Frum Forum Linked To Church of Satan

Church of Satan
Fuck Yeah Satan!

David Frum’s website “Frum Forum” claims that it is “dedicated to the modernization and renewal of the Republican party and the conservative movement.” In his infamous article “Unpatriotic Conservatives,” David Frum made it clear that some voices should be shunned within the conservative movement, namely, the coalition of paleocons, nationalists, and libertarians opposed to Iraq War. His words: “In a time of danger, they have turned their backs on their country. Now we turn our backs on them.”

In the last seven years, David Frum has continued to attack voices to his right (Sarah Palin, Pat Buchanan, and Ron Paul) while embracing left-of-center moderates who reject traditional values. Apparently, Frum’s antipathy toward the Alt Right is matched only by his tolerance of fellow boat people washing up on conservative shores from the Left, many of whom entertain views that most conservatives would find abhorrent.

Lately, David Frum has been publishing Alex Knepper, a flamboyant homosexual atheist and undergraduate at American University. Alex Knepper is a supporter of abortion, gay marriage, drug legalization, euthanasia, eugenics, legalization of prostitution, racial profiling, and the repeal of anti-discrimination laws. He describes himself as an opponent of school prayer and the Ten Commandments.

Alex Knepper is an enthusiastic supporter of LaVeyan Satanism. He came to Occidental Dissent and proudly announced that he bashes Christians and owns most of the books the Church of Satan has published. On Facebook, Alex Knepper is a member of groups like “Fuck Christianity” and “Fuck the Pope”. He gives shout outs to Satan and uses Beelzebub as his profile picture. Alex Knepper is also friends with Michael Steele, GOP Chairman, to whom he is sexually attracted.

Apparently, this is what David Frum has in mind when he speaks of “renewing” the conservative movement. Homosexual Satanists now have a seat at the table in mainstream conservative discourse, but those who support the preservation of America as a European nation are considered “fringe” and “beyond the pale.” The term “conservative” has become so utterly devoid of substantial content that it ought to be abandoned in favor of a new label.

That sinking ship should be left to the David Frums and Alex Kneppers of the world.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Gentlemen, you’ve seen Knepper’s photo, and read his bio. He is a boy, in college, flush with the newborn stirrings of Randian zeal. We are all of us making ourselves appear comical in engaging this awkward and confused young man before he has even had the chance to develop any real measure of political philosophy whatsoever. He is a boy who wants the visceral thrill of cheering on fun wars and waving his little flags, but wants also to be able to do so while being able to “celebrate” his homosexuality. Because of his sexual proclivities, the bulk of “conservatism” is closed to him. His philosophy (confused and self-contradicting as it is) is a result of that – he clearly did not come to it after many years of searching for truth, after long and hard deliberation – he searched for and found an ideology that re-affirms everything he already believes, and that helps bolster his self esteem. It’s so very cliched it’s almost making me nostalgic. And now he’s found a little home (albeit on the internet) where he can have all the patriotic fun of cheering our blowing apart foreigners without having to hide or apologize for his sexual deviancy.

    Again – take another look at his picture. This young man has discovered “classical liberalism” in college and now has it all figured out! Let the boy run through his libertarian phase – it will end soon enough. And let him do so with our best wishes that it is a speedy journey. But let’s not bog ourselves down debating him, as though we are exchanging ideas with a serious adult rather than a boy barely out of his teens who just discovered libertarianism.

  2. The kikes simply cannot tell the truth when their mouths are open.

    MacDonald on the Jim Giles show stated he is not a Holocaust revisionist, that he believes the Holocaust happened, and that it was a humanitarian tragedy.

  3. “Because it elevates faith, collectivism, and group-loyalty over reason, individualism, and personal achievement.”

    In Darwinian evolution the name of the game is to pass along your own genes, in your ethnic group or race lies the largest storehouse of genes most like your own. Why is it that YOU think ‘birds of a feather flock together’?

