Sweet Home Alabama

From Texas, I am returning home to Alabama for a few days, and I plan to spend a lot of time working on this little vacation. OD readers will get their first glimpse of where I come from. You can expect audio, video, and photos. I might just go on a whirlwind tour of the state.

This is where it all began. Not only for me, but for the nation as a whole. Jefferson Davis was sworn in as President of the Confederate States of America in Montgomery. The Civil Rights Movement kicked off in Alabama with the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955. The climatic battles of Birmingham and Selma were fought there. George Wallace was from my hometown.

Alabama is still the home of some of the most unreconstructed Whites in America. I would include yours truly in this category. In the 2008 election, Barack Obama got the lowest percentage of the White vote in Alabama. In 2004, Alabamians voted to keep segregationist language in our state constitution. Alabama was the last state in the union to repeal its anti-miscegenation law. A majority of Whites actually voted to keep it. This was in 1999 or 2000.

If a referendum were held in Alabama on illegal immigration tomorrow, a decisive majority of voters would reject amnesty and vote to deport every single illegal alien in America. Senator Jeff Sessions has been the harshest critic of “comprehensive immigration reform” in the Senate. Tim James recently made waves in his gubernatorial campaign by attacking multiculturalism.

Alabamians are increasingly aware of the costs of an integrated society. Just recently, The Birmingham News ran an unbelievable story on black violent crime. Browse the gallery of “The Killing Years” and the awful truth is revealed. Blacks are literally destroying Birmingham. Whites in Alabama instinctively know this. It is one reason they are still less inclined than Whites almost anywhere else in the world to believe in racial equality and integration.

I’ve considered doing a podcast from a historic landmark in Alabama. Maybe the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma; Martin Luther King, Jr.’s church; the spot where Jefferson Davis was inaugurated as President of the CSA; the same spot where George Wallace proclaimed segregation today, segregation tommorrow, segregation forever; the Selma-To-Montgomery historic trail; Horseshoe Bend where Jackson triumphed over the Red Sticks and won Alabama for the White race; Birmingham which incarcerated MLK; Tuskegee, which Booker T. Washington built; the White House of the Confederacy; Yancey’s tomb. I haven’t decided. There are any number of possibilities.

Alabama has a rich history. The state played a major role in every upheaval in race relations in American history. It could happen again.

I hope so.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I absolutely love that song Sweet Home Alabama — especially all that it conveys — and I am not even a Southerner.

    As a proud White man, however, I consider myself an honorary ‘Son of the South’ — since the South is the only region in AmeriKwa that actually cares about the future of our Volk.

    We are a band of brothers and native to the soil
    Fighting for our Liberty, With treasure, blood and toil
    And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star!

    Vive l’héroïque, sacrée d’Amérique du Sud! Vive Dixie!

  2. Very compelling depiction of a racially healthy remnant, Hunter. Quite a difference from Connecticut.

    The oil spill is going to hit Alabama hard, I can tell you. and La and Fl, and then the whole US economy. What are people around you saying about the epic Gulf oil leak of 2010?

  3. I feel you, Hunter. “Nordicreb” stands for the part of the world where I was born and raised (Scandinavia) and the part of the world that I’ve always felt my soul has belonged to (the Confederacy).

    Much like Charlemagne, I’ve never been to the South, since I don’t really count Fort Worth and Dallas (the DFW metro area ain’t really your great-granddads antebellum South), but I’ve always felt connected, somehow.

    As they said in “Crimson tide” (one of the many “Good Negro – Bad Whitey” productions from Hollywood): “Go Bama!”.

    PS: I had to look the movie up on Wikipedia to make sure I remembered the name correctly. Whoever wrote it, managed to to completely omit the racial character of the inter-personal conflict between Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington! Anyone who has seen the movie will remember Denzel Washington being the only Negro, the boat being USS Alabama, the discussion about the color of Lippizaner horses etc. In the article: nothing. Not a word. It’s amazing.

  4. Have a great time, Hunter!

    Although I was born up north, I do feel I’m a Southerner to the center of my soul. Although I’ve passed through Alabama, I’ve never really stopped to absorb the beauty and explore the kinship this great state has to offer. Since I’m only next door (FL), perhaps I will start exploring Alabama and give my tourist dollars to like-minded whites for a change.

    I can’t wait for the photos and video.

  5. My favorite line: “Well, I hope Neil Young will remember, a Southern man don’t need him around anyhow.”

  6. I went there for the first time in April of 06 to see a race at Talladega. I could see myself living there. Was pretty cool to see people waving the rebel flag freely.

  7. Hunter have fun in Alabama my white brother. In a few months I’ll be out of CA and I cannot wait to get out. I’m done with this state. I love lynyrd skynyrd. I saw them in concert a few years ago and they did a bang up job.

  8. “The climatic battles of Birmingham and Selma were fought there. ”

    That’s where our President was conceived.

  9. “The climatic battles of Birmingham and Selma were fought there. ” Too hot in one city, too humid in the other. . .

  10. On my way to Horseshoe Bend from Birmingham, I once went though Tuskegee, and didn’t see a White person anywhere around for miles. Kind of spooky, actually. At the time, there was still a Confederate monument on the square in Tuskegee, amazingly enough.

  11. I’m glad you’re back at home enjoying some R&R. You’ve been overburdened lately and I’m sure you could use the respite.

    It’s a good time to be down there — not too hot yet.

    I’ll give you a call during the week.

  12. Tacitus – not sure yet. One thing I do know. I’m getting in my car and just driving. I may buy a newer car so I have a smoother ride. I’m looking at AZ, Eastern TN or Plano TX or maybe even back to OK where I grew up.

