.. and doesn’t learn a thing … blames White men for Haitian oppression.
We are not your weapons – we are women
By Amanda Kijera, civic journalist and activist in Haiti
Two weeks ago, on a Monday morning, I started to write what I thought was a very clever editorial about violence against women in Haiti. The case, I believed, was being overstated by women’s organizations in need of additional resources. Ever committed to preserving the dignity of Black men in a world which constantly stereotypes them as violent savages, I viewed this writing as yet one more opportunity to fight “the man” on behalf of my brothers. That night, before I could finish the piece, I was held on a rooftop in Haiti and raped repeatedly by one of the very men who I had spent the bulk of my life advocating for.
It hurt. The experience was almost more than I could bear. I begged him to stop. Afraid he would kill me, I pleaded with him to honor my commitment to Haiti, to him as a brother in the mutual struggle for an end to our common oppression, but to no avail. He didn’t care that I was a Malcolm X scholar. (he didn’t see her angel halo, Ed.) He told me to shut up, and then slapped me in the face. Overpowered, I gave up fighting halfway through the night.
Accepting the helplessness of my situation, I chucked aside the Haiti bracelet I had worn so proudly for over a year, along with it, my dreams of human liberation. Someone, I told myself, would always be bigger and stronger than me. As a woman, my place in life had been ascribed from birth. A Chinese proverb says that “women are like the grass, meant to be stepped on.” The thought comforted me at the same time that it made me cringe.
A dangerous thought. Others like it have derailed movements, discouraged consciousness and retarded progress for centuries. To accept it as truth signals the beginning of the end of a person–or community’s–life and ability to self-love. Resignation means inertia, and for the past two weeks I have inhabited its innards. My neighbors here include women from all over the world, but it’s the women of African descent, and particularly Haitian women, who move me to write now.
Truly, I have witnessed as a journalist and human rights advocate the many injustices inflicted upon Black men in this world. The pain, trauma and rage born of exploitation are terrors that I have grappled with every day of my life. They make one want to strike back, to fight rabidly for what is left of their personal dignity in the wake of such things. Black men have every right to the anger they feel in response to their position in the global hierarchy, but their anger is misdirected.
Women are not the source of their oppression; oppressive policies and the as-yet unaddressed white patriarchy which still dominates the global stage are. Because women–and particularly women of color–are forced to bear the brunt of the Black male response to the Black male plight, the international community and those nations who have benefitted from the oppression of colonized peoples have a responsibility to provide women with the protection that they need.
White women are the number one enemies of the white race. This is just more proof to that fact.
This was the most retarded thing I´ve ever read. Sie sollten in Konzentrationslager geschickt werden schmutzige schweinhund.
In all seriousness, this woman is mentally ill. This is the result of the brainwashing that is done in the public school and university system for the last 40 years, especially since the 1990’s. Not a day goes by that my son doesn’t come home with some multicultural horror story. One of his teachers took up two class periods to show the movie “The Blind Side”. I removed my son from school prior to that class period both days. He knows more about Tookie Williams, Michael King, and Maya Angelo than he does, Davey Crocket, George Custer, and Paul Revere. In fact, If I don’t educate about great White male historical figures, he would never hear about them. I canceled our cable t.v. two years ago and have never regretted it. If you haven’t done the same, then don’t complain. This a war people, and this young woman is just one of the casualties. No one deserves to be raped, even brainwashed liberals, but I have to wonder why this woman rejected this Haitians advances in the first place, it certainly couldn’t be because she is racist.
I’m glad you got raped. You stupid n1gger loving whore.
You’re a retarded lemming who buys into all that multicultural “they’re just like us” tarp.
N1ggers ARE violent savages. Why do you think the stereotype exists? Stereotypes don’t exist for no reason.
It seems you haven’t learned a thing. Keep blaming “the man.” Keep blaming whitey. It’ll do you nor them any good.
It would’ve been cool if he killed you. Then we wouldn’t have to deal with your retarded monkey ass.
And the earthquake in Haiti was funny. Dead n1ggers LOL.
this is the worst case of white guilt i have ever heard of. stupid cunt.