  4. I gave an example of what I meant with corporations leading the way in being gay-friendly today. In the past, religious sects have learned to cooperate through commerce. The North had plenty of racists, but there weren’t really segregated public venues because it wasn’t profitable. Even the segregation of the South became intense only when the government made it official. The seeds of racial resentment were sown in large part by government.

    Yeah, but how do you KNOW segregated venues aren’t profitable? The same way the commissars KNEW the citizenry loved communism? It’s easy to cry scientific supremacy when experimentation is illegal. It’s also valueless.

  5. Why is it that YOU think ‘birds of a feather flock together’?

    Stock answer 1: because they’re not glorious self-authors, like us humans.

    Stock answer 2: because that’s their culture.


  6. Let’s thank God organic life didn’t have the self-authorship suicide-meme earlier in its development. Image the clusterfuck that speciation would’ve become.

  7. I can do whatever I want to my “culture,” it won’t change my race. It won’t change how members of other races perceive me the moment they lay eyes on me. It won’t make humanity any less subject to Social Identity Theory.

  8. Alex, sorry, but psychos like you are responsible for much of the suffering we see today. You think you can just play with peoples like legos. Shame on you. You just smash people together, then BLAME THEM when things don’t work out the way you said they would? Shame.

  9. Life preceded values, values did not precede life. Values either serve the (genetic) continuity of life or they don’t. And if they don’t, then what good are they?

  10. …Even the segregation of the South became intense only when the government made it official. The seeds of racial resentment were sown in large part by government. …

    If it’s voluntary, go for it. At the very bottom of things, I’m in favor of a voluntary order. If that produces racial tension and separatism, so be it — but I don’t think that it would. I’m supremely confident that laissez-faire capitalism would do what it has always done since its beginnings: lead us toward a more open, tolerant society.

    (I posted this comment on another thread, and think it is apropos in response to this claim and belief of yours and of other Libertarians, Alex) –

    Israel is a segregated, apartheid collectivist state, and not merely de facto, but de jure as well. Yet it is also Capitalist economically (like Singapore). It is essentially governed on so many levels, social and otherwise (but particularly social) by the Orthodox Rabbinate – one of which is, effectively, banning all ‘mixed marriages’ in the state (again, not just in the ‘occupied’ or ‘disputed territories’ – i.e. – the West Bank, Gaza). This is something that would throw any ‘modern democracy’ into apoplectic fits and spasms of moralistic rage. This is also something I would assume that virtually all Libertarians would be against, since it is the ‘ultimate’ form of segregation.

    Here again is a CBS news broadcast on legal segregation in the Jewish state –

    CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid

    Again, since Israel has a free-market economy, there should be no need for segregation then both within the occupied territories AND especially within its national borders then?

    I would imagine so if you view all human group dynamics through the prizm of economic materialism, where most members of all various races and tribes really wish for is to ‘shop at Wal-mart’ and live a consumerist, consumption lifestyle.

    Oh, if it were really all that easy.

  11. I can’t add much more other than to say Knepper and Frum seek to redefine conservatism along principles traditionally associated with the left wing of the political spectrum. If a start a group called “Fuck all Rabbis” or “Fuck Judaism” or “Fuck Israel” will Alex become a member?

    Bashing tradition is always hip when it’s directed at gentile traditions like Christianity. Just don’t dare criticize the Jewish people or any of their hallowed traditions. That’s not hip, that’s hate ya know.

    Anton Lavey was Jewish but I’m sure that’s just another coincidence.

  12. Again, since Israel has a free-market economy, there should be no need for segregation then both within the occupied territories AND especially within its national borders then?

    Again I’m reminded of the proportionality arguments, and the total disconnect from reality we see when our critics deign to start answering questions.

    We are forbidden from having for ourselves what Jews have for themselves. Alex & co. respond that they oppose everyone doing this equally, as if this gets them off the hook. When we ask, “okay, how about you let us have what Jews have until you get the Jews straightened out (GFLWT)?” the only answer we get is crickets chirping.

