South Africa: Life in Azania

An OD correspondent in South Africa has been sending me regular bulletins from Nelson Mandela’s “Rainbow Nation.” White Nationalists in North America have always followed the news out of South Africa, but I am getting the impression that we have underestimated how awful life is there for the average White person. The typical White American hasn’t heard anything about South Africa since Mandela was inaugurated as president. He assumes everything must be hunky dory over there.

Here is a brief snapshot of life is really like in the world’s first “post-racial society.” The material compiled here are all stories that have come out of South Africa over the past two weeks. Most of them are taken from the local press. This is the indispensable background to the Eugene Terre’blanche farm murder and the “racial tension” the MSM is wailing about.

1.) Potholes and Healthcare – A traveling salesman is driving through the North West where he dodges a metre-wide pothole, overturns his car, and gets flung out of the window. George Struwig lands on the tar road where he suffers a shoulder injury.

Struwig gets shuffled around to three hospitals before appropriately landing in the Steve Biko Academic Hospital (named after a famous terrorist), a state hospital, near Pretoria. After three days without medical assistance, Struwig’s wound begins to putrify. His brother transfers him to a private hospital where surgery saves his limb from amputation.

While at the private hospital, Struwig notices there are patients there who have gone weeks without treatment. A guy in his ward couldn’t feed himself and the medical personnel would leave the food by his bed and where he can starve as he watches it.

Under black rule, the incompetent South African government has proven unable to maintain the transportation infrastructure and the White healthcare system they inherited.

2.) Terror in Mozambique – A South African tourist and his girlfriend visit Maputo, the capital of nearby Mozambique, to set up a procurement business. The beautiful countryside of Mozambique, which the tourist describes as “nearly untouched by man,” exists in stark contrast to Maputo which has been destroyed by feral negroes. Under black rule, Mozambique (formerly a prosperous Portuguese colony) is ranked among the lowest nations on the U.N. Human Development Index.

Upon arrival at a border post, the tourists are accosted by locals. They are harassed by the local police who carry AK-47s. The black soldiers intimidate the tourists into giving them R500. After checking into their hotel, the tourists are again intimidated by black soldiers with AK-47s who rob them of all their money. Somehow the tourists procure more funds and visit the most reputable restaurant in Mozambique where the staff runs their credit cards twice.

The South African couple returns home determined never to visit Mozambique again. This is what life is like for Whites marooned in Sub-Saharan Africa in the aftermath of triumphant anti-racism.

3.) More Terror in Mozambique – In Mozambique, sixteen South African tourists are robbed and a White woman is raped by blacks. The blacks attempted to rape another Afrikaner woman unsuccessfully. They left the gas on in the room (attempted mass murder) where the men were gagged and bound. Mozambique officials will be “discussing” the safety of tourists.

4.) The World’s Most Expensive Banana – A negro shoots a black teenager in the head on the suspicion that he was eating a stolen banana.

5.) Abortion South African Style – A couple wraps their newborn baby in a plastic bag and throw it out the window of their accelerating vehicle. Try guessing the race of the suspects.

6.) A Casual Stroll – Three negroes assault a pedestrian and fight for “their turns” to rape her. The woman was forced to perform fellatio on one suspect while the other raped her. The trio are in court facing 14 counts of rape. During the violent attack, one of the suspects casually alluded to another gang rape they had performed previously. Justice works in mysterious ways in the “Rainbow Nation.”

7.) Your Life Savings – Four armed negroes break into the home of a black man and rob him of his life savings. They shoot him in the stomach. The robbers invade the home of the neighbors and threaten to shoot a 10-year-old boy.

8.) Free Enterprise in “Azania” – A White butcher is murdered by two negroes on his way to work.

9.) Thriving Small Business Sector – In the middle of the night, back thieves attempt to liberate the safes of two businesses with explosives. Two more black thieves rob a business in a shopping center.

10.) Women in the Workplace – A White woman is attacked by a vicious negro slasher at the gate of her workplace who repeatedly stabs her in the head, arm, and neck. Her boss finds her covered in blood.

