Auster vs. Hoste

A few days ago, I wrote a blog entry about this subject, but never got around to posting it. I’ve made a conscious effort this year to avoid feuding with other bloggers who claim to be on the pro-White side of the political spectrum. However, this discussion has grown increasingly acrimonious, and it has entered territory that is of some interest of me.

A brief summary: Lawrence Auster of View from the Right has been quarreling with Richard Hoste of HBD Books and Alternative Right. The feud between these two started months ago over Auster’s objections to Darwinism, HBD, and Roissy. In recent weeks, it has accelerated as Pope Larry has been on the war path against Alt Right over various heresies: “anti-Semitism,” Darwinism, paganism, anti-Zionism, game theory.

Ferdinand Bardamu is supporting Auster. Dennis Mangan backs Hoste and Spencer. In particular, I enjoyed Mangan’s summary:

“Auster’s constant writing about Israel and anti-Semitism, as well as his habit of making one’s views about Israel a litmus test for those whom he considers worthy of being designated a conservative, and additionally his practice of reading out of the conservative camp anyone who fails his litmus test, give one the impression that he cares more about Israel than he does for his native land.”

Talk about hitting the nail on the head.

Recently, Larry has been going overboard with his defense of the Chosen People, even more so than usual. For Auster, Israel is now a “litmus test” of who pro-Whites can work with; those who don’t agree with this party line should be excommunicated to the fringe. He has been attempting to smear Richard Hoste by linking him to Fred Phelps and Timothy McVeigh. The attacks have been extended to all paleocons including Pat Buchanan, Peter Brimelow, and Thomas Fleming. Larry is even saying that White Nationalists want to “complete Hitler’s work” by destroying Israel and exterminating all Jews.

A few comments:

1.) I agree with Richard Hoste’s analysis of terrorism. It is an insignificant issue compared to interracial violent crime. In 2005 and 2006, over 60,000 White women were raped by negroes. How many were murdered, robbed, or simply assaulted? It must number in the hundreds of thousands every year; the millions every decade. The real terrorists are lurking in the shadows in our own cities.

Drunk driving, traffic accidents, alcoholism, and smoking kill far more White people than Islamic terrorists. Obesity and lack of exercise are bigger problems than IEDs. The terrorism problem is also tractable. A few simple changes to our foreign policy would eliminate the grievances that inspired 9/11 and fuel the growth of al-Qaeda. Traditionally, the United States has always had good relations with the Islamic world.

2.) Through the organized American Jewish community, Israel attempts to manipulate American foreign policy. That’s the only grievance I have against Israelis. If they would quit doing this, I wouldn’t have anything to resent about them. I don’t care about the “human rights” of the Palestinians or what goes on in Gaza and Jerusalem. Far from wishing destruction upon Israel, I want the Zionists in our own country to relocate there.

3.) My version of “anti-Semitism” consists in the belief that White Americans would be better off excluding a Jewish community from a White ethnostate than including one. The costs of Jewish influence in our society dramatically outweigh the benefits. Are they a plus or a minus? What kind of risk are we taking on? That’s the way I look at the issue.

I’m willing to grant the Jews a second chance: if they would only quit doing the things that we find so offensive about them, acknowledge and apologize for their past actions, and give us real assurances (not mere promises) that their behavior has permanently changed, well, I would no longer have a problem with them.

An argument can be made that Jews have made positive contributions to the advancement of science and technology. Israel, for example, is often cited as a high tech nation with lots of patents per capita. I don’t disagree, but the benefits of Jewish genius in this area can easily be reaped from abroad. Jews don’t have to be physically present in North America to invent a useful gadget that becomes popular here. Neither do the Japanese who prefer to stick to their own islands.

4.) I recognize that all Jews do not share the destructive mindset of many of their co-ethnics. I’ve always judged people as individuals and as members of groups. Instead of arguing with White Nationalists, these Jews can more profitably spend their time talking sense into their co-ethnics. This would go a long way toward defusing the situation and removing the causes of grievance that inspire anti-Semitism.

5.) Unfortunately, I don’t foresee this enlightened scenario ever happening. I doubt our Jewish elites will surrender their wealth, power, and privileges voluntarily. The clannishness that we see among Jewish racialists like Lawrence Auster – who put Jewish interests above White interests – does not inspire confidence.

Most of these people won’t even consent to the exclusion of the “bad Jews.” We are told that every Jew must be judged as an individual, but when take their advice and recommend the expulsion of Mark Potok and Tim Wise, after judging them as individuals, the same people cry foul. This shows they are only playing a language game in bad faith.

6.) Auster has been repeating all sorts of spurious gossip: Hoste and Spencer were roommates at Yale, Hoste and Peter Brimelow are CMS members, VDARE is losing funding on account of anti-Semitism, etc. This doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in his analysis and reporting.

