Amanda Kijera: Liberal Human Rights Activist Raped in Haiti

.. and doesn’t learn a thing … blames White men for Haitian oppression.

We are not your weapons – we are women

By Amanda Kijera, civic journalist and activist in Haiti

Two weeks ago, on a Monday morning, I started to write what I thought was a very clever editorial about violence against women in Haiti. The case, I believed, was being overstated by women’s organizations in need of additional resources. Ever committed to preserving the dignity of Black men in a world which constantly stereotypes them as violent savages, I viewed this writing as yet one more opportunity to fight “the man” on behalf of my brothers. That night, before I could finish the piece, I was held on a rooftop in Haiti and raped repeatedly by one of the very men who I had spent the bulk of my life advocating for.

It hurt. The experience was almost more than I could bear. I begged him to stop. Afraid he would kill me, I pleaded with him to honor my commitment to Haiti, to him as a brother in the mutual struggle for an end to our common oppression, but to no avail. He didn’t care that I was a Malcolm X scholar. (he didn’t see her angel halo, Ed.) He told me to shut up, and then slapped me in the face. Overpowered, I gave up fighting halfway through the night.

Accepting the helplessness of my situation, I chucked aside the Haiti bracelet I had worn so proudly for over a year, along with it, my dreams of human liberation. Someone, I told myself, would always be bigger and stronger than me. As a woman, my place in life had been ascribed from birth. A Chinese proverb says that “women are like the grass, meant to be stepped on.” The thought comforted me at the same time that it made me cringe.

A dangerous thought. Others like it have derailed movements, discouraged consciousness and retarded progress for centuries. To accept it as truth signals the beginning of the end of a person–or community’s–life and ability to self-love. Resignation means inertia, and for the past two weeks I have inhabited its innards. My neighbors here include women from all over the world, but it’s the women of African descent, and particularly Haitian women, who move me to write now.

Truly, I have witnessed as a journalist and human rights advocate the many injustices inflicted upon Black men in this world. The pain, trauma and rage born of exploitation are terrors that I have grappled with every day of my life. They make one want to strike back, to fight rabidly for what is left of their personal dignity in the wake of such things. Black men have every right to the anger they feel in response to their position in the global hierarchy, but their anger is misdirected.

Women are not the source of their oppression; oppressive policies and the as-yet unaddressed white patriarchy which still dominates the global stage are. Because women–and particularly women of color–are forced to bear the brunt of the Black male response to the Black male plight, the international community and those nations who have benefitted from the oppression of colonized peoples have a responsibility to provide women with the protection that they need.


  1. Sad. Making excuses enables him and other “black men” to stay where they are. What of the black men that don’t accept excuses and DO make their way in the world, without mistreating people, raping, spewing hate and blaming others. Disgusting to think so little of other people that one must explain away their pack mentality that most wouldn’t take from a dog.

  2. Stop blaming this on liberals.

    I’m as big of a liberal as you’ll probably encounter. In the true sense of the word “liberal”.

    This woman does not reflect liberalism. She represents a single individual who is batshit insane. Liberals rely heavily on logic – it’s way many of us don’t believe in religious fairy tales. This woman uses no logic, she’s mentally ill, angry, and misguided.

    Don’t blame liberals for her goddamn retardation.

  3. I’ve done a lot of reading, and I’ve discovered that there’s no saving the world. None of it, shit like this really makes me think that we’re destined to plateau as we are for the next thousand years, dumb, hairy, brown, drunk, oversexed. The West is going to die, then the East, then everything else, it’s going to be a hodge podge of race, a grand mulattoization, a growing browning of the world, we’re all going to be swarthy, uglier than we were, driven by lust, porn, dance music. Am I immune? Hell no. I’m not strong. I’m not strong at all. I’m weak and I envy those that are strong enough to see the absolute truth. Tomorrow I can walk away from White Nationalism, get married to a Chinese woman that’ll please me sexually and shut up when I tell her to, but if an army of Aryans came from the sky the next day and started killing everyone on the planet I would always know why. I may not be strong enough for it but National Socialism is the strongest political ideology I’ve ever set eyes on. If you want it, go and get it! Hail Kalki!

  4. Her facebook pages says:

    “On January 12, 2010 my life changed irrevocably.

    Praying for Redemption.”

    I think she caught the HIV.

    Darwin Award!

  5. Liberals rely heavily on logic – it’s way many of us don’t believe in religious fairy tales. This woman uses no logic, she’s mentally ill, angry, and misguided.

    Don’t blame liberals for her goddamn retardation.

