Amanda Kijera: Liberal Human Rights Activist Raped in Haiti

.. and doesn’t learn a thing … blames White men for Haitian oppression.

We are not your weapons – we are women

By Amanda Kijera, civic journalist and activist in Haiti

Two weeks ago, on a Monday morning, I started to write what I thought was a very clever editorial about violence against women in Haiti. The case, I believed, was being overstated by women’s organizations in need of additional resources. Ever committed to preserving the dignity of Black men in a world which constantly stereotypes them as violent savages, I viewed this writing as yet one more opportunity to fight “the man” on behalf of my brothers. That night, before I could finish the piece, I was held on a rooftop in Haiti and raped repeatedly by one of the very men who I had spent the bulk of my life advocating for.

It hurt. The experience was almost more than I could bear. I begged him to stop. Afraid he would kill me, I pleaded with him to honor my commitment to Haiti, to him as a brother in the mutual struggle for an end to our common oppression, but to no avail. He didn’t care that I was a Malcolm X scholar. (he didn’t see her angel halo, Ed.) He told me to shut up, and then slapped me in the face. Overpowered, I gave up fighting halfway through the night.

Accepting the helplessness of my situation, I chucked aside the Haiti bracelet I had worn so proudly for over a year, along with it, my dreams of human liberation. Someone, I told myself, would always be bigger and stronger than me. As a woman, my place in life had been ascribed from birth. A Chinese proverb says that “women are like the grass, meant to be stepped on.” The thought comforted me at the same time that it made me cringe.

A dangerous thought. Others like it have derailed movements, discouraged consciousness and retarded progress for centuries. To accept it as truth signals the beginning of the end of a person–or community’s–life and ability to self-love. Resignation means inertia, and for the past two weeks I have inhabited its innards. My neighbors here include women from all over the world, but it’s the women of African descent, and particularly Haitian women, who move me to write now.

Truly, I have witnessed as a journalist and human rights advocate the many injustices inflicted upon Black men in this world. The pain, trauma and rage born of exploitation are terrors that I have grappled with every day of my life. They make one want to strike back, to fight rabidly for what is left of their personal dignity in the wake of such things. Black men have every right to the anger they feel in response to their position in the global hierarchy, but their anger is misdirected.

Women are not the source of their oppression; oppressive policies and the as-yet unaddressed white patriarchy which still dominates the global stage are. Because women–and particularly women of color–are forced to bear the brunt of the Black male response to the Black male plight, the international community and those nations who have benefitted from the oppression of colonized peoples have a responsibility to provide women with the protection that they need.


  1. “Because women–and particularly women of color–are forced to bear the brunt of the Black male response to the Black male plight, the international community and those nations who have benefitted from the oppression of colonized peoples have a responsibility to provide women with the protection that they need.”

    The protection you needed, Amanda Kijera, would have involved shooting the porch monkey before he raped you.

    Would you have supported that, or would it have been too “Racist”?

  2. Okay, I am now THIS close to supporting the use of Nuclear Weapons against every Liberal Population center in the World.

    From later in the article:

    “I went to Haiti after the earthquake to empower Haitians to self-sufficiency. I went to remind them of the many great contributions that Afro-descendants have made to this world, and of their amazing resilience and strength as a people. Not once did I envision myself becoming a receptacle for a Black man’s rage at the white world, but that is what I became. While I take issue with my brother’s behavior, I’m grateful for the experience.”

    You are a filthy White Hating Racist, Amanda Kijera, because in the unlikely event that you were Raped by a Man of your own race you’d never say you were “grateful” for the experience.

    In this horrible creature we see how easily the Anti-White Racism of a White Liberal Woman can turn into Anti-White Racism directed against herself.

    Liberals will go through any sort of logical convulsion to excuse Blacks for the most unspeakable evil, even when they personally were the victim of that evil.

  3. Where was this girl’s father when she decided to move to the Rape Pit called Haiti? Thanks a lot for emasculating Patriarchy, Feminists.

    They’re the ones responsible for what happened here, not the “White Male Patriarchy”.

    Back when we had a White Male Patriarchy the Rape Rate was FAR lower than it is now, even for so called “Women of Color”.

  4. oppressive policies and the as-yet unaddressed white patriarchy which still dominates the global stage are. Because women–and particularly women of color–are forced to bear the brunt of the Black male response to the Black male plight

    It’s the White Man’s fault that a black raped her, the rape was just a “response” to his oppression by the white patriarchy.

