California: Whites vs. Mexicans

Our fellow citizens?

As the young gentleman in the video says, “it is all about Mexico.” Some good White men in California disagree. We say deport every single one of these invaders back to Latin America.

Now let’s get started.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What do you have in mind?

    They are obnoxious beyond belief, but not breaking any laws.

    The police are all over the place, doing their best to keep this from escalating into violence.

    We’re hamstrung by our own conventions. As of today the Arizona law still stands. Perhaps Sheriff Joe can deport a few tens of thousands quickly.

  2. The obvious.

    We need to position ourselves as the resistance. That means doing something on the ground in California. It doesn’t even have to be a protest. Whoever shot, edited, and posted this YouTube video did most of our work for us.

  3. What we have here is the creation of another enemy of the White folk. And you know whats really a shame? Spics and blacks are natural enemies, and us stupid White people are pushing them closer together, good job idiots.

  4. “Machete” is a Jew-Mexican or a Jew-Roman Catholic production. LOL. Cheech as a Roman Catholic priest, and Lindsay Lohan as a nun. Perfect.

  5. They are obnoxious beyond belief, but not breaking any laws.

    Technically, slapping a flag out of someone’s hand is battery. There was a cop right there. We all know that if a White guy had done that to someone waving a Mexican flag he would have been arrested and charged not only with battery, but with some “hate crime” salsa on top. If the cop had arrested the Mexican he would have found himself under scrutiny and accused of “racial profiling”.

    The ordinary people on both sides have healthy instincts. The rot comes from the top.

  6. Spics and blacks are natural enemies, and us stupid White people are pushing them closer together, good job idiots.

    Speak for yourself. It isn’t Whites behind the anti-White social construct called “people of color”.

  7. We should think small. What can be accomplished? What is something that can be done to advance White Nationalism in California? A tractable goal.

    It would be a small victory just to get Californians in one place talking to other Pro-Whites in California about what is going on in their state. If you are from California, sign up on the OD Forum.

  8. What a scene! Did you notice the confusion of messages among the Mexican protesters? Some of them sounded like conventional liberals (“we’re Mexican-Americans and we want to be treated like equals”) and some of them sounded like separatists (“this is OUR country”). Well, which is it folks?

  9. “Spics and blacks are natural enemies, and us stupid White people are pushing them closer together, good job idiots.”

    I don’t necessarily see this as a problem, in fact I see it as an opportunity. I hope hispanics and blacks do overtly unite against whites, and the sooner the better. Whatever it takes to get the party started.

    As a de facto matter, they already are united against us, and both groups actively collude in our genocide. Street level black on hispanic crime or low level gang warfare doesn’t change this. It’s true, they don’t like one another on the micro level, but it’s the macro that we’re concerned about.

    On another note, I’m certain people noticed the preponderance of females amongst the hispanic “nationalists.” They weren’t mere followers either, they were initiators. That’s an important sign, and it shows the breadth and depth of hispanic nationalism and anti-white hatred.

    As for us white nationalists, it is undeniably the case that males make revolutions happen. But until white females start showing up in significant numbers, not just as girlfriends or wives but as nationalists in their own right, we can assume that our movement has not truly arrived.

  10. Another observation: can anyone watching the video fail to notice the distinction between the Nordic white guy and the sea of ugly brown stubbies that he wades through in order to recover the flag? What a study in contrasts.

    I think it is Joanne that refers to mestizos as orcs. This video shows why: a human surrounded by a pack of malevolent, deformed, caterwauling orcs. Ah, the joys of equality and diversity.

  11. Great show of strength and civility by the men in the pickup truck.

    Southern California has some large White enclaves that tilt conservative.  For example, the San Diego suburbs and the Inland Empire.  There are also quite a few large military bases in the area.  When I was there in 2004, the housing/construction industry was booming, people were happily living on credit lines financed by their growing home equity, happily displaying American flag stickers on their new cars, and voting for Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Things have obviously changed a lot since 2004, and California’s fiscal shortfalls have rendered it a virtual ward of the Federal Government.

