Roissy Is Restoring Balance To The Force

Edit: For the Roissy-haters who don’t comprehend the subtext of the Roissy phenomenon.

Sexual libertinism is how he illustrates the power-relation between the sexes, and it’s going to provide far more help to responsible beta males, who are the Atlases of family and nation, rather than men who are already alphas. Roissy’s work is going to help more children grow in up in homes with mom and dad, and maybe even mom working at home. Roissy’s work is going to help responsible betas go through life without getting pushed around by bosses, authorities, and women.

That is the meaning of Roissy.

P.S. If you believe in infinite economic growth, you are too dumb to bother debating.

As of 2010, I declare Roissy to be the greatest man of the 21st century. There will be more great men, but Roissy gets the title of Da Man, for the first decade.

The concept of Ecological Balance applies to human society, as to the natural world. Modern human civilization is way out of balance. The Right Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus as well as Jay Hanson have it right. If you haven’t read Hanson, click that link and watch his flash videos.

Industrial agriculture requires 10 calories of oil for 1 calorie of fossil fuel. Industrial agriculture is defined as using land to turn oil into food. This is negative EROEI (energy returned on energy invested.

The kind of farming I do, and teach, aims for a more positive EROEI. I want to restore balance to civilization’s ecology. We need a world of farmers who are in control of their own production and grow enough food for about 10 people with a positive EROEI. So we need a world that is at least 10% farmers. At least. This will be a much happier, healthier world.

As the natural world is out of balance, so is the Human Ecology. White people are subordinated; men are subordinated, but especially White men, or as New England college professors like to hatefully hiss, “h’white h’males.” (They could be referring to a white male dog. that’s not an accident).

The subjugation of would be patriarchs is a big part of this out of balance human ecology. A brilliant, stream of consciousness fan of Roissy, Great Books for Men, gives us these gems of prose:

how da university works: feminism = debt & debauchery & divorce & Desecration machine/army lzozlzlzlzlzlgh weo


univeristies are at the tip (tit lzozlzlzoz) of our debt empire

over the past thirty years or so univeristies desouled women in prima noctae assocking sessins (some of tehm secretly taped iwthout thei girls conthent as the neocons like it best) and they sent the army forth to 1) transfer assetts form menz, 2) destory the family, 3) murder 50,000,000 unborn innocent souls, 4) hype and sell sub prime loans while wearing short skirts lzozlzlzlzllzlzlz 5) lure men into marriage iwth their coconpirators the ministers who front the legal system that does what no pimp would wever do–charge men for past use of a pussy lzolsoslslslslslslslslsls

the fembot army;s main corporate state job is to create debt debauchery destiutution debt divorce deconstruction and devastation lzozlzlzlz

and they have succeeded!! lzozlzlzlzlzlzl

today our debt deficit will be greater than the gnp!!!!1

the feminsimt movement cooinnded with the largest greatest increase of debt ever known to namankinds lzozlzlzlzl this is because womenz who stamp their little feet and bitch and complain and tranfer and destory welath and say “me me m em e more material welath for me me me me for my gina!!!! it’s for the children (even though women aborted/killed/vacuumed 50,000,000 fetuss by their choice alone) lzozlzlz it takes a village–fund my village where we get to bang alphas and the betas pay for it whether we cuckold them in tehir homes or via the welfare state zlozlzozlzzlzl” and they bitch and complain and talk about handbags and butthex and twilight vampires and enocurage girls to long for and lust after undead bloodsucking vampire twilight monsters and butthexing douchebags and otehr things which make their bginas tingle repalced menz at univeristies menz who built invent iengineer buuikld invent reason truth write great books read great bookz think lzozlzl eb=engineer lzozlzlzozlzl replaced exaltation eand greatness with bdebt debuachery destitution lzozlz

short beta men rose fast in teh unievristy as they were handed fiat bernanke cash fronm helicopter ben and they used it to surrpound themselves with syocphantic harems of womenze as all teh betas love honor worship tucker max their ultimate master because he rhymes with goldman sax and also he butthexes girls and films it woithout teh girlths ocnthent and the weekly stanadrd neocns repeat his lies lzozlzlzlzzl that he is six foot tall zlozzlzllzlzlzlzl honoring their #1 butthexual hero lzozlzlzl

