Nowhere is the reality of our dispossession and decline more stark than in America’s hospitals. As I walked toward the ER tonight, a numerous and boisterous Mexican family spilled out of the main entrance. Hidden in the middle, nearly invisible behind a wall of jovial family members, was a young woman with a serene look on her face, swaddling her newborn baby. As I walked into the ER, I walked past several rooms, virtually every one featuring an elderly man or woman silently breathing. When I saw their eyes, they were vacant and tired. Their bodies were shriveled and weak. Few of them were accompanied by family.
They were all elderly, diseased, and White.
I’ve kept silent about the health care issue because I didn’t care what the outcome was, hoped to influence the Tea Party movement in a more fruitful direction, and felt that it wouldn’t be strategically advisable to take such a public stand against a crowd I was hoping to influence. But all these nasty little responses keep trickling into my inbox from people I tried to reach while I was at the Tea Party. I’ve had it with these idiots preaching at me like I’m morally degenerate for standing up for my people, like I’m strategically retarded for focusing on border security instead of healthcare and taxes.
Applied Libertarianism
To understand the health care issue, one must first understand that “politics is a strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles”. Cui bono? But there’s an additional layer of bullshit to peel back. The interests aren’t the interests of the crowds facing off. The only interests that were ever truly at stake were those of the corporate and bureaucratic institutions representing the Republican and Democratic political establishments. The conservative pundits have been carrying on about “transfer of wealth”, but the only wealth being transferred was from the private corporations which have been receiving the graft and regulatory advantages to the public organizations and government bureaucrats who are being rewarded for supporting the newly-empowered Democrats.
It’s not about freedom, taxes, or helping sick people. It’s not going to result in many noticeable changes in the quality or quantity of care for anybody, save for perhaps a handful of favored interest groups. It’s not about freedom or “rights”. It’s not going to make a significant impact on America’s beleaguered balance sheet. It’s nothing but a mob of fools hypnotized by an army of hustlers on the payroll of legions of organizations beholden to a handful of powerful oligarchies. It’s a mug’s game, one that the tea party movement fell for hook, line, and sinker.
Many failed to notice what was included at the last minute in the health care bill: an epic transfer of the student loan industry from private corporations like Sallie Mae to government bureaucracies. While it was spun as an unrelated way to make things more “efficient”, it was actually the same damn thing – a transfer of graft from corporations to government bureaucrats. Just as there’s not going to be a real difference in health care for ordinary Americans, there’s not going to be a real difference in student loan costs.
And that reminds me, as an aside, that the whole health care debate could be solved very easily if anybody actually cared to solve it – with a model borrowed from Sallie Mae. Just pass legislation which converts all healthcare costs which would have been covered by Medicaid into bankruptcy-proof debts. Bam! Think about it…
I continue to believe that the tea party mob is motivated by a primordial sense of White American identity which dares not speak its name. But in effect, it’s only a mob, a convenient stick for the private corporations to beat the public organizations with. White Americans have no oligarchs who speak for or answer to them. They’re sheep without a shepherd who fancy themselves to be wolves. And the first wolf to put on a tricorne hat and spout some patriotic platitudes about liberty ‘n stuff gets to lead them to the slaughter of his choosing.
Whether that slaughter is carried out by private contractors or public servants is our call. But as long as we keep following wolves, we’ll keep getting slaughtered.
Jeez, depressing much?
Of course the bullies are healthy and financially well-off!
So what is the solution Matt?
My next post will make up for this morbid little screed.
We must raise up or rehabilitate an indigenous elite. I’m fuzzy and flexible on the details. I’ll speculate on some potential directions here shortly.
“They’re sheep without a shepherd who fancy themselves to be wolves. ”
Or they’ve read Glen Reynolds and fancy themselves “a pack, not a herd”.
Who is this “pack” up to taking on, without an indigenous elite? The YouTube clip makes your point.
I’ll take the private corporations over the public organization, given that the government is completely in enemy hands. I say this as someone who has worked in both the public and private sectors.
