South Africa: Life in Azania

An OD correspondent in South Africa has been sending me regular bulletins from Nelson Mandela’s “Rainbow Nation.” White Nationalists in North America have always followed the news out of South Africa, but I am getting the impression that we have underestimated how awful life is there for the average White person. The typical White American hasn’t heard anything about South Africa since Mandela was inaugurated as president. He assumes everything must be hunky dory over there.

Here is a brief snapshot of life is really like in the world’s first “post-racial society.” The material compiled here are all stories that have come out of South Africa over the past two weeks. Most of them are taken from the local press. This is the indispensable background to the Eugene Terre’blanche farm murder and the “racial tension” the MSM is wailing about.

1.) Potholes and Healthcare – A traveling salesman is driving through the North West where he dodges a metre-wide pothole, overturns his car, and gets flung out of the window. George Struwig lands on the tar road where he suffers a shoulder injury.

Struwig gets shuffled around to three hospitals before appropriately landing in the Steve Biko Academic Hospital (named after a famous terrorist), a state hospital, near Pretoria. After three days without medical assistance, Struwig’s wound begins to putrify. His brother transfers him to a private hospital where surgery saves his limb from amputation.

While at the private hospital, Struwig notices there are patients there who have gone weeks without treatment. A guy in his ward couldn’t feed himself and the medical personnel would leave the food by his bed and where he can starve as he watches it.

Under black rule, the incompetent South African government has proven unable to maintain the transportation infrastructure and the White healthcare system they inherited.

2.) Terror in Mozambique – A South African tourist and his girlfriend visit Maputo, the capital of nearby Mozambique, to set up a procurement business. The beautiful countryside of Mozambique, which the tourist describes as “nearly untouched by man,” exists in stark contrast to Maputo which has been destroyed by feral negroes. Under black rule, Mozambique (formerly a prosperous Portuguese colony) is ranked among the lowest nations on the U.N. Human Development Index.

Upon arrival at a border post, the tourists are accosted by locals. They are harassed by the local police who carry AK-47s. The black soldiers intimidate the tourists into giving them R500. After checking into their hotel, the tourists are again intimidated by black soldiers with AK-47s who rob them of all their money. Somehow the tourists procure more funds and visit the most reputable restaurant in Mozambique where the staff runs their credit cards twice.

The South African couple returns home determined never to visit Mozambique again. This is what life is like for Whites marooned in Sub-Saharan Africa in the aftermath of triumphant anti-racism.

3.) More Terror in Mozambique – In Mozambique, sixteen South African tourists are robbed and a White woman is raped by blacks. The blacks attempted to rape another Afrikaner woman unsuccessfully. They left the gas on in the room (attempted mass murder) where the men were gagged and bound. Mozambique officials will be “discussing” the safety of tourists.

4.) The World’s Most Expensive Banana – A negro shoots a black teenager in the head on the suspicion that he was eating a stolen banana.

5.) Abortion South African Style – A couple wraps their newborn baby in a plastic bag and throw it out the window of their accelerating vehicle. Try guessing the race of the suspects.

6.) A Casual Stroll – Three negroes assault a pedestrian and fight for “their turns” to rape her. The woman was forced to perform fellatio on one suspect while the other raped her. The trio are in court facing 14 counts of rape. During the violent attack, one of the suspects casually alluded to another gang rape they had performed previously. Justice works in mysterious ways in the “Rainbow Nation.”

7.) Your Life Savings – Four armed negroes break into the home of a black man and rob him of his life savings. They shoot him in the stomach. The robbers invade the home of the neighbors and threaten to shoot a 10-year-old boy.

8.) Free Enterprise in “Azania” – A White butcher is murdered by two negroes on his way to work.

9.) Thriving Small Business Sector – In the middle of the night, back thieves attempt to liberate the safes of two businesses with explosives. Two more black thieves rob a business in a shopping center.

10.) Women in the Workplace – A White woman is attacked by a vicious negro slasher at the gate of her workplace who repeatedly stabs her in the head, arm, and neck. Her boss finds her covered in blood.

11.) Don’t Trust the Police – In Durban, four black police officers abduct a White female attorney. They rough her up, slap her across the face, and call her a “racist bitch.” She felt “defenceless.” In Johannesburg, three senior black police officers engage in drug smuggling, theft, and fraud. A black female police officer sells pot to keep her children in school.

12.) Government Corruption – An ex-ANC Youth League official is arrested for stealing credentials.

13.) Measles Returns – 3.1 million babies in South Africa are being immunized to stop outbreaks of measles from ravaging the country. Under White rule, measles, polio, and malaria were all but eradicated, but have returned under black rule.

14.) Babies Aren’t Safe – A negro is lynched by a mob after he is caught raping a 3 month old baby.

15.) Children Aren’t Safe – A negro is arrested for raping a five-year-old. Negroes murder a White 15-year-old boy, break his neck, beat him until he is unrecognizable, and get off scot free.

