Greg Johnson on Christianity

Greg Johnson knocks this one out of the ball park.

This article eloquently sums up my own view of Christianity and its relationship to White Nationalism. The idea that there is “No Way Out But Through the Christians” is retarded. The Church is a reed that has always blown with the political wind. If Hitler had won the Second World War, the Pope wouldn’t be talking about “human rights” and “migrants” today. Here in the South, the Southern Baptists suddenly realized they were against “racism” in 1998.

As an atheist, I acknowledge there are some people who desperately need religion, not the mere recitation of belief, but the actual experience of living a virtuous life in a peer based support group. There are no shortage of them in Alabama. The decline of traditional religion and values has been replaced less by outright atheism than by the garbage that pullsates through our culture. I would rather deal with an honest Christian anyday than a degenerate secular individualist.

This website is proof that Christianity and White Nationalism are not necessarily opposed. We have several Christian contributors and far more Christian commentators. It makes more sense for them to work within Christianity to pull the religion in a more positive direction.

Liberal Democracy is the greatest threat Christianity has ever faced. Look at Britain or the Czech Republic where Christianity has all but collapsed. As I write this post, Christianity is rotting in America. It is degenerating into an unrecognizable brew of Secular Humanism and Unitarianism. This can hardly be attributed to our nonexistent influence on popular culture.

A victorious White Nationalism can remove the cultural rot at the heart of the present liberal regime. It is the only scenario in which I can imagine Christianity (or any other form of traditionalism) surviving the twenty-first century.

Note: Check out Counter Currents when the site is ready.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. He leaves out probably the greatest thing about Christianity from the pov of what is good for the future health of “people of uncolor”: Christians tend to have large families, and to inculcate strong Occidental values and survival traits in the children that they raise. Athiests and agnostics, on the other hand, often die childless or nearly so.

    Is “Counter-Currents” going to replace TOQ Online, or is it going to be a new site alongside the old one?

  2. I agree with Johnson that we need to be pragmatic in the attainment of political objectives and avoid constant infighting that detracts from said objectives, but his statement of personal liberalism is disconcerting. In fact, the sort of double-sworded, Gelasian thinking he promotes in this essay is at the root of our spiritual malaise.

  3. @2

    Dr. Johnson is no longer editor of The Occidental Quarterly and TOQOnline will probably be left as an archive.

    Counter Currents is a new publishing imprint:

    “Counter-Currents will examine individuals, institutions, movements, and trends that go against the currents of the modern age by resisting decadence, dehumanization, and the destruction of the natural order.”

    I am sure Greg will have much to say about Counter Currents on his new radio show at VOR:

  4. @Hunter

    You are much more concise than Johnson:

    “Christianity is rotting in America. It is degenerating into an unrecognizable brew of Secular Humanism and Unitarianism. This can hardly be attributed to our nonexistent influence on popular culture.”

  5. Jews mock Jesus and deny that he was the savior of mankind. Muslims take a more respectful approach to Jesus even though they don’t believe that he was the savior of mankind. Christianity isn’t compatible with white nationalism from a logical perspective because of its Judaic base, but it can be molded into a recruitment tool that shifts anti-Muslim sentiment into anti-Judaic sentiment. Mark Glenn and David Duke are good at this.

  6. >As an atheist, I acknowledge there are some people who desperately need religion, not the mere recitation of belief, but the actual experience of living a virtuous life in a peer based support group.<

    Most Christians attend church to pass on their inherited traditions, thereby honoring their mother and father. Tradition is the reason some people put O’s or Mc’s before their names, the reason most people wear suits to weddings, the reason many people use titles of address such as “Mr.” or “Mrs.”, ad infinitum. If we applied the same hostile criticism to our inherited social institutions as we do our inherited religion we would find that O’s and Mc’s are a needless waste of characters in names (indeed surnames would also be unnecessary), track suits serve just as well at weddings as tuxedos — as hardly anyone wears wool suits anymore, and titles of address or of nobility or any other form of respect are extraneous, as their use implies a prejudiced view of someone’s character before knowing them. If this critical reductionism sounds familiar, it is because it is; these same methods have been used against White Westerners for some time to undermine the foundation of their societies.

