Kentucky: Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot

Knob Creek Machine Gun ShootAs several of you know, I spent the weekend on the road in Kentucky at the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot, which bills itself as “The World’s Largest Machine Gun Shoot and Military Gun Show”. We had a blast. I snapped lots of photos and shot about thirty seconds of video.

Knob Creek has a reputation as a bastion of implicit whiteness. I traveled to Kentucky expecting to find a predominantly White, largely Tea Party conservative crowd; the sort of people who are the most vocal supporters of the NRA and Second Amendment. To my surprise, I found a more eclectic mix of gun enthusiasts and Far Right types, including White Nationalists.

First impression: the Gadsden Flag was everywhere in sight; on backpacks, on hats and t-shirts, flying from trucks and SUVs, hanging from booths, being carried around by children. The Confederate flag was equally ubiquitous. In fact, I saw more Gadsden and Confederate flags at Knob Creek than American flags. Always an encouraging sign!

Before we got into Knob Creek itself, I noticed the militias were on the scene in the parking lot. Rand Paul signs were everywhere. Paul volunteers were distributing stickers and signs as well as brochures under the windshield wipers of vehicles. As I was walking in, I was already getting the impression that the crowd in attendance was more “Alternative Right” (in the Sam Francis sense) than Republican.

I wasn’t disappointed. The overwhelming majority of the attendees were White. There were slightly more White males there, but White women and children were almost as numerous. All the non-Whites in attendance could have fit in a single large SUV. The Whites in attendance were also ordinary people and predominantly working class. They were the Middle Americans you see in any big box store, gas station, or restaurant.

This demographic has a few distinguishable characteristics: they are all White, they are mostly Christian, they love firearms and exotic forms of weaponry, they dislike the federal government, they are working class to lower middle class, they are zealous about liberty, they don’t seem to fit into the establishment, and they passionately despise Barack Hussein Obama. There was a palpable sense of whiteness at Knob Creek. A vibe in the air – this is a White man’s event – that registered with even the most desensitized racial antennae.

What interested us (the whole reason for making the trip) was to see how far along the Knob Creek attendees were on the path to White Nationalism. I would say the majority of the Whites there are in the “Don’t Tread on Me” anti-government, anti-establishment, patriotic self defense phase. They are implicitly White, but far more so than your average Tea Party protester. Most of them are only a notch or two away from explicit White racial consciousness.

There was a huge explicit racialist presence at Knob Creek. This is what shocked me the most. There were multiple booths selling Nazi paraphernalia: swastika flags, Third Reich patches, pins, medallions, t-shirts, videos like The Eternal Jew, pins, knives, bayonets, you name it, everything a Third Reich enthusiast could ever want was there. I snapped photos of all this. I even bought a Afrika Korps t-shirt that I fancied.

White Nationalists were milling about the crowd with all sorts of WPWW t-shirts. A few White girls had t-shirts on that explicitly acknowledged their whiteness. Someone had been distributing William Pierce literature about gun control. We found several of these NA brochures around the site. Presumably, there were a lot more WNs there, but we couldn’t identify them because most were dressed inconspicuously.

What struck me the most is how normalized White Nationalism has become at these gun shows. I didn’t see a single leftist there expressing his shock and outrage at these politically incorrect displays of White identity. You could literally walk a few feet away from the Louisville Tea Party booth and purchase a Wehrmacht helmet or a Rhodesian military uniform! If our immediate goal is to penetrate this demographic, it appears we have already done so. I saw lots of causes for optimism.

Knob Creek Machine Gun ShootMy only regret is that I didn’t get to shoot a machine gun or purchase a firearm. I always had this option, but you have to wait in line to shoot, and the cost is a bit pricey. There is another Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot in October. I will probably go to that one in the Fall, shoot a machine gun, buy some more t-shirts, and distribute some OD literature and business cards. Next time I will be more prepared.