16.) Adults Aren’t Safe – A homeowner is stabbed to death by negroes who insist on passing through his yard. Negroes hijack several buildings and force property owners to pay them rent.

17.) So Much For School – Public schools are being closed down in Johannesburg left and right as they are abandoned by negro students.

18.) Don’t Use The ATM – It cost this White man his life.

19.) Vigilante Justice – A mob of negroes lynch a negro for killing an elderly man. Give credit where it is due: this rapist got what he deserved.

20.) Congo Craziness – Meanwhile, up north in the DRC, Congolese rebels kidnapped a Spanish doctor and shaved off all his body hair in the hope that it would give them magical powers in battle.

21.) Nationalization – South Africa takes the first steps toward the nationalization of its mining industry. Julius Malema is determined to follow Zambia off the cliff.

22.) The Elderly Aren’t Safe – An elderly White man with Alzheimers is beaten to death by a mob of negroes for stealing a candy bar. A security camera video shows he did not resist arrest. He later died in police custody.

23.) So Much for Democracy – Malema’s supporters scrap the secret ballot and use a show of hands to steal elections.

24.) Public Utilities Falling Apart – The ANC is doubling its stake in the drive to build new power stations as blackouts continue to plague South Africa. Blacks are literally tearing down the power lines to sell copper on the black market.

25.) Viva Malema! – A White farm family is attacked by feral negroes shouting “Viva Malema”; Nelson Mandela’s former White bodyguard goes missing; a 19 year old White girl is sadistically tortured and burned with cigarettes by black home invaders.

26.) Animals Aren’t Safe – Pets haven’t fared any better in Nelson Mandela’s new and improved South Africa.

27.) Family Friends Aren’t Safe – A domestic servant of Terre’blanche was herself murdered after discovering the murder plot. Some “wage dispute.”

28.) Prisoners Aren’t Safe – You don’t want to end up in a South African prison.

Now back to Eugene Terre’blanche. As previously noted, the above is the context in which all of this is happening.

A vicious and baseless rumor has circulated in recent days that Eugene Terre’blanche was murdered after sodomizing his farm workers. A tabloid reported over the weekend that police had found a condom at the crime scene. Jeffrey Imm of R.E.A.L. delightfully ran the story. The South African police have denied recovering any evidence of sexual impropriety. The lawyer of the accused has dropped the sodomy charge after saying his own client’s story made no sense.

Last week, Terre’blanche was peacefully laid to rest by friends and family. As Kievsky pointed out, 1 in every 1,000 South African Whites attended the funeral, an extraordinary turnout for “washed up has been” and “relic of Apartheid.” AWB members wore uniforms and sieg heiled as their leader was lowered into the ground. White children waved the AWB’s three pronged swastika flag. Other supporters waved the flags of the former independent Boer republics. In his gruesome death, Eugene Terre’blanche did more to advance the cause of Afrikaner secession than he ever did in life.

The South African Institute of Race Relations is concerned about the escalating racial tension in the country. It notes that White farmers are being viciously murdered and the ANC has used affirmative action and “black empowerment programs” to create a corrupt patronage network. The so-called “progress” in race relations of the past fifteen years is being undone. The ANC has enriched itself and failed to alleviate the plight of the impoverished negro underclass. They have responded by stirring up race hatred against Whites.

Interestingly, the South African Institute of Race Relations notes that the ANC is entirely dependent on White farmers to feed the country. The flight of Whites abroad will drain South Africa of its tax base and technical expertise. Whites are crudely seen as a sort of cattle that produce the milk which keeps the whole rotten system float. If they bail, secede, or lose faith in the doubleplusgood experiment in “multiracial democracy,” the result would be disastrous for blacks, who are the only people “human rights organizations” are concerned with. The government must “live up” to this challenge.

That seems increasingly unlikely.

Julius Malema recently kicked a BBC reporter out a news conference and announced “this is the building of a revolutionary party and you know nothing about the revolution.” “Don’t come here with that white tendency, go out bastard, bloody agent.” He gleefully noted that the reporter was “a small man” who was in no position to put up a fight. In recent days, Malema has bucked the leadership of his own party.

Malema Me

The ANC has cynically told the foreign press that it aims to reduce racial tension. Meanwhile, it is fighting the ban on the “Kill the Boer” song and is even paying for the legal defense of Eugene Terre’blanche’s murderers. Julius Malema has described Zimbabwe’s land reform measures as “courageous and militant.” “Land reform in Zimbabwe has been very successful,” Malema said, adding that Mugabe’s programme was a “very correct method”.

As hard as it is to believe, Julius Malema is a “moderate” compared to some factions in South Africa.  The Pan African Congress is encouraging its supporters to sing the “Kill the Boer” song in open defiance of the South African Supreme Court. “We call on our people to sing the songs Shoot the boer and Zuma’s Umshini wam (Bring me my machine-gun). This is part of their struggle,” PAC general secretary Mfanelo Skwatsha said on Tuesday to mark April 6 as the date on which the PAC was launched. The PAC wants South Africa to be renamed Azania after the complete Africanization of the country.

