We tried to tell you. We tried to warn you. For years, those of us who insisted on thinking rationally and living in the real world — who were able to “see through the Jews” and recognize race reality — tried to make you, our liberal, politically-correct, non-racially conscious and non-Jew-wise friends and family members see and understand the truth. The truth about the wrong-headedness and racially suicidal results of such things as egalitarianism, outgroup altruism, diversity, multiculturalism, integration, miscegenation (race-mixing), Jewish power and brainwashing and control of our media and government, and all the rest.
But we were always ridiculed, accused of being evil, silenced, scorned, shunned, ostracized, and otherwise socially penalized. We were called haters, bigots, White supremacist racists, anti-Semites, and Nazis. We lost friendships, family relationships, assets, our safety and well-being, and even our lives in some cases.
So here we are going into the summer of 2010. A year and a half after the inauguration of President Barack Hussein (Soetoro) Obama; the shucking-and-jiving, finger-jabbing Halfrican of questionable U.S. birth (doubtful “natural citizenship”); the anti-White (and especially anti-White-male) racist, past drug user, totally inexperienced (at anything of constructive or worthwhile substance), socialist-if-not-communist, probable bi-sexual imposter. The half-black “phantom” who has gone to great lengths and expense to hide his past and many of the most relevant records of his life. There is credible evidence or at least reasonable grounds for questioning such things as: his proof of birth location and citizenship (actual, true birth certificate); college and university enrollment and admission data including names used, citizenship claimed (such as in “foreign exchange student” status?); details of his scholastic records including transcripts; mode of payment for his Harvard education (paid by a foreign source?); passport(s) possessed and used (issued by what country or countries?); Selective Service registration form details; medical records; his (multiple?) social security account details indicating residence in several different states; details of his work on behalf of the anti-White, communistically inclined organization “ACORN;” and even records of his legislative work in the Illinois State Senate. The guy who has literally surrounded himself and his administration with Jews, blacks and other non-Whites, women, Jewish women, racist anti-White mestizo women, homosexuals, blatant radical liberals (and Marxists), radical feminists, etc.
And I just have to ask — “is this what you had in mind?” Are these the kinds of things that our founders and pioneering ancestors wanted for America? The kinds of things that once made America the greatest country on earth? Try to think objectively about these things if you can, and by all means research the reality of these issues and situations when you are unsure. Is this really the kind of country and the kind of future you want for your children and grandchildren? An America that encompasses the following situations; the following dysgenic and dystopian realities:
– The White population of America (your kinfolk, your tribe, your people) being reduced from nearly 90% of the total population as recently as 1960 to just about 65% now, and projected to be less than 50% in just 30 or 40 short years.
– As a result of the above — we Whites rapidly being dispossessed socially and politically in this, the country we founded and built. We have already been physically displaced from large parts of many of our largest cities, and from smaller towns and large parts of more rural areas as well. We are already being enslaved in economic servitude to the “colored” races.
– Horrendous amounts of pain, suffering, and even death, and huge financial costs, resulting from vastly disproportionate black-on-White crime and other non-White-on-White crime. This is the dirty, “secret” war being waged against our people right here in our own country that results in large part from the substantially lower Negro IQ and its effect on their comparative tendency to exhibit more instinctual, less inhibited, animalistic behavior.
– And in particular — Negroes’ rampantly raping, torturing, and killing our people, and especially our women and children.
– Comparatively unqualified and undeserving Negroes taking our jobs (especially within the civil-service) and school openings via “affirmative action” and other race-based preferences and quotas.
– Negroes utterly destroying huge sections of many of our once-great cities, and turning them into dangerous, crime-ridden no-go zones for White people.
– Negroes ruining our public schools and whole school systems (grade schools all the way through colleges and universities). The wasted billions of dollars down through the years trying to educate them to our standards; trying to “close the gap” between the academic performance of their vs. our children (an impossibility due to their much lower average IQ). Not to mention the resulting “dumbing down” of our schools and the squandering of funds (mostly provided by White taxpayers) that could have been spent on better educations for our kids.
– Jew-instigated and “sponsored” Negro domination of our popular culture (TV shows and commercials, movies, music, print advertising, sports, etc.). Just turn on your TV — you can’t escape the overwhelming and overwhelmingly (and artificially) “positive” Negro presence that goes well beyond their actual 13% of the population and the reality of their generally substandard behavior in real-life society.
– Huge Negro social costs largely born by us White taxpayers — for family welfare, food stamps and school lunches, birthing and medical care, unemployment compensation, crime control and incarceration, etc.
– Primarily at the instigation of Jewish molders of opinion and culture in entertainment venues and other media, the “negrification” of our young people — including such things as our White children listening to their savage so-called music; our young men emulating their manner of dress, language, and other social behavior; and our daughters fornicating with them.