    Got that? Group x gets to have their cake and eat group y’s, but it’s okay because libertarians oppose all this cake-eating on principle.

    Wow, what a stand-up buncha guys, eh?

  13. Libertarians: we’re going to straighten out those pesky Jews and their pesky Israel REAL SOON NOW. Until then you white guys keep eating shit and pretending it’s french fries.

  14. The Jews have a saying (paraphrased): “you loan me a million now, and I’ll pay you when the messiah comes.” Whites have a similar saying: “don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.”

  15. Kevin MacDonald? The man who apparently said that he’s “agnostic” about the Holocaust?

    Most of our history is transmitted through the filter of one particular collective. It’s healthy to be skeptical.

  16. Alex, here’s more food for thought:

    If you’re right, and our racial integrity is of no value, then there’s nothing at stake so no biggie either way.

    But if we’re right, and our racial integrity is of great value, then we’re playing (and losing) a high-stakes game with our future.

    In other words, rationally speaking, we’re making the right choice, and you aren’t. To be on the safe (rational) side, you have to move to protect your racial integrity. Yet you play dice with something you don’t fully understand instead; not very rational.

    You can’t unmix if you decide you don’t like it. Give up your racial heritage and it’s gone forever.

  17. More brilliance from Knepper:

    “Just to be clear again, you *oppose* a Jewish homeland based on a Jewish ethnic identity, correct?”

    Yes — but I can understand why one would support a Jewish homeland, given the persecution that the Jews have faced over the centuries.

    He’s “consistent” and “fair” because he opposes all this cake-eating and cake-having on principle. Keep eating that shit and pretending it’s French Fries, white man.

    Then he throws a special pleading fallacy (Jews have been pissing people off for 3,000 years so that gets them a pass) on top for icing.

    The ethnocentrist/patriot loves his people/country because it is *his*.”

    It’s not his — it’s unearned; he was born into it. I love my country because of the values that we share.

    You mean, like a history of immigration for whites only? Racialist founders? Those kinds of values?

    The ethnopatriot’s country isn’t his because he didn’t earn them. Check a box and apparently darkies have “earned” it.

    So we know Alex opposes inheritance, considers repellent the very idea of possession of the unearned. We know he values family (the whole concept being synonymous with the unearned) not at all.

    If another country popped up tomorrow that came closer to my personal ideal — with nothing but black people living there, even! — I’d sooner shift my allegiance there (although I’d still appreciate America for blazing the path).

    I love how libertards play coy with race & reality. They seem to enjoy playing with words more than ideas. The fact that race is persistent and irremediable, regardless of whether or not libertardians slap a sticker labeled “culture” on it, doesn’t faze them a bit.

    “Just to be clear here, Mr. Knepper: due to its ethnocentrism, you find Judaism “abhorrent”. Correct? You dislike all collectivism, whatever its origin – Nordicist collectivism, Jewish collectivism etc. Since your dislike of collectivism is so even-handed, could you please link us to any of your pieces here at Frum Forum (or anywhere else) wherein you condemn Jewish collectivism?”

    And why publicly shame those who honestly profess an affinity for their own that all people share, world wide?

    Because it’s irrational.

    Rational men can support their arguments. Irrational men posing as rational men have to stick to assertion.

  18. If you were born with a high IQ, it isn’t yours because you didn’t earn it. Same goes for your looks, and everything inborn about you.

    If someone gives you something, from a birthday present to a family inheritance, it isn’t yours because it wasn’t earned.

    Logical, rational, consistency, baby. This kid actually takes his flim-flam dog and pony show seriously.

  19. “I swear, this is straight out of one of Bill White’s manic tirades…”
    “I’m aware of Bill White, but I don’t really get the reference. Can anybody elucidate?”

    Well, I thought the same thing when I read AK’s stuff. “Very Bill White-ish”, I said to myself. Does that help?

