A National Perspective, or How Many Whites Are There?
Note: This is a long post so hunker down.
It seems that no less than once a month Americans are treated to new reports that corroborate data indicating that White Americans are on the way out and that we will become a minority by, at the very least, mid-century if present trends continue. We’ve all seen and heard this demoralizing propaganda in its various forms (newspaper articles, TV, internet, etc.) and we have and will continue to debate what it means and how to combat the outcome. But perhaps what is overlooked, or at least not given as much attention, is exactly how many Whites there are in America and what percentage they actually represent. I feel that by having as close to an accurate count of Whites as we can get will give us an idea of where we are and enable us and future comrades to better understand our position and improve strategy.
From my limited experience with others, ranging from those who seem partially aware of our plight and others who are oblivious, and observations of sites like AmRen, Stormfront, OD, Vdare, and a few others, it appears that the only consensus is that our (relative) numbers are not as high as they used to be, we’re getting smaller, and that we’re being swamped. Other than that, there’s no agreement as to what our race’s numbers and percentages are nationally, regionally, or even locally (state-wise). As far as national percentages go, most WNs and RRs seem to believe Whites are in the 60s, usually mid to low. A fair share believe we are below 60%, and a small share think we’re still in the low 70s. Which ever way you cut it, there is no accurate number to pin point. Part of this is due to a lack of objective data and the other part has to do with perception. I shall elaborate.
The lack of objective data is easy enough to explain: We are all (or should be) aware that the Feds fudge up the data by including North Africans, Arabs, Central Asians (Persians, Afghanis, and the various Turk-stans), Mestizos and of course Jews in the White data. If you go to the Wiki page on ‘White American’, it even shows a map of “[t]he countries from which White Americans claim their ancestry” going by the Census Bureau’s definition of ‘White’. Ridiculous doesn’t even begin to describe it.
Perception is a little more tricky to explain because it involves so many angles: Personal experiences/Man on the street observations, Local/County, State, Regional, National, etc. It also doesn’t help that within the Racially-aware Community, there’s still debate going on concerning things like the One-Drop Rule, the classification of the Georgians and Armenians, and even the Jews. In the future, perhaps, I could go into more detail about these issues. In the mean time, I will first focus on the national level of the White population.

Referring back to the Wiki page just mentioned, we see below the many faces on the right-hand corner, some numbers. These numbers, referenced from the Census Bureau, declare that White Americans make up somewhere between 228 and 243 million people or 75-80% of the US population, with around 200 million listed as non-Hispanic White or just over 65% of the population.
On the surface, all seems rather cut and dry. But, since we’re calling BS, we need to have a re-examination of the data. Luckily, I’ve already done all of this and will now explain my findings. Essentially, I used a 3-Step process.
1st: Compile the raw numbers of all the various European Groups.
2nd: Disregard/Eliminate all of the non-White figures from Africa, Asia, and the Mid-East.
3rd: Examine the ‘Hispanic’ numbers.
Keep in mind that I am not an expert and am mediocre when it comes to statistics. This is simply a rudimentary exercise. All those who have access to better, more concrete data as well as better statistical skills are welcome to try.
Step One was obviously the most time-consuming due to the fact that we have seemingly every European ethnic group dwelling here. There were also some little trip ups. While for smaller groups like Slovenes and Basques the numbers are rather exact with the only source usually coming from the census, bigger groups often presented a range of numbers coming from both the census and other references. A case in point would be Americans of Romanian descent. The Wiki page, using both census numbers and other sources, lists 462,526 – 1,100,000 Romanian Americans, but other sources contend that there are even more. So, I rounded it off to a conservative 800,000 exactly even though there may be more or less. So if you see three or more zeros, that usually means a rounded average. Also, some groups only have census info dating back to ’04, ’06, and a couple from ’00, whereas most are up to at least mid-’08, so it makes things even more shaky. Also, because they are self-identified, I’m naturally assuming there’s no double-counting.
So, here listed is the first preliminary count of each White ethnic group in America*:
German Americans: 51,000,000; Austrian Americans: 735,128; Italian Americans: 18,000,000; Danish Americans: 1,516,126; Norwegian Americans: 4,643,339; Swedish Americans: 4,390,058; Icelandic Americans: 42,716; Finnish Americans: 700,000; English Americans: 27,516,394; Estonian Americans: 25,034; Scotch-Irish Americans: 3,538,444; Irish Americans: 36,278,332; Scottish Americans: 20,000,000; Welsh Americans: 1,980,323; Latvian Americans: 87,564; Lithuanian Americans: 712,165
Basque Americans: 57,793; Belgian Americans: 360,642; Dutch Americans: 4,928,607; Swiss Americans: 997,233; Luxembourg Americans:45,139; French Americans:11,525,930; Belarusian Americans: 750,000; Bulgarian Americans: 250,000; Czech Americans: 1,703,930; Hungarian Americans: 1,563,081; Polish Americans: 10,000,000; Romanian Americans: 800,000; Russian Americans: 3,152,959; Rusyn Americans: 750,000; Slovak Americans: 797,764; Ukrainian Americans: 961,113; Albanian Americans: 201,118; Bosnian Americans: 98,766; Croatian Americans: 420,763; Greek Americans: 1,350,600; Macedonian Americans: 51,733; Maltese Americans: 50,691; Montenegrin Americans: 80,000; Portuguese Americans: 1,419,428; Serbian Americans: 172,874; Slovenian Americans: 176,691; Spanish Americans: 625,562; Armenian Americans: 1,270,000**; Georgian Americans: 3,300**
Total: 215,731,340
* As of 6/3/2010 using both census and other sources.
** Not European but included as White until further evidence provided shows to the contrary.
But wait! We’re not done yet, we still have two more steps.
Step Two was the easiest as all but one non-White group can be isolated from the non-Hispanic White numbers. You don’t even have to ask which group I am talking about. That’s right.
I didn’t see anything that would indicate as to how Jews identified themselves on the census so I am going to assume they are listed as White and therefore must subtract their numbers from our first total. I am aware that some contend that there are more Jews than their official total indicates, and am rather inclined to believe so, but I will stick to official numbers for the sake of argument.
Total = 209,242,340
Now we’ve come to Step Three, which deals with the ‘Hispanic’ quotient which in a nutshell boils down to this question: Who is White and who is Mestizo?
But before I get to particulars, I discovered something very interesting in my research. Did you know that Puerto Rico, along with all other US held territories are counted? As if they were actually part of the US? I did not know that! So that would mean, in the case of Puerto Rico, that there are four million extra people counted. This in-turn would mean that instead of 309 million the US is actually closer to 303-4 million. Still, I will use the 309 million figure for the follow up data. Anyway…
While Step One was more time consuming, Step Three was more difficult because although the majority of so-called Hispanics are non-White, it is undeniable that a fraction are ethnic European. But, without coming face-to-face with these people and lacking knowledge as to whether or not some groups and individuals have a degree of admixture, it’s quite difficult to determine the White percentage of Hispanics.