7.) Admittedly, there are some “anti-Semites” who are so out there that even we laugh about them. When I log on here and see discussions going on about whether or not Christopher Columbus was a Jew, I can’t help but laugh. The difference is my reaction is humorous and productive. I think to myself: these are still my people, they acknowledge a Jewish problem, and persuasion works better than demonizing them.

In the past, I used to read VFR much more than I do now. Auster’s obsession with Darwinism and anti-Semitism killed my interest. His ambition to police the racialist blogosphere is reminiscent of the neocons. It gives credibility to those who claim Jews will use their position as opinion makers to impose a narrow interpretation of their ethnic interests on White Gentiles. I don’t foresee this becoming a problem though given the level of awareness of the Jewish Question in the pro-White community.

Larry Auster doesn’t seem to be able to get along with anyone: Peter Brimelow, Jared Taylor, Taki, Thomas Fleming, Richard Spencer, Pat Buchanan, Roissy, Steve Sailer, Richard Hoste, Tanstaafl, Dennis Mangan, Chechar, Conservative Swede, Robert Spencer, Hesperado, Ian Jobling, Paul Craig Roberts, Gates of Vienna, David Horowitz … I can’t think of anyone that Auster hasn’t feuded with over the last year or so. This says a lot about his personality.

I think we can write off a career in politics.

Update: Richard Spencer responds to Larry.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “give one the impression that he cares more about Israel than he does for his native land.”

    No sh-t Sherlock.

  2. I thought Larry Auster was a Jew, who converted to Christianity?

    Cause I always believe what Jews say, in thier conversion to Christianity/Islam/Buddhism/Satanism (Anton Levy).

    Jews are so trustworthy, and sincere. You can always believe every word they tell you. Especially when they “convert”. They cease all tribal loyalty. It’s never about “What’s good for the Jew”, anymore….never…that whole “International Jew” thing was just an evil malicious AntiSemitic Nazi LIE.

    (Kievsky! How’m I doing)?

  3. Auster slagging in the Gates of Vienna? They are the biggest Jew Toadies in the world, after Glenn Beck, et al…

  4. A few simple changes to our foreign policy would eliminate the grievances that inspired 9/11 and fuel the growth of al-Qaeda.

    No, the official story of 911 – and they idea that Muslims did it because they “hate our freedom” – is Pravda worthy, transparent propaganda and it’s a damn shame that most people – WNs included – are too lazy or cowardly to actually study the issue.

  5. Very good fleshing out of a sticky position, Hunter. If Jews somehow managed to stop being destructive of their own volition, who will I be to argue?

    I consider it unlikely, though.

  6. Even if they stopped being destructive, they’re still a different tribe/nation/ethnicity/people. To ask them to stop having divergent interests and start sharing our vision of the future is to ask them to stop being Jews.

    We should work with Jewish WNs, but cautiously and at arm’s-length (separate groups). To do less is to make enemies of allies. To do more is to ignore the parable of the frog and the scorpion.

    As an aside, Jews rarely actually lead. They manage, imperiously. They’re a managerial elite, without that alpha/HNIC leadership instincts common among Whites and Blacks. They’re never comfortable on the throne because they don’t belong on it. They maintain control with threats, fear, graft, and greed. One need have only worked under an insecure female supervisor to understand Auster’s paranoid and pissy style of “leadership”.

  7. I think murder is more serious than accidents both morally and in other respects. But changes to our immigration and foreign policy would solve 99% of the terrorist problem. We can fight a war of avoidance and defense, unlike Israel or Greece or Russia on the front lines of the Islamic world.

    I do think that Zionists should move to Israel, and that Israelis are very different from diaspora Jews in attitude, values, etc.

    I believe you have fairly summarized the conflict. I think the roots of Auster’s problem, in addition to his crummy personality, is that he’s dishonest about his goals, loyalties, and the like. He’s an alleged traditional conservative who cares a great deal about Israel, but only cheers at the decline of Europe and Great Britain. This is not a normal reaction. I mean, for Pete’s sake, he defended Roman Polanski initially. No normal conservative does this. Indeed, no normal human being does this.

  8. Hunter writes:

    “I’m willing to grant the Jews a second chance: if they would only quit doing the things that we find so offensive about them, acknowledge and apologize for their past actions, and give us real assurances (not mere promises) that their behavior has permanently changed, well, I would no longer have a problem with them.”

    The threat posed by the Typhonian Weltfeind must be neutralised once and for all. There can be no more chances. There can be no compromise.


  9. #4, I think the “grievance” he is talking about is the presence of US troops on Saudi soil, which to an orthodox Muslim like Bin Laden, is a gross violation of Islamic law.

  10. “I think the “grievance” he is talking about is the presence of US troops on Saudi soil, which to an orthodox Muslim like Bin Laden, is a gross violation of Islamic law.”