    California is an important battle to fight precisely because it shows dissatisfaction with massive illegal immigration.  It boosts morale among supporters of the law in Arizona and elsewhere.  Not opposing shows of illegal chauvinism in CA conveys that illegal immigration is just fine; only people who don’t know and live among illegal aliens oppose illegal immigration.  No!  Californians have seen the effects of massive illegal immigration in their state and are the most vociferously opposed!  But how do we get those numbers?  I agree with Trainspotter; we need more women to be involved.  Women attract more women and more men to an organization.  Maybe that’s WN 3.0.

  12. May 5th, my Calif. town: local Jew politicians (last four mayors = Schwartz, Miller, Blum, Schneider) flying Mex flags up and down main street. When Der Tag comes, we are going to hang them from the same lightposts those flags were on.

  13. Spics and blacks are natural enemies, and us stupid White people are pushing them closer together, good job idiots.

    The Congressional Black Caucus, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc. all give lip service to supporting these illegals but privately they know that they are supporting the dispossession of black political power. There are so many black Congressmen in heavily latino districts it would be suicide for them to vote for “comprehensive immigration reform”. The hispanics would return the favor by voting their own people into office. This talk of unity is nothing more than a charade they won’t be able to keep up for too much longer.

  14. No, Trainspotter, I think it was Annie Oakley, bless her pioneer heart, who referred to them, in one of her Diversity Diaries, as orcs. These half-pint Mestizos, er Misfitzos, yeah Misfitzos, are gonna be running for Mexico once the fire is started. These little invaders have never seen real white rage before. They call us frail??? Geez, I guess it’s gonna be a surprise attack.

  15. It would be a small victory just to get Californians in one place talking to other Pro-Whites in California about what is going on in their state. If you are from California, sign up on the OD Forum.

    I’m busy at A3P and am planning on moving back soon. After I’ve done so, I’ll keep you posted about SoCal.

    For example, the San Diego suburbs and the Inland Empire.

    You can pretty much scratch the I.E. It is too complex to discuss in this format but perhaps I’ll start writing about it in the future. It is where I spent a majority of my adolescence and all of my childhood and I can tell you that it is out of our hands for now.

  16. What a scene! Did you notice the confusion of messages among the Mexican protesters?

    It’s the mob mentality, they could say any nonsense and as long as it fed their egos they would go along with it.

    Here’s another example. I don’t know who’s more obnoxious and ridiculous, Mexicans or Jews. “Obama’s a Nazi!”

  17. Something Hunter mentioned after the murder of Richard Barrett. We HAVE to support the NRA.
    Without the MEANS to defend ourselves and our families the orcs will run right over the White Americans.

    At this site you will be informed AND can also join the NRA. Without them we wouldn’t have the oppoortunity to purchase effective self-defense firearms. Don’t wait another day.
    Off topic: Is there a system in place to register a screen name? Not necessary of course but might be good to have.

  18. It’s time for Operation Wetback II, subtitled this time we really mean business. No more Mr. nice white man. Let’s take off the gloves and get medieval with these brown vermin. Of course, “our” government only directs its attention and resources towards politically incorrect white people. Illegal aliens and radical blacks are given a very wide berth by black supremacists Obama and Holder.

    Frankly, you can cut the racial tension between white, mestizo and negro with a dull knife. I just don’t see how this can’t go on for much longer.

  19. You can pretty much scratch the I.E.

    Wikipedia says the I.E. was 40% non-Hispanic White in 2005-2007, and the demographics are changing rapidly.  So yeah, not promising. Temecula and Murrieta (where I lived) are, for now, still majority white.

    Also, I have to walk back the overly broad statement about metro San Diego after looking at non-Hispanic White percentages there.  Nonetheless, Carlsbad is an example of a majority (75%) non-Hispanic White suburb.  Not that it’s central to the immediate objective anyway, as a coalition of Whites will draw from cities, suburbs and towns (majority White or not).

  20. We HAVE to support the NRA.

    No we don’t. Consider the Gunowners of America as it is a much more promising alternative than the NRA.

    Everybody should buy a copy of Boston’s Gun Bible if they can as well.

    Temecula and Murrieta (where I lived) are, for now, still majority white.

    My father moved to the area when it was 14,000 people. It is well over 140,000 now. They were people trying to escape the transformation in the rougher parts of Orange County, San Bernadino and Oceanside/San Diego.