    To stop this process is easy. We just say to the critic “we differ on principal” and move on. Principles cannot be defended by reason, they are granted, they are accepted, and they cannot be torn apart. Ask a mathematician to prove “one”. Ask a logician to prove the principle of the excluded middle. Ask a theologian to prove God. They wont waste their time our yours, and yet the peoples of the West do exactly this when their principles are attacked. Rather than undermine our own foundations by questioning what is inherently unquestionable, we in the West need merely point to the great things which were once done with these principles and continue to preserve them.

    As for those who say God isn’t real, if one follows that same logic further, neither is nation, or border, or freedom, or love, or any other concept not tied to material existence. The concept of God, like the concept of nation, exists in our minds and nowhere on Earth. Christians often point this out in the phrase “worldly things”, “earthly things”, “the carnal”, etc. Indeed, the idealistic painting “The School of Athens” –which serves as a banner for this site– is not so much a collection of depictions of long-dead men as it is a representation of those whose ideas made Western Civilization. It is because of the ideas of those depicted that they are depicted. The legacy of our great thinkers is nowhere on earth, it carries on in our minds.

    I think there is a division in the WN community and it isn’t between the religious and the non-religious. The division seems to be between those which are idealists (those that believe there is a ideal “Western Civilization” and that its institutions are in jeopardy) and those which are materialists (those that believe that there is a physical White Race and that its existence is in jeopardy). In the idealists you’ll find those concerned with carrying on the tradition of marriage, the traditions of meritocratic-aristocracy or representative democracy, the traditions of the church, the traditions of etiquette and protocol, the traditions of art and of the civilizing institutions in society. In the materialists you will find those passionately pursing advances in DNA, those gathering objective statistics showing the failures on non-Whites and the merits of Whites, those loudly calling for higher birth rates, more land, more gold, and those generally focused on material reality.

    As is the case with most things, there is a mean which should be observed. Both idealists and materialists need to meet each other in the correct ratio. Those idealists defending the old institutions of the West need to do so by observing concrete material fact; there are differing races, there are few races which have been proven capable of carrying Western Civilization, and there is a demographic crisis in the West which praying won’t fix. Those materialists concerned solely with decline of the White race need to acknowledge that without Western institutions and values, even if there was a resurgence in the number of Whites, the world will be more Walmart than Westminster. The usurious Hebraic ideological status quo will only serve to make deracinated slaves or prostitutes of Whites without connection to their Western heritage.

  7. I agree that (traditional) Christianity need White nationalism to survive.

    I would rather deal with an honest Christian anyday than a degenerate secular individualist.

    Yes and I as a Christian would much rather deal with an honest atheist such as yourself than with the morons in many of Americas churches.

  8. “Both idealists and materialists need to meet each other in the correct ratio”
    1.61803399 parts of idealism to 1 part materialism. Or perhaps vice-versa.

  9. “…the garbage that pullsates through…”

    Did you mean “pulsates” or “pullulates”?

  10. I would not bash Christianity – and also notice some good things about even the fallen Christianity left in the USA.

    White Christians in America still have children, White children, most others do not. Christianity is about the only place one can find a White woman who doesn’t hate White men – my take is that 99% of White women who attend high ranked colleges and Universities are hostile to marriage and children with any White man who isn’t a $ billionaire.

