Auster vs. Hoste

A few days ago, I wrote a blog entry about this subject, but never got around to posting it. I’ve made a conscious effort this year to avoid feuding with other bloggers who claim to be on the pro-White side of the political spectrum. However, this discussion has grown increasingly acrimonious, and it has entered territory that is of some interest of me.

A brief summary: Lawrence Auster of View from the Right has been quarreling with Richard Hoste of HBD Books and Alternative Right. The feud between these two started months ago over Auster’s objections to Darwinism, HBD, and Roissy. In recent weeks, it has accelerated as Pope Larry has been on the war path against Alt Right over various heresies: “anti-Semitism,” Darwinism, paganism, anti-Zionism, game theory.

Ferdinand Bardamu is supporting Auster. Dennis Mangan backs Hoste and Spencer. In particular, I enjoyed Mangan’s summary:

“Auster’s constant writing about Israel and anti-Semitism, as well as his habit of making one’s views about Israel a litmus test for those whom he considers worthy of being designated a conservative, and additionally his practice of reading out of the conservative camp anyone who fails his litmus test, give one the impression that he cares more about Israel than he does for his native land.”

Talk about hitting the nail on the head.

Recently, Larry has been going overboard with his defense of the Chosen People, even more so than usual. For Auster, Israel is now a “litmus test” of who pro-Whites can work with; those who don’t agree with this party line should be excommunicated to the fringe. He has been attempting to smear Richard Hoste by linking him to Fred Phelps and Timothy McVeigh. The attacks have been extended to all paleocons including Pat Buchanan, Peter Brimelow, and Thomas Fleming. Larry is even saying that White Nationalists want to “complete Hitler’s work” by destroying Israel and exterminating all Jews.

A few comments:

1.) I agree with Richard Hoste’s analysis of terrorism. It is an insignificant issue compared to interracial violent crime. In 2005 and 2006, over 60,000 White women were raped by negroes. How many were murdered, robbed, or simply assaulted? It must number in the hundreds of thousands every year; the millions every decade. The real terrorists are lurking in the shadows in our own cities.

Drunk driving, traffic accidents, alcoholism, and smoking kill far more White people than Islamic terrorists. Obesity and lack of exercise are bigger problems than IEDs. The terrorism problem is also tractable. A few simple changes to our foreign policy would eliminate the grievances that inspired 9/11 and fuel the growth of al-Qaeda. Traditionally, the United States has always had good relations with the Islamic world.

2.) Through the organized American Jewish community, Israel attempts to manipulate American foreign policy. That’s the only grievance I have against Israelis. If they would quit doing this, I wouldn’t have anything to resent about them. I don’t care about the “human rights” of the Palestinians or what goes on in Gaza and Jerusalem. Far from wishing destruction upon Israel, I want the Zionists in our own country to relocate there.

3.) My version of “anti-Semitism” consists in the belief that White Americans would be better off excluding a Jewish community from a White ethnostate than including one. The costs of Jewish influence in our society dramatically outweigh the benefits. Are they a plus or a minus? What kind of risk are we taking on? That’s the way I look at the issue.

I’m willing to grant the Jews a second chance: if they would only quit doing the things that we find so offensive about them, acknowledge and apologize for their past actions, and give us real assurances (not mere promises) that their behavior has permanently changed, well, I would no longer have a problem with them.

An argument can be made that Jews have made positive contributions to the advancement of science and technology. Israel, for example, is often cited as a high tech nation with lots of patents per capita. I don’t disagree, but the benefits of Jewish genius in this area can easily be reaped from abroad. Jews don’t have to be physically present in North America to invent a useful gadget that becomes popular here. Neither do the Japanese who prefer to stick to their own islands.

4.) I recognize that all Jews do not share the destructive mindset of many of their co-ethnics. I’ve always judged people as individuals and as members of groups. Instead of arguing with White Nationalists, these Jews can more profitably spend their time talking sense into their co-ethnics. This would go a long way toward defusing the situation and removing the causes of grievance that inspire anti-Semitism.

5.) Unfortunately, I don’t foresee this enlightened scenario ever happening. I doubt our Jewish elites will surrender their wealth, power, and privileges voluntarily. The clannishness that we see among Jewish racialists like Lawrence Auster – who put Jewish interests above White interests – does not inspire confidence.

Most of these people won’t even consent to the exclusion of the “bad Jews.” We are told that every Jew must be judged as an individual, but when take their advice and recommend the expulsion of Mark Potok and Tim Wise, after judging them as individuals, the same people cry foul. This shows they are only playing a language game in bad faith.

6.) Auster has been repeating all sorts of spurious gossip: Hoste and Spencer were roommates at Yale, Hoste and Peter Brimelow are CMS members, VDARE is losing funding on account of anti-Semitism, etc. This doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in his analysis and reporting.

7.) Admittedly, there are some “anti-Semites” who are so out there that even we laugh about them. When I log on here and see discussions going on about whether or not Christopher Columbus was a Jew, I can’t help but laugh. The difference is my reaction is humorous and productive. I think to myself: these are still my people, they acknowledge a Jewish problem, and persuasion works better than demonizing them.

In the past, I used to read VFR much more than I do now. Auster’s obsession with Darwinism and anti-Semitism killed my interest. His ambition to police the racialist blogosphere is reminiscent of the neocons. It gives credibility to those who claim Jews will use their position as opinion makers to impose a narrow interpretation of their ethnic interests on White Gentiles. I don’t foresee this becoming a problem though given the level of awareness of the Jewish Question in the pro-White community.