11.) Don’t Trust the Police – In Durban, four black police officers abduct a White female attorney. They rough her up, slap her across the face, and call her a “racist bitch.” She felt “defenceless.” In Johannesburg, three senior black police officers engage in drug smuggling, theft, and fraud. A black female police officer sells pot to keep her children in school.

12.) Government Corruption – An ex-ANC Youth League official is arrested for stealing credentials.

13.) Measles Returns – 3.1 million babies in South Africa are being immunized to stop outbreaks of measles from ravaging the country. Under White rule, measles, polio, and malaria were all but eradicated, but have returned under black rule.

14.) Babies Aren’t Safe – A negro is lynched by a mob after he is caught raping a 3 month old baby.

15.) Children Aren’t Safe – A negro is arrested for raping a five-year-old. Negroes murder a White 15-year-old boy, break his neck, beat him until he is unrecognizable, and get off scot free.

16.) Adults Aren’t Safe – A homeowner is stabbed to death by negroes who insist on passing through his yard. Negroes hijack several buildings and force property owners to pay them rent.

17.) So Much For School – Public schools are being closed down in Johannesburg left and right as they are abandoned by negro students.

18.) Don’t Use The ATM – It cost this White man his life.

19.) Vigilante Justice – A mob of negroes lynch a negro for killing an elderly man. Give credit where it is due: this rapist got what he deserved.

20.) Congo Craziness – Meanwhile, up north in the DRC, Congolese rebels kidnapped a Spanish doctor and shaved off all his body hair in the hope that it would give them magical powers in battle.

21.) Nationalization – South Africa takes the first steps toward the nationalization of its mining industry. Julius Malema is determined to follow Zambia off the cliff.

22.) The Elderly Aren’t Safe – An elderly White man with Alzheimers is beaten to death by a mob of negroes for stealing a candy bar. A security camera video shows he did not resist arrest. He later died in police custody.

23.) So Much for Democracy – Malema’s supporters scrap the secret ballot and use a show of hands to steal elections.

24.) Public Utilities Falling Apart – The ANC is doubling its stake in the drive to build new power stations as blackouts continue to plague South Africa. Blacks are literally tearing down the power lines to sell copper on the black market.

25.) Viva Malema! – A White farm family is attacked by feral negroes shouting “Viva Malema”; Nelson Mandela’s former White bodyguard goes missing; a 19 year old White girl is sadistically tortured and burned with cigarettes by black home invaders.

26.) Animals Aren’t Safe – Pets haven’t fared any better in Nelson Mandela’s new and improved South Africa.

27.) Family Friends Aren’t Safe – A domestic servant of Terre’blanche was herself murdered after discovering the murder plot. Some “wage dispute.”

28.) Prisoners Aren’t Safe – You don’t want to end up in a South African prison.

Now back to Eugene Terre’blanche. As previously noted, the above is the context in which all of this is happening.

A vicious and baseless rumor has circulated in recent days that Eugene Terre’blanche was murdered after sodomizing his farm workers. A tabloid reported over the weekend that police had found a condom at the crime scene. Jeffrey Imm of R.E.A.L. delightfully ran the story. The South African police have denied recovering any evidence of sexual impropriety. The lawyer of the accused has dropped the sodomy charge after saying his own client’s story made no sense.

Last week, Terre’blanche was peacefully laid to rest by friends and family. As Kievsky pointed out, 1 in every 1,000 South African Whites attended the funeral, an extraordinary turnout for “washed up has been” and “relic of Apartheid.” AWB members wore uniforms and sieg heiled as their leader was lowered into the ground. White children waved the AWB’s three pronged swastika flag. Other supporters waved the flags of the former independent Boer republics. In his gruesome death, Eugene Terre’blanche did more to advance the cause of Afrikaner secession than he ever did in life.

The South African Institute of Race Relations is concerned about the escalating racial tension in the country. It notes that White farmers are being viciously murdered and the ANC has used affirmative action and “black empowerment programs” to create a corrupt patronage network. The so-called “progress” in race relations of the past fifteen years is being undone. The ANC has enriched itself and failed to alleviate the plight of the impoverished negro underclass. They have responded by stirring up race hatred against Whites.