    That said, dealing With White Christians, White Christian churches is a real pain – you get the worst of liberalism and head in the sand Conservatism, militarism. These Bible folks want to “save everyone in the world”, that means enabling every non White in the Third World to get saved, come to the United States of America – where the Bible folks will try to get them to be just like us.
    Then there is the Conservative side of the Church that loves all things having to do with war, only the wars are never anything close to being pro White. How we managed to avoid a Third White vs White World War against THE RUSSIANS with all the idiot Reagan Religious Right folks looking to “Nuke the Russians”, I still don’t know how we avoided that one.
    And then there was the 2008 Presidential election where most White Religious Right church folk wasted the entire Presidential election obsessed with stopping the election of Mitt Romney who was horrors of horrors…

    White White Mormon Latter Day Saint with a huge White family. Mormons used to be horror of horrors, White racialists, only allowed Whites in the Priesthood.

    Maybe others can work with these White Bible Belt folks, I can’t, other to compliment White moms with large families.
    One way to go is to use the term “X’tians’ instead of Christians for the idiot White church people doing stupid stuff like rushing off to Haiti to try to bring back tens of thousands of Black Haitian orphans, well they weren’t really orphans, just Black folks who wanted to go White places….

    The White Romans should have thrown all these types to the Lions. Wouldn’t it be great if Roman ruled Europe still had lots of lions, but not of these X’tians?

  11. Just curious what would you think of what a Nietzschean of the North (N of N) that blogs under the penname of “Conservative Swede” wrote last year:

    With Christ as part of the equation, the Christian ethics of the Gospels became balanced. Humans were seen as imperfect and it was Christ who covered for us with his self-sacrifice. In Secular Christianity [liberalism] each person has to be like Jesus himself, doing self-sacrifice, since there’s no other way to realize Christian ethics. On top of that, with the Industrial Revolution and the surplus it created in our societies, we came to the point where all the good deeds of Christian ethics could finally be executed by giving off our surplus to all the poor and weak foreign people around the world: food, Western medicine, and other aid.

    Thus the Western Christian civilization caused the population explosion in the Third World. It is entirely caused by the Western Christian civilization, since these Third World countries were completely unable to do this themselves. Christian ethics commands that every single human life should be saved if possible. Before, more than half of the children in Third World countries died. Now virtually all survive, and we have the population explosion…

    But Christian ethics cannot stand the sight of little brown children dying. They must help them, or they will freak out. They cannot keep their fingers away. So they are dooming them to mass starvation in the billions and complete breakdowns of their societies. This is the concrete effect of Christian ethics.

    The N of N wrote in another article:

    We are witnessing the historical demise of Christianity. When a star dies, in its last phase it expands into a red giant, before it shrinks into a white dwarf. Liberalism is the red giant of Christianity. And just as a red giant it is devoid of its core, it expands thousandfold while losing its substance and is about to die.

  12. “…the garbage that pullsates through…”

    Did you mean “pulsates” or “pullulates”?


    Soren, I’m sure everyone is appreciative you pointed you the difference. Now why don’t you go jump in the lake?

  13. I would not bash Christianity – and also notice some good things about even the fallen Christianity left in the USA.

    White Christians in America still have children, White children, most others do not.

    True, but this is dysgenic, since White Christians have lower IQs than secular Whites.

  14. Soren, Im sure everyone is appreciative that you pointed out the difference. Now why don’t you go jump in the lake

  15. Chechar,

    “We are witnessing the historical demise of Christianity. When a star dies, in its last phase it expands into a red giant, before it shrinks into a white dwarf. Liberalism is the red giant of Christianity.”

    Complete garbage.

    The socialist inspired ideology that’s killing us was pioneered by Jewish intellectuals, which helps explain why modern “liberalism” is so anti-Christian. The roots of modern liberalism are more anti-Christian than Christian.

  16. “True, but this is dysgenic, since White Christians have lower IQs than secular Whites.”


    Secular Whites like soren rennor?

    Good luck following the likes of him.

  17. I think attacking Christians is a good idea, if done properly. People assume that if you attack someone, they will dislike you for it, but this is not necessarily true. For instance, Jews attack tea party goers for being “racist”, and the tea partiers respond by going to great lengths to prove how not racist they are. I think a similar strategy could work for us: attack tea partiers, “conservative Christian” types, etc. for being insufficiently pro-White.

