I have managed to distill my ideas into three ethos that will be the practical foundation of White Nationalism 2.0.
1. The Culture of Learning.
2. Entrepreneurialism.
3. Tribalism.
The first enables the second, and the second enables the third. A person who lives a “Culture of Learning” lifestyle will have the raw intellectual material to be an entrepreneur. The Diasporans who already own businesses can train the new entrepreneur the practical ins and outs of selecting a successful business, and the day to day running of it. Or the would be entrepreneur can simply work for one of us who already has a successful business going and learn the ropes.
This strategy requires no heroism. You won’t go to prison. You won’t die in a gunbattle with police. You’ll probably get rich. You’ll probably be able to get a desirable mate, and have beautiful, smart children.
You will have to work . . . a lot, AND be an intellectual. I have found that hard workers tend to be anti-intellectual, and intellectuals don’t fancy the grind of labor. We need BOTH IN ONE PERSON. That’s the key.
There’s a lot of ignorance out there that can be fixed, for a profit, by intelligent entrepreneurs. I have a computer company and I have found that many office workers in small businesses have IT dropped on them without any help or training, and their procedures are terrible. There’s still plenty of work in showing people how to do backup and restore, how to organize folders and files, how to use Quickbooks, how to protect themselves against spyware and viruses, how to figure how to open a file attachment with a file extension you’ve never seen before, and so on.
Here’s another example of social ignorance. I have seen houses sitting on 2 acres of land get foreclosed for about 20,000 dollars of debt, accumulated over two years. The homeowners could have grown vegetables on two acres and made at least 10,000 a year and paid that debt and kept the house. There’s a variety of tomato called “Mortgage Lifter.” The story behind it is that a guy during the Great Depression was going to get foreclosed, but he grew these great tomatoes, sold them, and paid off his mortgage!
One more shocking example. I have been growing fingerling potatoes for about 3 years now. They are so prolific as to be borderline invasive. I’ll have mountains of them this year. But what do they cost at the local supermarket? 5 dollars for a little 12 ounce bag, or about $6.50 a pound! Who the hell is paying that? Somebody is, because I have seen fingerlings offered at this price for years. I’ll be selling them for 2 a pound and making out like a bandit.
So ultimately you aren’t just a businessman or businesswoman — you are a social entrepreneur. People do things out of habit; they do not think. Thus there is infinite opportunity to help people do things more intelligently. The social entrepreneur has his (or her) work cut out for him.
White Nationalism 2.0 — let us become a Tribe of Social Entrepreneurs.
“Our Masters” might come to regret the day they introduced H1-B. I think they would have been better off keeping the white men in their cubicles and wedded to a pension plan.
I think it’s very important to recognize that these people are not organized into a coherent conspiracy and are not capable of orchestrating a sustainable long-term arrangement. The whole thing is highly unstable, and the future belongs to those oligarchies capable of placing long-term advantage before short-term gain. Since the fall of the Temple, Jews have had a highly decentralized torrent-style group evolutionary strategy which relies on highly autonomous cells (rabbis) operating off of a highly refined codebase (Torah and Talmud). The Jewish domination of the world at the beginning of the 21st century isn’t due to a cabal of Elders of Zion. It’s due to there being no such cabal.
This has its advantages and disadvantages, and the other oligarchies are gradually developing defensive reactions. The Chinese oligarchy has advantages in its rigid hierarchy, such as the ability to orchestrate strategic decisions with an overarching central plan. Every time one cabal of Jews attempts to do something, another cabal is set against it unless it’s intuitively obvious that it’s immediately advantageous for them. In that case, they align like magnet shards toward that common aim.
This is why they can pull off stuff like Zionism, but can’t execute long-range strategies like keeping America’s ethnic milieu at a stable level conducive to their wellbeing. To pull off something like that would require the more intelligent and knowledgeable Jews to impose their vision on a Jewish folk who are by instinct and tradition inclined to feel safer in a multicult crowd than surrounded by strong healthy White people. They’re not actually safer in the multicult crowd, but the Jewish group evolutionary strategy is subject to a design flaw which dooms them to destroy the most hospitable host they’ve ever had.
Every time I get on this website I am encouraged by what I read.
The kind of intelligence and vision the writers at this site have is what makes our victory inevitable.