Interestingly, the South African Institute of Race Relations notes that the ANC is entirely dependent on White farmers to feed the country. The flight of Whites abroad will drain South Africa of its tax base and technical expertise. Whites are crudely seen as a sort of cattle that produce the milk which keeps the whole rotten system float. If they bail, secede, or lose faith in the doubleplusgood experiment in “multiracial democracy,” the result would be disastrous for blacks, who are the only people “human rights organizations” are concerned with. The government must “live up” to this challenge.

That seems increasingly unlikely.

Julius Malema recently kicked a BBC reporter out a news conference and announced “this is the building of a revolutionary party and you know nothing about the revolution.” “Don’t come here with that white tendency, go out bastard, bloody agent.” He gleefully noted that the reporter was “a small man” who was in no position to put up a fight. In recent days, Malema has bucked the leadership of his own party.

Malema Me

The ANC has cynically told the foreign press that it aims to reduce racial tension. Meanwhile, it is fighting the ban on the “Kill the Boer” song and is even paying for the legal defense of Eugene Terre’blanche’s murderers. Julius Malema has described Zimbabwe’s land reform measures as “courageous and militant.” “Land reform in Zimbabwe has been very successful,” Malema said, adding that Mugabe’s programme was a “very correct method”.

As hard as it is to believe, Julius Malema is a “moderate” compared to some factions in South Africa.  The Pan African Congress is encouraging its supporters to sing the “Kill the Boer” song in open defiance of the South African Supreme Court. “We call on our people to sing the songs Shoot the boer and Zuma’s Umshini wam (Bring me my machine-gun). This is part of their struggle,” PAC general secretary Mfanelo Skwatsha said on Tuesday to mark April 6 as the date on which the PAC was launched. The PAC wants South Africa to be renamed Azania after the complete Africanization of the country.

I haven’t seen the Western media decrying all these extremists. Black supremacists have the wrong skin color. They don’t fit into the standard PC narrative of evil Whites and noble blacks. Azania is treated as a legitimate aspiration of oppressed “people of color.” A White ethnostate in South Africa is demonized as the second coming of the Third Reich. What loathsome hypocrisy.

The Whites of South Africa face a stark choice: submission or secession. The first option has resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Whites in every other African country. 1/4th of South African Whites have already fled the country. More will flee when Julius Malema becomes president and implements Zimbabwe-style land reforms. The epidemic of violent crime in South Africa is already arguably a stealth genocide.

The second option is to fight back and secede from a failed state whose corrupt government no self respecting White man would ever swear fealty to. The list of causes that American colonials felt justified their secession from the British Empire – taxes on tea and stamps – are trivial compared to the horrors endured on a daily basis by Whites in South Africa.

Negro savages have raped your wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters. They have slashed the throats of your aunts, uncles, grandparents, and kin folk. They openly sing about your extermination as a race. They gleefully brag on the internet about reducing your women to chattel sex slaves. This inept government has stolen your wealth, demonized your history, disrespected your most cherished cultural symbols, instituted racial discrimination against your posterity, violated your property rights, allowed the most basic of public services – justice, security, health, education, infrastructure – to fall into disrepair. It is your natural right to abolish this Third World monstosity.

You must secure the existence of your people and a future for White children. Prove yourself worthy of your brave ancestors … or suffer eternal shame and disgrace by cowering away in fear over being called mere words.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. 2) In White SA culture, it would feel wrong for Whites to do domestic work and it would feel wrong for Whites to employ other Whites to do this work. Basically, we’d feel other Whites are our equals and blacks are our inferiors fated by Nature (or God) to work for us in a menial capacity.

    These are my opinions of White SA culture, but others may agree with me.

    Do White Southerners in America not have a similar attitude? Basically. that it would be natural for blacks to be in domestic service to Whites, but that Whites are equal amongst themselves and one shouldn’t have White domestics.