Those of you who haven’t worked for government have no idea how deeply committed to PC governmental organizations are. Providing permanent employment to favored minorities is the number one goal; providing services is a distant second. Additionally, the services provided are to be distributed to favored minorities first; eliminating “disparities” is a major goal.
That should send a chill down your spine when you contemplate government as the distributor of health care.
While it is reasonable to ask for solutions, don’t expect simple answers. It took an asteroid to unhorse the dinosaurs. Does anyone have a detailed plan to bring down Microsoft?
Maybe we should be writing open-source screenplays, in which various scenarios are explored, sort of like WOPR did near the end of the movie, “War Games”. I suspect that unlike WOPR, we would identify numeous scenarios in which a fictional homeland could evolve.
I know the local business owners, and a common theme among them is how the big banks are greedy and treat people like crap, and local hometown banks that actually know you personally, don’t gamble with their deposits, and actually make loans to local credit-worthy people.
I told them “goldman sachs and bank of america are like King George the III, against whom the American colonists fought the War of Independence. We have a new war of independence to fight, against all centralized entities, both government and corporate, which are kind of melding into one anyway. We shouldn’t harp about “greed,” but rather we should just accuse the large corporations and government of mismanagement. If they are such good managers, why do they need a bailout?”
The concept of “economies of scale” was over-applied. it’s true that a big corporation is better at mass manufacturing widgets. However, economies of scale applied to retail or agriculture, is just a way to monopolize economic niches that should rightly go to local business owners/farmers. This is a concept that Middle America can understand. It’s the bourgeouis, the middle class business owners, that are needed to be the vanguard of decentralization and the campaign to restore competence in our society.
The governments wanted more and more control, so they bit off more than they could chew in the long run. They bit off education; they bit off a bite of health care; they replaced the father-provider with a welfare check. Now they are finding that they can’t continue these missions any more. They are running out of money, so they have to hand back control to us. My daughter’s middle school just cut out SPORTS. Can you believe that? What do they expect the kids to do from 2:20 in the afternoon until suppertime? Maybe a few bong hits and an orgy? That’s what the kids who don’t play sports end up doing. Not that there’s anything wrong with that if you are an adult, but middle school kids should be playing sports after school.
Also, the local movie rental store, and a very popular pizza joint shut down. The surviving pizza joint is doing much better. However, these are all examples of de-complexifying (collapse). It’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s our chance to take back local control over things.
I’m really looking forward to the closing of the public schools. The overeducated WN movement can take over from there, and homeschool a generation of Napoleon’s pups. We don’t need institutions or corporations. Homegrown = higher quality. Economies of scale only applies to the narrow realm of specialized manufacturing. Everything else is done better by owner-operators.
8 Kievsky -“My daughter’s middle school just cut out SPORTS. Can you believe that? What do they expect the kids to do from 2:20 in the afternoon until suppertime? Maybe a few bong hits and an orgy? That’s what the kids who don’t play sports end up doing. Not that there’s anything wrong with that if you are an adult, but middle school kids should be playing sports after school.”
I’ve got to disagree on that. One of the problems with education today is that too many schools prioritize sports over academics. I can remember quite a few times when I was growing up that I heard from classmates that they didn’t need to do well in school because they were going to be professional athletes. To the best of my knowledge, none of them did so.
“I’ve got to disagree on that. One of the problems with education today is that too many schools prioritize sports over academics”
Aye. It seems to me that if schools cut out after-school sports, the results would be pro-White. Why? Because White parents will be forced to find community sports stuff for their kids to do, which will require them to volunteer, so meet the other White parents who are their neighbors, leading to the rebuild of cohesive White communities.
Since blacks and mestizoes don’t volunteer, the White kids in parent-run sports will have a greater chance to make friends with other White kids and so be more immunized against multicultural brainwashing.
Also, schools providing after-school activities is too enabling of the whole both-parents-work-all-the-time-so-not-around-to-raise-the-kids thing. No school-run sports will be a step towards homeschooling.