– Negro racial bias in court proceedings, as members of juries and as judges; and Negro block-voting on a racial basis (as opposed to voting for the best candidate based on positions on the issues).
– Mestizo crime inflicted on White people, including the huge costs in many parts of the country for trying to control their high crime rates, incarceration, etc. Includes disproportionate rates of assault, rape, murder, drug dealing, etc.
– Costs of the disproportionately high incidence of mestizo drunk-driving — of the accidents they cause coupled with their common failure to carry insurance.
– Veritable flood of mestizo illegals and “birthright citizen newborns” — with all the attendant social costs for such things as welfare, health care, crime control and incarceration as noted above; bi- or multi-lingual education, signage, and instructional materials needed for governance, etc.
– As was the case with Negroes although perhaps to a slightly lesser extent — the costs of trying to educate mestizos up to White standards (again, aggravated by their somewhat lower average IQs). Costs of bi-lingual education and anti-White discrimination in the hiring of Spanish-speaking (generally non-White) government employees.
– The openly avowed racist, anti-White mestizo “reconquista” of many of our cities and large parts of our country, including the “take-over” of many neighborhoods and even whole cities, rendering them “off limits” for White people.
– As a result of their laboring mightily (and mighty successfully) for well over a hundred years, the Jews have now gained effective control of essentially all our major media. First newspapers, then other publishing (magazines and books), radio, motion pictures, and finally, television. Now, they are working to influence, if not control, modern electronic communications, including the Internet. Through all that control, they have been able to shape popular culture and public opinion. And in virtually all cases, the effect has been to alter and degrade our racially aware and proud White European culture. Examples would be their promotion of race mixing; acceptability of homosexuality as an “alternative lifestyle;” radical feminism which has led to conflicts between the sexes, anti-establishment teenage culture which has resulted in conflict between parents and their children; soft porn and filth in popular entertainment; premature “sexualization” of our children (and especially our little girls); cultural negrification, and many other debasements.
– That same media control has enabled the complicit and culpable Jews to disproportionately influence our elections, and governance. And to get the country into wars that serve their interests but rarely White Americans’ interests (prime examples being World Wars I and II).
– It was essentially Jews that “loosed” the Negroes on White American society via their efforts to promote and enact “civil rights” legislation back in the 1960s; and their constant promotion of all manner of integration, “diversity,” and multiculturalism ever since; especially in housing, the workplace, schools, and popular culture.
– It was mostly through the efforts of the Jews that our immigration laws were changed back in the 1960s, resulting in the influx of hordes of non-White immigrants and cutting back substantially on immigration from White European countries.
– Jews have repeatedly been the primary instigators in getting America into wars, most recently in the mid-East wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Getting our young men to fight and be crippled and die in those terrible, phony wars undertaken mainly to serve Jewish interests including Israeli hegemony in that region. And now the Jewish Zionists and Neocons are pushing for war with Iran, using the same kinds of lies they used to get us to attack Iraq.
– Year after year, we continue to give Israel (the “Jewish state”) far more foreign aid money than any other country. It’s hard to determine exactly how much, what with direct aid (given as a lump sum at the beginning of the year so Israel can earn interest on our money), forgiven loans, military and other “special” grants, and commercial loan guarantees. But in recent years it has been about $3. billion annually as direct foreign aid (totaling something like $100. billion since 1948). Total financial aid/gratuities taken out of the pockets of American taxpayers has probably been something like $140. to $200. billion. While we American taxpayers struggle to keep our heads above water, we essentially give each Israeli (Jewish) citizen something like $500. of our hard-earned money every year, year-in and year-out, for direct aid (more like $1,000. per person when add-ons are counted).
– Sixty-five years after the end of the Second World War, we allow the media Jews to keep propagandizing us and brainwashing our impressionable children with their “Holocaust” (Holohoax) lies — with their never-ending stream of movies, books, TV specials, magazine and newspaper articles, school coursework and special programs, etc. that spread that horribly libelous demonizing of the German people; that disgusting guilt-trip for all people of European extraction (White people). We even use our people’s money to pay for much of that garbage, via government support of museums and “educational” (brainwashing) programs dedicated to spreading those lies; and our government also supports the Jews in their efforts to use their Holocaust lies to extort countless billions of dollars from White nations such as Germany and Switzerland, among others.
– And now we are letting the Jews and their shabbos-goys work to destroy our constitutionally guaranteed rights of freedom of speech by enacting so-called hate-crime (“thought crime”) laws and attempting to censor, control, and restrict open, honest debate of critically important social and political issues on the Internet. Already, several European countries, Canada, and Australia, have made it illegal to merely express doubts about the Jewish (establishment) version of Holocaust history and Jewish involvement in perpetrating that hoax, and to express truths and informed opinions about racial and religious matters.
