your ass was on the line.

    Fuck you Silver, you status-insecure, envious WOG.

    Like I said, I am going to stand by my Northern European brothers till the bitter end.

    Since I am no ‘sunshine patriot’, and since adversity shows us what we are truly made of — I am actually honored to be living during a time in America where I will be given the opportunity to prove and demonstrate my love and devotion to this great nation, and its Founding Stock people, who have been nothing but good to me and my family.

  15. I don’t know what part of America y’all are from, but the part I’m from is a part where Americans of Italian descent are fully and seamlessly integrated into the Anglo-American melting pot. Those who aim to define their identities in more exclusive terms than “White American” are stumbling blocks to the important work of coalescing into a singular and cohesive nationality capable of facing the challenges before us.

    Those who seek to preserve Nordish characteristics or any other particular European identity should really go back to Europe and do that. No, that’s not being sassy. That’s the sensible thing to do. To sit in America, in the situation we’re in, in the context we’re in, and stand in the way of this White Nation is to be an insidious threat to White Nationalism altogether.

    It’s falconry. It’s total falconry.

  16. …you’d slink away from “WN” like the worm you are the second you realized your ass was on the line.

    A little projection on your part there, Silver?

    I always knew that you were never really devoted to genuine racialism and what is in the best interests of the White Majority, both here in this country and abroad.

    All people like you and ‘Goy Weiss’ are concerned about is your vanity and your sensitive (and massive) egos — and any perceived ‘slights’ that you guys are not ‘appreciated’ or ‘respected’ enough.

    As I said before, this is really not a problem today with most Italians (it may have been more of one in the past). It is definately a far greater problem among Jews — who are not only not assimilating, but, as Steve Sailer says, are actually de-assimilating.

    This is primarily why I wrote what I did, since I wanted to deliberately and intentionally insult ‘Guy Trite’ for acting like a whiny little status whore. I did not mean to insult ‘Ey-talians’ or ‘Meds’ – just one’s that act all Jewy (happily, most do not — and the one’s that do, like GW, need a bitch-slapping to remind them that they’re just ‘Goys’ like the rest of Us ;)).

    Oh and btw, I don’t know if I would (necessarily) call myself a ‘WN’, just a White Christian American who loves Traditional America and the People who made it that way.

  17. I don’t know what part of America y’all are from, but the part I’m from is a part where Americans of Italian descent are fully and seamlessly integrated into the Anglo-American melting pot. …

    Totally agree with you there Wiki.

    I don’t know where Silver is from (or even what his ethnicity is, since like ‘Goy Weiss’, he doesn’t even have the courage to tell us what it is), but where I am from, Italian Americans are completely assimilated into the White American Mainstream.

  18. (Repost – sorry guys, I am just beginning to learn how to use HTML:))

    I don’t know what part of America y’all are from, but the part I’m from is a part where Americans of Italian descent are fully and seamlessly integrated into the Anglo-American melting pot. …

    Totally agree with you there Wiki.

    I don’t know where Silver is from (or even what his ethnicity is, since like ‘Goy Weiss’, he doesn’t even have the courage to tell us what he is), but where I am from, Italian Americans are completely assimilated into the White American Mainstream.

  19. …To sit in America, in the situation we’re in, in the context we’re in, and stand in the way of this White Nation is to be an insidious threat to White Nationalism altogether.

    Wikitopian — take a bow for one of the most perfectly expressed sentiments ever spoken on behalf of White America. 🙂

  20. Z,
    I’m flattered, but confused… I’m too tired to figure all this out. You all have a good night.

  21. Oh and btw, I don’t know if I would (necessarily) call myself a ‘WN’, just a White Christian American who loves Traditional America and the People who made it that way.

    And this is the America I so fondly remember, love and cherish — captured so beautifully in a song by one of my favorite singers — of which I devote my life to see being restored –

    Bobby Darin ~ “More”

    *Coincidentally, the people in the video look so much like my own family — perhaps this is why I like it so much.

  22. Kulaks – Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu? Ooohhh…you know just what to say to a girl!

    I will try to get ahold of one of the Moderators, and ask him if he will provide you with an Email addy. I’m all about meeting and greeting the Volk!


  23. Silver’s tawdry trollery is well – known to readers of this and other WN blogs. We can only hope that he learns from his parents’ mistakes and practices birth control.