    It’s hard to believe people like this actually exist.

  5. Guys, I think she’s black. Even brainless liberal white females dont call black men their brothers.

  6. Amongst the many other remarkable features in this piece I was struck by how Amanda rationalized the violence of Black men as a natural consequence of their exploitation. Who on Earth could exploit such a dysfunctional anarchic people in today’s world?

  7. This is the first result of a Google search for Amanda Kijera. It’s almost definitely her, based on the photo, her “friends,” and what she is a “fan” of.

    Yep, no doubt.

    I’m just curious: what’s the origin of the surname Kijera? I am unfamiliar with it.

  8. From her website that MGLS linked to:

    What sort of woman believes the things that Kijera does?

    Growing up in Ohio, I encountered physical, sexual and emotional abuse in my home. I ran away often and worked as a teenage prostitute in order to survive the streets.

  9. “I had long wanted to visit Haiti. Let me tell you why. Growing up in Ohio, I encountered physical, sexual and emotional abuse in my home. I ran away often and worked as a teenage prostitute in order to survive the streets.”

  10. It’s really hard to know where to start on this one. It almost reads like a parody. Apparently it’s not, so I will take it at face value. And the first comment posted after it is a very salient one:

    “Liberals will go through any sort of logical convulsion to excuse blacks for the most unspeakable evil, even when they personally were the victim of that evil.”

    Yes. Which points out that the main problem here is not the black rapist (who deserves a fast trip on a short rope, but most here would still agree is only acting-to-spec for his type) but with the White woman.

    Such horrible an ideology of happy victimization is far worse for our society even the savage negro men in our midst.

    Which is one problem have have with the goal of the ethnostate promoted by this blog. I live in a state that is still 85% white. And it’s a completely aweful mess. The culture is depraved, the economy is failing or failed, their is a huge culture of handouts. There is a meth epidemic. The 20 something whites are vacuous, listless, tattooed and pierced so that they look like south sea primitives, and lack respect for anyone.

    My sense is that even if we got rid of the 5% of blacks here we’d still have an aweful mess. OK, we’d have fewer rapes and drive-bys, and that would be good.

    Our state has .5% Jews. It’s hard for me to credit them with enough influence (even taking the national level into consideration) to imagine that getting rid of them would change much.

    What I am left with is a sense that most of our problems are of our own making, and that if we take seperation as THE tool to fix things, I think it is inadequate. Get rid of every non-White person in the state and you’d still have a pretty f’d up state.

    To really “cleanse” the state a “cultural, ideological, and political” cleansing is actually more needed than even a racial one. It’s the people putting the ideas into the heads of the girls here who are the biggest problem.

    To think that an all-white, jew-free ethnostate would be much better without an ideological cleansing seems naive to the point of mysticism to me.

    Alternately, some of the main features of an ideological cleansing would be to end processes that have driven the White lady rape-ee to think like she does. We might also find that once this cleansing took place that the remaining minorities would better know and agree to the limits on their behaviour (say, as they did in the Old South.)

    I would much rather live in the culture of the Old South, even with a sizable but controlled minority of blacks, than in the culture of New Oregon, that has been cleansed of minorities but is still full of the ideology that surrounds us today.

    Again, I’ve suggested that we talk more about the mission of the blog, so I’m purposefully bridging to it here.

  11. Mark @5 hit the nail on the head.

    In some sense, it is natural for Amanda to try to justify what just happened to her. If she were to face the truth about her worldview and how she had been deceived all these years it would mean that she was raped in vain. And that the tremendous personal sacrifice she made in order to live amongst Haitians was all for nothing.

  12. The culture is depraved, the economy is failing or failed, their is a huge culture of handouts. There is a meth epidemic. The 20 something whites are vacuous, listless, tattooed and pierced so that they look like south sea primitives, and lack respect for anyone.

    MTV, TV, Hip Hop Radio, public schools, Marxist colleges. The traditional White institutions? The Church? Filled with money grubbing whores and pedophiles. Business? They’d rather hire an illegal cheaper. The military? Off fighting for Israel and soon enough you’ll be sharing a bunk with an out and proud homo.

    It’s hard for me to credit them with enough influence (even taking the national level into consideration) to imagine that getting rid of them would change much.

    How could such a tiny thing like Trypanosoma brucei cause such a big problem?