– Our children go to the public schools where they are taught lies about our White history and heritage, lies about supposed accomplishments of Negroes and other non-Whites, lies that inculcate White guilt, and lies that deny the uniqueness (and in many cases superiority) of our genetic makeup as compared to other racial groups (lies about there being no such thing as “race” and claiming that “we are all the same under the skin”). And make no mistake — it is largely the work and influence of Jews that has brought these things about — in addition to the overall failure of our public education system resulting from such things as racial egalitarianism (leveling), social engineering and building up “self esteem” in low-IQ blacks as opposed to tried and true methods of teaching, misguided (actually hopeless) efforts to “bridge the gap” between Whites and non-Whites (particularly blacks), etc.
It’s not a pretty picture, is it? It’s certainly not what our founders and our ancestors — the pioneers and builders of this once-great nation — had in mind, is it?
Surely, if you have any intelligence and rationality at all, you must be able to recognize that America and the other White nations of the world are being conquered; that our culture (essentially, Western Civilization) is being ground into the dirt; that our race (our subspecies of humanity) is being genocided out of existence. And that, as an early phase of that process, we are rapidly slipping into social, political, and economic ruination and chaos — into third-world status — well on the way to becoming just another Zimbabwe, South Africa, Haiti, or Mexico (or at best, for the time being, Brazil-North or Portugal-West).
Oh, and by the way — just in case you have been awakened enough at this point to begin wondering about some of these things — they are all true; verifiably true. So before you start screaming invectives at this messenger, if you have any intellectual honesty at all you should at least study these matters and investigate these issues for yourself. It will be quite a trip. You will soon begin to learn the truth about all these things — racial differences in IQs, criminal behavior, and historical accomplishments; the Negroes’ inability to govern themselves or even to maintain basic civilizations; the ongoing mestizo invasion of our country; the real reasons for the major wars of the past century; the holohoax scam; Jewish control of media and government; and on and on.
Yes, these things I have mentioned are the results of our tolerating the multiple evils of liberalism, political correctness, soft-headed egalitarianism and universal altruism, and the teachings of socialism (Marxism, communism),
These are the consequences we are suffering as a people; as a nation with a common (White) history and heritage. These are the kinds of costs we White people are now paying. And, I’m sorry to say, these things do provide a reasonably accurate snapshot of the future we face here in America and in other White nations if we don’t start to do something about it — truly, for us White people, a picture of impending hell on earth followed by an inglorious extinction.
Val Koinen blogs at Koinen’s Corner.
Replacing Negro with Black makes for more effective writing. The average person who would read that doesn’t usually have “Negro” as part of their lexicon and will wonder “If I start believing in this racialist stuff will I start speaking the word “Negro” all the time and sound strange to my friends?” Black sounds more conventional.
Excellent essay, all of it verifiably correct and incontrovertible IMO, except for the claim that the Holocaust was a hoax. I believe your argument would be no less effective if you pointed out that Jewry was nowhere near alone in dying in large numbers in WW2, and that the Holocaust institutional guilt industry is used to sanctify Jews.
Worse is better with the economy. White people here in So Cal still have it pretty good. They have their internet, their cable TV and their unemployment check or a paycheck if they’re lucky enough to have a job.
Nothing will happen until the entire house of cards collapses. I see a lot of cowards in my town who would run like little bitches from a fight or a confrontation. Nothing to see here folks, just go back to your internet porn and your video games.
Men like my dad and grandpa are few and far between. I’m hoping once SHTF our collective DNA will kick in, ping into action and fight back. I really don’t know how much more white people can take. There are days I’m so mad I feel like my head could explode.
One anecdote:
I was walking by the a museum in Wash DC and noticed a huge group (100 plus) of dark-skinned/mestizo-looking young men and women in uniform and wondered what country they were from – as I didn’t recognize their uniform.
It turns out they were a group of ROTC recruits – apparently touring Wash DC’s attractions.
In this huge group- I did not see ONE SINGLE Caucasian or European-American….not a SINGLE ONE!
First impression is that they were Mexican military – not American.
A sign of the the World-to-Come … thanks to the Tikkuning of America.
that is the price of Empire and unrestrained Corporate Power!
Morphy is right, while “Holocaust” Revisionism is a legitimate historical field, it’s a fringe idea that will turn 99% of people off, plus, it doesn’t have much to do with today. 911 Revisionism, not just more relevant, but increasingly popular among White people, in some areas up to 30%, also has the feature of being relevant to the near future, as more false flags and propaganda campaigns (Hutaree, Hal Turner, Iran “terror cells,” Underwear Bomber, South Park, etc.) are likely on the way. Be prepared.