The signature Knob Creek event – the famous night shoot – was spectacular. Here is a brief thirty second video that we shot with my digital camera:

The best part was that this was done immediately after a speech about “tyranny” and all the talk that had been going on throughout the camp about the “Second American Revolution” over the previous two days.

I doubt I was the only one in the crowd using my imagination.

Note: Photos have been uploaded to the OD Flickr account. The “night shoot” video is on our YouTube channel. I didn’t upload the best photos we shot. The SPLC can do their own dirty work. Of course we also took lots of pictures of us at Knob Creek, but those will also remain private. Red Jeffrey doesn’t need to get his sleazy hands on them.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. re: Nazi paraphernalia, you will find the same thing at “The Nation’s Gun Show” in Chantilly every three months or so (next one is this next weekend I think). Tables and tables of WW2 German stuff. From there to labelling it a hotbed of racial consciousness is a rather large stretch, though. A lot of the people buying this stuff buy it because of the military accomplishments, not because they admire Nazi politics.

  2. I went to this a few years ago. It was a total blast.

    I think these people are “racialist” only int he sense of self-defense, hatred of lies about minority crime, and a general unease with changing demographics. They’re self-defensive nationalists. They don’t want to oppress, exclude, or otherwise stomp on anyone, so some of the cult of power and conquest stuff from the Third Reich turns them off. Then again, there is a strong live and let live culture.

  3. Hunter,

    Expect several comments about how “this is nothing, stay pessimistic, we’re doomed.”

    As you well know, I’m very optimistic. However, rural White America needs to understand how easy it is to self-educate and become savvy about the US economy. They need to understand how much potential political power is in withdrawing their economic activity from the System and relocalizing their economies. They represent a LOT of market share, a lot of money, and if they get smart, they can take a big bloody chunk out of the enemy’s coffers, and keep it among themselves. They can make themselves healthier and wealthier while kicking the corporate-government types in the teeth. We need to teach them how to do this.

    Attacking the economic niches of the enemy, and reconquering these niches for ourselves will HURT them and give us POWER — economic power, then cultural power, then finally, political power. That’s the order of operations. — Money/Culture/Politics

  4. “The Whites in attendance were also ordinary people and predominantly working class. They were the Middle Americans you see at any big box store, gas station, or restaurant.” In our world, does less formal education generally mean less brainwashing? Are brainwashing and gun control the two ultimate dangers to Whites? Consider some observations:
    Television is like the American toaster, you push the button and the same thing pops up every time. — Alfred Hitchcock
    The Tube is a vehicle for selling things, not exploring ideas.
    — Phil Donahue
    Leon Trotsky:
    (1) Not believing in force is the same as not believing in gravity.
    (2) Learning carries within itself certain dangers because out of necessity one has to learn from one’s enemies.
    (1) The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.
    (2) Death solves all problems — no man, no problem.
    (3) Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.
    (4) History shows that there are no invincible armies.
    (5) Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?
    (6) In the Soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than to advance.
    Should WNs have among their top priorities: (1) persuading Whites not to watch television, (2) advocating abolition of public schools, and (3) opposing gun control?

  5. Judging by FBI infiltration of militia type events, i would think a WN gun shoot would be a disater, replete with spies and informants, and possibly trumped up entrapment of one kind or another. Better to latch onto existing vehicles like NASCAR and Knob Creek and the Southern Baptist Churches.

  6. Roach, I think the point is to have an event that is explicitly White/racial and is organized for that purpose. If you latch onto other people’s events you are in the passenger seat.

    I agree that organizing gun events is probably last on the list of things to do since there is such a strong possibility of legal problems. Another way to go would be organizing a Renaissance fair, which would have an obvious European connotation.

  7. I looked at some of your photos on flickr. What’s with the “Hitler gave great speeches too” tee shirts??? They are comparing Hitler and Obama? A person (like me) may not be a nazi, but when they start saying Obama’s like Hitler it sounds like a mighty confused bunch over there. Or are they just trying to fend off criticism that they’re racist?