The Wiki page for White-Hispanic Americans states that of 46.8 million Hispanics “62.3% (29.2 million) self-identified as racially white”. Considering that most of these self-identifiers are more than likely just lighter-skinned Mestizos, I would take these figures with a big grain of salt. Still, this is in contrast to the fact that, “[r]espondents in the “Some other race” category are reclassified as white by the Census Bureau in its official estimates of race. This means that more than 90% of all Hispanic or Latino Americans end up being counted as “white” in some statistics of the US Census, equaling 43.1 million in 2008.”
But, the fact still remains that it is almost guaranteed that more than half of the 29.2 million are not White. So where does one go from here? We can’t take the 29.2 million figure at face value so instead we apply what I would call gradient figures. I’ll show what I mean below. But first, we must remove the 625,562 Spaniard Americans from the 29.2 million figure as they are included.
29,200,000 – 625,562 = 28,547,438
I find it unlikely that Portuguese Americans are included in these figures, but just to be safe I’ll remove them for the sake of argument.
28,547,438 – 1,419,428 = 27,128,010
Now let’s do something different. Let us consider the demographics of Central and South America. From Mexico to Chile, there are only three Latin American countries that are verifiable (using current, available data) as majority White: Argentina, Costa Rica, and Uruguay. We now find that there are:
Argentine American: 194,308
Costa Rican American: 108,164
Uruguayan American: 50,538
Total: 353,010*
*Let us assume that all are 100% European for the sake of argument.
Now, this number will be subtracted from the “White-Hispanic” number and then added on to the regular “White” number.
– 353,010
= 26,775,000
= 209,595,350
We now come to the gradient figures mentioned earlier. This will give us a range of possible White demographics as we most likely will not find any wholly accurate data telling us who is an actual ‘White Hispanic’. For what I deem realistic purposes here, let us assume that no more than 9 million of the 26,775,000 can qualify as potentially White. Now, we will have 10 different possible White numbers and percentage of population. By that I mean, the ‘known’ European number of 209,595,350 will be added 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9 million more people for each possible outcome.
1. No more added
209,595,350 / 309,000,000 = 67.830%
2. 1 Million added
210,595,350 / 309,000,000 = 68.153%
3. 2 Million added
211,595,350 / 309,000,000 = 68.477%
4. 3 Million added
212,595,350 / 309,000,000 = 68.801%
5. 4 Million added
213,595,350 / 309,000,000 = 69.124%
6. 5 Million added
214,595,350 / 309,000,000 = 69.448%
7. 6 Million added
215,595,350 / 309,000,000 = 69.771%
8. 7 Million added
216,595,350 / 309,000,000 = 70.095%
9. 8 Million added
217, 595,350 / 309,000,000 = 70.419%
10. 9 Million added
218,595,350 / 309,000,000 = 70.742%
So, in effect, the data compiled here (by an admitted amateur) yields possible findings that give the probable national percentage of Whites as somewhere between 67-71% out of a US population of 309 million. Keep in mind that these findings utilize both data that is official and based on speculation and are of course subject to change and interpretation.
I would now like to conclude this little exercise by showing two maps of the U.S. that I have modified. Both tell the same story but from two different points of reference. The first one, from a blank map I found on the internet, shows the 50 states color-coded depending on the White percentage of the state.
Dark Blue: Mid-80s and Higher
Light Blue: Low 80s
Dark Green: Mid-High 70s
Light Green: Low 70s
Orange: Mid-High 60s
Yellow: Low 60s
Red: 50<, <60
Brown: <50 Pretty cut and dry, right? Well, the second map makes things more interesting. As you can see, this map gives us county level information regarding racial demographics. I obtained the original map from the 1990 census, which poorly depicted black majority counties. So, after spending the better half of a week checking the racial stats of each and every county in America, this is what I have to show. Regular Green: >70% White
Light Green: >50, <70% White
Black: Majority Black, both numeric and plural
Orange: Majority Mestizo, both numeric and plural
Yellow: Majority Mongoloid, both numeric and plural (Includes both Asians, American Indians, and Eskimos/Inuits.
I used the original colors on the map and modified them to my own specs. And I chose 70% as my determining number for a ‘comfortable’ White majority for this simple reason. Assume that a county is 70% White and 30% non-White. Let’s also assume that the gender division of the White population of this county is exactly half. Therefore, let us assume all of the Men, regardless of age, are capable of battle i.e. no debilitating sicknesses, injury, etc. That way, even if every non-white man, woman, and child turned violently hostile against the White population, they would still be out numbered (35% against 30%).
Keep in mind that this is a bare-minimum theoretical position. I am well aware that in such conditions that many of our women will potentially join us on the front-lines, and that one random White man is worth a good deal more than a few random non-White men.
Now then, let me here what you all think.
Very few Hispanics in the US are white. Just assume they are all non-white.
Jews are about 2% of the population and other non-European Caucasians are about the same. Armenian, Syrian and Lebanese Christian immigrants who came here before WWII were generally white in physical appearance and have mostly intermarried into the larger white population. Later non-European Caucasian immigrants, not so much.
If we take the white Non-Hispanic population, subtract the number of Jews and estimate that Arabs, Persians, Turks etc. are probably about equal in number to Jews, we get about 60-62% of Americans being white. Maps are a bad way of showing the racial breakdown because non-white cities are barely visible while sparsely populated white rural areas take up most of the space.
Very few Hispanics in the US are white. Just assume they are all non-white
Too true, but I feel that there are enough that we can’t write off the entire Hispanic population as non-White. I have no doubt that true Whites make up a small number of the Hispanic pop., we just don’t know how much.
Jews are about 2% of the population and other non-European Caucasians are about the same. Armenian, Syrian and Lebanese Christian immigrants who came here before WWII were generally white in physical appearance and have mostly intermarried into the larger white population. Later non-European Caucasian immigrants, not so much.
Indeed, and we now have more Iraqis, Kurds, and central asians than ever since the war started. Some War on Terror, huh?
If we take the white Non-Hispanic population, subtract the number of Jews and estimate that Arabs, Persians, Turks etc. are probably about equal in number to Jews, we get about 60-62% of Americans being white.
I already removed all those groups.
Maps are a bad way of showing the racial breakdown because non-white cities are barely visible while sparsely populated white rural areas take up most of the space.
Very true, that’s why I have the two maps showing the different perspectives. Take for example, New York State.
