Virginia: 12th Annual Celtic Festival

OD returns with boots on the ground …

I spent the afternoon with H. Rock White and Pip Pockets on a scouting mission deep into the region which I have begun to refer to as the “Southern Homeland.” We were attracted to the small town of Big Island, VA by an advertisement we heard on the radio about the Sedalia Center’s 12th Annual Celtic Festival.

It seemed like a good occasion to mingle with wholesome Anglo-Celtic mountain folk and gauge the implicit whiteness of the area. Now that I am home, I can report that I didn’t see a single negro in the crowd, with the exception of a kind employee who really doesn’t count. I saw one Indian or Hispanic. We got him on video.

As is always the case, we had a good time during our reconnaissance mission into the Blue Ridge Mountains. Pip Pockets enjoyed a plate of fish and chips. I ate a Celtic sausage. H. Rock White attempted (unsuccessfully) to sample some whiskey, but we arrived too late.

We didn’t go to this event to cause a disruption or promote an ideology. We need more of these cultural events where White people – in particular, White families – can simply enjoy the company of other White people, celebrate their heritage, and nurture a positive sense of identity. White Nationalism needs to get away from the negative image that everything we do is targeted against others. The whole purpose of carving out a White ethnostate in North America is to provide a secure location for our national, racial, and cultural rebirth as a people.

It was heartening to see all the Celtic flags flying against the backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Men wore Scottish kilts. Women dressed in folkish dresses. I saw one guy dressed as a Medieval English soldier. Vendors were selling Gadsden, Irish, Welsh, and Confederate flags. Celtic crosses were on sale. There were booths that allowed attendees to research their Celtic ancestry and trace their roots back to specific parts of Ireland and Britain.

I had an interesting conversation with one knowledgeable gentleman about Medieval history and the Kingdom of Asturias in particular. He was eager to tell me about his Spanish Celtic ancestry. It is always a pleasure to converse with White Americans who have a sense of pride in their roots. These people tend to be instinctive nationalists.

I’m dumbfounded why we seem unable to host positive events like these. If all these White Nationalists who spend hours arguing on the internet about the Third Reich would invest a fraction of their time hosting a local gun show, book club, cultural festival, or a tour of local historical sites, it would have a huge impact. Pro-Whites wouldn’t feel so helpless or cynical about their country and its fate.

This is a subject worth revisiting.

Note: The photos we took have been uploaded to the OD Facebook page. The four videos of the 12th Annual Celtic Festival are on the OD YouTube channel.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I enjoyed the pictures, and I love those Celtic crosses.

    We are into dog shows, which are also implicitly white. Everytime we attend one I get a little sad, because it reminds me of what California must have been like 40 or so years ago.


    Census 2000 ancestry data for Bedford County, Virginia

    18.7% American
    12.9% English
    10.6% German
    9.6% Irish
    2.7% Scotch-Irish

    English ancestry accounts for much of the “American” category, and as in the rest of the nation, in this county English ancestry is probably underestimated relative to German and Irish ancestry. It thus appears this area is much more English than “Celtic.”

  3. These ethnic festivals are an excellent opportunity to network with other folkish Whites, many of whom are deeply sympathetic to our cause, and you will often find other WNs there as well.

    Erich Gliebe had a tremendous amount of success using Euro-American cultural festivals to build up the NA in Ohio. Obviously, the NA was unable to capitalise on that membership surge in the way that we all hoped, but it’s still an effective strategy, as those events are fertile grounds for racialist “recruitment.”

    These events are also just plain fun to attend, and such exercises in conviviality help form and maintain bonds of comradeship. H. Rock White and I have spent many hours enjoying drink and fellowship with Michael Bell and other comrades at local Oktoberfest celebrations.

  4. Bravo! Other-focused White nationalism is a proven failure. It’s the mirror image of radical leftists railing day and night in self-pity against their capitalist bourgoise oppressor.

    Ethnonationalism is about us – White Western European men and women for our own purposes – at its core, not about other kinds of people, people who have every right to their own identities as well, around us.

  5. English ancestry accounts for much of the “American” category, and as in the rest of the nation, in this county English ancestry is probably underestimated relative to German and Irish ancestry. It thus appears this area is much more English than “Celtic.”

    “Celtic Southern” myth


    You are one of my favorite commenters on this blog overall, but, if I may say, you shouldn’t always be such a sourpuss on anyone mentioning, and/or praising, any other ancestry than “English” that they may have.

  6. “I’m dumbfounded why we seem unable to host positive events like these. ”

    Because for all the brave talk on the internet sites, we on the internet are here because we are deracinated. The rooted folk are out there doing Celtic festivals and stuff, not surfing WN sites wondering, “what’ll it take to wake people up??”