I haven’t seen the Western media decrying all these extremists. Black supremacists have the wrong skin color. They don’t fit into the standard PC narrative of evil Whites and noble blacks. Azania is treated as a legitimate aspiration of oppressed “people of color.” A White ethnostate in South Africa is demonized as the second coming of the Third Reich. What loathsome hypocrisy.

The Whites of South Africa face a stark choice: submission or secession. The first option has resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Whites in every other African country. 1/4th of South African Whites have already fled the country. More will flee when Julius Malema becomes president and implements Zimbabwe-style land reforms. The epidemic of violent crime in South Africa is already arguably a stealth genocide.

The second option is to fight back and secede from a failed state whose corrupt government no self respecting White man would ever swear fealty to. The list of causes that American colonials felt justified their secession from the British Empire – taxes on tea and stamps – are trivial compared to the horrors endured on a daily basis by Whites in South Africa.

Negro savages have raped your wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters. They have slashed the throats of your aunts, uncles, grandparents, and kin folk. They openly sing about your extermination as a race. They gleefully brag on the internet about reducing your women to chattel sex slaves. This inept government has stolen your wealth, demonized your history, disrespected your most cherished cultural symbols, instituted racial discrimination against your posterity, violated your property rights, allowed the most basic of public services – justice, security, health, education, infrastructure – to fall into disrepair. It is your natural right to abolish this Third World monstosity.

You must secure the existence of your people and a future for White children. Prove yourself worthy of your brave ancestors … or suffer eternal shame and disgrace by cowering away in fear over being called mere words.

About Hunter Wallace 12410 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I agree. This is the best thing you’ve ever written. I hope you’ll make a paper copy of it and put it in a notebook so it’s survival is not dependent on computers and the electricity grid.

  2. If Jeffrey Imm had any “real courage”, he would go to South Africa and protest these rapes and murders.

    Lord Jesus, come soon and punish the evil-doers!

  3. I think this is too negative, too depressing, and frankly – bad propaganda.
    It puts out the lie that Whites in SA are just always victims, never fighting back, always losing, losing, losing.

    This does not inspire heroic actions.

    How about some presentation of positive things Whites in SA have done?
    Orania – a good model.

    Or else how about some true stories of Whites in SA leaving SA and finding new, positive lives in Europe, USA, Canada, South America?

    Let’s leave it to the enemy to pronounce the death of our people.

  4. If you like this article, help me promote it:

    1.) Share it on Facebook.
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    5.) Post links to it on discussion groups.

    That would be a big help.

  5. Jeffrey Imm hates White people. I think that has been fairly established. Women are sadistically tortured. Infants are discarded at 65 mph out the passenger window. Elderly people are beaten to death by lynch mobs.

    Red Jeffrey’s only response is to babble on about White racism. Liberals don’t have a clue. South Africa proves that a state has to be based on something more substantial than hollow liberal abstractions.

  6. According to Wikipedia, South Africa has the highest rape rate and the second highest murder rate in the world.

    Think about that. Every other country in Africa (and the world) does a better job protecting females from rapists. Nelson Mandela should admit that his life’s work is a collosal failure, and give back his Nobel Peace Prize.

  7. South Africa is our future here, unless we organize and fight.

    Hunter, I’m glad you took my advice. Never stop writing about South Africa.

    Never… you never know what white person you will wake up, who by sheer happenstance falls upon your article on South Africa through a casual google/bing/yahoo search.

    That is why we write. For the chance a young mind happens upon our work and finds the words a clarion call for future battle or, an older white stumbles upon our websites and realizes our generation is prepared to do what none before us were: secede and never look back.

    See you tomorrow.

  8. Actually, HW’s list of current SA horrors doesn’t sound that different from America RIGHT NOW…where whites are, numerically at least, still the majority. Each issue of Middle American News has lists of recent anti-white atrocities committed by illegals, atrocities mostly ignored by the national Jew MSM. Add to these, those committed by legal blacks and browns on a daily basis – e.g., Knoxville – and you get a very SA-like picture. Then imagine the situation in a few short years, when whites in America are an actual and shrinking minority. At this point, I don’t think there is any question that organized Jewry, operating through its ethnic hirelings, intends to kill most white Americans. There is, after all, no other way they can globalize-universalize their rule over the rest of humanity.

  9. Just watched the clip on Malema’s press conference. Very, very cool: white lib BBC newsie discovers the real nature of black rule. Will the discovery change his or his Jew-employers’ world-view? Not in the slightest.