    It is a fucking disaster for civil engineers. Traffic is horrible, it is overcrowded, overpriced and horribly located.

    I went to the high school off Cal Oaks for a semester and wasn’t to impressed with the kind of people that live there then and (after a recent visit two weeks ago) still ain’t.

    They are shallow and materialistic. I suppose that is true of a majority of White folk in Cali right now though. I can’t wait to get back!

  21. I went to the high school off Cal Oaks for a semester and wasn’t to impressed

    …wasn’t too impressed…

    Ugh. Sorrow about the last, unnecessary paragraph break as well…

  22. The hispanics would return the favor by voting their own people into office. This talk of unity is nothing more than a charade they won’t be able to keep up for too much longer.

    The Democratic party is falling apart. The question is whether or not the Republican party will fall back into neo-conservative/Jewish/Zionist warmonger hands.

  23. I am in 95% White NH so I don’t have to worry about this kind of thing at all right now but this type of thing is just going to spread. A Racial War in the United States is already here and now we just have to see what the White masses are going to do.

  24. “Wikipedia says the I.E. was 40% non-Hispanic White in 2005-2007, and the demographics are changing rapidly. So yeah, not promising.”

    We hear a lot about the water situation in Southern California. I haven’t looked into it closely, but I suspect that the population of SoCal is completely unsustainable at anything near its current levels – unless everything works perfectly. Well, we seem to be entering an era where everything isn’t going to be working perfectly, and that has enormous implications for the Southwest. I’ve long been under the impression that the region relies upon a complex interplay of high energy expenditure and water piped in over massive distances. Talk about regional vulnerability.

    Maybe someone better acquainted with the situation can paint a clearer picture, but it appear that much of proto-Aztlan won’t endure in its present form if the system comes under serious stress – which could be as simple as a few water pipelines being disrupted. People can hang on for quite a while when faced with all sorts of deprivations. Not so when faced with a real lack of water. That’s when things get very tough, very fast.

    Perhaps the stress comes in the form of peak oil, economic calimity, or simply a good old fashioned SHTF type scenario. Anything that seriously disrupts the current complex systems upon which the region relies may be enough to do the trick, and the area could not support a population at anywhere near its current size. There are damn near ten million people in LA County alone, if that puts things in perspective. That requires an awful lot of water, each and every day.

    Does this mean that SoCal should be abandoned by whites? Absolutely not. It’s imperative that we show some real fighting spirit in the Southwest, and that seems to be happening. This region is one of the most likely candidates for getting the party started.

    So here is my take in a nutshell, though admittedly it’s not based on a lot of homework: any talk of whites abandoning SoCal, or the Southwest in general, is a mistake (hell, I’d go so far as to say that whites abandoning ANY region outside of BosWash would be a mistake, but that’s another story). Instead, whites must push back on this critical battleground.

    Here is the kicker: even if the region is lost, it is almost certainly unsustainable for the non-whites who would take it. So where do they go? If things get really bad, can you imagine the human tidal wave of non-white excrement that, having purged the Southwest of whites, would then spread like locusts into the rest of the country? They would come, literally, by the tens of millions. Obviously, we must do everything we can to prevent that. When the non-whites abandon the Southwest as a result of its unsustainability, we must make sure they flee south, not north or east. Or, for the non-hispanics, overseas. A flight back to India must be far more appealing than heading east.

    In short, if the white Southwesterners fight back, but the rest of White America sits on its ass and preaches diversity, we’re in for some very tough times. Non-whites can go south, overseas, or maybe BosWash. But not the white heartland.

    Even if whites are literally driven out of the Southwest (which doesn’t have to happen, but might) it should only be temporary. In such a scenario, again, the area would soon depopulate of non-whites and the region could be reclaimed. Let’s work for the day when the beaches will be full of pretty white girls again, without a swarthy critter in sight. That’s a worthwhile vision, isn’t it? Our own version of the beach scene from Africa Addio. Good enough for me.

  25. Orcs are fairly robust, actually. I’d say the Mexicans are more reminiscent of goblins.

  26. “Orcs are fairly robust, actually. I’d say the Mexicans are more reminiscent of goblins.”