On the County Map it looks very ‘White’. But as you pointed out, the populations outside of the big cities are much smaller and spread out. That’s why in the Color-Coded Map, the state is yellow, meaning it has a White pop. in the low 60s. Just imagine how White the state would be if the NY metro area didn’t exist. It would still be more liberal than average, but more managable I feel.
EDIT: My questions have been answered, sorry for wasting bandwidth.
I agree with ATBOTL.
Non-Hispanic Whites are about 61.5% of the population.
However, I must strongly disagree that few Hispanics are White. Quite a few Hispanics look as White as you or me. They look as White as any of the Euro Meds that you are including in the 61.5%. The problem with them is how they identify. Do they identify as Whites or as Hispanics who may be somewhat White-hostile at times. I have noticed that quite a few White Hispanics refuse to identify as White and instead say that they are “Mexicans” or whatever.
The number of Latin American Whites is very large. Not sure of the number, but it must be at least *150* million. Yes, *150* million.
Robert Lindsay,
I think the reverse. Judging from the official numbers of Non-Hispanic Whites I listed above, again assuming there’s no double counting, I think there are more of us than that.
There are some Hispanics who do look like us, but where are they and where were they seen?
On TV, with the exception of some gangster protrayals, they either put an ethnic Iberian or the lightest mestizo they can find in front of the camera. The only time I see such people in real life are in professional settings. Ex. surgeon, lawyer, politician, etc. Otherwise, it’s your typical mestizo whom you see doing yard work or hanging out at the local Home Depot.
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Thanks, TabuLa Raza
Use rather than [ or ]
Did it work?
Grrr. Use the arrows between “m” and “?” rather than [ ]
Thanks for removing almost all references to a negative name for us diverse white American peoples, I mean white Americans, oops, I mean European American persons. You should save our late comment for use as an illustration of a mild attack on any negative, animal, plant, insect, Jewish, black, Asian, or Latino label affixed to us.
Kindly convey our respects to Lawrence of Appalachia…..his reasoning is correct, and he is correct in at least implicitly showing that “who is white” is a great beginning point. At Resisting Defamation, we did the same thing by trying to figure out who shares white characteristics & culture enough to be “us.” We don’t subscribe to culturalism, but sometimes culture puts a finishing touch on “who is not white.” We used certain national origins as the outer category, and eliminated types of persons in that category as “not white.”
PS: You missed one “Non-Hispanic White” just under the graphic outlining the states of the USA.
The lack of objective data is easy enough to explain: We are all (or should be) aware that the Feds fudge up the data by including North Africans, Arabs, Central Asians (Persians, Afghanis, and the various Turk-stans), Mestizos and of course Jews in the White data.
Georgians, Armenians, Greeks, southern Italians, and other Southern Europeans are also included in the white data.
James Schneider writes in the February 2010 issue of American Renaissance:
“The 2010 Census: The Census Bureau is confused about race.”
Also, because they are self-identified, I’m naturally assuming there’s no double-counting.
A bad assumption. Multiples ancestries may be reported.
Another problem with your method is that you are using numbers from multiple Census surveys. The Census ancestry figures vary wildly from survey to survey, and you cannot put too much stock in the exact Census ancestry numbers.
The number of European-Americans is not greater than the number of non-Hispanic whites the Census Bureau comes up with. If the number of European-Americans were millions greater than the number of non-Hispanic whites, this would imply that millions of European-Americans were counted as either Hispanic or non-white by the Census, which is exceedingly improbable.
I used the original colors on the map and modified them to my own specs. And I chose 70% as my determining number for a ‘comfortable’ White majority for this simple reason. Assume that a county is 70% White and 30% non-White. Let’s also assume that the gender division of the White population of this county is exactly half. Therefore, let us assume all of the Men, regardless of age, are capable of battle i.e. no debilitating sicknesses, injury, etc. That way, even if every non-white man, woman, and child turned violently hostile against the White population, they would still be out numbered (35% against 30%).
Keep in mind that this is a bare-minimum theoretical position. I am well aware that in such conditions that many of our women will potentially join us on the front-lines, and that one random White man is worth a good deal more than a few random non-White men.
Racial demographics are an important issue, but not for this reason. If racial preservation is to be achieved, it will be not be through massive violence but rather through an intellectual movement that appeals to the middle class and by organizing in politics, media, and culture.
Moldovians? If that’s it, I think they may be grouped in with the Romainians.
Also, I am not quite sure what you’re referring to in your critique, could you please elaborate a bit more?
English ancestry in the United States is almost certainly significantly underestimated by the Census Bureau.
In the forum thread linked above I posted an article from the December 1982 issue of Instauration on the problems with the Census Bureau ancestry figures.
The 70th Congress carefully estimated the national origins of the white American population in the United States for the purpose of implementing the national origins immigration quotas.
Here are the figures (quoted on pp. 278-279 of Madison Grant’s The Conquest of a Continent):
England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland 39,242,733 (41.4%)
Germany 14,833,588 (15.6%)
Irish Free State 10,378,634 (10.9%)
Poland 3,626,692 (3.8%)
Italy 3,566,396 (3.8%)
Russia 2,108,283 (2.2%)
Sweden 2,024,434 (2.1%)
France 1,970,189 (2.1%)
Netherlands 1,835,959 (1.9%)
Czechoslovakia 1,623,438 (1.7%)
Norway 1,431,292 (1.5%)
Austria 976,248 (1.0%)
Switzerland 961,406 (1.0%)
Belgium 790,928 (0.8%)
Denmark 735,083 (0.8%)
Hungary 703,409 (0.7%)
Yugoslavia 440,518 (0.5%)
Finland 338,036 (0.4%)
Lithuania 293,100 (0.3%)
Portugal 272,104 (0.3%)
Greece 185,836 (0.2%)
Rumania 185,423 (0.2%)
Spain 181,658 (0.2%)
Latvia 144,844 (0.2%)
Turkey 138,389 (0.1%)
Danzig 81,522 (0.1%)
All other quota countries 262,216 (0.3%)
Non-quota countries 5,488,757 (5.8%)
Total 94,820,915
Here are tables from Chapter 8 (“A Racial Census of the United States”) of Wilmot Robertson’s The Dispossessed Majority (4th edition), based on the 1990 Census.
