Reading through the Francis Parker Yockey essay, I am reminded of why I left behind that stage of my ideological career. I was initially enthralled with Yockey due to his sweeping knowledge of history and philosophy. As I learned more about these subjects in my own right, largely inspired by his influence, I began to see the flaws in his analysis.
Where to begin?
1.) Racial Consciousness – White racial consciousness organically grew out of black slavery and the American frontier experience. Creating a White ethnostate is a peculiarly American project. The whole tradition of using race as a marker of ethnic identity started in America and the other colonies.
Europeans never defined themselves in racial terms. The British and Spanish did to a lesser extent after accumulating their colonial empires, but most European nations were never “racially conscious” in the American sense.
Germany’s brief flirtation with racialism was due to Anglo-American influence. Eugenics and Darwinism were also imported into Germany from Britain and America.
The German school of anthropology, which Franz Boas brought to America, had traditionally stressed the importance of culture over heredity. By an accident of history, the German culturalist school of anthropology triumphed in “race materialist” America while Anglo-American hereditarianism was exported to Nazi Germany.
2.) Economics – The Yockey essay posits the existence of “continental Europeans attached to Listian economics.” List’s own “National System” of economics was inspired by his observations of America’s economic development and Alexander Hamilton’s theories.
In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, it was the U.S. that hid behind its high tariff wall and the American state that constantly intervened in the private economy to promote “internal improvements,” the greatest of which was the Panama Canal.
“Yurop” was the world epicenter of the “free trade” movement. America only switched to “free trade” after the Second World War when the rest of the industrialized world was laying in smoldering ruin.
3.) Tradition – This idea that Europeans were attached to authority, tradition, and landed property is widely off the mark. Europe was the site of the French Revolution and Bolshevik Revolution. There was nothing traditional about the NSDAP in Germany or the Fascists in Italy; it was the decline of traditional authority that led to the triumph of Fascism, National Socialism, and Communism.
4.) Liberalism – America was founded as a republic. The American Founders considered themselves republicans, not liberals. Liberalism has traditionally been associated with the Netherlands and British Empire. America became infatuated with “liberalism” in the 1920s and 1930s.
5.) Enlightenment – It is commonplace in racialist circles to deplore the Enlightenment. If only the Enlightenment had never happened, everything would be swell, racially speaking. This is another old chestnut.
Most of the Enlightenment philosophers were racialists. It was the Enlightenment that inspired the first systematic attempts to classify the human races. The Enlightenment lionized science which undermined the old Christian ideal of the unity of humanity.
The roots of anti-racism can be traced back to Romanticism. In reaction to the Enlightenment, the Romantics glorified the “noble savage” and the primitive. They deplored modern industrial civilization. The modern love affair with the negro and all the screeds about how European imperialism has “oppressed” the Third World can be laid at the door of Romanticism, not the Enlightenment.
6.) Destroying Europe – Europe immolated itself in two fratricidal World Wars. It is hardly the fault of Americans that Communism was so popular in Europe or that European nation-states could not get along. A thoughtful American might respond that if Europe had developed a greater sense of racial consciousness, it would never have blown itself to pieces and lost its world leadership.
7.) Jews – Europeans emancipated the Jews all by themselves. By the early twentieth century, the Jewish Problem was already far advanced in Germany. Jews were involved in subversive movements all across Europe.
8.) Corruption – European nationalists have claimed for centuries that poor, innocent Europe is being corrupted by hopelessly decadent America.
In fact, upon close examination, you will see that the opposite is true: communism, romanticism, socialism, feminism, anarchism, fascism, liberalism, anti-racism, anti-fascism, postmodernism, cultural relativism, and post-structuralism were imported into America from Europe.
American youth are indoctrinated in these subversive ideals in public schools which is another European innovation. The last thing they are taught is their own history and traditions.
Francis Parker Yockey was brilliant in many ways, but his demonization of America and his romanticized portrait of Europe is false and misleading. That said, I highly recommend reading him. No self respecting White Nationalist should be without a copy of Imperium in his private library.