In college I was an acquaintance with a 20-something White female who took some of the same classes in linguistics that I did. She was intelligent, fairly attractive, and very liberal. Well, I graduated before her, and then I later on I heard through the grapevine that she took a trip to Nigeria for study abroad college credit which involved some kind of series of conferences to help Nigerians with development or the environment or something.
So she went to Nigeria, and all was apparently well for a week or so. Then one night she was out drinking and partying, and three Nigerian Blacks robbed her at gunpoint and then also gang-raped her at after they were done robbing her. The Nigerian police and various U.S. law enforcement agencies investigated the case but I don’t think they ever found the robbers/rapists.
She is still very liberal and against “racism.” No doubt she, like this Kijera freak, still blames “racist” White men for the criminality of feral Black savages. She is nearing 30 now and remains unmarried, childless, underemployed, and is still a strongly liberal feminist and “anti-racist.” However, I hear that she remains very scarred by the gang-rape and has become something of a shut-in, and she now strongly distrusts men of all races (not just Blacks). Despite her high IQ, she still doesn’t have the intelligence to understand the reality of race-realism. Yet another decent White shattered by the horrors of liberal “anti-racist” idiocy, her idealism robbed and raped out of her by a savage pack of Nigerian niggers. What a shame.
“Too many years of Monogamy and Christianity will do that to you.”
“our monomaniacal desire to sleep with more than one lady without all the stress and hassle of adultery.”
This site has completely changed my understand of and views on polygamy. Now I support it, and I have also convinced one other person (a woman) that polygamy is a good thing and another woman that it’s not such a bad thing. I just asked them to compare their own personal situations versus a polygamist alternative, and they were both surprisingly open to the idea. As a life long serial monogamist, I readily appreciate the moral and practical advantages of marriage-oriented polygamy.
It might be finally watching Big Love though.
I’m surprised she didn’t just propose to the rapist after he was done humiliating her. The vast evil sickness of Liberalism and Cultural Marxism never cease to amaze me.
By making cowardly excuses and shamelessly transferring blame, this woman is just as bad as the rapist. More women will be raped because of her moral cowardice and her sinister worldview.
Her nasty corrupted words knocked the breath out of me.
Veni Vidi Dixi:” I readily appreciate the moral and practical advantages of marriage-oriented polygamy.”
What’s so moral and practical about denying our own healthy White soldiers from getting married?
Women are fucking retarded. And White women wonder why their men are all going to gooks. The truth is these women would probably act the same way when presented with the nigger plight and made to feel sympathy for it. Fucking Jews, seriously, remove them both from the planet and I’ll sleep like a baby tonight.
I agree with the others that commenters ought not to bring their pet causes and beliefs – such as polygamy – on to this website too much. There are a lot (and an increasing) number of lurkers and readers here, good normal White people, and some of them are probably turned away when they read a constant stream of comments by Reginald and others promoting the benefits of polygamy. If Reginald or others wants to daily or hourly discuss the pros and cons of polygamy they ought to start a pro-polygamy blog and do it there – something like http://www.pro-polygamy.wordpress.com or whatever. But to do it here incessantly is a sure way to turn away many potential readers, commenters, and converts to pro-White racialism. This is a racialist website, not one which is focused on gender, sexuality, marriage, sociology, etc — thus our primary concern here should be race and racially awakening as many Whites as we can. I am all about free and open discussion, but to go off on these wild and bizarre tangents is sure to turn many normal Whites away and also provide ammunition for our Jewish, liberal, and non-White enemies – as when that Imm freak linked to the recent post here about rescinding female suffrage, I remember the entry on Imm’s website said something like “White nationalists want to revoke the right of females to vote.” Stuff like that is just shooting ourselves in the foot and marginalizing us further, which we don’t need. Racialism is controversial enough without dragging in a lot of other overly controversial topics.