    Slavery has long since past and this is not the case anymore. Speaking as a Southerner who lives in the South, typically White Southerners either do the work themselves, relatives help out, Whites in the community help out (a relative of mine was in the hospital and while he was there someone in the neighborhood mowed his lawn), or they hire a White-owned service company to do it. These companies often employ non-Whites because they can boss them around and they work cheaper. Whites often branch off and create their own companies in the same field to make more money.

    Although Whites may want more money, depending on the type of work it is worth paying a little more to get someone who is a real professional and does good work. In addition you don’t want lowlifes on your property or in your house taking a mental note of where to break in and what to steal.

  2. I am a white South African Afrikaner and have read your posts with interest. I have a lot of respect for my people but I have to agree with you regarding the black labour issue. What is even worse is that most house and farm robberies are done with information obtained from the black labour used , even trusted black people that worked for families for years.
    What the world doesn’t understand is that most of these white families have bonds with the black people that work for them and so it is hard to let them go as they know they will really not find another job easily and might suffer a lot due to being fired.
    Despite being killed by their own labour some would actually risk dying rather than fire their trusted employees. In the end though the Afrikaners will get nowhere with keeping the black labour even if it is done because of old bonds.I totally agree that some are just too bloody lazy and dont fall into the previous category I mentioned.
    But you are 100% correct in the final analysis. If we dont separate 100% with black labour we will in time vanish as a people.Finding alternatives especially for the farmers is not so easy at all for many reasons , but we will have to do it or die….end of the story.

  3. “If we dont separate 100% with black labour we will in time vanish as a people.Finding alternatives especially for the farmers is not so easy at all for many reasons , but we will have to do it or die….end of the story.”

    Absolutely. If the United States is battered by misfortune over the coming years, as I believe it will be, it is entirely possible that the Afrikaners will have an opportunity to create their own homeland relatively free of outside interference. As impossible as it seems today, I suspect that there will be a window of opportunity for Afrikaners within the next decade or so, a window in which the anti-white governments of the West would not interfere. Hopefully, when the dust settles there won’t be any anti-white governments left in the West, but that’s getting ahead of ourselves.

    Point is, the very governments that helped bring the old South Africa to its knees are likely to be embroiled in their own problems in the coming years, problems that may well lead to some of the them being overthrown. Even if not overthrown, at least weakened a great deal, with little appetite or ability to indulge in foreign crusades.

    If and when this opportunity presents itself, I hope the Afrikaners will take advantage. Of course, the great temptation for them will be to use black labor again. If they make such a terrible choice, it will seal their doom, and the opportunity to save the great Afrikaner people will be squandered.

    I understand what you are saying about family connections and trusted labor. There is no reason that such people can’t be treated fairly, but the separation must be complete. No guest workers, much less permanent residents. When the time for separation comes, whites should give those blacks that they have connections with a generous severance package. If whites want to help them, then help them. Really help them. However, whether it is objectively true or not, nobody is really going to buy the “I’m helping them as they shine my shoes and I get to say chop chop” line of argument. Again, it may quite literally be true that the job is helping the black, but politically it doesn’t work that way. What the world will see, and what the blacks themselves will see, is not “help,” but oppression. That’s just the way it is, and white nations of the future will do well to remember that.

    When you have non-white labor, there is inevitably going to be pressure to provide them with political rights – and then you are back to square one. The long struggle for “equality” will begin anew, and can only lead to what we see today – the rape, murder and oppression of whites. A people can’t have it both ways. You can’t have your own country, but bring in another people to do the work. The people you bring in will eventually try to take the country from you, believing that they are the rightful owners, not the whites who brought them in. That’s just political reality, not to mention human nature. Shoe shiners aren’t terribly grateful to their employers, no matter how they may smile and ingratiate themselves. At the end of the day, they want to switch places with you. Or, if not them, their sons will. Who can blame them?

    Not to mention that, if the Afrikaners gain a nation but utilize non-white labor, this will inevitably lead to greater scrutiny from abroad. The black labor force creates a fifth column that foreign powers can utilize to undermine the white population. This will happen sooner or later after the window of opportunity has closed. But if there is an all white nation, where the Afrikaners dig their own ditches and make their own beds, there will much less grist for the anti-Afrikaner mill. Much, much less.

