Daily Mail: BNP Gains Support In England

Edit — comments on the site are rated. Pro-BNP comments have hundreds of thumbs up in the green, anti-BNP have hundreds of thumbs down in the red.

BNP Gains Support in England

Wonderful news from England:

Clive Neal used to vote Tory, but now he informs me, though not in a belligerent way, that ‘I will be voting BNP’, adding: ‘We’re losing our sense of what it is to be British and this upsets and frustrates me.’

Does that make him a racist? Mr Neal, a quietly spoken, almost shy man, who lives in the same house on the vast Becontree Estate that he used to share with his parents, insists not.

Farther up the road, single mother Karen Woodward, 39, says she will also be voting BNP. As will the woman, in her late 50s, at the pebble-dash terrace at No50, and the 34-year-old former builder, now registered disabled, at No52 (‘I’ve never voted BNP before, but I’m going to because the country is in a mess’).

The grandmother a few doors up? BNP. The middle-aged man at the house with a dodgy extension; BNP. His next-door neighbour; BNP. Two pensioners, behind the blue and brown doors, across the street; both BNP. A third pensioner, male, walking along the pavement. ‘Yes,’ he would be voting BNP, too.

The underlying electoral statistics confirm the anecdotal evidence.

The BNP is the official opposition on Barking and Dagenham Council after winning 12 of 13 seats it contested in the 2006 local elections, polling more than 40 per cent of the popular vote in six wards. In reality, this means that on every street in Barking (pop: 166,000), there are at least 38 people who in the recent past have voted BNP.

BNP stickers in windows and the Cross of St George, like the one in Clive Neal’s garden, have become an intrinsic part of the urban landscape. No longer, it seems, is allegiance to the BNP something to be ashamed of; not here, anyway.
Immigration has been shamelessly exploited

This is why Nick Griffin, the leader of the British National Party, is standing for Parliament in Barking. Griffin versus Labour’s big hitter Margaret Hodge is one of the key sub-plots of the General Election. It is also a litmus test for our political system, with the MPs’ expenses scandal and continued fears over immigration at the very top of the political agenda.

I know some commenters will try to parse this as not good news, or less positive than I make it out to be. Nonsense — this is great news. It’s not about the BNP in particular, it’s about the death of globalist, universalist cornucopianism as an ideology. It will be very difficult — nay impossible, for the one-worlders to revive globalist cornucopianism in these people. With the ruthless economic contraction, all ideological movement will be one way — from their camp, to our camp.

Barring some perpetual energy machine and a revival of the economic boom times, this will be permanent. The liberal multicultural craziness we have experienced the last 50 years was purely an outgrowth of extreme economic growth.


  1. It is great news. It’s wonderful news. Whatever issues the BNP has, internally, it means that the English survival instincts are finally kicking in – and the “racist” control mechanism is losing it’s power to shut White people up.

    I’m really delighted to hear this. I sincerely hope that the upper echelons of the BNP watch their backs, and keep themselves safe and sound. Things are getting crazier by the minute. The Commies in Enlgand are not gonna walk away quietly.

  2. It means the self-inflicted genocide is being rejected and the “elite” and their companion non-white proto nazis are being displaced from their thrones as legitmate leaders. One day Trevor Phillips, Britain’s Big Colored Man will be wanted on charges of genocide in Ol’ Blighty.

  3. “. . .was purely an outgrowth of extreme economic growth. . .”

    Actually, fake prosperity from Keynesian economics- with the view that economies run on spending rather than on production, and that paper really is purchasing power.

  4. TabulaRAZA

    Take the free market von mises stuff and shove it. The experiment was tried and failed..the great depression followed after an extended period of free market free for all.

    Generaly speaking, economic growth is not understood..in the least bit by either school of economics. Both, are at the core, perpetual motion machines in a world where exponential growth will always crash because of the physical constraints of the real world.

    Britain is a small place being crammed with different hostile racial tribes. Not enough resources to make everyone happy.

