Arizona: The New Irrepressible Conflict

It’s been an exciting week for White Nationalism.

Arizona throws down the gauntlet and passes the toughest anti-illegal immigration law in the country. It is supported by 70% of Arizonans (translate: Whites). Jan Brewer, the Governor of Arizona, receives a 16% bounce of approval in the polls. Obama condemns the popular new law. The Justice Department threatens to sue Arizona to block its implementation. Hispanic groups go crazy. Charges of “racism” fly against a moderate public safety measure.

Mexicans riot in Arizona:

Mexico slams the new law and issues a travel warning for its citizens travelling in Arizona. Illegals plan to self deport from the state. Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco, trashes Arizona. Liberal cities and states, joined by Mexico, threaten boycotts against Arizona. Conservatives across the country are outraged and threaten retaliatory boycotts of their own. Lawmakers in Georgia, Texas, Utah, Maryland, and Ohio announce plans to introduce similar legislation in their own states. A huge fight between the states and federal government over immigration looms.

It’s like a dream come true: the Union is ripping itself apart!

I can’t emphasize enough: this is exactly what we want. We want polarization between Whites and Hispanics, Mexicans and Americans, the states and the federal government, liberal Whites and conservative Whites, Whites and non-Whites within states. We want the United States to become so internally polarized, delegitimized, and ungovernable that talk of secession enters the mainstream again. We want to frustrate the ambition of non-Whites to the point where they consent to a peaceful divorce.

The Yancey strategy can work in our own times. Introduce moderate legislation and demands supported by a healthy White majority, dress them up in reasonable language, and combine them with conditions that are both infuriating and unacceptable to the opposition. Rely upon the opposition to overreact, inflame the situation, and polarize the electorate. Appeal to the White sense of dignity and self respect.  In this way, a moderate majority can gradually be led to an extreme course of action.

Whites in other states are watching the beating Arizona is taking the mainstream media. They are getting angrier and angrier at the Obama administration. The situation could become explosive if the federal government slaps down the new law. Unfortunately, Obama has indicated he will punt on the issue until after the mid-term elections, but pressure from his liberal base might force his hand.

Here’s our patriotic fellow citizens showing their true colors:

It won’t be long now, folks.

Note: Like I told Harold Covington, the Southwest and Southeast will be where the real action happens, as diversity breeds racial conflict. Whites in the pacified Northwest have no incentive to rebel.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I am dreaming of a long hot summer!

    Remember, if you can the glorious summer of 1968! The left was triumphant, or so they thought. A series of violent race riots had taken place over the previous two summers, the forecast for 1968 was more of the same. The Democratic Party had rejected the War in Vietnam, and Johnson had been forced out, in large part by the loss of his Southern base after his sellout on race issues. Leftists were in the streets protesting the war. All news was about the power of the left, the anger of the left, the protests and demands of negros, radicals and leftists.

    Soon came the assassinations, MLK in April, followed by more race riots. Talk of leftist revolution was everywhere. RFK in August.

    Then Came November. Mr. November, Richard Nixon showed that, yes Virginia, there really is a silent majority. The man who had been written out of politics twice, who was a relic of the 50s, who was a red-baiting McCarthy-helping anti-communist FANATIC for God’s sake – was President. It wasn’t even close. 301 to 191 in the electoral college.

    But wait, you say. Didn’t the electoral vote equal 538? (One for each member of the House 435+ one for each US Senator 100 +3 for DC = 438)

    301+191= 492. Where are the missing 46 votes? Why the went to George Wallace.

    So the rejection of racial grievance and leftism could not have been more complete.

    This strategy is exactly right. The Arizona law is brilliant in it’s simplicity. It is forcing Mestizo’s to choose: US Law or your ethnics. They are ALL choosing their ethnic group.

    The silent majority is still here, and like in 1968 they are getting madder and madder with each passing day. Even a far right politician may not be far enough right. Nixon wasn’t enough for the people of the South.

    Of course traditional politics is not the solution to our problems, but an angry, seathing silent majority is a necessary component.

    It’s nice to see that the left has not learned anything are are reproducing the exact zeitgeist that led to Nixon’s stunning victory and George Wallace’s amazing 3rd party electoral success.

    No 3rd party candidate since Wallace has won a single electoral vote. Not Nader, not Ross Perot, not John Anderson – all got blanked. Only TR among 20th Century politicians bettered Wallace, garnering 88 EVs, and he was a popular former President.

    Bring it, baby, bring it!