  20. But I have hope for him yet. If he’s Nordic, odds are he’ll have no choice but to work through all the contradictions and holes and “coincidences” in his belief system. It’s something of a racial curse. If he was Jewish he could whistle past the graveyard until Doomsday.

  21. “I try to dissuade WNs from actively attacking the “conservative” label, but I think we would all do well strategically to retreat to the higher grounds of “Traditionalism”, “Restoration”, and “Alternative Right”.”

    Heck why not even “White Nationalist”.

    One could also recommend “Reactionary” (note Baron Evolas defense of this term in ‘Men Among the Ruins’), “Far Rightist” is good too!

    Conservatism sucks. There is very little worth CONSERVING in 2010 America other then my DVD copies of ‘Pump Up the Volume’ and some John Hughes flicks and some grunge CDs (hey I am Generation X after all) along with maybe some of Kevin Macdonalds and Tomislav Sunics books. RIDE THE TIGER!

  22. Even property rights escape this guy; America was the property of white men, certain white men usurped authority and gave what wasn’t theirs away to non-whites, and now a few white men are pointing this out and looking to get back what’s theirs.

    Simple property rights dispute, but it’s beyond Alex’s reasoning apparently.

  23. The voice of reason has appeared in this thread, until the handle “Let’s Stop.”

    I’m heeding the advice.

  24. Life preceded values, values did not precede life. Values either serve the (genetic) continuity of life or they don’t. And if they don’t, then what good are they?

    But isn’t the genetic continuity of life ultimately in vain? With the heat death of the universe and all? And if evolution is true and genetic continuity is the only thing that matters, well thousands of years ago we were probably like Africans, and before that like apes, before that reptiles, before that fish, bacteria, etc. We were profoundly different. And in the future we’ll be just as profoundly different genetically due to evolution and the passing of time. And who knows, with technology thrown in. What if genetic engineering radically alters our genetic code so that we become as different from us today as we today are from fish? What if we become cyborgs or something? What if we shed our biological, physical bodies and replace them with machine parts? What if we’re uploading our minds into computers or something?

  25. We all knew about the Synagogue of Satan connection, but now the Church of Satan too! When you connect these dots, do you get the Neoconservative Axis of Evil?

  26. The ethnocentrist/patriot loves his people/country because it is *his*.” – Svigor

    It’s not his — it’s unearned; he was born into it. I love my country because of the values that we share. – Alex

    The ethnopatriot’s country isn’t his because he didn’t earn them. Check a box and apparently darkies have “earned” it.

    So we know Alex opposes inheritance, considers repellent the very idea of possession of the unearned. We know he values family (the whole concept being synonymous with the unearned) not at all. – Svigor


    The True Proletarian

    The true hallmark of the proletarian is neither poverty nor humble birth but a consciousness–and the resentment which this consciousness inspires–of being disinherited from his ancestral place in Society and being unwanted in a community which is his rightful home…’

    …and this subjective proletarianism is not incompatible with the possession of material assets….”

    Arnold Toynbee
    “A Study of History” Vol. V

    I don’t have time to dredge up the quotes, but actually what’s being done to whites is textbook genocide (using the UN definition), on several counts. — Svigor

    Here is the international law on Genocide –

    Article 2

    In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    (a) Killing members of the group;
    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

  27. Iceman – please read the actual Bible sometime.


    How long is this canard going to be repeated?

    True Fact – the New Testament – the Christian Thingy – is a rebuke to and a refutation of Christianity.


  28. Knepper – have you ever read one word of so-called “Revisionist” (factual records) of the Holohoax?

    Have you ever read one word?

    Tell us what you’ve read. Thanks.

  29. Knepper writes:

    As much as I love heterodoxy and challenging my views, I draw the line at Holocaust-denial. That shit is just absolutely fucking retarded. It’s as asinine to deny the Holocaust as it is to deny — to use an example you’d like —

    that mass non-White immigration and anti-White “anti-discrimination”, “civil rights”, and “hate speech” laws are genocidal?

    Look at the way you people manipulate language! “Genocide” — hah! Start having more babies!

