Black Panthers mock the Holocaust and reduce a Jewish man to tears. The Jew explains, “I am on your side.” Priceless.
Another hilarious one:
Black Panthers mock the Holocaust and reduce a Jewish man to tears. The Jew explains, “I am on your side.” Priceless.
Another hilarious one:
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I think they might actually be the “Black Hebrews.” Not, the Black Panthers.
The second one is awesome. Wonder how she keeps her liberalism (left or right) intact in the face of stuff like that? I dont think any nationalist (whatever their race) would be upset like that.
I say that based on this anecdote…
A while back I was walking through a supermarket with an Indian co-worker, we passed a group of Indian guys (not known to my co-worker) and they were laughing and chattering away in whatever language it was.
Indian Co-worker: “I hate that.”
Me: “Whats that?”
ICW: “Those Indians, they were taking about you, laughing, saying you’re white monkey.”
Me: “Dont worry about it, honestly, its no big deal.”
ICW: “Well, its not right” (which was nice of him, I thought.)
But I really didnt mind, didnt care.
Once, yes I would have done, when I was a nice liberal. Maybe like the girl in the vid, I would have been really hurt. Didnt they understand? Werent we all on the same side? Fighting white oppression, racism and hate. I would have wanted to explain this to them.
Now I dont give a shit what they think, what does it matter, its just an expression of group conflict, just noise. They can say what they like, it doesnt matter to me, I know who I am. When the time comes to ship my chattering friends back to their homeland – then it will be my turn to laugh.
Great material Mike! Brought a smile to my face. I like Bantus right now!
What does anyone think about reaching out to the Black Panthers to encourage their movement regarding a black ethnostate? We want ours, they can have theirs. In turn, they can encourage us in our seperation as well and promote the idea amongst their own people.
We could even arrange a summit among the leadership of the two movements. It would be great publicity.
Could also be a good show of strength and solidarity for WNists. Just make sure we name the turf so we will be able to have valid CCWs!
And which land shall we cede to the Black Panthers, Aservant?
steveintheswamps: I am willing to cede the 51st state to the Black Panthers, or Black Hebrews, whichever. We all have to make sacrifices for World Peace.
Great find. It is around second 37 that he says I am on your side. This is after saying I am Jewish more than once.
In sequence, he is saying I am Jewish therefore I am on your side. It is an interesting insight into his thinking. It really says everything.
How could he be on their side against us? I put this obvious question in writing simply because this video really reduces us to this basic point. Why would he be on their side against us? It shows he thinks whites are the main enemy of Jews. Any enemy of whites is his friend he thinks.
This was the same reaction to Virgil Goode saying stop Muslim immigration. The reaction was a wave of hate towards Goode. This same wave of hate has greeted others. It reduces the question to a simple one of such extreme hate of us that separation is the only possible solution.
The Jews mannerism are like that fag transsexual who did the YouTube video “Leave Brittany alone.”
A lot of honesty there.
We could use more of that amongst whites.
The Old White Nationalism: Better use the police to keep those niggers caged up in our society.
The New White Nationalism: Let’s help these people emigrate to Africa so that they and we can be happy.
That first video has always made me sad. I feel sympathy for the poor dumb kid, its like child abuse. Sure, he’s a dumb shit little brainwashed Jew boy, but its still sad to see the big mean sadistic negros make him cry, and to see the other negros in the crowd laughing and smirking along, just sickens me.
Aservant is right, though, we will have to partner with other racial nationalist to accomplish our goals. A peaceful separation of the races is the best solution, and they share that goal.
The first video was taken in Phildelphia. I’ve walked by this stuff lots of times there. Yeah, both of these kids were pathetic little liberal twerps.
“The Old White Nationalism: Better use the police to keep those niggers caged up in our society.”
I would really say that attitude is white supremacism and reactionary conservatism rather than white nationalism. White nationalism emerged in the 1960’s as a response to black nationalism.
Large black man says, “You were robbing the Germans”, “You were taking all the German’s money”, “You were oppressing the Germans.” Wow. That black guy gets it. He has more understanding of pre 1930 Germany that most people do today.
The Jewish man’s comment should logically mean that he himself supports separation of whites from both blacks and Jews with the latter two living together.
The other meaning is he supports black and Jew rule over whites to keep whites down and under Jewish and black control. That would be in effect under Jewish control.
So either the Jewish man is supporting separation of whites from blacks and Jews or subjecting whites to hostile rule by blacks and Jews. In either case, whites have the basis of separation from Jews and blacks.
For whites, this means separation from both Jews and blacks before the program of the Jewish man against whites succeeds. No other rational conclusion for whites is possible. Jews do not accept this. This means they join in a program to subject whites to hostile rule by blacks and Jews. This means the elimination of whites before they can revolt against it. Separation for whites is the answer.
This also justifies past separations of whites with Jews. If Jews have this attitude today in America, a land that has given them everything including the rule over it, then there is nothing that will satisfy them except elimination of whites.
