Quitting America

A New Nation

In a nutshell, this is why I support secession from the United States and the creation of a White ethnostate in the Southeast: every ethnic group in America can take pride in their heritage (with the encouragement of the federal government) but one:

May 2009:

Now, Therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2009, as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. I call upon the people of the United States to learn more about the history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities.

June 2009:

Now, Therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2009 as National Caribbean-American Heritage Month. I urge all Americans to commemorate this month by learning more about the history and culture of Caribbean Americans.

September 2009:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested inme by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim August 30 through September 5, 2009, as National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week. I call upon public officials, educators, and all the people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities that acknowledge the tremendous contributions these institutions and their graduates have made to our country.

September 2009:

Now, Therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September 15 through October 15, 2009, as National Hispanic Heritage Month. I call upon public officials, educators, librarians, and all the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs.

November 2009:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2009 as National Native American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to commemorate this month with appropriate programs and activities, and to celebrate November 27, 2009, as Native American Heritage Day.

February 2010:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim February 2010 as National African American History Month. I call upon public officials, educators, librarians, and all the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.

May 2010:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2010 as Jewish American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month with appropriate programs, activities, and ceremonies to celebrate the heritage and contributions of Jewish Americans.

June 2010:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2010 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month by fighting prejudice and discrimination in their own lives and everywhere it exists.

What about White Southerners?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In a nutshell, this is why I support secession from the United States and the creation of a White ethnostate in the Southeast: every ethnic group in America can take pride in their heritage (with the encouragement of the federal government) but one

    It is important to hone our arguments for racial separation.

    The fact that whites cannot take take pride in their heritage is neither a necessary nor sufficient reason to argue for secession. This issue, the discouraging of whites from taking pride in their heritage, could be remedied without separation, and you can expect our opponents would make exactly this point. One can easily imagine a “colorblind” conservative saying that all people, including White Southerners, should be allowed to take pride in their heritage, but vociferously opposing the idea of racial separation. If the establishment granted the minor concessions of a history month and ethnic pride to White Southerners, it would take the wind out of the sails of your argument for secession. Additionally, the case for racial separation is not contingent upon whether the government encourages whites to take pride in their heritage. Suppose that, say, April were designated as White Southern History Month and that White Southerners were encouraged to take pride in their heritage like other groups. Would this obviate the need for separation? No.

    Many of the arguments white nationalists use to argue for separation are completely insufficient. A popular one is that of the crime and other social pathologies of blacks, Hispanics, and other non-white groups. If lowering crime rates is what ultimately matters to you, this can achieved without separation. Imposing strict law-and-order measures would suffice. Likewise, the average IQ of non-white groups is an insufficient justification for a white ethnostate. If IQ scores are the basis of your argument, you might be at a loss to object to someone who advocates the race-replacement of whites by “cognitively elite” non-whites.

    Racial survival is what necessitates separation and the ethnostate. Separation is required for racial preservation.

    Here is Richard McCulloch in his essay “Separate or Die” on the importance of the reason for partition:


    Partition and Racial Survival

    The foundation for any partition proposal, and its most important point, is the reason, purpose, or motive for the partition. If this is not right, then it is likely that the partition proposal will be fundamentally flawed at best, and probably downright counterproductive, like a treatment based on the wrong diagnosis. A partition is a very drastic measure and as such can only be justified by some very compelling reason or purpose. The extent of support for partition will logically depend on how compelling that reason or purpose is seen to be. Those who see the reason as very compelling will tend to be more supportive than those who do not, or those who do not see the more compelling reason, but only a less compelling reason. Therefore the most compelling reason for the partition is the one that should receive the greatest emphasis, the one that must be clearly understood and accepted by the greatest possible number of the population. Less compelling, but still valid and legitimate, reasons should also be given, with emphasis in order of their importance, yet without allowing them to distract attention from, or cause any confusion about, the most compelling reason.

    The reason, purpose, or motive for partition will not only determine the degree of support for the partition but also the particular form the partition proposal is likely to take. If the only reason given to justify a partition is various black pathologies and inferiorities, from low intelligence to high rates of crime and other social delinquencies, then the partition is likely to be limited to separating blacks only, and perhaps lower class blacks only, from the rest of the population. If the only reason given is that some whites simply do not like to live among blacks or in the same country as blacks, then the partition proposal is likely to be limited to the creation of a black-free state where these particular whites can live.