    She wrote a novel called White Girl in 2004. Here is the description:

    Product Description

    What was it, exactly, that started me on this torturous and exfoliating journey of exploration, this path that has led me down a million different roads that somehow, strikingly, all seem to end in the same place? There I find door upon door; the buzz and clink of a prison cell, sliding emergency room gates covered in the blood of Black upon Black crime, the swoosh of a weary kitchen entree’ no more worn than the one who must meet its demands and lastly, The Door of No Return. It is here, I think, that life for me began. This is the only explanation that I can find for what has become my lot. Perhaps I held in my hands the whip that flayed the backs of captured Africans (on their own soil, nonetheless), a veil of nonchalance covering my shame, self-hatred fueling the ferocity inflicted with each lash upon innocent and glistening ebony skin. Then again, maybe I didn’t feel any shame at all. Maybe I, like so many women of my own race, simply sat on my ass and reaped the benefits gained from the chosen ones’ labor, while my husband did the whipping. Or shipping, selling, whatever? It is impossible to tell if I am repaying a karmic debt or have simply been chosen for this work, but what I do know is that I must testify. To this country’s fundamental lie, her biggest shame, her imminent downfall.

  14. MGLS @22,

    Page 3 of the newsletter that you linked to showed the mulatto children of an Amanda Furness. The article that Kievsky referenced in his post was written by an Amanda Kijera. Do you know if these two Amandas are the same person?

  15. Thank you for that TabuLa Raza.

    Perhaps “Furness” is the surname of the Black man that she married.

  16. Perhaps “Furness” is the surname of the Black man that she married.

    I believe Kijera is.

  17. Excuse me while I vomit. This story provokes such disgust, mostly with the White woman, that I feel the need to consider my comments carefully.
    I will say that I encounter women with such attitudes very often in my life but none so ludicrous as this case.
    I guess preconceptions really do outweigh reality with many folks. I “woke up” after a mass, unprovoked beating I was subjected to in high school, but subsequent religious indoctrination ameliorated my rage somewhat, indeed, made me feel guilty about my feelings until the internet came along and I realized that my perceptions were factually accurate and meshed with the general pattern of NAM behavior.
    A friend of mine, after being threatened with a pistol and forced with all his coworkers to lay on the floor as black robbers looted the store and pistol whipped a manager, expressed guilt(!) that he now reacted with fear at the sight of black men. The experience taught him nothing, he now dates black women.

  18. This is not just a problem in America, fellas.

    All Western nations and peoples have their ‘Kulaks’ –

    Pippa Bacca, an Italian Artist Killed During Performance Trip for Peace, Is Mourned – New York Times

    MILAN — The two friends, both performance artists, hatched the idea about a year ago: wearing white wedding dresses, they would hitchhike from Italy to the Balkans to the Middle East to send a message of peace and “marriage between different peoples and nations.”

    Pippa Bacca on her “Brides on Tour” project for peace, during which she was killed while hitchhiking in Turkey.

    But the message delivered by their performance piece was mostly sad and raw. After just three weeks on the road, one of the two Italian artists, Pippa Bacca, 33, was killed by a driver who offered her a ride.

    Her naked body was found on April 11 in some bushes near a Turkish village after a suspect led investigators to the site. Although an official cause of death has not been given, local Turkish authorities said Ms. Bacca had been raped and strangled.

    The killing has stirred broad public anger and grief in Turkey and Italy. Still, what Ms. Bacca would have wanted, her family and friends said, was her message of peace to live on.

    “She thought that in the world there were more positive than negative people, and that it was right to be trusting,” said Rosalia Pasqualino, a sister of Ms. Bacca, whose real name was Giuseppina Pasqualino di Marineo. “Trust is a very human factor, and she believed that to understand people, you had to get to know them.” …


  19. I was getting worked up today re-reading a description of how the Bantu women laughed and mocked Amy Biehl’s pleading for her life as her killers drove a knife into her chest. I really wonder what she would say now about her attackers had she survived. Would she, too, blame the White Oppressor? Should that matter to us?

  20. That woman is dumber than a sack of hair!

    She was raped and brutalized by a savage, and not only blames white men, but is afraid that talking about it will make people think bad things about black men? Pathetic.

