Virginia: Bob McDonnell and Confederate History Month

Bob McDonnell, Governor of VirginiaBob McDonnell, Governor of Virginia, has stirred up a national controversy by having the audacity to declare the month of April “Confederate History Month” in the Old Dominion. Jews, White liberals, parasites, and negroes across America quickly began to shriek in horror about the Confederacy’s horrible legacy of racism and slavery. As everyone knows by now, McDonnell folded under pressure and issued a wimpy apology in which he decried slavery as the cause of the War Between the States.

White Virginians know the history of their state better than anyone. In 1860, Virginia was carried by John Bell, the Constitutional Union candidate. Virginia rejected secession after the Cotton States left the Union. The majority of Virginians didn’t believe Lincoln’s election warranted secession and favored a compromise solution like those of the past. The only reason Virginia seceded from the United States is because Lincoln decided to resort to force to coerce the Confederacy.

Virginians refused to take up arms for a Northern despot to spill the blood of their co-ethnics. That was the real issue. Lincoln’s own policy was that slavery could flourish in the states where it already existed. He didn’t foresee the final extinction of slavery happening until the twentieth century. Most Virginians thought South Carolinians and Alabamians were misguided to leave the Union, but acknowledged their right to do so. The states had created the federal government, not the other way around.

Lincoln’s attack on the Confederacy was seen as the destruction of republican government in America. Virginians clung to the old notion that the legitimacy of any government rested on the consent of the governed; coercing the Southern states back into the Union at bayonet point made a farce out of America’s own vaunted principles. It was a states’ rights issue, plain and simple. A tyrannical precedent was being set.

This is how the conflict was seen around the world at the time. Europeans wondered why the 13 American colonies had the right to unlawfully rebel against the British Empire, but the 13 Confederate states didn’t have the right to withdraw from the Union. It didn’t make any sense. Wasn’t George Washington a rebel? Weren’t the Founding Fathers of America openly committing treason by throwing down the gauntlet of the Declaration of Independence before the world? The Confederates were only taking America’s republican principles to their logical conclusion.

But this is a digression into history. The present and future is what should concern us. Bob McDonnell naming April as “Confederate History Month” is only a small victory for us. February, for example, is “Black History Month.” The month of April already honors financial literacy, crime victims, organ donors, and child abuse prevention. May is simultaneously “Jewish American Heritage Month” and “Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month.” Mid-September to Mid-October is “Hispanic Heritage Month.” The descendants of Confederate veterans, the majority of White Virginians, are only asking to be honored alongside all the other groups in the multicultural pantheon.

Yet this is controverial. “Confederate History Month” was even rescinded when Mark Warner and Tim Kaine were Governor of Virginia. America’s ruling class (and its underclass of racial grievance groups) look down on White Southerners. In their eyes, White Southerners are synonymous with white trash, racists, white supremacists, nativists, rednecks, bigots, hicks, hillbillies, etc. They do not believe in lowering themselves from their lofty perches of moral superiority to acknowledge that White Southerners are their equals. At the New York Times, we are openly described as an “anachronism” destined to fade into history. Unlike every other group, White Southerners are not allowed to celebrate our culture and heritage, or have a positive sense of ethnic identity and self worth.

In my mind, this raises a fundamental question: as a White Southerner, one of the millions of American natives loathed by our hostile elites in Washington and New York City, why should I desire to be a part of the same Union as these people? We literally have nothing in common: racially, ethnically, culturally, or politically. These people salivate over their dream of the future in which my descendants will become a degraded, oppressed minority in the land of their ancestors. I have come to dream about the glorious day when White Southerners wake up and sever our ties with these loathsome hypocrites forever.

Just think about it: in a society where children are aborted by the millions, where the institution of marriage is redefined, where young women aspire to careers as porn stars, where young men look up to Lil’ Wayne instead of Robert E. Lee,  why should the Union of all things be sacred? Individual couples get divorced all the time. The Left considers this an inviolable right. The people of the United States now have less in common than some of the most bitterly separated partners. It would be better for all parties involved to go our separate ways.