    Worshipping of the corprations by a sector of European-type societies caused the whole race replacement problem in the first place. I am libertarain on some issues..but I hate across the board Libertarians..always did and always will.

  5. It’s not what some people here think it is. Not a resurgence of conservatism, or of old-style British backbone. Most of those disgruntled voters are only concerned that their place at the public teat is being usurped by aliens – all the while protesting that they’re not racists, heaven forbid, it’s got nothing to do with race! And that’s what the BNP is promising them – more public housing, more handouts for real Brits.

    What I’ve read of the leadership doesn’t inspire me. They’re just as degenerate as the rest of their society. So sad that this is the only team we have over there.

    I suspect that Nick Griffin’s recent enthusiasm for Christianity is really an attempt to make some strategic alliances. Whatever his motivation, I hope it works out for him. It will be interesting to see whether Christianity is still saleable in Britain – outside of their apostate Marxist state church.

  6. It’s not what some people here think it is. Not a resurgence of conservatism, or of old-style British backbone. Most of those disgruntled voters are only concerned that their place at the public teat is being usurped by aliens – all the while protesting that they’re not racists, heaven forbid, it’s got nothing to do with race! And that’s what the BNP is promising them – more public housing, more handouts for real Brits.

    Sounds almost like the British version of our home-grown ‘Tea Baggers’. ;}

  7. I think Britain is the most important piece of real estate in the world right now. Sure, America is theoretically more valuable but isn’t anywhere near Britain in practical terms because Britain is so much more likely to wake up than America.

    If Britain wakes up, the regime loses Australia and NZ, and maybe Ireland, too. And at that point we have a foothold in the Anglosphere and can start levering America into position.

    We have to get a foothold somewhere in the Anglosphere before we can really start to work on the Anglophone populations of the world.

    Does anyone here know the basics of telecommunications technology? I’d love to see a post about that stuff. Most of the established mass media dissemination technology is winner-take-all, so what are our other options? Besides paying for bandwidth, I mean. Could we do television over short wave? How can we broadcast tv to one country, from another, without satellite or cable?

  8. Analogman,

    If the BNP gets power, it will certainly provide infrastructure and social empowerment for true White nationalists, just as Labor provides the same for the Red scum.

    That’s all that matters. So the fact that those pensioners aren’t hard core WN’s makes you pooh pooh this news?

    Your problem is that anything short of a re-creation of 1930’s Germany isn’t worth anything. I say it is, because the rising White youth are ready to jump to us with even a little bit of official encouragement.

  9. Were it that the voters in Barking were readers of an English Occidental
    Dissent. Perhaps most of them do want that public teat but at least it belongs more to them then to Ali down the road. But some will come along with the new ideas; everyone is not a fat swill. What’s the old card: don’t let the best be the enemy of the good. Well, it’s something like that. How many would have thought 5 years ago that the BNP could elect a member of Parliament?
    Anyway, I think if Griffin does get elected to the House of Commons it could well be the shot that is heard around the world.
    The collective multicultural intellectual anti white, black, brown left will react strongly. Which of course is a mistake we should hope for greatly.

  10. Jupiter,
    You seemed to read an awful lot into a pretty benign comment by TabulaRAZA. Do you disagree that the 00’s were a decade of false prosperity and bubble economics, most of it based on fiat money?

    As for the Great Depression, it was managed by FDR using at least some of Keynes’ theories, that is a simple fact. It was “Great” because they did not work.

    To somehow end up with the Great Depression proving the failure of Mises’ ideas is ahistorical and silly.

  11. Btw, also on the Hungarian front, check the new Jobbik manifesto: http://jobbik.com/temp/Jobbik-RADICALCHANGE2010.pdf

    It seems Hungary of all nations might just be the one to lead the charge against white destruction.