  2. Well, again, diversity may BREED conflict in these areas; but a true Homeland in these there will be near impossible to achieve. Covington’s vision still remains the best realistic vision of a reasonably achieveable homeland for our people

  3. Hunter,like yourself I couldn’t be happier.I predicted a similar scenario after the 2008 election debacle. The meltdown is happening sooner than I thought or could even hope for.We must stand strong.

  4. Nash2z: I agree South Florida and the Deep Southwest are lost. We will never regain those territories, at least in the 21st Century.

    Central Florida is now borderline-but probably will lost in 10-15 years.
    But there is much in the Southeast, where Whites still hold a strong majority status.

  5. This is fantastic how the wets in Arizona are overreacting and showing Americans once again the dangers that await with demographic replacement. Thank heavens Obama wasted all his capital on this Health Care instead of going for the long term victory by handing out so-called “citizenship” to these illegal aliens as his first priority. Now Obama is already sort of a lame duck, and instead of a looming amnesty on the horizon bringing the Hispanics out into the streets, it is a crackdown that causes the bandito mayhem. This is what is called an ethnic conflict model on that rabbit podcast which contains some good analysis if you sift out the silly paranormal nonsense. This is exactly how you do things. And kudos for Hunter also pointing out what a fruitless endeavor retreating to the cold, infertile, beatnik infested Northwest is. Having actually lived there in my younger tree happy days I know how ill suited the place is for these fantastical armchair revolutionist plans.

  6. Soon a white politician will blunder and use the phrase, “anti-white” it has never been used in respectable discourse and when it finally is used we have a game changer.

  7. Soon a white politician will blunder and use the phrase, “anti-white” it has never been used in respectable discourse and when it finally is used we have a game changer.

    I’m thinking it won’t be Sarah Palin …

  8. @Simmons

    You are 100% on target!

    When White people start to ask of our enemies, why do you hate White people? Or state to our critics, you hate White people. Then things will change. Quickly.

  9. In the military we use Information Operations (IO) to shape the information environment to achieve our objectives. There are two types: offensive IO and defensive IO. Now is the time to use offensive IO and blog away on as many websites as possible to exploit the rift that is widening. Target whites on the fence who just need that extra push to close ranks with WNs. Target liberal MSM websites and their disingenuous white liberal support base in order to marginalize and isolate them with the hostile Mestizos. The internet provides excellent access to conduct these operations by influencing not only your enemy’s behavior, but also your potential ally.

  10. Well, again, diversity may BREED conflict in these areas; but a true Homeland in these there will be near impossible to achieve. Covington’s vision still remains the best realistic vision of a reasonably achieveable homeland for our people

    60% of Oregonian Whites voted for Obama.
    59% of Washington Whites voted for Obama.
    NW Whites are among the least racially aware white people I’ve ever been around. (Which until very recently has been easy, because essentially everyone here was White.)

    I grew up in suburban Detroit. Everyone there “gets” the race issue. It’s as obvious as it could possibly be.

    Here is the percent of the White vote McCain got in the South.

    (Now I know that McCain was a lame candidate with a horrible record on immigration, but still you’d have to be a self-hating idiot with zero awareness of race, other than Hollywood cultivated Barney-song nonesense to vote for Obama if you are White… so it’s still a fine proxy)

    Obama Vote % among White Voters:

    Alabama 10 McCain
    Arkansas 30 McCain
    Florida 42 Obama
    Georgia 23 McCain
    Kentucky 36 McCain
    Louisiana 14 McCain
    Mississippi 11 McCain
    North Carolina 35 Obama
    Oklahoma 29 McCain
    South Carolina 26 McCain
    Tennessee 34 McCain
    Texas 26 McCain
    Virginia 39 Obama

    Nine out of 10 whites in Alabama and Mississippi would at least tacitly probably be with you in a “Convington scenario”. 6 out of 10 would be against you in the “NW Homeland”.

    Sadly. Because it is a wonderful place.

  11. 1642-1650

    Once every hundred years or so, Anglo-Saxons have slaughtered each other in unneccessary, avoidable Civil Wars.

    If we were indeed approaching a revolutionary situation in this country, it would not be cause for celebration.

    In reality, I see the beginnings of an authentic conservative movement, which the country wasn’t ready for back in 1992 when Buchanan ran in the Republican Primaries. Two decades of Globalism have disillusioned our people. Arizona proves that we are ready for effective immigration restriction, Ron Paul has prepared the Tea Party crowd for isolationism, and the over-use of the “racism” accusation against the color-blind Tea Party has robbed that once powerful word of its sting – much like the Medieval Papacy’s over-use of excommunication eventually blunted that once formidable weapon.