Table I (Summary of 1990 Census followed by author’s “Revised Census”)
1990 Census
White 199,686,070
Negro: 29,686,060
Amerindian, Eskimo, Aleut: 1,959,234
Asian & Pacific Islanders: 7,273,662
Other Race: 7,273,662
Total: 248,709,873
Revised Census
White: 188,136,858
Negro: 29,986,060
Amerindian, Eskimo, Aleut: 1,959,234
Asian & Pacific Islanders: 7,273,662
Other Race: 1,000,000
Hispanic: 20,354,059
Total: 248,709,873
Table II (White category subdivided into Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean categories based on population and racial studies in Chapters 13-17 and Appendix A)
Nordic: 115,651,206 (61.47% of white population, 46.50% of total population)
Alpine: 59,137,001 (31.43% of white population, 23.78% of total population)
Mediterranean: 13,348,651 (7.10% of white population, 5.37% of total population)
Subtotal: 188,136,858 (75.65% of total population)
Negro: 29,986,060 (12.06% of total population)
Amerindian, Eskimo, Aleut: 1,959,234 (0.79% of total population)
Asian & Pacific Islanders: 7,273,662 (2.92% of total population)
Hispanic: 20,354,059 (8.18% of total population)
Other Race: 1,000,000 (0.40% of total population)
Subtotal: 60,573,015 (24.35% of total population)
Total: 248,709,873
Table IV (racial classification based on popular anthropology)
Nordic/Alpine: 174,788,207 (92.90% of white population, 70.28% of total population)
Mediterraneans: 13,348,651 (7.10% of white population, 5.37% of total population)
Negro: 29,986,060 (12.06% of total population)
Amerindian, Eskimo, Aleut: 1,959,234 (0.79% of total population)
Asian & Pacific Islanders: 7,273,662 (2.92% of total population)
Hispanic: 20,354,059 (8.18% of total population)
Other Race: 1,000,000 (0.40% of total population)
Total: 248,709,873
Table V: Racial Composition of the United States (1990) (“culturally corrected” version of Table IV)
Assimilated and Assimilable
American Majority: 169,585,207 (68.19% of total population)
Unassimilable White Minorities
Mediterraneans: 12,723,651 (5.12% of total population)
Jews: 5,828,000 (2.34% of total population)
Subtotal: 18,551,651 (7.46% of total population)
Unassimilable Nonwhite Minorities
Negro: 29,986,060 (12.06% of total population)
Amerindian, Eskimo, Aleut: 1,959,234 (0.79% of total population)
Asian & Pacific Islanders: 7,273,662 (2.92% of total population)
Hispanic: 20,354,059 (8.18% of total population)
Other Race: 1,000,000 (0.40% of total population)
Subtotal: 60,573,015 (24.35% of total population)
Assimilated and Assimilable: 169,585,207 (68.19% of total population)
Unassimilable: 79,124,666 (31.81% of total population)
Total: 248,709,873
From “Appendix A: Explanation of Racial Census” in The Dispossessed Majority (4th edition)
Table B
Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean Census of U.S.
Albanians: 70,000 (70,000 Alpine)
Arabs: 1,500,000 (1,500,000 Mediterranean)
Armenians: 1,000,000 (10,000 Nordic, 350,000 Alpine, 660,000 Mediterranean)
Austrians: 1,693,232 (169,323 Nordic, 1,523,909 Alpine)
Belgians: 1,501,488 (900,893 Nordic, 600,595 Alpine)
British: 77,888,659 (77,888,659 Nordic)
Bulgars: 70,000 (28,000 Alpine, 42,000 Mediterranean)
Canadians: 2,000,000 (1,600,000 Nordic, 400,000 Alpine)
Czecho-slovaks: 1,750,000 (250,000 Nordic, 1,500,000 Alpine)
Danes: 1,316,958 (1,316,958 Nordic)
Dutch: 3,602,600 (3,198,327 Nordic, 564,410 Alpine)
Estonians: 200,000 (80,000 Nordic, 120,000 Alpine)
Finns: 752,547 (452,547 Nordic, 300,000 Alpine)
French: 3,574,600 (1,072,380 Nordic, 1,966,030 Alpine, 564,190 Mediterranean)
Germans: 30,666,308 (12,266,523 Nordic, 18,399,785 Alpine)
Greeks: 1,400,000 (210,000 Alpine, 1,190,000 Mediterranean)
Hungarians: 1,128,821 (112,882 Nordic, 1,015,939 Alpine)
Irish: 21,081,329 (6,321,398 Nordic, 14,759,931 Alpine)
Italians: 6,772,926 (338,646 Nordic, 1,693,232 Alpine, 4,741,048 Mediterranean)
Jews: 5,828,000 (5,203,000 Alpine, 625,000 Mediterranean)
Latvians: 86,000 (26,000 Nordic, 60,000 Alpine)
Lithuanians: 331,000 (66,000 Nordic, 265,000 Alpine)
Norwegians: 2,793,793 (2,539,848 Nordic, 253,948 Alpine)
Poles: 5,100,000 (1,275,000 Nordic, 3,825,000 Alpine)
Portuguese: 564,410 (28,220 Nordic, 536,190 Mediterranean)
Romanians: 90,000 (54,000 Alpine, 36,000 Mediterranean)
Russians: 338,646 (16,932 Nordic, 321,714 Alpine)
Spanish: 357,554 (37,637 Nordic, 319,917 Mediterranean)
Swedes: 3,950,874 (3,950,874 Nordic)
Swiss: 2,069,505 (724,327 Nordic, 1,345,178 Alpine)
Turks: 100,000 (60,000 Alpine, 40,000 Mediterranean)
Ukrainians: 488,000 (488,000 Alpine)
Yugoslavs: 1,000,000 (1,000,000)
Others: 6,881,468 (1,007,832 Nordic, 2,779,330 Alpine, 3,094,306 Mediterranean)
Totals: 188,136,858 (115,651,206 Nordic, 59,137,001 Alpine, 13,348,651 Mediterranean)
Racial Census based on Census Bureau’s 2008 American Community Survey
White: 202,942,886
Negro: 36,701,103
Amerindian, Eskimo, Aleut: 1,993,622
Asian & Pacific Islander: 13,642,619
Other Race: 701,823
Two or more races: 5,186,219
Hispanic: 42,891,456
Total: 304,059,728
In the 1990 Census there were 22,354,059 Hispanics. Robertson counted 2,000,000 as white (unassimilable, Mediterranean). According to the 2008 survey, there were 46,891,456 Hispanics, so as an estimate count 4,000,000 as white (unassimilable, Mediterranean). Add this to the estimated 198,942,886 non-Hispanic whites to get the white total.