The Jews had a lot of power in ‘old Europe’. The ruling classes hired them for tax collection and other tasks and borrowed money from them to finance their wars. When they did kick out the Jews, it was usually because they ran out of money to pay them off, and then the Jews would just get hired by the ruling class of another country.
Europeans never defined themselves in racial terms.
Ever read Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ or even ‘The Merchant of Venice’?!?!?
These works are not understandable unless one takes into account Europeans Racial Attitudes.
“Yockey may have had some good points about America’s destructive influence on the West but his idea that true Rightists should seek an alliance with the far left and support the spread of Communism and Third World anti-colonial movements show the limitations of his thinking.”
Limited thinking? Others have taken the baton and tried to run with these ideas and they are doing good work. Heck we have National Anarchists on this blog and that type of ideology could be an extension of what Yockey was advocating (one COULD argue that Anarchism is an Organic Rightist Ideology, but lets get real here, it is mostly a leftist ideology…)
“This view of race is certainly “odd” in comparison to the modern, materialistic view of race, which focuses solely on the race of the body, but I think it speaks to some profound truths about the nature of who we are, and it is congruent with much Classical thinking on “race,” although they never called it that.”
Bear in mind that alot of these ‘spiritual racialist’ types are fighting Nordicist type thinking. (and thank goodness for that!)
Here is a brief link as well (forgot to post it…)
Jewish Hollywood produced a flood of anti-National Socialist films and pro-war films during World War II. The war, not the sixties, was the turning point. After the war Hollywood Jews slowly introduced anti-racist propaganda. They attacked anti-semitism with Gentleman’s Agreement in 1947, indicted the White racist on the jury in Twelve Angry Men (1957), promoted White-Hispanic race mixing in West Side Story (1961), White-Asian race mixing in South Pacific (1958) and The Sand Pebbles (1966), and these are just some obvious examples. Many films from the postwar period have anti-racist subtexts. Almost every “serious” film does.
I think you are exaggerating the strength of the European social order. In France, the Bourbon monarchy was violently overthrown, and the Jacobin craze was exported across Europe. From 1936 to 1937, the Jew Leon Blum served as Prime Minister of France, at the head of a Popular Front coalition that included the Communist Party.
In Britain, the Jews were emancipated and extended all the rights of other citizens. The Jews quickly accumulated massive wealth and married into the aristocracy. From 1874 to 1880, the Jew Benjamin Disraeli was Prime Minister of the UK. By the Second World War, Jews had throughly infiltrated the British media.
In Spain, the Spanish Republic collapsed in the Spanish Civil War and became a proving ground for fighting between fascists, communists, and anarchists. The Spanish monarchy was tottering by the 1930s. In the nineteenth century, socialists and anarchists had a stronger presence in Spain than anywhere else.
The Netherlands has been at the forefront of liberalism for hundreds of years. Jews relocated there after they were expelled from Spain. They accumulated massive wealth and influence there. In the Netherlands, a majority of Jews were involved in Socialism and Communism before the Second World War.
Germany, as we have seen, was the home of Marx and Engels. The Jews were emancipated in Germany like they were in other European countries. The Second Reich was a paradise for Jews. They took over huge sectors of the German economy and successfully infiltrated academia. Hitler spoke at great length about the Jewish Question in Germany and never blamed America for the existence of the problem.
Russia went up in flames after the Bolshevik Revolution. The Jews are notorious for their actions in that country. Russia under the Romanovs was filled with every stripe of leftist imaginable.
In Poland, Jews accumulated massive wealth and privileges.
In Hungary, the Jew Bela Kun was briefly the head of the Hungarian Soviet Republic.
Ireland was heavily influenced by Marxism.
If you review European history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, America (with the exception of the Civil War) looks like a model of stability. Socialism is a dirty word in America. Communist is an epithet.
The American system has proven far more effective at snuffing out extremist political movements. In America, the masses are under the delusion that they rule themselves. They are under the delusion that anyone can rise in social status.