    Agreed, and that grievance is ostensibly behind the attacks on the USS Cole and the Sudan Embassy bombing.

    There’s not a shred of evidence that that was the motivation behind 911. Not only is there zero evidence of such a thing, Dick Cheney has already stated that he never claimed Bin Laden was behind the attack.

    This is of course, extremely relevant to the thread, as Auster has or will use 911 Revisionism as one of the things he tries to smear as with, along with the usual laundry list.

    And to veer just slightly off topic, the simplest, Occam’s Razor explanation for 911 is the work of an intelligence service: CIA, Mossad, FSB, MSS, etc. I have yet to read any convincing evidence that it was otherwise, and the number one argument against the simplest explanation are slurs like “troofer” and blase dismissals by people who both have zero knowledge and who should know better.

    I don’t know anything about Hitler or the holocaust, but when I was a kid I really did believe the “they made soap out of people” thing, because how would I know? I was a kid when they told me.

    I’m an adult now.

  11. Good summary of JQ, Hunter

    @VVD – Mossad/CIA wouldn’t be able to find 19 people willing to go on a suicide mission. Al-Queda could.

  12. Mossad/CIA wouldn’t be able to find 19 people willing to go on a suicide mission. Al-Queda could.

    Complete and utter rubbish.

  13. I think his real name is Laurence Asperger.

    “I’m willing to grant the Jews a second chance”
    Why? Why not just draw a distinction between individual Jews and Jewish group behavior? Feel free to “racially profile” any Jew that comes your way, while insisting on the moral and tactical necessity of revising your judgement of someone as soon as you learn about them enough to determine if they are a hostile or a non-hostile Jew, or a good Aryan or a bad one.

    You probably do this anyway. I know you would rather be in a foxhole with Marcus Epstein or Paul Gottfried than with Jeffrey Imm, that Aryan brother of yours.

  14. 2.) Through the organized American Jewish community, Israel attempts to manipulate American foreign policy. That’s the only grievance I have against Israelis. If they would quit doing this, I wouldn’t have anything to resent about them. I don’t care about the “human rights” of the Palestinians or what goes on in Gaza and Jerusalem. Far from wishing destruction upon Israel, I want the Zionists in our own country to relocate there.

    This doesn’t go far enough for me. Israelis and American non-Gentile-ry are two parts of the same body. American non-Gentile-ry’s attempts to destroy us are Israeli attempts to destroy us. As long as International non-Gentile-ry is attempting to destroy us, we should do what we can to reciprocate. The least we can do is point out that Israel has no right to exist as long as International non-Gentile-ry attacks us and denies our right to exist.

    I’m willing to grant the Jews a second chance: if they would only quit doing the things that we find so offensive about them, acknowledge and apologize for their past actions, and give us real assurances (not mere promises) that their behavior has permanently changed, well, I would no longer have a problem with them.

    4.) I recognize that all Jews do not share the destructive mindset of many of their co-ethnics. I’ve always judged people as individuals and as members of groups. Instead of arguing with White Nationalists, these Jews can more profitably spend their time talking sense into their co-ethnics. This would go a long way toward defusing the situation and removing the causes of grievance that inspire anti-Semitism.

    This is the basis for any litmus test for “pro-white” non-Gentiles. If they want to prove their bona fides, they have to reverse the Culture of Critique; they have to try and stop the damage their fellow non-Gentiles have done and are doing, and to repair the damage they’ve already done. In fact, this is their first and only job as “pro-white” non-Gentiles; to clean up their own ethnic back yard.

    Kevin MacDonald’s analogy for explaining Jewish behavior that seems on a superficial level to contradict the “is it good for the non-Gentiles?” criterion is that of a mass of ships headed for the same destination (the isle of “is it good for the non-Gentiles?”); captains may disagree as to the best routes without disagreeing on the destination.

    Auster, and similar “pro-white” non-Gentiles just want to alter the route without altering the destination. They’re no less non-Gentiles for that. That’s why they still walk, quack, and swim like ducks.

    This doesn’t go far enough for me, either. They don’t just get to burn our houses down and walk away with an apology and a promise not to do it again. They can prove a change of heart by working as hard to repair the damage they’ve done as they did to cause it in the first place. Every ethnonationalist has, or can summon, a picture of what that might look like. It’d be very different from a simple cessation of hostilities.

  15. Whoops, didn’t proofread that properly.

    2.) Through the organized American Jewish community, Israel attempts to manipulate American foreign policy. That’s the only grievance I have against Israelis. If they would quit doing this, I wouldn’t have anything to resent about them. I don’t care about the “human rights” of the Palestinians or what goes on in Gaza and Jerusalem. Far from wishing destruction upon Israel, I want the Zionists in our own country to relocate there.

