Don’t Tread On Me

Leonard Zeskind asks: What’s Next for the Tea Partiers?

He predicts the Tea Party Movement will radicalize in its frustration with the Republican establishment and the defeats inflicted upon it from the Left. A significant cross section of the Tea Party Movement (the purists who reject electioneering) might get involved with the growing militia movement or migrate to the White Nationalist fringe.

That’s one possible scenario. Personally, I think it is unlikely to materialize. Instead, the Tea Party Movement will be invigorated by its defeat and will attract more independent voters into its ranks who disagree with President Obama’s policy initiatives on immigration and healthcare. The economy won’t turn around over the summer and the Republicans will retake Congress in November.

The Tea Party Movement will interpret its electoral triumph as a sign that frustrated conservatives should continue to work within the system. In the meantime, the Tea Partiers will fight Obamacare in the federal courts and through separate state action. The great conservative hope will come along on his (or her) white horse – Mitt Romney or Sarah Palin – and will ride the wave of anti-government sentiment and activated implicit whiteness to victory in 2012.

The “Don’t Tread on Me” coalition of Republicans, Libertarians, Independents, White Nationalists, and alienated White male blue collar Democrats will prove short lived. The crafty Republican establishment will hijack the movement, install its own people in positions of power, and milk the Tea Party Movement for everything it is worth. Jews and White liberals will continue to control the commanding heights of American culture and poison the young with their degenerate ideas.

Barack Obama’s defeat in 2012 will be interpreted by the liberal establishment and the black community as the definitive proof that White America is hideously racist and reactionary. Blacks have never understood the concept of a changing of the guard. In our major cities, once blacks install one of their own in power, they feel entitled to indefinite black rule. I predict a turbulent period of race relations ahead, not the “post-racial” utopia that the mountebank in the White House promised in 2008.

The Left has failed time and again to take the rhetoric of the Tea Party Movement at face value. They have assigned to these people a crypto-racist agenda that the vast majority of Tea Partiers do not share. In their hearts, the majority of Tea Partiers truly believe in individualism and MLK’s ideal of colorblindness. That’s why their ultimate destiny is to be crushed by the Minority Majority of organized racial grievance groups.

In 2010, the Tea Partiers are certainly innocent of the left-wing charges of “racism,” but in the future that might change. Most White Nationalists once believed in the vague liberal vision of a post-racial El Dorado. There came a point though in each of our lives when the so-called anti-racists pushed too hard and we spit out their whole message.

As the Left’s vision of a “post-racial” utopia crumbles in the eyes of White Americans, White Nationalists are eagerly waiting on the sidelines. Unlike the Faux Right, we have a clear vision of what needs to be done. The White Nationalist movement is increasingly sophisticated, organized, and effective at getting its message out. In the proper historical conditions, we will be prepared to break out of our isolation.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’ve said without the “race card” there is no viable Left. They are our unwitting allies. That is all I have to add to what I think is a great prediction by Mr. Wallace.

  2. The message of the Jew needs to be pounded into these people’s ears until they understand that both political parties are controlled by serpents playing a game of poker. I’ll see your mulatto in the White House and raise you an RNC figurehead. I see people trying to put their point across in vague terms like banksters, internationalists or foreign lobbies but there needs to be a more direct approach. The radio station I was listening to today ran a political ad for Trey Grayson who’s running against Rand Paul for senator in my state. The ad says Paul says some strange things about the “War on Terror” and that maybe America is to blame and about closing Guatanamo Bay and releasing the prisoners and about his opposition to the wars. I can understand from listening to Paul making these kinds of statements that he is probably anti-Jew but I guarantee most people don’t get it when they hear this but think the guy is some sort of fanatic muslim lover who hates America and burns the flag. The message needs to be more coherent for the ignorant masses (and I was one too) out there.

  3. In 2010, the Tea Partiers are certainly innocent of the left-wing charges of “racism,” but in the future that might change. Most White Nationalists once believed in the vague liberal vision of a post-racial El Dorado. There came a point though in each of our lives when the so-called anti-racists pushed too hard and we spit out their whole message. END QUOTE

    I was one of them! I remember in college hearing liberals saying, “someday affirmative action will be phased out,” and I asked when. “When we’re all equal.” I said, “Are you sure they will ever admit to such a thing and voluntarily give up an advantage over whitey?” They didn’t like that question at all, and called me a racist. LOL.