The fact that America never had an aristocracy was an advantage. It prevented the anger of the masses from boiling into open rebellion against the status quo. That’s why America’s millionaires never suffered the fate of their Russian or Romanian counterparts.
In a traditional society if the Jews can win over the elite they can dominate as long as the elite allows them to. The elite eventually gets tired of Jewish scheming and throws them out.
Liberalism (both kinds) is new enough that we don’t know how long Jews will be able to dominate liberal societies. If we date the Jewish takeover to 1933 then they’ve been on top in the US for 77 years and I wouldn’t bet on them losing control in the next ten years.
The difference from a traditional society is there’s no power that’s ours as a birthright. Jews now control everything that matters. We can’t restore the monarchy, we can’t reestablish the church, and we can’t persuade the aristocracy. The Jews are the aristocracy. This hasn’t happened to any traditional nation without that nation converting to liberalism first.
“The difference from a traditional society is there’s no power that’s ours as a birthright.”
I’d say the opposite. In a traditional society we have no power that’s ours as a birthright unless we’re part of the aristocracy or a priest or some other part of the traditional power structure.
In a democracy the power we have as a birthright is ourselves. We haven’t been using that power because, in my view, the mass media is so critical in a democracy.
“Jews now control everything that matters.”
They don’t control it directly though. People mostly vote for people from their own ethnic group so the jews have to maintain a massive unwieldy alliance through trying to puppet-master hundreds of different groups half of which are more anti-jewish than WNs are.
Also a significant part of their control, government money, won’t be affordable soon.
After reading your posting of 6-23-10, 2:27AM, I think that you, not just your commentariat, knows nothing of what you write.
I thought you were brighter than that.
We’re actually working on a slight modification to this:
Then we’ll set it up to auto-post here under your name, which will save you the effort of actually showing up to post here.
All right guys, play nice.
Wow. How weird and how unprofessional this is. I have just lost a lot of respect for OD, because of the way you are intentionally attacking allies and creative men. It is vulgar and ugly. The whole point of this exorcise in fact seems to be to degrade and demean in the most possible way Gregg Johnson and Michael O’Meara, Why? I certainly do not get it. I like what they have to offer and what is here, really, what is the problem?
I haven’t attacked Johnson or O’Meara. We have some differences of opinion on history, philosophy, and strategy, but that is the extent of it. I think Yockey was wrong on several points. That’s what inspired this discussion.
Here in America, the problem is not that we lack ideas, or that we can’t decide what we want. White Nationalism never goes anywhere because 95% of its partisans are perfectly content to be drive-by anonymous posters on the internet.
Look at Virginia. No one is doing anything here. The League of the South chapters are dead. CofCC doesn’t have a chapter. EAU doesn’t have a chapter. The National Alliance/National Vanguard is dead.
EURO is Ron Doggett. Amren is Jared Taylor and Stephen Webster publishing a newsletter. Volksfront has a few active people. The Klan has a few members. There is a skinhead group called Confederate Hammerskins and the NSM has two or three units.
There is no credible organized resistance movement to the status quo in Virginia. There is no real world institution that can become the focal point of political change.
Instead, there are thousands of people in Virginia who browse racialist websites, share their thoughts, and wonder why life for White Americans is always getting worse.
What holds for Virginia is true of most of the other states.
The ideological debate is over.
I have unilaterally decided that the goal is a Jew-free, White ethnostate in North America. It is time to move on to Step 2 which is planning how to get from here to there.
First observation: No one is doing anything.
Second observation: If things are going to change, we have to do something.
Third observation: There isn’t even so much as a pro-White network in this state.
The whole point of this exorcise
You offer nothing by way of criticism or analysis of Yockey, Furthermore, this has come on the release of Greg Johnson’s website and the discussion has been springboarded to attack the ideas there. It is obvious. If you were not intent on attacking them then why bring it up? I am telling you it looks bad and is unprofessional. What is the deal with the butt tattoo and ripping apart the journal Gereg Johnson once edited? Tell me please?
Why not support them? The site is great.