  21. I sent this to her:

    Hello Amanda,

    I am writing you on behalf of the Bay Area National Anarchists. I have recently heard of your ordeal in Haiti and I am quite sorry to hear about what happened to you. However as a white male I must take issue with the misdirected blame for the violent crime you went through. I sense that had I or another white male tried to intervene on your behalf you would attack me as an oppressor rather than a liberator of your plight. I sense that you have had a troubled upbringing to come to such a skewed frame of mind and I sincerely hope you see the errors in this way of thinking and that the white men you loathe do not wish for you to become another in a long line of Shannon Christian’s or Amy Biehl.

    Andrew Yeoman

  22. It seems cruel, but people like this deserve mockery, not sympathy. In fact, I believe mockery and ostracization are things White people respond to the most. That is why there are so few open racists – we are mocked and ostracized. We must do to them what they have done to us in the most confident way possible.

    This dumb bitch got what she richly deserved. It is even better that she lived to tell the tale so that we may use her as an example forever more of the liberal buffoon. Next time finish the job, bruthas.

  23. She appears to be a trashy, neurotic woman who grew up in bad conditions, and has mulatto children. It’s not a surprise that she thinks what she does. Arguing against her positions won’t mean much to her, since they’re more a result of her depravity than a reasoned analysis.

  24. Someone ‘finished the job’ on her a long time ago.

    When she’s not feeding the feral negro children roaming the slums of Haiti that the bruthas have created she’s giving her sex to one (or, I suspect more) of the brothas. She’s now been officially turned out. News of this event will spread quickly in the hood, and she’s now available to one and all, for their use as a slut, just like the hood-rats in Newark and Detroit. (‘Hood rat’ is an urban slang term meaning “a promiscuous girl from the ghetto.” )

    Taking her life would be pointless, she will be allowed to wander in hell for as long as she wants, just like crack hos in the hood.

  25. No wonder some white men hate white women.

    She’s totally revolting! I’m mortified she’s white, you know… visually. What decent white man would even want to have a conversation with her? Her rape story reminds me of one on American Renaissance. It was an article about what awakened whites to the reality of blacks and other minorities. One was from a man who stated he was awakened while reading a story about a white couple in DC or Maryland. The woman was raped by the two black thugs but felt that they were decent because they let her get a drink of water during the sexual assault.

    These women are abhorrent.

  26. 36Lady Lurker

    That woman is dumber than a sack of hair!

    She was raped and brutalized by a savage, and not only blames white men, but is afraid that talking about it will make people think bad things about black men? Pathetic.

    She’s obviously completely irrational, exists on a totally emotional level and needs an intervention. However she is so far gone now it’s a lost cause.

    She not only diverts guilt onto White males, but also empathizes with her attacker and feels that being raped by black savages brings her closer to her black sisters. Hey, she wanted to be a part of black culture and now she is, just another statistic, another rape victim in a third-world hellhole.

  27. If she gets HIV no doubt she’ll come begging for the white man’s scientific medicine to prolong her life 20 years so she can keep spreading her message of hatred toward white men. She’s like a metaphor for Israel.

  28. Why don’t these secular missionaries ever go save the Eskimos? Maybe because the Eskimo doesn’t need saving, despite living not in a tropical (one time) paradise, but in the freezing North where a man has to struggle to survive and reproduce? What does that tell you?

  29. Jackson,

    I know where you’re coming from. A trip to Walmart leaves me depressed for hours afterward. A majority of the younger Whites I encounter have in effect become nihilist savages.

    However, how much of this do you think is attributable to television and mass-media entertainment? I hope none of the readers here watch television, but if so, the parallels between what is depicted in media and the fashions that today’s youth ape is apparent.

    Who do you think runs the entertainment industry? You can discover for yourself. Watch a program and note the credits. Rudimentary surname etymology will reveal to you exactly who’s running things.

    Today’s latch key kids spend more time with their televisions than they do with their parents. Our usurious society keeps father /and/ mother working 40+ hours a week and so television has been promoted to the position of parenthood in their absence. It doesn’t matter where your are or what the demographics of your community is, if your parents work you will spend your formative years in front of a television, and so your impressible mind will have been in a moralistic parallel universe for years before maturing. Jewish media educates our young and has done so for some time.


    >Her mind had been raped long before her body was.<

    …I try to be concise when posting but often fall short. Your post said everything that needed to be said on this topic in 10 words. Impressive.

  30. This woman has a very serious case of White Guilt Disorder. In the future, this severe mental illness will be taught in College Psychology courses.

    Scientists are working on a drug called Caucazium to alleviate the symptoms.

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