  10. Keep up the good work of drawing attention to the atrocities and injustices commited against the minority white population of South Africa. The convergence of rising persecution and world media attention due to the upcoming World Cup provides a very rare opportunity to draw attention to the atrocious treatment of whites in SA. How bad will it get before Obama sees the political capital to be gained from descending from on high and holding hands with leaders of both sides, while in the same trip dressing down the ANC leadership for making postracialism look bad before the project is completed in the U.S.? This position of visible white weakness is unusual, unbearable, untenable…

  11. Not to describe the Afrikaner as “weak”, but rather their and all whites’ poltical power at present. Also, I forgot to mention that my speculative deus ex machina Obamessiah moment would fit well into the “managing white rage” condescension claptrap. It would amount to a temporary and minor ameliorative move (perhaps one of many to come), as our culture, norms, values, institutions and very lineage vanish into the night.

  12. The typical White American hasn’t heard anything about South Africa since Mandela was inaugurated as president. He assumes everything must be hunky dory over there.

    Same in Britain too, we dont hear The Good News about the rainbow nation anymore. Can’t think why…

  13. Talking about Afrikaaner secession at this point is unrealistic. There are about 3 million Afrikaaners with about 800,000 at the poverty level. There are now Afrikaaners living in squatter camps. Many Afrikaaners at simply concerned with finding enough to eat and not losing their jobs.

    It wasn’t always like this. But the Afrikaaners never united. They never totally united behind legal and social organizations to represent and defend themselves. The Afrikaaners refused to all move to areas or neighborhoods in which they would live and do their business- kind of like Chinatown in San Fransisco, NY city, etc.(not suburbs.) Living physically together in neighborhoods provides safety. Those homogenous neighborhoods can also police themselves with local “groups” that enfore social order- similar to what the Chinese have done in their Chinatowns.

    But the Afrikaaners don’t do any of this. They continue to live in separate small suburban homes, which anyone can walk up to. In those suburbs, there isn’t the mass of people doing business or just hanging around to watch out for each other. In the suburbs there isn’t the mass number of people out in the street that is needed to discourage criminal types from hanging around.

    It isn’t 1900 or 1800. There are now over 40 million blacks, partially created by the hospitals that the National Party built and the abundant food grown by the Afrikaaner farmers(hint-how about Afrikaaner farmers stop growing food for the people who rape and kill them). Afrikaaner men have to unite to survive. So far, they have not.

  14. We’ve neard nary a peep from the MSM about the real S. Africa since the election of Mandela in 1994. Prior to that we we’re treated daily to stories of incorrigibly racist white S. Africa and how it must redeem itself by submitting to black rule. They would have us believe that the “new” S. Africa is a place of beauty, light and learning. Oh, and racial tolerance. Just heaven on earth.

    If we were sane white governments would provide money, weapons and expertise to the white South Africans to violently throw off the ANC yoke. Since whites turn their backs on each other perhaps S. African whites should mass convert to Islam. This way Saudi Arabia and other nations will pour in money, arms and mujahadeen fighters to defend them in a jihad.

  15. Of course our intellectuals never help the Boers, and their leadership seemingly consists of aged reactionairies who cannot contemplate any new forms of rhetoric beyond “bitch and moan.”

    A few weeks ago someone posted a youtube video of a BBC hack interviewing some pathetic old man gibbering on about the borders of some cheap labor Boer nation replete with docile blacks.

    Every sentence of rhetoric must contain the word or a phrase “genocide” of whites, every allusion to “anti-racism” must be answered with “anti-racism = anti-white and nothing more.”

    But NO we get crime studies and IQ studies as if one day facts and reason will convince the anti-whites to come back around to white supremacy and mint julips on the porch served by Rufus.

  16. I would like to know if there are any organizations we in the United States can legally contribute to that would help the plight of the White South Africans. I’m hit up for contributions for Haiti regularly but I would prefer to assist my brethren first and foremost.

    Sick of watching these horrors play out without action on my part.

  17. A few weeks ago someone posted a youtube video of a BBC hack interviewing some pathetic old man gibbering on about the borders of some cheap labor Boer nation replete with docile blacks.

    But NO we get crime studies and IQ studies as if one day facts and reason will convince the anti-whites to come back around to white supremacy and mint julips on the porch served by Rufus.


    I asked this on another thread with no answer, so perhaps you could help –

    If so many Whites in SA are in fact poor or at least severly economically marginalized due to massive affirmative action taking away their economic clout, just who and what Whites are employing all these ‘Black labor battalions’ that Arthur Kemp and his acolytes are maintaining??

  18. Landser

    Allow me to answer your question(s):

    1) The poor whites in the squatter camps aren’t the ones employing the blacks, it’s White farmers, White businessmen, White restauranteurs, etc. Also suburban White households tend to have maids and “garden boys” who are invariably black and sometimes coloured (mixed race). My family would be middle class and by no means wealthy but we employed a black woman one day a week for housework in our Cape Town apartment. It’s just part of traditional White South African culture to have black houseworkers, employees, etc. It’s taken for granted and largely unquestioned.