Keywords: Media AIPAC Wall Street Mossad
Regarding Obama and the Jews: I have been laughing my ass off at the attempt to spin Obama and Rahm Emmanuel as anti-semitic. Where do they come up with this junk?
I figure it is either an attempt to get even more control over the administration, or just part of the accepted story regarding left vs right, with left supposedly being anti-Semitic, and right supporting Israel as if it is a fundamental conservative value.
FoxNews and similar outlets have been extremely effective at packaging political opinions together. People are too lazy to take an ala-carte view and determine which positions are genuinely in their interest.
It would be nice if there were links within the essay (rant?) so people could verify the information for themselves. Otherwise they’ll dismiss everything as either totally fabricated or so biased it’s not worth their time.
Jacob C.
“Obama and Rahm Emmanuel”
It’s like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, or Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. In my limited understanding, I assume it’s a basic filter. If you watch TV, you pick which candidate you like better when they give a speech; if you are a woman you pick a nice looking guy, if you are a man you pick a charismatic masculine cowboy actor. If you are smarter than average you pick based on the subtext – H W Bush vs Cheney vs Rahm Emmanuel (Obama is utterly irrelevant to anything)
But of course us smart guys that talk about Cheney vs. Emmanuel are barely one step above People magazine – you still watch TV, or read Reuters and AP.
A well regulated militia knows who you take orders from and who you give orders to.
What about the military?
Sam D. calls this excellent essay a “rant”? Actually, somewhat of an understatement re the Jew-Power and Jew Problem in the U.S. For instance, total annual wealth transfer from this country to Israel isn’t the “official” 3 billion$, it is more than 10 times that: Cheryl Reubenberg, in her 1980s book ISRAEL AND THE AMERICAN NATIONAL INTEREST, pegged it at >30 billion/year, and it certainly has gone up since; this number includes direct gov’t-to-gov’t transfers of $$ and weapons, Israeli bond sales, transfers by wealthy U.S. Jews, massive money-laundries like Bank Leumi and Israeli Discount Bank, and etc. Also, I strongly suspect that the Federal Reserve – from Greenspan’s tenure onward – has created as much as 4 Trillion$ out of thin air and shipped that off to Zion-in-Palestine as well….we’ll know if we ever get the Monster audited, but to do that we wll have to overthrow ZOG itself.
And on the matter of racial demography: it is not “30 to 40 years” before whites become a lethally-threatened minority in the country they built. This time frame is based on ZOG census statistics which count roughly 13,000,000 Jews and Arabs as “white”, an absurdity both in racial and political terms, and a massive undercount of blacks and browns, esp. illegals. Subtract 13 million from the White Column, add 13 million to the non-white, count the uncounted, and I would say we are within a decade or less of the real tipping point. Whites are fortunate indeed that the ZOG political-economy is a debt-bomb pyramid scheme about to go off: nothing concentrates the mind like the nearness of death.
Comment directed at the admins of this site: If you want to build a viable, explicitly pro-white movement, this article is not the kind of thing you want to be publishing. Frequent, quality/pithy, and readable posts are what we need to see (I think Hunter has said something like this re: the White America site). To those that post in that vein, keep it up!
I’m not going to raise issue with any of the particulars listed in this post – hell, I agree with most of it. However, it is too long for the content communicated, rambling, and amateurish. This reads like a rant, plain and simple, and is not appealing in any way. It appeals to absolutely no one except those who already agree with you.
I stopped reading because I was too embarrassed to be on the same side of the issues at hand.
A good piece, rendered significantly less effective than it might be by some of the language and the unnecessary inclusion of Holocaust revisionism.
One of the best and most all-inclusive articles I have ever read on the internet. This article pretty much sums up our entire predicament.
However even this article does not go anywhere NEAR far enough! For example: he mentions the 1960’s civil-rights stuff, but neglects the much earlier founding and funding of the NAACP by Jews. It also does not mention the Jewish communism links well enough or that Jews fomented and funded the Russian revolution etc. Also neglects that Henry Ford wrote the “The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem” as a result of Jewish financiers telling him they started WW1 and will keep it going as long as they wanted…
The article cannot be unlimited in length, I realize that. But as a summary it is nothing short of perfect. Covers just about everything in thumbnail. My kids have been getting both barrels of this crap in school — they went to the Holocaust museum and then had a guy come in to talk about the case where Jews from New York who were going down to the south to start marches etc. got killed by the bad whites down there in an assembly infron of the school. My son tells me girls were crying at the museum and everyone was really emotional. Dead silence on Dresden, or Katyn, though…
This was a great statement of our plight. It is what we are facing. Should be read widely — we cannot shy away from looking the problem in the face if we ever hope to bring peace on Earth and our people back from the brink!.
Re: Oats and Honey
“This reads like a rant, plain and simple, and is not appealing in any way. It appeals to absolutely no one except those who already agree with you. I stopped reading because I was too embarrassed to be on the same side of the issues at hand.”