  24. Frankly, trying to pound the basics of racial reality into a skull like your seems as pointless an endeavor as pounding the concept of a limit in calculus into the skull of the average nog. Fortunately, I don’t have to, because my I’m quite confident that if it ever came to the crunch you’d slink away from “WN” like the worm you are the second you realized your ass was on the line.

    The only ‘worm’ here is YOU, Silver-stein. You even are too ashamed of yourself and your, um ‘heritage’ to even tell us where you are from.

    I don’t know where Silver is from (or even what his ethnicity is, since like ‘Goy Weiss’, he doesn’t even have the courage to tell us what it is)…

    Ha ha ha, he called bullshit on that one! (Come to think of it, just what is your exact ethnicity, you loud-mouthed jerk?)

    Silver’s tawdry trollery is well – known to readers of this and other WN blogs. We can only hope that he learns from his parents’ mistakes and practices birth control.

    You are so right on that call, ‘Al Ross’.

  25. I will try to get ahold of one of the Moderators, and ask him if he will provide you with an Email addy. I’m all about meeting and greeting the Volk!



    I just sent Hunter Wallace my e-mail address and contact info.

    Look forward to speaking with you. Cheers!

    Kulaks – Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu? Ooohhh…you know just what to say to a girl!

    As a matter of fact, I am having a Spaten Optimator right now and thinking of you 🙂


  26. I don’t know where Silver is from (or even what his ethnicity is

    The only ‘worm’ here is YOU, Silver-stein. You even are too ashamed of yourself and your, um ‘heritage’ to even tell us where you are from.

    Silver is in Australia and is of Serbian and Greek descent.

  27. Silver is in Australia and is of Serbian and Greek descent.

    Aren’t there rumors that he is a Indian or part-Indian as well?

    Either way, he is rarely forthcoming and rather coy about whoever and whatever he is.

  28. Another BALD-FACED LIE from the psychotic, anti-German, anti-NW Euro weasel, ‘Goy not-so bright’!

    I learned all I needed to know about the Third Reich when I read that they shot the Ukrainian soccer team for winning a game against German soldiers. It is stunning, just mind boggling. How does this even cross your mind? Who shoots people just because they won a game? Nobody claimed that there was cheating. They just shot the athletes and openly admitted that they did so just because Germans didn’t enjoy losing a game.


    Wow, I never even heard Jews or liberals claim this crock-o-shit!

    My goodness-gracious, ‘Goy’, you really need to make an appointment to see your Jewish psychiatrist — cause you really are going completely bat-shit insane with your supplicating subservience.

  29. Reality Check, you’re badly in need of one yourself. How is it that I’m “rarely forthcoming and coy”? I don’t see everyone else prefacing their comments with, “As a Polish-German….” I’ve stated what I am on multiple occasions and my comments, whether you agree with them or not, are entirely consistent with a realistic stance that someone of that background would take. Idiot.

  30. Silver, please, many of us remember your behavior (which was explicitly anti-white) on majority rights and your rather odd attacks on JWH. I highly doubt your sincerity as a racialist or anything of the sort.

  31. “Sullivan comes home with a bag of groceries. Dignam is waiting for him. Dignam, wearing a zipped up track suit with bags over his shoes and surgical gloves, shoots Sullivan in the head and then calmly exits the apartment.”

    Rats beware.

  32. your rather odd attacks on JWH. – Donald

    That’s true. To be even more specific, he hounded JWH so mercilessly that JWH blew up and left MR for good (not before excoriating GW for poor moderating of course). Cui bono?

  33. Reality Check, you’re badly in need of one yourself. How is it that I’m “rarely forthcoming and coy”? I don’t see everyone else prefacing their comments with, “As a Polish-German….” I’ve stated what I am on multiple occasions and my comments, whether you agree with them or not, are entirely consistent with a realistic stance that someone of that background would take. Idiot.

    A bit tetchy there, aye ‘mate’.

    Silver, please, many of us remember your behavior (which was explicitly anti-white) on majority rights and your rather odd attacks on JWH. I highly doubt your sincerity as a racialist or anything of the sort. — Donald

    That’s true. To be even more specific, he hounded JWH so mercilessly that JWH blew up and left MR for good (not before excoriating GW for poor moderating of course). Cui bono? — KP

    Hmm, a bit of a pattern here?

