Reconsidered: The League of the South

Michael Hill, President of the League of the South

An OD commentator recently altered me to a Tom Sunic interview with Dr. Michael Hill of the League of the South which aired on The Sunic Journal back in April. In recent months, I had criticized the League in one of my threads. He thought the interview might be of some interest and recommended it with a short summary.


I can now report that I was pleasantly surprised. When I first discovered the League of the South eight years ago, I was initially very excited about it. Here was an impressive organization that advocated Southern independence from the United States. It seemed like the place to be.

My initial enthusiasm waned though as I learned more about the group. It seemed like the League of the South and the broader Neo-Confederate movement had caved to political correctness. Slogans like “Heritage, Not Hate” were commonly used back then. Black Confederates were played up. The Lincoln administration was attacked for its racist policies against negroes. There was a “Statement Against Racism” on the League website.

I remember coming away with a few other impressions as well. The League of the South seemed more interested in refighting the Civil War with Yankees than addressing the flood of Hispanic illegal aliens pouring across the Mexican border. It was too stridently Christian and propounded the idea the idea of an ancient ethnic antagonism between Southern Celts and Northern Anglo-Saxons.

What finally soured me on the League of the South was their unwillingness to defend White Southerners as a racial and ethnic group. They only wanted to talk about Southern culture. I remember reading a League position paper somewhere which proposed a multiracial Confederacy (White, Black, Hispanic) based on social equality. If that is the ultimate goal of Southern independence, why bother to restore the Confederacy? That’s the system we have now.

Around 2002 or 2003, I drifted out of Neo-Confederate circles. I grew interested in White Nationalism and have been involved in this scene ever since. The Southern Nationalist movement seemed like an abortion. With each passing year, I heard less and less about the League of the South until it fell off my radar screen entirely.

The Ethnostate

During the 2000s, White Nationalism waxed and Southern Nationalism waned. There has been an internal debate within the White Nationalist community about the final location of the White ethnostate. The most popular destination in our circles has been the Northwest. A smaller number of voices have advocated the Southeast. A significant number of White Nationalists subscribe to a vision of preserving the Union and deporting all non-Whites within our borders.

Southern White Nationalists have been more reluctant to uproot themselves and migrate to other regions of the United States. The Confederacy is usually viewed in a favorable light. Southerners are more inclined to support a decentralized White Republic than a centralized National Socialist dictatorship. There is a bit of wishful thinking that blacks and Hispanics will one day disappear.

Christianity is not viewed as skeptically in the South as it is elsewhere. The Council of Conservative Citizens is a Christian organization. The Ku Klux Klan is Christian. The League of the South is Christian. Most of the Southern organizations that are labeled “hate groups” by the SPLC are more religious than secular. Most of the pagans who live in the South tend to be migrants from the Northern and Western states.

Unlike other parts of the United States, the South was once an independent nation. The bloodiest war the Union ever fought was the one against the Confederacy. For decades after the War Between the States, Southerners were allowed a kind of home rule. We enjoyed the freedom to regulate race relations according to our customs.

Southerners already have an alternative ethnic identity to fall back on. As attenuated as the Confederate tradition might be today, it nevertheless exists, and could potentially be activated again. Monuments to Confederate heroes can be found in almost any Southern town. The South has an indigenous culture and geographic borders that could become the focal point of a separatist movement.

What does the South have that the Northwest lacks? Blood, culture, history, heritage,  borders, ideology, a culture of secession, racial antagonism, and latent racial consciousness. It makes more sense to build upon what already exists here than to build a nation from scratch in the Northwest.

But what about the other separatist groups? The League of the South, the Texas Nationalist Movement, and the Christian Exodus? Would they cooperate with Southern White Nationalists to promote secession from the United States?

The League of the South

For once, the League of the South seems to have changed its tune. In the Sunic interview, Michael Hill described Sam Dickson as a good friend of many years. He seemed eager to cooperate with known racialists like James Edwards, Tom Sunic, and Kevin MacDonald in a “think tank” project. Hill also had kind words to say about Sam Francis who died in 2005.