    This doesn’t go far enough for me. Israelis and American non-Gentile-ry are two parts of the same body. American non-Gentile-ry’s attempts to destroy us are Israeli attempts to destroy us. As long as International non-Gentile-ry is attempting to destroy us, we should do what we can to reciprocate. The least we can do is point out that Israel has no right to exist as long as International non-Gentile-ry attacks us and denies our right to exist.

    I’m willing to grant the Jews a second chance: if they would only quit doing the things that we find so offensive about them, acknowledge and apologize for their past actions, and give us real assurances (not mere promises) that their behavior has permanently changed, well, I would no longer have a problem with them.

    This doesn’t go far enough for me, either. They don’t just get to burn our houses down and walk away with an apology and a promise not to do it again. They can prove a change of heart by working as hard to repair the damage they’ve done as they did to cause it in the first place. Every ethnonationalist has, or can summon, a picture of what that might look like. It’d be very different from a simple cessation of hostilities.

    4.) I recognize that all Jews do not share the destructive mindset of many of their co-ethnics. I’ve always judged people as individuals and as members of groups. Instead of arguing with White Nationalists, these Jews can more profitably spend their time talking sense into their co-ethnics. This would go a long way toward defusing the situation and removing the causes of grievance that inspire anti-Semitism.

    This is the basis for any litmus test for “pro-white” non-Gentiles. If they want to prove their bona fides, they have to reverse the Culture of Critique; they have to try and stop the damage their fellow non-Gentiles have done and are doing, and to repair the damage they’ve already done. In fact, this is their first and only job as “pro-white” non-Gentiles; to clean up their own ethnic back yard.

    Kevin MacDonald’s analogy for explaining Jewish behavior that seems on a superficial level to contradict the “is it good for the non-Gentiles?” criterion is that of a mass of ships headed for the same destination (the isle of “is it good for the non-Gentiles?”); captains may disagree as to the best routes without disagreeing on the destination.

    Auster, and similar “pro-white” non-Gentiles just want to alter the route without altering the destination. They’re no less non-Gentiles for that. That’s why they still walk, quack, and swim like ducks.

  16. This is the basis for any litmus test for “pro-white” non-Gentiles. If they want to prove their bona fides, they have to reverse the Culture of Critique; they have to try and stop the damage their fellow non-Gentiles have done and are doing, and to repair the damage they’ve already done. In fact, this is their first and only job as “pro-white” non-Gentiles; to clean up their own ethnic back yard.

    Further, they have to be honest about their tribe. Ignorance is no excuse; if they don’t know the subject, they stop what they’re doing, and learn it. Then they make it the jewel in their crown of “pro-whiteness.”

  17. In short, if “pro-white” non-Gentiles want actual pro-whites to start taking them seriously, they have to start listening to actual pro-whites’ critiques of their behavior. Most “pro-white” non-Gentiles behave like quintessential non-Gentiles. They saunter into any discussion or venue as if they’re G-d’s gift, as if their tribe has nothing to answer for, as if their every utterance is a pearl of wisdom from the master.

    No. Time to show some humility. Sit down, shut up, and listen. CHANGE YOUR WAYS. CHANGE YOUR HEART. CHANGE YOUR DESTINATION.

  18. You forgot to ask “why” is he producing this brand of information. Israel IMHO is now again on the rocks, the Left is taking their wings off like good little passive-aggressives would do to any old fly. Now calling Israel a “racist” state is nothing out of the ordinary, and for a state that relies on charity guarded by numerous taboos this sort of rhetoric is going to destroy Israel.

    In summation Israel is toast the tribe has many desperate members now trying to patch up the old taboos.

  19. Oh, and this is all quite separate from actual apostasy on the part of people of non-Gentile (or part non-Gentile) ancestry. None of this applies to Scroob or Tan (sorry for bringing your names into this guys), for example. They don’t identify as non-Gentiles, rather they’re apostates. I require nothing of apostates that I don’t require of other ethnopatriots. But if you’re going to be a “pro-white” non-Gentile (e.g., “Jewish WN” or “White, Jewish, and Proud”), then that’s a different story altogether.

  20. Jews would be OK with me if 1)as a group they didn’t support the race-replacement of the NATIVE BORN WHITE CHRISTIAN MAJORITY and 2)stop demanding that NATIVE BORN WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICANS subsidize the state of Israel3)demand that that NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN CHRISTIAN YOUTH be used as canon fodder to promote the interests of the Isareli Empire in the middle east.

    Larry Auster is part of the Israeli fifth column in America. He does not hae dual loyalty. He has only one loyalty and it is to the state of Israel. I do not recognize Austetr as an American. He is a mortal enemy of the NATIVE BORN WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICANS.