    Racialists would do well to study the psychology underlying “game”. Giving away approval is a mistake. Making people fight to earn our approval is the intelligent approach.

  18. “I think attacking Christians is a good idea”


    YES!!! Attacking Christians is a good idea!!! Fantastic!!!

    The more I read here the more I realize WN is doomed.

    Unless Soren Renner’s high IQ can save us?

  19. Another thing: being overly antagonistic to Christianity might be a mistake, but under no circumstances should we become actively pro-Christian or try to keep Christianity afloat. Christianity is dying out in Europe, something which is an incredibly positive development from a racialist point of view. The same process is already well underway in the coastal parts of the US… we can only hope that it continues.

  20. Reader,

    Christianity is not the problem. The religion of Leftism is the problem. Leftism has subverted Christianity.

    More on this later.

  21. @ Chechar, “[N of N’s quotation].” Complete garbage. The socialist inspired ideology that’s killing us was pioneered by Jewish intellectuals, which helps explain why modern “liberalism” is so anti-Christian. The roots of modern liberalism are more anti-Christian than Christian.

    I tend to think so. Still, the Nietzschean of the North took issue with me recently in a MANGAN’S article on this very topic, “Auster attacks me again,” arguing: “Chechar, Either you show that the Jews were guilty of the birth of multiculturalism in the wake of the American Civil War (as described by RV above and originally by me).?Either you show how the Jews were behind this, or you admit that the Jewish Question doesn’t have the overall importance that you want to pretend that it has.”

    The N of N seems to be saying that liberalism, understood as the non-discriminatory principle that is killing the West, started before the Jews took over the U.S. While I think that the N of N is totally blind about the JQ, it would be interesting if someone knowledgeable of American history responded him (BTW, this guy is not properly a WN.)

  22. Another case of leaders waiting for followers; once there’s a market for race-conscious pastors, you’ll start seeing them. Right now there’s just no money in it. In other words, start feeding the couch potatoes racialism through their teevees, and you’ll start seeing it in the churches too.

  23. Chechar,

    The principle of non-discrimination, as it is now understood, has socialist roots that are anti-American and anti-Christian.

  24. “Christianity is dying out in Europe, something which is an incredibly positive development from a racialist point of view.”

    The Anti-Christianity of the English isn’t doing them much good, from what I can see.

    They’re actually Anti-Christian that some poor vestigal Pastor was arrested for reading out loud from the Bible in the context of talking to someone who disagreed with him on the issue of Homosexuality.

    Let me repeat that: A Pastor in England was arrested for reading the Bible out loud.

    Christianity couldn’t be much deader in a Country than that, and yet where is the benefit to racialism?

    The very people who suppress the Pastor, let in a massive number of Non-European immigrants in England every year, and allow them free reign to commit Anti-White atrocities all over the place.

    I’m not sure if what’s replacing Christianity in Europe can be said to be an improvement.

  25. @ “Chechar, The principle of non-discrimination, as it is now understood, has socialist roots that are anti-American and anti-Christian.”

    Then explain me how on earth could Christian Americans granted blacks citizenship (i.e., non discrimination) after the civil war well before the socialists.

  26. Christianity couldn’t be much deader in a Country than that, and yet where is the benefit to racialism?

    Well, Britain has the BNP, which is much more active and has a much broader base of support than anything you’ll find in the US. The same is true of most European countries and their “far right” movements.

  27. Reader,

    European Countries they don’t have the two party electoral system we do in America. It’s actually set up so a Party can win 10% of the vote and still have a major effect on how the Country is governed.

    For this reason voting for a Party other than the two biggest ones is FAR more mainstream in Europe than in America.

    For this reason Far Right parties have a huge political advantage in Europe relative to Far Right parties in America, an advantage that really has nothing to do with Religious issues.

