At the movies the other day I saw a trailer for the upcoming Ridley Scott film “Robin Hood,” which features Russell Crowe as the legendary Anglo-Saxon freedom fighter seeking “liberty and the law.”
As a good reactionary, I’m typically dead-set against remakes of classic films. By any measure, Errol Flynn did Robin Hood right and that is that.
But Scott did “Blade Runner” and “Gladiator,” not to mention the scariest damn film I’ve ever seen, “Alien,” so I gave the trailer more attention than I normally would. I also think that Crowe is a fine actor and, believe me, it’s no small relief these days to behold a straight, masculine leading man who typically is the strong man doing right regardless of cost. (Both men are, of course, good liberals, but if one held to that standard, one would have to be a monk).
The trailer begins with a young Robin setting what appears to be a cornerstone for a keep with his father. Carved into the cornerstone, to be covered up of course, is the following:
Rise and Rise Again,
Until Lambs Become Lions
The trailer was quite impressive and it appears to me that there is a better than average chance that this film may be worthwhile, but it was that carving that stuck in my mind.
Obviously, we are to believe that the sentiment expressed by the carving is something to admire, something that the hero Robin takes to heart and later takes action on.
But let’s step outside the realm of make believe and see what this maxim really means.
I was very young when I noticed that in life there are, broadly speaking, two general classes of people. The Responsible, a very tiny minority, selected not by class or background but by nature or, if you’d prefer, by God, whose thankless task it is to care about everything and anything; and The Sheep, the vast majority, whose pleasurable task it is to simply live and take everything at face value.
If I had been given a choice, I know which one I’d pick. Who needs the hassle?
But, alas, no such choice is given. If one is one of the Responsible, you’re screwed from the start. I mean, you’re smart, sensitive and insightful, but guess what big man? Guess whose job it is to “Rise and Rise Again” until the Sheep notice something is wrong?
Yeah, that’s right: you.
So, there you are. You know what’s going on. You know that the current government is insane and that in this nation’s fixed political context, there will be no reversal of policy. There will be no enforcement of the U.S. border with Mexico, as there has not been for the past 30 years. There will be no slow-down of massive legal immigration. There will be no slow-down of non-white and Muslim refugees–made all the more numerous by U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan–in previously European-American regions of the nation.
The current ideology cannot accept any such scale back, let alone a stoppage, any more than the mummified leaders atop Lenin’s Tomb could admit that collectivization of agriculture was a failure economically.
In both cases, to admit the reality of the situation would be to admit the bankruptcy of the ruling ideology, calling the entire logic of the ruling structure into place.
This simply will not happen.
There are only three possible outcomes: (1) Most likely, the power elite “elect a new people” and the U.S. becomes a Latin American country with a sizeable European-American minority; (2) the system collapses as the Soviet Union did; or (3) Euro-Americans give up on the U.S. and fight for a new homeland, with a new nationalism and nationalist ideal.
The choice is before us, and before us now. Fight now, or be erased. And by “fight” I mean just that: fight.
And guess what? The Sheep won’t thank you for your work. In fact, the Sheep like winners and only winners so if you are unsuccessful the very people you were fighting for will jeer and cheer as you get led in chains before the system triumphant. If you win, of course, they’ll have been at your side all along—knew you were right, mate—and cheer you as you announce the new order.
Frankly, the Sheep aren’t really worth it. We all know that in our heart. Our fellow European North Americans deserve the ass kicking they are about to receive at the hands of their new masters and it’s not an insane reaction to relish that day and prepare a few pints of good ale and ready a long and bitter laugh.
But you won’t do that, will you?
No, you won’t.
Because, dammit, you’re one of the Responsible.
“…if you thought the 1991 movie was bad, did you know the BBC has TV series on both Robin Hood and King Arthur where Friar Tuck and Guinevere are black?”
Lucy Griffiths doesn’t look Black to me.
Lucy Griffiths isn’t Guinevere (King Arthur), she plays Maid Marian (Robin Hood) or rather just Marian as they took off the “maiden” part because it’s sexist. Lucy is White.
He was referring to Angel Coulby, who plays as Guinevere in the 2008 BBC TV show Merlin.
I notice in British media they even go to the extent to refer to men and women as partners in a marriage, rather than husband and wife. It’s that bad over there.
The BBC Series is called Merlin
Here’s a link to the groid Gwen’s character page
With all the crap on TV, youtube is a Godsend.
Listening to Ge Korsten’s Sudwesterlied now, the unofficial anthem of South West Africa’s Germans, zero black influence there
Apropos CompassionateFascist’s desire to use non-white troops against our co-ethnics:
The Racial Ideology of Empire: The roots of our crisis go deep into our past.
by Jared Taylor
I tried reading that article, and stopped as soon as I saw Leon Blum refered to as “French”.