    That’s the best question to ask any of them, like Tim Wise — when does it ever end? The answer, of course, is one of two possibilities:

    1. When there’s no more whiteys to parasite off because we’re extinct.
    2. When we end it by any means necessary.

    So Extinction, or War. Take your pick.

  4. There is one wild-card that could be thrown into this scenario, ably painted by Hunter Wallace.

    What if Obama decides to push for Amnesty?

    Obama has won on Health Care.

    He even seems to have pushed Izzy aside for the moment (remember he went to Rev. Wrights Church and may be more partial for Palestinians).

    The momentum is there for Obama to seriously push for Amnesty to try and get as many mestizos to vote for him in the future as possible!!

  5. I agree with Hunters more realistic predictions.

    Yes, we will have some gains from the younger white Tea partiers but I do not expect the older baby boomers to waiver one bit from their mindless conservative thoughts and slogans.

  6. I do not think people really understand what the passage of this bill really means. It is checkmate folks. It is not just some government program to use as a rallying point for a future election. If the States are not successful in the courts within the next fours years there WILL be a legalized genocide in this country.

    This is a big deal guys. It can not be stressed enough. Why have we been seeing the biggest organized protests since the 60’s? Because it is real, it is scary, and it IS here. This guy says it better than I can.

  7. HW writes: “As the Left’s vision of a “post-racial” utopia crumbles in the eyes of White Americans, White Nationalists are eagerly waiting on the sidelines. Unlike the Faux Right, we have a clear vision of what needs to be done.”

    Please post a topic on this. I’d like to see it all laid out.

  8. Some of us are not “waiting on the sidelines”

    Some of us are already working the crowd.

    The vast majority of the crowd doesn’t want to know; The WN message contravenes *every* single thing they have been taught, for their entire lives.

    A few members of the crowd are listening, though.

    I gets ya 2; 2 gets ya 4……

  9. Charles Post 4? What happens?


    Whitey Come Latelies “get it” at last – or get culled by the Mestizo hordes.

    Their call. As far as I’m concerned, about racially “tolerant Whites” – get out of my way. I’ll feed ya to the Mongrel Hordes. Think of me, in your last seconds…..

  10. The great conservative hope will come along on his (or her) white horse – Mitt Romney or Sarah Palin – and will ride the wave of anti-government sentiment and activated implicit whiteness to victory in 2012.

    If these people are the best the conservative movement can offer then it deserves to die its last gasping breath. I was a conservative all my life but I’ve come to realize it doesn’t mean what I thought it did. Conservatives have a problem with illegal immigrants but not nonwhite legal immigrants as long as they become Americans and assimilate (race mix). Conservatives don’t mind a few blacks or any other nonwhites in their neighborhoods as long as they’re middle class, never mind that they are employed by the government in some make work job like Diversity Coordinator. Conservatives gripe about affirmative action but they don’t mind celebrating the products of it like Colin Powell or Condoleeza Rice. With this kind of illogical and suicidal thinking it’s no wonder the liberals have ascended to power in this country. The conservatives have done part of their work for them.

  11. An excellent analysis HW.

    MP, Romney will be a disaster on the level of Bush. Did anyone watch him at the GOP debates last year? “I want to double Gitmo” “I love torture” etc. Has he put on his beanie and kissed the Wailing Wall yet?

  12. For most people if it is not within the sphere of their immediate experience it is not real for them. Telling the truth about the full horror that is to come is perceived as “hysterical” or the acts of a “provocateur.” People will not wake up (and they are waking up, I see it more every day) and act until multiracialism’s chickens fully come home to roost. A pity it must be that way, yet no less the case.

  13. The status quo won’t be around in 2012. I agree with Another Wallace. As a physician and a gun nut, the similarity between what I have read of this bill tell me we have a 1934 National Firearms Act on a much larger scale. Life and death worry me less than the threats and coercion from FedGov. Trust me on this one, they can already put you out of business through their laziness and incompetence. Wait until they unleash 16,000 new IRS goons with the power to hire bounty hunter subcontractors. Hunter needs to take into account that our Freedom-Loving Republic just empowered a Stasi. Ask Randy Weaver. TP’ers won’t passively turn to Mother’s skirt once all of the fun is gone; Mother is going to get sodomized and will have to actively gather her children to fight the big, bad wolf. Pre-crime will be coming very soon. I urge you to not to consider the academy and cyber-space your safe house.