  21. Actually, sorry, my mistake, Scroob and Tan aren’t apostates, they just have non-Gentile ancestors. Horrible example. I was referring to non-Gentiles who stop identifying as non-Gentiles, whether they’re partially or wholly of non-Gentile ancestry; these folks, I say we just gloss over the fact. Though Auster doesn’t count because he’s clearly engaging in crypsis.

  22. I think we should be firm, but fair with Auster and other Jewish people who present themselves as working, fighting for/on the White Western Civilization side.

    No, we do not hate all Jews.
    No, we do not support the destruction of Israel, the killing of all, most Jews.
    No we do not take the side of Islamic extremist terror organizations, or make excuses for their terror attacks on Jews or White people/nations.

    Yes – we are on the side of Whites.
    We’re Whites, that’s what we are.

    We were on the side of Whites in Rhodesia – when Henry Kissinger and other powers of this tribe worked to destroy this nation. Look what happened in Zimbabwe, now South Africa.
    We are on the side of any remaining Whites Left alive in places like Detroit, East St. Louis/Belleville Illinois, some Algerian Arab slum outside of Paris.

    We understand the Jewish role in history of all times – a lot of times this Jewish role has been very strongly anti White and often pro Arab Muslim, pro Turk Muslim when the Muslims were slaughtering, enslaving, colonizing Italy, Greece, Spain, now Merry Old England.

    If Auster wants to honestly work for a pro White, pro Western civilization position, he should spent most of his time working on others in his tribe and a lot less time attacking White gentiles who’s only real crime is:

    yes, they are RACIST, White racialists – they take the White side. It’s their side/our side.

    Kindness means loving your own kind. Jews should understand this and at least respect this.

    And of course Jews are always free to go live in Israel – the homeland of the Jews.

    There’s no place like home.

  23. Alex Jones and his fellow 9/11 conspiracy theoristsd are retards. I gave them a chance-as did other people. Listened to the debates that took place and like many other peole came to the obvious conclusion that they are a bunch of crazy bastards who are distracting away from the fundamental issue of race replacement.

    Just look at the effect the 9/1 conspiracy nnesense had on Paul Craig Roberts. He started out writing hard-hitting commentary on immigration…then he got caught up in the 9/11 craziness ..dove deeper and deepr into the delusion ..and whn it became clear to him that other people wouldn’t follow him into the psychosis..announced that he has left the world of commentary..very sad.

    Alex Jones is a full-blown race-replacement enthusiast. 9/11 conspiracy theory is an intentional distraction away from the race-replacement issue.

    9/11 was one hundred avoidable if the 1965 immigration reform act had never been passed.

    The evil Republicans and Democrats couldn’t be happier that thousands of White Americans are lost in the 9/11 fantasy world…for it allows them to get on with the real business of race-replaceing White Americans.

    Alex Jones is a retard.

    The federal goverement would do us all a big favor if it gased all the 9/11 conspiracy theorists.

  24. Jupiter, I don’t think your attacks have any merit whatsoever, it’s “retard” “Alex Jones” “conspiracy theory” etc. There zero substance.

    Paul Craig Roberts is an American hero. You attacking him is all I need to know about you.

  25. I like this article, even though I don’t know anything about this Auster-Hoste battle (btw Auster is a Jewish name, isn’t it? Correct me if I’m wrong.)

    I have very few Jewish friends; the few I do have think exactly like me. The main problem I have with even other Jewish rightists is the stance they take on zionism. I have always regarded myself as an American first, last and always. While the Land of Israel is a spiritual homeland for me as a Jew (the same as Vatican City is a spiritual homeland for Roman Catholics), my sole loyalty is to America. I have never even visited the Land of Israel. My biggest problem with what’s going on over there is that the zionist government is very anti-Christian, and even anti-religious Judaism.

    I feel very embarassed by most American Jews, on so many fronts and levels. I could begun to explain but I would literally be here all week.

  26. Never mind all these Fine Distinctions. The Jews occupying Palestine and the Jews occupying America are two tentacles of the same squid. They seized Palestine because they need an escape hatch, in case Americans ever become collectively aware of the Jewish Problem. And they seized America because their parasite-state in Palestine cannot survive without money, weapons, and political support bloodsucked from America. Auster, Ilana Mercer, and almost all other neo-con and paleocon Jews understand all this very well and BEHAVE accordingly, whatever their intellectual-tactical manuvers. And we do not want “American” Jews re-locating to Israel. That’s the same old non-solution: exporting the Jew problem somewhere else. Rather the opposite, after the collapse of Israel, leading to a final concentration of world Jewry here in America. Then, during the oncoming Second Civil War in America, we will see what the Jews do, and what opportunities develop.

  27. “Kindness means loving your own kind. Jews should understand this and at least respect this.

    And of course Jews are always free to go live in Israel – the homeland of the Jews.”