Jews have a majority over whites at Harvard. They have it in New York including financial services. They have their own Fed to bailout their own Jewish funds. They have a Supreme Court they have leverage over. They control the elite law schools that feed clerks to the Supreme Court that write the actual opinions.
The man is saying to the black I am Jewish a couple times before saying I am on your side. He says I am on your side after saying I am Jewish a couple of times, because he had thought just saying I am Jewish means the same as I am on the side of blacks against whites. It is only after saying I am Jewish over and over that he feels it necessary to clarify that saying I am Jewish is the same as saying he is on the side of blacks against whites.
This means that in Jewish influence and control over every institution of society they are acting on this way of thinking, the ally of blacks against whites. This has meant a complete subordination of whites to blacks and Jews. This action against a majority on a systematic basis justifies separation from and expulsion of blacks and Jews by whites. There is no other rational conclusion except agreeing to this rule over us as a temporary phase before our complete extinction. That is a cultural, legal and political institutions, social and so forth extinction as well as genetic one.
It represents a Jewish belief that the white race in its totality including its culture, legal system, political system, Constitution as understood by whites, etc. are all to be replaced. The replacement is the same as what did the replacement, ie Jewish rule over the land with things run by Jewish rules.
We see how that works in the bailout, Harvard, Supreme Court, etc. It means for and by Jews with others having to toe the Jewish line and affirm their loyalty to Israel and all things and all beliefs Jewish. Any deviation from anything is hate speech and a hate crime. Its a program of totalitarian rule by Jews. Jews see the subordination and virtual elimination of whites as essential to prevent the reversal of this program. This is genocide of whites and the white race in every meaning of the term.
“steveintheswamps: I am willing to cede the 51st state to the Black Panthers”
– You mean Puerto Rico đ ? I would give them Kalifornia, along with Ahhhnold Schvartzenegger! Let them fight with the beaners for control over it.
â You mean Puerto Rico ? I would give them Kalifornia, along with Ahhhnold Schvartzenegger! Let them fight with the beaners for control over it.
It ain’t yours to give brother.
They’re psychopaths, but useful in creating division, so let them spout their nonsense.
Priceless. I wish I had been the cameraman.
Ironically, back in the old days, Jews profited from black slavery as well, and were in fact largely involved in slave trade business. Since the guilt is genetically passed on to us Whites, why should they be spared then?
“â You mean Puerto Rico ? I would give them Kalifornia, along with Ahhhnold Schvartzenegger! Let them fight witâ You mean Puerto Rico ? h the beaners for control over it.”
Cut them both loose financially. In a few years kalifornia will look just like Puerto Rico slums.
Sad?? The video of the black hebrews is hilarious. It shows black hebrews have studied the problem of the jew. The black hebrew is putting the white hebe on notice they are worse than whites (“oppressing Germans”) and will not be spared.
Umm.. Am I so out of date that no one recognizes that the 51st state refers to the homeland of the Hebrews, Black and otherwise? Or has it morphed into the new Capital of the U.S., no longer a mere state? Somebody must have changed the code without telling me.
âI am on your side.â (against white people).
Discard, it’s far beyond the 51st State, it’s the Capital.
I have met some of the Black Hebrews in New York and even read up some of their stuff. I find them fascinating, they are basically a mirror image of Christian Identity. Plus, I think they are great performers, the one guy reads a passage from the (KJV) Bible and then when the main preacher hears something he can work with, he “interprets”.
If you are White and nice to them and take them seriously, they will declare you a “fellow Hebrew” For instance, evidently Leanardo DiCaprio is actually a Hebrew, despite his White appearance, the sign of being an Edomite.
Yeah, they hate jews and fags especially, and also proclaim that 90% of their black brothers will be destroyed in the Apocalypse for being “dumb niggas” (quote).
They are constantly warning New Yorkers of our imminent demise from nuclear annihilation, which I consider a public service of sorts. I think every city needs a few prophets of doom. Certainly us Whites have a few!
I see Old Atlantic has this figured out.
VVD: I stopped reading political material early in the Clinton administration, and have only resumed my political interests in the last few years. Things have changed, and I sometimes miss the beat, using out of vogue phrases or misunderstanding current issues. But I’ve known that Jews were running the show since the late eighties. Same shit, different decade.
Correction: “I’ve known, since the late eighties, that Jews were running the show”.
Daybreaker, thanks.
Jews have a majority over whites at Harvard. They have it in New York including financial services. They have their own Fed to bailout their own Jewish funds. They have a Supreme Court they have leverage over. They control the elite law schools that feed clerks to the Supreme Court that write the actual opinions.
Yup. This is the stuff that matters, not who has more guns or farmland.
I wonder if those negroes(2nd video) really believe that their folk would’ve been any more respectful toward their fellow man if they ever had more than stone age technology.