    “Holocaust” – hah! Jews should have had more babies!

    This shit is just absolutely fucking retarded.

  30. John,
    For the record, I was a participant in an atheist chat room. I am no longer a participant in that chat room and haven’t been since my conversion – which was over a year ago. My participation didn’t include bashing Christians and I’ve never promoted desecrating Christian symbols.

  31. The difference is that OD has never pretended to be vanilla mainstream. On the other hand, David Frum has made it his personal mission to drive ‘extremists’ and ‘weirdos’ out of the GOP and ‘conservative movement’ in order to ‘build a moderate/centrist coalition.’

    There’s nothing much wrong with Knepper’s views in and of themself per se, the problem is the hypocritical way he attacks Richard Spencer for having a vague association with people who have similar political viewpoints as some unusual characters, and Frum Forum hosts this character while at the same time deriding Ron Paul and the Tea Parties as ‘extremists’ who must be driven away from the ‘conservative movement’ on the premise that they make the GOP ‘unelectable’.

  32. Kulak, at FF someone else brought up the family point as well, and Knepper responded with something like “no family is earned you grow up with them and that’s what makes it important.” He added that it is irrational/something he doesn’t like to care for relatives you’ve never met.

    Everyone with a brain not infected with meme-virus knows that if you meet some kid 20 years your junior on the street, chat for a bit, and then he reveals he’s your long-lost son, you’re going to feel a sudden, “irrational” spike in warm feelings toward him – based solely on biology. Libertardians are too smart for that human nature stuff, they’ve got it all figured out. Objectivism and libertarianism aren’t worth names for this lot; I suggest Rationalizationism.

  33. What kind of sick people make an overarching IDEOLOGY out of denying human nature to follow some lunatic hypocritical Jewish broad?

  34. The day someone can give me a sensible explanation for why it’s “irrational” to be in harmony with your biological imperatives, I’ll eat my hat.

    Like evolution and biology are somehow LESS rational than the abstract meanderings of “Objectivists”? You’d think with all their reason they’d start with science but nope, it’s a swamp of Jewish anti-scientific nonsense.

  35. As much as I love heterodoxy and challenging my views, I draw the line at Holocaust-denial. That shit is just absolutely fucking retarded. It’s as asinine to deny the Holocaust as it is to deny — to use an example you’d like — – Alex

    Knepper – have you ever read one word of so-called “Revisionist” (factual records) of the Holohoax? – Denise


    Not only does younger men like Alex read, or is even exposed to reading ‘Revisionist’ history — they are INUNDATED with another kind of Revisionist ‘history’ –

    Why would any writer make up stories about the Holocaust? – The Independent

    …The most recent case is Herman Rosenblat, the twinkly-eyed American pensioner who came forward with a story so magical that it lifted the heart of every cynic in New York. As a young boy in Buchenwald, he said, he strolled daily along the perimeter fence to meet a little girl on the outside. She would toss him a shiny apple and in so doing gave him the hope – and the vitamins – to carry on.

    Decades later, as he wrote in Angel at the Fence, which very nearly got published earlier this year, he randomly met a woman in New York who had also fled post-war Europe. As they talked, Herman decided that she must be the apple girl. They went on to fall in love and marry.

    >When his story came out, via appearances on Oprah, it was easy to debunk: anyone approaching the perimeter fence would immediately have been shot. Rosenblat had been promised a comfortable retirement on the proceeds of his late-flowering career as a memoirist, and his claim that he was only trying to spread a little hope with his story fell on deaf ears.

    In fact, he really had been in a sub-camp of Buchenwald and the true story of his and his devoted brothers’ survival is far more moving than the one he made up. Only nobody wants to listen to that now.

    These three had at least been born in or near the theatre of war. But what would make an Australian born in 1972 fabricate a Holocaust story? The case of Helen Demidenko is the most peculiar of them all. Demidenko – real name Darville – was a right-wing student in Brisbane who in 1993 published The Hand That Signed the Paper, about the wartime experiences of the narrator’s Ukrainian father and uncle. However, they were not victims of Nazi violence but the perpetrators, having joined the Einsatzgruppen after being terrorised by Russian-Jewish “commissars”.