    Jack, your breezy approach (to everything) may make for good PR. But good analysis? Not so much. Just because the thing in question may be ‘a downer’, or ‘a buzz-kill’, don’t mean it ain’t true.

  28. I like this article, even though I don’t know anything about this Auster-Hoste battle (btw Auster is a Jewish name, isn’t it? Correct me if I’m wrong.)

    I have very few Jewish friends; the few I do have think exactly like me. The main problem I have with even other Jewish rightists is the stance they take on zionism. I have always regarded myself as an American first, last and always. While the Land of Israel is a spiritual homeland for me as a Jew (the same as Vatican City is a spiritual homeland for Roman Catholics), my sole loyalty is to America. I have never even visited the Land of Israel. My biggest problem with what’s going on over there is that the zionist government is very anti-Christian, and even anti-religious Judaism.

    I feel very embarassed by most American Jews, on so many fronts and levels. I could begun to explain but I would literally be here all week.

  29. Jews are in power. An inductive assessment of the world around us reveals:

    1. Jewish banking cartels control the wealth of the West.
    2. Jews have hundreds of organizations to defend them explicitly. 3. Conversely, Jews have hundreds of organizations to defame their chief competitors (Whites) explicitly.
    4. Also, Jews have hundreds of legal organizations to prevent gentiles from forming their own defensive organizations.
    5. Jews have complete control over opinion formation and historical discourse via control of mass media.
    6. Jews are overrepresented in modern dysfunctional academia.
    7. Jews have the ethnostate Whites are denied.
    8. Jews are placed above criticism via perversions of the law.
    9. Jews occupy positions of maximum power and minimum culpability in government.
    10. Jews are ethnically nepotistic, their preferred method of social climbing is via appointment.

    Jews have won. The Occident’s ruin was their rise. The present debauchery of the West occurred during their reign. If one climbs into power one must accept culpability. Leaders lead. The state of the governed is a direct reflection on those governing. Jews are unfit for leadership precisely because they do not accept criticism. They do not learn, as schoolchildren do, to accept responsibility for their actions. A leader that denies criticism is a tyrant.

    It is evident that today’s world is exactly as Jews want it, which is, to summarize, that scapegoated Whites will be maligned and abused until they are wholly dispossessed from the nations they’d inherited. There is no deeper purpose to our Jewish reign; Jews are tearing down, stripping, and selling everything our forefathers worked centuries to construct. There is no thought for the future, as the parasite will find another host somehow. There is no conspiracy, no greater goal Jews are working toward, their actions are guided by short term profit and contempt for peoples outside their tribe. The overriding concern of Jews is that they are free from manual labor (at any cost) and can run their mouths with impunity from the highest soapboxes in the land, whether all around them is in flames or not.

    A Jew professing to be a White Nationalist is merely someone engaging in a hobby. Some of these creatures might even fool themselves that they are on the side of Whites, but if there ever was a litmus, they’d default their loyalties to their tribe (as Auster supplies yet more examples of). They have nothing to lose or gain by being a White Nationalist. They are secure. It’s a joke to them; yet another play on power by a spoiled and privileged people.

    Jews are suited gypsies; they can only exist at the expense of those they live amongst. They abhor healthy work, they are aesthetically challenged, they are moral perverts. Their introduction into a society results in a society that resembles them. Look around you, the disarray is an expression of the psyche of the Jewish power-holders of the 20th century.

    Listen to the warnings of our forefathers concerning these people …we don’t need them.

  30. Hunter good post and summation although I have no issue with his Darwin postings and in fact agree with most of it. Otherwise his obsession and real allegaince is quite illumating no matter how much he denies it. He is not on our side when push comes to shove.

  31. For what we say about Auster’s extreme tribal loyalty and occasional hypocrisy, I do find much of what he says agreeable. Of course I don’t agree with him on Darwinism, but I thought his criticisms of the degenerate Roissyite crowd was spot-on.

    I’ve always been of the opinion just to let Auster have his little niche all to himself. He clearly can’t get along with anyone (who does he get along with?), but he puts out some good stuff from time to time.

    I guess I just don’t see the purpose of continually badgering the guy.

  32. “And to veer just slightly off topic, the simplest, Occam’s Razor explanation for 911 is the work of an intelligence service: CIA, Mossad, FSB, MSS, etc.”

    No, the simplest explanation is that the people who did the bombing were actually the ones responsible, not the FBI or a shadow-council of magic Jews. Muslims had been trying to destroy the towers for years, unless you also think Ramzi Yusuf is a Mossad plant.

    There’s no question the Jews hate us and we are better off without them. But they are not the only group of hateful people on earth.

  33. LA says…
    What got America hyper-involved in Arab-Israeli, and thus increasingly angered the Arabs, was not America siding with Israel, but America acting as the peace process broker. The more you try to do for the Arabs, the more angry they get at you. If America dropped the peace process, stood back, and let Israel do what it needs to do to defend itself, the Arabs would be much less mad at us.