Larry Auster doesn’t seem to be able to get along with anyone: Peter Brimelow, Jared Taylor, Taki, Thomas Fleming, Richard Spencer, Pat Buchanan, Roissy, Steve Sailer, Richard Hoste, Tanstaafl, Dennis Mangan, Chechar, Conservative Swede, Robert Spencer, Hesperado, Ian Jobling, Paul Craig Roberts, Gates of Vienna, David Horowitz … I can’t think of anyone that Auster hasn’t feuded with over the last year or so. This says a lot about his personality.

I think we can write off a career in politics.

Update: Richard Spencer responds to Larry.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What exactly is the problem with Hoste’s position on the JQ? I’ve never seem him engage in rhetoric along the lines of “Jews/Illuminati/Bilderbergers secretly rule the world”. I don’t claim to read every article he posts, but I’ve never seen that.

    As far as I know, his position on Jews is similar to that of Hunter Wallace, perhaps not stated as eloquently as HW but nonetheless I never recall anything along the lines of the idea of the people you are lumping in him with.

    This isn’t the thread for it, but I would like to see the gaming subculture get more discussion. I’ve seen very little of it except the infamous discussion you cite between yourself and Auster. I find myself in Auster’s camp on this particular issue. Y’all are a bunch of degenerates.

  2. What exactly is the problem with Hoste’s position on the JQ?

    I think there is not that great a difference between Hoste’s and Wallace’s positions. Bardamu is apparently constructing a fantasy in his head wherein there is an ocean of difference between them. Reading Bardamu’s screed against Hoste, one cannot help but conclude it was written by a psychotic who is exceptionally profane, crude, and juvenile.

    Y’all are a bunch of degenerates.

    Indeed they are. Bardamu ought to spare us the lectures. He is morally bankrupt, sexually perverted, nihilistic, and staunchly opposed to racial preservation.

  3. OK, I did some reading. FB’s views on Hoste in this most recent incident are detailed here:

    It is mostly tl;dr stuff that doesn’t really communicate anything meaningful to the topic at hand, but as far as his actual criticisms of Hoste go:

    1. FB accuses Hoste of being part of a “fact-free” form of anti-semitism. (I continue to read and eagerly await a plethora of examples)

    2. Hoste made an flippant remark about Islam being better than the current state of cultural degeneracy.. I’m not sure I’d want to defend that comment, but I think its a mistake to take it seriously unless its part and parcel of a pattern of some sort of real pattern of Islamophilia on Hoste’s part (which I haven’t seen). I suspect that FB objects more to his criticisms of the sexual degeneracy in the gamer subculture than the Islam comment.

    3. FB highlights a recent comment from Hoste’s website (“Will Auster Call For Separation From Judaism?”, I believe) in which Hoste compares the Israel embassy’s call for prosecution in Germany about a cartoon that offends Jews to Islamic group’s similar calls for prosecution on anti-Islamic media.

    FB then proceeds to make an apology for Jews as a whole by stating this was just a “singular incident” and it is absurd to compare a protest to actual acts of violence that Muslims sometimes engage in when something offends them. If one’s only point of comparison is just the physical violence, then yes, FB is right to call him out. However, my contention would be that (1) this is hardly a singular incident: Jewish groups regularly protest anything that is perceived as offensive to them and (2) The “Culture of Critique” that Jews are a significant part of is just as bad, if not worse, than the destruction that Muslims wreak upon Western lands. Therefore, I think Hoste is not out of line for making the comparison.

    4. Some accusations about Hoste’s historical background. Okay, I guess it’s interesting, especially if he is representing himself as something he isn’t. Again, I don’t read everything he writes, so I don’t have a comprehensive understanding of him, but in the posts I’ve seen, I never see him deferring to his own degrees or self-proclaimed expertise. Whatever.

    5. Some more TL;DR-y stuff that doesn’t really bear mention.

    So basically, FB just has an axe to grind with Hoste, and his claims that he is some sort of raving anti-semite are based primarily on his remark about Islam/gamers and his calling out of Jews who demand that criticism or satire of them be prosecuted. The bulk of his diatribe is just gossip and rantings you’d find among schoolgirls – not an actual intellectual critique.

  4. There is very little emphasis on race issues in the gamer subculture. There was a recent article on AltRight where the author advocated open borders so he can be free to “game” all the non-white women he pleased.

    The sexual degeneracy and cartoonish abstractions of Darwinism that gamers represent, coupled with their very weak views on racial issues shouldn’t be surprising. Those of us who have strong racial views understand the importance of stable pair bonds with responsible people among both sexes, the importance of reproduction, and the importance of stable families with strong values. These are things that the gamers explicitly abhor and demean by relegating it all to “beta” status.

    Putting emphasis on race would require that they acknowledge the importance of families and extended families (clans) – which is just incompatible with their worldview.

  5. I believe in a big tent approach to white nationalism. If someone who is Jewish or half-white wants to work for our interests, then by all means, let them. Jews have no problem letting other peoples work for them, and we should follow their model.

    Having said that, I do not believe that Jews and whites can live together over the long term (clearly!). We have a legitimate conflict of interests. Jews will always be Jews, and we will never be Jews. Separate people should live in separation. The way in which we achieve separation is a different matter entirely. My personal opinion is that in the West, citizenship should be granted only to people with two European parents. Those who are mixed race or Jewish (with a weak identity) should be allowed to continue living amongst us with the knowledge that they can never be citizens of our nation; if they choose to be one of us (to identify as one of us), they must do what is best for us. Such “individuals” would not be allowed to work in certain occupations (law, academia, politics, journalism), to vote, or to have children (i.e. they must submit to voluntary sterilization). That’s it. Give it one generation and the problem will be resolved. This is the soft solution to our dilemma.