    But if the reason for partition is the very survival of our race, the most supremely compelling reason of all, then a comprehensive plan to achieve complete racial separation is both called for and justified, and the degree of popular support for the partition will be maximized.

    The next most compelling reasons would be those of racial independence, freedom, and self-determination, recognizing that a race exists not only biologically in the bodies of its individual members, but as a corporate body or population with its own racially unique traits and characteristics, whose existence and preservation also requires racial separation.

    In 1988 I had the opportunity to meet William Gayley Simpson, author of Which Way Western Man.(4) At that time he was in his nineties and in declining health. He compensated for his lack of conversational endurance by distilling the essence of his thought into one very terse and pointed message: “Separate or die.” That simple phrase tells us two vitally important things. First, racial separation is necessary for the long-term preservation of our race, the founding and still the majority American racial type. It is a simple matter of either-or—either racial separation or racial death. Second, the alternative to racial destruction, the solution to our racial crisis, is racial separation. Not immigration restrictions, segregation, white supremacism, or other half-measures which have had their innings over the last two centuries, nor anything that need harm other races or violate their legitimate rights and interests, including the most extreme measure of all—genocide. So the solution to our existential crisis is a limited and finite measure, not an unlimited and infinite one, and so one that is easy to define and comprehend its dimensions and means.

  2. We could craft the best arguments ever for secession and it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we secede economically and culturally, so that political secession becomes all but a fait accompli.

    Local economy, local agriculture, homeschooling as the economy collapses. Then we quietly get control of municipal and county governments and finally state governments.

    But we’ll only manage this if we have an Entrepreneurial and C of L (Culture of Learning) White Diaspora.

  3. I oppose in secession in the strongest possible terms. It is far from clear that a majority of White Americans would support secession either. There is another option:repel the invasion.

    Anyone who is sits down down with chinese racial nationalist about the handing over of White American territory-in my opinion-is engaginig in treason.If enough White Americans take a similar view, it will be viewed as treason. I am not throwing the term treason around lightly( I’m not actually calling you a traitor though since I don’t mnd a discussion of the idea of secession).

    White Americans should be encouraged to resist and fight back.


    I believe you are underestimating what White Americans are capable of doing once they come to their senses.

  4. To get going, all we need to do is re-activate the first American Constitution which elects a President for one year terms, and have all the commendations we want. The current American Constitution is rapidly losing its legitimacy anyway.

    And we can publish and sell our own calendar of European American events, celebrations, and commemorations.

    By the way, there is something distasteful about claiming “pride” for something one was born with. We use the expression, for example, that young diverse white American students have “a right to a decent sense of self-respect.”

    There is such a thing as copying the Others too much when it comes to verbiage. We’re too cool to take pride in birth characteristics, we merely claim our right to a decent sense of self-respect.

  5. The fact that whites cannot take take pride in their heritage is neither a necessary nor sufficient reason to argue for secession.

    I disagree.

    Southerners are denied the dignity, honor, and respect afforded to all other groups. Racially conscious Whites are discriminated against on a daily basis. That alone is sufficient to justify secession.

  6. Hunter you are so right about that one. I’m all in favor of succession. I’m going that way in the fall, I could set up camp immediately.

  7. With respect when did White = only Southern? I am a Northern White and I don’t see my people on that list any more than Southern Whites.

    I think that we will probably break off into two White homelands, one Southern and one Northern. But we’re all Whites and it is vital that we see each other as allies.

  8. _Southerners are denied the dignity, honor, and respect afforded to all other groups. Racially conscious Whites are discriminated against on a daily basis. That alone is sufficient to justify secession._

    Hunter, I think what MGLS is getting at is this: lets say that hypothetically, we are granted the legal right to associate as we see fit, and encouraged to value/honor/take pride in our heritage as part of one big rainbow nation. Further, stigmatization of racially conscience whites in social situations and in the media has been minimized on to a level on par with what racially conscience blacks and mestizos enjoy.

    What then is the continued justification for secession, if not the acquisition of a secure and exclusive space in which to preserve, nourish and grow our race (in both material and cultural senses)?

  9. To reiterate: given that separation is a drastic (though clearly desirable to us) action, what is our response/argument when our main grievance (lets say that it is discrimination), is addressed in less-than-drastic ways?