    The logic that you rely so heavily on could use some work. You’re committing the No True Scotsman fallacy.

    Liberals rely heavily on logic – it’s way many of us don’t believe in religious fairy tales.

    You replace religious fairy tales with political fairy tales like multiculturalism.

  6. This is the first article i’ve read by Amanda Kijera, and judging by the content of it, hopefully also the last one. I’m no journalist, i haven’t studied at any university (yet), and i’m only 18 years old. But still, i cannot understand how the most vicious and evil of all crimes, can be explained and excused because the perpatraitors skin is darker than a caucasians?

    Explaining and excusing the act of rape as a side-effect of White imperialism is simply wrong, awful and also very racist towards both the white and black community.

    Amanda Kijera, you are a racist.
    I will happily respond to any emails.

    // Andreas Emanuelsson

  7. this is so surrealistic :O

    maybe she has watch “seventh heaven” too much.
    man, you can’t find words how sick this conclusion of hers is..

  8. White Liberals never learn and then they die.

    I believe White Liberals are *the* greatest threat to the survival of the European peoples and we must not allow them to drag us down with them. We must cut ties with these people and banish them from all White countries forever.

  9. This woman does not reflect liberalism. She represents a single individual who is batshit insane. Liberals rely heavily on logic – it’s way many of us don’t believe in religious fairy tales. This woman uses no logic, she’s mentally ill, angry, and misguided.

    Don’t blame liberals for her goddamn retardation.

    Erm, please define “liberal” as you’re using it, and provide some current examples. Because in my experience the kind of “liberal” you’re alluding to (the kind that relies “heavily on logic”) is about as common as unicorns.

  10. When people say “liberal,” they’re referring to a sort that has roughly zero reliance on logic. Liberals rely on their narrative, and the only logic is that of “who? Whom?”

  11. She got what she deserved. End of story.

    The woman’s obviously mentally ill. I don’t think deranged people deserve harm or harsh treatment.

  12. Hmm, I may have stumbled on to something here. Liberalism is composed of two main parts, the narrative, and the underlying “who? Whom?” logic. The narrative is for the useful idiots. “Who? Whom?” is for the active ingredients. This is a big part of why I think non-gentiles, as the majority of the active ingredient of liberalism, are so much more dangerous than European useful idiots. Useful idiots don’t understand the underlying logic, active ingredients do. They’re the brains of liberalism and control the narrative.

  13. She’s representative. If we saw her in the street being pummeled by a black man she’d be yeling at us: “I HATE you!” She is a monster, created by evil, perfected in her hate of whites.

  14. This woman is typical of the modern liberal white woman who heaps opprobrium on white men but venerates black men. It’s just too bad the savage negro rapist didn’t throw her off the roof to put her out of her misery and to spare us another brainwashed fool of a white woman.

  15. Maybe I should stop calling it liberalism. Not because of Neil’s objections (No True Scotsman, funny, never heard that one before; funny how “Scot” so often replaces “Jew” in certain contexts – “cheap” has become the domain of Scots, rather than non-gentiles, and I’ve heard the “not real Jews” many, many times to excuse the non-gentile predominance in Bolshevism), but because for a variety of reasons.

    Maybe “progressivism” and “progressives” would work better. Cancer is “progressive,” after all.

  16. This woman is typical of the modern liberal white woman who heaps opprobrium on white men but venerates black men. It’s just too bad the savage negro rapist didn’t throw her off the roof to put her out of her misery and to spare us another brainwashed fool of a white woman.

    But the thing to remember is that this is a white tribal thing. She’s trying to keep her white tribal SWPL bona-fides by snatching victory from the jaws of defeat; she can’t blame black men because that would result in SWPL excommunication.

    And she’s right, in a roundabout way – white men aren’t protecting their women from non-white predation, so she’s pointing the finger in the right place, even if it is for obviously wrong reasons.

  17. #70:

    She got what she deserved. End of story.

    Consider that she may actually have attained what she was seeking to begin with:

    From some inhumane European Romanticist music discussion:

    Indeed. Maybe there is more at work. Maybe she sets up risky scenarios in life where the probability that a male will harm her is unusually high. She can then socially justify her misandry (and be the recipient of sympathies) should the gamble pay off. Her history as a prostitute supports this. Are we witnessing narcissism as well? This broken animal is indirectly, by using others, seeking out what for her First World society and social class, are rather unusual ways to harm herself, then making herself the object of attention and pity in the aftermath.