“Lucy Griffiths isn’t Guinevere (King Arthur), she plays Maid Marian (Robin Hood) or rather just Marian as they took off the ‘maiden’ part because it’s sexist. Lucy is White.”
I guess the BBC thinks it’s “sexist” to care whether a Woman is married or not, and if she’s unmarried how many sex partners she’s had.
Also I just noticed on the Net that even being too slutty to be called a Maid wasn’t enough to save Marian, as the TV Show had her killed even though she was still alive at the end of the legendary story.
Then to top it off they had Will Scarlet shack up with some Hindoo chick!!
“He was referring to Angel Coulby, who plays as Guinevere in the 2008 BBC TV show Merlin.”
That’s what I call a low blow. It’s one thing to act like there were marginal Blacks in Ancient Britain, but to act like the QUEEN of the Britons was one is a real slap in the face.
With all the propaganda in England and America about how Whites and especially English and/or American Whites spent all their time devoted to the Slave Trade, it isn’t that surprising the English public could be fooled into to thinking there were Black slaves in Ancient Britain.
But Guinevere? That would be like having Malcolm X played by Stellan Skarsgård.
The BBC Series is called Merlin
Yeah my bad I got things mixed up, obviously. Morgaine (or whatever her name is) from Merlin looks a bit like Marian from RH I guess.
It’s that bad over there.
AFAICT, the Anglophone media outside America seems a lot redder than it does inside. Here we have limousine liberals, in Britain it’s champagne socialists.
Reginald, every episode of Merlin and RH I watched had me wondering aloud if non-white peoples have to experience the sight of their culture and heritage and ancestry being pissed on by “their own” media. It’s something to behold. I kept wondering if non-white peoples would put up with or get used to that kind of shit sandwich.
I watched a lot of television in the hopes of finding something I could give to my niece and nephew. I worry about the kind of sludge they are watching. I found nothing I’d be comfortable, much less proud, showing them. Old movies and shows are about it. My nephew can watch Red Dawn, I’m not showing him that other sludge.
Indeed, they practiced limpieza de sangre or a racially mixed caste system, similar to India. They never opposed mixing, just categorizing the various mixtures.
Yeah, I’ve never seen anything in Latin America equivalent to the anti-miscegenation laws, or segregation. Not that I’m a big racial historian on LA, maybe they did and I missed it.
Re the Robin Hood/Merlin thing.
Yes, I’ve seen an episode of Merlin and was struck by that girl, Angel Coulby. Dont know what her origins are, can’t find an explanation anywhere and, needless to say, in the episode I saw her characters ethnicity is not explained either.
If one wants ‘hate’ try the Shrek movies.
Yes they are funny but the relentless anti-white, anti-euro message is banged home with a sledge hammer. Look out for one scene in which Fiona appears to kill a pet dog, its a white dog.
Re Angel Coulby, forgot to say, its not even like she is remotely pretty, the producers dont even have that thin little defence.
A relevant passage from the article “When the River Ran Red: A great Boer victory that was later undone” by Arthur Kemp:
MGLS – The $64,000 question (directed more towards A. Kemp, of course), however is: What should, or could have been done with the Negroes already living in that area? I mean this in all sincerity.
Let me just add a bit to my last comment in that I think Kemp focuses too much on the Afrikaner Boers for blame on the current demographic crisis currently facing SA, and way too little on the role that British and Jewish oligarchs and financiers played in said crisis — especially in attracting as much Black African cheap labor as that land could possibly hold.
Kulaks Never Learn
You are right.
The English speakers and Jews use Black labour far more than Afrikaners.
Jews use black labour more than any other group.
English speakers in the cities are more likely than Afrikaners to have domestics
Yeah, I’ve never seen anything in Latin America equivalent to the anti-miscegenation laws, or segregation. Not that I’m a big racial historian on LA, maybe they did and I missed it.
Indeed, and I think it’s due to a dysfunctional patriarchy where women are not valued, they’re objectified and merely a means for a male to have his way and produce children.
I watched a lot of television in the hopes of finding something I could give to my niece and nephew. I worry about the kind of sludge they are watching. I found nothing I’d be comfortable, much less proud, showing them. Old movies and shows are about it.
That’s the way to go, retro. Before animated movies had obnoxious black voices and hip-hop beats! The stuff they’ve made in the last 10 years is especially nauseating, I find it intolerable.
The 1973 animated version of Robin Hood by Disney is a good choice for the kids.
Kulaks Never Learn
You are right.
The English speakers and Jews use Black labour far more than Afrikaners.
Jews use black labour more than any other group.
English speakers in the cities are more likely than Afrikaners to have domestics – Dermot Walsh
Just as I suspected; thanks for the corroberation.
You are a South African I believe you have said? Judging by your name, are you also of British descent?