  12. SAN DIEGO (CNS) – Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Alpine, is under fire for saying that the children born to illegal immigrants should be deported. Hunter’s comments during a tea party event Saturday in Ramona were posted on a YouTube video that has been viewed about 8,100 times as of early today.

    The video shows the East County congressman answering an audience member’s question about whether he would support the deportation of children born to illegal immigrants. Without hesitation, Hunter said yes, adding that California could not afford to support everyone.

    The question and answer period came after Hunter spoke in favor of Arizona’s law that enables police to arrest illegal immigrants.

  13. It’s quite amusing to watch the anti-White left going into absolute hysterics over the Arizona law. I can’t wait for the multi-city rallies around the country, nothing wakes up White Sheeple quicker than crowds of angry, hostile browns rioting. Obama is truly the gift that keeps on giving. When a George W Bush blathers on about immigrants, the Whites don’t think of it as a threat. But when a non-White President with a Muslim name starts talking about amnesty for non-White criminal aliens, YT starts to get really nervous.

    Immigration is the issue that can turn implicit Whiteness to explicit Whiteness, especially with Obama as President. It’s also completely rips the “anti-racist” mask off of the usual suspect because the whole point is obviously to replace White people. And they are doing it at a time of record unemployment!

    Petraeus/Tancredo 2012!

    PS I think they are going to force Obama’s hand on amnesty sooner rather than later, they need to get those people registered asap and they rightly fear the backlash is on the way.

  14. “Divorce” is coming….not going to be “peaceful” though. Too many crosscutting conflicts at once: racial + Right vs. Left + states vs. DC. Think Spanish Civil War (c. 1,000,000 dead), or better, Taiping Uprising against Manchu regime; the latter with a body count of around 60,000,000. It’s all good…this country needs a purge.

  15. It’s like a dream come true: the Union is ripping itself apart!

    I can’t emphasize enough: this is exactly what we want. We want polarization between Whites and Hispanics, Mexicans and Americans, the states and the federal government, liberal Whites and conservative Whites, Whites and non-Whites within states.

    Indeed. What’s really heartening about this is how little it takes to get the fire started. Ever noticed how 99% of minorities will play into this strategy with barely any effort?


    White Provocateur: (race-realism here)
    Non-white: “*#@! all you racist crackers! Crackers are all racist small-dicked losers! We’re going to take over your country and make you slaves!”

    White by-standers just sit there with their mouths open; you can almost hear the wheels turning. This is why there’s generally a zero-tolerance policy in every part of the Web not explicitly race-realist or ethnopatriotic. Which means that over time the latter will attract all the conversation.

  16. Cyd, that’s pretty interesting. A couple possibilities spring to mind:

    1) He’s acting. You know, he wants to cry, thinks about the time when his black fraction didn’t get him a foot in the door (or imagines same), starts crying. This bespeaks a deeply amoral individual.

    2) He’s serious. You know, he’s suddenly overwhelmed by his tragic mulatto status, bittersweet feelings of not-black-enough-ness, his tenuous connection to real blacks and the key to his political success, etc. This bespeaks a deeply troubled individual.

    I’m sure there are kinder interpretations, but that’s what I’ve got.

  17. Europeans built and governed this nation and made it what it is or was. There’s was a recent survey that showed 78 percent of all native born Americans were White. Why do we have to cede any part of the United States to nonwhites when all we have to do is deport the illegals, foreign students, asylum seekers and green card holders? I personally think it’s only a matter of time before the White liberals come around to our way of thinking. They’re useful idiots for the Jews but once they’re reduced to a significant minority they’re going to lose their power and influence. In their own separate homeland, the Jews would have no more need for White liberal politicians to whore for them since the largely black, brown and yellow hordes will vote for one of their own. No Jew controlled university is going to hire that liberal White professor when the board consists of Jews and their pet minorities, maybe they’ll throw a few token Whites in there. No Mexicans or blacks are going to give a damn about sodomy rights or feminism or environmental issues or any countless number of liberal causes they champion. I don’t understand their game plan but I do know they’re on a course for self-destruction and once they’ve lost their usefulness they’ll be disposed of.

  18. As a former member of the Minutemen I can guarantee you that it is very explicitly racial below the surface. In our years involved we got to know and worked with the majority of the leadership and when pressed they would admit that this was a racial battle.