so anyeways teh fiat masters trianed owmen in the arts of divorce debuachery deseefxation destruction lozlzolzlzlz and abortion and debt creation, and as womenze rose to power on teh ffront lines of the epreemptive wars against teh unborn they murdered 50,000,000 since rose vs. wade they deconstructed and debuached tehc ulture on campuses as when yhou put womenze in charge it soons becomes all butthex all the time as priscilia paintion woemnze editor in chief of simon and schuster is publishing tucker max’s next book zlzolslssslslsoslsoslzozlzlzlzlz c hecks che-=checks it out peoples are saying and speaking out about the way womenze are debucahing defiling and butthexing the culture lozlzlzlzlzl:

WN 2.0 is about working to restore balance to the force.

We are not abusers, as the “the Authoritarian Personality” would claim. We are the competent. We have been wrongly defamed. Shake it off, and do what needs to be done.

The plutocracy, the vampires, have won the past century because they have a better 24-7-365 Mind Weapon, while we are just tool-users who think of transforming into werewolves using guns and knives and bombs when we think of weapons.

We need to stop waiting for the Judgment Day. It’s here, and your weapon is between your ears.


  1. Gregory – LOL! This is just a fancy way of Blaming the Women again. Yawn. Oh – women are to blame- but so are the men.

  2. ‘The Right Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus as well as Jay Hanson have it right. If you haven’t read Hanson, click that link and watch his flash videos.’

    Jay Hanson is a rich computer programmer, not a climatologist. He is deeply committed to his axioms. Physics may prove him wrong.

    Hanson was making dire predictions about imminent doom around 2000. He was writing things like, “There is no hope, I have obtained a rifle and I am going into the wilderness, I will not be updating my site ever again.”

    So even if he turns out to be right in the long run, his short-term accuracy is not good.

    Who knows, perhaps Roissy’s way is the future. Or perhaps Roissy, like Gollum, will have a part to play and will thereafter leave the story.

  3. I do not think the degenerate Roissy should be admired as the Greatest Man of the 21st Century. There are plenty of people fighting easy-divorce, over at the Spearhead-in a much more coherent manner. And, sexual debauchery is not a trait for Americans and/or WN’s to hold in high-esteem.

  4. “I do not think the degenerate Roissy should be admired as the Greatest Man of the 21st Century. There are plenty of people fighting easy-divorce, over at the Spearhead-in a much more coherent manner. And, sexual debauchery is not a trait for Americans and/or WN’s to hold in high-esteem.”

    Nothing good will ever come from that line of thinking. Spearhead is just so yin. They practically get down on their knees and beg for what they want.
    Aside from the fact that he tries teaches actual usuable techniques that any man can use to improve their situation, he is yang. That’s what is needed. This feminist nonsense needs to be knocked, denigrated, sneered at, turned upon itself and short circuited.

  5. I hardly consider myself the smartest person on the planet but I’m not taking advice from someone as clearly retarded as Roissy. Are there any words spelled correctly in that screed? WTF?

  6. Malthus and similar doctrines need to be jettisoned as well. It is simply a fact that resources are NOT declining. It is Malthusian thinking that is motivating so many obnoxious busy bodies today who want us to return to a stoneage type existence.

  7. Denise: “This is just a fancy way of Blaming the Women again.”

    How so? I don’t see an attack on women so much as I see a call for men to be masculine again. We live in a society that encourages men to forsake the traditions on manliness. When was the last time you heard someone say, “A man’s got to stick up for himself.” Roissy unfortunately doesn’t focus on getting men into lasting marriage bound relationships but that doesn’t mean we should throw the baby out with the bath water.

  8. Roissy’s work is going to help more children grow in up in homes with mom and dad, and maybe even mom working at home. Roissy’s work is going to help responsible betas go through life without getting pushed around by bosses, authorities, and women.

    Let’s get something straight: one need not be a follower who lacks the capability to lead or influence to be a responsible father. Being responsible has nothing to do with being subordinate or lacking the capability to command.

    This totally bogus and artificial dichotomy of alpha and beta being split between “go getters” and “providers” is a bore.