  10. From a strictly military strategic point of view, this is virtually impossible.

    The highway networks were constructed to allow heavy armor to be rapidly moved around the continent as needed. With no air defense or interceptor aircraft, the area is wide open to bombardment and paratrooper insertion. The coastline is also completely wide open for shore assault in hundreds of places.

    It’s a huge slice of productive land with lots of people that no ruling body would just hand over uncontested. There are also arsenals, armories, command centers, live fire ranges, airfields, naval stations, a couple of spaceports and all the key supporting industries with infrastructure that has been in place for decades.

    It’s strategically indefensible and has far too high a price tag.

  11. I disagree.

    The Red States are the U.S. military:


    The South and West account for over 60% of active duty enlistees. If the South was ever determined to leave the Union again, it would take most of the armed forces with it. The Sunbelt is now the American industrial heartland. The Southern states are loaded with nuclear weapons.

    I don’t believe for a second that the Blue States would put up a fight either. They don’t have the stomach for Iraq and Afghanistan.

  12. First, it’s secession not succession. Second, what is the point in constantly making martyrs of Southern whites? The last time I checked Northern whites (especially poor and lower middle class) aren’t accorded more respect than Southerners and regardless of geographic region we’re in this fight together.

    I believe a fracturing of America is inevitable but neo-confederate fetishism is as laughable and as much a waste of energy as neo-Nazi fetishism. It seems some Southerners are still living in 1865 and holding grudges from a chapter in U.S. history that’s long gone. It’s time to move forward not backward.

    The Southeastern U.S. could become an economically viable nation state. In the late 1990’s the Chicago Tribune (I think) ran a story about the theoretical possibility of a a new Southern nation. At that time the South would have been the 11th or 12th largest economy in the world but I believe this included Texas.

    However, the Southeastern states are also home to a large concentration of blacks and proponents of a new Southern nation have been reticent about how they will be dealt with. They (blacks) certainly won’t vacate the South without resistance so would segregationist policies be implemented or would they be paid to leave? The Southeast is also coveted by black nationalists and many blacks from across America are relocating to that region, so if white Southerners think they’ll all live happily ever after they aren’t dealing in reality.

    At this time other than chest thumping and confederate flag waving it would seem that little thought and planning has been put into making the dream of nationhood a reality.

  13. I believe we must think bigger than the South. Just from a utilitarian point of view, the California Central Valley has a lot of oil and some of the best agricultural land on the continent, including citrus, almond, cotton etc.

  14. How are you going to deal with the huge black population? How does the military break down regionally when you only count whites? Blacks from the South are more likely to join than blacks from Northern cities.

    Southern-centrism is like kryptonite to whites in the rest of the country. White people in the Western states are completely different culturally from Southerners — they are less religious, less authoritarian and less conservative socially. They would rather be dead than join some kind of redneck rebellion led by people from Alabama and Mississippi. William Pierce always preached against neo-Confederatism, despite being a Southerner. David Duke doesn’t advocate Southern secession either.

  15. You forgot March – Irish American Month. He is just paying lip-service to all these various peoples. He know more cares about Irish Americans or Caribbean Americans then he does anyone other then his ugly mug for a wife and kids. Point is the NWO could care less about any individual races at all. Obama/Barry Sotero is just another extension of this thousands of year old plot of theirs.

  16. 1. The black population in the South is not our fathers negro. They are already more organized and funded than we are, they will fight.

    2. The military. Who gets the Pentagon? You think the Federal Government is just going to walk away from one of the most heavily militarized ares in the country? The Hampton, Norfolk, Va Beach area is the most militarily powerful area in the world. Nuclear Weapons Stations, Countless “active” Airbases, Navy Shipyard, facility after facility after facility. The United Nations would get involved if that are were ever threatened.

    3. Colonization. Decades of carpet bagging has left a very hostile population here. As much as the Yanks like to talk about reconciliation, THEY are the ones that harbor the most animosity towards those in the South. They never dream of viewing us as nothing other than hillbilly rednecks with no teeth. Were as I view them as a potential ally, they will never see Us as their equal.

    We already live in occupied territory, with more negros getting shipped here from the north every day. We need to move.

  17. Another long one.

    I favor secession – pretty much any secession – simply as a starting point, a way to get the party started.

    But, as I’ve argued many times, there is no way that the System is going to allow Whites to secede as long as its own power is mostly intact. That goes for the Northwest, the South, or any other region.