    2) I’ve had several long one-to-one conversations with Arthur Kemp. He is one of the very few White South Africans I’ve ever met who believes in NOT having black workers or blacks anywhere near us under any circumstances. His book “The Lie of Apartheid” says this. Also, it’s unusual even (or maybe especially) for right wing White South Africans to be against Black labour. I guess historically many of us were more White Supremacist than White Separatist.

    I agree with Arthur Kemo and by extension OD on never using black labour

  19. Also Arthur Kemp often tells the joke that a White South African is someone who would rather die in their bed than make it themselves

  20. 22Dermot Walsh
    “I’ve had several long one-to-one conversations with Arthur Kemp. He is one of the very few White South Africans I’ve ever met who believes in NOT having black workers or blacks anywhere near us under any circumstances. His book “The Lie of Apartheid” says this. Also, it’s unusual even (or maybe especially) for right wing White South Africans to be against Black labour. I guess historically many of us were more White Supremacist than White Separatist.

    I agree with Arthur Kemo and by extension OD on never using black labour”

    Well then it explains everything – whites are not scared enough to change their habits. It reminds me Wells’s Time Machine with those morloks regularly feasting on their “masters”, whom their provide with labor.
    But things will change – when every White either become a victim of of SERIOUS crime or have a CLOSE friend who is a victim of such crime. It will happen inevitably and perhaps much sooner than we expect…
    Lets wait for the Cup.

  21. Dermot Walsh’s post about the unquestioned use of black labour by Afrikaaners is depressing. No ethnic group wants to be just manual labour for the benefit of another ethnic group. The posters on this board wouldn’t want that, and neither do the blacks in S.A. no matter what their I.Q. level. The Afrikaaner intellectuals should have known this fact.

    The Afrikaaners seem to be a combination of arrogance and stupidity, which is killing them now. It is so pathetic.

  22. I repeat: they are trapped by their own greed and (Calvinist) stubberness.

    They lost the war/revolution, because they not even understood a war/revolution was on.

    Even now, most are chronically clueless to what they need to do.

    So, what do they do? What typical losers do: they whine and bitch (on the net). Hopeless bunch.

    That might sound harsh, but, those who understand their mindset will know what I mean.

  23. “The Afrikaaners seem to be a combination of arrogance and stupidity, which is killing them now. It is so pathetic.”

    100% right.

  24. @Landser

    ET paid his workers $40 a month. Pretty much all whites, from lower middle to upper class, have black servants.

    To clean, to cook, gardening etc… and often full time staff. Who do you think created these black slums near the cities where things got out of control?

  25. Hell, it’s China’s turn now! China is creeping under the rug all over the continent as well as Eurasia and South America. After the Chinese are done using nigras for cheap, disposable labor, they will simply exterminate them. The Chinese want land and resources and the second the nigras get in the way of that, the Chinese will just start shooting them en masse. In 10 years or so, Africans will be a dying breed and will beg evil YT to save them from the even more evil yella debil!

  26. Landser

    Allow me to answer your question(s):

    Thank you Dermot!

    Two-fold question: If so many Whites, as a whole have become poorer in SA since 1994, just where are they getting the money to employ servants from…


    …secondly, why are they not hiring poorer Whites than themselves to do this work??? (Especially an Afrikaner Nationalist like Terre’Blanche – seems almost unbelievable that he would not hire ‘his own people’ before hiring Blacks).

  27. Landser

    It’s a pleasure to talk about something I know a little about, I’ve been reading without commenting at OD for about a year and have learnt a lot from everybody.

    Now your questions:

    1) the issue isn’t the wealth of Whites as a whole but of the wealth of individual White families, ie the blacks are hired by individual White families with the money to hire them for domestic work. Also, I didn’t mention that in the case of companies, they’re forced to hire blacks in proportion to their share of population (or a greater percentage of workforce, you could never have too many black workers for the ANC)

    2) In White SA culture, it would feel wrong for Whites to do domestic work and it would feel wrong for Whites to employ other Whites to do this work. Basically, we’d feel other Whites are our equals and blacks are our inferiors fated by Nature (or God) to work for us in a menial capacity.

    These are my opinions of White SA culture, but others may agree with me.

    Do White Southerners in America not have a similar attitude? Basically. that it would be natural for blacks to be in domestic service to Whites, but that Whites are equal amongst themselves and one shouldn’t have White domestics.

  28. As a South African it is interesting to see what you guys think of us. I would agree that many South African whites hire blacks for menial tasks now and in the past. However, it was not whites who bussed in blacks for these jobs. In the 1960s much of the urbanisation that caused the squatter camps was due to mass immigration of blacks from poor black areas( homelands) to white areas. Notice also that blacks left their homelands for jobs in the mining sector, many of their families came along which then meant many were unemployed. Once again I think its the whites kindness to employ blacks as gardeners and maids that has bit them in the ass. Calling afrikaners weak because they didn’t stop this mass migration is like calling Americans and Europeans weak for not stopping the mass immigration to their countries at the moment.