    You have enough hispanics come up to you and tell you that they are going to kill you because you’re a Gringo and it will wake up the most stubborn of racial utopianists! That’s what it took for me to wake up so here’s hoping our obnoxious invaders continue to work their special magic!

  19. Terry, I don’t really understand your post.

    If non-gentiles find themselves in a place where SWPLs are a dwindling minority, they’ll move on to greener pastures. Non-gentiles have nightmares about being alone with their black, brown, yellow, and sepia serfs.

  20. Svigor I was talking about non-Jewish White liberals who serve as useful idiots in delivering this nation into the Jew’s hands. Once the nonwhite population reaches a certain point where these people are no longer needed they will be discarded.

  21. Here’s another long one, folks.

    Hunter: “It’s like a dream come true: the Union is ripping itself apart!
    I can’t emphasize enough: this is exactly what we want.”

    Absolutely. We have indeed entered The Long Emergency, and the system will continue to face strife and turmoil. If one crisis dies down, it will soon be replaced by another…and another…and another. The demographic situation in this country has become so obscene, so untenable and unsustainable, that further radicalization and conflict is now inevitable. If the Arizona law falls to a court challenge, something else will pop up, and then something else again. If the economy experiences a temporary recovery, it will be soon enough be beaten down again, probably even worse.

    Same with the cultural situation, or what have you. The current system has behaved in such a destructive and unsustainable way that it can’t be otherwise. Just as an illustration: a system that guts the space program while spending many, many times more on importing, “educating,” supporting, and encouraging the proliferation of Bantus and mestizos is not long for this world. A person or a governmental entity may be able to afford a degree of irrationality or stupidity, but reality does impose limits. A system that started out as wealthy and healthy as ours could afford an awful lot of destructive behavior, but again, there are limits. I’d submit that the current regime is vastly overstepping those limits and, because of the inherent “logic” that drives it, this overreach is inevitable. The system can’t change course, it is trapped and ossified. It cannot do otherwise. It now MUST be destructive, it must oppose reality, it must crash and burn.

    The system behaves in such an evil and disgusting way, that even when it accomplishes its goals, it creates the conditions for its own undoing. For example, the system tries to dumb down whites, brainwashing them with political correctness instead of giving them a proper education. When white percentages go down to next to nothing at places like Harvard, and Asians are brought in for the hard sciences, the system is happy and content.

    But this policy has had another effect: now there are large numbers of very intelligent whites out there who have been marginalized, who have very little stake in the system, and are essentially “rogue,” or could easily become so. The brainwashing didn’t work, and the system never bothered to buy them off. The system can’t buy most of them off, the system’s logic doesn’t really allow it. The system also undermined the family, leaving many of these males unattached in that respect as well. This spells big problems for the status quo over time.

    Or, to take another issue, the system “could” have simply imported just enough non-whites to slowly boil the white frog, gradually killing us off through miscegenation and displacement, but not overwhelming us sufficiently to get the backlash that we would want. But the system really can’t do that. It has created powerful constituencies for more and more non-white immigration, and these constituencies cannot be sated. They are feeling their oats, they see the country as ripe for the taking, and they plan on taking it. Any resistance on the part of whites absolutely enrages them (even though they would never support whites swamping their own homelands). Result? Inevitable conflict. The non-white numbers are now so high that they cannot be placated by the traditional means.

    That’s where the system is today, and it’s only going to get worse.

    The system simply can’t solve important problems anymore. What happens to unsolved problems? They accumulate. I know, obvious stuff. Yet it’s an important component of systemic failure.

    We’ve reached the point where the accumulation of problems – demographic, economic, cultural, etc. – are so numerous and severe that constant system stress is now very much baked into the cake. To repeat one example among many: according to the CBO, yearly interest payments on the national debt will go from the present approximately 200 billion per year, to well over a whopping 900 billion a year – just in the next decade. Not 2040 or 2050, or some other time frame that in human terms seems “far away.” No, this is happening quickly. The federal income tax barely takes in that amount – it’s a truly astonishing figure. Result? Much, much more conflict in the coming years, with a system less and less able to buy off the opposition.

    That particular chicken is coming home to roost SOON, but it’s not the only chicken on the way, not by a long shot. The chickens coming home to roost are legion. Again, it’s baked into the cake. The system will not survive, even if it manages a temporary rebound.