    In other words, either the System is removed entirely (or so massively weakened that it can no longer aspire to imperial status), or White secession will fail.

    That makes this, whether we like it or not, essentially a continental struggle. Secession may be easier for people to wrap their minds around, and can serve as a rallying point for many. That’s all to the good, yet it does not go to the essence of the problem: either the System is removed, or Whites will be effectively destroyed. It’s either us or them, that simple. Again, the problem inevitably becomes continental in scope.

    A few other assorted observations:

    1. Racialist Whites are often concerned about equitable solutions, such as dividing America up amongst various ethnic groups (McCulloch’s plan, for example). Everybody should get a piece of the pie, so the thinking goes. This is fundamentally conservative thinking, and it is a mistake – except perhaps for propaganda purposes. Non-whites already have homelands, scores and scores of them all over the planet. Mexicans have Mexico, etc. If there were a chance for a truly peaceful solution, divying up America equitably would make considerable sense. I would support such a peaceful partition, and would seek to be fair about it. But that’s not going to happen, and it is a mistake to transfer thought appropriate for peaceful solutions to a situation where it will not apply. Our opponents will not be fair with us, we need to get that through our heads. Whites need to return the favor.

    2. Expanding upon the error of conservative thinking, it is ineffective against an aggressive, universalist and totalitarian competitor. Conservatism always plays defense, whereas the anti-white forces always play offense. Imagine playing a football game under those rules – you never get to push the ball down the field, never get to score. Obviously, no matter how good your defense is, in time you will lose. The anti-whites understand that this is a continental struggle, and they will not give up their attempts to destroy us until their power is utterly broken. Again, this is a continental struggle, like or not. Our opponents simply cannot afford to let us go our own way in peace.

    3. The focus on conventional military strength is a red herring. Think Fourth Generation Warfare, not 1860.

    4. For our purposes, old geographical distinctions no longer apply, at least for the most part. Sure, there are some cultural differences between Whites in different areas of the country, but fundamentally this isn’t a North/South issue. Look at a red state/blue state map by county, it’s an eye opener. What you see is a vast red hinterland, which is a fairly good proxy for White flyover country. The blue areas are more like an archipelago, consisting of urban areas, small anti-white enclaves, and a relative handful of black and mestizo dominated rural areas. The map will make clear that the primary dividing line is not North/South, or East/West, or whatever. Rather, the issue is race, and it is continental in scale.

    5. The idea that there is some great and irreconcilable difference between the typical Whites of the South and the typical Whites of Indiana, Ohio, etc., is ludicrous. There are some obvious exeptions, like New England, Portland, etc., but in general we should consider flyover our natural territory, whether that be in the North, South, or West.

    6. Geographically, the System’s strength is in the Boston Washington Corridor – BosWash. For as long as the System exists, it will not and cannot give up this area of the country. Any plan, whether peaceful partition or violent revolution, that does not take this into account is a non-starter and is not connected to reality.

    7. We’re going to win, one way or another. Defeatists should be shunned.

  18. If whites collectively came together and got their wits about what has been happening to them there is no way they are going to cower away in some corner of the country and hand the rest over to the collies. We could easily take the whole thing back for ourselves, restore white school and neighborhood segregation, and strongly encourage all these post 1965 non white immigrants to go home. Without EEOC bureaucrats around, whites won’t be so eager to hire all these hispanics or some guy who just invited himself over from Vietnam to take a job a white kid coming out of high school could have. And no way should we abandon California to the Mexicans, that was a former crown jewel of America. I’d send the Army to clean out the mexicans block by block and if they resisted, I’d use daisy cutters to raise the barrio to the ground. Those run down, cockroach infested subdivisions could use rebuilding anyway. The only place we don’t need is that cesspool New York City, turn it into a separate soveriegn city-state like Singapore and let the Jews have their own country.

  19. HW: “I don’t believe for a second that the blue states would put up a fight….”. You southern gentlemen have a bad case or repetition compulsion: that was the coomon secesh thought in 1860-61, too. As the political-economy system collapses, there’ll be secessions, alright – some southern states, also some western and north-central – but nothing like the old Confederate bloc. After that the struggle will resolve into rural mostly-whites vs urban mostly Jews/blacks/browns/white libs. And it will be bitter and prolonged, because the ZOGsters know that if they lose….they are doomed. Same with us. One thing is certain: defensive mentality is a sure loser. We will have to go into the cities and scour them out with fire and sword.

