R.E.A.L. Surprise

OD showed up in Freedom Plaza for Jeffrey Imm’s Never Again to Hate event in Washington, D.C. We had planned to attend the last one in April, but assumed it was cancelled on account of the weather. This time we were fairly confident that Imm would show up because he provided a backup location in advance.

Mike Capatano scouted ahead and found Imm walking around Freedom Plaza all by his lonesome:

Red Jeffrey was there with five or six of his supporters from various causes: Mohammad the Sudan activist, Ariele Love, a young woman, an immigrant, a black woman, and a black man.

I walked over and plopped down in the middle of their demonstration. Mohammad the Sudan activist was denouncing hate and giving a speech about how America needs to get entangled in East Africa’s perennial blood letting:

I repeatedly asked Mohammad if he was an American citizen. I asked why Virginians and Alabamians should be concerned with Sudan. After Jeffrey started talking, I pointed out his hypocrisy on discrimination and repeatedly tried to engage him in debate. He could not answer any of my points.

After filming the scene for about ten minutes, I sat down on a bench to have a discussion with the black woman there. The black woman stressed that her husband was a war veteran and could not find service at hotels and restaurants in the Jim Crow South.

I pointed out to her that was a poor argument: blacks had demanded the integration of the armed services. In World War 2, blacks served almost exclusively in menial, non-combat support roles. There isn’t a single segregated restaurant, bus, or hotel anywhere in the South, but racial discrimination against Whites is institutionalized in government, universities, and corporations.

Several times, I pointed out to her that blacks had black organizations that advocate black interests. I asked her how she would feel if the Speaker of the House said he was proud that America finally had a White president like George W. Bush. I pointed out that every other race but Whites is officially recognized and encouraged to take pride in their heritage by the federal government. Neither the black woman or the black man could intelligently respond to this line of questioning.

The young White woman piped up and tried to respond by pointing out that Christopher Columbus had started a genocide against the Native Americans. I pointed out to her that Columbus never ventured into the future American Colonies. She continued to go on about the Indians. I asked her specifically which Indian tribes were exterminated by White people. I also asked her if I could prosecute her for attempted murder for giving me the cold. She had no response to that either.

Jeffrey Imm stood there and silence. He refused to answer my questions. He refused to engage me in a public debate in front of his own supporters. Please remember that Red Jeffrey challenged Jared Taylor to just such a debate in February and claimed victory after he refused to take up his offer.

Personally, I rather liked Mohammad the Sudan activist. He was a nice guy. The black lady that I talked to was nice too. Mohammad should return to his own country and work for “human rights” there. Sudan’s internal affairs are none of our business as Americans. No one can “Save Darfur” but the Sudanese themselves. Hanging out with deluded White liberals like Jeffrey Imm isn’t going to change anything.

Aside from getting rained on, it was a good day. I went to Freedom Plaza to make a point: White Nationalists will no longer stand idly by while we are slandered in public. We are serious about our beliefs. It is time we started standing up for them.

Note: This post will be edited this evening. We are sticking around for the night to have some fun with our DC friends and supporters.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We should encourage Marcus Garvey Brigades (a la Abraham Lincoln Brigades in the Spanish Civil War) where interested blacks would voluntarily go fight in Sudan, or any other place in Africa they like.

  2. As illegal immigration was my beat for five years or so I can say from experience that the easiest way to explain why the “Statue Of Liberty” doesn’t mean what this sanctimonious Black lady thinks it does is its proper name…

    Liberty Enlightening The World!


    Liberty Inviting The World


    Liberty Housing The World


    Liberty Enlightening The World!

    If you want to really stump them every time they say “Statue of Liberty” say “Hah? What are you talking about? There’s no statue with that name?” Tons of fun at any ethnic crybaby event, I guarantee!

    Also, just for the record, the plaque bearing Miss Lazarus’s poem was added to the statue after her death by a group of friends. It was originally created for a fundraiser raising money for the base and had subsequently been forgotten entirely by the public.

  3. Good work confronting Imm’s little hate group and thanks for posting this video. Why exactly are jews so big on Dafur?

    Looks like another jew organized and financed operation against white Americans. Jews probably paid for the Sudanese guy’s ticket to the US. The group of “supporters” is basically a bunch of paid actors on a stage, Imm included.