    Do we have to be “gun nuts” to belong to this prowhite crusade? I hope not. I love that there’s all these people with their firearms, yet I somehow see them – as a group – as kind of creepy, always have, and just can’t shake the feeling. Anyone else here feel this way? And try to keep your answers civil & sincere.

  8. “I didn’t see a single leftist there expressing his shock and outrage at these politically incorrect displays of White identity.”

    That’s because the leftists were undercover government informants selling the Nazi stuff.

    Seriously though…encouraging sign.

  9. Stronza,

    I didn’t upload most of our photos. There was some pretty incendiary stuff there that the SPLC would have loved to get their hands on. I only uploaded the implicit white material, namely, the Obama is a Nazi crap.

  10. Are you ignoring that Kentucky is a white demographic? I’ve been to Knob Creek and a Tea Party or two. Race has nothing to do with either of these events. Sure, in every crowd a small percent could support anything; but, the vast overwhelming majority of Tea Party people and gun rights supporters don’t care what color your skin is. Bloggers and the media focus on the extreme element of every protest or group. These movements are much more pervasive than pigeon-holing them as racists.

    But, I can understand why a collectivist would want to group together people. It’s how you think, best of luck with that.

  11. 1.) Kentucky isn’t that White. The Knob Creek attendees were not a random sample of Kentuckians. In particular, blacks were notably absent there.

    2.) Race has everything to do with these gun shows. They attract a particular demographic: White males, 35 to 65 years old, Christian, right-wing in political orientation (conservative, libertarian, racialist). There is a huge amount of self-selection going on. Do you disagree?

    3.) It wasn’t a “small percent” of attendees who were open racialists. There were a lot of us there. I saw a lot of people with White Pride shirts in the crowd. I could easily prove the point, but I am not going to post photos that might potentially damage causes that I support.

    4.) Yes, the Tea Party people say that “race doesn’t matter,” but CLEARLY it does. It certainly matters to the race-based groups (NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, La Raza, Urban League, meCHa, ADL) and crazy leftists who hate the conservatives Whites (because they are White) who show up at Tea Party protests.

    5.) The Tea Party people play stupid in public, but they know the score. Blacks and Hispanics have no incentive to support tax cuts and limited government. Why, pray tell, would they ever oppose wealth transfers from Whites to themselves? Why would they oppose affirmative action, “diversity,” and multiculturalism; all programs they benefit from? Why would they oppose Obamacare when they (the uninsured) will benefit from it?

    6.) There was a lot of overlap at Knob Creek between all sectors of the Right.

    7.) Yes, I am a “collectivist.” I’m willing to openly say that I want what is best for my people. Blacks do this. Jews do this. Hispanics do this. Asians do this. Homosexuals do this.

    The only people who are stupid enough to reject “collectivism” are White males. We’re disappearing faster than the passenger pigeon among the power elite in the media, academia, and political class in Washington.

    You probably dislike Obama. Are you naive enough to believe that all these race-based groups (i.e., your fellow non-White citizens) are going to fall to their knees and embrace Ayn Rand-style individualism anytime soon? Are they going to embrace the Tea Party movement?

  12. “collectivist” heh

    Ayn Rand, the Jewish writer, was a collectivist for her people but against collectivism for our people. She created a collectivist cult around herself, with bitter fights over who was an insider and who was an outsider.

    Ayn Rand turned on a dime when Israel was in trouble and declared it was a moral imperative to show altruism for the Jewish state, because it really wasn’t altruism at all, because Israel is so individualistic, or something. It’s hard to see how people take this stuff seriously anymore.

    Hunter, when Kuntuckian here is finished proving his moral superiority to you and your “collectivists” and “racists” he’s going to go back to his all white tea party in his all white town in his all white Republican district. The hypocrisy is astounding.

    But hey, he has some fake “credibility” he’s trying to keep.

  13. “A few White girls had t-shirts on that explicitly acknowledged their whiteness.”