  20. Nightowl: “let the Jews have their own country”. They already do: Israel. Problem is, they cannot hold on to Palestine without bloodsucking America. A big problem for them….and us. I think the 3,000-year long era of resolving the JP by dumping it on someone else is about to end.

  21. Another thought. According to the Congressional Budget Office, yearly interest payments on the national debt will soar from somewhat over 200 billion today, to well over 900 billion – by 2020. This is a truly staggering sum for a yearly payout on interest alone. The federal income tax doesn’t collect much more than that. This in addition to all of the other financial crises that the System faces, from a Baby Boom retirement nightmare to the financial system, and so forth. Then there is the spectre of energy contraction.

    It’s hard out there for a pimp!

    What does this mean for us? Well, it means a lot of things, but one is increasingly clear: in the coming years, more and more states are going to be net financial losers from staying in the System. Today, talks of secession are often countered with some statement along the lines of “Well, State X takes in more in Federal money than it pays out.”

    Putting aside that the influx of Federal dollars may not be at all taking the form that the citizens of that state would want (feds take their money by force, take out a hefty cut for the System, then send money back with strings attached on how it can be spent. Great deal!), the fact remains that even at the simple net level, more and more states are about to become big time losers. The soon to be exploding debt payments alone make that mathematically certain. The number of losers will grow, and the amount of the loss will dramatically increase. It’s gonna become obvious within a decade or so at the most. Interesting times.

    This is quite good from our perspective, and offers at least a glimmer of a possibility for a Soviet stye breakdown of the System. It would be far easier for us if something like that happened. Of course, there are other ways we can win, but who are we to argue with prosperity? Such a scenario woud be a helluva break for us.

    My conclusion is that, therefore, secession should be supported. The System must be weakened, and secession by a fair number of states is perhaps the single best chance we have for a dramatic and rapid weakening of the System. Of course, at that point, the real struggle would only just begin (see post above), but Whites would be confronting a far weaker opponent.

  22. 4. International allies. If the “United States” still politically existed its representatives would still have a seat on the security counsel. Who would go against them? We would be completely alone. Isolated, and reduced to an insurgent type of combat that would devastate our childrens future. It would be the equivalent of slitting our wrists and hastening the genocide that is already planned for us.

    Collaboration with other countries would be absolutely necessary.

  23. “. . .I’d use daisy cutters to raise the barrio to the ground. . .”

    If that failed, it (the barrio) could be razed. And the beaners would be fazed.

  24. Kievsky and the Global Guerillas guy have a better handle on the most likely route. So do other global geopolitical analysts and certain near-future visionary authors who preceded them from about two decades past. People like T. Chittum and the neo-Confederate folks do not have as realistic a handle on the world today.

    The nation-states are facing increased competition from NGOs. NGOs could be international corporations, internal ethnic or religious minority factions with non-state loyalties the State is exceedingly permissive with, organized border hopping criminal networks of all sorts and so on.

    21st Century autonomy, semi-autonomy and separatism are taking the form of quasi-stateless states within one or more states. They are cohesive, networked enclaves of in-groups, often unnoticed in the midst of many out-groups. They are not distinct demarcations with defined borders. They may have their own customs and codes of conduct, but they do not have their own laws per se.

  25. Hunter, I think what MGLS is getting at is this

    Yes, thank you for making that point more clearly than I did, Oats and Honey.

  26. Looking at it just on practical grounds, a fair partition has a much greater chance of attracting the support of our co-ethnics than the violent, bloodthirsty fantasies of some white nationalists and certain “hard right” types. We will have a much easier time getting our people to support a racial solution if our plan seems reasonable and fair to other races. Additionally, bloodthirsty desires on the part of racialists will only maximize resistance and hostility on the part of other races. We can expect that other races will strongly oppose any plan for separation, but if we offer them territory and other concessions, we can at least minimize such resistance instead of hardening it by backing them into a corner.

    If whites collectively came together and got their wits about what has been happening to them there is no way they are going to cower away in some corner of the country and hand the rest over to the collies.


    Do you consider this “cower[ing] away in some corner of the country”?