    To stop it is to take on the state. They have the power of the police and the army. Not an easy objective. South Africans much like Americans and Europeans were and are being brought down by the elite.

    Just to bring you guys to speed on a couple of issues as well. Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment both make it extremely difficult to hire white personal. Many companies and businesses now go through other channels to hire competant staff. In this way they do hire many whites and many whites who have been fired by AA and BEE have started their own successful businesses. This drives the ANC crazy. The 800000 poor afrikaners living around Pretoria are a direct result of the ANC policies and unless other South African whites start to unite many more will end up like them.

    The good news is that whites in South Africa are starting to come to grips with the current political climate here and are making the necessary changes. 290 rate payer associations have stopped paying the municipalities for services not received and have instead placed the money in trust funds. This is then used to do the services that should have been done by the state in the first place. Notice that South Africa has 900 odd municipalities. 290 of them does make a heavy dent in the ANCs pocket. Especially considering that these are the mostly white districts that are paying close on 90 % of the tax for the country. This is also entirely legal and there is nothing the ANC can do about it until the dispute is heard in court. Since the courts have massive back logs due to corruption and mismanagement this can take years.

    South African

  29. 2) In White SA culture, it would feel wrong for Whites to do domestic work and it would feel wrong for Whites to employ other Whites to do this work. Basically, we’d feel other Whites are our equals and blacks are our inferiors fated by Nature (or God) to work for us in a menial capacity.

    Hi again Dermot,

    And let me begin by saying that it is a pleasure speaking with someone who knows what they are talking about!

    Now, to your points –

    Is what you are saying in what I quoted you true? That SA Whites believe, or, more specifically, are even allowed to believe — that Blacks are their ‘natural inferiors’ and this is the reason they hire them for domestic work??

    That this attitude is even countenanced by the ANC government and the Liberal White ‘guilt geeks’ that run the intellectual and ‘public opinion’ apparatus of your country is beyond all comprehension.

    I suppose another ancillary question is: Why the need for so many servants? Is life in SA (especially now) all that rosy for Whites that they even can truly ‘afford’ to have this luxury??

    Again, if Whites truly look to eachother as ‘equals’, better start genuinely showing it by helping the poorer and less fortunate among them get menaingful work and employment — and not be prey to the evil wolves that curse that country.

  30. #27 Lowlands: They lost the war/revolution, because they not even understood a war/revolution was on.

    Even now, most are chronically clueless to what they need to do.

    So, what do they do? What typical losers do: they whine and bitch (on the net). Hopeless bunch.

    Were you there, Lowlands? How old are you? Do you remember how it went down?

    If you remember, please tell us what you were doing at the time? Were you also in the anti-Apartheid rallies, calling for sanctions and disinvestment from South Africa? Were you in the mob that insisted that the American government destroy the South African economy? Did you contribute to the charities that financed the terrorists?

    And what do you do besides bitching on the net? Do you understand that your country is now in a war/revolution? Please believe me, that is not just an academic question.

    Revolution or secession (same thing) in South Africa is not a practical proposition right now. As RF #25 says, Whites are not scared enough yet to change their habits. Most Whites still live well. The mineral wealth of the country ensures that there is still enough money available. Businesses are milked by the ANC to enrich connected blacks, but as long as the rules apply to all businesses, they don’t really care. It becomes just another cost of doing business, which is passed on to the consumer. So quite a lot of Whites are living high on the hog as the country goes down the drain. You would be amazed at the numbers of beautiful houses, and expensive cars on the roads.

    While most people knew someone who was murdered, they don’t seem to be taking it seriously yet. Younger people know no other way of life, for them this is normal.

    The Whites who are hanging on, are working in the system to survive. They are collecting the taxes, maintaining the infrastructure, and manning the security forces. Hard to get a good conspiracy going under those conditions. Also, the brightest (and the luckiest) have already emigrated. Ironically, but not unexpectedly, most of those were the liberals who shouted loudest about the evils of Apartheid, the Jews (with right of return to Israel) and the ones with British passports. What’s left are the ones who are making too much money to leave, and the doomed.

  31. “If you remember, please tell us what you were doing at the time? Were you also in the anti-Apartheid rallies, calling for sanctions and disinvestment from South Africa? Were you in the mob that insisted that the American government destroy the South African economy? Did you contribute to the charities that financed the terrorists?

    And what do you do besides bitching on the net? Do you understand that your country is now in a war/revolution? Please believe me, that is not just an academic question.”


    I was active in pro-Apartheid groups (you had them all over Europe, moderate or radical) during the 80s and saw the distribution of leaflets against Outspan at supermarkets and the outright terrorism against, for example, Shell. I also saw the Oranjewerkers fail years before Orania. Way before the internet, I had access to about all publications (including Sweepslag, the AWB magazine) which were published in SA and was subscribed myself to a few publications (SA Observer, SA Patriot). I’ve met plenty of Afrikaners/Boers, understand the language, and was in contact (just before the collapse) with a Dutch group who was preparing to move to SA to fight. It never happened because the BSP said wait, wait and wait… and… well, we are still waiting!