  14. “As the Left’s vision of a “post-racial” utopia crumbles in the eyes of White Americans, White Nationalists are eagerly waiting on the sidelines. Unlike the Faux Right, we have a clear vision of what needs to be done. The White Nationalist movement is increasingly sophisticated, organized, and effective at getting its message out. In the proper historical conditions, we will be prepared to break out of our isolation.”

    Excellent post, Hunter. I’m extremely impatient. I just wish something would ignite the kindling. I think most tea partiers are closet White Nationalists. So deep in the closet, they don’t even know they are. Most won’t come out until all hell breaks loose.

    Denise, we need a lot more females like you in the movement.

    Kievsky, unbridled warfare.

  15. ” I do not think people really understand what the passage of this bill really means.”

    One is assuredly troubled at the prospect of the normalization of ‘Soviet Methods’ which would include the medical pathologization of White Nationalist Thought-patters.

    Commies would routinely place dissidents into ‘mental hospitals’ and tell them they were insane for not believing in the eventual triumphant ‘One World Socialist Revolution’. They even would print out propaganda newspapers and give them to these dissidents to try and convince them.

    Heck the same thing was basicly done to Ezra Pound just a few decades ago (although that was one isolated incident, look for such things to become common-place very soon! *sniffle* )

  16. …So deep in the closet, they don’t even know they are. Most won’t come out until all hell breaks loose.

    Unfortunately, when it indeed may be a little too late.

  17. I agree that the Tea Party movement will just become the next stage of mainstream Republicanism. I just don’t see a big difference between this crap and the “angry white males” from the earlier 90’s who became today’s George W. Bush voting patriotards.

  18. This is my first post on this site, and this is a very appropriate thread to begin with, since it was through a certain WN contact, in a Tea Party group, that I came into the WN camp months sooner than I would probably have done otherwise. But unlike most Tea Partiers, I needed no persuasion to accept WN, since it was essentially the same as my own longstanding but nameless point of view. I was a NEW user of the internet last year (previously I had abstained for moral/religious reasons) and the very first sites and groups I discovered were of course Libertarian and TP. My often “strange” posts on the sites of local TP groups I joined were usually about “demographic dangers” rather than the typical TP economic and political issues. I was booted out of one TP group for one “too radical” post on their site, but still remain active in others, taking full advantage of many opportunities to educate, and to invite. I’m pleased to be on this site, however, where I can feel entirely “at home.”

  19. I respect Hunter’s opinion, but I don’t think that the swing to the right will be as strong. I see the Republicans making gains in the House this year, maybe even taking it over. I don’t, however, see them taking over the Senate and I think that 2012 is too hard to call. Mitt Romney is a moderate clown and Sister Sarah, although a great mom, hunter, fisher and a folksy speaker, has the IQ of my desk. How she ever managed a College degree, I will never understand.

    Our kin just keeps bouncing between the Big Government Party and the Big Business Party, with the usual suspects trying to play both sides of the street.

  20. What sets the Tea Party types apart from the liberals and Christian conservatives is that they are not obsessed with people being ‘equal’. The liberals of course are, and the George Bush style ‘compassionate conservatives’/Christian conservatives were almost as bad, just trying to achieve the same ends through slightly different means.

    The Tea Party is a revolt against this-people no longer give a crap about everyone ‘being equal’ because they know it’s them that has to foot the bill.

    We don’t need for every white person to become a racial fanatic. All we need is for white people to stop believing in hyper-equality, forced egalitarianism, and political correctness; and the rest will fall into place.

  21. The Tea Party is a revolt against this-people no longer give a crap about everyone ‘being equal’ because they know it’s them that has to foot the bill.

    Great point, H.

    Now it is effectively time for White Americans to ‘put-up or shut-up’. They really will be cajoled by the Others to ‘put their money where their mouth is’ — quite literally! — on just how much they really do admire or even ‘tolerate’ multi-kulti AmeriKwa.

    However, with so many indigenous White Americans out of work, they are having a hard time ‘footing’ their own bills, let alone anyone else.

  22. “We don’t need for every white person to become a racial fanatic. All we need is for white people to stop believing in hyper-equality, forced egalitarianism, and political correctness; and the rest will fall into place.”

    Actually if White folks did that, the forces arrayed against us would state Whites have become racial fanatics!!!

    Any deviation from Far Left Dogma, just one smidgen, is met by screams and howls of ‘racist’, and ‘anti-semite’ from the motley crew of Leftists infecting this Once White Nation. CRUSH ANTI-RACISM!!

  23. From a Washington Post article, this is how White people are talked about:

    I know how the “tea party” people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama Plan White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.