Recognize what posts like Koinen’s will and will not do. They will not bring fence sitters in. They will not open your market base. And those are the two things you need.
If you are not going to sell you message, why do you suppose people will buy it? It seems there is this persistent ‘people will wake up myth.’ It goes something like this — 1) being pro-white is a good thing, but many people have been deluded to think otherwise 2) Because white people are not pro-white they will suffer dearly 3) when they start to suffer dearly they will wake up and realize being pro-white is a good think.
1) sounds like what a beta male says when the cute girl at the bar turned him down. This is a competitive world now, you are selling an ethnoracial identity — if people are not buying that, maybe check out your marketing strategy.
2) misses what we all know. Some will. But many more will defect — and individually do fine for themselves. Oh, just like those 30% and growing that do.
3) overlooks that fact that people will not choose an option that is not available for them and is not going to improve things. And joining a “fringe” “evil” ideology that makes their multicultural neighbors feel bad, is not going to do it, especially if they never heard of that.
Again, that’s not saying that Koinen’s post was bad; but it is not getting what you need. How about this:
“Black and Hispanics need white people to thrive — help protect Blacks and Hispanics, be pro-White”
“Isreal needs white people to fund it. Do God’s bidding. Be pro-white”
We tried to tell you. We tried to warn you. For years, those of us who insisted on thinking rationally and living in the real world — who were able to “see through the Jews” and recognize race reality — tried to make you, our liberal, politically-correct, non-racially conscious and non-Jew-wise friends and family members see and understand the truth.
RE: That all people deserve a chance, not matter of background?
The truth about the wrong-headedness and racially suicidal results of such things as egalitarianism, outgroup altruism, diversity, multiculturalism, integration, miscegenation (race-mixing), Jewish power and brainwashing and control of our media and government, and all the rest.
RE: Oh…anti semitism mixed with other pro white bullshit. The last Time I saw something like that was at a Nazi rally.
But we were always ridiculed, accused of being evil, silenced, scorned, shunned, ostracized, and otherwise socially penalized. We were called haters, bigots, White supremacist racists, anti-Semites, and Nazis.
RE: We support one race over all others! How DARE they call us racists!?
We lost friendships, family relationships, assets, our safety and well-being, and even our lives in some cases.
RE: Many more have died fighting for equality for all races.
So here we are going into the summer of 2010. A year and a half after the inauguration of President Barack Hussein (Soetoro) Obama; the shucking-and-jiving, finger-jabbing Halfrican of questionable U.S. birth (doubtful “natural citizenship”); the anti-White (and especially anti-White-male) racist, past drug user, totally inexperienced (at anything of constructive or worthwhile substance), socialist-if-not-communist, probable bi-sexual imposter.
RE: Of course, if he was white from a Christian background…he would have gotten my vote!
The half-black “phantom” who has gone to great lengths and expense to hide his past and many of the most relevant records of his life.
RE: Come on! We won’t call any birth certificate he brings up a forgery. Proabably.
There is credible evidence or at least reasonable grounds for questioning such things as: his proof of birth location and citizenship (actual, true birth certificate); college and university enrollment and admission data including names used, citizenship claimed (such as in “foreign exchange student” status?); details of his scholastic records including transcripts; mode of payment for his Harvard education (paid by a foreign source?); passport(s) possessed and used (issued by what country or countries?); Selective Service registration form details; medical records; his (multiple?) social security account details indicating residence in several different states; details of his work on behalf of the anti-White, communistically inclined organization “ACORN;” and even records of his legislative work in the Illinois State Senate. The guy who has literally surrounded himself and his administration with Jews, blacks and other non-Whites, women, Jewish women, racist anti-White mestizo women, homosexuals, blatant radical liberals (and Marxists), radical feminists, etc.
RE: I can’t cut up all the bullshit in a hundred pages, so I’ll leave it as is.
And I just have to ask – “is this what you had in mind?” Are these the kinds of things that our founders and pioneering ancestors wanted for America?
RE: Remember: the founding fathers were PERFECT human beings.Since the didn’t abloish slavery, for example, we shouldn’t have, either.
The kinds of things that once made America the greatest country on earth?
RE: Thins were fine until the recesstion hit, while under a white conservative’s watch.
Try to think objectively about these things if you can, and by all means research the reality of these issues and situations when you are unsure. Is this really the kind of country and the kind of future you want for your children and grandchildren?
RE: I want a country comprised of smart, sympathetic people. I find everyone else scum. Unlike you, however, I don’t file the people I hate by race.
An America that encompasses the following situations; the following dysgenic and dystopian realities:
RE: “Dystopian”. Yep. That’s the word for it.