    I don’t bitch, I analyse and give facts. Don’t like them? Don’t read them. I counter the romantic flag wavers, the naive dreamers and chronically clueless . The war/revolution is over. They lost the revolution, they lost the war. Just like in Rhodesia and there is no way back.

    Orania is not working (it is a village, not a ‘volksstaat’). They hope to have 15.000 there by 2020. Not enough. They need to get out, a strategic retreat.

    I agree with the rest of your post.

  32. Landser

    What I mean is it is now an unspoken, subconscious belief that blacks are inferiors and Whites are equals.

    This is my opinion.

    If things went like you say it would probably be better

  33. I would make a poor Afrikaaner then, I help clean the house and I do my own work on my small farm. ET received the natural result of “cheap labor” better him than a young person who could change his/her ways. Yes I said that about him, the old reactionairies exist to be martyred for they surely are a cancer on our body politic which consumes the energy needed for our descendants to come. Make your own damn beds.

  34. Well said Simmons. After getting chased out of Europe for being a White South African (did I ask to be born here?) I’ve come back to my land of birth a bit older, a bit wiser, and WITH NO EMPATHY WHATSOEVER for The Stoopid Jesus-Befokked, Kool-Aid Drinking, Dumb White Slumberers.

  35. South African said “South Africans much like Americans and Europeans were and are being brought down by the elite.”

    White South Africa was primarily brought down by Jews in South Africa; a post on this website has provided some solid evidence –

    And Jews have extensively used Black labor in South Africa on a much larger scale than South Africa Whites on their small farms. You see, Jews own and operate nearly all of the diamond/gold/gem/etc mines there in SA, and they have used Blacks as semi-slave labor for centuries.

  36. Well, Lowlands, I guess you put me in my place! I take my hat off to you, and thank you for your efforts. I apologise for the hostile tone of my previous post.

  37. And Jews have extensively used Black labor in South Africa on a much larger scale than South Africa Whites on their small farms. You see, Jews own and operate nearly all of the diamond/gold/gem/etc mines there in SA, and they have used Blacks as semi-slave labor for centuries.

    This is absolutely correct.

    A few key Jewish families (just like in America), like the Oppenheimers, control so much of the resources in that forsaken land, particularly through the DeBeers Mining consortium.

    How come the communist-sympathizing ANC government never made a move to nationalize the diamond wealth of SA? ;}

  38. “South African said “South Africans much like Americans and Europeans were and are being brought down by the elite.”
    White South Africa was primarily brought down by Jews in South Africa”

    Yes, they were betrayed by the elite. The ones who introduced Apartheid ( Broederbond, Afrikaner elite) were also the ones who brought down Apartheid. Reason? The need for semi-skilled workers instead of unskilled workers and an end to the economic boycot.

    No, not primarily by the Jews. Primarily by themselves since life was good (as in Rhodesia) and they fell asleep.

  39. “How come the communist-sympathizing ANC government never made a move to nationalize the diamond wealth of SA? ;}”

    You could say that SA is not run by blacks, but by capitalist groups. They create a very rich and corrupt top layer who let them do their thing.

  40. You could say that SA is not run by blacks, but by capitalist groups. They create a very rich and corrupt top layer who let them do their thing. – Lowlands

    Yeah, I meant that as a rhetorical, and a satirical question, rather than a serious one.

  41. How many fully equipped American Soldiers would it take to carve an enclave for White South Africans out of South Africa?

    Probably 5,000 or less.

  42. Dermot Walsh: “Do White Southerners in America not have a similar attitude? Basically. that it would be natural for blacks to be in domestic service to Whites, but that Whites are equal amongst themselves and one shouldn’t have White domestics.”

    I’ll give an answer, however imprecise. In general, no, white southerners do not seem to be nearly as dependent upon black labor as white South Africans. I don’t think it’s even close. The overwhelming majority of white southerners do their own menial labor: they cut their own grass and make their own beds. Or, when I was a kid, they might hire a white kid in the neighborhood to do it. There are also lots of white cleaning services, landscaping companies, etc. Whites doing domestic work is not considered strange here, but again, most people just do their own work. In fact, I think it’s almost gotten to the point where it would seem kind of strange to have black domestic help, though obviously that was not always the case. I’m sure my description is less true in certain areas of the South, but I would say it is generally true.

    Of course, blacks tend to predominate in certain lower end occupations (or at least did until the mestizos started showing up in real numbers), and there is still a subset of whites that refer to honest but menial labor as “nigger work.” However, I must say that I’ve only heard that expression a couple of times, it does not appear terribly widespred. Much more common is the view that blacks do shoddy work. On construction sites, traditionally dominated by white workers (again, now with mestizos making tremendous inroads), you would often hear the expression “nigger rigged” as shorthand for crappy work, an insult if leveled at a white worker. As in, “You nigger rigged this, asshole!” I should put that in the Urban Dictionary.