There was an increase of 14,806,028 whites from 1990 to 2008. Based on the 2009 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, Table 2 ( http://www.dhs.gov/files/statistics/publications/LPR09.shtm ), there were approximately 1 million immigrants from Southern Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East between 1990 and 2008 (about 300,000 from Southern Europe, 700,000 from North Africa and the Middle East; this is a rough estimate, as not all countries are broken out in the table). So there were about 3 million Mediterranean immigrants (2 million Hispanic, 1 million Southern European, North African, Middle Eastern) between 1990 and 2008. Count 10% of the rest of the white increase as Mediterranean (under the assumption that North Africans and Middle Easterners in the U.S. have a slightly higher birth rate than Europeans), resulting in an estimated increase of 4,180,600 Mediterraneans.
Assume the Nordic and Alpine categories increased at approximately the same rate. Then the Nordic category increased by about 7,000,000 and the Alpine category by about 3,625,428.
Here are estimates for updated 2008 versions of the Chapter 8 tables in The Dispossessed Majority.
Table II (updated to 2008)
Nordic: 122,651,206 (60.44% of white population, 40.34% of total population)
Alpine: 62,762,429 (30.93% of white population, 20.64% of total population)
Mediterranean: 17,529,251 (8.64% of white population, 5.77% of total population
Subtotal: 202,942,886 (66.74% of total population)
Negro: 36,701,103 (12.07% of total population)
Amerindian, Eskimo, Aleut: 1,993,622 (0.66% of total population)
Asian & Pacific Islander: 13,642,619 (4.49% of total population)
Other Race: 701,823 (0.23% of total population)
Two or more races: 5,186,219 (1.71% of total population)
Hispanic: 42,891,456 (14.11% of total population)
Subtotal: 101,116,842 (33.26% of total population)
Total: 304,059,728
Table IV (updated to 2008)
Nordic/Alpine: 185,413,635 (91.36% of white population, 60.98% of total population)
Mediterranean: 17,529,251 (8.64% of white population, 5.77% of total population)
Negro: 36,701,103 (12.07% of total population)
Amerindian, Eskimo, Aleut: 1,993,622 (0.66% of total population)
Asian & Pacific Islander: 13,642,619 (4.49% of total population)
Other Race: 701,823 (0.23% of total population)
Two or more races: 5,186,219 (1.71% of total population)
Hispanic: 42,891,456 (14.11% of total population)
Total: 304,059,728
To get an updated version of Table V, we have to put Jews in their own category. Robertson estimated there were 5,828,000 Jews (5,203,000 Alpine, 625,000 Mediterranean) in 1990. Using the estimate of 6,489,000 Jews in this post and assuming the same Alpine/Mediterranean ratio, we get about 5,789,000 Alpine, 700,000 Mediterranean.
Table V: Racial Composition of the United States (updated to 2008)
Assimilated and Assimilable
American Majority: 179,624,635 (59.08% of total population)
Unassimilable White Minorities
Mediterraneans: 16,829,251 (5.53% of total population)
Jews: 6,489,000 (2.13% of total population)
Subtotal: 23,318,251 (7.67% of total population)
Unassimilable Nonwhite Minorities
Negro: 36,701,103 (12.07% of total population)
Amerindian, Eskimo, Aleut: 1,993,622 (0.66% of total population)
Asian & Pacific Islander: 13,642,619 (4.49% of total population)
Other Race: 701,823 (0.23% of total population)
Two or more races: 5,186,219 (1.71% of total population)
Hispanic: 42,891,456 (14.11% of total population)
Subtotal: 101,116,842 (33.26% of total population)
Assimilated and Assimilable: 179,624,635 (59.08% of total population)
Unassimilable: 124,435,093 (40.93% of total population)
Total: 304,059,728
The Census Bureau estimates that the U.S. population will be 363.6 million in 2030. The U.S. population was about 304.1 million in 2008 and about 248.7 million in 1990. The population increased by about 55 million from 1990 to 2008, and the Census Bureau projects an increase of about 60 million from 2008 to 2030.
For simplicity, assume each racial group increases from 2008 to 2030 by the same number it increased from 1990 to 2008. Here is what Table V would look like in 2030.
Table V: Racial Composition of the United States (projection for 2030)
Assimilated and Assimilable
American Majority: 189,664,063 (52.77% of total population)
Unassimilable White Minorities
Mediterraneans: 20,934,851 (5.82% of total population)
Jews: 7,150,000 (1.99% of total population)
Subtotal: 28,084,851 (7.81% of total population)
Unassimilable Nonwhite Minorities
Negro: 43,416,146 (12.08% of total population)
Amerindian, Eskimo, Aleut: 2,028,010 (0.56% of total population)
Asian & Pacific Islander: 20,011,576 (5.57% of total population)
Other Race & Two or more races: 10,776,084 (3.00% of total population)
Hispanic: 65,428,853 (18.20% of total population)
Subtotal: 141,660,669 (39.42% of total population)
Assimilated and Assimilable: 189,664,063 (52.77% of total population)
Unassimilable: 169,745,520 (47.23% of total population)
Total: 359,409,583
According to this projection, the American Majority (including Assimilable Minorities) will no longer be a majority in the United States by the mid 2030s.
This projection assumes the rate of increase of each racial group is linear and will remain constant. If this underestimates immigration and the rate of increase of the Asian, mixed race, and particularly Hispanic populations, then the American Majority may no longer be a majority by the mid to late 2020s.
I can understand reservations with Gerogians and Armenians, but Greeks, southern Italians, and other Southern Europeans. The Hell?
Quite frankly, I somewhat approve of Mr. Schneider’s reccomendation. Considering that the Census people have mutilated the definition of White, I say may as well be rid of it. But I would break it down even further into specific ethinicities. If people aren’t sure of what all they constitute they can either put down their dominiant ethnicity, or if they are really unsure of what they are, then just put down White.
A bad assumption. Multiples ancestries may be reported.
They do? I knew the Canadian version of the census does that, but if that’s true then that screws things up even more.
The Census ancestry figures vary wildly from survey to survey, and you cannot put too much stock in the exact Census ancestry numbers.
I was aware of this, I just went with the most recent data I could find for each ethnicity.
The number of European-Americans is not greater than the number of non-Hispanic whites the Census Bureau comes up with.
Of course not, because they include all of those non-White groups I mentioned.
If racial preservation is to be achieved, it will be not be through massive violence but rather through an intellectual movement that appeals to the middle class and by organizing in politics, media, and culture.
In general I agree, but both history and current events show that there will be some bloodshed along the way. I hope otherwise, but am not holding my breath.
These are the 2000 census numbers. We should have 2010 census numbers shortly. I expect the “non-Hispanic white” figures to be much lower.
I tend to agree with ATBOTL that not many Hispanics can realistically be called white (probably under 10%) and that there’s a big difference between the older Middle Eastern immigrants and the more recent arrivals. In particular, I have a big problem with calling Armenians “white” – this group has a history very similar to that of the Jews, and could end up causing a lot of problems for us in the future.