– The White population of America (your kinfolk, your tribe, your people) being reduced from nearly 90% of the total population as recently as 1960 to just about 65% now, and projected to be less than 50% in just 30 or 40 short years.
RE: Of course, if any other race went extinct, that would actually be a good thing. Damn minorities…
– As a result of the above — we Whites rapidly being dispossessed socially and politically in this, the country we founded and built. We have already been physically displaced from large parts of many of our largest cities, and from smaller towns and large parts of more rural areas as well. We are already being enslaved in economic servitude to the “colored” races.
RE: I assume by “economic servitude”, you mean that some people are begining to have minorities as bosses. How evil. I don’t see why you care so much about a person’s race: why aren’t you focusing on the state of humanity in general? Unless you are a….nah, white people can’t be racist…
– Horrendous amounts of pain, suffering, and even death, and huge financial costs, resulting from vastly disproportionate black-on-White crime and other non-White-on-White crime. This is the dirty, “secret” war being waged against our people right here in our own country that results in large part from the substantially lower Negro IQ and its effect on their comparative tendency to exhibit more instinctual, less inhibited, animalistic behavior.
RE: Of course, you would NEVER lift a finger to criminal white men. Because black criminals are EVIL, but white criminals are just misunderstood!
– And in particular — Negroes’ rampantly raping, torturing, and killing our people, and especially our women and children.
RE: White men, however, are free to rape anyone they want.
– Comparatively unqualified and undeserving Negroes taking our jobs (especially within the civil-service) and school openings via “affirmative action” and other race-based preferences and quotas.
RE: I was always ify on AA. But, unlike you, I truly understand why it was created: because it is hard for a race to rebound after it has beenunder inferior conditions to whites for several centuries.
– Negroes utterly destroying huge sections of many of our once-great cities, and turning them into dangerous, crime-ridden no-go zones for White people.
RE: Of course, white criminals will actually let people safely pass.
– Negroes ruining our public schools and whole school systems (grade schools all the way through colleges and universities). The wasted billions of dollars down through the years trying to educate them to our standards; trying to “close the gap” between the academic performance of their vs. our children (an impossibility due to their much lower average IQ). Not to mention the resulting “dumbing down” of our schools and the squandering of funds (mostly provided by White taxpayers) that could have been spent on better educations for our kids.
RE: How dare we help fellow human beings. We should spend thos billions to give each American a Winchester rifle (except thos minorities, of course!)!
– Jew-instigated and “sponsored” Negro domination of our popular culture (TV shows and commercials, movies, music, print advertising, sports, etc.). Just turn on your TV — you can’t escape the overwhelming and overwhelmingly (and artificially) “positive” Negro presence that goes well beyond their actual 13% of the population and the reality of their generally substandard behavior in real-life society.
– Huge Negro social costs largely born by us White taxpayers — for family welfare, food stamps and school lunches, birthing and medical care, unemployment compensation, crime control and incarceration, etc.
RE: We should just let them rot. Obviously. Who cares if they die?
– Primarily at the instigation of Jewish molders of opinion and culture in entertainment venues and other media, the “negrification” of our young people — including such things as our White children listening to their savage so-called music; our young men emulating their manner of dress, language, and other social behavior; and our daughters fornicating with them.
RE: Of course, it is better to listen to monotone white singers, like Justin Beiber and Lady Gaga.
– Negro racial bias in court proceedings, as members of juries and as judges; and Negro block-voting on a racial basis (as opposed to voting for the best candidate based on positions on the issues).
RE: You would have a racial bias too, jackass. And guess what: some black people, get this, are smart enough to become judges! Shocking!
– Mestizo crime inflicted on White people, including the huge costs in many parts of the country for trying to control their high crime rates, incarceration, etc. Includes disproportionate rates of assault, rape, murder, drug dealing, etc.
RE: And thus, we should kick out ALL mexicans. Because ALL of them cause crime. Don’t you DARE kick out our white criminals, though!
– Costs of the disproportionately high incidence of mestizo drunk-driving — of the accidents they cause coupled with their common failure to carry insurance.
RE: White drunk drivers, however, are messengers of the Gods.
– Veritable flood of mestizo illegals and “birthright citizen newborns” — with all the attendant social costs for such things as welfare, health care, crime control and incarceration as noted above; bi- or multi-lingual education, signage, and instructional materials needed for governance, etc.
– As was the case with Negroes although perhaps to a slightly lesser extent — the costs of trying to educate mestizos up to White standards (again, aggravated by their somewhat lower average IQs). Costs of bi-lingual education and anti-White discrimination in the hiring of Spanish-speaking (generally non-White) government employees.
RE: How DARE we try help those children! We should let them DIE, and pass the savings to build a golden statue of Jesus on the White House lawn!