    Given that I endorse the “big tent,” I will say in no uncertain terms that we must work ceaselessly against the Jews, as they work ceaselessly against us. There may be some friendly Jewish voices out there, but they are the exception – we cannot base our strategy on the exception (and they should understand that we are friendly to friendly Jews – on our own terms).

  6. VVD,
    I suppose that if I were to offer you one single piece of advice, it would be to try to suffer fools a little more gladly. I mean, we’re all dreadfully ignorant about things – it’s just different things with different people.

  7. Excellent comment by Carnegie @ #32 — everything he wrote is exactly correct and factually verifiable via facts, stats, logic, reason, and unbiased historical studies.

    Disproportionate Jewish manipulation and control of the levers of power and control in the modern West (especially in the USA) is not a “conspiracy theory” in the least — all of this is empirically verifiable as I wrote in a recent comment over on FB’s website:

    Jews are prime harbingers of White-Western racial, religious, economic, political, and cultural decay/decline, and they have been for centuries in every Western nation of territory they’ve ever settled in. As the ol’ phrases go, they are “ferment of decomposition,” or the “demons of decay.” Jew are the termites of nations, races, and empires, and everything they infest is eventually rotted to its core. Jewry must be brought under control if The West and the White race is going to survive in the long-term.

    I support the survival and prosperity of the Jewish ethno-state of Israel because I want world-Jewry to immigrate there and get out of our White/Western nations so that we may begin to look after our own affairs and start to repair our race and nations free of incessant Jewish interference.

    If Whites can get a handle on the Jewish problem, then all of the other ethnic/racial problems we face in terms of Blacks, Asiatics, Hispanics, Arabs, Muslims, etc will be a piece of cake to take care of. Similarly, once the Jews are brought under control many of our political, economic, and general sociocultural problems will also be much easier to solve.

    Carnegie:”The present debauchery of the West occurred during their reign.”

    Exactly. It has been said many times that the 20th Century was ‘The Jewish Century,’ and of course Slezkine’s book was published under that title. Yet look what happened during the 20th Century (AKA ‘Judeo-modernity’) to the White West under the leadership of Jewry: horribly disastrous fratricidal wars (WWI & WWII), the flooding of many White nations with immigrants to fuel Jew-led mass-consumerism and displace us via race-replacement and blood poisoning, the rise of radical anti-Western/anti-White feminism, Jewish communism, the Federal Reserve, ‘cultural’ anthropology, cultural relativity and the mass-promotion of degeneracy in the Jewish controlled mass-media, explosion of 3rd world non-White populations, Jewry’s hijacking and corruption of academia in many Western nations, rise of mass-agribusiness, the normalization of miscegenation via conditioning by the mass-media and public schools, unchecked globalization and centralization under global corps and the decimation of local cultures and economies, degenerate modern art, and on and on and on. All of the previous arose in the 20th Century (‘the Jewish Century’) under Jewish leadership and direction, and thus it was during their reign and direction that a deep racial and cultural rot began to set in — that is not a coincidence. It obviously isn’t likely that the ‘Elders of Zion’ conspired in smoky back-rooms to bring all of the aforementioned about, but that is exactly what happened and if you examine the data as well as the historical trends you will find that Jewry are the people primarily responsible for the flood of degeneracy and decay that washed over The West during the 20th Century. I’ve said it may times before, but it bears repeating: the Jews are our undoing, and they must be stopped.

    Even some Jews admit what they are in certain contexts; a bit of dialogue from a movie written and directed by Henry Bean (Jew):

    “Notice the Israelis: a fundamentally secular society. They no longer need Judaism because they have soil. The real Jew is a wanderer, a nomad. He has no roots, no attachments. So he “universalizes” everything. He can’t hammer a nail, plow a field. He can only buy and sell, invest capital, manipulate markets. He takes the life of a people rooted in soil and turns it into a cosmopolitan culture based on books, ideas, numbers. This is his strength…

    Take the great Jewish minds: Marx, Freud, Einstein. What have they given us: communism, infantile sexuality and the atom bomb. In a mere three centuries since these guys emerged from the ghettos of Europe, they’ve taken us from a world built on order and reason and hurled us into a chaos of class warfare, irrational urges and relativity, a world where the very existence of matter and meaning is in doubt. Why? Because it is the deepest impulse of the Jewish soul to unravel the very fabric of life until nothing is left but thread, nothing but nothingness. Nothingness without end…” –

  8. “These are things that the gamers explicitly abhor and demean by relegating it all to “beta” status.”

    A White man who truckles before the Jews is definitely “beta.”

  9. How can I talk about Mossad, 911 Revisionism, the Lavon Affair, the 1993 WTC bombings, the USS Liberty, the Crotch Bomber, Abu Ghraib, the fake “radical Muslim terrorists sympathizers” that are “threatening” South Park, led by “Yousef al-Khattab, born Joseph Cohen, an American Jew who converted to Islam in 2000 after living in Israel and attending an orthodox rabbinical school”

    I am doing a bad job and I want to improve. How do you suggest I approach these issues?

    I think you’re doing an excellent job.

    If you have a blog, link it and I’ll read it.
    If you don’t have a blog, I encourage you to start one.

    I entertain numerous conspiracy theories. I give some greater weight than others.

    I am not going to get the vote out in any country. I am not going to be a political campaigner – well, not unless Kevin MacDonald runs for office, in which case I’ll support him.

    Politics is highly local, and I’m outside America.

    Discussion of conspiracies is international, and suitable for wide audiences. Even nonwhites can benefit from knowledge of conspiracies against whites. In fact, almost everyone benefits from such discussions – except the elites who benefit from successful conspiracies.

  10. “I am doing a bad job and I want to improve. How do you suggest I approach these issues? What do you think about Mossad? My tactics are not working and I am trying to learn new ones.”