Sometimes I’ve read people saying everyone in the WN movement needs to band together, get behind this plan or that political strategy, however I feel we need to go with our hearts and have our own individual plans.
The unique qualities and attributes of the individuals of our race are what make powerful and cohesive societies.
Matt – You’re one of the first I’ve seen who gets to the heart of it. You grasp what I do. Unfortunately, for us there is no counter.
You can garden anywhere—you don’t have to live out in the rfd like me to garden in pots, cans etc.
Just get two or three, 2 cubic feet bags vegtable/flower potting mix for $10 -$12 bucks, some bargain seeds and you are all set.
I put rocks, or untreated wood mulch in the bottom of the pots to stretch the potting mix. Plus the roots of the plants feed off the rocks & mulch the way they would in a field. It also improves the taste of the veggies.
A little water and you are all set. I use miracle grow type water soluable fertilizer too—but don’t over do it.
Great article!
I have my own idea for a business but not sure how to get it off the ground. I won’t do it in CA though, it will be in another state.
My goal is to buy a little fixer upper. It can be so in need of TLC that all I have in it is a bed to sleep on but something I can build on.
At this point of chronic job loss, unemployment, I’m willing to try anything new.
Matt Parrott said:
“The Jewish domination of the world at the beginning of the 21st century isn’t due to a cabal of Elders of Zion.”
I’ve always felt that way. I’ve always felt that it’s more of a semi-vague general feeling of a common interest, rather than a scary, smokefilled basement master plan. Glad that I’m not alone.
“…which dooms them to destroy the most hospitable host they’ve ever had.”
Also something I’ve thought about. When the Western World goes down in flames and a lot of the survival skills are purely physical, I wonder what they’re going to do? I know they are tough in the IDF and on a Kibbutz, but the ones I’ve met here in America seem to be a different breed.
Also, when the West collapses, who’s going to keep supplying the military know-how and technology to preserve Israel? Another facet of their lack of strategic thinking, I believe.
Culture Of Learning.
According to Wictionary, it is an obsolete word for a lower servant in a church. Since “to lead is to serve”, we serve our race and our tribe.
(Due to some out-patient surgery, I’m on painkillers and have a lot of time on my hands. If I’m rambling, ignore me. If this was useful; you’re welcome.)
Since the fall of the Temple, Jews have had a highly decentralized torrent-style group evolutionary strategy which relies on highly autonomous cells (rabbis) operating off of a highly refined codebase (Torah and Talmud). The Jewish domination of the world at the beginning of the 21st century isn’t due to a cabal of Elders of Zion. It’s due to there being no such cabal.
I don’t think this is right. Jewish behavior has both a centralized and a decentralized component. The centralized component is not insignificant. Projects like Zionism would never have worked had they not been pushed by a Jewish elite – indeed, they were enormously unpopular with the Jewish masses at the time.
They’re not actually safer in the multicult crowd
I don’t buy this either. Jews have never been better off or more secure in their power than they are today.
Nordicreb – I’m sorry you’re in pain dear. I hope you feel better. Your post made sense to me.
I just came back from day of the Scottish festival here in Orange County. It was marvelous, all white people speaking English. Tall manly men with kilts, drinking beer, walking around with swords and not one cop in sight. Didn’t need one, white people know how to behave.
I saw a few non-whites but they about .0005% of the entire population.
I’m going back tomorrow. It’s simply nirvana. Celtic music, booths, fish and chips, just marvelous. I’m still basking in the glow of whiteness.
“I’m still basking in the glow of whiteness.”
I know what you mean, Annie. My young family and I live in the ethnic sewer known as the Bay Area. Once a year, however, we visit relatives in Provo, UT. That place is incredible. If you (or anyone else here) ever wants to have an awesome racial experience, visit BYU while school is in session. Just walk around the campus. You’ll be grinning the whole time.
Anyway, as usual, Kievsky’s post is inspiring. Best line: “People do things out of habit; they do not think.”
Though he is probably wrong about the violent nature of Coming Events, Kievsky with other good ideas, as usual. This agricultural self-sufficiency is going to be crucial. Becuse one of the first things ZOG will do, when TSHTF, is shut down the national and regional grocery store chains – mostly or entirely Jew-owned – in an effort to starve the white suburbs and rural areas into submission. In other words, do a quick Ukraine on us. Heed Kievsky, Tom. Watson et al, and they won’t get away with it this time. Just remember, though: lay in seeds, but also weapons, ammunition. To defend the shoots, you will have to shoot.