The League seems to have given up on the idea of winning certification as a “respectable organization” from the likes of the SPLC and ADL. They have been officially listed as a “hate group” for as long as I can remember. I was browsing the SPLC “hate group” map the other day and noticed the League of the South was particularly active in Alabama and Mississippi.

According to Hill, the League hasn’t received much media attention lately because they don’t pick fights with other organizations and have been focused on the unglamorous work of building up their state and local chapters. This is exactly what I wanted to hear. It coincides with my own thinking on the subject.

As the interview continued, Dr. Hill continued to impress me: he noted that the South has always been a welcoming society and would accept White immigrants who were serious about joining us; he endorsed Southern ethnonationalism based on kith, kin, and culture; he advocated secession as a means to the end of closing our border with Mexico; he advocated loyalty to ethny, state, and local community; he encouraged secularists to join the Southern independence movement; he described the “Yankee” as a mindset toward Southerners rather than as a people.

Kowtowing to PC hasn’t won the Southern Nationalist movement any friends. Colonel Reb has been removed as the Ole Miss mascot. The Confederate flag was hauled down in Mississippi and South Carolina. The NAACP launched their boycott. The SPLC labeled the League of the South a “hate group” anyway. For two decades, every symbol of Southern heritage has been under relentless attack from Jews and blacks. These people are hostile toward Southern Whites and wish us nothing but harm. Meanwhile, Hispanics are displacing us in Texas and Florida, and now even in states like Georgia and North Carolina.

The idea that blacks can be converted to Southern Nationalism is so retarded that it is truly amazing it was ever taken seriously. The most stalwart supporters of the South have always been White racialists. What sense does it make to alienate your base to appease people who will never join you?

If the Southern independence movement ever hopes to grow, it needs to come to terms with the reality of ethnic self interest. The only people we can count on are our own folk and our racial kinsmen in other areas who consider themselves well wishers. The race based grievance groups that now exist have too much to gain from the present system to ever advocate its destruction.

Note: This is the first installment in a series of essays about the South as a potential location for a White ethnostate.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The idea that blacks can be converted to Southern Nationalism is so retarded that it is truly amazing it was ever taken seriously. The most stalwart supporters of the South have always been White racialists. What sense does it make to alienate your base to appease people who will never join you?

    I’ve never met a neo-Confederate who I couldn’t turn into a racialist. It’s just below the surface, you just have to brush away all of the mainstream anti-racist, egalitarian propaganda.

  2. I love Dixie, I come from a long line of Southern rednecks, and I love county music.

    But it may be too late for the South, for reasons having nothing to do with demographics:

    Also, I had assumed LOS went crypto as a defense against legal actions from SPLC and the like.

    Also, I think anything other than nominal Christianity is a spent force. The SBC is hemorrhaging members because the old ones die off and the young families are more interested in Christian Side Hugs type “religion” than exegesis on Daniel.

    I watched Christian Exodus closely since it’s founding, and the only difference between them and the Westboro Baptist Church is military worship. I just do not see that style of Christianity inspiring the next generation, nor it’s weak tea counterparts like Rick Warren.

    The SPLC labeled the League of the South a “hate group” anyway.

    From a southern Christian perspective, the SBC sold out to the Jews to stop getting bad press. I remember a time when Baptist politicians said “God does not hear the prayer of a Jew” and interracial dating was considered a sin. Now, the whores in SBC can’t bend over far enough to take the Jew’s circumcised members. What a truly pathetic group.

    But I hope Dixie secedes anyway, and I stock up on Maurice’s BBQ as often as possible. Sic Semper Tyrannis!

  3. It was too stridently Christian and propounded the idea the idea of an ancient ethnic antagonism between Southern Celts and Northern Anglo-Saxons.

    This is a bit odd because I consider myself more Anglo-Saxon than Celt, but I’m very much a southerner, feel free to criticize northerners qua northerners, and give Irish-Americans a hard time (sure, the south is Scots-Irish but the most salient example of Celticness in America IMO is the Boston Mick). Wedge issue? 🙂

    Anyway, a lot of the stuff you describe sounds like good crypsis. E.g., dragging Lincoln through the mud over his racism sounds like a good idea, though blanket repudiations of racism do not.