    Yes, but unattractive even by goblin standards.

  27. 11Trainspotter, you might find this interesting:
    Los Angeles Daily News, 4/29/2006

    Latinos, blacks fight whites at Hart High; 4 students arrested
    BY SUE DOYLE, Staff Writer

    A sheriff’s deputy detains a student at Hart High School Friday after fighting broke out. (David Crane / Staff photographer)

    NEWHALL – Fighting between white, black and Latino students Friday at Hart High School resulted in the arrests of four teens, a sheriff’s sergeant said.

    Students were arrested on suspicion of failure to disperse, said sheriff’s Sgt. Cortland Myers, adding that the fight appeared racially motivated…

    Witnesses said black and Latino classmates teamed up together and fought white students during lunch…

    “It was racial. All the Mexican and blacks gathered up and fought the whites,” said Agustin Chavez, 15. “It was a rumble.”

  28. Trainspotter:
    “(hell, I’d go so far as to say that whites abandoning ANY region outside of BosWash would be a mistake, but that’s another story).”

    So we should keep the Southwest (including Southern California) and forfeit the Northeast?

  29. Excuse me, I meant “So, we should expend much of our most important resources to try to take the Southwest (including majority Brown Southern California), and forfeit the Northeast?”

  30. @33

    If it comes to that, Whites will be in a state of Civil War for about a day before we align and galvanize. The hard part at that point will be to get the recent converts not to feel sorry for our enemies. The video out of California clearly showed the mettle of our adversaries when confronted with A Few White Men.

  31. Trainspotter:

    Great comment, but I don’t think we have to worry about the muds fleeing Socal after they destroy the place. There’s no way they could survive the winters/cold. My prediction is that they wouldn’t make it past Kingman, AZ or Las Vegas. SoCal has a very unique and awesome climate. It literally turns you into a complete pussy when you encounter any temps below 50, and I’m from nebraska originally! I’ve only been here for 10 years, most of these douchebags have lived their whole lives here. The only snow they’ve seen is on top of the mountains in the distance.

  32. I suspect that Annie departed from the Golden State at a very propitious time. I think that she made a wise move. As Trainspotter mentions, the place is on the edge of unsustainability for many reasons, and is just waiting for an unexpected event or accident to occur. When the San Andreas Fault breaks loose with a mega earthquake, (and its 40 years past due!), all hell will break loose there. The Negroes and Mexicanos will rampage in an orgy of looting and mayhem that will be stunning, to say the least. The infrastructure will be utterly destroyed, bridges, rail, harbors, airports etc. Fedzog will have to fly entire army divisions out of the Middle East to the disaster zone, just to try to restore order. [And, so much for the abandoned puppet regimes propped up there by U.S. bayonets!]. The world will be appalled by the magnitude of the debacle, the death, the savagery and the pandemonium. A physically wrecked California will cost trillions of zogbuck$ to rebuild, and could very well be the catalyst that triggers the bankruptcy & financial collapse of the bubble “economy”. This scenario would have profound social, political, psychological and racial consequences. Ultimately, (considering the controlled media in the equation), will it have a critical ideological impact on the stunned and unbelieving Whites, who will be deeply affected? Will it possibly be a tipping point?

  33. Steve in the Swamps: “So, we should expend much of our most important resources to try to take the Southwest (including majority Brown Southern California), and forfeit the Northeast?”

    I know it may seem counterintuitive at first, but yes, that’s my analysis. The Northeast is the heart of the beast, from D.C. to Boston. That is the territorial core of system power, territory it will never let go. Or, more precisely, it would be the LAST territory the system would let go – and if it ever did there would be no more system. Another way of putting it: the only way we get BosWash is with total, absolute victory. Anything short of that, the system keeps BosWash.

    The Southwest is a different story. From the system’s point of view, you cut the Southwest loose if you absolutely have to, but never BosWash. While quite important, it’s not essential system territory.

    Of course, the Southwest is majority brown, but there are still a lot of solid white folks there. Further, as I mention above, it’s unsustainable at its current population level anyway. If whites were pushed out and Aztlan (in some shape or form) came about, the mestizos would quickly find themselves in heap big trouble. They would have far more population than they could support. For that matter, the very chaos that would result in booting out whitey would probably be enough to disrupt the vital support systems that the region depends upon. I don’t think it is any accident that the Southwest was very sparsely populated before the arrival of the white man. It probably will be again if the white man is absent.