    I don’t really see what’s so good about the shirt. “Smart ass white girl” sounds pretty trashy,

  14. I am or have been involved in a variety of shooting-realted events over the years, not a few in otherwise “blue-state” environments, and would say without much hesitation that the bulk of those in attendance were not far off in idelogical opinion from most of the Knob Creek folks. While the racial issue is almost always implicit rather than explicit(certainly nothing as obvious as National Socialist materials, etc.), it is undeniable and, I dare say, somewhat taken for granted. Even at events that are well attended by folks with white collars as well as blue, the results are much the same.

    There does seem to be a fairly large Jewsish presence in the shooting sports, however. These are mostly your “Mark Levin – talk radia conservative” types, but they are there and in some numbers.

  15. I used to visit a gun show in my local area. It was a fun place to go on the weekends until someone opened a Mexican flea-market next door. All of a sudden the crowd started browning like buns in an oven. There goes the neighborhood!

  16. Unfortunately, the sentiments posted by “kentuckian” are far too common among gun types. They think Hitler implemented gun control in Germany and join organizations like the JPFO. Just check out the milita group that was busted recently. Philo-semites all. Yet they know something is wrong, and the brighter ones will know it’s more than just “conservatives and liberals”, Republicans or Demoncrats.

    That being said, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to buy a booth at these type of events and offer literature and video media. I’d throw in money for that. I don’t think there would be much interest in ‘Which Way Western Man’ but something like ‘Who Rules America’ would be good. I’m sure there are other excellent choices to target this type of demographic.

  17. From the description it sounds like a diversity outreach effort is in order. Too many white people gathered at any given event is just plain evil and smacks of a racist conspiracy to oppress innocent minorities. I mean, how is it possible to have fun without Hottentots, Mexicans, and a few Hmong tribesman?

    On a more serious note it sounds like this would have been fun to attend just for the sights. The anti-government sentiment shouldn’t surprise anyone as that’s always been in vogue at these types of events. Being around so many like minded people can allow the imagination to run wild and assume that our political views are sweeping the nation.

    This isn’t so much pessimism as it is taking a grounded view of current events. No doubt there’s positive trends around the country but barring an economic collapse it will be an uphill battle to win hearts and minds for at least the next few years.

  18. So much of America is still like this in my experience, full of implicit white culture, proud and vital. Unfortunately, people growing up in these environments often don’t appreciate what they have there until after they have left for the big, dark metro areas.

    The challenge is to keep these sorts of places economically viable and culturally healthy, and of course, to keep them virtually white. Supporting policies and cultural currents that will help to do this, rather than fantasizing about imaginary ethnostates, ought to be the pro-white agenda.

  19. Supporting policies and cultural currents that will help to do this, rather than fantasizing about imaginary ethnostates, ought to be the pro-white agenda.

    No, it’s good to do it all. The ethnostates work on multiple levels: As back-up in case of disaster or persecution; as a shared experience in envisioning a positive future; as a way to clarify values and laws that work for Whites; and as a way of discussing the true history of White ancestors who tried to protect future generations through what would today be called White Nationalism.

  20. I think you’ve hit on something there, Mr. Dithers. I’d be more than happy to pull out my wallet and buy say…100 tickets to the event and leaflet the ghettos around louisville saying “The organizers of the Knob Creek Machinegun shoot proudly invite all African Americans to come fire some of the most powerful small arms in the world. We believe every american of all colors, nationalities and creeds should enjoy this twice a year event! Come all! Discounted tickets for African Americans with all the women and guns you could want! Lots of Fried Chicken, collard greens and watermelon too!

    Wonder if Kentuckian would still go?

  21. Bingo on comment #4, HW. This is the kind of business opportunity that Kievsky always recommends, and its knocking. Instead of taking booths, and trying to end-run the greedy, asinine, self-centered promoters, our people should be running the shows! What better way to finance WN than by running gun shows, shooting events and like promotions? The caveat would be that the WN management would have to remain somewhat ‘implicit’ or incognito, as necessity might, or might not require. Running charities is another way to fund the cause. Business acumen and innovative thinking are essential, as is staying legal.

  22. The challenge is to keep these sorts of places economically viable and culturally healthy, and of course, to keep them virtually white.