    Stop mixing truth, like the Lavon affair, with bullshit, like the idea the Mossad did 9/11. Only make claims that you can prove. Use common sense.

  11. Parrott,

    “I mean, we’re all dreadfully ignorant about things – it’s just different things with different people.”

    Agreed, I know am dreadfully ignorant about things. I’m not sure if I can help being “monomaniacal” – like say, the philo-semites, Nordic Supremacists, anti-Catholics, Polygamists – about their important topics.

    I admit that my obnoxious, trollish tone is simply due to not being able to speak out openly for a long, long time. I need to learn some polish and tone it down, got it. Thanks for the advice.

  12. Stop mixing truth, like the Lavon affair, with bullshit, like the idea the Mossad did 9/11. Only make claims that you can prove. Use common sense.

    Right. It’s OK to say Ragheads did 911, but it’s not ok to say Mossad Did 911. No one can prove Ragheads did 911, and no one can prove Mossad Did 911, so Mossad wins by default.

    I am glad we are allowed to discuss these issues now.

  13. “. . .Because it is the deepest impulse of the Jewish soul to unravel the very fabric of life until nothing is left but thread, nothing but nothingness. Nothingness without end . . .” Ayn (Sof) in Hebrew (Qballah) means infinite nothingness. . .

  14. Indeed they are. Bardamu ought to spare us the lectures. He is morally bankrupt, sexually perverted, nihilistic, and staunchly opposed to racial preservation. – MGLS

    Almost all ‘gamers’ are narcissistic sociopaths — they don’t care how much they have to ‘lie, cheat or steal’ to fulfill their degenerate lifestyles and (more accurately) fantasies.

  15. @51 Donald

    As far as I know, his position on Jews is similar to that of Hunter Wallace, perhaps not stated as eloquently as HW but nonetheless I never recall anything along the lines of the idea of the people you are lumping in him with.

    My issue with Hoste is that he hides his views on the Jews with the left-wing tactics of mainstream paleocons like Buchanan and Taki and that he’s a moron who doesn’t know what he’s talking about half the time. There are plenty of idiots running around, but Hoste’s position as an editor at AltRight means the damage he does to his allies and associates is amplified. As I said before, if he would come out and say what he thinks about the Jewish Question, I’d have less of a problem with him.

    This isn’t the thread for it, but I would like to see the gaming subculture get more discussion. I’ve seen very little of it except the infamous discussion you cite between yourself and Auster. I find myself in Auster’s camp on this particular issue. Y’all are a bunch of degenerates.

    I’ve called myself a degenerate on multiple occasions, most recently two weeks ago, so that dog won’t hunt. Whether we’re degenerates or not is irrelevant; what matters is whether we’re right when it comes to relations between the sexes.

    @52 MGLS

    Reading Bardamu’s screed against Hoste, one cannot help but conclude it was written by a psychotic who is exceptionally profane, crude, and juvenile.

    That’s rich coming from a guy who selectively edits quotes from his enemies to deliberately misconstrue what they say. I’m not surprised that you’re defending Hoste – you’re as dishonest and foolish as he is.

    Indeed they are. Bardamu ought to spare us the lectures. He is morally bankrupt, sexually perverted, nihilistic, and staunchly opposed to racial preservation.

    It was funny when you first insulted me, now it’s just boring. Take my advice and get a thesaurus so you don’t sound like such a dullard.

    @53 Donald

    Hoste made an flippant remark about Islam being better than the current state of cultural degeneracy..

    It wasn’t a “flippant remark,” it was an entire post.

    I suspect that FB objects more to his criticisms of the sexual degeneracy in the gamer subculture than the Islam comment.

    I’m smart enough to realize that sexual degeneracy is a bad thing, but Islam is not the solution. It’s the equivalent of severing your entire foot to cure a gangrenous toe.

    However, my contention would be that (1) this is hardly a singular incident: Jewish groups regularly protest anything that is perceived as offensive to them and (2) The “Culture of Critique” that Jews are a significant part of is just as bad, if not worse, than the destruction that Muslims wreak upon Western lands.

    When Jews start lodging death threats against people who offend them and form violent protests the world over, that’ll be a legit comparison. I haven’t read The Culture of Critique, so I’ll lay off that part.

    Again, I don’t read everything he writes, so I don’t have a comprehensive understanding of him, but in the posts I’ve seen, I never see him deferring to his own degrees or self-proclaimed expertise.

    It matters because when he first started blogging, he made his academic credentials a big part of his online identity, even mentioning on one of the donation buttons on his front page that he was “an anthropology student trying to pay his way through college.” If he lied about that, it throws everything else he says into question.

    …not an actual intellectual critique.

    It’s a blog post, not an article for a peer-reviewed journal. Anyone who expects me to do scholarly research better pony up some cash.

    @54 Donald

    There is very little emphasis on race issues in the gamer subculture.

    The focus of game blogs usually isn’t racial preservation, so what do you expect? That’s like chastising foodie bloggers who write on pastries for never writing on pasta.

    Those of us who have strong racial views understand the importance of stable pair bonds with responsible people among both sexes, the importance of reproduction, and the importance of stable families with strong values.

    So do gamers. The difference is that that many of the gamers believe that the chances of them being able to form a happy family life with a wife and kids is near nonexistent – and they aren’t wrong. They focus on short-term relationships and one-night stands because they believe it’s all they can get in our poisoned world.

    These are things that the gamers explicitly abhor and demean by relegating it all to “beta” status.

    Beta in the Roissy lexicon means a man who is not inherently attractive to women, irregardless of his sexual behavior or marital status. In fact, there are a number of game bloggers (I don’t want this comment to end up in moderation, so go to my blog and click on the links Riding with the King, Hawaiian Libertarian, Hidden Leaves, and Married Man Sex Life) who study the methods for the express purpose of strengthening their marriages.