Frankly, I realized long ago that America is lost. The Confederacy had the right idea in striking out on its own. Too bad we lost. I passionately despise our national government for similar reasons. My loyalty has devolved back to my local community, state, and co-ethnics in the American South. It certainly doesn’t belong to the alien regime in Washington, DC with its genocidal policy of White dispossession.

The sooner we break away from it; the better off we will be.

Update: Pat Buchanan and Ellison Lodge weigh in at VDARE.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. One of my direct Confederate ancestors owned a blacksmith shop on a Virginia turnpike, and that may have explained his loyalty to Virginia. LOL. I would love to know more, but, unfortunately I can’t call ’em up and ask ’em.

    He was a farmer and a blacksmith, and was from what I’ve heard in the cavalry until his horse died toward the end of the war. He is listed in the Virginia Confederate records, but, not from where I thought he lived at the beginning of the war? He is also listed in another regiment too. That could be from after he lost his horse? Or maybe he was trying to collect two paychecks? LOL.

  2. No one ever disputed the right of southerners to leave the US of America. The real question- the one the Civil War was fought over- is this: When you leave America can you take your land with you?
    Think carefully before you answer.

  3. No question about it–Tom Watson’s ancestors were money lenders.

    Anyone else notice that he didn’t post anything during passover?

  4. Our enemies crawl from their rocks quickly when any attempt to acknowledge an honorable cause and an honorable people is made.
    I passionately despise our national government for similar reasons. My loyalty has devolved back to my local community, state, and co-ethnics in the American South. It certainly doesn’t belong to the alien regime in Washington, DC with its genocidal policy of White dispossession.
    My feelings exactly. I’m a white man living in North America. I’m not an American nor do I owe one iota of allegiance to the deadliest enemy the White Race has ever faced.

    The sooner we break away from it; the better off we will be.

    There will be no peace without separation. Our enemies have made sure of that. Myself, I want it to DIE because they will never leave us be if we only separate, but I would take that as a fall back position. For now.

    My ancestors shot at people waving the Red, White and Blue and I bust with pride about it. It was the most honorable thing a Southerner could have done. I hope we get to do it again. My soul ACHES for it.

  5. The fact that you are a proud, honorable and erudite Southerner is what makes your blog special, Hunter. Keep up the good work, sir!

    These apologies are mandatory as long as we are governed by a hostile alien elite. The only question is how long will it take and how low will the person grovel.

    Some may concede that at least some of their argument is right, slavery was wrong, etc. But the South is not defined by slavery, only in the minds of our enemies, neither is South Africa defined by Apartheid or Germany by the mainstream version of the Holocaust. We have a unique history, culture and people that have the right to celebrate, honor and preserve our heritage.

    Even for those countries that do not have a tainted past, they would still use racism, homophobia and the litany of “hate crimes” to oppress and control whites. It’s not about past wrongs, but their hatred of whites and not allowing us to have a racial identity.

  6. Good post and spot on.

    I get so tired and frustrated with most whites. When it comes to race, slavery etc most just want it to go away. As we become minority do they really think the new majority will allow for history of any slaveholders or for that matter any pre 1950ish history to be shown in a favorable light? Washington, Jefferson, Madison and most founders all slaveholders. Whites from before 1950 must be demonized, Our history too not to mention us.

    Kill the Boer.

    This was posted at VDARE:
    The Great Virginia Grovel—If They Won’t Stand Up For The South, They Won’t Stand Up For America

  7. It is always important to keep in mind that there are plenty of Northerners who despise the federal government (and the political class especially) just as much as we do. I harbor no animus toward our Yankee friends.

    OD gets as much traffic from the North as we do from the South. Among other things, this has convinced me that the opposition to “ZOG” (as some would call it) is national in scope, and isn’t based in any specific region.

    Does anyone know if the League of the South has stopped masturbating over “black Confederates”? I looked into the neo-Confederate movement several years ago and was disappointed to hear paens to multiracialism.

  8. I agree. This is not about Yankee Vs Confederates per se. We have, unfortunately plenty of Borg right her in the South to worry about. It is about waking up the dead however and altering the destructive behavior of whites. Taking back our pride of who we are, were and all that we have accomplished and sacrificed. Reclaiming our heroes and building a future for our own posterity.