I too have my pet causes, such as wanting to build a glorious pro-White/pro-eugenics agrarian and pastoral-oriented eco-ethnostate that’ll be so environmentally sustainable it’ll last in to perpetuity and constantly expand until Whites completely take over the most ecologically desirable areas of the Earth, yet I do not drone on and on about that here as I prefer to stick to the matters at hand, namely expounding upon the realities of race and waking up more Whites to the worse and still deepening long-term racial crisis which faces us. Myself and others could go on and on about other things like constantly bashing the negatives of Christianity, colonizing the Moon, Mars, etc with Whites, breeding a White uber-race via strict eugenics, etc — but right now that is all so fantastical that it is pointless and absurd to discuss on a website that is serious about promoting the cause of White racial and cultural preservation. Right now we must be geared strictly toward reality and empiricism, which means racially waking up as many Whites as possible in a more subdued, rational, mostly non-controversial way. That is what we need to focus on, not on polygamy or eugenics or eco-ethnostates or Mars colonization or anything else.
All of that being said, Herr Schopenhauer once expounded on some of the benefits of polygamy in his short essay “of Women”:
VVD @ 161
Thanks for the feedback.
“Women are fucking retarded. And White women wonder why their men are all going to gooks.”
IQ on women is just a waste of IQ points. Recall the case recently where the French slut moved to Africa to marry her Masai tribal lover and live in a mud hut village. She too was allegedly “gifted”.
@165, blacks have no right whatsoever to ever go into space. None.
I agree with the others that commenters ought not to bring their pet causes and beliefs – such as polygamy – on to this website too much. There are a lot (and an increasing) number of lurkers and readers here, good normal White people, and some of them are probably turned away when they read a constant stream of comments by Reginald and others promoting the benefits of polygamy. If Reginald or others wants to daily or hourly discuss the pros and cons of polygamy they ought to start a pro-polygamy blog and do it there – something like http://www.pro-polygamy.wordpress.com or whatever. But to do it here incessantly is a sure way to turn away many potential readers, commenters, and converts to pro-White racialism. This is a racialist website, not one which is focused on gender, sexuality, marriage, sociology, etc — thus our primary concern here should be race and racially awakening as many Whites as we can. … – White Preservationist
I completely agree with this call from WP.
Reginald, your a good commenter here, but you really have to stop riding your personal hobby horse into each and every thread discussion that even remotely mentions sex, dating or ‘romance’.
You are coming across as obsessive and, in the context of what White Preservationist mentions in respect to the outside image of this blog, very selfish. You can blog on this matter at the link he provided you, or post on it every day if you wish at your own blog.
Please though, not here anymore, since that issue has become a complete dead horse, which doesn’t need beating anymore.
167 Guest Lurker
IQ on women is just a waste of IQ points.
In this comment in which you spoke positively of mixture between whites and Asians and praised “intelligent Asian women,” you certainly didn’t think intelligence in women was useless.
“…Perhaps it’s the Asians who feel contaminated by us?”
Oh brother, here we go again.
Oh yeah, the Orientals surely feel “contaminated” by us! –
What Japanese women want: a Western husband / The Christian Science Monitor – CSMonitor.com
Tell and try to sell us another load of Pee Cee miscegenation propaganda. However, try to be a bit more creative, next-time.
MGLS #170,
Brother – Thank you so much for doing that research!
I remember the entry on Imm’s website said something like “White nationalists want to revoke the right of females to vote.” Stuff like that is just shooting ourselves in the foot and marginalizing us further, which we don’t need.
Even though I agree that womens suffrage has been a disaster, I also agree that the topic is too divisive right now amongst our people.
The main event that we can all agree on is our racial preservation and shutting off our replacement via immigration. Anyone who praises our replacement by other races (Asians included) is our main enemy, no exceptions.
“In this comment in which you spoke positively of mixture between whites and Asians and praised “intelligent Asian women,” you certainly didn’t think intelligence in women was useless.”
Firstly, I never spoke “positively” about mixture, as in promoting race-mixing. Every sub-species pursues its evolutionary imperative.
As to the rest of the paragraph you quoted, if you read it again carefully, you would be correct to extrapolate that I don’t think I.Q. points are as wasted on Asian women as they are on white women, given each group’s mating proclivities. You’re obviously someone for whom things need to be spelled out for. So tell me, are you the self-appointed forum policeman who obsesses over posters who have the temerity to believe other races might actually have some advantages over us in key areas?
She brings politics and Neo Marxist ideology into the equation when the only thing that took place was that a savage black man wanted some white pussy.
She is the perfect candidate for a mental institution.