Boffin and Barb,
You may have a point about finding localized solutions for after school sports. However, school sports is a venerable tradition and has taught my daughter competitiveness and zero-sum politics. It really irritates me that they are taking that from her.
Taking away sports won’t create more focus on academics. Academics and sports go hand in hand, at least for White kids.
The obvious and accelerating decline around me is disturbing, despite the fact that I know it will lead to a better society. We are in a scary time where the old is dying, but the new has not even been conceived in the minds of most local people. They will mourn what they lost for a while, before it occurs to them to simply replace it.
Sports, sports, blah blah blah, sports, blah, sports. Maybe the kids could go home and split a couple cords of wood or do some farm chores. I wonder if the white’s weakness for “sport” hasn’t been a huge part of our downfall. Obvioulsy if it had anything to do with creating a sound culture we’d have the most solid culture on the planet. But it doesn’t. It’s what soft people do while other folks are out doing the heavy lifting. Give me a break. Sports are completely decadent.
Worse than heath care is science, where the stodgy old white faculty rule over a herd of Asians and sub-continentals, with nary a white student in sight.
Once the choice was made by the Boomers not to invest in the next generation, an entire race’s fate was sealed. We are only watching the closing credits.
I know exactly what you are talking about. The Boomers totally neglected the next generation.
In about a half hour, I’m off to take my kid to a flute lesson. Then to the gym to do Russian style strength conditioning, then home to do algebra and geometry from Khan Academy. Saturday morning kung fu, Thursday evening voice lessons, soccer 3x a week.
High investment parenting pays off.
There was an interesting(but much too long) article on the same subject over at occidental observer the other day by Simon Kresjak. He noted the single minded focus of Republicans and Tea Partiers on this Health Care thing is largely a waste of time and ironically pointed out that given a Faustian bargain they’d probably take defeating healthcare over defeating mass third world immigration and amnesty. If we had the white country we had 40 years ago I’d much rather live with a European Style health care system than one that throws you under a bus when you lose your job. While I can’t stand the Obamination, his Jewish handlers, and his dead bumb black and latino minions. There is a strange element of cold blooded capitalists, anti-abortion wackos, etc at the Tea Party that doesn’t sit well with my stomach.
The problem with the Tea Parties is that they were ORGANIZED BY TELEVISION.
Most White people don’t know anything about politics except for the President and maybe a Senator. Their only information about them in what they see on the TV. Probably 80% minimum.
So some black guy no one has ever heard of named … Hussein Obama … gets elected and White people are freaked out, because Hussein has all the WMDs and Obama did 911. So they turn on their TVs and heard Hannuty talking about Death Panels and how Ocommunist is going to kill their grandma.
Since Aetna, Wellpoint, and Blue Cross Blue Shield are paying for the FOX News channel, obviously Glenn Beck is not going to criticize them by name. (That’s why Parrot’s article with the corporate logos was so subversive). Instead it’s watered down to “big government” or “big business.”
The euphemism treadmill process in this case is eerily similar to how everyone stopped “naming the Jew.”
Rush Limbaugh made his career by renaming the “Jewish media” to the “liberal media.” He also changed “Jew lawyers” to “liberal lawyers” and “New York (Jew) Intellectuals” to “liberal intellectuals.”
He was paid quite handsomely for this.
Perhaps people misunderstand the nature of publicity and media. Instead of paying for exposure, often you are paying to not be exposed.
And don’t think the internet doesn’t put that business model in reach for everyone:
A little sports now and then is perfectly fine. It promotes healthy competition, good health, and personal discipline. But Americans are obsessed with sports and it’s totally out of control. And, let’s face it, part of the sports craze is responsible for our multiculturalism problem.
Forget the sports, focus your kids on something that expands their minds, promotes racial and ethnic pride, and reinforces their “white” community as a whole.
You guys don’t get it. There’s a whole raft of nasty stuff that I want my kid to avoid for as long as possible. The best way to do this is very occupying diversions, and sports is a big one. Sports takes up the space that would otherwise be taken up with “growing up too fast.”