    To keep them virtually white…at least for a little whilte longer. Maybe just for the duration ofcrypto’s lifetime. Then, since crypto offers absolutely no way of actually keeping them virtually white, they can suffer whatever fate may come. But crypto will be long gone by then so why should he care.

    Supporting policies and cultural currents that will help to do this, rather than fantasizing about imaginary ethnostates, ought to be the pro-white agenda.

    I suppose it never occurred to you that you can do both. You can support those policies and ‘fantasize’ (ie cogitate) about structures that actually would preserve race in the long run — which your policies will not; which is why people (correctly) think you’re full of it.

  23. I attend the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association’s “Friendship Festival” twice annually. It’s actually less than 50 miles from this place. With the exception of some Caribbean hustlers at the flea market, it’s as implicitly White as they come. I suppose the other exception would be all the women wearing indian costumes, which is probably dissonant with my politics…yet I find myself hypocritically approving.

  24. As for the T-Shirts and other explicitly pro-white whites, I often find that the real extreme “proud to be white” obsessives have little else to be proud of, either in the way of financial or educational achievement or much else. They’re holding on to dear life to the one thing that makes them not the lowest rung of society. That said, many normal whites are uneasy about massive Third World immigration, black crime, explicitly pro-minority affirmative action programs, and the like.

  25. Roach,
    I believe a more accurate description of the phenomenon is that anti-White culture and education has so thoroughly permeated our society that explicitly pro-White people can only still be found in the least cultured and educated refuges at the fringe of “normal” society. Obviously, there’s a small contingent of explicitly pro-White academics, professionals, and activists. But we’re largely ideologues, coffee shop radicals with about as much to do with backwoods “racists” as Marxist radicals had to do with Victorian factory workers.

    That theoretical anecdote of yours about people celebrating their heritage because they’re pathetic made me throw up in my mouth. Nobody would accuse Blacks or Jews who celebrate their racial heritage of having nothing else to be proud of. It’s hateful, incendiary, and says a lot about your general attitude toward America’s working class folk.

    Every one of those issues you raise is a symptom of the disease, which is that our people, the White American people, are being displaced and replaced. To treat the symptoms without a comprehensive approach that recognizes and cures the disease is to pick scabs and pop blisters. To ramble about what ought to be done without recognizing that we’re the captive victims of a hostile elite (part alien/part indigenous) is a waste of time. One would do better to fill out crossword puzzles or build dollhouses.

  26. We need a homeschooling academy for adults most of all. The commies had misleadingly named “highlanders folk academy.”

    Unfortunately, TV and public school are very powerful anti-intellectual conditioners. My daughter tells me that school makes her hate learning, but this is counterbalanced by what she learns outside of school.. Children learn early, “TV+movies = fun, learning = boring”

    All of our problems spring from an epidemic of dumb, that was purposely put in place by the ruling elites. This country became the largest “Skinner Box” ever built.

    That’s what “thinking outside the box” is about. People who make a lot of money are like mice in a maze that get a LOT of cheese.

    The more you “forage” for your cheese, the more you are able to “think outside the box.” We could systematize this “thinking outside the box” in a 1 year curriculum at an adult homeschooling academy, and undo a lifetime of TV and high fructose corn syrup. If any multi-millionaires want to step forward and help me found an adult home schooling academy, please do.

  27. Oops, wasn’t able to edit comment above.

    “People who make a lot of money for a corporation or other single source to which they are submissive, are mice in a maze have no creativity outside of fanatic loyalty to the maze system. Sociable people who make a living from productive work and a variety of sources are able to engage the world and come up with novel ideas.”

  28. Silver,

    The simple way to keep these areas economically viable and white is to institute America-first trade, immigration and education policies. Something whites could do, no matter how much the Jews kick and scream, if the reigning popular ideologies were Buchananite and traditionalist, rather than neoconservative, libertarian and decadent.

    But unfortunately, it seems “kulaks never learn.”