    All I heard was a bunch of cliches. They can’t argue their case and what they say doesn’t have to make any sense. NO QUESTIONS ALLOWED!

  4. Aside from getting rained on, it was a good day. I went to Freedom Plaza to make a point: White Nationalists will no longer stand idly by while we are slandered in public. We are serious about our beliefs. It is time we started standing up for them.

    This is a completely admirable goal. Excellent work.

  5. Mohammad seems like a good guy. I don’t have a problem with him. If he passionately wants to change things in Sudan, he needs to return home and work for change there.

    It is a myth that we hate black people. I don’t have a problem with black people in African countries like Sudan. We do have a problem with immigrants who come to America and tell us how to run this country.

  6. Jeffy Imm looks even uglier in person than in photos.

    He didn’t appear to have any support from the public, just stood there with his pet monkey yelling stuff into a loudspeaker, which some people stopped to stare at for a few moments before continuing on

  7. Good job.

    “Why exactly are jews so big on Darfur?”

    I guess in theory neocons could use the arab muslims are beating up black muslims angle but they’d have to be dumb enough to believe black muslims in the US would give a **** about black muslims in Africa.

  8. “Why exactly are jews so big on Darfur?”

    The US doctrine since Israel gave it to us in 1998 is for reorganization of the Middle East in Israel’s interest. Darfur has oil and it’s part of the “unincorporated” circle that’s outside of the sphere of the major powers; USA/EU/Russia/China. The US released a map in 2006? that showed which countries would gain territory and which would lose it. Start learning to say Waziristan and the “Islamic Holy State” that has Mecca and Medina, but no oil 😉

    In fact, the Darfur thing would be a good opportunity to educate otherwise clueless White liberal college kids that their leftism is basically Zionism and that they are useful idiots.

    Just point out the Jew “Darfur activist” on campus and ask him about Palestine.

  9. The skinnies I’ve seen, including our Commander in Chief, have entirely different features and dispositions from the Congoid populations we White Americans have more experience with. I worked with a very bright Darfurian refugee a few years back and learned a lot from the experience. All of the disclaimers about how he must leave apply and I was very direct with him about that. He declared himself relieved to finally meet an American willing to tell him what he suspected the rest of them were secretly thinking.

    But we had literally hours of conversations about race and history while I worked that stupid temp job, including speculating on whether the Great Zimbabwe was a Jewish trading post, discussing how skinnies are increasingly becoming mercantile elites throughout Africa as Whites and Indians are emigrating, and similar topics. I’ve enjoyed tons of intelligent and frank conversations about race over the years, just hardly ever with White people.

  10. “…just hardly ever with White people.” Too true. Most whites have internalized all the lies and nonsense about race put out by the Jew media, their brains so marinated in false-guilt that they cannot face facts. Many Blacks (and browns), on the other hand, quite consciously “work the system” and are fully aware that they are being manipulated by Zion. They won’t come out against their masters so long as the lucre is there, but when it disappears, the Jews will be in real trouble with their so-called allies. We, on the other hand, will find ourselves with some new allies…if we are intelligent enough to use them against the common enemy.

  11. Moderator –
    please delete previous offtopic comment if necessary – I checked again and the website is back, if indeed it was ever disrupted. I don’t know if this was a network problem on my end – I’m pretty sure I didn’t just mis-type the URL because I reproduced the error several times.

    I will email A3P. Sorry for wasting bandwidth.

  12. Hunter Wallace,

    Good should. It’s hard to talk to a guy with a microphone, though. In the future you should bring your own.

  13. Hunter: It is a myth that we hate black people.

    “We are the friendly ethnic separatists.” We don’t hate you, we just want you to go far, far away.

    Matt: All of the disclaimers about how he must leave apply and I was very direct with him about that. He declared himself relieved to finally meet an American willing to tell him what he suspected the rest of them were secretly thinking.

    I doubt someone born in South Carolina would be so blase about being told they must leave the state and the region. African immigrants are a corner case. Along with all other immigration it should be ended. But that ain’t gonna fix Gary, Indiana.

  14. Jackson,

    I know you didn’t just declare that Gary has anything to do with Indiana in front of all these people.