    My favorite parts:
    Hungary’s population levels are at crisis point, the chief reason for this being drastic population shrinkage, coupled with an ageing populace […] This population crisis has been exacerbated by the destructive behaviour of the political establishment. Jobbik’s goal is to slow, then halt, then gradually reverse the rate of population decline, through the use of a coherent family and social policy; so that the nation grows. To achieve this will first and foremost require the promotion
    and protection of the institution of the family, particularly from attacks by a liberalism whose objective is to put the family unit on an equal footing with every conceivable alternative living arrangement or deviant lifestyle.
    For this reason Jobbik plans the introduction of “family taxation,” and the formation of an institute for stay-at- home mothers; while also making it easier for those women who chose to be mothers to return to work if they so decide. Our reform of the pensions’ system will place pension provision on a more secure foundation, and it will promote the having of children, while also directly facilitating mutual responsibility between generations.

    Jobbik would like to see young people leaving school equipped with germane and competitively relevant knowledge, and possessed of an unapologetic love of their nation; people who can then rely on their country to provide them with the opportunities for prosperity and satisfaction they seek. To achieve this however, Hungarian education must be returned back to a course based on its own priorities, away from a first Communist, and then twenty-year Liberal-Left educational course, on which it has been diverted.
    Our fundamental principles are: knowledge- and value-centred education based on time-honoured Hungarian traditions, a compulsory curriculum-for-all combined with a school-discipline framework, an education providing genuine post-schooling opportunities, the return of authority and respect to teaching staff; and the obviation of excessive student numbers and falling standards, in Higher education.

  12. “There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”
    John Maynard Keynes

  13. Jackson

    What I will tell you is this:

    There are differnt idea about what caused the Great Depression. There are different schools of thought. Honest economists will tell you that the statisitical evidence for each economic school’s take on the depression is inconclusive and or flawed.

    Nobody-ordinary living breathing nonelite human beings- wants to go back to the time before the great depression when the economy was free wheeling unregulated capitalism.

    Libertarians have a fetish for freemarkets.

    After the war, Kenyesian policies were dominant in the US and England. This is called the golden age of capitalism. Over all, things were very good for the Eurpean population of Europe and America.

    Across the board Libertarianism apeals to very small subset of the young White Male population of America. I strongly suspect that this population also greater overlaps significantly with the population of Young White Males with various degress of autism and Aspergers syndrome.

  14. I shouldn’t be mean to fellow White Nationalist. However I do believe that the extreme freemarket faction of the White Nationalist movement is clueless. If the BNP pushes a harcore free market program with no social safety net, it will never make significant inroads into the majority English population. The English social safety net can only be viable if large number of darkies are sent packing.

    Yes, I am for socialism for White people..not for the darkies.

  15. Most of the established mass media dissemination technology is winner-take-all, so what are our other options? Besides paying for bandwidth, I mean. Could we do television over short wave? How can we broadcast tv to one country, from another, without satellite or cable?

    The internet is here to stay, and satellite internet has been around since the 1990s, and needs only money and some engineering to make it practical. For $10,000, you can get better technology than any local TV station had in the 1980s that they paid 100ks for. The “internet” can be broadcast in any way, wired, wireless, etc., so we are not hurting for distribution either.

    What we lack is not in distribution or technology, it’s media production skills. Writing, acting, cinematography, editing, building sets – these are much, much harder than outsiders realize. Just like with athletes and musicians, what looks effortless in performance is the result of untold hours and years of practice.

    The problem with the white movement is the same problem as with all the other fledgling activist movements – reliance on volunteers. One paid staffer can do the work of a dozen volunteers, maybe more.

    Technologically speaking, the best video and audio production is available to the masses for cheap, first time in history. All we lack is the manpower and the money.

    only concerned that their place at the public teat is being usurped

    But it’s THEIR tit. They *are* the public.

    Arguing over Austrianism or Keynesianism is a pointless distraction. We have everything we need, it’s simply a problem of coordination. Here’s a question for Austrians and Keynesians – does a husband pay money to his wife for cooking dinner? Does a wife pay money to her husband for fixing the car? Does your friend pay you to help him move? Money is not necessary among friends, it’s only necessary when making arrangements with outsiders.