    The “separate or die” mentality, on the other hand, basically sees white people as fundamentally weak, as weak as this guy!:
    I’m certainly not advocating that whites live as minorities, like the Jews, but there is no reason why our race with all its genetic and cultural advantages can’t flourish as a majority, particularly in a country that overwhelmingly remains naturally segregated, like the USA.

  29. Skinner’s book Beyond Freedom and Dignity was financed by a large grant from the taxpayers (around $2M in 2010 dollars).

  30. The “separate or die” mentality, on the other hand, basically sees white people as fundamentally weak, as weak as this guy!

    Here is part of the article “Racial Diversity” by McCulloch

    Reproductive isolation, provided by geographic separation, made divergent evolution, and the great creative achievement of human racial diversity, possible — a process which is still continuing, and being continually refined. Divergent evolution is the cause of racial diversity. Reproductive isolation is the condition required for divergent evolution to occur. Interbreeding is the great opposing or counteracting force of divergent evolution, and invariably occurs — and can only occur — when different races are brought into contact and reproductive isolation is not in effect. When engaged in on a small scale interbreeding retards or slows the process of divergent evolution but does not stop or reverse it. When conducted on a large scale it prevents divergent evolution from occurring, maintaining uniformity and forestalling the creation of diversity. If divergent evolution has already occurred and diversity has already been created, interbreeding acts to reverse the process of evolutionary divergence, to undo or decreate the racial diversity and differences that have been created and return to uniformity. Thus reproductive isolation is as necessary for racial preservation as it is for racial creation. The course of evolution and the genetic composition of future generations is determined by the breeding decisions of countless individuals. Reproductive isolation assures that those individuals who do reproduce will reproduce their own racial type, as it effectively limits their choice of partners to their own racial type.

    Racial interbreeding has occurred throughout the course of human evolution, retarding or reversing the creative process of evolutionary divergence. But geographic separation — by providing the conditions of reproductive isolation required for divergent evolution to occur, and for the resulting racial diversity to be preserved — has sufficiently limited the extent of interbreeding to permit evolutionary divergence to continue. So long as the condition of reproductive isolation of the races is continued and preserved, the racial diversity created by the process of divergent evolution will also tend to be continued and preserved. But if it is lost the reverse process of counter-evolution or devolution by interbreeding will tend to become stronger, and move the interbreeding races away from diversity and toward uniformity and the negation of unique and distinct racial characteristics. Reproductive isolation — made possible by geographic separation — is the condition required for both the creation and preservation of racial diversity.

    Geographic separation would not be needed to prevent interbreeding if different races did not interbreed, or if some other effective means of reproductive isolation were practical, but given the fact that many individuals of different races do interbreed whenever they occupy the same territory over a period of time, geographic separation is the only effective preventative. Yet even without considering the effects of interbreeding, geographic separation would probably still be required for the continued existence of all the different races in the long term. If they occupied the same territory the resulting competition between the races in the multiracial environment would have different effects on the races involved. Some races might thrive in the multiracial environment while others would suffer a decline in population, not only in the relative terms of population share but also in absolute terms. [Note 3] Thus the racial changes that occur in a multiracial environment tend toward a decrease in overall human racial diversity. It is therefore misleading to identify a multiracial environment or society with racial diversity, as the long term effects of such a multiracial condition are actually to reduce and negate diversity.

  31. MGLS — countless ethnic groups have managed over the years to live near other groups without miscegenating. it’s a delicate balance, and a positive outcome is not guaranteed, but it’s happened all over the world throughout history. all sorts of little groups that interact with outsiders but overwhelmingly keep to themselves when it comes to reproducing and raising children. check out the balkans and caucuses. check out white Americans, in 2010.

  32. “countless ethnic groups have managed over the years to live near other groups without miscegenating. it’s a delicate balance, and a positive outcome is not guaranteed, but it’s happened all over the world throughout history. all sorts of little groups that interact with outsiders but overwhelmingly keep to themselves when it comes to reproducing and raising children.”