    Putting emphasis on race would require that they acknowledge the importance of families and extended families (clans) – which is just incompatible with their worldview.

    On the contrary, the gamers realize this as clearly as you do. They believe that all these institutions are dead and they aren’t coming back, so they might as well live it up. “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we all die.” On my blog, Matt Parrott wrote this:

    I believe that beneath Roissy’s arrogant bravado is a tortured Raskolnikov yearning for divine justice from traditional authority, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that were your condition as well.

    That’s exactly how I would characterize the conservative game-sphere. You don’t have to condone this worldview to comprehend it.

  16. “There are plenty of idiots running around, but Hoste’s position as an editor at AltRight means the damage he does to his allies and associates is amplified. ”

    He keeps getting published, so it seems as if numerous people are happy with what he writes. Don’t think because you don’t like somebody no one else does.

    “When Jews start lodging death threats against people who offend them and form violent protests the world over, that’ll be a legit comparison. I haven’t read The Culture of Critique, so I’ll lay off that part.”

    In other words, you criticize somebody for what he thinks about Jewish power but haven’t actually read anything on Jewish power. Stick to trying to “discover your masculinity” or whatever it is you write about.

    People will notice that Fernidad starting updating every five minutes about Hoste after Hoste said that he didn’t find Fernidad’s blog worth reading. Then Fern goes on and compares traffic between the two blogs telling Hoste that it must hurt that he has more readers, when Hoste never gave any indication that he cared. He closes by calling him “boy” and a “turd.” Hoste never even acknowledged Fernidad besides the comment I mentioned above. This womanly hysterical reaction just started because Hoste didn’t find him worth talking to.

    Grow up.

  17. HW is spot on when he compares the destructive magnitude of Negro anti-White crime, with the small amount of damage done by foreign terrorists. The effects of Negro domestic terrorism, otherwise labeled as ‘crime’, is enormous. It is, in fact, a virtual race war, with most of the White victims unaware of the real nature of the conflict being waged against them. This is how the alien dominated MSM succeeds in manipulating the public: ‘terrorism’ is cast as a major threat, while domestic Negro terrorism is aided and abetted, and then ignored.

    Excellent comments #32, Carnegie, and #57, WP!!

  18. When Jews start lodging death threats against people who offend them and form violent protests the world over, that’ll be a legit comparison. – FB

    They (the Jews) don’t ‘lodge’ threats — they just merely carry them out.

    Ever hear of the Mossad — or the Shin Bet?

  19. On the contrary, the gamers realize this as clearly as you do. They believe that all these institutions are dead and they aren’t coming back, so they might as well live it up. “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we all die.”

    Yeah, so hypocritically add to the misery of it all, and spread the narcissistic virus around to even more people, and more women, who are already largely monomaniacal attention sponges without the added ‘help’.

  20. So do gamers. The difference is that that many of the gamers believe that the chances of them being able to form a happy family life with a wife and kids is near nonexistent – and they aren’t wrong. They focus on short-term relationships and one-night stands because they believe it’s all they can get in our poisoned world.

    I say bullocks to most of this, Ferd.

    The quintessential problem with this is that too many of these guys – largely thanks to ‘game’ fantasy – want to pursue only ‘hotties’ (or, as the gaming nerds sometimes call them – ‘HB10’s’).

    This is little different from the delirious, shallow women that ‘game’ often derides: you know, the average, plain-jane yentas who think ‘all women are special little snowflakes’, or that their promiscuity — or, even better yet, their ‘college degree’ — somehow entitles them to a highly desirable man (or that foolish, widely-misconstrued term ‘alpha man’).

    Ah modern-day AmeriKwa! Where everyone is oh so ‘special’.

  21. @Ferdinand Bardamu

    “When Jews start lodging death threats against people who offend them and form violent protests the world over, that’ll be a legit comparison.”

    I agree with you Bardamu. I think it is stupid saying that Jewish behavior is the same as Muslim behavior. Criticize Jews you may lose your job, criticize Muslims you will lose your head. Most white nationalists in my opinion do not understand the difference.

  22. Criticize Jews you may lose your job…

    Oh, sure, nothing ‘wrong’ with that… no biggie there – ‘specially not in today’s economy :/

    Do you realize how foolish you and the philo-semites sound when you say something like that?!?

  23. I agree with you Bardamu. I think it is stupid saying that Jewish behavior is the same as Muslim behavior. Criticize Jews you may lose your job, criticize Muslims you will lose your head. Most white nationalists in my opinion do not understand the difference.

    I’ll re-post my query to you: Ever hear of the Mossad — or the Shin Bet?

  24. 1.) I agree with Richard Hoste’s analysis of terrorism. It is an insignificant issue compared to interracial violent crime. In 2005 and 2006, over 60,000 White women were raped by negroes. How many were murdered, robbed, or simply assaulted? It must number in the hundreds of thousands every year; the millions every decade. The real terrorists are lurking in the shadows in our own cities.

    Absolutely, both in terms of crime rate and that they live among us. Terre’Blanche and Barrett were unfortunate victims of negro terrorism.

    BTW Giles’ site seems to have some kind of exploit on it now so I wouldn’t link to it.

  25. Criticize Jews you may lose your job

    Like this is any better or more ‘chivalrous’ than what those ‘damn dirty rag heads’ are supposedly up to.

    I hope you realize that you are confirming an ‘anti-semitic’ stereotype that the Jews control much of our economy and our broader culture to even have the kind of power and ‘pull’ to get (to use commentator “Jupiter’s” words) NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS fired from their jobs and professions, further being deprived from their livelihoods, affecting their ability to provide for themselves and their families… .