  18. This woman is not even remotely like a typical white woman or a typical liberal white woman. She frequently ran away from home as a teenager, used to be a prostitute, and has mulatto children.

    She is a sick, defective aberration. There will always be a few defectives in every society and population. White nationalists should stop acting as though disturbed individuals like this one are representative of the average white person.

  19. I bet you her last name is really ‘Bernstein.’

    I love it! The Jew anti-Western guilt game has gone so far that now the angry coloureds have been calling Jews white for so long now that they can’t get away with pulling the Jew card anymore, and Jews and Jewesses are convinced that they’re White! Keep it up you fucking retards!

  20. “But the thing to remember is that this is a white tribal thing. She’s trying to keep her white tribal SWPL bona-fides by snatching victory from the jaws of defeat; she can’t blame black men because that would result in SWPL excommunication.”

    That’s right. The Woman is locked in a cage, and some people here are blaming her instead of the people who built the cage and guard the door.

    “And she’s right, in a roundabout way – white men aren’t protecting their women from non-white predation, so she’s pointing the finger in the right place, even if it is for obviously wrong reasons.”

    Yeah but it was the Supreme Court and the Liberals who did so much to stop us from protecting them.

    Also the Feminists sure didn’t help matters with their “Female Liberatation”.

    In the old days a White Woman would spend most of her time under the protection and guidance of a White Man, either her Father or Husband.

    But then the Feminists brayed that “Women aren’t anyone’s property” and those protections began to fall away.

  21. “White nationalists should stop acting as though disturbed individuals like this one are representative of the average white person.”


    The rhetoric she used in the article didn’t just come from nowhere, or from the voices in her head.

    It’s creepily similar to the Rhetoric used by typical true believer White Liberals.

    There HAVE to be a lot of Liberal White Women out there getting Raped by Blacks, but have you heard of a single one who complained about it?

    Have you heard of a single one that stopped being a Liberal because of it?

    Maybe they don’t go as far as Amanda Kijera did in her article, but they’re covering for Black Male Evil just the same…

  22. “Cancer is “progressive,” after all.”

    And recovery is progressive, as well.

    My comment was made, not to be a ‘smart aleck.’ I only want to make the point that “progressive” can be a term entailing a positive connotation. We should not let our enemies hold a monopoly on that term; especially as we are the ones demanding reform. They are the ones upholding the status quo.

  23. “And she’s right, in a roundabout way – white men aren’t protecting their women from non-white predation, so she’s pointing the finger in the right place, even if it is for obviously wrong reasons.”

    And of course, we White men are forbidden from properly defending our women.

  24. Hopefully she can put on her white angel wings and fly to other garbage dumps of the world to help save some more dark-skinned natives as well. Alas, the work of, “Super-Whity” is never done.

    She’s a sicko. To marry a White man settle down and apply her energies to raising her own children is outside the realm of possibility to her. That would be “oppression” you know.

  25. Hey, women wanted equal rights and wanted to crush men underfoot, as well as blaming us for everything wrong in the world, so they mustn’t expect us to protect them when they find out why we did what we did. Hopefully she will have contracted AIDS out of all this.

  26. But the thing to remember is that this is a white tribal thing. She’s trying to keep her white tribal SWPL bona-fides by snatching victory from the jaws of defeat; she can’t blame black men because that would result in SWPL excommunication. – Svigor

    Right again, Svig!

    I think this excerpt from Steve Sailer describes oh so nicely the “REAL” motivations of these White traitors in their hateful proclamations for “love” and “equality” with the dark races –

    White anti-white racism is a broadly fashionable attitude that extends far beyond loonies like Ignatiev. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen it formally explained, although Tom Wolfe’s novels show it in action.

    The usual explanations of what drives whites like Ignatiev are “white guilt” or “self-loathing.” But does Ignatiev appear as if he personally feels guilt or self-loathing?

    No—he sounds like he’s having the time of his life arguing that you should feel guilt etc. He comes across as an arrogant, hostile jerk who thinks the world of himself.

    He wants to feel that he’s better than other whites and to rub their faces in it. The bad guys in his book are Irish Catholics and Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Ignatiev himself is neither.

    And this is typical, in my experience: whites who proclaim their anti-white feelings don’t really care much about blacks or other minorities, pro or con. What they care about is achieving social superiority over other whites by demonstrating their exquisite racial sensitivity and their aristocratic insouciance about any competitive threats posed by racial preferences.