  7. Why can’t Americans of Anglo-Saxon descent (the racio-cultural core of America) celebrate their heritage? Why is that the only “Caucasians” permitted to celebrate their racial heritage are Jews and “Celts” (which in practice, means Irishmen)? What about the original Americans, and the descendants of them — the BRITISH?

  8. “Celtic” is a misnomer – but it’s becoming a sort of a “code” word, for “White”. Nordish White. Although Celts are Celts/

    FYI – we can do it. Let’s come up with fun ideas, for pro-White events. The “cultural heritage” thingy will work very well.

  9. There are a lot of these ethnic and cultural events around the country and most are ‘implicitly’ White; unfortunately, they are usually not ‘intentionally’ White. That would be un-PC, (White racial somnolence, and ideological toxification, you know). These events usually revolve around a particular musical, cultural or historical theme. As Robert mentioned, Gliebe and the National Alliance has had success in penetrating and co-promoting ethnic conclaves in the Cleveland area. These events are a breath of fresh air, wittingly or not, compared to the constant barrage of inter-racial, multi-cultural garbage that most clueless Whites are constantly slimmed with. They are actually a form of ethnic/cultural identity and ‘implicit’ resistance. This type of re-awakening is similar to the Sokal movement of the 19th century Czech nationalists. I think that the appeal of these cultural events in the US, is a subconscious reaction to the smothering cultural Negroization/Negrifiation of “pop culture”.

    The Gathering of the Scottish Clans at Grandfather Mountain, and the Fiddler’s Convention at Galax, Va. are other events of this nature. Furthermore, this type of nostalgic cultural awakening, with the refreshing atmosphere that it evokes, is basically a healthy sign, and a pleasure to participate in. Somehow, these events need to become ‘explicitly’ White, and that’s our job. The Third World onslaught is pushing Whites, ever so grudgingly in that direction. Remember, the constantly defamed “Nawtsees” had a self evident one-liner for this natural ethnic propensity: Volk will zu Volk.

  10. “Anglo-Celt is PC for white”-

    Celtic is the proper term to describe the some of the ethnic groups from Western Europe that included Welsh, scottish, irish, many people in england, spanish basque, etc. The Angles were a Germanic tribe from Northern Germany/Denmark. Both of those terms are proper and correct ways to describe a people.

    It is the word “white” which isn’t a proper ethnic or racial term. The proper word to describe the race is caucasian. The proper general ethnic/tribal terms for people who this website is concerned with would be Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, and Finno-Urgic(Finland and Hungary) peoples. With the emphasis being on Celtic and Germanic people.

  11. Celtic is the proper term to describe the some of the ethnic groups from Western Europe that included Welsh, scottish, irish, many people in england, spanish basque, etc. The Angles were a Germanic tribe from Northern Germany/Denmark. Both of those terms are proper and correct ways to describe a people. – Phil

    This is absolutely correct.

    In fact, most of the population of England itself is of pre-Germanic stock, whether ‘Celtic’ or otherwise. It was primarily the upper classes/aristocracy and nobility of England that had the most continental Germanic ancestry.

    Also, from what I read, much of the migration to the America South from Great Britain, even that from England itself, came from the pre-Anglo-Saxon-Norman, indigenous parts of the Isles (especially from western England and Cornwall, in particular).

  12. I don’t know that “we” as hardline white nationalists need to be hosting events such as these. These events already exist, a better idea would be to join up with a local organization that puts these events on. Far more people will support and show up to these events if it is not know that they are being put on by hardline white nationalists, and very few nonwhites show up to these things anyways.

  13. Just a note to Hunter Wallace and others who use the term “implicitly white”. Perhaps to avoid confusion, a different term might be used? The word “implicitly” means unquestionably, and thus has the opposite meaning than the one intended.

    According to

    “implicit: unquestioning or unreserved; absolute: implicit trust; implicit obedience; implicit confidence.”

    Whenever you guys use the word “implicitly white”, I’m thinking in my mind “unquestionably white”. Which is obviously not the intended meaning.

  14. That’s one way it can be used. The other is the opposite of explicit.
    1 a : capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed : implied b : involved in the nature or essence of something though not revealed, expressed, or developed

  15. I’m aware of that meaning. But normally “implicit” when used in this way means unquestionably, as in “implicit trust”.

  16. Hunter,

    It would be nice if you created a cultural (non-political) event section listing places, dates, and times so that folks in the area could attend. I am sure the artists and musicians at these events would appreciate it. List only those events open to the public.


  17. I’m fairly certain that the most current physanth nomenclature is ‘caucasian’ free by two degrees now…it went to Caucasoid, then Europoid and finally Europid…

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