  34. Had Hitler gone to war with slavs only to remove Judeo-Bolshevism I would support him, however such is not the case.

    Just spend a bit of time reading “Table Talk,” and you’ll find that Hitler does not approve of an independent Ukraine; believes Czechs are mongols; wants to remove all Russians and Ukrainians from the Crimea and replace the population with German/Dutch/Scandinavian colonists; would have no problem with completely demolishing Kiev, Moscow and St. Petersburg; thinks Hungarians are all lazy; Poles are stupid and should gradually be cleansed from Poland to make place for German colonists; Russians all animalistic drunken savages and should gradually be removed from Russia (“Rus, etc.

    I agree that much of what you hear of Hitler are lies. Certainly Poland should have given back Danzig, and Hitler was justified in taking it by force since they did not. Same with the Sudetenland. And the evidence seems to show that Barbarossa was a legitimate act of preemptive national defense.

    But he was not justified in dividing Poland in half with Stalin, destroying 85% of Warsaw, the Wola massacre, numerous executions of POWs closing Polish and Ukrainian universities… basically imposing an incredibly harsh occupation for several years with the goal of gradually cleansing the areas of slavs and Germanizing it.

    Had he decided to support independent de-Judaized slavic nations, I think he would have won enough Slavic support to win against the Red Army, but he did not and thus met with fierce resistance on the Eastern front.

    The Eastern front was an anarchic bloodbath, and of course the Reds were generally more brutal than the Nazis, but that doesn’t mean the Nazis were always right. You had cases of Ukrainian and Polish partisans fighting each other, plus both the Red Army and the Nazis. Had Hitler been willing to allow the existence of independent Slavic nations in the East, he could have had them as friends rather than enemies.

    Basically I approve of the mythical Hitler that only wanted to retake German majority populations and didn’t hate slavs qua slavs, but only hated that they were dominated by Judeo-Bolshevism. In reality, Hitler seems to have hated Czechs, Serbs, Poles, Russians, Magyars and Ukrainians as much, if not more than Jews. The myth of a Hitler who loved all whites may be useful in the short term, but it’s way to easy to demolish when you read Hitler’s actual writings. He was committed to expansion in the East, which included extirpation of the native slavs and ultimately led to his downfall.

  35. Basically I approve of the mythical Hitler that only wanted to retake German majority populations and didn’t hate slavs qua slavs, but only hated that they were dominated by Judeo-Bolshevism. In reality, Hitler seems to have hated Czechs, Serbs, Poles, Russians, Magyars and Ukrainians as much, if not more than Jews. The myth of a Hitler who loved all whites may be useful in the short term, but it’s way to easy to demolish when you read Hitler’s actual writings. He was committed to expansion in the East, which included extirpation of the native slavs and ultimately led to his downfall. –ski


    This is certainly open to debate the the level and intensity of supposed ‘anti-Slavism’ of Germany and the Third Reich, since much of what we know about that time period is filtered through our own wild, anti-German hatreds, biases and envious resentments that we have been weened on since childbirth here in America. (I know you mentioned Hitler’s ‘Table-Top’ book, but it is not completely fair to cite a source that is largely based on conjecture if indeed Hitler actually said anything the book alleges.)

    In actual policies, the Third Reich was suprisingly different from many of the stories that we usually hear — from the usual suspects.

    Here is a very interesting article from Dr. Tomislav Suni? of Occidental Observer that offers another perspective –

    …The much discussed German anti-Slavic policies, which were based on the alleged racial inferiority of Slavs, are nonsense — all the more so since at least one out of three Germans carries the name of Slavic origin. Prior to 1945, well over 15 million Germans were born and lived in the Slavic speaking areas of East Europe, including the third-ranking man in the National Socialist command, the Russian-Baltic born German Alfred Rosenberg. Rosenberg’s face shows Nordic features with a slight Alpine Slavic streak.

    The linguistic approach to the study of races should not be neglected because it was common for many Slavs all over Europe to change their names to German names (“Weber,” ” Bauer,” “Schmitt”), just as it was common for many Germans to change their names to Slavic ones. One needs to open up the white pages in Vienna, or in the once heavily Polish-populated Rhine basin, or in Berlin, to realize that one in every three German names ends with the Slavic syllable, such as ‘ski,’ ‘tschc,’ or ‘c.’