Another thing that possibly matters is that there are lots of people with substantial amounts of black and Indian blood passing as white, especially in places like Oklahoma and the more “Scotch-Irish” areas.
I’ll respond to your other post soon enough. I need time to read over it more :).
Actually, most come from mid-2008. There are some, which I have noted above though not specifically, which use older data and a couple using 2000 census data. Regardless, I don’t claim any of these figures as 100% solid and they have undoubtedly changed since ’08.
On Armenians, I am not fully comfortable calling them or Georgians White either. But I don’t see much saying, much less proving, they aren’t either. If anyone has information pointing to conclusive data that shows they aren’t White, please send it my way.
About Black or Indian blood, there was actually a forum post on Stormfront not too long ago that dealt with this same issue. And I feel, as the majority on Stormfront seem to be, that it’s more urban legend than fact.
Undoubtly there were some ‘wagon burners’, but not enough I feel that there is any significant presence among any particular White ethnic group.
On Armenians, I am not fully comfortable calling them or Georgians White either. But I don’t see much saying, much less proving, they aren’t either.
I don’t know what kind of “proof” you’re looking for. People always find these pictures of Armenians and Persians to prove how “white” they are, but I’ve lived in LA and seen large numbers of the real thing, and there ain’t no way these people can be called “white” as a group. Most of them would stick out even in places like Greece or southern Italy. There’s definitely a minority of Armenians who look fairly white – e.g. Cher was half Armenian, and I used to know a pure Armenian girl who looked a lot like her. But that’s at the extreme end. Definitely Armenians are less white than, say, Turks or Lebanese, a fact which is to be expected from geography. But people get thrown off by the fact that Armenians speak an Indo-European language and practice Christianity, I guess.
There’s also a cultural issue with Armenians. They’ve got a history of living in a diaspora, they’ve got their own Holocaust to bitch about, they’ve got a small, crappy country in the Middle East on poor terms with its neighbors that they are lobbying the US to support – sound familiar? The cultural stuff matters, too. I don’t like the idea of large numbers of these people taking up residence in the US.
About Black or Indian blood, there was actually a forum post on Stormfront not too long ago that dealt with this same issue. And I feel, as the majority on Stormfront seem to be, that it’s more urban legend than fact.
The “Injun blood” thing gets exaggerated, but it’s definitely real. And there are definitely mulattoes who can pass for white. Congressman Bob Barr (whose photo was posted on OD recently) is a good example of a “white” with obvious negroid admixture.
That’s an interesting perspective, Reader. I knew about the Armenian Genocide and that they have their own little lobby for it. I wouldn’t say they’re less white than Turks or Lebanese, probably equal or more. They’re actually closer to were the Indo-Europeans supposedly ‘came about’, hence why they have an Indo-European language.
As far as bad terms with their neighbors, I think that has more to do with the fact that they’re Christians in the middle of Muslim territory. I am not aware of them meddling around like another Middle-Eastern neighbor we’re all familiar with here.
Regardless, I wouldn’t want to bring more here anyway. They don’t seem to be a real problem, but that doesn’t matter in the end.
Interesting stuff you provided.
A few things stood out with which I am critical:
Having read and own Carleton Coon’s book “The Races of Europe”, I am familar with the terms Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean. Although it’s been awhile, I believe those terms are meant more to describe physical characteristics, not ethnic or racial groups as we’ve come to understand them in the 21st century.
When I think ‘Nordic’, I think of a Dane, Swede, Norweigian, or an Icelander. Those are the Nordic peoples, a set germanic group. A ‘Nordic type’ may be found in potentially all European ethinic groups. Obviously the closer one gets to the Nordic nations the more frequent you’ll see the type.
So, when I see the White pop. of America sub-divided using those terms, it rather confounds me. Just how I think using the term ‘caucasian’ to describe Whites is not correct, so too I think with using the terms Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean. It would be much better to stick to just ethnic origins at the very least, but would also prefer regional specifics ex. Ethnicity:German Regional Extraction:Bavarian. But, I’m not the one conducting the survey so, too bad.
Regardless, I don’t have that big of a beef when it comes to terminology.
This, however…
Unassimilable White Minorities
Mediterraneans: 12,723,651 (5.12% of total population)
Jews: 5,828,000 (2.34% of total population)
Subtotal: 18,551,651 (7.46% of total population)
Gee, where to start?
Well first off, the fact that the Jews here are counted as White either way is a joke.
But Mediterraneans?
As I read further I now see that the listed ethnic groups are divided up by whether or not they’re Nordic, Alpine, or Mediterranean.
Considering that the descriptions and characterisitics which determine whether one is Nordic, Alpine, or Mediterranean need an overhaul, I find their use here, particular in excluding potentially good European ethnic groups and even including non-white elements, to be a little foolish.
I mean look:
British: 77,888,659 (77,888,659 Nordic)
You’ve got to be kidding me. You mean to tell me that when this survey was taken, every American of British origin was of a Nordic type? Bull.
And this:
Turks: 100,000 (60,000 Alpine, 40,000 Mediterranean)
Unless I am mistaken, according to Wilmot Robertson’s book (your source), those who are ‘Mediterranean’ are unassimilable, but Nordics and Alpines are OK. Well, by that logic, 60,000 of those 100,000 Turks get to stay. This in spite of the fact that Turks are not only unassimilable on a cultural level, but on a racial level! I hope I am mistaken!
Speaking of mistakes, I couldn’t help but notice the lumping of all Hispanics into the non-White category. But seeing as to I don’t any data showing actual White Hispanic numbers, as I remarked from the very beginning, I can’t really take this particlar issue any further than I already have. We just have to wait for more info to become available…if it ever does.
All in all, it was a facsinating read and it added a new perspective for myself to read. Not an overly accurate one, IMHO, but no less interesting.
Seeing as this thread has already been heavily infested with Nordicist Orcs, I’m not sure I even want to continue much here, as Nordicism makes me physically ill (yeah, that’s right, it makes me nauseous and heading for the sink).
Fully 26% of Latin Americans are *White*. And that’s by Stormfront definitions. But oh no! Stormfront rejects Nordicism in favor of Pan-Europeanism. So you guys can pat yourselves on the back! You’re even more radical than Stormfront! Feel good already?
I live in a town that is 67% Hispanic, to answer Lawrence’s question. Tbh, it is almost completely impossible, in quite a few cases, to tell the Hispanics from the Whites, in particular the darker and more Med Whites, in this town. I am always mistaking Hispanics as non-Hispanic Whites and vice versa. In particular, we have many Meds here, especially Italians, and in many cases, it is almost impossible to tell an Italian from a White Hispanic.