  4. There is a bit of wishful thinking that blacks and Hispanics will one day disappear.

    Non-whites don’t need to disappear. What is needed is white sovereignty; whites must be afforded the fundamental human rights of self-determination and freedom of association. If we’re allowed to be ethnocentric, to determine our own community memberships, then it won’t matter if there are blacks or browns down the road. Miscegenation is only a problem when a community is not allowed to set and enforce its own norms (e.g., “once you go black we don’t want you back”).

  5. Svigor,

    First of all, as a Northern-born, racially-conscious white woman, I am sick and tired of Southerners lumping me with Jews, liberals, socialists, commies, pinkos and every other shade of vermin that has diligently – and successfully – destroyed this once great nation. I know many Northerners who are pro-white, unapologetic about it, and willing to fight to the death in defense of our race.

    I’ve been living in the South for close to 15 years and I have only once encountered the ever evasive so-call “Southern hospitality.” Is it genuine or really “just between Southerners” because I know lots of people that simply laugh at the mention of it. I am sick and tired of this Yankee, Northerner, Northeasterner crap. Our problems aren’t regional, their national which includes our beloved South. Morris Dees, Bill Clinton, Lindsay Graham, and Lyndon Johnson are a few well-known “Sons of the South” as well as full throttle race traitors. For God’s sake even George Wallace eventually did a one-eighty on us.

    As for the Irish, the Catholic Church has an awful influence on them. And, as an American of Irish descent, I would appreciate your not lumping all of us together. Southerners need to wake up and start embracing some of us Yankees if they really want any chance in hell of winning this war.

    As for the League of the South, my local chapter was totally useless and, once again, anti-Yankee no matter how committed those Yankees members were. Needless to say, their delusions and alienation made their efforts totally ineffective.

  6. “The Ku Klux Klan is Christian.”

    The Klan firebombs churches. The Klan burns the cross, which Christians revere. The Klansmen take for themselves Satanic titles, like “Wizard” and “Dragon”. The Ku Klux Klan is almost as Christian as the Chinese Communist Party.

  7. KH,

    The Klan was hijacked by crazies. The early Klan was Christian and acted like it. As you know, it was formed to protect whites during Reconstruction but it morphed into an anomaly. And, let’s not forget the FBI and other government agencies breached it and possibly even were the culprits that helped destroy it.

  8. There are definitely some pagan elements there, but then again there are pagan elements in all of European Christianity. They light the cross, they don’t burn it. That is a common misconception.

  9. On the Klan: first, the First Klan was an entirely different thing than the Second Klan.

    The Second Klan was as Masonic as it was Christian, at least at the top, and was part of the last gasp of Masonic Wasp power. The Second Klan went down at the same time and in the same manner as the Masons themselves.

    That explains the strange muddle of Christian, Judeo, and pagan symbolism. Well, that, and the fact they got their symbolism from Birth of a Nation, which in turn was based on Scottish imagery.

    The early second klan was corrupted from the top, another example of bad leadership.

  10. Why is it so difficult for some of you not to discuss taking the whole nation back in one piece? The liberal areas of this country with high concentrations of minorities make up such a small portion of the nation as a whole. You have coastal California, Southern AZ, NM, Southern Texas and a triangular region from DC to Philadelphia to New York to Boston. If anything, we should be booting them out of the union. There’s the Deep South but blacks aren’t going to give up being cared for by the White man and the place is a conservative stronghold anyhow.

  11. I think the smart politicians among us will do what Jefferson Davis did, and refer to the American Revolution in his stump speeches. Talk about our ancestors who fought & founded the United States. About rational decision making & clear thinking. About Jeffersonian democracy, limiting the powers of the central govenment, & states rights.

    Jefferson Davis was not a regional politician—he was a national politician & political figure. He had friends & political allies all over the United States. People forget this about Davis, he was truly an American.

    Let’s not forget that there were no Jews, Hindoos, Moslems, Blacks or Jewish-feminist women among our founders. Not that there won’t be an attempt to re-write history to include them in the founding of the United States.