    Some of the highest ranking German generals in the Wehrmacht were of Slavic-German origin. Their family names are clearly Slavic and their skull morphology points to a large variety of all European subracial types, from the Alpine (“ostisch”), the Mediterranean (“westisch”) to the Nordic: Hans Hellmich, Curt Badinski, Bruno Chrobeck, Emil Dedek, Heinrich Domansky, Walter Dybilasz, Erich Glodkowski, Kurt Mierzinsky, Adalbert Mikulicz, Bronislaw Pawel, Georg Radziej, Hans Radisch, Franz Zednicek, Walter von Brauchitsch. So were the other high German officers such as the master of panzer warfare, the round-headed Heinz Guderian, who was of distant Armenian origin, or the tall and big-nosed Wilhelm Canaris, who was of Italian/Greek origin. (See the important book by Christopher Dolbeau — practically unknown in France — Face au Bolchevisme: Petit dictionnaire des résistances nationales à l’Est de l’Europe: 1917–1989. (Against Bolshevism: A Little Dictionary of National Resistances in East Europe: 1917–1989).

    To assume, therefore, that the Institute for Racial Hygiene in Germany or the Gestapo were checking the names or the cranial index of high German officials, before admitting them to high military positions is academic lunacy. Yet a type of deliberate lunacy is still alive in some influential anti-German conspiratorial circles in the West and in America. The alleged racism of Germans against Slavs was part and parcel of the Allied propaganda and later of the Frankfurt School, whose goal was to whip up Slavs during and after WWII into anti-German frenzy. By accepting more than one million volunteers from Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovakia, etc. in the Wehrmacht and by allowing half a million non-German European volunteers in the Waffen SS, the German high military command thought it could create its own version of united Europe and successfully fight the war on two fronts.

    Even the very bad guys — the men most feared by Communists and Jews all over Europe and only trusted by Adolf Hitler in the last year of the war — were not quite the paradigms of the “Nazi Nordic” supermen. Or were they? Those haunting five were: the SS Gestapo and Interpol chief, the Austrian-born Ernst Kaltenbrunner; the Czech-Moravian born SS Reichskommissar and Foreign Minister hopeful, Arthur Seyss Inquart (real name Arthur Zajtich); the Austrian- born SS Chief of Special Forces, whose name appears to be of Hungarian origin, Otto Skorzeny; the Italian, Trieste-born SS police chief of Slovenian origin, Odilo Globocnik, who put down the Warsaw Jewish ghetto uprising in late April 1943; and finally the Croat-born Wehrmacht general, Lothar von Rendulic, who, even long after the war, was considered an expert on terrorist communist guerilla warfare. Many of their fellow travelers — the ones who escaped suicide or the Allied gallows — played a crucial role in the development of the US strategy for Cold War Communist containment. …

    The Beauty and the Beast: Race and Racism in Europe, Part III


  36. “Here is a very interesting article from Dr. Tomislav Suni? of Occidental Observer that offers another perspective -”

    Thgat should read ‘Dr. Tomislav Sunic’

  37. I recall David Irving saying that the “Table Talk” book is not genuine, but a fabrication of disinformation.

  38. Those who aim to define their identities in more exclusive terms than “White American” are stumbling blocks to the important work of coalescing into a singular and cohesive nationality capable of facing the challenges before us.

    Those who seek to preserve Nordish characteristics or any other particular European identity should really go back to Europe and do that. No, that’s not being sassy. That’s the sensible thing to do. To sit in America, in the situation we’re in, in the context we’re in, and stand in the way of this White Nation is to be an insidious threat to White Nationalism altogether.

    It’s falconry. It’s total falconry.

    I’m disappointed to read that from you, Wiki. That also contradicts your previous statement on the issue. *Snatches the Grey Poupon back!*

    You do realize who founded the country and make up the majority of whites, in addition American racialism has always been Nordic or Nordish in nature. Of course you know this.

    Do you see how your statement parallels the mainstream? It’s egalitarianism for whites, however you define white. Are we suppose to tiptoe around whites and never offend certain ethnicities like the mainstream has to for non-whites?