You can complain all you want about how I am being pedantic, but you are the one whose thinking and reasoning are shoddy.
Questions of superiority and inferiority are by and large irrelevant to the case for racial preservation. If Asians or other groups are superior to whites in some respects, so be it.
Perhaps I am obtuse, but I fail to see what point there is to your comments about the advantages of Asians, Asians being “higher on the evolutionary scale” than whites, the “psycho-sexual submissive deviance” of whites, “white men [who] take their wives to swingers’ clubs and watch them get gangbanged by mandingos,” the depravity of white women (and Northern European women in particular), the claims you read about consumers of interracial pornography in the course of your “online research” about the damaged women in the pornography industry, and musing about “whether whites really are just genetically defective mutants like the niggers say we are.” (If anyone wants, I can provide links to those quotes.)
An excellent post regarding people who obsess about the supposed rampant miscegenation and depravity of Northern European women
“You can complain all you want about how I am being pedantic, but you are the one whose thinking and reasoning are shoddy.”
No, you’re just not the sharpest knife in the drawer and either miss nuances and take everything overly literally, or you resort to playing semantic word games. You did the same thing yesterday. I called you on it, and it obviously bruised your fragile girlish ego, hence your continued pathetic knit-picking. Get a life.
“Questions of superiority and inferiority are by and large irrelevant to the case for racial preservation. If Asians or other groups are superior to whites in some respects, so be it.”
Did I ever say anything different? I challenge you to point out where I did.
White men who seek out Oriental women are nerds, and lower in the evolutionary scale than other White men — yet, as the article I quoted above regarding Japanese women (the top women of Asia, nonetheless) seeking out ‘Western’ husbands points out, Asian women still wants these White rejects anyway.
Now, who really is the ‘superior race’ after all…, hmm?!?
Did I ever say anything different? I challenge you to point out where I did.
I never claimed you said anything different.
Hunter, I personally feel that some moderation is required here. There seems to be an increasing crowd of misogynists (emotionally crippled WNs and enemy trolls, I suspect). These individuals do nothing but poison the discourse and scare away large groups of curious newcomers, I believe. Since we agree that there are no “natural rights” *evil grin* I would humbly suggest that you put you foot down.
MGLS # 180: I’m not getting into the actual debate here, but LOL @:
No, you’re just not the sharpest knife in the drawer and either miss nuances and take everything overly literally, or you resort to playing semantic word games. You did the same thing yesterday. I called you on it, and it obviously bruised your fragile girlish ego, hence your continued pathetic knit-picking. Get a life.
A more accurate summary of this exchange is that you are unable to handle having your errors corrected, so you tell me to “Get a life,” and you dismiss my responses as “knit-picking” and being a “pedant.”
Semi-White swarthoids hope Nordish women are willing to miscegenate so they can get one.
Jews like Half Sigma use Mediterraneans as their “shoe in the door” to Whiteness. “Hey look, Greeks are swarthier than us Jews, and we’re smart, so we’re White too!”
We’ve had an influx of people from other sites. I agree the moderation needs to get better. I’ve let through most of the comments.
“NAM” gives Asians a pass, as if they’re part of our in-group and the other darkies aren’t. The “HBD community” who created the term evoke images of nerdy, beta white males with taped coke-bottle glasses who are socially retarded, dress like dorks, and have obnoxious laughs. Who because of their lack of masculinity seek out alien Asians to miscegenate with. – Mark
Jews like Half Sigma use Mediterraneans as their “shoe in the door” to Whiteness. “Hey look, Greeks are swarthier than us Jews, and we’re smart, so we’re White too!” – Mark
Speaking of HBD — and miscegenation-encouraging “revenge of the nerds” — did any of you see this one from Half(ie)Sigma –
Degenerates all ;}
“You can blog on this matter at the link he provided you, or post on it every day if you wish at your own blog.”
I had to bring up legally enforced Monogamy to explain one of the central reasons Whites became too Racially Masochistic.
I wanted to make clear to Guest Lurker that it isn’t something inherent to Whites that is defective, but rather a recent cultural imposition that has had a negative effect on White genetics that will almost certainly be temporary.
Someone like Amanda Kijera happened because White Men lost control of discourse, and White Men lost control of discourse because a combination of Christianity and Monogamy turned too many of us into feminized weaklings.
