Backtracking in Barbour County

I’m finally back home in Alabama. I arrived around noon local time yesterday. Some unexpected events kept me in Virginia for a week. That’s why I haven’t been online lately.

So much to do here. As soon as I crossed the border (after a twelve hour drive), I began snapping photos with a digital camera. I am going to do at least one podcast, shoot some video, and take a lot more photos while I am here. All this material will be compiled into a comprehensive travel essay.

OD readers in Alabama should contact me through email. I could host a dinner at a restaurant in some central location, meet up with you as I travel across the state, or maybe we could visit a historic site or state park. I will be in Dothan, Eufaula, Auburn, Columbus (GA), Tuskegee, Montgomery, Prattville, Birmingham, Tuscaloosa, and Huntsville. I might find the time to visit Mobile.

I’m going to see Robin Hood tomorrow with some friends. A movie review will be posted this weekend. The travel essay will include at least one activist event. It will be a surprise.

Note: I will be traveling back to Virginia on 1-85 through Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. We have several readers along this route. If you would like to meet up for breakfast or lunch, let me know. Maybe we can arrange something.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Charles Johnson over at the anti-American, pro-Israeli website LGF (littlegreenfootballs, quite possibly the dumbest website name ever) has a post up bashing Pat Buchanan for criticizing the demographics of the Supreme Court. He manages to work in a whine about The Political Cesspool in the process. CJ has also whined about AltRight in the past too. I hope Occidental Dissent is ready for the armies of “lizardoid” Israelis and philosemites who are going to descend on this site when OD shows up on CJ’s out-of-body persecution complex radar!

  2. Sorry, that comment was intended for your post on Elena Kagan. Are you going to do an update on the Gulf oil disaster while in Alabama? Happy travels!

  3. Robin Hood is the finest film made in years. Expect a big review at tomorrow.

    It is a classic.

  4. LGF is a repellent site, it was bad back when it was supposedly a neo-con site, now its a liberal pro-Israel site – or something. I was amazed how it had changed from the early 2000s. Though in essence it has the same message.

  5. Whoops…just caught the I-85 bit…well, if you happen to change your route and end up on I-20 through Augusta, give us the heads up.

  6. Kind-of-OT, Kind-of-Right-On:

    I’ve finally been banned from Free Republic, for “racism.” Jim Robinson is to Charles Johnson as Larry Flynt is to Bob Guccionne.

    Been a member/poster for 5? years. Rites de passage! I’m not sure why – though I guess it is for posting the following picture that I got off of Conservative Heritage Times:


    Hunter- I’m South of Savannah for the weekend; email me if you divert – we’re grilling tonight. You’re always welcome in Charleston, where you know about the good food and hospitality.


  7. LGF was supposedly a sports site that turned into a neo-con Zionazi site the day of 911. The day that Obama was nominated, it turned into a neo-lib Zionazi site, with virtually no changes.

    It all comes back to 911. Unless White people wake up to the biggest lie of the new century, nothing will ever happen. Millions of White people in America want to fight wars for Israel, because their Jew Tube told them that ragheads did it, not Mossad.

    Nothing will change because they are going to do it again to get us to attack Iran. But WNs think they can just ignore the issue, be politically correct, and freeze out those that don’t buy the obvious bullshit.

    The very best you can hope for is a Jew-friendly movement like AmRen wants, and you can see how well that works out.

    Wasn’t it Hitler himself that said regular people will not believe small lies, because they tell those themselves, but would believe a really big lie because they wouldn’t tell lies that big themselves. We have a similar problem in modern day America.

    As we can see with the Hutaree case, this is not a past issue, it’s a present issue.

  8. It has become clear to me that I need to make a special visit to Georgia and South Carolina. We have more people in these two states than I previously thought.

  9. Not really important, but some people have wondered what “little green footballs” actually means. It’s an obscure reference to Chloral Hydrate, the synthetic depressant drug, called “Mickey Finn” when used to spike a drink. The most common brand came in a green oval shaped capsule. Placidyl, the sleeping pill that Chief Justice Rehnquist was briefly addicted to also came in a larger oval shaped green capsule.

    For the life of me, I never understood how LGF attracted such a large following. I’ve never read anything interesting or insightful there. It is a good place to learn about the dynamics of cults and groupthink though.