    Of course, the real battle is spiritual, not economic. In a recent post, I mentioned a Tea Party sign that I saw in suburban/rural Virginia. Well, I’ll now mention something else. I have seen more Confederate flags on bumber stickers, jackets, etc., in the last two or three weeks than I have seen in the past two or three years combined – maybe even four or five years. Just a few months ago I was thinking, “What happened to all the Confederate flags that I used to see?” Well, they are coming back. The numbers are still modest, to be sure, but it’s definitely noticeable. One thing is for sure, I’m now seeing more Confederate flags than Obama stickers, and it is a joy to behold.

    Truly, itz coming! It is therefore imperative that we spread our ideas as much as possible in the time that is left to us. We may have a few more years, perhaps as much as ten or even fifteen, but we can’t count on that. A couple of years ago I wrote on this blog that we must be ready for the opportunities that many of us sensed were coming. Well, our senses did not fail us, and those opportunities are coming fast and furious now. I believe that the unsustainability of the system guarantees that we haven’t seen anything yet, and the opportunities of the coming years will dwarf those of today.

    Powerful dynamics are being set in motion, and these will develop a momentum all their own. I don’t have a crystal ball. But one ability that I have, one strength, is in identifying patterns. It’s just how my mind works, what I’m interested in. The patterns that I’m seeing point in one direction: the status quo cannot hold, and we will have our day. Count on it!

  22. By the way, has anybody noticed that TOQ Online has not been updated this week? I hope Greg is doing well. Anybody heard anything?

  23. “The brainwashing didn’t work, and the system never bothered to buy them off…The chickens coming home to roost are legion.”

    Mr. Trainspotter! It is as if you are looking into my soul as you write those words. Is this what an epiphany feels like?

    Nobody H. B U. Chicken

  24. Trainspotter is on a roll lately. It is what I would like to write if I had the ability to put it into words. I especially like your ideas about the space program that go beyond the usual petty nonsense about government vs. free market and go into the real problems. Thank you.

  25. This is good and we should adopt the stratagem used by the far left which is to polarize and sow seeds of discontent and disaffection in our target audience, the white masses. Moderate Republicans should be lumped in with the enemy since compromise and half measure reforms only serve to disempower us at a slower pace.

    Predictably, the Mestizo radicals like La Raza are foaming at the mouth that anyone dare make them obey the laws of the land. Brown supremacism is on display for everyone to see.

    Concerning the claim that the confederacy was a white homeland I’m left scratching my head. To me a homeland is essentially an ethnostate and you can’t have an ethnostate with millions of non-whites in the form of black slaves living in your midst. I’m almost certain that until the civil war the states only extended citizenship to “free white persons” so the US was already, for all intents and purposes, a nation for white people.

  26. Svigor I was talking about non-Jewish White liberals who serve as useful idiots in delivering this nation into the Jew’s hands. Once the nonwhite population reaches a certain point where these people are no longer needed they will be discarded.

    I thought so. I dispute the idea that there is such a thing as a point at which non-gentiles no longer need whites. They will follow whites wherever they go. They won’t discard them, because they amplify non-gentile power.

  27. Fanning the flames of polarization leads to less mixing. The Israelis use that tactic (rather violently) to keep a sharp line of distinction between themselves and the Palistinians. Enhanced ethnic divisions are always good from a White Preservationist point of view. Don’t we agree with the Zionists that every Jew should live in Israel? Everybody should just figure out where home is and go live amongst their own kind.

    Until then, we’ll grow our gated communities into gated nations as a matter of inevitability. We haven’t totally abandoned Manifest Destiny. It was a concept that served us well in the past when we were a healthy and expanding race. It will just have to keep serving us until our territorial aspirations are manifested. That is how destiny works.

    Total separtation is the end game, but in the mean time, everywhere there is a White family being fruitful and multiplying, we have a colonial claim. There is no reason to ceed an inch of territory worth holding onto.

    That being said, anytime the last White family moves out of a neighborhood and into an area of solid White majority, our collective homeland/home base is that much more consolidated. We just keep growing and expanding from a multiplicity of centers for as long as it takes. We fill in the gaps and all meet in the middle. Each person does his or her part, and if the Latrinos desire liberation/separation from us, who’s stopping them? Not me. Let’s help them speed this process along!

  28. While I agree with the essay, everyone needs to temper their enthusiasm with some realism. This particular crisis WILL blow over, and things will seem to have gone back to normal for a while. Don’t get discouraged when this happens. This process will be long, and it won’t be linear, but every major conflagration weakens the system, and – generally speaking – each blowup will be worse than the last.