    I was speaking of him as a foreigner. I believe Black Americans have been stakeholders in this faltering experiment from the beginning. All else, including American Jews, Amerindians, and Hispanics who’ve “been here for generations” are foreigners of one stripe or another. My official position, one I share with my Black Friend Jamara Newell, is that a large swath of the South, including Hunter Wallace’s hometown, should be ceded as one giant Bantustan and subsidized with billions annually to both attract them to the settlement and keep things from becoming unsightly.

    Hunter’s official position is that Black Americans are to be purged from the South and transplanted to Midwestern rust belt ghettos like Gary with some kind of Jim Crow 2.0.

    A potential compromise, one that everybody except Paul Fromm would agree to, would be an Underground Railroad 2.0 scheme in which we assist them in illegally immigrating to Canada en masse.

  15. Matt: It would probably be better and easier for white nationalist to move to Canada en masse. Since we only have a tenth of the US’s population, a bunch of white nationalists could have comparatively quite a bit more influence up here. We also have much less population density and way fewer minorities.

  16. If I was made emperor of America the first thing I would do with our native Black population (once the foreigners have been kicked out of course) is subject them and their children to an endless display of anti-Black propaganda for the sole purposes of convincing them of their own failure as a racial group to adapt to the modern world. I have in mind an unending stream of movies and television shows which tell the story of how the Black man has ruined great cities, despoiled the environment, disproportionately committed capital crimes and engaged in unspeakable acts of savagery and degeneration. Once their simple minds are convinced that they are a cancer to modern Western society, which shouldn’t be too hard, I would then give them the following two options: either accept a humane form of sterilization or repatriation back to Africa.

    The elegant symmetry of this plan is that it will invite the Black race to exit the North American stage using the same methods that the liberal elites are now applying to us.

  17. notuswind,
    You got it all backwards, my man.

    We need to create a Truman Show of Black empowerment, a veritable theme park of delights for our ebony brothers and sisters. Nubiastan will have a pharaoh instead of a president. All of their education will be in the form of self-congratulatory music videos like this one…


    We’ll litter the streets with White kids’ bicycles and load up the restaurants with delicious deep-fried meals. We’ll re-introduce segregated water fountains, but the twist will be that the Blacks Only ones will be crack-fortified.

  18. Matt,

    “You got it all backwards, my man.

    We need to create a Truman Show of Black empowerment, a veritable theme park of delights for our ebony brothers and sisters. Nubiastan will have a pharaoh instead of a president.”

    Heh, whatever works I guess.

    In any event, I am a firm believer in the principles of psychological warfare and the effectiveness of modern propaganda. The application of this is that whatever plans we might make for the native Black population (in some theoretical future) we must first psychologically prepare them to accept the rightness and legitimacy of those plans, which makes carrying out those plans infinitely easier.

  19. If I was made emperor of America the first thing I would do with our native Black population (once the foreigners have been kicked out of course) is subject them and their children to an endless display of anti-Black propaganda for the sole purposes of convincing them of their own failure as a racial group to adapt to the modern world.

    They subject themselves to it. Living by themselves without Whites helping them is all the evidence they or anyone else needs.

  20. Matt (not Parrott),

    “They subject themselves to it. Living by themselves without Whites helping them is all the evidence they or anyone else needs.”

    They are continuously told that their poor living conditions are the product of a system that is infected with institutional racism and that they aren’t responsible for the ugly realities that surround them. And they believe it.

    The same principle applies to our own people, who are made to believe that their own society is racist and oppressive even though the reality that surrounds says otherwise.

    Propaganda works!

  21. The angle that I am coming from is that brutish ideas that involve the physical displacement of many millions of people are unpractical and undesirable.

    I start from the spiritual principle that the body always follows the mind. Once the mind of the native Black population is suitably molded by propaganda (and we have everyone reason to believe that this is possible) then the physical corpus of the Black population will follow. In this way we could achieve a White ethnostate by humane means that are acceptable to the sensibilities of the modern mind.

  22. It would be a waste of resources and they would no longer be citizens or in our living space. We should only be concerned with our people.

    Nice to hear Hunter get loud and proud, although I would be concerned for his safety among a group of younger and more militant non-Whites. I hope those involved are prepared to defend themselves.

  23. When they mention “Indian genocide” the comeback can be that they are trying to justify genocide themselves against us whites.