    Speaking of the dead. LOS when it first started eschewed the Marxist BS but they too have become multiculturalism worshipers. They don’t care about race.

  9. The SPLC labels them a hate group, they can’t be all bad. 🙂

    They are implicitly white, and in my experience are open to racialism in private.

  10. That doesn’t surprise me. I’ve never had anything to do with them. The whole “heritage not hate” crap always struck me as ridiculous. Every prominent Confederate leader and military officer was a White racialist. Alexander Stephens explicitly said that the “cornerstone” of the Confederacy was White supremacy.

  11. We need to take over the Neo-Confederate movement. Southern nationalism is just the local species of White Nationalism. Secession has no constituency among non-Whites. Why the hell would blacks want to secede from Barack Hussein Obama’s America to put Michael Hill in power?

  12. The whole “heritage not hate” crap always struck me as ridiculous.

    True, it is a bit cliché, but it is accurate. We are not racialists in order to hate others or be “supremacists” as our detractors love to say. They are the supremacists and haters, they have the power to ruin people’s lives over the most minor infractions.

    Considering LoS and similar organizations highly value traditional Southern culture, racialism and separation must be implied, or they’re frauds and liars.

  13. Hunter,

    That is my favorite song that you linked below the article. Haunting, beautiful and passionate… it truly resonates deep within the heart when you hear it.

    Good stuff.

  14. I agree with the whole essay. I could care a less about “America.” What does it mean to be an American today? It means the constant attack on my people by a hostile elite.

    “America” can drop dead. I care about my family and my people.

  15. “Every prominent Confederate leader and military officer was a White racialist”

    Is this not true as well, though, of nearly every prominent Union leader and military officer, including (obviously) Lincoln himself? The WBTS was fought between two slave-holding nations, both of which respected the institution of slavery for the entirety of their existence. The Stars and Stripes flew over more slaves for far more years than the Stars and Bars ever did.

  16. @ Lady Lurker

    You can be sure my Confederate ancestor had all of the common prejudices of his day. Niggers, Catholics, and Chinamen etc.

    Jews would have been from another planet. I doubt if he ever even saw a Jew. LOL.

    Btw, what Jewish whore house in Europe was your mother working in at the time. LOL

  17. It’s very important to honour one’s ancestors (particularly if the MSM consider you evil).

    The minute they hear proud words delivered in an accent of evil they get that deer in the headlights look.

    I remember at a British conservative meeting years ago, the minute they heard the word Rhodesia delivered in a white African accent they all look completely shocked.

    God bless your brave ancestors of the Confederacy and the proud White Southerners of today

  18. An ethnically African man living in high tech NY calling other people anachronisms – talk about throwing stones in glass houses.

  19. I think even now we can use the “hate speech” phrase against them, then throw in the “anti-white” lable at them, finish off if they keep at it with a reference to their wishes for our “genocide.”

  20. “The Confederacy had the right idea in striking out on its own.” What should White Christian conservatives do now in terms of today’s reality? If the USA is really controlled by a pro-Zionist socialist party working with a pro-Zionist militarist party, then what should White Christians in the USA do? They might try to fight against the money. Or … they might go with the money. We give money to Zionists. We have many Latinos in our midst and many violent Latino gangs on our streets. We are threatened by Muslims.
    At the blog “The West’s darkest hour” on July 5, 2009 AD, Chechar wrote, “We are in a new phase of a very old war!” If Muslims had the weapons that Christians have now, then what would they do? Is chivalry against rapists a foolish idea? Should Christians exterminate Muslims and then dispose of Muslim lands by land grants to Christian soldiers? By extermination of 1.3 billion Muslims would many opportunities open for Christians? Can Zionists be manipulated into a war that really works?

  21. I would be surprised, Hunter, if Ames was himself not a racialist as well. However much he was a carpetbagger and promoted the interests of blacks in the areas under his rule it seems inconceivable to me that he would espouse egalitarianism as we know it today.

