Racism and Obamacare

Mary Mitchell, a black columnist from the Chicago Sun Times, has the upteenth article about the really scary racism of the Tea Party protestors opposed to Obamacare. Hardly a day goes by now without fresh accusations of “racism” from the Left.

The myth continues to circulate that Rep. John Lewis and Rep. Emanuel Cleaver were verbally assaulted with racial slurs at the Tea Party rally last Saturday. The whole episode was videotaped and posted to YouTube. I heard a lot of booing and chants of “kill the bill,” but “nigger” wasn’t used a single time. We’ve reached the point where the mainstream media can impudently tell us bald-faced lies whenever the subject is whiteness and race.

The term “racist” is evolving again. Originally, a “racist” was an individual who subscribed to a vertical hierarchy of superior and inferior races. By the 1970s, “racism” had come to mean any act of racial discrimination. In the 1980s and 1990s, “racist” was redefined a third time as a White person who takes pride in his racial and cultural heritage. In the Obamanation, the term “racist” has become synonymous with “angry White man.” All you have to do to get labeled a “racist” these days is be a White male who is really angry about something.

I’ve taken the temperature of the conservatives behind the Tea Party movement. The vast majority of them are truly innocent of any charge of “racism.” They are not White Nationalists by any stretch of the imagination. I’ve met some of these people and my honest impression is that they really believe their own bullshit about limited government. It is not a code word for restricting the access of blacks and Hispanics to social services.

The White conservatives behind the Tea Parties crave black acceptance. There are few things they enjoy more than the company and affirmation of non-Whites who share their ideological views. If Alan Keyes or J.C. Watts was President of the United States, there wouldn’t be a Tea Party movement. They would be slobbering all over the black Ronald Reagan. Ideas are what matter to these people, not color.

I can’t stress enough how alien this type of mindset is to the folkish racialist. Most of us are opposed to Obamacare for a very simple reason: it means taking money out of our community and restributing it to aliens who are hostile to our ethnic interests. In a racially homogeneous society, many White Nationalists (myself included) would support government regulation of healthcare. In contrast, the Tea Party brigades loathe France and are horrified by Scandinavian socialism.

The Left’s attacks on the Tea Party movement reflect one of the most powerful arguments for White Nationalism: you might not be interested in race, but race-based groups are interested in you. White Americans live in a racially polarized society whether they like it or not. Non-Whites give lip service to the ideal of colorblindness, but they form countless race-based organizations to advance their racial interests in politics.

I hope the Tea Party folks wise up and realize they will be called “racists” no matter what they do. There will never be a colorblind multiracial utopian society. Barack Hussein Obama proves it. Only White people have been suckered into swallowing this fantasy. “Racism” is merely a moral battering ram that Jews and non-Whites cynically use to increase their wealth and power relative to White Americans. The term has no other meaning.

A colorblind society requires reciprocity. How can America move beyond race when racially conscious commentators like Mary Mitchell are allowed to foment racial hatred against Whites and nurse old racial grievances?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The deindustrialization of the US, globalist policies like NAFTA and GATT, Wall Street parasitism/fraud, the wars, third world immigration, the fact we are the reserve currency – all of these have a far greater negative impact on the dollar and the real economy of the US than temporary demographic shifts like the baby boomers getting older.

    Our balance of trade issues are far more important than bookkeeping. The only things the US needs from outside of our own borders are oil and various specific commodities.

    Writing checks to elderly retired white people – Social Security – will NOT bankrupt the country, nor does it have to have a major negative economic effect. It’s a bookkeeping issue, nothing more.

    As for “killing the dollar” – every currency gets competitively devalued, that’s the name of the game. We print more dollars, China prints more yuan. So what? Slow steady inflation is how the system works. It’s not utopia but it can be stable.

    Instead of worrying about the ledger entries we should be worrying about the integrity of our borders.

  2. I cannot believe there are supposedly pro-white people complaining that elderly white people get to retire in a nice Florida condo.

    No one’s complaining that they *get* to. It’s that they *choose* to. They should be plowing their resources back into the company — i.e., helping their children and grandchildren.

  3. …They should be plowing their resources back into the company — i.e., helping their children and grandchildren.

    That’s only for Asian and Jewish grandparents :/

  4. I’ve taken the temperature of the conservatives behind the Tea Party movement. The vast majority of them are truly innocent of any charge of “racism.” They are not White Nationalists by any stretch of the imagination. I’ve met some of these people and my honest impression is that they really believe their own bullshit about limited government. It is not a code word for restricting the access of blacks and Hispanics to social services.

    I agree with this statement 110%.

  5. Because they printed TRILLIONS of dollars and didn’t give any to YOU. Oops. All those inflationary dollars are safely on the balance sheets of New York Banks. Inflation? Yep – for THEIR assets – not yours.

    Never seen it put better.

    Usually the tacit assumption is that the govt flushing money through the system is somehow sharing it out on a per capita or pro rata basis. Its not. Some people get a big sack of cash, many others dont see any at all.

  6. Writing checks to elderly retired white people – Social Security – will NOT bankrupt the country, nor does it have to have a major negative economic effect. It’s a bookkeeping issue, nothing more.