    When you talk to someone find out how far back their family goes in the United States & colonial America. Have they always been here. 🙂 I think the SAR/DAR, or an organization, or organizations like them are the key. I don’t like to say too much, because too many of the wrong people read these blogs.


  12. @Veni Vidi etc.

    What killed the Klan and similar organizations was the fact that the Southern elite, the professionals & corporate class, sold out the White Southern working man starting before WWII. The Southern elite didn’t want to get there hands dirty dealing with the great unwashed.

    Whereas the grandfathers of that same Southern elite had led the grandfathers of the same great unwashed into battles, real & political.

    A sell out, is a sell out.

  13. KH: “The Klan burns the cross, which Christians revere. The Klansmen take for themselves Satanic titles, like “Wizard” and “Dragon”. The Ku Klux Klan is almost as Christian as the Chinese Communist Party.”

    The Klan lit the cross, not “burned” it. Of course, back then there was no electricity, and you had to light a cross, for the Scottish Christian imagery-of a lit cross. “Wizard” and “Dragon” are not necessarily anti-Christian names. Plenty of today’s Southern Christians love Harry Potter. Some even play “Dungeons and Dragons,” hardly thinking they are honoring Satan.

    And, the idea that the Chinese Communists were as Christian as White Southerners is beyond absurd!

  14. I agree with “Dying Nation” let New York City, Hollywood, etc be the ones to secede. On an off note, what kind of soil do you have in the south? Fertile? I know myself if I had to choose a region as my own fiefdom I’d take the southern midwest with it’s rich fertile prarie soils. I was dismayed at how difficult it was to grow a good garden in the Northwest, the growing season is short, cool, and dry. I can’t imagine it supporting more than a few million whites and unless allied with other regions, wouldn’t stand a chance holding out on it’s own against a hostile world. These survivalist kooks who want all whites to pack up and move to Montana are living in a dream world.

  15. The southern half of the United States is where the lion’s share of non-Whites reside, therefore, in the instance of a partition, as the path of least resistance, the southern half of the country would be given to non-Whites. Hispanics receiving the Southwest and Blacks gaining the Southeast.

  16. Nonwhites mostly live in the big cities, are all those white ranchers and farmers going to turn over half the country to urban ghetto rats? The only group with any historical claim to America are the blacks. Mexicans, Hindus, Cambodians, etc don’t deserve an inch of American soil for their “homeland.” Is anyone in Vietnam advocating carving out a province for white people? Heck No, they fought to the death just to kick out French and American influence on their government, let alone demographic replacement.

  17. “I’ve been living in the South for close to 15 years and I have only once encountered the ever evasive so-call “Southern hospitality.” Is it genuine or really “just between Southerners” because I know lots of people that simply laugh at the mention of it. ”

    Same here. I am from Indiana and have now lived in the South for about 12 years. Your observations and experiences are about the same as mine. I just don’t know about this “Southern Hospitality.” They can be more curteous to perfect strangers *at first*, but that is about all I can say. I still have closer friends up in Indiana. Also, the Southerners have too many personal hang ups that are just plain silly when they are not outright stupid. For example, they are far too shifty. I have a group of people I have known since I first moved there, but I still am forced to be hesitant listing them as friends. One day they are alright and friendly and everything is fine, but maybe the very next day after I think,” yeah, these guys are okay,” they might flat run me off from their house! This has happened several times, and no shit for no good reason at all. Once, a few years ago, several of us had a cookout and played cards. We drank beer and had a good time. The next day I brought a case of beer over and was met out in the yard and told to leave. They said I had farted the night before at the table! LOL, this was a group of guys drinking beer. WTF? They tell you all about their good raising and manners, you know. But I have had items stolen a time or two and that is just hunky dory, apparently, and nothing to think about.

    Speaking of beer, it seems that one person is expected to supply for as many as a dozen people, no matter if they all have a pocket full of money. And if I stop in somewhere and their is beer being drank, I have to ask permission, but if I bring a cooler, it seems that it is a matter of course that it is for everyone there and permission need not be asked.