Your posts are very informative to us here in the states. Thanks for filling us in here to the plight of Our White Brothers and Sisters over there in Africa.
“Indeed, and I think it’s due to a dysfunctional patriarchy where women are not valued,”
I think you have things exactly backwards.
The Iberian Countries valued their Women too much to send many of them across the Atlantic Ocean to a very dangerous place with majority Non-White populations and lots of Tropical diseases.
It was this, combined with Whites facing far greater population densities of Non-Whites in Central and South America than were ever faced in what became America and Canada, which gave the impetus for White Man/Native Women mixing to become established early enough that bans on the practice couldn’t be placed once governmental order was imposed on the chaotic early situation.
I think you have things exactly backwards.
The Iberian Countries valued their Women too much to send many of them across the Atlantic Ocean
Well, if bringing their women with them means our British ancestors did not value women, then we Americans (real Americans, that is) ought to be extremely grateful that our ancestors valued women so little, since it is only by bringing women with them to North America that they were able to create a nation that was ethnically like the old country.
As with your bizarre speculation about separating French men and women, you have a strange tendency to ethnically dissociate men and women.
“Well, if bringing their women with them means our British ancestors did not value women, then we Americans (real Americans, that is) ought to be extremely grateful that our ancestors valued women so little…”
I never said the British didn’t value their Women.
There was far less disease and native resistance in Proto-America and Proto-Canada than there was in Proto-Latin America.
For this reason it showed no real lack of concern for your Women to send them across the Atlantic
In contrast, it would’ve showed some real callousness on the part of Iberian Men if they’d let too many of their Women be sent to Proto-Latin America.
“…since it is only by bringing women with them to North America that they were able to create a nation that was ethnically like the old country.”
Because of the massively greater population density of Non-Whites in Latin America, it would’ve taken a lot more than sending our Women across the Atlantic to “create nations that were ethnically like the old country”.
In most Latin American Countries the proportion of White Blood is probably less than 20%. Therefore even if we sent over an equal number of our Women and it would’ve led to the average Latin American country being:
40% Pureblooded White
60% Non-White.
That’s hardly a nation “ethnically like the old Country”, now is it?
In contrast in America and Canada there were so few Non-White natives that it was easy for you to create nations ethnically like the old country.
“As with your bizarre speculation about separating French men and women…”
That speculation wasn’t bizarre at all. That sort of thing has happened all the time in History.
Just look at this quote from Greg Johnson:
“The Germans were in awe of the beauty of the Czechs and Ukrainians and other Slavs they conquered, who were more Nordic on average than the Germans themselves. A year after Barbarossa, more than a million babies were fathered by German soldiers with hypergamous Ukrainian women. Ukrainian men might not have been pleased with that…”
In other words, the German invasion of the Ukraine led to Ukrainian Men being reproductively separated from Ukrainian Women.
And if the invasion was successful things would’ve only gotten worse for the Ukrainian Men, and consequently for the Ukrainian People’s genetic interests.
“…you have a strange tendency to ethnically dissociate men and women.”
I was acknowledging that Men and Women are different.
There can be areas that are too dangerous for it to be right to send Women, but where sending Men would be okay.
And really there were too many Non-Whites in most of Latin America for it to have made sense to send the Race’s most precious reproductive resource over to fight a demographic battle that could never actually be won.
That speculation wasn’t bizarre at all. That sort of thing has happened all the time in History.
Of course that sort of thing has happened throughout history. What was bizarre was your notion that Northern European racial preservationists would have an interest in or a desire to breed with racially incompatible women in order to maximize short term population size at the expense of racial preservation.
Perhaps changing the word French to black in one of your comments (#52 in “White People Are Becoming Extinct”) will make this clearer:
“Nordish Preservations would ACTUALLY have a strong interest in sexually disempowering black blooded Men in their ethnostate, so they can get all of the numerical benefit from breeding with black Women with only half the De-Nordification that would be attendant if the black Men were allowed to reproduce.”
The idea that Nordish preservationists would have an interest in breeding with black women is obviously insane.
Of course that sort of thing has happened throughout history. What was bizarre was your notion that Northern European racial preservationists would have an interest in or a desire to breed with racially incompatible women in order to maximize short term population size at the expense of racial preservation.
Perhaps changing the word French to black in one of your comments (#52 in “White People Are Becoming Extinct”) will make this clearer:
He has a Latin mindset of conquering people and siring offspring with their women, as they did so profoundly in Latin America. He cannot understand the Germanic way of separation and purity.
In contrast, it would’ve showed some real callousness on the part of Iberian Men if they’d let too many of their Women be sent to Proto-Latin America.
Wherever the Iberians went they enthusiastically bred with native women. This wasn’t some sort of empathetic chivalry on their part to spare their kinswomen discomfort, you’ve got to be kidding me.
Certainly you don’t defend Portugal importing Africans to their homeland.