    That settles it, doesn’t it?

    Since Larry keeps alleging otherwise about us, I would like to make a definitive statement, from the bottom of my heart…

    Matt Parrott doesn’t care about Muslim people.

  34. “shadow-council of magic Jews”

    Anti-Semite Conspiracy Theory!

    USS Liberty? Anti-Semite Conspiracy Theory!

    “Muslims had been trying to destroy the towers for years”

    Yes, the FBI involvement in the 1993 WTC bombing is public knowledge.

    The opposition to 911 Revisionism relies on name-calling and denial of history. Whatever happened on 911, your Official Conspiracy Theory is hardly the last word.

    You know, Saddam didn’t have any WMDs either.

  35. I appreciate the link, Hunter.

    My version of “anti-Semitism” consists in the belief that White Americans would be better off excluding a Jewish community from a White ethnostate than including one. The costs of Jewish influence in our society dramatically outweigh the benefits. Are they a plus or a minus? What kind of risk are we taking on? That’s the way I look at the issue.

    This form of anti-Semitism I have no problems with, and if this view was more widespread among white nationalists, I would have fewer reservations about supporting them. I also agree with you and Dennis on how Auster’s obsessive defense of Israel makes him seem suspect.

    My issue is how frequently rational, reasonable, understandable concerns about Jewish influence frequently devolve into conspiracy theory. I also take issue with so-called paleocons and anti-Israelists who use the language of leftists as a cloak for their anti-Semitism – especially since the standards they apply to Israel never get applied to any other nation or tribe.

    Hoste falls into the latter camp. If he’d declare that he’s got a problem with Jews, I’d have less to dislike about him. His intellectual dishonesty and frankly moronic digressions on this and other subjects discredits both him and his associates. If Hoste didn’t occupy such a position of prominence in the alternative right blogosphere, it wouldn’t be as big a deal.

    I don’t support Auster on this lightly. I played a notable role in the so-called “game debate” last summer, and my blog was where many of the arguments between Auster’s camp and the gamists/Roissyists took place. He and I spent a good portion of last year taking shots at each other over this issue.

    When Auster began attacking AltRight and Hoste, I defended them over at Mangan’s blog. But he’s dead right on this. Hoste is a liability to the New Right, for reasons that Auster names and others.

    When I log on here and see discussions going on about whether or not Christopher Columbus was a Jew, I can’t help but laugh. The difference is my reaction is humorous and productive. I think to myself: these are still my people, they acknowledge a Jewish problem, and persuasion works better than demonizing them.

    I wouldn’t be so sure about that. The commonality between all conspiracy theorists is that they are impervious to logic. People who think that the Jews/Illuminati/Bilderbergers secretly rule the world in spite of all the evidence pointing to the controversy are beyond saving. You can do what you like, but I don’t think engaging with those types is productive.

  36. FB,

    I’ve become a reader of your site. As for the craziness in the comments, we are going to clean that up eventually. This site gets so many comments that monitoring all the discussions has become a chore. I’m pretty busy and don’t usually read deep into the comment threads.

    The mindset of many anti-Semites these days is a product of the discourse that has prevailed in WN circles over the last thirty years. It will take a lot of work to clean up this mess. I think the best way to do that is through presenting a more reasonable and accessible interpretation of the JQ. Hopefully, it will catch on.

  37. My issue is how frequently rational, reasonable, understandable concerns about Jewish influence frequently devolve into conspiracy theory. I also take issue with so-called paleocons and anti-Israelists who use the language of leftists as a cloak for their anti-Semitism – especially since the standards they apply to Israel never get applied to any other nation or tribe.

    We must make the White movement safe for Jews. You must purge the “Anti-Semite Conspiracy Theories” from your discourse. (Like Israel attacking the USS Liberty?) If you criticize Israel, you must not sound like a leftist, you must treat Israel as equal to your own interests.

    Who cares about Israel, or “anti-semitism”?

    The commonality between all conspiracy theorists is that they are impervious to logic. People who think that the Jews/Illuminati/Bilderbergers secretly rule the world in spite of all the evidence pointing to the controversy are beyond saving. You can do what you like, but I don’t think engaging with those types is productive.

    They said the same thing about people who said that Israel attacked the USS Liberty for 30 years.

    Mossad is a hot topic, huh? No one wants to talk about Mossad – let’s stick to ragheads.

  38. Mossad is a hot topic, huh? No one wants to talk about Mossad – let’s stick to ragheads.

    This suprises you???

    ‘Ragheads’ don’t have any real power in our country or over its policies – so of course they are way easier targets.