  24. It’s not a big deal but sometimes I wish that these comments came with either a preview or editing feature so that we can correct the occasional mistake.


    My apologies for calling you Matt. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me as I just got finished responding to Matt when I saw your comment.

  25. Mark,

    “It would be a waste of resources and they would no longer be citizens or in our living space. We should only be concerned with our people.”

    It’s just not that simple.

    In the case of Hunter Wallace, he would like to create a racially exclusive ethnostate for White Southerners; however, when thinking about this he runs into the problem of what to do with the millions of Blacks that have Southern roots that are almost as deep as the Whites. Obviously, you can’t create a racially exclusive White ethnostate with these people still hanging around, so what do you do with them? Moreover, this kind of problem is not just limited to the South but also applies to any of our folk who want to create (or reclaim) a White ethnostate in areas that have lots of minorities.

  26. A White ethnostate needn’t be 100% White. Israel isn’t 100% Jewish, yet it is a Jewish ethnostate. What’s important is that, as in the case of Israel, a system of racial separation be put in place. If Blacks and Mexicans in a White ethnostate are OK with racial separation, i.e. OK with not living among Whites, they can and likely will stay. In effect, this would create parallel ethno-statelets within a larger geographically and politically defined White ethnostate. One could even imagine mutually beneficial economic relationships between parallel ethno-statelets within a White ethnostate. Blacks would likely benefit as much as Whites from a return to more traditional and local control, and successful parallel ethno-statelets might prove a model for peaceful separation and coexistence in the U.S.

  27. Notuswind,

    Your plan of demoralization of the negro through propaganda, similar to what Whites have been subjected to, would take decades. That strategy is particularly suited to the Jewish mind and one which they must use as they are such a small minority. They could never overpower us with force. We on the other hand don’t have a serpentine, Semitic minds (at least most of us) and we do have the resources to overpower our racial enemies. It’s just a matter of will. If anyone needs propaganda it’s our own people, positive propaganda to awaken our racial instincts once more.

    Negroes living apart from Whites in abject poverty and crime-ridden squalor is worse than anything we could ever do to them.

    That’s why the African in this video is so happy to speak to Hunter. The Congoid knows that even among “racist” Whites who don’t like him, he’s still far better off than he is in his third world country.

    As far as allowing them to live under us in a segregated and subservient position, we’ve already tried that before. That would only be a transitional stage to total separation. If corporate fat cats want to get rich off of cheap non-White labor they’ll have to do it outside of our ethnostate not within it.

  28. There was no genocide of the Indians, although their populations were reduced. Most of the population reduction came from exposure to contagious disease like Small Pox. Small Pox was introduced into Europe from Asia, so blame the Asians. If we are to call what the Amerindians suffered a genocide then Europeans also suffered a genocide from Asians.

    Amerindians also infected Europeans with syphilis, which they brought back to Europe and spread there. Those Latins couldn’t keep their hands off of the native women.

  29. A White ethnostate needn’t be 100% White. Israel isn’t 100% Jewish, yet it is a Jewish ethnostate.

    No. Many writers and commenters on pro-white websites are confused as to the definition of an ethnostate. Some have even called apartheid South Africa an ethnostate. Apartheid South Africa was a white supremacist state, but it was most definitely not an ethnostate.

    An ethnostate is ethnically exclusive. A state which defends and promotes the interests of a biologically defined group is an ethnic state, but not necessarily an ethnostate.

    Israel is an ethnic state, but because of its significant Arab population, it is not an ethnostate.

    If Blacks and Mexicans in a White ethnostate are OK with racial separation, i.e. OK with not living among Whites, they can and likely will stay. In effect, this would create parallel ethno-statelets within a larger geographically and politically defined White ethnostate. One could even imagine mutually beneficial economic relationships between parallel ethno-statelets within a White ethnostate. Blacks would likely benefit as much as Whites from a return to more traditional and local control, and successful parallel ethno-statelets might prove a model for peaceful separation and coexistence in the U.S.

    This is a fantasy world. When different groups live together in the same geographic area, intermixture is inevitable. Intermixture cannot be avoided (except possibly by imposing extreme draconian measures and ratcheting up racial feelings to an incredible degree and keeping them at that level forever; it would be much easier to achieve support for geographic racial separation and ethnostates than such a draconian scenario, and geographic racial separation is also a vastly superior solution).