    While Austrianism has some important ideas, it’s worth noting that at its core it’s a Jewish ideology for people who hate their neighbors. And Keynesianism is just regular state coercion that is hidden from the least observant.

  16. Margaret Hodge is a Jew whose real name is Oppenheimer. American Renaissance won’t let me say that, by the way.

    Jupiter, the BNP is not a capitalist party. It is socialist and supports the nationalization of industry.

  17. Good one! Who would have thought (just a few months ago), that the support for the BNP would eventually become more acceptable and almost mainstream?

  18. Here’s a question for Austrians and Keynesians – does a husband pay money to his wife for cooking dinner? Does a wife pay money to her husband for fixing the car? Does your friend pay you to help him move? Money is not necessary among friends, it’s only necessary when making arrangements with outsiders.

    While Austrianism has some important ideas, it’s worth noting that at its core it’s a Jewish ideology for people who hate their neighbors.

    There’s nothing in Austrianism that says that.

    Also, the BNP is ‘socialist’ in a few areas, but in others more ‘capitalist’ than the ‘Conservative’ Party. They are for the nationalization of certain industries that were historically nationalized in the UK, but for more free market policies in such areas as agriculture and pub regulations, as well as being out at the forefront of calling ‘BS’ on the ‘global warming’ scam.

    Griffin and Kemp have done an excellent job in cleaning up the BNP, purging defectives, and making the party into an electable one essentially from scratch. They’ve also got an excellent website, which gets more hits than any other party website in the UK, and the internet is coming to replace all other forms of communication, even in the UK.

  19. Racial solidarity + socialism = national socialism
    it’s so basic, straightforward and simple
    whodda thunk? 🙂

  20. maximum freedom for individual entrepreneurship + limits on wealth consolidation + taking care of the weak, ill and elder of your folk + getting rid of scam artists in all sectors of society + operating on the principle of “the greatest good to the greatest number of your folk” = national socialism

    wow, sounds like an idea whose time has come….. again 🙂

  21. To be fair to old Keynes he did say somewhere that if you have mass unemployment, thats the issue that needs to be addressed. If you have high inflation then thats what you need to address.

    At the time when he was most active and influential, unemployment was the issue. He wasnt around by the time inflation had become a problem on the radar screen again. Maybe he would have produced some useful work on that?

    We know he was a bright guy, he managed to make make money in the stock market, unlike many other academic economists.

    Libertarian/free market types obsess over inflation but cant seem to focus on unemployement, yet its clearly an economic problem when it occurs. My feeling is they think Keynes didnt worry about inflation and that this misrepresents him.

  22. “BNP stickers in windows and the Cross of St George, like the one in Clive Neal’s garden, have become an intrinsic part of the urban landscape. No longer, it seems, is allegiance to the BNP something to be ashamed of; not here, anyway.”

    Anyone who wants to belittle that achievement needs to do better.

  23. No, Kievsky, you misinterpret what I said. 1930’s Germany has nothing to do with what I said. Like you, for me the only non-negotiable issue is the survival of the White race. If I have to compromise on other issues, I’ll do that, because whether it’s socialism (national or international), or any other political system, or territory, the moral degeneracy of modern western society, economics, whatever, the White race can come back from that. There is no coming back from racial extinction.

    The BNP is a racial party, and I’ll take that and be thankful. But the voter support they’re getting, at least as far as they will admit, is exactly like your Tea Party movement; racially clueless.

  24. “Does anyone here know the basics of telecommunications technology? I’d love to see a post about that stuff. Most of the established mass media dissemination technology is winner-take-all, so what are our other options? Besides paying for bandwidth, I mean. Could we do television over short wave? How can we broadcast tv to one country, from another, without satellite or cable?”

    Broadcasting is too expensive and regulated.