  39. Hey Hunter, can everyone agree about Mossad? Mossad is not an “Anti Semite Conspiracy Theory” Mossad is the intelligence agency of Israel. Mossad has a long history of shady dealings, false flags, and Jews often accuse anyone of pointing out what they do as “conspiracy theorists.”

    Does everyone accept that Mossad did the assassinations recently? If you suggest Mossad would attack America and Americans, is that a “conspiracy theory?” What about the Lavon Affair? Is that a “conspiracy theory”? What about the UK SAS dressing up like Iraqis and planting car bombs? What about Janis Karpinski Brigadier General of the US Army saying that Mossad was involved in the Abu Ghraib scandal? Is that “conspiracy theory” too?

    I thought the fact that Israel faked evidence of Saddam’s WMDs (yellowcake) and passed it through the fifth column in the Bush administration was accepted history?

    So what’s off limits when talking about Mossad and Israel and their Jewish sayamin?

    I mean after all, we don’t want to “devolve” into “conspiracy theories.”

  40. The US Army College said that Mossad had the ability to attack the US and make it seem like Muslims/Arabs did it, and that they were a “ruthless and cunning” among covert operations worldwide. Is that acceptable discourse?

    Is Paul Craig Roberts “fringe” now?

    The Yemen government said the Crotch Bomber was working for Mossad. Am I allowed to consider that maybe he was? The eyewitnesses went on TV and contradicted the official story. Many have claimed the “bomb” in his underpants couldn’t blow up his seat tray.

    Am I being too “Alex Jones” here? Please, I don’t want to drag OD down with “Anti Semite Conspiracy Theories.”

  41. The freaks who think Jews did 9/11 and such are unreachable. I have spent hundreds posts on Stormfront arguing with these people. If we didn’t have that baggage, our ideas would be a much easier sell. There is a running joke on Stormfront that anytime anyone in whole world does something bad, someone who posts there will claim they are a Jew. If a pig farmer in Iowa named Christian Christianson is arrested for molesting children, someone on SF will say he is probably a Jew.

    I notice that this sort of absurd conspiracy theorizing is largely absent from racial nationalism in Europe.

  42. I think VVD accidentally makes an important point, here. It’s not so much what the conspiracy theorists’ ideas are. It’s the condescending, monomaniacal, pushy, nasty, repetitive, whiny way they deliver those ideas.

    Nobody denied the USS Liberty attack or told you that the Israel Lobby didn’t conspire to goad the US into invading Iraq. Yet he comes out and whines himself purple about that. Nobody silenced him, but he’s preaching truth to power against the nefarious censors.

    His position on 9/11 is a good example. This very complicated issue boils down to whether you’re an adult who knows that Mossad did it or a mouth-breathing child who thinks that Al Qaeda may have been behind it.

    I prefer to use “monomaniac” to describe the type rather than “conspiracy theorist” because, as the monomaniac correctly noted, history is littered with conspiracies and conspiracies are assuredly playing out all around us as we sit here.

  43. Matt Parrott, that’s a good point. Most of those people have a simplistic idea that if their one pet conspiracy can only be exposed, everything else in the world will be made right. They often become convinced that the Mossad 9/11 plot, or Freemasons ARE the real issues and that stuff like racial differences and immigration can only be addressed after those things are accepted by everyone. Obviously, these sorts are not going to be of much use for engaging in actual politics like forming parties, running campaigns and addressing policy issues.

    This is stuff is a big part of the reason why the racial right in America has been so unsuccessful compared to most European countries. It’s hard to deal with them because so many self-proclaimed white nationalists are like this. The monomaniacs may well be a majority among such people.

  44. His position on 9/11 is a good example. This very complicated issue boils down to whether you’re an adult who knows that Mossad did it or a mouth-breathing child who thinks that Al Qaeda may have been behind it.

    OK, a very fair criticism. How can I talk about Mossad, 911 Revisionism, the Lavon Affair, the 1993 WTC bombings, the USS Liberty, the Crotch Bomber, Abu Ghraib, the fake “radical Muslim terrorists sympathizers” that are “threatening” South Park, led by “Yousef al-Khattab, born Joseph Cohen, an American Jew who converted to Islam in 2000 after living in Israel and attending an orthodox rabbinical school”

    I am doing a bad job and I want to improve. How do you suggest I approach these issues? What do you think about Mossad? My tactics are not working and I am trying to learn new ones.

  45. Robert The Campbell wrote:

    “The threat posed by the Typhonian Weltfeind must be neutralised once and for all. There can be no more chances. There can be no compromise.


    Now that’s writing!

    I have to figure out how to pronounce those words – but that’s fabulous!

  46. The Alex Jones types and conspiracy lunatics are harmful to the pro-white cause. Conspiracies about who did 9/11 and so on are irrelevant. It wouldn’t matter if those absurd theories were true. They are orthogonal to white racial preservation.

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