    Let us see Roissy practice this “responsibility” as one of the “Atlases of family and nation”. Oh, he’s too interested in playing game.

    I’m trying to be respectful to you personally, Kievsky, but let me say this: what a joke this fawning fanboyism is. For pete’s sake, the guy thinks miscegenation is wonderful and here you are here promoting him as some sort of diety for WN males.

  9. What’s Roissy’s “win” record, as defined as helping lonely young White men get married to White women and have children?
    If there are any, I’d think they’d post on Roissy, saying so. I’m certainly not aware of any, having read the comments to his output for a while.

    I’m much more concerned that what Roissy’s really doing is giving these gents the courage to boink the Korean girl. And that’s NOT what we need.

    So where can a young guy meet the pretty, good White girls?
    Look around for the middle-aged ladies. Your landlady, your neighbor, your mom’s friend. Because YOU may not know where the nice girls are, but SHE does. And middle-aged ladies LOVE playing matchmaker. Do her a favor, pay her a compliment, because if she likes you, she might just be willing to host a barbeque and invite you to meet her niece or the daughter of her friend from work.

    And what’s even better, since she’s lived long enough to know that “alphas” (i.e., jerks) are a bad bet if you want marriage, SHE’ll talk you up to the young lady (and we all know, women CARE what other women think about potential men.) SHE’ll market you to her niece for you. All you have to do is show up with your shirt buttoned correctly.

  10. It’s funny reading Roissy’s little “scorecard” for a woman’s “dating market value.” All of his criteria is based upon physical attractiveness. I’m sorry – but physical attractiveness is not the only means of selecting a mate. Average-looking women with wonderful personalities are far more attractive than a sexy bitch.

  11. More Nordicism and less degeneracy!

    Absolutely right.

    I didn’t use to care about Nordicism and was more of a believer of putting aside “minor differences” in creating a larger movement.

    I’m changing my mind real fast.

  12. Because YOU may not know where the nice girls are, but SHE does. And middle-aged ladies LOVE playing matchmaker.

    If you are interested in finding a woman and marriage and babies – listen to what barb says here. The problem we have in modern society is that we wait too long for marriage. Early 20s is the time to get married. We don’t have matchmakers because people stopped going to church and started going to the freaking mall, or worse, sat on their asses in front of the Jewtube.

    Game works for picking up skanks in a bar. There’s a lot to be said for the basic mechanics of it, “NLP” and the like, but the Game crowd is not about that, it’s about picking up skanks in the bar. Unless you are a real loser, it’s pretty easy to get pussy now a days, because our women are whores. So if you want to get your pecker wet, have at it. Don’t bitch when you get herpes and crabs and lose the ability to form intimate loving relationships though. When you do settle down, you’re be the fifth – or tenth – that your new wife has had. It’s all pretty damned pathetic. And your woman will *never* fall in love with you the way she fell in love with her first. Orgasms cause women to fall in love, it’s chemical. But it fades with time. The cougar can orgasm all day long and it won’t have the same affect it did on her sweet sixteen.

    Kievsky, have you heard of the TV show “Lie To Me” – it’s all about body language, NLP, and the like. It you can get past the terribly ridiculous political correctness of it, it’s a decent show.

  13. MGLS wrote:

    “OD 2.0: Live Journal-style posts (Mike Capatano, Annie Oakley), anti-Northern European propaganda (Reginald), hailing Roissy as “the greatest man of the 21st century” (Kievsky), feminist screeds (Denise), anarchism (Andrew Yeoman), cringe-inducing rants (Val Koinen), libertinism, emphasis on marketing, activism, and protesting as cure-alls.”

    Annie Oakley, Denise, and Reginald have all moved on; they are no longer contributors to this blog.

    The anarchism to which Andrew Yeoman and his comrades subscribe is of a distinctly tribalist/folkish variety; it’s as much informed by Conservative Revolutionary principles (the concept of the Anarch developed by Ernst Jünger plays a vital role in their world-view) as it is by “classical” anarchism along the lines of Bakunin. I encourage you to read Troy Southgate’s Tradition and Revolution if you’re interested in the subject. It’s a worthwhile read, although National Anarchism doesn’t resonate with me personally.