  27. The dreaming about civil war, bloodshed, and guerrilla resistance is delusional. The mentality of “There will be a mass uprising and revolt if event X happens or the government takes action Y” has plagued the racialist movement for decades. These predictions never come true. White Americans, in the South or otherwise, are not going to fight a guerrilla war. Any resistance would dissolve with the government simply sending in a few units to eliminate or otherwise take care of those involved.

    Such fantasies are worthless and counterproductive. Stocking up on weapons and wishing for violence and race war is not the path to success. The only way we can succeed is through an intellectual movement that attracts the support of the middle class and by organizing in the political, economic, and cultural spheres.

  28. “What matters is that we secede economically and culturally, so that political secession becomes all but a fait accompli.”

    Quoted for Truth.

    And incidentally, if the notion interests you, you should probably be reading William S. Lind, John Robb, and Duncan Kinder.

  29. I believe a fracturing of America is inevitable but neo-confederate fetishism is as laughable and as much a waste of energy as neo-Nazi fetishism. It seems some Southerners are still living in 1865 and holding grudges from a chapter in U.S. history that’s long gone. It’s time to move forward not backward.

    I agree completely.

    Hunter, I thought you were savvier than this. Regional pride is fine and good, but it’s absurd to insist that southern whites are the only group that is denied a positive identity. Did I skip the part of your post where northern, midwestern, or western whites were celebrated? We’re already a tiny, persecuted group. Let’s not needlessly fracture our already meager constituency.

  30. I don’t believe that we will be able to significantly unite Whites and form a political movement that can advocate for our own interests within the system or by attempting to remove ourselves from the system. I do think that we should keep putting our ideas out there however as they will be important at some later point. I just can’t see it playing out as some type of movement as envisioned by most.

    I think that due to declining energy availability, economic problems, and other factors, there will simply be a day where it becomes quite apparent that “tshtf”. When this happens things will be chaotic, after some weeks things will calm down and the tribes will start forming, it is at this point that plans can be carried out. Certainly a vanguard should have plans already on how to survive the shtf stage, but prior to that I can’t seewhites participating en mass.

    I don’t think it will be that long until this occurs. What becomes apparent when reading about the financial problems is that everybody seems to owe everybody money in a manner that doesn’t even really make sense. It is impossible to pay back, the numbers are stacked in a way that guarantees worldwide depression. It will unravel quickly.

  31. MGLS: “We will have a much easier time getting our people to support a racial solution if our plan seems reasonable and fair to other races.”

    Yes, from a propaganda standpoint. But the reality of the situation is that we won’t be treated fairly, no matter how fair our proposals might be. There is no easy way out of this mess, and all the fairness in the world will not avail us of the slightest degree of cooperation from anti-whites. Right now, they’ve got us where they want us, and they aren’t going to let go voluntarily.

    That puts us in a tough position. For propaganda purposes, we should probably advocate a peaceful partition or some form of secession. Unfortunately, however, it is not likely to work that way in practice.

    As for the issue of a mass uprising, maybe it will happen that way and maybe it won’t. The point is that a mass uprising is not necessary in order to achieve success. See Fourth Generation Warfare as just one possibility of many.

  32. Jacob C “I think that due to declining energy availability, economic problems, and other factors, there will simply be a day where it becomes quite apparent that “tshtf”. When this happens things will be chaotic, after some weeks things will calm down and the tribes will start forming, it is at this point that plans can be carried out. Certainly a vanguard should have plans already on how to survive the shtf stage, but prior to that I can’t seewhites participating en mass.”

    This scenario is entirely possible. However it unfolds, it is important for our ideas to be spread as far as possible between now and then. By getting the ideas out there we increase the likelihood that there will be more adherents to white nationalism when the critical moment is at hand. Once things start gaining real momentum, change can occur very fast. I want to increase the odds that, whoever is in a position to influence events at the critical time, they are well versed in white nationalism and the power dynamics that we face.

  33. I have no problem with the idea of getting everything we want conceded using secession as leverage, MGLS. 🙂

    I mean, if they give us freedom of association, lay off the kulturkampf, allow us to erect barriers to miscegenation, and let us police ourselves, etc., who gives a damn if there’s paper around to “prove” we’ve seceded?

  34. I am not trying to be a kill joy here, but secession is almost impossible. Case in point, Arizona. Look at the “GLOBAL” reaction to the free men and women of that state simply passing legislation regarding their safety and security. First huge marches were orchestrated, agitators were bussed into city centers by the thousands on a moments notice. Then a media smear campaign, including foreign media. Then a leader from another country walks into OUR house and condemns our brothers and sisters. Then lastly the United Nations “issues a warning” about the possible violations of some bs resolution.