To elaborate a bit:
I don’t think HW attacked me. Instead, he attacked the one tradition we have that can still save us. His is the old Anglo-American course alien to continental Europe — the one that opened the door to the money-masters; mine is the Irish-German one favoring the Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis.
HW, do you know which of these two traditions has done the better job defending us?
HW, I also apologize if my earlier remark was rude (however true).
I think you’re one of the brighter lights in the rising generation. And I respect the work you’ve done in trying to develop a racialist network in the South. But it’s disturbing that you have that old Calvinist hatred for Europe. And a hatred of Europe — a hatred of our origins — is one of the pathologies infesting the air-conditioned nightmare.
You, like the rest of us, don’t know quite as much as you think you do — and, in any case, should definitely not profess on those absolutely key issues related to our heritage, on which you, by your own confession, know nothing.
“If you believe that immigration did not depress native birth rates and displace the colonial stock, why don’t you present an argument or evidence to back up your claim?”
Why don’t you do the same for yours? Citing Mad Grant is neither evidence nor much of an argument.
Ireland was heavily influenced by Marxism.
Just because some IRA freedom fighters said they were Marxists as a way to get some fools to send weapons to them does not mean they were actually Marxist!
Why don’t you do the same for yours? Citing Mad Grant is neither evidence nor much of an argument.
Read “Restriction of Immigration” by Francis Amasa Walker, “Immigration Restriction and World Eugenics” by Prescott F. Hall, and Chapter XI of The Rising Tide of Color by Lothrop Stoddard.
Link to “Restriction of Immigration”: http://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/unbound/flashbks/immigr/walke.htm
Links to “Immigration Restriction and World Eugenics” and The Rising Tide of Color are in previous comments.
Hunter Wallace wrote:
If you review European history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, America (with the exception of the Civil War) looks like a model of stability.
You proved my point. Europeans suffered upheavals because they chose to fight. America didn’t fight at all.
“…with the exception of the Civil War…”
That’s quite an exception, wouldn’t you say?
Oh Mr. Miggles, are you there? Why of course you are, you cyber-punk you. Got to run. But here’s a nice little present for you, old pal.
Euro says:
There is nothing particularly impressive about chopping down a bunch of trees.
Lothrop Stoddard (pp. 261-262 of The Rising Tide of Color) on the colonial stock:
Despite Yockey’s factual errors and minor miscalculations with his predictions, his works are very valuable, esp. his applications of C. Schmitt’s understanding of the nature of politics. Russia might be vindicating Yockey in the near future…we’ll see.
Thomas Jefferson on population and immigration in Notes on the State of Virginia
“America as it might have been”
Edward Cary Hayes, Introduction to the Study of Sociology, pp. 267-269
Robert Campbell says:
It is disingenuous to associate Franz Boas with “German anthropology” or Germany at all. Jews are not Germans.
Whether the jewbag Boas came from Germany or not, it was america that gave him carte blanche over America’s official position on race thereafter.
1.) I offered several very specific criticisms of Yockey’s glorification of Europe.
2.) Only a handful of people have weighed in to dispute those substantive points.
3.) I wrote this article as a response to the article that Robert Campbell posted here.
4.) How are we attacking Counter Currents? We link to them and republished two of their articles. Rob was given permission to post articles as he feels necessary.
5.) H. Rock White speaks for himself. We have always been pretty liberal about the comments on this site. The various authors who post here criticize each other all the time. Remember the women’s rights debate? This thread is no exception.
6.) I let all the comments through that criticize us.
Michael O’Meara writes:
After reading your posting of 6-23-10, 2:27AM, I think that you, not just your commentariat, knows nothing of what you write.
I thought you were brighter than that.”
What is misguided about what Mr. Wallace writes O’Meara? Instead of attacking him and writing off what he wrote, why don’t you point out where he is wrong.
Why does it seem that a sort of East vs. West Coast battle is arising here at OD? O’Meara is based in California, correct?