– The openly avowed racist, anti-White mestizo “reconquista” of many of our cities and large parts of our country, including the “take-over” of many neighborhoods and even whole cities, rendering them “off limits” for White people.
RE: And if you had it your way, you would reject them. Because you are on the same intellectual level as them.
– As a result of their laboring mightily (and mighty successfully) for well over a hundred years, the Jews have now gained effective control of essentially all our major media. First newspapers, then other publishing (magazines and books), radio, motion pictures, and finally, television. Now, they are working to influence, if not control, modern electronic communications, including the Internet.
RE: Of course! That’s why everything is Jewish in the media. Obviously I am not scapegoating a group.
Through all that control, they have been able to shape popular culture and public opinion. And in virtually all cases, the effect has been to alter and degrade our racially aware and proud White European culture.
RE: Pride for something you are born with is only shared by the weak: the more successful one becomes, the more likely he or she is to not give a darn about his or her background, and instead focus on what they sccomplished with their own 2 bare hands.
Examples would be their promotion of race mixing; acceptability of homosexuality as an “alternative lifestyle;” radical feminism which has led to conflicts between the sexes, anti-establishment teenage culture which has resulted in conflict between parents and their children; soft porn and filth in popular entertainment; premature “sexualization” of our children (and especially our little girls); cultural negrification, and many other debasements.
RE: I’m going to call you out as a Nazi, because you share practically all of their ideas and to piss you off: becuase the worst thing you can do to racists is call them out of their racism. I loled most at race mixing: you do know that most minorities are regular people wo are just as elligable as a white person to like, if not love? You don’t, do you?
– That same media control has enabled the complicit and culpable Jews to disproportionately influence our elections, and governance. And to get the country into wars that serve their interests but rarely White Americans’ interests (prime examples being World Wars I and II).
RE: …What the FUCK are you talking about? We got into WWI because Germany was trying to convince Mexico to invade us, as seen in the intercepted Zimmerman Telegraph. And in WWII, we got into the war because Japan attacked us and Germany was allied with them. If you can’t understand basic history, how do you expect us to believe your ideas? I got this shit MEMEMORIZED during sophmore year, high school.
– It was essentially Jews that “loosed” the Negroes on White American society via their efforts to promote and enact “civil rights” legislation back in the 1960s; and their constant promotion of all manner of integration, “diversity,” and multiculturalism ever since; especially in housing, the workplace, schools, and popular culture.
RE: Bitch, if you hate black people so much that you want to restrict them to basic rights, the right to be equal to a white man, all else being equal, you are simply a monster.
– It was mostly through the efforts of the Jews that our immigration laws were changed back in the 1960s, resulting in the influx of hordes of non-White immigrants and cutting back substantially on immigration from White European countries.
RE: Owned.
– Jews have repeatedly been the primary instigators in getting America into wars, most recently in the mid-East wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
RE: …Bush was Jewish? Hmmm? Your fucking mental.
Getting our young men to fight and be crippled and die in those terrible, phony wars undertaken mainly to serve Jewish interests including Israeli hegemony in that region.
RE: Okay, your just batshit insane.
And now the Jewish Zionists and Neocons are pushing for war with Iran, using the same kinds of lies they used to get us to attack Iraq.
RE: Of course, Christians have NEVER endorced war with Iran.
– Year after year, we continue to give Israel (the “Jewish state”) far more foreign aid money than any other country. It’s hard to determine exactly how much, what with direct aid (given as a lump sum at the beginning of the year so Israel can earn interest on our money), forgiven loans, military and other “special” grants, and commercial loan guarantees. But in recent years it has been about $3. billion annually as direct foreign aid (totaling something like $100. billion since 1948). Total financial aid/gratuities taken out of the pockets of American taxpayers has probably been something like $140. to $200. billion. While we American taxpayers struggle to keep our heads above water, we essentially give each Israeli (Jewish) citizen something like $500. of our hard-earned money every year, year-in and year-out, for direct aid (more like $1,000. per person when add-ons are counted).
RE: The only thing you say that I agree is wrong. But I’m against it because of logic: your against it because they are Jewish.
– Sixty-five years after the end of the Second World War, we allow the media Jews to keep propagandizing us and brainwashing our impressionable children with their “Holocaust” (Holohoax) lies — with their never-ending stream of movies, books, TV specials, magazine and newspaper articles, school coursework and special programs, etc. that spread that horribly libelous demonizing of the German people; that disgusting guilt-trip for all people of European extraction (White people). We even use our people’s money to pay for much of that garbage, via government support of museums and “educational” (brainwashing) programs dedicated to spreading those lies; and our government also supports the Jews in their efforts to use their Holocaust lies to extort countless billions of dollars from White nations such as Germany and Switzerland, among others.
RE: …Oh. You are one of THOSE people…I guess millions of Jews just “disappeared” from Europe. All eye witnesses statements are fabicrated. Picture? Fabicrated? You really ARE a dumbass.