    Also, you refer to your scenario as a “white ethnostate,” which is incorrect. What you have described is an ethnic state and presumably a white supremacist state, but not an ethnostate.

  30. That is positive activism on your part, much better than what the clowns at the NSM take part in.

    The Keystones United do something similar, whenever there is a debate on racism in Pennsylvania they try to attend these debates so that they can represents whites from slander and make people aware of enormous anti-white racism prevalent in society. For the most part, most of these anti-racist rallies, conferences are hate filled debates against whites,… no white civil rights group are represented, nor are people made aware of racism that effects whites.

    Instead these anti-racist conferences mostly go on about alleged racism from the past, and about alleged racism today, where they usually find racism in the most absurd of places, such as schools are racist because blacks score bad on test. Yet, they ignore real racism, such as Affirmative action, quotas, murderous Hispanic gangs in LA who kill blacks, etc.

    These debates and rallies are like open forums for non-whites to attack whites and to blame people for their own unforgivable misfortunes, to legitimize their own racism.

  31. I see that the federal agents/informants at VNN and Podblanc are doing their utmost to attack you. These degenerates underestimate those of use out here listening.

  32. The contrast between what we are doing and they are doing speaks for itself. We are doing stuff in the real world.

    We now have 27 contributors writing for this blog. We have launched a forum. We do a podcast. We are running TOQ Online. We are aggressively moving into social media.

    We are going this weekend to South Carolina to support the Confederate flag. We are discussing starting our own activist group in Virginia.


    Amren 2010
    OD vs. R.E.A.L.


    Knob Creek Machine Gun Show


    Tea Party Express – DC
    Big Island Celtic Festival
    Gun Rallies in Alexandria and DC


    A Day Without Mexicans


    2010 CofCC National Conference
    OD vs. R.E.A.L (Part Two)
    Klan – SW Virginia

    Naturally, the usual suspects are attacking us at the behest of their handlers, as their goal is to discredit and undermine White Nationalism. We must be doing something right.

  33. “Hunter Wallace” says:
    “We are doing stuff in the real world. We now have 27 contributors writing for this blog. We have launched a forum. We do a podcast. We are running TOQ Online. We are aggressively moving into social media.

    “Naturally, the usual suspects are attacking us at the behest of their handlers, as their goal is to discredit and undermine White Nationalism. We must be doing something right.”

    Sure enough, you must be doing something right to have all that.

    But “federal agents/informants?” “Handlers?” Sent to discredit and undermine you?” Come on, “Hunter.”

    The demonstrators’ viewpoint on your counter demonstration of their tiny “rally” can be seen here:

    White nationalists can judge for themselves how effective you were and which side got the most propaganda value from the interaction, and who is undermining whom. I try to criticize you constructively, to get you to see how others see you.

    Is that really you in the yellow shirt, hiding behind that tree?

    Love Wins: Volunteers Offer Love, Tolerance to White Nationalist Heckler at Holocaust Memorial Museum Remembrance
    By R.E.A.L. Organization • on June 14, 2010

    On June 13, 2010, volunteers from the Washington DC area joined together to have a public remembrance of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum attack on June 2009 and to remember the tragic murder of museum guard Stephen Tyrone Johns by white supremacist, Holocaust Denier James Von Brunn. We also remember that there were those whose hearts were burdened by hate, who praised Von Brunn’s terrorism, and that the struggle against white supremacism and anti-Semitism continues.

    Near the end of the public remembrance of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Musaum attack, two members of a Charlottesville, Virginia-based “white nationalist,” anti-Semitic group, Occidental Dissent, sought to heckle speakers at the public remembrance. The Occidental Dissent group claims to seek “the creation of a Jew-free, racially exclusive White ethnostate in North America.” The group also has a history of seeking to deny women’s rights, and has publicly stated its goals are to infiltrate political organizations to promote “white nationalism.” The visitors included the group’s leader who calls himself the pseudonym “Hunter Wallace” or “Prozium” (based on the movie “Equilibrium”) and Mike Capatano (who left after a moment). The group’s leader “Hunter Wallace” remained behind, wearing a yellow Gadsden Flag shirt.

    View pictures of “Hunter” and friends at link provided.

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