    How long are White people going to tolerate being talked about like this? This is your fucking hate speech right here. No other group can ever be referred to in terms like this, except for White people. Enough is enough.

  24. Is white awakening/nationalism becoming more mainstream? Interesting piece in the Washington Times today.

    Ultimately, a country is not simply its geographical borders with the people inside of it. It is something more – and deeper. A nation must share a common heritage, language, culture, faith and myths. Once upon a time, Americans celebrated the same heroes, sang the same patriotic songs, read the same history and literature, and gloried in its exceptional nature: a city upon a hill, with liberty and freedom for all. It was understood that, for all of our different ethnic and religious backgrounds, America is a product of English and Christian civilization. Those days are long gone.

    KUHNER: Will America break up?

  25. Romney and Palin are “gimmick” candidates with no real staying power or substance. So is Brown from Massachusetts.

    You will see either a Republican of substance, or a serious third party effort. No one will admit they voted for Obama in a few years.

  26. Maybe a flash mob will show up at a TEA Party and ignite the kindling. I think there are many WNs at TPs that would quickly defend any attempt by blacks to rain on their parade.

  27. Dear Mr. Mosin,

    Welcome home!

    (And “neiner neiner neiner” t oall you WN naysayers, who say all TPer’s are hopeless. It can be done! Ya just have ot “get out there”, and cast yer bread, and all………..)

    1 gets ya 2. 2 gets ya 4….Neegras like Collier and Sotoero get ya 50,000…….5 million…..

    FYI – if a buncha flash mobs, filled with “youf”-ful “Colliers” ever shows up, at any TP event, ect – I won’t fight. I will run away – and allow my UnAwakened White fellows to get the shi ite kicked out of ’em. I’ll take pictures – and enjoy the show.

    They need this. They need to get beaten, good and hard. They need to suffer. To hurt, and to bleed, and feel the quality of Brutha-ly love. I’m not making this call – they are. The sooner they get their heads kicked up their anal tracts – the better.

  28. “They need this. They need to get beaten, good and hard. They need to suffer. To hurt, and to bleed, and feel the quality of Brutha-ly love. I’m not making this call – they are. The sooner they get their heads kicked up their anal tracts – the better.”

    Sometimes people just need to be slapped by reality to finally wake the heck up!

    It is sad that there are so many, many lemmings. But ya’ know the internet has been around a long time. There have been videos of Jared Taylor up on Youtube for a long time. We are approaching a time where if the lemmings don’t understand Group Racial Dynamics it is their own fault and not the fault of the Jewish Conspiracy or liberals or whatever… the information is out there!!!! Hopefully the lemmings get it though so they don’t have to go through a painful process.

  29. People were alot more racially conscious even 20 years ago than they appear to be now. I refuse to believe that people are this detached from the world that they can’t make a correlation between the decline of this nation and the changing demographics. It’s everywhere, we’re practically drenched in diversity and everything it touches it destroys; the public schools, neighborhoods, whole cities, the entertainment industry, etc. Our economy was destroyed by massive defaults on mortgage loans to blacks and Mexicans plunging us into a recession and double digit unemployment and yet the “diversity is our strength” mantra is still going strong. Our very form of government is being altered, and still, it doesn’t faze half of the people out there and if it does they can’t make the connection. I wonder if the nonwhites starting attacking people in the streets would most of them just lay down and die?

  30. Charles – in the words of the incandescent Doris Day “Whatever will be, will be…” (Well – she sang those words, anyways….)

  31. Denise, I hate to spoil it for you (seriously, no sarcasm), but you do know that “Doris Day” was born Dorothy Kappelhoff? She is one of those Ashkenazi’s who was blessed with “Aryan good looks”…

    On another WN site, I found out about Ritchie Blackmore (of Deep Purple fame) and his wife Candace. They sing and perform midieval themes and were recommended as a good cultural influence. They are good, I believe, but on their wedding there was symbolism for “the bride’s Jewish heritage”. I might be naive, but in my book she’s not only gorgeous, but also look very White.

    You just never know…

  32. “I refuse to believe that people are this detached from the world that they can’t make a correlation between the decline of this nation and the changing demographics.”

    Let me tell you that there is alot of denial out there.

    Those not in denial are high tailing it out with White Flight.

    There is a tiny amount that are fully aware, admit what is happening, and want to join an emergent White Nationalist Proto-Movement to turn back the Rising Tide of Color.

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