    If I understand the “Yancey strategy” – never heard that particular term before – I think we’ve entered a time in which that strategy is ideal, and has a better chance than it ever had in the past. Indeed, the next few decades are THE CRITICAL TIME – the period when the white percentage of the population has dropped low enough that few whites can ignore the perils of dispossession, but before it has dropped so low that whites become politically impotent.

    If we don’t take advantage and sort out the situation before we’re a minority in the middle of this century, things are going to get very ugly – for everyone.

  29. While I agree with the wisdom of getting out of Detroit so to say, it pains me to see the benefits of white flight? Why should we have to give up the crown jewels of the American nation like California to retreat to cold, dry, unproductive lands? I’d never let that stand and if whites came together and threw off the mental shackles that hold them down I doubt they’d do as well. We could roll the Army through LA block by block just like the Soviets did in Berlin and take it back with Machiavellian determination. Why settle for this lame “separatism” that’s a stalemate strategy, I want it all back. Now I’m not Southern, but I do think the Confederacy was the closest thing to an ethno state despite all the ex slaves. The average southerner didn’t have any benefit from slavery and without Northern intervention I suspect a much more effective solution would have been undertaken to remove that foul element from their midst the way Andrew Jackson sent the Indians to Oklahoma.

  30. The closest thing that Whites ever had to a homeland was the Confederacy which was explicitly based on race.

    Indeed, so the idea that the Yankee invaders and carpetbaggers were somehow just as racially conscious as Southerners is wrong. All Copperheads are welcome to join us.

    The average southerner didn’t have any benefit from slavery and without Northern intervention I suspect a much more effective solution would have been undertaken to remove that foul element from their midst the way Andrew Jackson sent the Indians to Oklahoma.

    The South’s peculiar institution was also an ordering of the races. It established White men as the rulers of the world. It was replaced through force with the Northern ideal of equality, just as NS Germany was destroyed.

    From Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens’ Cornerstone Speech:

    (Jefferson’s) ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. … Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner–stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the White man; that slavery — subordination to the superior race — is his natural and normal condition.

    This particular crisis WILL blow over, and things will seem to have gone back to normal for a while.

    Jews, non-Whites and liberals are not known for their restraint and understanding. They are fanatics who won’t allow Whites even a modicum of respect and self-preservation. It’s needed though because Whites have become so passive and are so thoroughly brainwashed from decades of propaganda that they need a shock to the system. The more non-Whites and liberals rant, rave and riot the better for us.

  31. It was a quasi-ethnostate. The Confederacy was explicitly racial. Whites ruled. Blacks were slaves. It was different from the USA in the sense that it was explicitly founded on racial principles, not abstractions like liberty and equality.

  32. It definitely qualified as an ethnostate, as non-Whites could not be citizens, blacks were a permanent slave class with no path to integration, and repatriation or relocation was inevitable. Even NS Germany integrated many Jews and mischlings and worked with non-White allies.

  33. Copperheads were largely descended from Whites who had to leave the South to escape the sorry and miserable condition of working-class Whites. Why would White Nationalists fantasize about an arrangement in which a small minority of White elites conspire to import millions of Africans? This only drove the White masses into grinding poverty, resulted in the flooding of a pristinely White Continent with an intractable problem, and served as a primary (not exclusive) cause of the single most horrific White-vs-White bloodbath in this nation’s history.

    Do you get sentimental or proud about White contractors who hire illegal immigrants? They’re doing the same damn thing, aren’t they?

  34. Nothing could possibly be worse than the system we have now. The North won the War Between the States and the Second Reconstruction of the 1960s. We are living with the consequences.

  35. They just ran a two hour special on Nat Geographic about the discovery of America and the resulting biological exchange. It wasn’t over the top anti-white but as I was thinking about how they talked about the damage that dandelions, wild pigs did etc. they ignored one of the most destructive invasive species introduced to the Americas, Homo Africanus Criminalus. Devestated large swaths of the Carribean, South America, and America’s Great Cities. Still though, the slave trade peaked well before the 19th century and a separate white nation was in the process of forming in the south despite it’s demographic problems. By the confederacy blacks were a legacy of a previous, corrupt era and now were stuck with them all over the Midwest as well. Probably poetic justice that Abe Lincoln’s Springfield IL is now mostly a huge black ghetto.

  36. “Nothing could possibly be worse than the system we have now.”

    What about South Africa? That’s the result of a white supremacist society relying on black labor fast forwarded 150 years.

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