“Since the fall of the Temple, Jews have had a highly decentralized torrent-style group evolutionary strategy which relies on highly autonomous cells (rabbis) operating off of a highly refined codebase (Torah and Talmud).”
That is a very accessible and readable description.
I am still trying to slog through Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy, but I find it slow going at times.
I encourage you to use your gifts to articulate these things is a short, easy-to-read manner.
Matt said, “… Jews have had a highly decentralized torrent-style group evolutionary strategy which relies on highly autonomous cells (rabbis) operating off of a highly refined codebase (Torah and Talmud)…”
Dang it Matt!
1. highly decentralized torrent-style group evo-strategy,
2. highly autonomous cells (rabbis)
3. operating off a highly refined CODE BASE
I think you’ve put the operating structure of the traditional enemy in best way it’s ever been “put” !!! Elegant to the max.
One thing about “code bases” is that they tend to be static. While they can be interpreted and applied dynamically, the static ‘base’ still has glitches just like the Matrix did.
How to ID those glitches and use those? I see that static code-base as a WEAK POINT to be exploited. The traditional enemy is STUCK with their code-base, even if it’s used dynamically. How to make it work against them??? Or from a different angle, “for us”.
How would you depict White Euro peoples in terms of the above 3 points? Both “as is”, and in hyper-drive. How to picture for ourselves the shape of our “Code Base”, our “Cells” (yet to be), and our successful strategy.
OK, your plate is now full.
I would make a distinction between being powerful and being “secure in your power”. I don’t see them as being all that secure in their power at all. Truly “secure” overlords don’t need to conceal their presence. China’s elite runs its society in broad daylight. The Jewish oligarchy relies on a far-flung coalition of identity groups whose only single commonality is benefiting from joining the coalition. Without the credible threat of pogroms in the West, their rate of literal and figurative intermarriage with the host population has become astronomical.
One thing the Torah drives home repeatedly is that being “better off” and being “secure in your power” are almost dichotomous.
Also something I’ve thought about. When the Western World goes down in flames and a lot of the survival skills are purely physical, I wonder what they’re going to do? I know they are tough in the IDF and on a Kibbutz, but the ones I’ve met here in America seem to be a different breed.
WTSHTF, I believe Jews will do just fine. The single most important thing to have in a Hobbesian clusterfuck is tribal cohesion. It’s more important than having gold, freeze-dried food, or weapon caches. People would grasp for their nearest viable GES. Snot-nosed atheist kids with Reform Jew parents would suddenly develop a deep appreciation for The Law. White Christians who giggled about magic underwear and peeping stones would gather around the living prophet. Half-Asian kids who only speak English would be brushing up on their Mandarin on the red-eye flight to Red China.
Jews, Mormons, the Appalachian poor, and foreigners will take care of themselves. I’m afraid that the vast pool of deracinated, detribalized, and defenseless White Americans don’t have much more going for them in such a scenario than America’s Black underclass – at least in the critical opening weeks of some sort of doomsday scenario. There will be a handful of Whites in the woods who can revert to subsistence and do alright, but they’ll be lone hermits, largely apathetic to the fate of their countrymen and even more serious about trespassers than they already are.
This is all highly speculative, of course. I’m not actually saying that the above will happen. Given our abundance of nuclear weapons and natural resources, I think it’s inevitable that either the Chinese or the Russians would be pretty quick to jump in and impose order on the region. I don’t think the US even has a “military” in the historical sense, only a government bureaucracy which will divide along tribal lines and evaporate shortly after the checks stop being worth cashing.
John Walters,
That is a very accessible and readable description.
I am still trying to slog through Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy, but I find it slow going at times.
I encourage you to use your gifts to articulate these things is a short, easy-to-read manner.
I appreciate the compliment and will try my best.
One thing about “code bases” is that they tend to be static. While they can be interpreted and applied dynamically, the static ‘base’ still has glitches just like the Matrix did.
How to ID those glitches and use those? I see that static code-base as a WEAK POINT to be exploited. The traditional enemy is STUCK with their code-base, even if it’s used dynamically. How to make it work against them??? Or from a different angle, “for us”.