The number of White Hispanics is very high, and they look as White as you or me. I have no idea what they % is, but you would be quite shocked if you came here for a visit. Some identify very strongly as White (generally Spaniard stock and extremely pro-White) and others reject Whiteness altogether and insist that they are “Mexicans” instead. Those rejecting Whiteness are culturally problematic, but they vociferously pro-White Spaniard-identified are very good for White society, assuming they are accepted.
The notion that White Hispanics are few and far between is preposterous. The % is difficult to say though. I estimate somewhere between 9-26% appear as White as any White person.
As far as Whiteness goes, if you look White and act White, you’re White. But that’s just me.
One more thing: Armenians are the remains of the original Aryans who came to Europe as Indo-Europeans 6,000 YBP. Why you tools want toss the original Aryans out of Whiteness is a mystery to me and to all sane people.
Over and out.
PS. I’m a Pan-Aryanist.
As long as Armenians call us “Oodars”, they’re not White enough.
(“Oodar” is Armenian for Goy.)
Is anyone really shocked that “Nordish” poster boy MLGS lists Meds as unassimilable?
Ridiculous. Yeah, let’s toss in the “one-drop” rule for Americans with Italian or Greek ancestry. I mean, just one drop of Italian, and your baby could be born looking exactly like Al Pacino, even generations down the line! Better yet, how ’bout the “Day of the Rope” for “Nordishes” who’ve married Italians or southern French?
Armenians–yeah, they’ve got their own little “genocide lobby,” but who cares–it’s directed as the Turks (Israel’s bestest buddies, at least until recently). Whether they’re “white” or not is pretty much a judgement call. From a genetic standpoint you they stand out from Middle Easterners, and they’re more paleo-European than anything. Lots of very ancient genetic lines in the Caucasus.
Robert Lindsay,
You’ve been forgetting to wear your glasses outside the house again!
After a year of reading this blog, this will be my first, and hopefully last, comment on “Nordicism.” But I’ve noticed a disturbing pattern.
If Nordics want to separate themselves from you, but you don’t want to separate yourselves from the Nordics, it’s you that has a problem.
If Meds – or whatever – want their daughters to only marry and have children with Med men, but Nordics want to marry and have children with Med women – than the Nordics have a problem.
I am unsure of how exactly “Nordic” is defined, but if it’s all about recessive genes – blondes, redheads, blue and green eyes, straight hair, pale skin vs. black hair and brown eyes, curly hair and olive skin, than hard core Nordic separation makes great sense, in fact, it’s vital to continue the Nords. I don’t see how anyone could fault that.
Politically, socially, aside from actual baby-making, I don’t think it’s much of an issue.
You mean that Armenians call us ‘cattle’ as well? If so, that is disturbing.
Is it that, or is it more along the lines of calling us ‘outsiders’ but not necessarily meaning any malice?
Seeing as this thread has already been heavily infested with Nordicist Orcs, I’m not sure I even want to continue much here, as Nordicism makes me physically ill (yeah, that’s right, it makes me nauseous and heading for the sink).
Thank you for the compliment.
PS. I’m a Pan-Aryanist.
I’m not.
Considering that the descriptions and characterisitics which determine whether one is Nordic, Alpine, or Mediterranean need an overhaul, I find their use here, particular in excluding potentially good European ethnic groups and even including non-white elements, to be a little foolish.
Wilmot Robertson readily admits that his estimates leave much to be desired, but they are nevertheless useful:
Robertson comments on Table IV:
Well first off, the fact that the Jews here are counted as White either way is a joke.
Jews are counted as white by the Census Bureau and are considered white by the general public. It is not unreasonable to count Jews as an unassimilable white minority. Arabs are counted in the unassimilable white category.
You’ve got to be kidding me. You mean to tell me that when this survey was taken, every American of British origin was of a Nordic type? Bull.
The footnote for the British entry in Appendix A, Table B: “There is a large Nordic-Mediterranean component in the British population. But, since overall it is more Nordic than Mediterranean, it has been listed in the Nordic column.”
Speaking of mistakes, I couldn’t help but notice the lumping of all Hispanics into the non-White category.
Not all Hispanics are lumped in the nonwhite category. Robertson counted 2,000,000 of the 22,354,059 Hispanics in the 1990 Census as (unassimilable) whites. In my 2008 estimate, I counted 4,000,000 of the 46,891,456 Hispanics as (unassimilable) whites.
In Wilmot Robertson’s terminology, the Majority consists of the descendants of the founding stock and the Northern European elements that have assimilated into that group. Assimilable white minorities include the Irish, Finnish and Baltic minorities, Slavic minorities (Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, etc.), Hungarians, and French Canadians. Unassimilable white minorities include southern Italians, white Spanish-speaking minorities, miscellaneous Mediterranean and Balkan minorities (Greeks, Portuguese, Arabs, Iranians, Armenians, Turks, Afghans, etc.), and Jews.
Sam, if you think you can tell the Whites (often Meds) from the White Hispanics in this town, I invite you to come on over for a visit. I have mistaken one for the other so many times, I cannot even count. I often have to ask them if they are Hispanic or not because I can’t tell. Or I see two “working class White guys” walking down the aisle in the supermarket, then am floored when they start speaking Spanish. I go over and talk to them, and one guy was born in Mexico. But do continue with your delusions.
Some of the White Hispanics I met are so pro-White, they would almost put Stormfront to shame. One guy told me his family had been in Mexico for 200 years, and they did not have one drop of Indian in them. Pure White, 100%. And I assume they intended to keep it that way! Some of them, who are from Mexico, don’t even identify with Mexico. One guy got embarrassed when I asked if he were from Mexico. Sure, he was born in Mexico, but he was a Spaniard! 100%! He even went back to Spain on a regular basis!
You guys really underestimate the degree of “White pride” a lot of these White Latins have. It’s clear that you have no understanding of them at all.
PS, if they are such White Priders, who the F is it that they are “unassimilable?” WTF man?
“all, a Neapolitan looks more different from a Dane than a Korean does from a Chinese.”
That’s mindless baloney. Obviously to Whites intra-White phenotypic variation will be more noticeable than intra-Mongoloid phenotypic variation.
It’s like how Blacks can do a better job of telling other Blacks apart than we can.
And far more importantly, in terms of genetics the difference between Neapolitans and Danes is FAR smaller than the difference between Koreans and the Chinese.
A chart compiled by Frank Salter shows that the genetic distance between South Chinese and Koreans is a 6.9 times greater than the genetic distance between Danes and Italians.
I live in a town that is 67% Hispanic, to answer Lawrence’s question. Tbh, it is almost completely impossible, in quite a few cases, to tell the Hispanics from the Whites, in particular the darker and more Med Whites, in this town. I am always mistaking Hispanics as non-Hispanic Whites and vice versa. In particular, we have many Meds here, especially Italians, and in many cases, it is almost impossible to tell an Italian from a White Hispanic.