Hunter, based in Virginia from what I gather, actually goes out and does stuff throughout the south. He has done an excellent job of filming events and networking. Thanks to him, we have footage from the CoCC conference and other events.
Mr. O’Meara, what exactly have those on the West Coast done, except languish in theory and chastise those on the East Coast for being insufficiently lock-step in the praise of an obscure figure like Yockey?
Hoping for the real-world application of Harold Covington’s ideas doesn’t count.
Why don’t you go back to Europe, if America is lost, Mr. O’Meara?
This is an embarrassing thread and it shows why no serious White Nationalist should take the people on the West Coast seriously.
In my discussion with American White Nationalists and European nationalists, I have learned several important lessons over the years:
1.) Europeans are focused on their own countries: British Nationalists are focused on Britain. Irish Nationalists are focused on Ireland. German Nationalists are focused on Germany. That’s the way it should be.
2.) White Nationalists in America tend to embrace the whole White race in a grand act of universalism. They believe in “White Pride World Wide.” Often enough, they become obsessed with NS Germany, Medieval Europe, Ancient Greece and Rome. Some of the more bizarre ones idolize the Soviet Union.
3.) European nationalists dislike White Nationalists. They also dislike Americans. At least most of them do. There are a few exceptions like Tom Sunic.
4.) As an American, I am in no position to change things on the ground in Europe. What I can do is try to change things in America.
5.) The best way for an American to help out European nationalists is to take back our own country. If the use of American military force was removed from the equation, European nationalists would have a far greater chance of success in restoring racial and cultural sanity to their own nations.
6.) For the reasons above, I have focused my efforts exclusively on the United States, and more narrowly on my kin group in the American South. In fact, the original subtitle of this blog was “Racial and Cultural Preservation in North America.”
Ideological Differences
1) It is fair to say that I support the Anglo-American course.
2.) It is fair to say that this course is alien to continental Europe.
3.) America, unlike Europe, was built on the foundation of race. White Americans were racially conscious for three centuries. In the South, our entire social system was based on the racial differences. A code of racial etiquette was prescribed for almost any conceivable behavior.
4.) The ideal that America is a “White Man’s Country” and that non-Whites should be gradually purged from the American experiment is older than the Union itself.
5.) Europeans always want to talk about American influence on Europe. They do not want to talk about Europe’s influence on America. Millions of European immigrants settled in America, not the other way around. Europe’s impact on America far exceeds the American impact on Europe.
6.) America/Britain exported Darwinism, racialism, and eugenics to Europe. In return, Europe exported communism, cultural anthropology, anarchism, postmodernism, and feminism to America.
7.) The ideas that Europeans deplore – hatred and loathing of the West, political correctness, feminism, anti-racism/anti-fascism – originated in their own societies. The history of all these social movements are documented and well known.
8.) WASPs lost control of America sixty years ago. America’s racial and cultural decline tracks WASP downward mobility. The American ruling class is heavily composed of Jews and European ethnics along with a reduced WASP remnant.
9.) American children are not taught their own traditions. American academia has been completely hijacked by aliens. These aliens brainwash our youth with a mishmash of Marxism, cultural relativism, political correctness, multiculturalism, and postmodernism – none of which are indigenous to this continent.
10.) If American children were actually taught the beliefs of their ancestors, there wouldn’t be a problem. Instead, we have aliens in control of our media and schools teaching our youth the latest fashionable ideological nonsense.
I don’t have a problem with Europe. Far from it, I want Europeans to reclaim control of their own societies. I only want Europeans to stop blaming America for all their problems and come to terms with their own history.
In fairness to the West Coast, Greg and O’Meara recently had the Francis Parker Yockey memorial. Andrew is doing things with his BANA group. They were attacked in San Francisco at that immigration protest. I’m told that Greg has a book club out there.
Greg has the new website up. They are publishing two new books. A month ago, Greg was talking about creating a West Coast based organization. I’m not sure what came of that.
OD’s three biggest states are 1.) California, 2.) Virginia, and 3.) Texas.