    Truly, there is no such thing as “cheap labor.” Black labor in particular has proven itself to be the most expensive labor on the planet. The wars, the murders, the rapes, the wealth transfers, cultural destruction, and so forth. This is cheap? Not a chance. This is as expensive as labor can possibly be – it literally costs you your entire country. A well paid white laborer is a helluva bargain in comparison. I sincerely hope that the Afrikaners, when the moment of truth arrives, understand this and don’t take what appears to be the easy way out. The “easy” way will prove to be disastrous. In contrast, what appears to be the hard way will prove relatively easy. It just ain’t that hard to cut your own grass, or get a neighborhood white kid to do it.

  4. The whites who remain in Africa are truly cowards who are complicit in their own suffering by remaining there. They are the ones keeping alive the very people that are raping and killing them. The truly courageous have already left Africa to its own destruction. Blacks cannot govern themselves when the population only has an average mean IQ of 70-75. If the remaining whites had any self-respect they would salt their farms and leave that country forever. Better yet, sell your farm to a black, get your money out of the country, then salt the earth so that nothing ever grows there again.

  5. 57 PETER
    The boers have been is South Africa for almost as long as you have been in America.
    If the same happens to the USA (And it might happen soon for the white Americans) would you leave the USA?
    You have elected your Mandela already.
    If it was that easy we would have been gone yesterday.

  6. We are in a new cold war. This one is not the ideology of capitalism vs communism, it’s for resources in an increasingly crowded world. In a nutshell, US is trying to wring in China in the east and Russia in Europe, the Middle East and further west in the the -istan countries. In response, China is moving into Africa and South America. One of the Chinese bigshots even publicly stated that China needs to move at least 300 million out of the country to relieve overcrowding in the Mainland.

    They are going in under the rug in Siberia, and openly in Africa. Remember, China refers to themselves as “the Middle Kingdom.” That is, the center (and most important) civilization (and people) on Earth. They sacrificed possibly as many as 50 million of their own under Mao. And won’t hesitate to get rid of anyone standing in their way.

    What the Chinese want more than anything is space and resources. That’s why they are in Africa propping up regimes like Robert Mugabe’s. They don’t care about human rights, they care about profits. As I see it, the Chinese will take over Africa and do to them what happened in North America. After the Chinese are done using the black Africans as cheap, disposable labor, the Chinese will simply wipe them off the map. At that point, the Africans will be in the way and the Chinese won’t hesitate for a second to destroy them. Good riddance, too! Black culture are mutually exclusive terms, blacks are savages and are incapable of civilization above the copper age.

    In 10 years, they’ll be begging the white debbil to save them from the evil yella debbil! Good riddance to the savages!

  7. “It just ain’t that hard to cut your own grass, or get a neighborhood white kid to do it.”

    This is a very important point. So often Non-White labor is doing things that in a healthy society would be done by the society’s up and coming adolescent males and/or up and coming adolescent females.

    What are White teenaged girls doing nowadays that’s a better use of their time than babysitting, for instance?

    What are White teenaged boys doing nowadays that’s more important than yardwork?

    But I guess all those issues of Seventeen Magazine have to be read and all those X-Boxes need to played!

    Heaven forefend White Teenagers ever made themselves useful, or gained any experience that would actually help them as adults.

  8. I lived in the South of the United States for several years when I went up to Portland, Maine in the late 80’s, early 90’s. I hadn’t realized how used I was to having Mestizos and Negros do menial work until I saw nothing but Whites doing it, because this was a lily-white state.

    It was an odd, but interesting change. For one thing it forced me more to relate more to the people who do that kind of work, because they were White like me. For another thing, there was a greater sense of equality. It felt less like they were MY servants and more like they were service professionals. A subtle, but very important distinction.

    Mind you, I have never been rude to anyone, regardless of their color, whatever their line of work, however menial. But there was an altogether different feeling even though it was the garbage man, the maid, the waiter, the janitor, etc.

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