Some Latin American men did send for Iberian women to join them, more often the wealthy. The problem was this was the exception, and miscegenation was the rule.
They have always valued Christianity over racial purity.
The Basques’ view of their fellow Spaniards as questionably White tells you something. The same can be said for Northern vs Southern Italy.
“The Germans were in awe of the beauty of the Czechs and Ukrainians and other Slavs they conquered, who were more Nordic on average than the Germans themselves. A year after Barbarossa, more than a million babies were fathered by German soldiers with hypergamous Ukrainian women. Ukrainian men might not have been pleased with that…”
In other words, the German invasion of the Ukraine led to Ukrainian Men being reproductively separated from Ukrainian Women.
That Czechs and Ukrainians are more “Nordic” than Germans is debatable.
The difference here though is NS Germany wanted to reclaim old territory, ethnic Germans and Nordic racial stock. They weren’t wantonly breeding with non-Europeans and non-Whites.
“Wherever the Iberians went they enthusiastically bred with native women.”
No. There were places in Africa where no more half-castes were produced per White Male capita than in India under the British.
“This wasn’t some sort of empathetic chivalry on their part to spare their kinswomen discomfort, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
I’m not saying the race mixing was, but rather that a lot of Iberian Men were driven to race mixing by the lack of Iberian Women.
The reason for the lack of Iberian Women was the chivalry of Men back in Iberia who refused to send their Women to a place they considered very dangerous.
The wealthy Iberian Colonists were the ones who brought White Women because they were the ones who could afford to keep them under guard once they entered the demographically Non-White dominated place known as Latin America.
Perhaps this chivalry turned out to be a mistake, perhaps sending the Women there would’ve been worth the harm it would’ve done to the demographic position of Iberian Whites in Iberia, the risk to the actual Women, and how much of a weak point it would’ve given Non-White rebels in Latin America to attack.
But you have to remember that the Turk was a threat to Southern Europeans at this time (how do you think Cervantes lost the use of his arm?) and sending too many of the future mothers of Iberian White soldiers to Latin America wouldn’t have been prudent.
There was always a chance of the Turk getting too big for his britches and being a threat to White Countries bordering the Mediterranean, in a way there was never a threat of the Turk becoming a threat to White Countries up North which had no border with that lake.
“The idea that Nordish preservationists would have an interest in breeding with black women is obviously insane.”
I never said they did. If Germans National Socialists were willing to race mix with Slav Women, why wouldn’t Nordicists have an interest in breeding with French Women?
The genetic distances involved are about equal.
Are you more into racial purity than the Nazis?
“That Czechs and Ukrainians are more “Nordic” than Germans is debatable.”
Not so much debatable as it’s just plain stupid. The word “Nordic” has no meaning if you’re going to say the Ukrainians are more Nordic than Germans.
“The difference here though is NS Germany wanted to reclaim old territory, ethnic Germans and Nordic racial stock. They weren’t wantonly breeding with non-Europeans and non-Whites.”
Leaving aside your far-fetched claim that Germany once owned the Ukraine, your general point is correct.
I wasn’t saying that what the Germans did to the Ukrainians was equivalent to what Iberians did to Injuns.
I was rather saying that what the Germans did to the Ukrainians was equivalent to what I said Nordics would have an interest in doing to the French in a Nordish Ethnostate that included French but excluded other Meds.
“Some Latin American men did send for Iberian women to join them, more often the wealthy. The problem was this was the exception, and miscegenation was the rule.”
You would’ve had just as much miscegenation if you settled an area with the kind of Pre-Contact population density we faced.
“They have always valued Christianity over racial purity…”
I admit the Pope stopped us from taking the really harsh measures some of us wanted to take with the Non-White Natives.
But do you think you wouldn’t have had your Churchmen stop you from doing similar things?
The scale of killing it would’ve taken to turn Latin America into White Countries would’ve been absolutely staggering.
“The Basques’ view of their fellow Spaniards as questionably White tells you something.”
Actually, Spaniards cluster with other Europeans at least as much as Basques do.
The scale of killing it would’ve taken to turn Latin America into White Countries would’ve been absolutely staggering.
This is something American ‘Nordicists’ just do not fully appreciate.
In fact, where the English or other Northern Europeans (or ‘Germanics’ – a somewhat misleading term for the overwhelmingly non-German Keltic British) encountered a large non-White native population, they as well adopted, out of exigency, a somewhat similar racial caste system like that found in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies.
“The Basques’ view of their fellow Spaniards as questionably White tells you something.”
The Basques do not think in American-centric, dichotomous ways of looking at people as White or questionably-White.
All they care about is their ethnicity and tribe, and the perception that they were there before the arrival of various Indo-European tribes came in and settled the Iberian peninsula and made it ‘Spain’. Nothing else.