  10. It all comes back to 911.

    No, it doesn’t. 9/11 did not put us on the path to race-replacement and extinction. The process of mass immigration and race-replacement had been ongoing for decades prior to 9/11.

  11. 9/11 did not put us on the path to race-replacement and extinction. The process of mass immigration and race-replacement had been ongoing for decades prior to 9/11.

    Of course, it’s not the root cause, instead it’s a major battle. The Whites of the USA are destroying and bankrupting themselves fighting for the Zionist regime in Palestine precisely because they believe the 911 lie. The cream of the crop White soldiers from the Southlands are currently fighting and dieing for Jews half way around the world – instead of securing our borders, or even raiding other countries for our benefit – precisely because of 911. Southern conservative Christian Protestants, our natural allies, are selling us out to the Zionist Jews precisely because they believe the 911 lie.

    No, it didn’t start our dispossession, instead, it’s continuing our dispossession. For FOXtards, it should be simply downplayed. Anyone who actually believes the Bin Laden in a cave theory and uses that as a basis for policy is either too stupid for leadership or the enemy.

    Mossad did 911, and the Zionist regime in Palestine and their fifth column in the USA is a domestic enemy, and far more dangerous than Mestizos or Negroes. The next major terrorist attack on American will show quite clearly the difference between serious White people and sheeple. I’m choosing my enemies and Persians who are in Persia aren’t my enemy.

  12. “The next major terrorist attack on American will show quite clearly the difference between serious White people and sheeple.”

    To clarify, consider that Hutaree was all set up to be the next Waco, they had SWAT and all the expensive fancy machinery there – and the cameras – all ready to go. No one is sure exactly why the fireworks didn’t go off. But this was obviously a made-for-TV drama.

    Then the legal case falls apart, the FBI agent who was “infiltrating” them was discredited, and the judge even let them all out on bail. The media called them “cop-killers” when they *did not kill anyone or say they were going to*.

    White people believe this crap precisely because of 911, or more generally, the TV. Since 911, from the Anthrax letters that came from Fort Detrick, to the Crotch Bomber (why they government takes naked pictures of your wife when she gets on an airplane) to the latest Hutaree “militia” fake bullshit, Whites have shown an unlimited capacity to buy whatever Jack Bauer silliness they see on the TV.

    And unless you arrest this particular parasite-caused behavior, it’s only going to get worse. The Brain Slugs did it.

  13. I heard that it was a muslim fanatic named Mohammad Ossad who masterminded 9/11. They say that they’ll catch that b@stard M.Ossad any day now…

  14. Whites have shown an unlimited capacity to buy whatever Jack Bauer silliness they see on the TV. – VVD

    You said it, the recent “bomb scares” are also in this category. Just like that “Syrian nuclear reactor” Israel took out a few years back. Unmitigated bs from the word go, but look at how John Q. Taxpayer eats it up.

  15. “It all comes back to 911.”

    No, it doesn’t. 9/11 did not put us on the path to race-replacement and extinction. The process of mass immigration and race-replacement had been ongoing for decades prior to 9/11. – MGLS

    I never understood this line of thinking — i.e. that it has to be one, or the other, but, somehow, cannot be both.

    MG – is it not possible that 9/11 is part-and-parcel — part of the ‘end-game’, if you will — of the path of race-replacement and extinction that the Zionists, along with their White Anglo ‘helpers’, have put us on over the last 40-50 years with them dispossessing us culturally, politically and especially economically(??)… with the end-result is for them now using our White soldiers as a kind of ‘Golem’ to be used as mercenaries against their contemporary opponents, the Muslims of the Middle East.

    Gee dude, if you are concerned with racial preservation, you should really be concerned with the fact that 9/11 — and the wars that resulted from that propaganda coup — will be as much as anything else of a detriment to the long-term racial and ethnic interests of Americans of Northern European descent. Especially, as Steve Sailer points out, the demographic problems with the ‘invade-the-world-invite-the-world’ philosophy that follows wars of ‘conquest’.

    Essentially, 9/11 and its attendant problems is not an all-or-nothing proposition MG — or any of the weapons that Our existential enemies use against Us.

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