  22. I agree that the “white-trash” myth is the most disgusting slander in modern America. Nothing makes me angrier. Descendants of more recent immigrants should honor, not slander, the descendants of the pioneers who built this country.

    The Confederates fought with courage, skill and honor. They deserve our respect, unlike the professional activists who attack their memory.

    With a century and a half of hindsight, however, I think they fought in a bad cause. The election of Lincoln was no justification for secession and the attack on Fort Sumpter. Lincoln wanted White Americans to do their own gritty work rather than rely on cheap imported African labor. He was the first President to carry out the death penalty for an illegal slave smuggler, and he signed a treaty with Britain allowing mutual inspection of merchant ships. These two actions brought an end to the illegal transatlantic slave trade. In addition, he established diplomatic relations with Liberia and Haiti as part of his plan to encourage disgruntled free blacks to emigrate to majority black countries.

    Deep South extremists, by contrast, had attempted before the war to annex Cuba, where slaves were cheap and plentiful. Some even wanted to re-open a legal trans-atlantic slave trade.

  23. I’ve had friends, and acquaintences whose families owned 50 or more slaves before the Civil War in Virginia. That’s a lot of slaves for Virginia. It must have really been kinda weird to have had an African village on your farm. Know what I mean? LOL.

    It ain’t like having Uncle Bob living out behind the barn. 🙂

  24. “… the future in which my descendants become a degraded, oppressed minority in the land of their ancestors.” By “future” does Hunter Wallace really mean “now”? Can there be a multi-ethnic federal government that treats Whites fairly, uses gold-backed money, and limits the federal spending of the national income to 4% per annum? Will Stonewall Jackson and Calvin Coolidge return from the dead? Do libs and neocons want to quickly erase all the White racists, partial racists, and Whites who happen to be White? Unless drastic action is taken, are Hunter Wallace’s descendants likely to be melded into the mulatto/mestizo/Eurasian masses drinking Coca-Cola, watching television, buying lottery tickets, and wondering how the rich people can get away with everything?

  25. @Tom Watson You are a liar and a fraud.

    No Confederate would attack the Church–Bl. Pius IX was the only European prince to recognize the Confederacy! Jefferson Davis, like most of the Southern upper class, was educated in Catholic schools, and sent his own children to Catholic schools. I believe he died a Catholic. 20 of the Confederate fighting generals were Catholics, as was Dan Emmett–writer of the Southern anthem “Dixie.”

    The reason for this is obvious–the South is the most European culture of America–and that is why I know you are not what you claim–a jew always gives himself away. No southern gentleman I’ve ever met–rich or poor–would ever talk to a lady like you do. But a Northeastern jew would. Another thing…Catholics may be a minority on this board, and protestants certainly have no love for us, but they aren’t too dim to see something off about your obsession with Catholics and your desperation to appear as one of the crowd. It’s called “trying to hard” and it’s a dead give away.

  26. @Tom Watson

    And another thing–it’s not “Civil War”, it’s “War Between the States” or “War of Northern Aggression”…but then you’d know that if you were who you said you were, phoney.

  27. “Is this [racialism] not true as well, though, of nearly every prominent Union leader and military officer,”

    Not only that, it was true of the ancient Romans who razed Carthage to the ground and smashed the Temple of our eternal enemies. Truly, they were “Nazis,” as White men who have valued their manhood have always been. But you don’t go weak in the knees at the mention of the ancient Romans, nor feel the need to triangulate against and denounce them to feel the thrill of moral superiority. Perhaps you should consider that the next time you feel the need to satisfy your delicate emotions at the expense of your loyalty to your race, Toddard.

  28. At the New York Times, we are openly described as an “anachronism” destined to fade into history. Unlike every other group, White Southerners are not allowed to celebrate our culture and heritage, or have a positive sense of ethnic identity and self worth.

    In my mind, this raises a fundamental question: as a White Southerner, one of the millions of American natives loathed by our hostile elites in Washington and New York City, why should I desire to be a part of the same Union as these people?