    I’m just going to keep driving until I can find a place I can call home and feel good about it. I’ll know where it is when I land there.

    I can see myself now sipping a Mint Julep on some big ranch in the south, swinging my feet on the front porch.

  13. Annie: “I’m just going to keep driving until I can find a place I can call home and feel good about it. I’ll know where it is when I land there.”

    The pioneer spirit runs strong in this one!

  14. I wish you the best, Annie. I asked you where you were moving because I am a native Alabamian who lived for six years in Massachusetts and one year in California. I certainly understand abandoning California as it has no economic future in addition to being a demographic nightmare. I’m a southerner so I can’t be objective about where you ought to go, but do understand that if you come down south it’s no picnic. Where I am (Macon, GA 63% black) it is not safe by any means. I never imagined I’d do it before, but I have a concealed carry license and carry a firearm wherever I legally can. We need women like yourself down south, but if you come, you’d better live up to your name, and be able to shoot straight!

  15. 1916 recording of “Dixie” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5mRk5M5qT8

    Hope all goes well back home in ‘Bama Hunter.

    If you swing through NC or SC one weekend announce it here and hopefully I’ll read it and maybe we can meet up somewhere.

    The website is looking excellent, and getting better all the time – it is awesome how much it has grown over the last year, especially in the last few months. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to comment as much here lately since I’ve been so busy with the minutiae of daily life, but I still try to check in and read the entries every single day.

    Y’all are making a real difference here: keep on keepin on.

  16. Tacitus – not sure yet. One thing I do know. I’m getting in my car and just driving. I may buy a newer car so I have a smoother ride. I’m looking at AZ, Eastern TN or Plano TX or maybe even back to OK where I grew up.

    I vote for Plano, or at least the DFW area.

  17. Ben – I heard Plano is a good area.

    Tacitus – shoot straight? Oh honey, bullseye central here!

    I have family and friends all over the country. I could literally go from one house to the next state as I have friends or family in almost most of the country.

    I love CA but I’m really sick of the shit here. With the illegal orcs, the government ran by Marxist race mixing freaks it’s pathetic. Seriously if you go to Walmart in certain areas or the .99 store it really looks like a leper colony.

    I’m just going to go with the flow. I may end up on some farm. I do like to cook so then every Sunday I could bake a pie and cool it in the windowsill like my Grandma used to do.

  18. What is the plan for winning Southerners over from the GOP/Fox News/Fundamentalism rackets? Obviously, the kind of racial consciousness that people have in AL today is not doing that much good if they are voting for McCain. How do we convince these people that they need white nationalism and that Republicans, kosher conservatism and Bible thumping will not save them?

  19. I saw, on CNN, a volunteer group of Alabama folks meeting in a school classroom to plan a beach clean up. To my utter surprise I saw no Blacks offering their services. What’s the state’s percentage Black population?

  20. I saw, on CNN, a volunteer group of Alabama folks meeting in a school classroom to plan a beach clean up. To my utter surprise I saw no Blacks offering their services. What’s the state’s percentage Black population

    Their line of thinking is probably White people did it, White people can clean it up.

    Blacks in general don’t care about the environment, look how they treat their own property or where they live.

  21. What is the plan for winning Southerners over from the GOP/Fox News/Fundamentalism rackets?

    Dr. David Duke, a former member of the House of Representatives in Louisiana who served from 1989-1992, is shortly embarking on an extended, year-long speaking tour across the United States to gauge support for a possible entry in the next race for President of the United States.

    He is seriously considering entering the Republican Party primaries for President of the United States.

    He believes that he has the support of the rank and file Tea Party Movement just as he had support of both the Republican conservative vote and Democratic hard hat vote in Louisiana.

  22. As a resident of the quasi-south (born in KY, now in VA) I have to admit I hate ‘Sweet Home Alabama’. It’s been played one [thousand] too many times, and the redneck cheers that invariably accompany it whenever a crowd is near lose their charm quickly. I’d rather hear ‘Dixie’ any day.

  23. In the South, I can think of several states that are ready to be
    organized: Virginia, Texas, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama. We have a lot of people in each of these states. They need to form state based networks and start getting in touch with each other.

  24. I lost almost all respect for the majority of Southern whites sometime during Bush Jr.’s first term. It is remarkably depressing to realize how easily these people can be manipulated into voting for and vocally defending a party completely hostile to their very existence. Whenever I see footage or stiil photos of a NASCAR event I can’t help but think it should be accompanied by the heading “Zionist CannonFodder”. These people voting against Obama in significant numbers would only be impressive if the overwhelming majority cast their ballots for a third party alternative. If only this country had more states such as Alabama why we might already be at war with Iran and perhaps even Russia. I did once respect these people but I’m just so tired.

  25. I am a very proud Floridian, but even I will admit anything south of the Central peninsular line (from the southern boundary of Hillsborough to southern boundary of Indian River) is a lost cause for White demographic settlement (at least for the forseeable future).

    Of course, pro-White political marketing should be utilized wherever there is a persuadable White, though.

  26. Re Hunter @ #36 – I’m in NC close to the border with SC, pretty close to Charlotte.

    If ya ever swing through here, give me a holler.

  27. I haven’t posted on the forum since it was recently reactivated, though my old username is still in there. Unfortunately, I don’t have very much spare time these days to browse, read, and comment like I used to.

    If y’all are looking to host a meet-up somewhere in NC/SC in the future, post it here or else drop me an email and I’ll hopefully be able to attend.

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