    Who are the ‘tehoists’ now?

  26. The Jews have nothing to do with Vdare being thrown under the bus. There are a bunch of appeasers in CIS and FAIR that want to eliminate Vdare because they think if they kiss butt with $PLC and other liberals they can make friends and be happy with everyone. These beltway boobs think that if they focus on illegal immigration and nothing else they will avoid being tarred and feathered like Brimelow.

    It’s the same mistake in reverse as the Sierra Club made. The cowards are going to kneel in front of the bullies and pray for mercy. What a disgrace to conservatism and immigration reform.

  27. @Charlemagne

    First off, Mossad and Shin Bet, the last time I looked, were not killing people for making fun of the Jews and their culture. That statement alone is why so many people think anti-semites like you are crazy. Mel Gibson should be hanging from a tree right now, if that was true. Because I will admit Mossad and Shin Bet are scary, because they do not waste their time getting upset over petty insults and satire.

    Second, I said you may, not will lose your job if you criticize Jewish people. Also you could easily attribute this situation to political correctness than Jewish power. Jews while are disproportionately influential in the economy compared to other ethnic groups, they are not omnipotent. Not every job loss because of an anti-semitic remark is going to be due to a powerful Jewish boss getting upset. It is more likely going to be the fact that his gentile friends will be upset.

    I am not someone you denies that Jews are a powerful force in this country. I know about Jewish influence in Hollywood, the banking industry, and the media in general. I own the Kevin Macdonald trilogy, and even he is not paranoid like you. Jews are generally civil and productive most of the time, and not murderous thieves out to destroy the white race.

    You white nationalists attend to over blow Jewish power and its negative consequences. What about the Chinese, they are a pretty smart and calculating people. Why are you not bitching about how the Chinese own a significant portion of our national debt. The whole world does not revolve around Jews. Both Jews and White Nationalists share this problem. I mean, seriously Charlemagne is that all you think about is what the Jews are doing. Nothing else pisses you off, but the Jews and Jewish related problems.

    I have no problem with you not liking Jewish people. I like Jewish people, but understand they pull a lot of crap from time to time, and understand why people hate them. I would not mind letting white nationalists live in peace in a Jewish free environment. Even if I like living with Jews, I will not force you to live with Jews. My biggest problem with your antisemitism is that it is just bizarre. You seem to be so obsessed with Jews, it is almost like you secretly love Jews.

    Charlemagne, you are awesome, but not CaptainChaos awesome.

  28. NUSU,

    First off, relax – I don’t ‘hate’ Jews, and I am not even an ‘anti-semite’, as are many Arab haters, who are way more ‘semitic’ than Ashkenazi Jews are.

    Secondly, I am sure you are aware that the Mossad and the Shin Bet carry out what is euphemistically referred to as ‘targeted killings’ of the so-called enemies of the ‘Jewish state’. Now I know it is going to be said that these people are ‘teho-ists’ (amusing Israeli pronunciation of terrorist) and ‘dirty ragheads’ who ‘deserve’ what they get from the ever-so tolerant Israelis, but much of that is simply inexcusable on the part of a state that calls itself ‘democratic’ and ‘Western’ as Israel and its supporters never tire or cease telling us.

    Regarding job loss – yes indeed that is a travesty and a vile, hypocritical crime to deprive someone of their civil and legal rights in a supposedly ‘free country’ like America. How many people lose their job over an anti-WASP remark — or, for that matter, over even an anti-Muslim one??

    And yes, I emphatically agree that the world does not, or should not, revolve around Jews. Problem is, many Jews and their ambitious ‘court gentiles’ and/or philo-semites (I am not putting you in either category) always like to remind everyone just how special, unique and important the (Ashkenazi) Jews are to everyone, so you can have an understanding why some of us ‘White Nationalists’ feel the way we do (I put WN in quotes because I am more of a traditional conservative than anything else).

    Good to hear that you read MacDonald — but I don’t see how he is really all that much different from the Judeo-skeptics like myself and most here on this site. Are you sincere in what you say about KMac?

    Let me just end this comment of mine with a little ‘culture of critique’ of my own on what really motivates obsessive philo-semitism –

    Not every job loss because of an anti-semitic remark is going to be due to a powerful Jewish boss getting upset. It is more likely going to be the fact that his gentile friends will be upset.

    My biggest problem with your antisemitism is that it is just bizarre. You seem to be so obsessed with Jews, it is almost like you secretly love Jews.

    …As Sunic points out, in both Europe and America, White attitudes towards Jews have come to be defined in modern times by mendacity and intellectual servility. Faced with a political, academic, and media establishment — the current masters of discourse — configured around a colossal concentration of Jewish power, Whites have not only trained themselves to avoid Jewish wrath by keeping any critical opinions about Jews to themselves, but they have also learnt to curry Jewish favor by flaunting their admiration for Jewish superiority and achievement, by piously demonstrating their conformity to Semitically-correct cognitive structures, and by loudly championing Jewish causes — even when these run directly counter to White interests. Sunic correctly suggests that, in as much as this fuels Jewish hubris, such an unhealthy relationship approaches a limit where it exists one crisis away from detonating into violent anti-Semitism.

    “I am Not Racist, but…”
    ~Alex Kurtagic

  29. I think old HAC summed up most of problem with his post on Folk Wisdom…

    Folk Wisdom:

    Give a White man a hammer, and he will build a nation.
    Give a gook a hammer, and he will make more hammers.
    Give a spic a hammer, and he will open beer bottles and beat his wife with it.
    Give a faggot a hammer, and he will insert it up his ass.
    Give a nigger a hammer, and he will kill and rape White people with it.
    Give a Jew a hammer, and he will give it to the nigger.

    P.S. just a joke by the way….