– And now we are letting the Jews and their shabbos-goys work to destroy our constitutionally guaranteed rights of freedom of speech by enacting so-called hate-crime (“thought crime”) laws and attempting to censor, control, and restrict open, honest debate of critically important social and political issues on the Internet. Already, several European countries, Canada, and Australia, have made it illegal to merely express doubts about the Jewish (establishment) version of Holocaust history and Jewish involvement in perpetrating that hoax, and to express truths and informed opinions about racial and religious matters.
RE: Personally, I don’t think it’s right. Will I lift a finger to stop it? Hell. Fucking. No.
– Our children go to the public schools where they are taught lies about our White history and heritage, lies about supposed accomplishments of Negroes and other non-Whites, lies that inculcate White guilt, and lies that deny the uniqueness (and in many cases superiority) of our genetic makeup as compared to other racial groups (lies about there being no such thing as “race” and claiming that “we are all the same under the skin”). And make no mistake — it is largely the work and influence of Jews that has brought these things about — in addition to the overall failure of our public education system resulting from such things as racial egalitarianism (leveling), social engineering and building up “self esteem” in low-IQ blacks as opposed to tried and true methods of teaching, misguided (actually hopeless) efforts to “bridge the gap” between Whites and non-Whites (particularly blacks), etc.
RE: How DARE they say that all men are equal, at least in the way that, should a black man be elsewise equal to a white man, he is EQUAL, regardless of race?
It’s not a pretty picture, is it? It’s certainly not what our founders and our ancestors — the pioneers and builders of this once-great nation — had in mind, is it?
RE: America is still the #1 country in the world, economically, and #2 per capita, behind the small Luxembourg. This country is still great…except when people like you try to fuck everything up.
Surely, if you have any intelligence and rationality at all, you must be able to recognize that America and the other White nations of the world are being conquered; that our culture (essentially, Western Civilization) is being ground into the dirt; that our race (our subspecies of humanity) is being genocided out of existence.
RE: Whites aren’t going to extinct. And even if they were, the real question would not be if our race survived, but if humanity survives. But that would be above your method of thinking.
And that, as an early phase of that process, we are rapidly slipping into social, political, and economic ruination and chaos — into third-world status — well on the way to becoming just another Zimbabwe, South Africa, Haiti, or Mexico (or at best, for the time being, Brazil-North or Portugal-West).
RE: If you are worried about criminals and idiots running rampant, then why don’t you want to exhile them? Why protect white criminals and white idiots? Why not let a black lawyer or a hispanic scientists stay? We both now the answer, bitch.
Oh, and by the way — just in case you have been awakened enough at this point to begin wondering about some of these things — they are all true; verifiably true.
RE: …wow. Apparently, 99% of experts confirming the holocaust is less than less than 1% of the experts denying it. I’m not saying that it did happen. I’m just saying it is highly, highly, HIGHLY likely.
So before you start screaming invectives at this messenger, if you have any intellectual honesty at all you should at least study these matters and investigate these issues for yourself.
RE: I’ll deal with it. If things get to bad, then I’ll advocate kicking out all idiots. Because, unlike you, I hate all people equally, not just hate minorities.
It will be quite a trip. You will soon begin to learn the truth about all these things — racial differences in IQs, criminal behavior, and historical accomplishments; the Negroes’ inability to govern themselves or even to maintain basic civilizations; the ongoing mestizo invasion of our country; the real reasons for the major wars of the past century; the holohoax scam; Jewish control of media and government; and on and on.
RE: As IQ’s go up, more and more of your ideals are seen as hogwash.
Yes, these things I have mentioned are the results of our tolerating the multiple evils of liberalism, political correctness, soft-headed egalitarianism and universal altruism, and the teachings of socialism (Marxism, communism),
RE: I’ve met some batshit insane conservatives on the interwebs, but you, good sir, take the motherfucking cake.
These are the consequences we are suffering as a people; as a nation with a common (White) history and heritage. These are the kinds of costs we White people are now paying. And, I’m sorry to say, these things do provide a reasonably accurate snapshot of the future we face here in America and in other White nations if we don’t start to do something about it — truly, for us White people, a picture of impending hell on earth followed by an inglorious extinction.
RE: People have said racism doesn’t exisist in America anymore. I am now certain that that statement is a boldface lie.
The Superbloop: “We got into WWI because Germany was trying to convince Mexico to invade us, as seen in the intercepted Zimmerman Telegraph. And in WWII, we got into the war because Japan attacked us and Germany was allied with them. If you can’t understand basic history, how do you expect us to believe your ideas? I got this shit MEMEMORIZED during sophmore year, high school.”
I agree it was in America’s interest to defend itself in the two World Wars.