    I could cite many other examples. And I won’t mention that I see far more race mixing down here and witness far more tollerance for blacks than I do when I am in Southeast Indiana.

    And it needs to be said that Southerners are far more concerned with “Yankees” than Northerners are about the South. It simply is not true that Northerners spend their days thinking and making fun of Southerners. But it seems that Southerners really think that Northerners spend every second talking about the South.

    I like the South, don’t get me wrong, but I am not at all so sure about a lot of the people concerning a racial movement or even being hospitable to other whites who are not direct relation to them. And though they are big church goers, it certainly seems I could teach them a thing or two about right and wrong. Many seem to have missed the substance of manners and morals and instead focused too heavily on form instead. Hence why they talk a lot about right and wrong but seem to not understand that taking something that does not belong to you is what those church lessons are actually about.

    LOL, I would rather have a Yankee call me a motherfucker the first time I see him and later get to be good friends with him, than to be overwhelmed with initial good manners but never seem to get anywhere as far as real friendship.

  18. Brutus,

    I’ll take Hoosier Hospitality over Southern Hostility any day!

    I’m from Southern Indiana and am living in Indy now, but I’m going to be in the South tomorrow morning. In fact, I’m planning on meeting several Southerners. Do you have any words of advice on how to defend myself from these scoundrels?

    When you decide to return to where you belong, get in touch. While those buffoons are dressing up in costumes and pretending to secede, Indiana’s actually making it happen up here. I’ll take you back to Indiana when I drive back from the South on Saturday evening and drop you off in one of our historic sundown towns.

    ATTN Hunter: You’re buying your own beer tomorrow, buddy.

  19. Lol, white guy says “I don’t like non-whites, I want to secede from the non-whites.” Non-whites pile on with how they hate whites…to prove whites shouldn’t secede. 🙂

    The south has a long growing season. I don’t know how it compares with the plains but there’s a good bit of agriculture here.

  20. You know, I read everyone from the north say the same same things about people from the South on this blog, except for “Hey, maybe its me.”

    You wont find a more polite person in the south than me. And I treat everyone the same, even if I know the are new here or whatever. Maybe its the cold bitterness of Yankee life that makes you unable to feel the Southern Hospitality.

  21. Mat:

    I actually started spending about 50 percent of my time in Indiana again a few years ago. I’m actually here right this minute. I”m going back South for the weekend and next week though.

    LOL, as for the scoundrels, keep to yourself or else stay well within the groups of Southerners who only frequent the more expensive places, don’t go to any private homes.

    “You know, I read everyone from the north say the same same things about people from the South on this blog, except for “Hey, maybe its me.”

    You wont find a more polite person in the south than me. And I treat everyone the same, even if I know the are new here or whatever. Maybe its the cold bitterness of Yankee life that makes you unable to feel the Southern Hospitality.”

    Maybe, but I’ve heard too many similar stories from too many people from too many different places too many times for me to think that it is only me. And no, you are wrong about “the cold bitterness” of Indiana people. Have you, like many of us have now in the South, spent 10 or more years living up North? Or are you just going by what you have heard?

    I am not going by theory or hearsay, I am well into solid, actual personal experience.

  22. I was recently on a social networking turned dating site for Black people and was astounded and quite bothered by the amount of white women South Carolina and Eastern Georgia aggressively pursuing us. I assumed IR dating was a non-no. Not too mention the growing number of heavily integrated neighborhoods. I plan on moving South because I still think interracial marriage and integration are still more taboo there than it is in the Northeast, but it isn’t as segregated as I was thinking and hoping it would be.

  23. Oh yeah, keep your beer in the trunk of your car and tell them you aint got any. That’s what they all do!


  24. The South may have the history, the traditions, and the monuments, but they also have Blacks — far too many of them. The only part of the South where a defensible White ethnostate could be formed might comprise eastern Kentucky, eastern Tennessee, northern Alabama, northern Georgia, and the Carolina uplands. I’ve been in coastal Georgia and coastal Carolina, and there are far too many Blacks in that area.