    To these whites, minorities are just useful pawns in the great game of clawing your way to the top of the white status heap. Which, when you come right down to it, is the only game in town. …

  27. Cases like this demonstrate the white race is anything but supreme. No other race’s women are this depraved. I don’t care about her being abused, or jewish or liberal control of the media. Nothing, NOTHING short of weak genes excuses the extreme masochistic sickness and retardation of white defectives like this who are all too frequently found within the white gene pool.

  28. Guest Lurker #136 is a perfect example of what I was talking about, generalizing about whites in general based on a few defectives.

  29. “I don’t care about her being abused, or jewish or liberal control of the media.”

    If she’s Jewish that means she’s Middle Eastern Caucasian, and not White.

    Therefore for you not to care about whether she’s Jewish is bat guano insane. If she is Jewish, by your overgeneralizing logic you should be going off on how Middle Eastern Caucasians (or at least Jews) are inferior, not Whites.

    “Nothing, NOTHING short of weak genes excuses the extreme masochistic sickness and retardation…”

    Even if she is retarded, all races produce a certain percentage of retards.

    And actually, Whites are far less likely to be retarded than most other Non-White groups.

  30. “Therefore for you not to care about whether she’s Jewish is bat guano insane.”

    That’s not what I meant. I was referring to jew-controlled media.

    “And actually, Whites are far less likely to be retarded than most other Non-White groups.”

    Whites produce more retards than northeast Asians. But my point stands. No other race is this racially masochistic.

  31. Christianity by itself might have been okay, and Monogamy by itself possibly could’ve been okay.

    But combining the two bred the Masculinity out of White Men, paving the way for Feminists and sniveling Jews to take over.

  32. “And actually, Whites are far less likely to be retarded than most other Non-White groups.”

    Whites produce more retards than northeast Asians.

    This is a laughable rebuttal of Reginald’s statement, Guest Lurker. I have bolded an important word for you.

  33. “This is a laughable rebuttal of Reginald’s statement, Guest Lurker. I have bolded an important word for you.”

    The point is, there are other quality peoples on this planet who have many of our strengths, but not as many of our weaknesses. But if you’d rather obsess like a pedant over semantics, knock yourself out genius.

  34. Guest Lurker,
    Don’t think of it as a defect. Think of it as an intense capacity for altruism that has been disastrously misdirected.

    You can try to pretend like we’re working through complex issues and contemporary events, but some of us have the clarity and focus to recognize what it all really boils down to: our monomaniacal desire to sleep with more than one lady without all the stress and hassle of adultery.

  35. Kijera is not typical and it does us no good to pretend otherwise. It’s true that she is not *alone* in her racial masochism, but that is a far cry from saying that her case is typical or somehow representative of whites, white women, or even white liberals. The fact that we’re even having this conversation is proof that she’s not typical. This is an “Exception that proves the rule” case. Kijera is exceptional to have generated a blog post from Kievsky as well as over 150 comments as of this writing. Kijera’s article has generated so much discussion here precisely because it’s so unusual.

    We should be emphasizing the uniqueness of her story and her tragic upbringing as a way of emphasizing how strange and disgusting her position on race is. It’s better for our cause to make her seem like an isolated freak than a representative case, and it’s closer to the truth to boot.

  36. I agree with Gussie Fink-Nottle. Liberalism may be a mental illness. But this woman’s mental illness is on a whole new level. From some of the other comments it would appear she has been physically, emotionally and sexually abused as a child. I’m thinking her mental illness stems from that. She even says that she sees her past traumas in the abuse that black women suffer at the hands of black men. And in a way that’s true. But she’s just too messed up to realize that black men who abuse others aren’t victims like herself but abusers like the ones who abused her growing up.

  37. #126. Well said in a lot of ways. Rape victims have a well known tendency to relive the same ordeal over and over, in incidents that are unrelated. (It terrifies me, having been raped once.)

    I’m not saying that rape victims are to blame when they are repeatedly raped. But they tend to get trapped in victimhood and rapists are very quick to pick up the victim mentality. Most rape survivors regard firearms for self defense as vermin, which just goes to show that they will do very little to protect themselves from future assaults.

    It becomes narcissistic in some cases, because the victim believes she/he was responsible for being raped and should be punished by being raped again. I don’t think Kijera was looking to be raped in Haiti just to get attention though. Her crusade for black Haitians and the article she wrote about her rape, however, is attention seeking because there is nothing sincere about it.

    I truly pity the woman, given her history of past abuse. It’s tragic. A part of me wishes that I could protect her. But her rape, which should have been a very private matter, has been made a political issue and I fear that it’s just another form of narcissism to publicize the story. She will be very hurt when she faces the responses to her article.

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