  28. Part of the reason why the “far right” in Europe is more successful than in America is that the most patriotic people in those countries aren’t hearing weekly sermons about the “brotherhood of man,” how Martin Luther King is like a modern Jesus and the need to to send missionaries to save the cannibals in New Guinea.

    Evangelical Protestant Christianity is in competition with white nationalism for the same kinds of people. Both movements claim to address the rot in modern America, but only one is right

    I know that in my own journey to explicit racial consciousness, overcoming religious nonsense was an important step. Evangelical type Christianity is especially bad because it has extra poisons like philo-semitism, anti-evolution,anti-traditionalism, anti-tribalism and patriotardism embedded in it. It’s also the preferred version of Christianity for non-white converts, which will make it very hard to re-racialize.

    My opinion is that when WN get involved in politics, we shouldn’t get mention religion other to say that we support traditional values.

  29. Chechar,

    “Then explain me how on earth could Christian Americans granted blacks citizenship (i.e., non discrimination) after the civil war well before the socialists.”

    Well this is a more difficult question because you’re asking me to explain the ideological origins of political events that happened 150 years ago. There’s a lot that went into the Civil War and the events that followed and I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say that it would take a real scholar (e.g. not me) to properly isolate and identify the relevant political forces.

    However, I can provide you with at least one example of how socialist forces were behind the political events of the reconstruction era.

    As many people know, it was the Radical Republican Thaddeus Stevens who pushed through the Fourteenth Amendment, which overruled Dred Scott and granted citizenship to black slaves. What is less well known is the fact that Stevens commissioned Robert Dale Owens Jr. to write the initial draft of this amendment. The significance here is that Robert Dale Owens Jr. is the son of Robert Owens who is the father of British socialism! And it gets better, Robert Dale Owens Jr. worked with his father to create socialist utopian societies in the United States in the 1820s (those communities failed by the way). In conclusion, Stevens looked to a radical socialist when he sought to craft the piece of legislation that would give black slaves their citizenship (and do many other bad things besides).

  30. Reginald @30 hit the nail on the head.

    The European countries have a parliamentary system that allows for non-mainstream parties, like the BNP, to gain a measure of success that is just not possible in America’s two-party system. Christianity, or the lack thereof, has nothing to do with it.

    If America had a parliamentary system of this kind I have no doubt that we would’ve had a BNP of our own a while ago.

  31. notuswind,

    Therefore Christianity’s meta-ethics are not entirely blameless. Look at the deranged altruism that westerners display in Haiti. I am not saying that Jews & Commies don’t carry on their shoulders most blame with regard to our current malaise, only that the astronomical blunder of turning Negro slaves into full citizens (instead of non-citizen civilians ready for deportation after the war) cannot be blamed on J & C.

    I’m curious of what would KMD himself say about the Nietzschean from the North’s POV. Every time I discuss with this impatient guy he gets mad at me and we are no longer on speaking terms. (BTW, in my blog there’s a 26,000-word entry about Christianity’s meta-ethics and suicidal liberalism under the title “Conservative Swede’s Weltanschauung”.)

  32. I too am an atheist, and AGREE that attacking WN’s who happen to be religious believers is foolish at best. That is one of the MAJOR beefs I’ve got with Alex Linder and VNN. It only serves to turn us against one another!! As long as we can agree on the need for an all-white, hetro-normal state, anything else should be secondary.

  33. European Countries they don’t have the two party electoral system we do in America. It’s actually set up so a Party can win 10% of the vote and still have a major effect on how the Country is governed.

    For this reason voting for a Party other than the two biggest ones is FAR more mainstream in Europe than in America.

    Of course. But, we still have third parties here in the US, it’s just that none of them are even remotely racialist.

    I guess I’m not totally certain if the strength of the “far right” in Europe has anything to do with the decline of Christianity there, though I suspect there’s some connection.