    If you feel that Nordish preservationism should be more widely discussed here (and I agree with you on that point), you should consider submitting a piece on that subject for publication here.

    I have been planning to pen an essay on “White Nationalism and The Nordish Question” for a while, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. My whole system crashed recently and I’m still slowly restoring all of my programs and files.

  14. I am not a feminist. I am a Celt. There is a *huge* difference!

    And Robert – I have not “moved on”. I contributed one article. I have about 5 in my head. A personal event occured in my private life. I have been *insanely* busy dealing with this event. It’s mostly taken up all my free time. Things are normalizing, now – but I have never stopped reading the OD, or follwing every-one’s progress.

  15. I think this is the most imortant blog on the “Net. I really do. This forum is where the core of all the up and coming leaders are.

  16. I have been planning to pen an essay on “White Nationalism and The Nordish Question” for a while, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. My whole system crashed recently and I’m still slowly restoring all of my programs and files.

    That sounds very interesting, Robert. I look forward to it. I think it will be one of OD’s best posts and certainly an important subject to address.

  17. I didn’t use to care about Nordicism and was more of a believer of putting aside “minor differences” in creating a larger movement.

    I’m changing my mind real fast.

    That’s WN 3.0 with an all new and better-looking interface. 🙂

  18. If OD can survive everything it’s been through and some of the more controversial posts I think it can survive some physical anthropology.

  19. Mark,

    If you can create something better, please do. I will give credit if it is deserved. So far you’re nothing but a peanut gallery zero with too much time on his hands.

  20. Roissy is a fascinating character, to say the least. Among other things, he’s managed to almost normalize racialist thinking with his audience, without that being the explicit purpose of the blog. He rarely fires off anything resembling a racial screed, just tossing out a nugget here and there. Instead, he discusses interesting topics that not only draw readers, and also lend themselves to a recognition of racial differences.

    Besides, the sumbitch can write – and he can think. Very, very smart guy. A rare bird, no doubt.

    To take a very different example, consider This simple site has become enormously influential in the libertarian movement. Yet it doesn’t focus exclusively on doctrinaire, straight up no chaser, dogmatic libertarianism. Instead, one can find essays and links to all sorts of subjects, with the dogma interspersed.

    This is not to say that we, as white nationalists, don’t need sites that deal exclusively with high octane racialism. We most certainly do, and I would hate to lose a single quality site that we have. But for someone who is considering starting something new, there are lessons to be learned from the brilliant Roissy and the competent Lew Rockwell.

  21. Alpha males are not necessarily boisterous, and pushy. My fella is a thoughtful gentleman. A true Jeffersonian Philosopher Farmer. An Ideal White Man (as far as I am concerned!).

    I am a very boisterous, rollicking, very opinionated, high-energy woman – and I would not ever be able to push him around, for one second I don’t want to boss him I have too much respect for him. I wouldn’t respect him, if I could. And he doesn’t push me around, or try to boss me. We talk to one another, and debate any differences that arise. He is completely un-intimidated by me – and enjoys my ….ahhh…”spirited” nature. What a relief!

    He’s a genuine adult – and I treasure him. And – get this – we enjoy making each other happy. How about that? What a novelty…

    If Roissy is a Jew, pushing Race-Mixing….ahhhhh….why is any-one reading him?

  22. I wasn’t going to go this far but since you want to attack me personally.

    Create something better than what, your model of Semitic con artistry? ROFL. Any number of people could do that with ease. Dude, you are off the charts with your BS. You’re the one with way too much time on his hands composing these nonsensical screeds, considering you have a family and child that you supposedly take care of. It’s amazing that anyone takes you seriously.

  23. I see Kievsky is deleting posts again. Seriously, why the fragile ego? You can’t stand people disagreeing with your arguments? You initiated the personal attacks.

    This is the type of person you have to watch out for, those who can’t tolerate anyone disagreeing with them and that will censor you, not Nordicists.

  24. Oh wow. I went to that Lady Raine blog. Interesting. Apparently she, and Roisry, had a brutal feud. Ther’s some blogger – the site is named In Mala Fide [sic] etc – who trashes Roissy for not trashing LR. Fair enough. She sounds like a piece of work as well – but the Mala Fido guy is just seething with bitterness towards women …..his acidic resentment is just dripping off him….