    Florid accounts of their life as merry Jew-hating death squad members flowed enthusiastically from her pen, and when she won the Australian/ Vogel Literary Award she began appearing in Ukrainian national dress and speaking in a funny accent. Her unmasking was aided by the ire of the international Jewish community at her sideline as an anti-Israeli journalist. Interviewing David Irving was not her finest hour.

    But unlike the other hoaxers, she remained unrepentant, blithely speaking of the “wog accent” she put on and her annoyance at a politically-correct culture whose prejudices she despised. …

  36. Sv-

    NO ONE but no one is allowed to tell the truth about race. Pinker in The Blank Slate said “in my opinion it’s not genetic” (negro IQ). He knows he would not be published if he told the truth. Do you think the Rand was allowed to speak her mind? Do you think her 1963 article RACISM showed her actual views? In Atlas she talks about the “looters.” Suppose she called them “the jews.” Would jew Bennett Cerf of Random House allow that book to be published?
    The racism article is PC vomit. I have wondered why it was written. I guess that she was TOLD to write it- or else not be published anymore. Can we discover what Rand really thought about race? Absolutely. After her death, her “intellectual heir” Peikoff got ahold of her unpublished writings, and decided to publish them.
    In the Journals of Ayn Rand we find views to the right of WN. Let us look at pp. 466-467 (paperback). Starts off
    “Man’s intellectual capacities have always been so unequal that to the thinkers the majority of their brothers have always seemed subhuman. . .we may still be living side-by-side with some missing links. . .what about those who are still pre-human. . .If those creature incapable of rational existence are sub-human, are we to sacrifice ourselves, or be sacrificed, to them?. . .We cannot survive in such a society. By definition we are TWO DIFFERENT SPECIES. They’ll perish without us anyway. But we will not be sacrificed to them. . .”
    What editor/publisher would approve of this?

  37. Perhaps the Frum Forum could respond with an article on Occidental Dissent contributor part of atheist group that promotes urinating on Christian cross…

    Checking the pic in the first link …

    Don’t you need a chin to be a leader? How is someone without a visible chin going to be a WN leader? Can anyone think of important leaders in history that did not have chins? How can you project authority, charisma, leadership and inspire followers without a chin?

    Is the fedora supposed to compensate? All I see is a chinless man in a fedora. Which is a comic image, not one that inspires confidence and courage. Like the one with dogs playing poker.

  38. “But isn’t the genetic continuity of life ultimately in vain?”

    But isn’t living out of the rest of your life ultimately in vain as you are mortal and will hence die? Would you care if someone were to kill you?

  39. “In the Journals of Ayn Rand we find views to the right of WN.”

    And all that is out of keeping with the Jewish conception of themselves as something-more-than-human/human and the goyim as merely-human/sub-human, how? I know, you like Rand’s shit, and you want to believe she wasn’t just another rotten Jew, so badly. But were it so.

  40. I think the take-home point here is that Knepper & Co. consider a father who loves his newborn child “irrational” (the love and warmth he feels have to be “earned” first, you see). This puts them well off the playing field of normal humanity, much less ethnopatriotism.

  41. soren renner,

    I am no “j.” I am a WN.

    I admit I was needling Mr. Parrott, perhaps a bit too harshly. I highly respect his intelligence and intellectual leadership, but I had in mind a more physical, social, and organizational leadership, the kind that really matters, not the kind that gets wasted in echo chambers online or in debates with homosexual libertard satanists.

    Sadly, I can’t seem to find any kind words for your leadership, whether it be intellectual, physical, moral or otherwise, as you come across as a nebbish (speaking of covert “j’s”), just barely functioning Autistic who I reckon would be the first amongst our’n to perish in the coming Race War.

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