    The Pacific Northwest remains the most promising area. The only problem is that the Whites who live there have no experience with diversity, so they believe that Blacks are harmless. But April Gaede’s got a PLE cell in Kalispell working to establish a proper White foothold.

  25. Brutus says:

    “Jan Brewer is a JEW!”

    “Maybe I am a troll”

    “Southerners are too “shifty”


  26. Brutus says:

    the Southerners have too many personal hang ups that are just plain silly when they are not outright stupid.

    I still am forced to be hesitant listing them as friends. One day they are alright and friendly and everything is fine, but maybe the very next day after I think,” yeah, these guys are okay,” they might flat run me off from their house! This has happened several times, and no shit for no good reason at all. Once, a few years ago, several of us had a cookout and played cards. We drank beer and had a good time. The next day I brought a case of beer over and was met out in the yard and told to leave. They said I had farted the night before at the table! LOL, this was a group of guys drinking beer. WTF? They tell you all about their good raising and manners, you know. But I have had items stolen a time or two and that is just hunky dory, apparently, and nothing to think about.

    Piss off.

  27. Oh! I noticed you referred to Southeastern hospitality as “hostiltiy.”

    Maybe that adds to your Hoosier bias.

    Maybe it’s best not to divide Northerners and Southerners-especially east of the Mississippi River.

  28. As a Northerner who is partially descended from Southerners, I have zero interest in the Confederacy or the South. It’s about as interesting as Hitler is to me.

    Stressing Southernness and neo-Confederatism will only alienate the large majority of white Americans who are not Southerners. It’s a losing strategy. Serious white nationalists from the South like William Pierce, Don Black and David Duke have always been inclusive towards all white Americans. The South is not going to rise again. White Americans need to work together or we will perish together. It’s disappointing how much mindless hostility towards other whites so many Southerners involved in white nationalism have. It’s especially sad because non-Southerners involved in white nationalism are usually almost worshipful towards the South. Actual contact with real live Southerners usually cures that attitude however.

    As has already been noted, Southerners often think Northerners dislike them much more than is really the case. I understand that attitude though. It’s because they get their impression of how they are viewed in the rest of the country from the enemy controlled media, which portrays Southerners in outrageously negative terms. I still don’t understand why Southerners are so philo-semitic despite the massive Jewish campaign against them. It’s truly puzzling to me.

  29. Veni vedi dixi is having trouble showing where I am in error and is getting angry. (And taking a sentence I wrote in another thread out of context to to make it seem like I said something I did not.)

  30. Just a thought here. Many years ago, I was transferred to Fresno, California, for a couple years. Men in their fifties were still concerned with which of their two or three high schools you had gone to. These people had spent their whole lives in this small city, knew the whole place by heart, knew the people they passed on the street, and I was wholly clueless about everything that was important to them. They were civil, but I was always an outsider, an interruption in the flow of things. I stayed home and read a lot of books those two years. It might not be that these people that annoy you Hoosiers are Southern, but that they are just tightly knit.

  31. Enough of the infighting already. I came South as a boy 20 years ago, married a bona fide Belle–no lie: When I met her, she’d been in two Civil War reenactments; had just wrapped up her cotillion ball; and could quote chapter-n-verse of Gone With the Wind (a Sweet Sixteen from her grandmother)–and have found a happy niche among her very racialist family and friends. The nice thing about her is that she’s been raised a wealthy, well-bred racialist all of her life–something we’d all be hard-pressed to find anywhere else in large numbers among elite whites–and thinks nothing of it. She hasn’t had to unlearn the multicultural clap-trap that many others have. Point is: If you haven’t found the mannered, racialist Southern elites, it’s because you haven’t been looking hard enough.

    And another thing: Her family owns land–in my opinion, the sine qua non of any ‘homeland’ for anyone.

  32. Deo,

    I believe I subtly covered that in my advice to Matt concerning how to stay away from scoundrels.

  33. The South is by far the most militaristic section of the country. Since 1865, the bulk of Southerners have been enthusiasts for every war the (non-Southern) elite has chosen to drag America into. I guess they just like to fight, especially against those damned foreigners.