    Now think of the reaction if the State of Virginia (or New Whiteland) were to pass secession legislation. If a simple immigration bill elicited that kind of reaction, you can expect a much greater, swifter, aggressive reaction to any threat to the “Union”.

    So that leaves collapse of the system. The outcome of that is completely uncertain. What would replace the Constitution? Some UN approved document? Does anyone really think any other form of government than what we have now would be less influenced by crooked hands?

    Breed, infiltrate, overtake.

  35. Don’t listen to the naysayers Hunter, they’re just jealous. Your article highlights the importance of the Southern identity and the defense of it.

    The fact is Southerners are a target, and we take a disproportionate amount of abuse as American Whites. If any American group represents racialism and White Nationalism it’s Southerners.

    Some are in favor of scrapping our history, our ethnicity, all ties to the past. I think that’s absurd and sacrilegious. Rallying around a shared history, culture and symbols of White survival are a positive and powerful force.

    This reminds me of Robert Campbell’s signature quoting Jung:

    “No, memories of the ancient Germanic religion have not been extinguished. They say there are greybeards in Westphalia who still know where the old images of the gods lie hidden; on their death beds, they tell their youngest grandchild, who carries the secret…In Westphalia, the former Saxony, not everything that lies buried is dead.” – C.G. Jung

  36. The foreign policy of White America:

    1. Russia is our friend.

    2. China is not our enemy as long as they restrict hegemony to the yellow countries.

    3. Let the dark races have their own communist hell holes on earth while whites colonize the rest of the universe; quit trying to “help” them.

  37. “Rallying around a shared history, culture and symbols of White survival are a positive and powerful force.”

    Positive and powerful indeed. Worthy of teaching to our children, yes. Capable of overcoming the odds We face, I doubt it.

    At some point our fathers had to say enough is enough and they left Europe. Look at what they left behind. Not just a couple of hundred years of history but thousands.

    Chasing ghosts is all it amounts to. How long do you think it would take for an Army of our “brothers” to be launched at us again?


  38. Very good comments by Trainspotter. Whites are always preoccupied with fairness towards non-whites. Non-whites, however, care nothing about our welfare and look upon us as fools and certainly don’t appreciate any good will whites have shown them. It’s time for whites to become intolerant, radical and uncompromising towards all non-white ethnic minorities.

    Our survival as a people necessitates the adoption of new behaviors and values system that enables us fight effectively against racial out groups. Chivalrous behavior towards racial groups that work to displace and disenfranchise us is suicidal madness.

  39. Oh god…not Snuffalufagus again. I just want to vomit everytime that bastard is on TV. I wish that idiot would just go crawl under a rock an die somewhere quietly. He can take that other pinhead Maddow with him.

  40. Hunter you are so right about that one. I’m all in favor of succession. I’m going that way in the fall, I could set up camp immediately.



    My advice to you would be to pick a state that has the best overall gun and right-to-self-defense laws — so that you can protect yourself with the least amount of aggravation from local, county and state prosecutors</em? should it ever, God forbid, come to that.

    Vermont has the absolute best gun laws in the nation — of course its very ‘SWPL’ — but they are decidedly of a more Libertarian bent than their other New England neighbors. You can carry a concealed handgun in Vermont without a carry license, one of only two states that permits this (the other being Alaska).

    Here is the National Rifle Association’s list of laws on firearms ownership and the various states attitudes and official positions on self-defense –


    Best of Wishes to You, Annie.

  41. Dithers, your right about how they never reciprocate our generosity. I worked with a Cambodian man who grew up as an ethnic minority in Vietnam. After the Vietnamese Army defeated the Khmer Rouge he went into Cambodia and then decided to try to go to the USA. His parents were alive and well in Vietnam and he was 21 years old. He pretended to be a 15 year old orphan and the “aid worker” types put him on a plane to the US where he was “Adopted” by a white Christian family who already had several kids of their own. He related how nice they treated him and eventually bought him a house. His words were “American people are so nice, my people would never do anything like that.” An honest comment on race, yet the Jewish media would have it the other way around with the whole brown world living in “kumbaya bliss” until the evil white “racists” came along and refused to cooperate.