“The Anglo-Saxon American[‘s] history is a history of recurrent outbreaks of blind rage against peoples who have begun to worst him. . . . Theoretically launched against some imaginary inferiority in the non-Anglo-Saxon man, either as patriot, as democrat or as Christian, they are actually launched at his general superiority, his greater fitness to survive in the national environment. The effort is always to penalize him for winning in fair fight, to handicap him in such a manner that he will sink to the general level of the Anglo-Saxon population and, if possible, even below it.
“Such devices, of course, never have the countenance of the Anglo-Saxon minority that is authentically superior, and hence self-confident and tolerant. But that minority is pathetically small, and it tends steadily to grow smaller and feebler. The communal laws and the communal mores are made by the folk, and they offer all the proof that is necessary, not only of its general inferiority, but also of its alarmed awareness of that inferiority. The normal American of the ‘pure-blooded’ majority goes to rest every night with an uneasy feeling that there is a burglar under the bed, and he gets up every morning with a sickening fear that his underwear has been stolen. . . .
“His political ideas are crude and shallow. He is almost wholly devoid of esthetic feeling. The most elementary facts about the visible universe alarm him, and incite him to put them down. Educate him, make a professor of him, teach him how to express his soul, and he still remains palpably third-rate. He fears ideas almost more cravenly than he fears men.” —H.L. Mencken, “Americans,” first published in the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 16, 1923
H.L. Mencken was one of the earliest promoters of the counter culture. No thanks. I would rather have America as it used to be.
“The colonial stock was perhaps the finest that nature had evolved since the classic Greeks”
Pure delirium. So who’s your Plato? Your Aristotle? Your Homer?
“The number of great names which America produced at the beginning of its national life shows the high level of ability possessed by this relatively small people (only about 3,000,000 whites in 1790).”
More delirium.What great names? Now you’re quoting Loppy quoting Mad Grant. Pathetic.
Hayes, Huntington and the rest are all out of date has beens. Their works have been refuted by modern scholarship. They weren’t even very good when they were contemporary. Third-rate mediocrities, they were. So sad.
The Mencken quote was directed at the stark raving mad jackass, not you. You know the one I’m talking about. I doubt Mencken was a promoter of the counter-culture as it has come to be known and understood.
“The effort is always to penalize him for winning in fair fight, to handicap him in such a manner that he will sink to the general level of the Anglo-Saxon population and, if possible, even below it.”
If the Anglo-Saxons were so inferior then they’d be irrelevant.
It shows that a lot of these ideological arguments aren’t ideological at all they’re tribal disputes wrapped in an ideological disguise.
I think Hunter drank some CCCool-aid and is trying on some sort of Southern populist-conservative persona for size. It is anti-Europe, as if America were a different civilization than Europe, rather than merely an offshoot of Europe (unless we want to count the “contributions” of Blacks and Amerindians). It is anti-intellectual, as if American common sense were something more than a set of unexamined ideas (also imported from Europe) and practical political and economic experiences that were also shared by Europeans.
I think that he feels that it is possible to create a white nationalism based not on opposition to non-whites and Jews (who are now “Europeans”) but on opposition to non-whites and other whites (Europeans).
Now we have other posters chiming in, adding other white groups to the enemies list, e.g., West Coast people. I am sure that the Yankees and Irish and Italians won’t be far behind. Funny how history repeats.
I get it. I know that we have to try to reconnect with whatever healthy, organic elements of racialism are in our culture.
But I don’t think it this particular gambit will accomplish much.
First, these people lost a long time ago, and returning to their strategies is about as nostalgic and pointless as the Third Reich re-enactors.
Second, the Anglo-Protestant culture they draw upon is weak, which is why the United States today is the Great Satan spreading anti-white universalism and pro-Jewish particularism all over the world.
Third, it is obviously insincere, and although sincerity and honesty and frankness are nowhere held in lower regard than in Anglo-America, this is one of the main weaknesses of the conservative movement, and it is the exploding briefcase in the conservative baggage of what passes for the racialist movement today. (I need to write a whole essay about this.)