    Great point. One of my close friends is a Ukrainian whose family has lived for a great multitude of generations under Russian, then Austro-Hungarian, then Polish suzerainty — and has managed to keep its ethno-tribal and cultural identity solidly intact.

  33. countless ethnic groups have managed over the years to live near other groups without miscegenating.

    This doesn’t apply to the majority of colonial whites. I don’t know many white Americans that are of only one ethnic group. If they are they’ve only been here for a few generations or they’re from a very close-knit community.

    Even Jews, perhaps the most tribal ethnic group, have significant admixture.

    Culture isn’t the priority here (although still important), it’s race and subrace. To which geographic separation is the best way to preserve genetic heritage and further evolutionary divergence.

    Studies show that educational institutions have the highest rate of interracial relationships. So homeschooling and/or private schools are key.

  34. Mark,

    I say that non-Hispanic white Americans make up a distinct, self-contained “ethnic” group. Or a “racial” group, if you prefer. Six of one, half dozen of the other. In any case, we’re a people. One that a half century after the American civil rights revolution has a miscegenation rate that is still less than 5%.

    Yes, absolute racial or ethnic separation makes miscegenation impossible. But if such a setup is impossible, AS IT CLEARLY IS, group-threatening levels of miscegenation are by no means inevitable or even likely.

    Finally, if race rather than culture is priority, if you seek “White Nationalism,” then this definately seems to require the presence of lots of non-whites. Without them, the white peoples have never seen themselves as a common people. Rather, we’ve always divided themselves into sub-groups, and often gone to war with one another. No non-whites means no white racial consciousness.

  35. non-Hispanic white Americans – crypto-aryan

    Who has seen a Hispanic white?

    I kid, but only partly. In the 1850s Lincoln commented that Mexico was a nation in which only 1 in 8 people are white. How many whites can possibly exist there now? Esp since whites in Latin America have lower birthrates than mestizos, just like here.

  36. Crypto-Aryan: “One that a half century after the American civil rights revolution has a miscegenation rate that is still less than 5%.”
    It’s more than 5% where I live.

    “But if such a setup is impossible, AS IT CLEARLY IS, group-threatening levels of miscegenation are by no means inevitable or even likely. ”

    You have not visited the U.S. Southeast, have you?

  37. Who has seen a Hispanic white?

    Many Cubans in America are very White, albeit ‘Med’ White, although I have met a few who look a good deal Nordish as well (Cuba in the 19th century had a significant amount of European, and not just Spanish — hence the Euro middle and upper classes fleeing Castro and the Commies in 1959).

    However, of course they are a rather very small minority amongst Hispanic Americans, and overwhelmingly concentrated in south Florida and Miami.

  38. I will admit though, miscegenation would be much less common, if it were not for the media’s massive promotion of it. Without the media, I will admit we actually could have a chance of surviving the White-Tropcial Race miscegenation era & the legalization thereof.

  39. “Cuba in the 19th century had a significant amount of European, and not just Spanish…”

    Um, that should read “Cuba in the 19th century had a significant amount of European, and not just Spanish immigration into their country…”

    You have not visited the U.S. Southeast, have you? – Steve

    Well, this is I feel preponderantly due to socio-economics more than race — especially with the proletarianization of so many White folks, especially in the southeast.

    When Whites regain power in this country again, we will not be so poor and marginalized — hence we will be, as a group, way better to oppose miscegenation than we do today.

  40. Many Cubans in America are very White, albeit ‘Med’ White, although I have met a few who look a good deal Nordish as well (Cuba in the 19th century had a significant amount of European, and not just Spanish — hence the Euro middle and upper classes fleeing Castro and the Commies in 1959). – KNL

    I was partly joking, like I said. I’ve also seen clearly European people from Latin America but they are not the type we commonly see around here. Virtually all Hispanics in my area are not of this type.

  41. Crypto: “Something whites could do, no matter how much the Jews kick and scream, if the reigning popular ideologies were Buchananite and traditionalist, rather than neoconservative, libertarian and decadent.”