  34. Boy, I sure don’t agree with this at all. In White California (the most liberal state in the US) the going flavor of Christianity is the hard fundamentalist version. I do mean hard fundamentalist. Of course, like in the US South, it is also mixed in with hard degeneracy in the form of drug use (mostly pot), heavy drinking, and quite a bit of sex. I’m not sure how it all makes sense. A defining characteristic is hatred of Catholics as “non-Christians.”

    The Hispanics are all Catholics, albeit a strange kind. Heavy drinking, drug use (most pot but also speed), lot of screwing around by the guys, lot of gang-banging, but then they are all Catholics at the end of the day. Something like Latin American Catholic degeneracy plus cultural conservatism.

    The notion that US Christianity is degenerating into secular humanism or Unitarianism is preposterous. That’s a minority trend with liberal Whites in suburbs, cities and even small towns. Minority! As in liberals. Liberals area a minority. Secular humanism or atheism is advancing in the young folks, but it’s only 15% of the US right now.

  35. Yes, Liberation Theology and Replacement Theology Leftist. Replacement Theology in particular might be of interest to White nationalists.

    I’m most sympathetic to the Liberation Theology of the FMLN in El Salvador, the Sandinistas and Camilo Torres in Colombia. Hugo Chavez also supports Liberation Theology.

  36. Can’t one disagree with everything about Christianity without hating Christians? Most of my relatives are nominally Catholic, but they don’t seem to care much that I’m heathen and it really doesn’t bother me much that they are Catholic (if explained to them about the catholic charity shit bringing refugees in on their dime, they would prob flip out!)…I am however disconcerted about the bible-thumping variety of Christian…sure is hard to unite with people who think i’m the sinningest spawn of satan and am surely going to hell. Waiting for Yeheshua to lead you on horseback to kill people like me sure isn’t generating my sympathies…

  37. White Bible Believers Have Accept Alien Religious Myths
    To Vlad Katonic who notes that the

    ” bible-thumping variety of Christian…sure is hard to unite with people who think i’m the sinningest spawn of satan and am surely going to hell. Waiting for Yeheshua to lead you on horseback to kill people like me sure isn’t generating my sympathies…”

    I agree the Whites who take the Religious myths of the (Jewish Bible) as the one true history, the truth are the most hostile to other Whites who go a different way.

    Now don’t try to bring this up with Whites who are Jewish bible believers, but the reality of the power of the 6 Million martyred Jews is just another Jewish Religious myth forced on White Gentiles, same as the Jewish myths in the Old Testament Bible.

    Is there any scientific evidence that God ever parted the Red Sea, brought down a “Pillar of Fire” on the evil Egyptians to aid The Jews – God’s Chosen People? If Whites make the OT Jewish Bible the be all and end all of their life, they are set up to be enslaved by other Jewish religious myths like the myth of the 6 million, or the Jewish myth that America must have open borders immigration to welcome the “Huddle Masses Yearning to breathe free” – you know that cursed poem added to the Statue of Liberty by that cursed Jewess Zionist EMMA LAZARUS.
    Here’s an interesting education video that examines the 6 Million gassed Jews as a Jewish Religious Myth, same as the Parting of the Red Sea.

  38. @ “I’m most sympathetic to the Liberation Theology of the FMLN in El Salvador, the Sandinistas and Camilo Torres in Colombia. Hugo Chavez also…” –RL

    Oh boy: I’ve only listened to Latin American commies talk like that…

    @ “I too am an atheist, and AGREE that attacking WN’s who happen to be religious believers is foolish at best.” –IG

    Old fashioned, anti-Semitic Christianity is good for whites. The only western countries that are not suffering from population replacement are those in Eastern Europe. In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia there’s not much evidence of “sex at 13, self-mutilation and hatred for white ethnic identity. The fact of life that women are connected to nesting and children is still on the surface everywhere in Central Europe,” as a Polish contributor to the Brussels Journal put it. “The post-communist ruling elites here have not engaged in the favorite treason of their Western counterparts: population replacement. No gays exchanging body fluids in public. No gay pride parades. No transvestite police persons. No Arabic prayer incantations wafting through the golden light of dusk…”

    Obviously, old-fashioned Christianity robustly preserves our culture by keeping the likes of Gríma Wormtongue (Jews) out of the sphere of influence, while the new version of Christianity (liberalism) with all of its deranged altruism reminds me the nastiest cases of self-cutting women.