In none of the Pre-Christian Religions of Europe were feminine traits exalted as the Human Ideal in the way they so frequently are in Christianity.
In none of the Pre-Christian Religions of Europe was Male Virility so utterly dumped on that you had religious leaders audaciously whispering into Men’s ears that it would be better even for superior Men to die virgins.
Paul was doubtlessly far smarter and vigorous than the average Man of his time, and guess what he did?
He selfishly refused to pass his genes on to the next generation, instead crowing about how by avoiding marriage he avoided a “burden”.
But when Male Vigor fails to be translated into a serious male reproductive advantage, the genetic emasculation of Men cannot fail to eventually follow.
It was the harsh struggle to reproduce that made Men into Men, and once you replace struggle with a girly game with no major winners or losers, the very source of Male Vitality will leave the Men of the race.
And just as the Dodo lost the ability to fly because there were no predators on the cursed island they found themselves on, Men will loss their Masculinity and become more like Women for the lack of the thing that made their ancestors Men in the first place.
Just as Jews dominate libertarianism, Jews also dominate HBD:
Doesn’t surprise me at all.
“I agree the moderation needs to get better. I’ve let through most of the comments.”
I remember one brotha who was looking at decades of Federal time once told me that there is a distinction between “pimpin'” proper, or ‘game’, and “gorilla pimpin'”, which is what I assume the nigger who raped Kijera was utilizing – “gorilla pimpin'”.
Johnny at @168:
blacks have no right whatsoever to ever go into space. None.
But they were their first!! I can’t believe you haven’t heard of the Old Negro Space Program
(Obviously a joke, but a great one because it perfectly skewers about 1/4 of the stories you hear on NPR. A nice piece to share with the non-aware, to move them along)
I remember one brotha who was looking at decades of Federal time
Why in God’s name were you in contact and conversing with one of these creatures?
In none of the Pre-Christian Religions of Europe were feminine traits exalted as the Human Ideal in the way they so frequently are in Christianity.
I don’t fully agree with this (re: Christianity idealizing ‘feminine traits’); and completely disagree with the supposedly ‘bad brew’ of ‘Christianity and monogamy’; but I do understand, and respect, your point-of-view on this matter.
Still, however, let’s try not to bring polygamy into every thread discussion possible.
Thanks for the response, Reg,
-Deutscher Landser
‘A more accurate summary of this exchange is that you are unable to handle having your errors corrected, so you tell me to “Get a life,” and you dismiss my responses as “knit-picking” and being a “pedant.”’
Nope. What’s accurate is that you started today’s knit-picking about a hyperbolic statement I made regarding female I.Q., which because of your lack of intellectual subtlety took, in your typical manner, totally literally. Look it up: H-Y-P-E-R-B-O-L-E. Anybody reading that would have understood this, except you, which is why you undertook to respond seriously and literally to a clearly hyperbolic statement . Like I said, not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
“What’s accurate is that you started today’s knit-picking about a hyperbolic statement I made…”
He mispelled it again.
“Like I said, not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Oh really?
“Now, who really is the ’superior race’ after all…, hmm?!?”
Woman’s sexual whims are the ultimate gauge of superiority? Then by that narrow standard, blacks are superior to Asians, because many more White Women are attracted to black males than to Asians.
“Jews like Half Sigma use Mediterraneans as their ‘shoe in the door’ to Whiteness. ‘Hey look, Greeks are swarthier than us Jews, and we’re smart, so we’re White too!'”
If you weren’t profoundly unbalanced in your obsession with skin color to the exclusion of other hereditary traits, you’d realize that Greeks are much closer genetically to other White groups than Jews are.
The Genetic Distance (Fst) between Germans and Greeks is only 0.0039, but in contrast the Genetic Distance between Germans and Ashkenazi Jews is 0.0072!
That means Greeks are twice as close to you Nordics than even the least Middle Eastern of Jews are.
And this applies even moreso to Italians and the Spanish, the other two Mediteranean groups recently studied.
Germans and Italians are only 0.0029 apart, but Germans and Ashkenazi Jews are 0.0072 apart.