    Anyway – it sounds pretty ugly, all the way around.

    However – LR posted pics of Roissy. If that fellow, Jim Weidemann is Roissy – he’s a total Khazar. Even a bad pic reveals this. And he’s pushing Yellow Fever……..uh…fellas – what Enemy of the White Race Tribe, Who are Mostly Atheists, yet Belong to a Religion that is Based on Race, Bloodlines, and Self-Worship and has Spent a Century of Promoting Mescegantion for Thee and Not For Me – uhhh….ye shall know them by their fruits, and all….

    Nuff said. What else does any-one need to know?

  25. WOTAN says:
    June 16, 2010 at 3:53 am

    Can OD please find a way to ban Mark, the half-Negro half-Jew posing as a Nord?

    WOTAN says:
    June 16, 2010 at 4:00 am

    And his partner MGLS?

    Who is “WOTAN” a sockpuppet for?

  26. “I wasn’t going to go this far but since you want to attack me personally.”

    Less infighting please. Imagine 2050. Maybe your ethnos can make it there.

  27. But seriously, can we get Mark banned for bringing up Kievsky’s family? That pissed me off (hence the God-mode).

  28. There are thousands of bloggers and minor celebrities who throw in a few racial facts to stir up trouble and bring in readers. That’s the very best I can say about Roissy. In the Man of the 21st Century tryouts he doesn’t even rank in the first billion runner ups. James Traficant, Kevin MacDonald and even Rachel Corrie are worthier contenders for that title.

  29. Mark,

    Are ever going to meet YOU in person and see what you look like? When anonymous commenters attack someone who is a known White advocate, the burden of proof is on the anonymous commenter. Maybe I would have a chance to meet you at a conference someday?

    Generally those who know they will meet someone else in person are more civil, for obvious reasons.

    I don’t find you or your comments interesting and would as soon delete them all. If you step out of the shadows of anonymity, I will have to have a higher tolerance for, but for all we know, you are a bored Jewish guy sitting in a cubicle playing Nordicist.

    Admittedly, trolling is fun. I know the joys of it myself. Just to put you on notice — save your comments on my threads because I might delete them.

  30. once again: ugh…
    Anyway Barb, you rock!!! 100% right!
    Denise, my wife and I enjoy the same kind of relationship. It’s the best, ain’t it? It feels like two against the world, instead of being alone against it.

  31. If you think farming is the answer, you should read Gary Taubes’ book “Good Calories, Bad Calories”. You’ll soon be raising fat pork.

  32. Reprise of another thread post:

    In a healthy society game hustlers would be horse whipped and ran out of town on a rail for defiling the honorable daughters, sisters, and wives of honorable men.

    In our sick society, on the other hand, knocking up tarts is on of the few sources of new white people.

  33. Vlad – indeed. Bless you and your wife! Isn’t it wonderful to be a part of a team, and truly pull together?

    Man and women are supposed to compliment each other. Not war with each other. True partnership, with a willing equal – well – this is the best thing in life.

    A few thoughts – I moved in urban “artistic” circles in my youth. I had relationships with artists. Creative, charming, charismatic, talented, utterly selfish, emotional children. Over the years, I slowly became “the man”. I had to. Alas – lots of women do this, nowadays. White men scream bloody murder about “castrating bitches” etc – but White men abandoned adulthood long before the Women’s Movement. It happened in the 1950’s , with the rise of mainstream porn (Yes fellas, it did). I took a long break, fomr my last long term relationship, with a musician. I “searched the world for one honest man”. I finally found him.

    He’s a grown-up.


    He likes responsibility. So do I.

    And he’s fun.

    I bet you and your wife have a lot of fun together. I bet you really enjoy each other’s company, and each other’s reactions to things, don’t you? I bet you two can look at each other, after you’ve experiences something really silly – and, without a word – laugh.

    Am I right?

    And I bet you want to be nice to each other, and polite, and kind to each other. And I’ll bet that you know, to your marrow, that as long as you are together, it doesn’t matter if you live in a palace, or a cave. That if you are together – a cave would be a palace.

    N’est ce pas?

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