  39. Is it possible to delete a post once it has gone up?

    I don’t want to get involved with religious divisions.

    If you are White and Christian God bless you.

    Just remember….

    Jesus wants you to stop being a complete idiot!

  40. Chechar,

    “while the new version of Christianity (liberalism) with all of its deranged altruism reminds me the nastiest cases of self-cutting women.”

    Why do you continue with this claim that contemporary “liberalism” is just the latest version of Christianity? It doesn’t make any sense. Jesus didn’t teach anything even close to what we now call liberalism.

  41. @ “Chechar… Jesus didn’t teach anything even close to what we now call liberalism.”

    Not so sure… Depend on what you understand by “Jesus.” While I don’t believe in the existence of a personal God, as I said above I do believe that a robust, anti-Semitic Christianity is a good wall against the tsunami of suicidal liberalism (as in Poland, etc.).

    The historical Jesus, as a subject, is pretty messy. I have read quite a lot of scholarly works about it. The scholarship that has most impressed me range from Albert Schweitzer’s (a Christian) work to Morton Smith’s (an agnostic).

    While it’s impossible to ascertain who was the historical Jesus, it is worth noting that in the chapter about 1815-1850 of A History of the American People Paul Johnson claims that during those years Christian morality rebelled against slavery, just as the religious First Great Awakening had meant the death sentence for British colonialism. Since the Jews were involved in neither, this little piece of info gives plausibility to my view that something escapes MacDonald’s model.

    This does not mean that MacDonald is wrong. He is right. Newton was right. But when trying to account for all data the Newtonian paradigm needs to be expanded if we are to understand the font et origo of our current predicament.

  42. That ball you say Greg hit out of the park was a foul, Hunter. Strike two on Greg. He wishes the common sense of WN will catch on and take hold one day among our kinsmen, but he doesn’t want to unnecessarily alarm or offend the hymn-singers by telling them their emperor is naked.

    We’ll either be a White movement or a Xian movement, but not both. WN is to XM as hope is to despair. As world views they are diametrically opposed.

    Our people — the ones we want, anyway — can take the hard truth they need, so why not give it to them?

    Discussion of JQ in WN here:

    Read the National Alliance’s policy that was foolishly removed from the NA Membership Handbook soon after Pierce’s death. That TRUTH policy, that Xianity is an ideology opposed to White renewal, is clearly what had set Pierce’s Alliance apart from the also rans.

    Read also at the OD forum thread another message from Dr. Pierce to his members 28 years ago on this all important issue. He tells them that if they belong to a church that has policies opposed to National Alliance policies, say addressing homosexual marriage or race-mixing, then the member should either resign from his church, or resign from the National Alliance. Makes perfect sense to sensible people.

    The only things keeping organized religions going in the U.S. is the tax-exempt status they enjoy, and the so-called “legitimacy” of all the anti-White Jew-worshipping orgs like Fellowship of Xians and Jews that are herding Jesus’s lambkins. We can’t wish Jew power away any more than we can avoid offending misguided White judeophiles with our hard line racial truth. We must deprogram our judaized kinsmen from the mental poison. Nobody ever said it would be easy.

  43. Chechar,

    With all due respect, do you really understand 19th century American history? The overwhelming majority of 19th century American Christians did not accept total equality with the black, even if they thought that slavery was evil. The politicians and intellectuals who pushed for black citizenship and equality in that era were very much a fringe minority and were considered radical.

    In contrast with a centuries old Christianity, the socialist movement was an intellectual product of the 19th century that had the beginnings of all the anti-White characteristics that we see today in contemporary liberalism.

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