  30. What about the Chinese, they are a pretty smart and calculating people. Why are you not bitching about how the Chinese own a significant portion of our national debt

    While there are legitimate arguments to be made about the perils of economic interdependency in globalist capitalism, there is really little comparison to be made by the Chinese and the Jews.

    The Chinese are not a significant political or cultural force in the west. It’s that simple.

  31. I agree with you Bardamu. I think it is stupid saying that Jewish behavior is the same as Muslim behavior. Criticize Jews you may lose your job, criticize Muslims you will lose your head. Most white nationalists in my opinion do not understand the difference.

    So you still say that Muslim violence is more significant of a social threat than the complete poisoning of the cultural wellspring in the west (aka the Culture of Critique)?

  32. If gamers can’t have relationships then it’s their fault for not trying or for (likely) having negative qualities that are turnoffs to normal women. I don’t say its easy, but there are plenty of women out there who don’t want one night stands and who don’t have any interest in feminism.

    I absolutely and positively condemn and shun these people. They are poison. Nihilistic and materialistic essentially describe who they are, and it’s not childish to say so.

    And, for the record, Roissy has, in fact, said that men who are providers are “betas”.

    Gamers don’t belong on the right, they belong in their own little corner and deserve no ideological support.

  33. Kevin MacDonald did some biographical work on the Jewish anthropologist Franz Boas (known for his fierce anti-racism and whose legacy essentially defines the last 40 years or so of academic ignorance in HBD) and came to the conclusion (with supporting evidence) that his motivations were ethnic in nature. Boas resented what he felt was anti-Semitic attitudes of his time and furthermore, out of resentment towards Europeans, loathed the prevailing attitudes of the time that Western/European accomplishments were pinnacles of human achievement.

    Boas’ legacy, of course, lives on in infamy.

    But FB and his comrade here will say that Muslim violence is more of a threat than resentful and vengeful Jews.

  34. Donald said: “I don’t say its easy, but there are plenty of women out there who don’t want one night stands and who don’t have any interest in feminism.”

    Hello! *waves* 🙂 (Already married, though. Sorry.)

    And on the flip-side, it’s not easy to find decent, conservative men, either. Took me and my girlfriends many years to do so, but I’m happy to say that we all managed!

  35. FB said: “Whether we’re degenerates or not is irrelevant; what matters is whether we’re right when it comes to relations between the sexes.”

    It’s not irrelevant — not to us folks who want to re-build a decent society.

    I have never read your blog, FB, but I will agree with you that Roissy, for instance, is right about most things when it comes to relations between the sexes — or maybe, rather, that there are differences between the sexes and even competing interests reproductively speaking.

    I would like to live in a world where (for the most part) men are men and women are women and we where don’t have the relations between the sexes screwed up by feminism or any other -ism. But I DON’T want to live in a world where too many men are *ssh*les and treat women AND so-called beta males like sh*t. That is simply unacceptable.

  36. Hunter said: “In 2005 and 2006, over 60,000 White women were raped by negroes.”

    Where are you getting these figures from, Hunter? If you’re basing those numbers on the National Crime Victimization Survey, then what you have said here is incorrect. The NCVS shows ca. 30,000 rapes AND sexual assaults of White women by Black men per annum, not just rapes.

    We need to have these figures right in our discussions so we don’t look like idiots.

  37. The chinese and asians in OUR AMERICA are at this point in time a significant political force. They are have enormous say in US labor policy. They are actively participating in the destruction of centuries of NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN engineering expereince including the future generation of NATIVE BORN WHITE ENGINEERINg talent that will never be developed and cultivated.
    The asians in OUR AMERICA have enormous clout in the largest universty system in OUR AMERICA..The California State University system.

    You either do no know what you are writing about-moron realm-or you are an asianphile and therefor the mortal enemy of NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS.

    The racial survival of the NATIVE BORN WHITE MAJORITY requires bringing back this wonderfull policy.

    Alex Jones and the conspiracy theoreists are retards.

  38. That’s rich coming from a guy who selectively edits quotes from his enemies to deliberately misconstrue what they say. I’m not surprised that you’re defending Hoste – you’re as dishonest and foolish as he is.

    This is false. In none of the quotes you claim I “selectively [edited]” did I misquote you, quote you out of context, or misrepresent your views.

    It was funny when you first insulted me, now it’s just boring. Take my advice and get a thesaurus so you don’t sound like such a dullard.

    Better a dullard than an opponent of racial preservation and a spreader of false and malicious gossip and rumors about people I don’t like, as you did about Richard Hoste and Richard Spencer.

    Comment 66 by cxc is on the mark in evaluating Bardamu’s motivations:

    People will notice that Fernidad starting updating every five minutes about Hoste after Hoste said that he didn’t find Fernidad’s blog worth reading. Then Fern goes on and compares traffic between the two blogs telling Hoste that it must hurt that he has more readers, when Hoste never gave any indication that he cared. He closes by calling him “boy” and a “turd.” Hoste never even acknowledged Fernidad besides the comment I mentioned above. This womanly hysterical reaction just started because Hoste didn’t find him worth talking to.

  39. Auster and Bardamu are now patting each other on the back for attacking Hoste. Serial liar and slanderer Auster calls Baradamu’s deranged screed a “devastating expose of Hoste in particular [and] a powerful and stirring refutation of paleocon anti-Semitism in general.”

  40. What’s the difference between a rape and a sexual assault?

    “Sexual assault” is a much broader category. A battery is an “offensive touching”, and an assault may be defined as an attempted battery or as intentionally placing a person in fear of a battery.

    Thus, a sexual assault consists of attempting a sexual battery or intentionally putting another person in fear of a sexual battery. A sexual battery occurs whenever someone touches any part of another person’s body in a sexual way, even through clothes, without that person’s consent.