  34. Captainchaos,

    If the South ever secedes from the Union, we will simply pass laws that makes life extremely uncomfortable for non-Whites. They will vote with their feet and relocate to the Northern states to live among the White liberals who love them so much.

    Note: Half of America’s black population relocated to the North in the Jim Crow era.

  35. eugen,

    Since the Civil War, the South has acted as the brakes on America. Our presence in the Union has acted as a check on the liberal tendencies of the North. If the North had gotten its way, amnesty for illegal aliens would have passed years ago.

  36. No one has said that race traitors don’t exist in the South. I can say for certain though that they never would have rose to prominence in an independent South. The “Civil Rights Movement” would have been crushed in the Confederacy.

  37. I let my 10 year old membership lapse, they simply lacked the will to defend whites from the anti-whites. No organization that worships wordism is worth all that much, and like Bob Jones will find a way to commit treason. Just read a book about a SEAL taken in by some Pashtuns and what their code of honor demanded of them. I doubt 1% of any resident of America could conceive of such a demand upon them.

    But let me know when Michael stops his heritage crusade to tell his people that what they and whites in general face is genocide, then I might be interested again.

  38. I think the Gulf Oil Spill will be used as a political issue, if the American Southeast decides to secede within the next 2 decades. The forecasts for the BP Gulf Oil Spill are not looking good, and I hear it has already reached the Western (FL) Panhandle!

  39. I am a Southerner born and bred, with much of my family having roots in The South going back centuries, and I love Dixie more than about anything else.

    However, I have come to the conclusion that large portions of The South is just too damn solar intense (read: hot) for Whites to truly thrive in, especially Whites with roots in Northern and Central Europe. There is a major reason why historically the northern half of the USA had such a higher White population than the southern half, and that is because the climate of the North is much more amenable for Whites than the climate of the South. The solar radiation of the South, especially the lower south, is just too much for the White body and mind to handle, while the Blacks, Mestizos, Arabs, Semites, and various Asiatics clearly do much better here because they have evolved the physiology to handle it. The Meds/Latins definitely do better here than the North Euros too, something I’ve noticed since the influx of Italians and so on in to The South from The North in the last couple of decades. And I’ve also noticed a whole lot of people from Indian, Middle Eastern, Arab, and/or Semitic descent settling in the Carolinas in the last couple of decades too. In many instances they are displacing Southern Whites in the professional classes as doctors, lawyers, local businesspeople, politicians, professors, etc. If this continues, in the future we’ll see a semi-light-skinned caste of Indians, Arabs, etc ruling over a mass of Southern Blacks and Mestizos, with the Southern Whites having been absorbed or else fled north to escape the browning of The South.

    My theory is that those people, because of their ethnic background and the similar hot climate from whence they came, can handle the intense heat of the The South better than the native Whites and thus they tend to thrive a lot better mentally and physically. They also have a better work ethic in many cases, likely even due to their being better able to handle the heat and solar radiation here. In many parts of SC and NC, mostly the rural parts, a large proportion of the practicing doctors are now Indians (from India, not ‘Native Americans’) and other similar peoples from more southerly latitudes, almost all of them taking care of a bunch of poor and ignorant Blacks and mixed race people.

    I’ve harped on about it, but sometime y’all ought to read or at least browse the book “The Effect of Tropical Light on White Men” – – it is dated, but many of what is written in that book still holds true. The intense sunlight of southern latitudes is so strong it passes through nearly everything, including bone, and thus it definitely has a negative effect on the brains and general physiology of Whites who live in those latitudes and haven’t evolved the necessary natural defenses against it – and the closer Whites are to the equator the worse the effect, hence the reason why attempted White colonization of the tropics has always failed. Equatorial radiation and heat literally drives Whites crazy – and it interrupts reproduction amongst Whites too.