    Crytpo, your point of view has already been tried – and failed. In the not so distant past the reigning popular ideologies in this country pretty much were “Buchananite” and traditionalist. Look where it got us. They, like you, believed that we could coexist with the non-whites, and that no great harm would come of it. In essence, they let a fifth column into the country, and provided it with plenty of non-white cannon fodder for the pursuit of its anti-white agenda. No harm could ever come of that, eh?

    Well, harm did come of it. The disaster that has already been inflicted upon us is staggering, and yet it is just a taste of things to come. And yet you offer the same old song and dance that we’ve been hearing all of our lives. We must reject this point of view utterly and completely. It didn’t work in the past, it doesn’t work now, and it’s not going to work in the future. This is well established by both the historical record and a basic understanding of human nature and group dynamics.

    Crypto: “Yes, absolute racial or ethnic separation makes miscegenation impossible. But if such a setup is impossible, AS IT CLEARLY IS, group-threatening levels of miscegenation are by no means inevitable or even likely.”

    I remember, just months before the Soviet Union fell, people were saying that such a thing was “impossible.” I was in college at the time. I was taking a seminar class on the post World War II division of Europe, just months before the ball dropped. Nobody saw it coming. In the entire seminar, nothing that was going to happen in the next few months was even hinted at. This was at a very good school (you’ve heard of it), with lots of extremely bright people. Not a clue amongst the lot, including me. It was a humbling experience, and as a result I’ve spent the last couple of decades trying to hone my prognostication skills.

    In another class, there was a professor with a particular focus on Germany. Very bright guy, well regarded. One student asked if he could foresee a day when the two Germanys might be reunited. It seemed like an odd question to ask, to say the least. Such things just weren’t on the radar, we didn’t discuss them. The professor responded, “Not in my lifetime.” He said this in 1989. By the way, he’s still living. East Germany isn’t.

    Crypto: “No non-whites means no white racial consciousness.”

    Not necessarily, but I understand why it seems that way. We live in a historical anomaly, where the governments of white nations actively propagandaize their populations to accept race mixing. Naturally, those whites who don’t live near blacks are, on average, more susceptible to this anti-white propaganda because they don’t have reality slapping them in the face on a daily basis. Those of us that live or work near areas with high non-white concentrations, on the other hand, tend to have a far greater racial awareness.

    I should mention, however, that there are still huge numbers of white people in this country who have healthy racial attitudes, and yet have never lived around non-whites. They’ve resisted the anti-white propaganda even though they didn’t have the joys of diversity shoved into their faces on a daily basis. So it’s not either/or, but I’ll grant the tendency.

    Such is the unpleasant reality in which we live. But it was not always so, and need not always be so.

    What is left out of today’s unseemly mix is the possibility of a government that actually has a duty of loyalty to its white citizens, and does not seek to abuse or undermine them. A system that does not wage psychological warfare on its own population. Hard to imagine, eh?

    The point is that, in a healthy white society, one would not require leaping and shrieking bonobos (hat tip to Chain) being in close proximity in order for people to have and maintain their natural tribal indentity. For one example amongst a countless many, the Mormons did not live around large numbers of blacks, yet maintained healthy racial attitudes. The whites of Appalachia also come to mind. These healthy attitudes have only been weakened by the same propaganda campaign that has been inflicted upon whites everywhere, and even today the proper and healthy attitudes are far from extinguished.

    Bottom line, healthy tribes don’t require leaping bonobos in their midst. In the long run, all the non-whites will do is undermine the tribe, degrade its culture and traditions, and ultimately destroy it biologically. In other words, we “need” non-whites among us like we need a hole in the head.

  42. May not be much but hopefully we will see more of this type of thing.

    Harris County deputy starting Anglo officers’ group

    Harris County sheriff’s deputies can join the Mexican American Sheriff’s Organization or the Afro-American Sheriff’s Deputy League. Now comes the Caucasian Law Enforcement Association, founded two months ago by a deputy who works in the Mission Bend community.

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