Radio Free Virginia – What’s Wrong With America

Hunter Wallace and Mike Capatano discuss R.E.A.L. and why White Nationalism makes sense in this rotten society.

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Edit: I forgot to point out that democracy is a lie. Popular laws backed by huge White majorities are regularly struck down by unelected federal judges who have usurped control of social policy from the states.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “I forgot to point out that democracy is a lie. Popular laws backed by huge White majorities are regularly struck down by unelected federal judges who have usurped control of social policy from the states.”

    Liberal theocracy.

  2. Democracy is the ability of even a tiny minority to gain power over the majority. Hope you guy’s never change because clearly you all do have the right ideas.Enjoyed listening to you’re views.

  3. Being a rapist isn’t as bad as being a racist these and that would e a great slogan to show their stupidity along with setting off the feminists “Better a rapist than a racist”.

  4. W. Rome:

    I’ve been saying that for years…it’s funny to see it from someone else too. cool.

  5. Pip, if you are ever in the city, look me up, I’ll buy beers. In fact, if OD ever wants to do some video and tourist-on-the-street type stuff in NYC, I could put up two or so people for a weekend, and provide decent cameras and mics.

  6. Kiev could take Metro-North down from CT, and we could all go bar hopping and practicing our game, see if we can hypnotize any White ladies that WN is really good and that WN men are the most desirable.

    It’s the belly of the beast and the capital of the world. Surely there’s a way to leverage it to our advantage.

  7. Considering that practically everytime the people try to apply a little commonsense when it comes to illegal immigration, the federal circuit courts come a long and flush those attempts down the toilet, we’ll need to find a way to limit their power.

    In a future White ethnostate, assuming it’s goverment will be determined through representative democracy, might I suggest something along these lines:

    1. Proportional representation at both the state and national level.

    2. “Citizen checks” on judicial over-reach.

    A Citizen check would be an overturning of a judge’s ruling via the voters. Ex. Instead of just letting the federal judiciary overturn Prop. 187, the voters in California could vote to over rule the judge(s) decision.

    That would be much more simple than to have a continuous battle in appeals and/or hoping a member of the supreme court will hear it.

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