    I don’t believe the two are mutually exclusive, one begets the other. I don’t see any harm in any form of benevolent racial and cultural preservation.

  39. Mark,
    I do see how my complaint could be taken as multicult redux. I will, however, stand behind it. I’m a tribalist before I’m a racist and those who refuse to become fully loyal to the tribe are a threat to cohesion. In the original European nations, I’m generally supportive of tribalism focused on a much smaller circle: may the Swedes remain Swedes and retain their Swedish roots.

    But it’s intuitively obvious to me that American tribalism is the White race and nothing but the White race. So many Americans define themselves as racists not so much due to actual racism but because to be racist and to be nationalist is virtually synonymous in our context. All White people, except for Jews, have converged into a remarkably homogeneous nationality.

    You say that “I don’t see any harm in any form of benevolent racial and cultural preservation.”, but there is a harm in it. This country can’t survive as a tangle of squabbling nationalities, whether they’re the same or different races.

    There’s a White American ethnonational entity and identity that all Whites in America are welcome to join. Whites who refuse to join refuse to become American and shouldn’t be regarded as true citizens or countrymen. Their loyalty is elsewhere and their asses need to be elsewhere, as well.

  40. Hiya Donald,

    Silver, please, many of us remember your behavior (which was explicitly anti-white) on majority rights and your rather odd attacks on JWH. I highly doubt your sincerity as a racialist or anything of the sort.

    Nothing out of your mouth has ever given me any reason to believe you’re anything but the fuckwit you sound like, so, frankly, I’m not the slightest bit interested in what you doubt or believe. Obviously the points I’ve raised make sense. Thinking people are usually content to consider them on that level alone; what I may have said or how I may have felt years ago could not be less relevant.

  41. Wiki – I agree with you, on your points, about Whiteness.

    Whites spent the entire 20th Century slaughtering each other, for no reason, at the behest of the Jew (Jews are not White. They are Asiatics).

    Are we really going to fight over Poles vs Germans vs Italians vs Greeks, vs. Swedes?

    Are we? Mark? Are we?

  42. “Hitler was a reformer of the highest rank, and his historical fate was to be in a time of unexampled brutality, of which he was finally a victim”

    – Knut Hamsun,
    Norwegian recipient of the
    Nobel Prize in Literature.

  43. Another example of the lies and libel against Chancellor Hitler and the German People:

    “Adolf Hitler ‘did shake hands with Jesse Owens'” – Telegraph

    … Owens, who felt the newspapers of the day reported “unfairly” on Hitler’s attitude towards him, tried to get Mischner and his journalist colleagues to change the accepted version of history in the 1960s, the Daily Mail reports.”


    “When I passed the Chancellor he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back at him. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticising the man of the hour in Germany,” he said. …”


  44. Sorry for the delayed response. Haven’t been here before. Hello all. Hope you don’t mind me joining in from time to time.

    Hunter, I hope you don’t mind a small correction. The Liberia Project was not “Lincoln’s plan”. It was begun decades earlier and never amounted to anything. Which is, of course, why Lincoln endorsed it just about every election campaign.

    Love the defense of Hitler. Especially that by Denise. (She might not want to settle for the kulak until more eligibles read her stuff.) I’d like to see some specifics from the Hitler-was-good-but-also-bad folks on the latter. And no, the “Table Talks” are not genuine.

    Great to see NN still active.

  45. “…of Germany and the Third Reich, since much of what we know about that time period is filtered through our own wild, anti-German hatreds, biases and envious resentments that we have been weened on since childbirth here in America. …” — Kulak

    Well said.

    What we should know about Nazism by now—but mostly do not—is that history ain’t a moral tale of good and evil meant for children. The U. S. and British enemies of Nazism expressed at least as much racism as the Third Reich and indeed they partially inspired it. The Soviet government that actually defeated the Nazis murdered more people than Hitler’s state. The state created for the official legatees of Nazism’s victims has had more than its share of racist ideology and human rights abuses. These sad truths go a long way toward accounting for why we can’t come up with an essential definition of Nazism, and why in place of an analysis we simply go with “Nazi” as an epithet, why we heap all evil into this word, onto this long-gone government. …

    Mario the Epicurean: Notes on Inglourious Basterds


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