As far as intellectual pursuits, she speaks a second language fluently and is learning a third, she takes flute and voice lessons and kung fu, and I tutor her in algebra and geometry.
Watching “pro sports” is retarded. Having your kid play sports is priceless. It teaches them competition and team spirit and that life is a zero-sum game — winners and losers. Don’t be a f’in loser.
8 Kievsky
What do they expect the kids to do from 2:20 in the afternoon until suppertime? Maybe a few bong hits and an orgy? That’s what the kids who don’t play sports end up doing. Not that there’s anything wrong with that if you are an adult, but middle school kids should be playing sports after school.
What a disgusting thing to say about your own daughter and other White kids, and you think it’s acceptable behavior for adults. You must live in a very degenerate community.
Playing sports with friends or professionally if you’re talented is fine, but White nationalists in particularly have a target on them, you need to learn self-defense. That should take precedence over sports.
Don’t just take any martial art, take one that will give you practical skills to save your life. Dedicating yourself to archaic styles is a waste of time, mixed martial arts is the way to go.
You guys are right about spectator sports. Try following baseball for a day or two without hearing about the Most High and Holy Jackie Robinson, Saviour.
You can have your sports, amateur or pro, active or passive, adults or children. It is for neurotics.
Pro sports is social anesthesia, controlled by rich Jews owning teams of ethnoids, and dispensed via Jew-owned MSM. They don’t want us thinking about imported mestizos driving wages thru the floor, or Wall Street speculators forcing job outsourcing. They want white men sitting at home, sucking on a beercan, watching overpriced steroids do kid-things with sticks and balls. Playing sports yourself or for/with your kids, OK, good analysis by Kievsky.
Kievsky – “The best way to do this is very occupying diversions, and sports is a big one. Sports takes up the space that would otherwise be taken up with “growing up too fast.”
As far as intellectual pursuits, she speaks a second language fluently and is learning a third, she takes flute and voice lessons and kung fu, and I tutor her in algebra and geometry.”
I’ve got to ask, when is she going to find time to just enjoy being a kid? When will she have time to think and ponder the world? Kids need time to think. You’ve often spoken about becoming a renaissance man. When does one cultivate the curiosity and inquisitive nature needed to become a renaissance man if your always on the go? Music, languages, kung fu and mathematics are all good, but combining that with nonstop sports sounds excessive.
Nightowl said:
“There is a strange element of cold blooded capitalists, anti-abortion wackos, etc at the Tea Party that doesn’t sit well with my stomach.”
Yet I seriously doubt you would find many there who had actually behaved in such a way as to make an abortion necessary or who wouldn’t give you the shirt off their back if you needed it. The point is that if government does not take the “high road” in all cases — reinforcing the good behavior of sexual responsibility (or at least not enabling it) and people’s duty to care for each other directly, and not through force via a third party, among other things, you get an inverted culture.
“The problem with the Tea Parties is that they were ORGANIZED BY TELEVISION.
Most White people don’t know anything about politics except for the President and maybe a Senator. Their only information about them in what they see on the TV. Probably 80% minimum.”
That is the end result of the modern white man. He will need an alternative and he will some diversionary pliers to get him off it.
Re. comment #24, my sentiments as well. We need to fill those stadiums with White racial-political rallies.
At the end of the video Matt posted someone screams,”No more handouts!”
Where were these fools when we were “handing out” seven-hundred billion dollars to Jew bankers?
Why aren’t they protesting that “handout?”
I haven’t been to an emergency room in years and the last time I went to one it was at a hospital in the European American section of town (strange how whites who talk out of the side of their mouth about how enriching diversity is choose to do so from the comfortable confines of their gated communities). But I do get to Walmart fairly often because it is a convenient place to pick up fishing equipment.
Each time I go there are hordes and hordes of non-whites. The amount of non-whites and different languages makes me wonder if I am walking through an international airport. That the emergency rooms in the Jewnited States are little different is frightening since medical care is of far more importance than a new fishing lure.