    Indeed, indeed. These people obviously hate us. They force on us the “with us or against us” choice where I must hate my own kind and turn my back on my ancestors and folk. It’s a psychotic’s choice wherein I’m steeped in original sin and must be baptized in the waters of self-abnegation to join the church of the defeated.

    And they freak out when people say “go to hell”? Gee, how could anyone turn down such a generous offer?

  29. @Watson,

    I’ve secretly agreed with a lot of your anti-Catholic sentiments, but you outed yourself with your slurs against the Virgin Mary (also a Protestant belief) and your misunderstanding of icons. Whatever you are, you are no Protestant, and I don’t think you’re fooling anyone anymore.

  30. @veni vidi dixi

    How many sock puppets does this woman have? LOL.

    No Protestant church recognizes any sainthood for Mary or any other human being. LOL. And Protestants do not believe in relics either. Nor indulgences. Nor an infallible Pope. Nor confession to a Priest. Or that good works are necessary for Salvation. Ad infinitum. LOL.

  31. >No Protestant church recognizes any sainthood for Mary or any other human being.

    You are not any sort of Protestant, as is evidenced by your clearly Catholic understanding of what a “saint” is.

    Sorry, but please – don’t try again.

  32. Protestants believe Mary is the Mother of God and in the Virgin birth and would certainly take offense to what you wrote about her.

    As for you use of the c-word, well, that was totally uncalled for, and is no way to talk to a lady or about a Lady, and I’m shocked that you haven’t been banned for it.

    Give it up, jew, you’ve been found out.

  33. @Lady Lurker and Sock Puppet

    LOL. The only thing that counts in Protestantism is salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, or as Martin Luther put it, justification by faith alone.

    All a Protestant has to do is have faith in Jesus Christ—nothing else. There is no working your way into heaven as you Roman Catholics believe. And there is no salvation without belief in Jesus Christ.

    Your Mary like your Pope doesn’t mean anything to me or any other Protestant.

  34. @Jew Watson

    What a convenient set of doctrines.

    Faith without works is dead, so no you can’t be a complete jerk and still go to Heaven. Not that it matters, unbaptized jews like you don’t go there anyway.

  35. The South wasn’t a white only society, it was a white supremacist society. Only total separation should be romanticized, mixing should be despised.

  36. @ Lady Lurker

    Thanks for confirming that Roman Catholics are not Christians, and that you don’t believe in Jesus Christ. LOL.

    Don’t worry your Mexican and other Latino Roman Catholic co-religionists believe the same thing as you do. I am sure you will be happy with them.

  37. @Watson

    You aren’t a Protestant, that’s obvious to everyone. You should probably move on to another schtick – it doesn’t seem to be working on TOO Blog either, so …

  38. @veni Lady’s sock puppet
    What kind of Protestant are you? Christian Zionist? Unitarian Universalist? LOL. Seriously.

  39. @ Lady Lurker and Her sock puppet LOL.

    Here’s a few of the over 300 passages in the New Testament that support the Protestant position known as Sola fide:

    John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

    John 3:18: “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”

    John 6:28-29: “Then they said unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.'”

    John 5:24: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.”

    John 6:40: “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son,and believeth on him, may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”

    John 6:47: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.”

    Acts 10:43: “Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins.”

    Acts 16:31: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.”

    John 14:6: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me.”

    Acts 26:18: “…that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in me…”

    Romans 1:17-18: “Therefore the just shall live by faith. The wrath of God is indeed being revealed from heaven against every impiety and wickedness of those who suppress the truth by their wickedness.”

    Romans 3:28: “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.”

    Romans 4:5: “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.”

    Romans 5:1: “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

    Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

    Romans 10:9: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

    Romans 11:6: “And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.”

    Romans 14:23: “…for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.”

    Corinthians 1:21 “For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.”

    Galatians 2:16: “Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.”

    Galatians 2:21: “I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.”

  40. @Jew Watson

    We already know you’re a jew.

    As for sole fide—there’s this thing called context—but leave it to a jew to split a hair six ways.

  41. @ Lady Lurker

    You have no proof what so ever that I am a Jew, or have any Jew ancestry. But, you are self admitted Roman Catholic, a dago, and an illegal alien enabler. LOL.

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