    What we need is an encrypted high speed bittorrent network. Encrypted so you can help distribute WN material without exposing yourself, especially if you live in a country where WN materials are illegal. High speed so we can distribute quality multimedia. Bittorrent or Bittorrent-like so we can distribute the bandwidth costs as well as denying the enemy a single point of attack.

    The newer seedless torrents make it even easier to keep stuff available.

    My fellow non-payers into the jew media machine can elaborate.

    If this network is created existing producers of WN podcasts and videos could include two links for downloading their stuff on their sites, one standard download and one torrent link, along with instructions on how to use the encrypted network.

    The other thing that can be done now that website bandwidth is a lot less expensive is have mirror archives of written material on every big WN site. Every site should mirror as much of the Solar General text archive as they can. Downloading written material doesn’t take a lot of bandwidth, and having many mirror sites will nullify enemy attempts to remove the material from the web.

  25. … and another thing –
    The reason why that matters is that, as soon as the BNP becomes a real political threat, the mainstream parties will promise to address the voters’ concerns. Free housing, welfare, maybe even reduced immigration, all without that nasty racism stuff. Just as Sarkosy did in France. And just like the French voters, the British voters will fall for it and desert the BNP. Of course, it will be a lie, and they’ll go back to business as usual (just like France). But it will be too late, and the government will be free to go on with its suicidal immigration program.

  26. Have you been paying attention? Sarkozy’s party lost big in recent French elections. Though your point is taken and I agree. But I think *something* have to give at some point.

  27. From Jobbik manifest, p.13. This is truly great and really eugenic! – richer people will have larger incentives to get kids.

    “Instead of the unconditional receipt of benefits, everyone in the country who is capable of work and who is not in employment, must be offered work; if required through a public works project: in order to receive public assistance. Such assistance must not be paid to the recipient in cash, but rather through the Social Card scheme. [see Social Welfare policy, above] In the interests of restricting the regrettable practise of the bearing of children for the purposes of economic subsistence through the state benefits receivable: child benefit will be reformed nationally, so as to only be receivable after the third child, in the form of tax relief; and it is vital that all child benefits be conditional on that child’s attendance in education.”

  28. Lurker

    Libertartarians do not understand inflation. More Generally, they are enthusaistic about beating the crap out of labor. There economic theories are built arond this immoral word view. Alan Greenspan-Ayn Rand cured Alan of his teenage acne by inviting him in bed with her for a humping session-gave an excellent presentation of the Libertarian perspective a few years back in his testimony before congress:crush labor. Ron Paul’s political heir-the current Governor of New Mexico is a crush labor enthusist. The surperrich are incredibly evil.

    No Keynes was no a stupid man..even if you don’t agree with him.

  29. Jupiter is an ignorant loudmouth as well as a very vulgar person, capable of attaining the level only of ad hominem slurs. For the adults here who might wish to understand libertarianism, they could begin by reading Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson.

  30. What’s so great about politically organized labor? The only thing they’ve been good at is stripping the wealth out of the country to fund retirements for people who spend more time in ‘retirement’ than they do in the workforce. Not to mention many are affirmative action hires (largest unions today are government employees) and organizers of the illegal alien marches.

  31. H. Rock White,

    I agree with you. The whole “go to Florida” thing is so lame. Grandparents should stick around the town of their grandkids.

    The Boomers were a bunch of moral slackers. That’s why they gave the country away.

  32. White Rock
    Post-1965 immigration policy has completetly screwed everything up..including some labor unions which-most of them-are cheerleaders for White race-replacement.

    Union memebership has gone down as immigration has gone which is why so many Libertarains are pro-LEGAL IMMIGRATION..such as Ron Pual.

    Generally your comments express an intense antipathy towards the White working class which is a victim of the evil right to work laws which are so beloved of the anti-White working class politicians such as Ron Paul and his heir apparent to the Libertarian throne the current Governior of New Mexico.

    Socialism for White folks..because most of them want it. Across the board Libertarian White Nationlaist are clueless.

    NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS need and want protection from brutal labor exploitation. Libertarians hate labor unions because they think the brutal exploitation of White Labor is the natural order of things. Absolutetly disgusting.