    As for “killing the dollar” – every currency gets competitively devalued, that’s the name of the game. We print more dollars, China prints more yuan. So what? Slow steady inflation is how the system works. It’s not utopia but it can be stable.

    By that logic, we should just cut big huge welfare checks to all the blacks, and that should solve our racial problem.

    Inflating would solve this particular problem, but only if you took away the ‘COLA’ (Cost of Living Allowance) which makes the Social Security payments rise in correlation with inflation. Otherwise you don’t get ahead of the game at all.

    At any rate, you can say ‘it’s not social security because of all this other stuff that costs money’ or ‘its not the wars and defense budget because of all this other stuff that costs money’ or ‘it’s not section 8 and welfare because of all this other stuff that costs money’; but it’s all part of the same problem. At some point we are going to have to stop letting these people deflect blame to eachother and hold them all collectively responsible.

    As for ‘so what’ if the dollar is devalued: the less the dollar is worth, the more oil (gasoline) costs. This means it is harder for whites to live out in rural and suburban areas, which would mean a drop in white birthrates, since whites in urban areas tend to not have many children.

    Anyways, if we are going to be cutting checks to anyone, it should be to the productive white members of society, especially those in their childbearing years. Germany in the 1930s had a program where you could get your mortgage waived by 1/4 per child you had. Obviously such a program today would not work because it would benefit nonwhites at least as much as whites, but a better idea would be to forgive 1/4 of student loans per child, which would encourage the middle/upper end of whites to have children.

  7. ” Ideas are what matter to these people, not color.

    I can’t stress enough how alien this type of mindset is to the folkish racialist.”

    You are misunderstanding something critical here. Race by itself is not sufficient. If blacks were, behaviorally and intellectually, Europeans with black skin, it would not MATTER whether civilization was run by whites or blacks, because the result would be the same, with a pigmentation difference – the same way as a Swede can be blond or dark-haired and it doesn’t matter they’re still a Swede. (I mean in terms of ancestry, I’m not including the recent immigrants in that – dark hair is very common in northern Sweden.) Blacks are not Europeans with black skin. That is WHY the ideas are different. The ideas are a marker. Making ideas matter is therefore a very appropriate litmus test, it gets at the critical RESULT of the underlying genetic differences.

    “In a racially homogeneous society, many White Nationalists (myself included) would support government regulation of healthcare.”

    And it would fail, because that’s the way the math works. And that’s why any movement that has you or anyone who thinks like you in a position of leadership will fail. Socialism, mathematically and in human motivations, does not work. It self-destructs every time. It was the very first form of government attempted by Anglo-Saxons on this continent, and it is WHY the Pilgrims nearly starved to death. You’re a historical illiterate and a fool, but take comfort, you’re just like Obama in that regard.

    France, btw, actually has a very limited government health care, the private sector is very strong. It will probably be more privatized than the American one now.

  8. HRW

    By that logic, we should just cut big huge welfare checks to all the blacks, and that should solve our racial problem.

    Checks don’t turn black people into elderly white people, so your comparison does not hold.

    the less the dollar is worth, the more oil (gasoline) costs.

    Oil went from $30 to $100+ back down to $50 within a year. Meanwhile, we had massive monetary inflation. It’s not as simple as you think. But it hardly matters what you think, the devaluation of the dollar – along with every other currency – is happening regardless, which is how the system was set up to operate. When you start using silver coins to buy groceries, let us know.


    How does one go from this:

    That is WHY the ideas are different. The ideas are a marker. Making ideas matter is therefore a very appropriate litmus test, it gets at the critical RESULT of the underlying genetic differences.

    To this:

    Socialism, mathematically and in human motivations, does not work.

    Socialism works fine in a small country with a homogeneous white population, the Nordic countries being the perfect example. I suppose if you define “socialism” to mean everything bad, and “capitalism” to mean everything good, sure. But in the real world, it’s the people, not the ideology or form of government, that matters. As you seemed to indicate earlier.

    Not only should we make sure the old people get their SS checks, we have another way to increase wealth for the average family in the US – free food stamps. Big Ag is the most heavily subsidized industry in America, and produces massive amounts of surplus food. Free food stamps to all middle class and below families would boost the economy even, as they have more left over for consumer goods (or even savings!)

    We already have a socialist system, and what the conservatives are promoting is simply more socialism, with a paternalistic face. It makes conservatives feel better, but it doesn’t actually change anything.

    As to race – welfare for blacks is an easily solved problem. Stop trying to teach them algebra and set up a decent vocational tech system, to teach them how to do skilled manual labor. Kick out all the illegals and stop any more immigration, and within a few years the job situation would stabilize. Planned parenthood keeps the black population mostly in check.

    What is an insolvable problem are the mestizos though. There’s no amount of money that can fix that demographic problem.

    Again – monetarism is bunk. You have two choices – either we all become Ron Paul types and End the Fed, or we deal with the modern system of fiat currencies and government debt. Conservatives want to have their cake and eat it too, doesn’t work that way.

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