    The truth is that the South is filled with tons of white rednecks who are more than willing to do the hands on work, and always have been. They are being displaced not by an unwillingness on their part to work, or some cultural aversion to whites doing hard labor or domestic service. Rather, they are being displaced by the modern business practices of sending jobs overseas and bringing in cheaper labor for those jobs that remain.

  43. Dermot Walsh, you’re welcome.

    Having thought a little bit more about this, I’d say that the description that I gave above was probably even more true about twenty years ago. It’s still generally true today, but there have been some changes.

    The biggest change has been the mestizo invasion, of course. They are heavily involved in construction, which used to be a decent paying line of work. Now, not so much, at least for the broad mass of laborers. Consequently, there have been fewer whites on contruction sites in recent years. Whites are still there, just not as dominant.

    I’ve noticed another change too. When I was a teenager, nearly everybody worked crappy summer jobs, and many worked after school. In recent years, however, this seems to have changed quite a bit. I meet young people all the time who have never worked a crappy job. Not one. Not sure what they did with their summers, but apparently it didn’t involve working. This always strikes me as strange. In my family, I was expected to work summers, just on general principles. The fact that we were pretty well off didn’t change this. My friends? Same thing. We all worked, it was just a given. It didn’t seem to matter how much money dad made.

    Also, I don’t doubt that there is somewhat less willingness amongst whites to do hard labor in “real” jobs like construction these days. Many are still willing, but there has definitely been a change. Part of this is because the wages for those types of jobs have been artificially suppressed, particularly because of the mestizo invasion. But I think part of it is a cultural shift induced by the “if you don’t go to college you’re a loser” propaganda that everyone here is hit with. It’s not like South Africa where menial labor is viewed as a “black” thing. Here, physical labor is demeaned pretty much across the board – it’s something that dumb losers do, regardless of race.

    Physical labor is not viewed as an honorable necessity, but rather as the province of loserdom. This is something that really needs to change in the coming white republic. No more institutionalized demeaning of honest work. That, and being paid a decent wage would help.

    I also think that we as a people have grown softer than we were even twenty years ago (the 80’s weren’t exactly frontier days, mind you, most of us were growing up in suburbia). Perhaps it’s video games, perhaps the degenerate media, maybe the corn syrup diet, whatever. Just softer.

    As one example, when I was a kid growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, we spent a great deal of time outdoors. Keep in mind, I saw myself as an intellectual bookworm, but even I spent huge amounts of time outdoors. Walking, riding bikes, fighting (we kept fights fair back then, one on one, not nine guys kicking someone while he was down), playing pick up football, climbing trees, building forts, tearing the other guy’s forts down. All types of kids seemed to do this, from the blue collar gearheads to the guys who were heading to top schools. These days I almost never see young people out and about in white neighborhoods. It’s like a ghost town, except for a few middle aged whites walking their dogs or pushing a stroller. Other than that, it’s just cars whizzing down otherwise empty streets. One thing’s for sure: once those white toddlers get a little older, they aren’t venturing outside much. Apprently, if they can’t be pushed in a stroller, the great outdoors just ain’t a big draw.

    Yet another change that I think leads to softness is that, because of the degeneracy of society, white parents aren’t allowing kids to roam nearly as freely as we were. As a ten year old kid, I might have been literally miles away from home on my bike. None of our parents would have had a clue where we were. This was not unusual, and it certainly wouldn’t have occurred to anyone that this was irresponsible parenting. That’s just what boys did, and as long as we were back by dinner/sundown/whatever, all was well. Now? White kids seem to be under direct supervision nearly all of the time. It’s amazing how little freedom they have when they are kids (then of course, they end up getting too much freedom later on, and no real moral guidance). They are raised like caged farm animals.

    I realize that I sound like grandpa talking about the old days, but this was just friggin twenty or so years ago – the 80’s.

    Having said all of that, there is no question that whites can do their own work and do not require non-white labor. When we get our own country, we won’t need any non-whites whatsoever, not one. No “guest workers,” nothing. Even as soft as we’ve become, my original post is still generally true: whites do the overwhelming majority of their own work, and are even today well represented in all lines of work, from top to bottom. Just the other day I was at a supermarket around here. I noticed that the cashiers were almost all white, the managers were white, and the guys stocking the shelves were white. From top to bottom, white. The staff was courteous, friendly, and efficient. The store was clean, and there was none of the rudeness, hooting, hollering and general disorder that results from the presence of non-whites. What a difference it makes. And with the leaner economic times, I suspect that more and more white teens will rediscover the joys of crappy jobs, simply out of necessity. That might not be an entirely bad thing.

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