    Morality comes before free markets.

  33. Jupiter: Excellent comment!

    When the economy collapses, Common White Americans will have two political factions to choose between: Pro-White Populist Socialism OR “Anti-Racist” Communism. Without the choice of the former, the latter could very well succeed politically-even among the majority of White voters.

  34. The majority of voters in White European countries overwhelmingly support some form of universal health care, and labor unions are much stronger than they are in the Jew dominated United States which shows where White political instincts tend.

  35. “Three extraordinary individuals received this year’s Human Rights Award from the JLC: Roberta Reardon, the National President, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, AFL-CIO {remarks here}, presented by Paul E. Almeida, President of the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO; Morton Sloan, President of Morton William Supermarkets {remarks here}, presented by Ruben Diaz, Jr., Bronx Borough President; and John T. Ahern, President of the New York City Central Labor Council, and Business Manager & Financial Secretary of IUOE Local 30 (remarks here), presented by Richard Trumka.
    The dinner, hosted by Jewish Labor Committee President Stuart Appelbaum (remarks here), received greetings on behalf of the Jewish community of New York from Rabbi Michael Miller, Executive Vice President of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (remarks here.) JLC Executive Director Sybil

    Sanchez also shared remarks at the beginning of the dinner http://www.jewishlabor.org/
    Samuel Gompers. Al Shanker (AFT) Ron Gettlefinger (UAW). Jews, being pigs, are naturally attracted to union monopolies.

  36. Eugene

    We can have serious discussion about whether or not on a given policy issue what the right approach is-libertarian or protectionist and regulated. But the across-the-board-Libertaranism of some White Nationlaist is morally rancid to the core. I mean just look at some of the comments in this thread about “parasitic” older White folks have worked for 40 years hoping to have maybe ten years where they don’t have to rent themselves out in the labor market for 40 + hours a week. A few crumbs at the end of life and the acne faced teenage fans of Ayn Rand want to force them in their remaining years on this earth to be some rich bastards wage- slave bitch. This already happening by the way. I see a lot more 80 year widows of both sexes working in CVS as cashiers. Ron Paul and his protege in New Mexico can go rot in hell with the sexual pervert Ayn Rand.

  37. How many retired union/government employees are working at CVS at age 80? None. They work 25-30 years and then retire somewhere around their 50s, then draw pensions that drain away money so that younger people can’t find decent jobs, then use central banks to depress interest rates and jack up housing prices, then wonder why the birthrate is so low.

    Also notice that Europe entered decline right about the time that organized labor and socialists took power, the Social Democrat & Labour parties.

  38. The first part of your post can be taken as a strong case for unions…if they had strong unions they wouldn’t be working a CVS at 80. You moron, they paid into the pension sytem for 20 to thirty years and unless your a cop or fireman you can draw your pension until 60 or higher.

    Young people are having a difficult time because of two main reasons..the export of jobs overseas and the importation of nonwhite immigrant scab workers.

    Bill Gates is a parasite. Ron Paul defends the interests of parasites such as Bill Gates

    Maybe you would be happy if we could go back to the days of andrew carniege where the white workers work six days a week ann 12 to 16 hour days…and don’t forget child labor.

    Europe went down not because it had a social safety net..it went down because Europe like America invited high fertility darkies. Thank God your not advising Nick Griffin.

  39. I think it is worth considering the culture of America in its better days. Didn’t OD have a book review of the “White Republic” era, the founding through the civil war.

    Andrew Jackson was the first populist President. He fought to end the Fed, and succeeded. The people stood behind him in this effort. What ever other failings Ron Paul has he has at least named the cancer at the center of the system of exploitation of our nation, the Federal Reserve bank.

    Who else has dared to name them? For this I will always be greatful to him and consider him a patriot. The so-called “conservatives” are unable to critique the system that makes Goldman-Sachs bankers rich while taxing Joe Sixpack to do it. They are useless.

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