With his anecdotes, Robert Lindsay is proving the point that southern Italians and other Mediterraneans are quite distinct from the (Northern European) Majority.
I think a higher percentage of the Hispanics in Texas are White than in a place like California.
The immigration patterns have been very different in the two States.
Dude, I don’t know who you think you’re fooling with this “Mexicans look just like Meds” crap. The number of Mexican-Americans who are of full or nearly full European descent is going to be virtually zero (most of the Hispanics in the US who could be called white are from South America). I am from California and have known tons of Mexicans personally. Give me a random sample of Italian-Americans and Mexican-Americans and I’ll be able to sort them out with probably 95% accuracy.
If “small” genetic differences result in significant phenotypic differences, this indicates those “small” differences are important.
Reader: Fine, you’re welcome to your delusions. Please tell me how exactly I am supposed to sort all these blond, blue-eyed Mexican Spaniards out from the rest of “pure Whites,” ok?
MGLS, point well taken. However, how many Swedes have you known? You would be surprised how many Swedes, Germans, Poles, etc. look like Meds. Dark hair, dark eyes, etc. There is even a name for them: Black Swedes. I dated a girl once who was a “Black Swede.” Her name was Tegerstrand. I’m sure she was Swedish-American. I asked her about her dark hair and dark eyes and she said she was a “Black Swede.” Most Swedes will get angry at you if you insist they they are all blond and blue.
Sorting the Nords from the Meds is sheer madness. I knew a blond haired, blue eyed Sicilian. Not unusual at all.
Let’s look at my people on my father’s side. Supposedly, we are Germans. Oh really now? Turns out we were in Germany for a grand total of 40 years. Before that? Switzerland for 100 yrs. Nordic? Alpine? Or what? Before that, we were Occitan speakers, originally from Catalonia in year 1000 (Oh no! Meds! The horrors!), then in Southern France for 300 yrs (Meds or what?), then in NW Italy (Occitan Valleys) for 300 years (Occitan Valleys are Med, Nord, Alpine or what?).
Here’s (old) news, WNs. All this grunge about who is/isn’t white, aside, way more than half the country that still is “formally” white….might as well not be. They are permanently and completely de-racinated. Brainwashed by ZOG. Co-opted by ZOG. They don’t think white or act white. When push comes to shove, they will be on the wrong side of the barricades. The Jewside. Just speaking for myself, I will appoint anyone an Honorary White who is shooting in the same direction I am. And: screw the census and any other ZOGstat. At this point, it is all group-entitlement gamesmanship. Oh, and by the way, I personally resisted the Count (thus understating the # of whites by one (1)).
I don’t think they’ll be on the wrong side if the barricades: they won’t even bother to show up at the barricades. Even something happens literally on their front lawn, they will hide in the basement.
Reader: Fine, you’re welcome to your delusions. Please tell me how exactly I am supposed to sort all these blond, blue-eyed Mexican Spaniards out from the rest of “pure Whites,” ok?
Robert, could you take pictures of some of these “blond, blue-eyed Mexican Spaniards” and show them to us? I have never met a blond Mexican in California. I think even Mexicans with medium brown hair must be exceptionally rare. Frankly, I think you’re completely full of it, and that there are no blond Mexicans in your town, and you are just posting this crap to get a rise out of people.
@ Robert, could you take pictures of some of these “blond, blue-eyed Mexican Spaniards” and show them to us?
In my experience in both California and Texas I could see that the overwhelming majority, 99.9 percent of the Mexicans who migrate into the States are brown or brownish mestizos. However, there are indeed blond Mexicans in the higher classes inside Mexico. These people usually don’t need to escape the country. When one of my cousins visited the States as a tourist (a blond with blue eyes) no American believed he was a Mexican. I could send you photos if you like. But again, these people are not poor enough to look for jobs at the north of the Rio Grande.
I don’t have photos of them LOL.
But there are or were two people working at my bank, a woman about age 50 and a man about age 23. I was very surprised when they told me that they spoke Spanish. I said, “But you’re as White as I am!” They both told me that they were Mexicans. The woman said in reference to why she looked White, “Yes, that is because I have Spanish ancestors.” The guy said, “Yes, we are Spaniards.” I asked, “Pure Spaniard?” He said, “Yes, we come from Spain.” They were basically White Priders. It’s clear that they think they are superior to the others.
No, I don’t have photos of them.
The bank is the Bank of America on Yosemite Avenue in Madera, California. You’re welcome to come by and visit it anytime you like.
There are three White Mexicans working there as I write this, one woman and two men. One refuses to identify as Mexican as he considers that an insult. Although he was born in Mexico, he considers himself a Spaniard. He is also very proud of his Castillian Spanish and he is contemptuous of what he calls “Mexican Spanish.” Actually, he hates all the Spanish of Latin America. The only good Spanish is from Spain, the kind he speaks, you know. The mestizos know he feels this way and some of them openly resent him for it.
These people are more or less White Priders. In fact, they are way more White Prider than 90% of the Euro-Americans I know. If you want to keep them out of your party, that’s your business, but I think it’s insane.
We have a lot of upper middle class and middle class Mexicans and Latin Americans in this town for some reason. I’m not sure the reason for that, but you can get by here with little to no English. This may as well be a city in Latin America.
These comments, that 99.9% of Hispanics in the US are obvious mestizos or Indians, well, they are simply wack. What can I say to nonsense like that? There’s no point arguing with it, is there?
Many Hispanics around here have skin as light as mine. Many have no obvious Indian features whatsoever. They could easily be some sort of a Med type White. In particular, they look like Iberians.
No Robert, I actually agree with you about the “Meds.” I’ve known “Italians” who looked like mestizos and Arabs. Those ones aren’t white. It makes no sense to call someone “white” if their skin is dark brown, their hair is jet black, and they’re of a short and stocky build.
This is a white Spaniard:
Robert Lindsay is the mirror image of those Tea Partiers that twist themselves into pretzels explaining that the Tea Party is not “racist” and bring forward an unusually articulate black from among the .0001% of black tea party members who “wants the federal off his back, too”.
Reporting from south Texas, where I have lived for over 20 years, I have to say that Reader and Chechar’s observations are much closer to my own. I have met exactly one white Spanish-speaking person from Mexico, and he had salt-and-pepper hair and hazel-grey eyes. Maybe it’s something about California and Texas that draws the Indian types here from Mexico. I wonder what draws so many Mexican whites to Robert’s neck of the woods.
correction: “federal government” in the last sentence above.