  41. But that’s the common law. Different states define “sexual assault” variously in their criminal codes, though the definitions are invariably broader than the common-law definition of rape: carnal knowledge by force and against the woman’s will by a man not her husband.

  42. You’ve gotta be really lacking in judgment, really new to the WN game (and therefore not really know wtf you’re talking about), or a faux-WN to think Muslims are a bigger problem than non-Gentiles.

  43. You’re inside a mighty fortress, the walls manned by ten thousand skilled fighters. Outside you’re surrounded by one hundred thousand screaming maniacs who want to kill you. But you have food enough to last for years, and the fortress is so well-built that you can easily repel an army of a million screaming maniacs.

    Unfortunately, there’s this tribe inside that you’ve placed in charge of the gates, and they’ve sold out to the maniacs…

    Now, who’s your biggest threat again?

  44. You’ve gotta be really lacking in judgment, really new to the WN game (and therefore not really know wtf you’re talking about), or a faux-WN to think Muslims are a bigger problem than non-Gentiles.

    Sounds like ‘NutUpofShutUp’ falls in to the latter category, especially after he was so adroitly put in his proper place.

    What a joke – claims to have not only read KMac – but has his ‘trilogy’ as well – and has the condescending nerve to say that we are ‘paranoid’, and the all-time favorite Bolshevist standby – ‘crazy’.

    This type may very well be the worst kind of troll – the one who pretends he ‘understands’ us – if we would just be ‘reasonable’ and don’t put up ‘too much’ of a defense of our culture, and for our interests, cause you understand – the Jews are just so ‘wonderful’, and, at worst, ‘misunderstood’.

    1. Concern Troll
    In an argument (usually a political debate), a concern troll is someone who is on one side of the discussion, but pretends to be a supporter of the other side with “concerns”. The idea behind this is that your opponents will take your arguments more seriously if they think you’re an ally. Concern trolls who use fake identities are sometimes known as sockpuppets.

    In the 2006 election, an aide to Congressman Charlie Bass (R-NH) was caught concern trolling the opposition on local blogs. While pretending to support Bass’s opponent, Paul Hodes, the aide argued that Hodes couldn’t win because Bass was an unbeatable candidate. Hodes won the election.

    2. concern troll
    A person who posts on a blog thread, in the guise of “concern,” to disrupt dialogue or undermine morale by pointing out that posters and/or the site may be getting themselves in trouble, usually with an authority or power. They point out problems that don’t really exist. The intent is to derail, stifle, control, the dialogue. It is viewed as insincere and condescending.

    A concern troll on a progressive blog might write, “I don’t think it’s wise to say things like that because you might get in trouble with the government.” Or, “This controversy is making your side look disorganized.”

    3. concern troll
    A person who lurks, then posts, on a site or blog, expressing concern for policies, comments, attitudes of others on the site. It is viewed as insincere, manipulative, condescending.

    A concern troll commented, “You should be careful about what you write because you might get in trouble with the government.” Another concern troll wrote, “This debate makes our side look disorganized.”

    Of course he doesn’t mind or think ‘irrational’ anti-semitism against the true Semites – the Arabs.

    Thanks for the condescending ‘advice’ – ‘Nut’.

  45. No, the simplest explanation is that the people who did the bombing were actually the ones responsible, not the FBI or a shadow-council of magic Jews.

    That’s begging the question. The question is, who were actually the ones responsible? The answer is not necessarily what the TV tells you.

    The Alex Jones types and conspiracy lunatics are harmful to the pro-white cause. Conspiracies about who did 9/11 and so on are irrelevant. It wouldn’t matter if those absurd theories were true. They are orthogonal to white racial preservation.

    They are orthagonal, but there are important epistemological lessons to be learned. The central government’s story could be true, but we do know that elements within and appended to the central government had the motive and opportunity to do the 9/11 attack — i.e., the central government was the prime suspect. If you believe the oficial story, you’re taking the word of the prime suspect despite its sordid history of lying just because the TV told you that’s the way it happened. You’ve got to leave the propasphere, people!

  46. @Charlemagne

    Thanks for the intelligent reply to my response. I see your point, and I am sorry if I assumed that you were overly anti-semitic. Kevin Macdonald is very nuance in his presentation of Jewish power. He generally focuses on the cultural influence of Jews, than the actually political power of Jews. I generally disagree with many philosemitics like guywhite who try to present the Jews as being secretly conservative and white nationalist. While I believe Jewish people to be white, and very appreciative of their cultural and scientific contributions, I fully understand why people are skeptical of Jewish influence. So I am not very angry over people being skeptical about Jews, just do not find them a big threat to western culture.

  47. Self-evidently, if Hoste were a drooling lunatic, and not a articulate and effective critic of Jewry the likes of Bardamu and NutUpOfShutUP would not deign lift a finger to oppose him. That they do, and that their responses to critics of theirs here amount to nothing more than evasions and glib ad hominem tells us that they have no substantive counter to what Hoste says other than, “I dearly wish he would stop, as what he says damages my interests, as my interests are tied to those of Jewry.” One problem, ladies, ultimately, the interests of the White race, and those of Jewry, are mutually exclusive.

    Going weak in the knees before one’s enemies is for cowards, and if cowards are not “betas,” then I know not what “beta” means.

  48. “overly anti-semitic.”

    Jews suffer a genetic compulsion to subvert to dominate their host societies. No accommodation or co-existence with them in the same nation is ultimately possible. They have an interest in dominating our societies via subversion, we have an interest in disallowing that. Giving them their way will result in our genetic annihilation. Let those who attempt to cow us with cries of “Anti-Semitism!” all go hang.

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