That means Italians are Two and a Half times closer to Germans than to Ashkenazi Jews, in spite of this study almost entirely looking at Americans of Southern Italians descent.
Germans and Spaniards are a mere 0.0015 apart, but Germans and Ashkenazi Jews are 0.0072 apart.
That means Spaniards are 4.8 Time Closer to Germans than they are to Ashkenazi Jews!
This just in!
Germans are 2.9 Times closer to the average swarthy Med than they are to Russians!!
Germans/Spaniards Fst = 0.0015
Germans/Greeks Fst = 0.0039
Germans/Italians Fst = 0.0029
Germans/Russians Fst = 0.0079
Are you the one who was open to immigration from Russia?
What a hypocrite.
Of course you could define the word White in such a way as to exclude Greeks, I suppose.
But two points:
1. This is obviously in no way needed to maintain the distinction between Jews and Whites.
2. You’d also have to exclude every last Russian from being White as well.
I don’t see how this data goes against Nordish Preservationism.
And it’s legitimate to take aesthetics into consideration in this case.
Also, Med genes are dominant, whereas Nordish ones are recessive. Mixing with Meds means Nordish phenotypes are dominated and don’t get expressed, while mixing with Russians may still allow the recessive Nordish phenotypes to be expressed.
Woman’s sexual whims are the ultimate gauge of superiority? Then by that narrow standard, blacks are superior to Asians, because many more White Women are attracted to black males than to Asians. – G.L.
I think you are missing the point, Guest.
For one thing, you are overlooking the elemental role of the male in pursuing and seeking out the company of the female — especially Black males, who are virtually always the pursuers of the White female, not the other way around — all Talmudvision fantasies aside.
Regarding Asian females, and as I said before, it is often the ‘beta’ White guys that pursue their company as well, although with a great caveat: As the article I posted on Japanese women seeking out ‘Western’ (White) husbands demonstrates, it is a virtual cottage industry among a very appreciable number of Oriental women to pro-actively seek out the company of White men — even spending ample sums of money in the process.
I don’t know of any women, of any other race, that does such strange things, especially if they really believe that they are part of a ‘superior’ race, tribe or nation — as we are always told by the HBD/’race realist’ crowd how highly “East’ Asians” supposedly think of themselves.
If you weren’t profoundly unbalanced in your obsession with skin color to the exclusion of other hereditary traits, you’d realize that Greeks are much closer genetically to other White groups than Jews are.
The Genetic Distance (Fst) between Germans and Greeks is only 0.0039, but in contrast the Genetic Distance between Germans and Ashkenazi Jews is 0.0072!
That means Greeks are twice as close to you Nordics than even the least Middle Eastern of Jews are.
So what?
The genetic distance between Bedouins and Germans is more than twice that between Jews and Germans. That does not make Jews part of my racial ingroup. According to Cavalli-Sforza, the genetic distance between English and Bantus is more than twice the distance between English and Koreans. That does not make Koreans part of my racial ingroup.
Germans/Russians Fst = 0.0079
The table you are using gives 0.0037 as the German/Russian distance.
Other interesting distances from that table:
Swedish/German: 0.0007
Swedish/Italian: 0.0064
Swedish/Greek: 0.0084
Swedish/Jewish: 0.0120
“We computed FST statistics between clusters 1 (mostly NW [northwestern European]), 2 (mostly SE [southeast European]) and 3 (mostly AJ [Ashkenazi Jewish]), restricting our analysis to individuals unambiguously located in the center of each cluster (Figure 2). We obtained FST(1,2) = 0.005, FST(2,3) = 0.004 and FST(1,3) = 0.009.”
Thus the genetic distance between Southern Europeans and Jews is less than the genetic distance between Southern Europeans and Northern Europeans.
Also, Med genes are dominant, whereas Nordish ones are recessive. Mixing with Meds means Nordish phenotypes are dominated and don’t get expressed, while mixing with Russians may still allow the recessive Nordish phenotypes to be expressed.
There’s the first mistake right there – assuming that most Russians are supposedly Nordic, um ‘Nordish’.
I don’t know why so many of you have these fantasies of Russians like they are all a country of Ivan Drago’s or something… but let me tell you, they are essentially not.
This woman is completely insane.