    In the future, should the USA come under the control of a pro-White government, The South should again become primarily agrarian and pastoral in nature, with only the traditional small towns and small/medium-sized cities in existence interspersed amongst vast stretches of wilderness which would serve as a huge Whites-only recreation area. The South would also be an excellent winter retreat from the brutal northern winters, with a shuffling of population between the north and south as the seasons change. But as far as sustained settlement year-round, the heat and solar radiation is proving too much to handle for many Southern Whites, thus White settlement and colonization is slowly failing across large portions of Dixie, and the further south you go the more it is failing (see modern Florida, Texas, etc) – the southerly solar radiation and heat causes low energy, lassitude, and general fatigue in the hotter months amongst Whites, and too much intense sunlight will even damage DNA: That is also probably why obesity levels are higher amongst Whites in The South – because during the hot months the heat and solar radiation saps the hell out of your energy if you are White, preventing many Whites from having the strength to be very active. Think about it: Whites evolved in northerly latitudes, and then they came and conquered this far south only a few centuries ago: thus White physiology hasn’t had enough nearly time to catch up to the massive increase in solar radiation we’ve experienced since we settled here.

    One thing I know though – those were some damn tough Whites who lived here prior to the invention of air conditioning, refrigeration, and so on.

  40. @ Steve in the swamps

    You raise a good point about the oil spill and its possible economic/political effects of those southern states, and to an extent the rest of the country. The South has always been a target for economic suppression. Ever since the end of the Civil War, efforts have been made to continually suppress economic success here.

    The same states rights issues that lead up to the War have never stopped and continue to this day.

    The economic strangle hold on the south has many repercussions. Like one posted mentioned earlier, the souths prominence in most of this countries wars. The poster speculated that it is a “love” of fighting or some other compulsion that feeds the war machine with men of the South. I contend however that the economic structure of this country is extremely discriminatory against the southern states. Unemployment rates tend to be higher here, educational achievements tend to be lower than the northern states. Affirmative action policies that discriminate against that White man for those rare jobs. All this and more adds up to a very depressed outlook for a lot of Southerners, leaving the military as a last option to a somewhat successful career. White men are being replaced by minorities all across the south, the good ole boy network is dieing as fast as local home grown southern business.

    This is not 1860, and we are in a much worse position now. It will take gigantic measures, in a relatively short period of time to succeed in the creation of an ethno-state.

    Just sit back for second and think about what needs to take place “first”. Then think about how far we are away from even that. This will be a multi-generational process. Without help, the idea will remain where it is now, fantasyland.

  41. Not saying the oil spill was intentional, but the lack of response may very well be. Do you think if this oil spill was in Cape Cod it would still be leaking? Oh wait, not in their back yard right?

  42. The idea of the South acting as America’s “breaks” is very interesting. It’s sad that a lot of the impetus for the diversi-chaos model of America came from northern whites.

    The sectionalism stuff will have to give, though. More than ever American whites need to realize their oneness. I think if there is a further schism in our race, it will not be Northern whites vs Southern whites but the super-rich/affluent (Ted Kennedy, GWB types) vs the normal whites who don’t want to become extinct.

  43. “Not saying the oil spill was intentional, but the lack of response may very well be.”

    I do so enjoy conspiracy-theory speculating.

    Assume for a moment that giant oil supplies near to American shores were to come online such that it became feasible from an energy-supplies standpoint (setting AIPAC lobbying and money aside for a moment) to tell the Middle Eastern OPEC countries to pound sand.
    Think of the money we could save. It might even start to give average Americans uppity ideas about how we don’t reaaaalllllllly absolutely require “an unsinkable aircraft carrier” named Israel, anymore, to, as we’re told, assure the free flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz from the Persian Gulf, anymore.

    Wouldn’t it be Good for the Jews if Americans DIDN’T have nearby oil supplies and were NOT in a position to tell the Middle East to pound sand? Isn’t it, after all, a Good Thing for Israel that U.S. needs Middle-Eastern oil, so we are inclined to hang around and Deal With its enemies?

    You suppose that thought has occurred to Mossad?

    What caused that pipe to burst? Did the blowout-preventer reaaaalllllly fail, or did a saboteur give it a little nudge?

  44. “Note: Half of America’s black population relocated to the North in the Jim Crow era.”

    Over the objection of the Southern elite, who didn’t want to lose their cheap labor.

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