    Given all of this, why should whites give it up? There is really no upside. In a major conflict (or maybe even without a major conflict), it’s going to be seriously depopulated anyway, I don’t think there is any getting around that. The only question is, which way do the tens of millions of non-whites flee: to the east or to the south? We know what they would do if given the choice today – head to where the whites are. The white nationalist challenge is to get them to head the other way, when the time comes.

    Now, having said all of that, I think that any whites who remain in the Southwest need to be well prepared, whether it be for a low level disturbance or a full scale flareup. Otherwise, not much point in sticking around.

    I was happy that Annie decided to leave. As important as women are going to be to our movement, I don’t think we want them involved in these kinds of things. So I’m a bit conflicted about the matter on a personal level – it’s probably a good idea for whites to get the hell off of the frontlines, for their personal safety. But in the bigger picture? We need for whites to get pissed off and make a stand – and the Southwest is clearly the top candidate today for getting the party started. I don’t want that opportunity to be wasted. While not in the Southwest, I myself have made a similar choice – I’m in a heavily mixed area of the South, and I’m not leaving. If the South destabilizes, my area would definitely be a front line, for a whole host of reasons.

    But today, it’s the Southwest that is the real firing line. It sort of reminds me of the conversation that Mel Gibson’s character had with a Continental officer in the movie The Patriot. Gibson says something to the effect that the colonial soldiers would be better off just running away. The general replies along the lines of, “Yes, better for them, but not for the Cause.”

    So, yea, it’s probably the “smart” move for whites to get out of the Southwest, not to mention the heavily black areas of the South. But hey, this thing has got to get started somewhere, and it’s not going to be in rural Wisconsin.

    I know that someone is thinking, “What about the Northwest?” Fine, I’m not advising against it. Realistically, though, if something along the lines of the Order got going again, most people would just see it as a small criminal outfit of wackos in bumfuck Idaho. But if there is real conflict between the races in the Southwest, it has the potential of being seen in an entirely different light. Totally different ballgame.

  34. Trainspotter: Very good anaysis; but, I guess I am thinking more long-term geopolitics than political strategy. Politically, the Southwest is a great co-starting point (with the Deep Southeastern states). But, long-term, maybe after the BosWash regime loses power or becomes race neutral: I think the Northeast is possibly the most important region for White Americans-geopolitically.

    We cannot have a White ethostate in the Southwest, if the rest of the Continetnal US is in enemy hands. We will be cornered by the Mexicans and the BosWash regime we were supposedly fighting where it most mattered. So, this could be seen as Whites running away from today’s elites controlling the Federal Government. Also, in the Deep Southwest, the Hispanics can just as easily kick Whites out, as we can kick them out. They are biologically better adapted to the environment of the Deep Southwest, and have the demographics and gang organizations to fight us near the Mexican border.

    Southern California, New Mexico, South Texas, (and soon Arizona will be) are demographically de facto parts of Mexico. Don’t think the Mexico Drug Cartels will permit a White ethostate in the Deep Southwest-bordering their home country and soon having their co-ethnics as the majority. They are within potentially a decade of overthrowing the Mexican Federal Government!

  35. The Southwest, and southern California in particular, has something in common with Africa: Neither place could support their current populations without White organization and technology. If we wanted to depopulate Africa, all we’d have to do is stop the food shipments. For the Southwest, cut the aquaducts. Even if the water continued to flow, without Whites or Orientals to maintain all the infrastructure systems, things would begin to collapse quickly. You can’t sustain a First World economy or society with ignorant, violent, Third World people.

  36. “The Southwest, and southern California in particular, has something in common with Africa: Neither place could support their current populations without White organization and technology.”

    It is certainly instructive that the population density in California is 65% greater than that in Mexico.

    I’m just not sure how close Mexico is to carrying capacity.

    “For the Southwest, cut the aquaducts. Even if the water continued to flow, without Whites or Orientals to maintain all the infrastructure systems, things would begin to collapse quickly.”

    I think that’s true.