While I don’t deny the possibility of building our own code base and corresponding oligarchy from scratch, I believe the shortest distance from where we’re at to where we need to be to survive is in skillfully influencing one or more of the West’s indigenous oligarchies toward our interests. I’m developing a proposal for accomplishing this which I plan to have wrapped up and ready to post in a few weeks.
In lieu of current and past Anglo ineptitude and malfeasance, I hope that you are right about winning over one of the White oligarchies Matt, and will look forward to your proposals. Their money and influence will be essential in any successful White ethnic advocacy movement. If the English speaking White world is to survive its current delusional, self-destructive policies (compounded by aliens within), an important segment of the White elites will have to come to a strong sense of ethnic – racial identity and purpose. If they can come to their senses, they, in turn, can influence the White middle, and eventually, the White working class.
Getting whites not to think has been the main weapon of Jews for 2,000 years (read Christianity).
First I’ve got to finish slogging through the first project you gave me!
Much progress on that, BTW.
If you want to get smarter – or rather – regain your natural intelligence:
This way you can watch what the masses are being fed (without the full sensory involvement) while doing something more fruitful. It lowers your stress/reaction levels plus it allows you to watch HOW and WHAT is being presented in a clinical way. That alonw will help you discover what the media/indoctrination agenda is at that moment.
Better yet is to get out of the house to a public space and WATCH people for a couple of hours. And it’s free!
Matt Parrott: I don’t see the U.S. military dispersing when the paymaster stops disbursing. WTSHTF, I’d rather be part of a well armed and well organized body of men than back on the block in Wichita, unemployed and unpaid. When I have a gun and you don’t, which of us gets to eat? General Sherman’s troops did not starve, not did Generals Stuart’s or Forrest’s horsemen. Armies have been living off the countryside as long as there have been armies. The soldiers will stay for the three squares a day, even if their not paid. Would Walmart be making its payroll when even Uncle Samuel can’t?
“Hobbesian clusterfuck”.
A scholar [b]and[/b] a poet! Way to go, Matt!
(I learned about Hobbes in college and learned to love the “c-word” when I watched “Heartbreak Ridge” many moons ago.)
Ok, what’s up with the darn HMTL? What am I missing here?
Ok, what’s up with the darn HMTL? What am I missing here?
Hope this is a helpful start!
This is a better one for learning basic HTML.
Wordpress (the blog) uses the html tags, which are the greater-than and less-than thingies. The forum is where your brackets work.
I appreciate the compliments.
In the second installment of the excellent Terminator movie series, Arnold Schwarzenegger (playing a robust robotic Terminator able to absorb terrific damage) faced off against a superior new series of robot, the liquid metal T-1000. In contrast to Arnold’s character, this robot was resilient. Specifically, if it was blown apart the parts were smart enough and mobile enough to reassemble themselves back into a fully functional T-1000. What enabled the T-1000 to do this was a weak application of the concept called scale invariance. Essentially, scale invariance means that across all scaling factors (large, medium, small, tiny, etc.), the properties that define the whole are conserved (intelligence, mobility, form, productivity, etc.).
Scale invariance is a requirement for societal resilience. It is also something anyone seriously thinking about the topic of resilience must be familiar with. Here’s why. Our global system is composed of intermeshed and tightly coupled networks. These interlinked networks enable our system to be efficient and relatively robust against random shocks. However, large shocks can overwhelm this type of network design, causing it to either act erratically (turbulence) or break apart (into smaller clusters via cascades of failure). We saw systemic turbulence in action via the recent brush with a global financial meltdown in September 2008 and we are seeing it currently with erratic swings in markets, trade, and other forms of economic activity. Examples of network failures that result in disconnected clusters are seen with every black-out in the electricity network. A pandemic would be a mix of the two, intentional clustering (quarantines) and high turbulence.
White Christians who giggled about magic underwear and peeping stones would gather around the living prophet.
According to the 2000 Census ancestry figures, Utah is the most English state in the country. Yet another reason for you to be pro-English instead of a pan-Europeanist!
A good resource for those looking to develop their mind weapons.
great article. I have an entrepreneurial project. It’d be great to start a brainstorming group and connect with others doing the same. Most, if not all of the social networking support groups are ‘global’, multiculti. We need some kind of support network for WN entrepreneurs. Please email me for more information.
This is still awesome.