  42. Another Wallace: “I am not trying to be a kill joy here, but secession is almost impossible.”

    As of today, yes, this is true. But at one point, it was “impossible” to secede from the Soviet Union. It stayed impossible, until one day it wasn’t.

    Right now, as of this writing, the federal government is too powerful to secede from. But the trends for the feds do not look promising – from their point of view. With each passing day, the federal government looks more and more like an empire, and less and less like an organic body of self-governance. In the coming years, it is clear that more and more people, states and other entities are going to ask the question: are we better off under this government or not? Many will conclude that they are not better off as slaves to D.C. I’ll have more to say about that below.

    There are many, many chickens coming home to roost for the System, but the biggest crisis that the System faces is simply one of legitimacy. It is bleeding legitimacy every day. We know that it will continue to do so, for the simple reason that it is based on false premises and will be unable to right itself. The System now behaves irrationally because it HAS to, it has no choice.

    We can’t know exactly how this will all play out. What we can know is that the System will continue to bleed legitimacy (a few upward bumps are possible – perhaps a war to get the flags waving for a while – but the trend is clear), it will continue to blunder through the Long Emergency, it will squander resources instead of husbanding them or employing them wisely, and there will be more and more people and entities who clearly lose by being part of the System.

    I was a college kid when communism collapsed in Europe. In fact, I was taking a seminar course on the Cold War just a few months before the world changed. This was at an elite college, very bright people. Not one of us saw what was coming, even though the big transformation was mere months away. A professor of mine was asked about the prospects for German unification. This struck everyone as a very strange question, it just wasn’t on the radar. By the way, the professor’s specialty area was Germany. His response? “Not in my lifetime.” Well, he’s still kicking, but Germany has indeed unified.

    I realize that many here are not old enough to remember those times. Let me tell you, it was a shock. Nobody saw it coming. In fact, just months before it happened there was a general consensus that communism was “forever,” at least for all practical purposes. The historical record to date certainly indicated that it was.

    This was a very humbling experience for me. I had fancied myself a budding expert on this sort of thing, yet I didn’t see it coming at all. This taught me to focus on patterns, trends and signs.

    So what is the trend? In essence, the System is hollowing out, despite its outward appearance of strength. People should follow John Robb’s writing at Global Guerrillas.

    Our job at this stage is to spread our ideas, and also help this hollowing out process along. Kievsky has some insight on this. My own view is that things are going to go a lot further, but we have to start somewhere.

    Let me expand a bit on Kievsky’s approach, but first let me be clear that what I extrapolate is NOT his position, and I don’t want him to be tarred with this. His basic approach, as I understand it, is having relatively small groups of people, preferably multiple families, become as self-sufficient as possible. They will secede from the System to the extent possible, financially and culturally. These people will have strong ties to one another – financially, socially, culturally. They will be committed to white nationalism. No need to run to the hills, or upend everything in life. Just gradually become more and more self-sufficient, build the group, and learn to cooperate. Yout get the benefits today, not just when TSHTF.

    O.K. Sounds good. But where to from there? This is where I part ways with Kievsky. I am not advocating, merely extrapolating. You get enough of those groups, and you’ve got the foundation for Fourth Generation Warfare. It wouldn’t take many, just a relative handful in each state. Several dozen in each state would be tremendous.

    The future struggle isn’t in mass armies, or probably even mass uprisings. But it will require significant, though relatively small, numbers of people who are committed to white ethnonationalism. These people need to know how to cooperate in small groups, and they need to be relativaly self-sufficient, or capable of being so in a pinch. There, you’ve got it. If these groups are networked at some level, then you’ve really got it.

    So even if you are a radical who advocates violent revolution (Kievsky isn’t advocating this, just to be clear), Kievsky’s peaceful approach is an important starting point. And the thing is, it’s doable. It can be accomplished in degrees. It mirrors a broader evolution in the “survival movement.” Time was when survivalists were head to the hills types, with their fantasy fortress in the mountains. Now? I’m sure that type is still around, but it’s more about backyard gardening, backyard chickens, whatever. You can achieve a significant degree of self-sufficieny just in your own home, no need to upend your life and spend a fortune on a fancy retreat (how many people can do that, anyway?). Just start where you are. Add to that a small group of pro-white families who are doing it for social, cultural and economic benefits that they receive TODAY, and you’ve really got something.

    Anyway, that’s the trend, and it’s a good one.

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