    There’s a reason why the population density of Natives was so much greater for the Spaniards who invaded Mexico as opposed to the Spaniards who invaded California.

    Mexico is much more hospitable place, and a society consisting almost entirely of Non-Whites never could’ve settled it in a meaningful way.

  37. Steve in the Swamps: “We cannot have a White ethostate in the Southwest, if the rest of the Continetnal US is in enemy hands.”

    Absolutely, I agree. The Southwest would make a terrible location for a white ethnostate, if it were standing alone on an otherwise hostile continent. Of course, my view is that ANY white ethnostate, alone on an otherwise hostile continent, will be in a bad position. In fact, I don’t believe the white ethnostate can even come into existence in the first place if the current anti-white system controls most of the continent. The simple reality is that either the current system goes (or at least is so reduced in strength that it can no longer aspire to imperial status), or we aren’t going to win. I’m not advocating anything, just offering analysis.

    A nuclear armed, high tech and hate filled Brazil North is not a pleasant prospect, with plenty of Asians and Jews to keep the weapon systems operational. Yet that is essentially what we are looking at. Such a system is not going to let us waltz out the door.

    Therefore, in my view, any approach is worthless if it leaves the current system more or less intact. Much of the system’s strength comes from the fact that it controls so much territory, giving it a huge population base and enormous economic resources to draw from. In order to sufficiently weaken the system, it must end up with very little territory. Since whites still pretty much control the nation in geographical terms (if in few other ways), that opens up a lot of possibilities. When one looks at a demographic map, or even a red state/blue state map by county, a very interesting picture emerges. There is a vast white hinterland out there, and just as we need it for ourselves, it is also true that we must deny it to the system.

    So my long term view on the Southwest is just part of that larger picture. What it boils down to is fairly simple: winning as much territory for whites as possible, while simultaneously denying as much territory to our opponents as possible. In that way, since every square mile whites win will be at the expense of the system, we get a twofer in terms of its net effect on the power balance.

    I also agree with you that, down the road, the Northeast could be very important to us. However, from our present vantage point, it is clear that BosWash is the highest priority territory for the system. As long as there is a system at all, there will be BosWash. Further, it is always good to leave your opponent a way out. If things begin to get interesting and people start self-sorting even more than they are today, the non-whites and pro-system types will need a place to go, a place that they can home in on. Let them leave the hated “red” areas. Let them have their beloved New York. Since we know the system isn’t letting BosWash go in any event, it seems like the logical place.

    Quite literally every other place should at least be in play. There is no point in conceding large portions of the white hinterland to an anti-white system, especially when we know that the stronger the system is, the less likely it is to let us go. To sit back and let the system, unmolested, harness the resources of an entire continent is a surefire recipe for defeat. And even though the Southwest really isn’t part of the white hinterland, swamped as it is by browns, it is still vitally important that it be denied to the system and, once the inevitable depopulation occurs, brought back into the white fold.

    My view on the Southwest is both short term and long term. In the short run, it can be important in many ways, some of which I’ve mentioned above. As for the long term, I very much hold to the view

  38. Discard: “The Southwest, and southern California in particular, has something in common with Africa: Neither place could support their current populations without White organization and technology.”

    Absolutely. That’s why you have to take the “hispanics own the Southwest” type lines for what they are – misleading. Sure, they are the majority there for now (or soon will be), but again, were it not for the white man, they would have to flee it en masse. In other words, their “ownership” is a castle made of sand, based as it is upon the white man’s technology functioning flawlessly.

    Sort of like the blacks “owning” Detroit. Yeah, they own it alright, that is as long as the white man’s technology and government checks keep flowing in. If the white man disappeared, Detroit would be largely emptied out in a matter of months, certainly no more than a few years.

    That’s real ownership for you.

  39. Hunter, Whites are already meeting regularly in growing numbers in both Orange County and the Bay Area, and now San Diego. Growing comradeship and community! Don’t forget that the BANA folks bravely faced multitudes in SF on May 1 and got assaulted. The A3P folks leaflet every Saturday in OC. Now we have young people in high schools standing up against the Latin American Indians. None of this was happening a year ago to the extent that it’s happening now. We should be excited about this steady awakening.

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