Maybe someday someone will find the perfect political cocktail of lies and truths to bring Americans back to their senses. If that happens, I will fall right in line. But until such time, I prefer that we level with each other. No, I am not talking about “dear diary”/confessional blogging about our personal lives and experiences. None of us are that interesting. I am talking about being frank about facts and our ideological convictions rather than pandering and posturing and patty-cake and snuffling up the vomit of conservatism. That is how I plan to spend the rest of my life.
Excellent comments, Greg.
I agree with you that this is largely a false dichotomy. Moreover, still unanswered is the question that Michael O’Meara posed to Hunter at the outset of this thread:
“If America – its origin and destiny – is not European, then what is it?”
A few points.
1. As I was trying to get at in the Nazbol post, I think it is a mistake to try to figure out the ideology first, and then craft activism accordingly. I don’t dispute the need for intellectuals and vanguard thinkers (if I didn’t think myself one at least somewhat, I wouldn’t be writing here). At the same time, I think the ideology that will ultimately become our rallying point here in the USA will develop organically through activism and participation in the mainstream of our political and cultural life. As Americans, it seems prudent and appropriate that we be aware of our own nationalist tradition before we simply run to Europeans to tell us what to do. Let’s craft something using our own native traditions and use European and other foreign influences to adopt to our own specific circumstances. The eugenics movement, the Southern Agrarians, Sam Francis — there are a host of important influences we can look to.
2. Let’s stop putting down the American racialist movement as somehow stupid or unsophisticated. We have unique challenges in this country that make it more difficult to craft a real political opposition but let’s be honest — in many ways, the movement here is more vibrant than in Europe. Something like Knob Creek could never happen anywhere in Europe. The media in Europe is in many ways worse than what we have here.
Also, let’s not forget that Dr. Tomislav Sunic, perhaps the most well known proponent of the European New Right other than de Benoist, addressed the Council of Conservative Citizens. They are hardly a bunch of rubes.
3. There is a real American culture that built this country and that still exists. It is submerged and it is oppressed. It suffers just as much as the Europeans from the current political and cultural regime. That is the problem. A rebellion in the name and in the interest of that real America is what can win the day. Any movement that can’t appeal at least somewhat to the mystic chords of memory in the American heart will not get off the ground.
As an aside, that is why although I endorse secession and the ethnostate, I fully endorse the idea (stated by Harold Covington among others) that the new White Republic should claim to be the successor and redeemer to the true United States of America, rather than ceding that legacy to the Federal Government of today.
4. Whatever our disagreements, typing away on the internet is less important than doing stuff in the real world. Even doing stupid stuff or making mistakes has value in lessons learned and networks formed. There should be at least a 50/50 ratio of activism and networking to intellectual work on this blog and in our lives.
Feminism was not imported to America from continental Europe.
It was brought to America by renowned Eugenic Darwinian Margret Singer, who was a lover of HG Wells.
T. H. Huxley known as “Darwin’s Bulldog,” was an avid supporter of feminism and it was his wife’s father who helped to pass the Education Act of 1870. This Act among other things totally standardised and destroyed rural character of The English. Many writers have commented on this in cluding Colligwood.
The whole British circle of atheist scientific intellectual were pro feminism and universalism, and anti- nationalistic, Darwinians and feminism went hand in hand. It can be easily proved.
It was Huxley’s brother who went on to create the UNESCO, a globalist organisation that promotes feminism.
The movement was wholly British and it’s intention was to impose it on everyone in the world.
But who cares right? Better to just blame those nasty “Europeans.”
I am not trying to be mean, by the way. I am a totally sincere reader who does not personally know any of the actors here. But with such glaring errors and misrepresentations, it looks like a smear campaign. Perhaps I am wrong. I do not agree with everything Gregg Johnson writes, however I have a sense of the man, his world view, it is consistent and authentic, which is more then I can say for most people.
Greg speaks the truth here. American civilization is an extension of an older European one, we denigrate the latter at the expense of severing the former from its roots.
Now this is wrong. How could a weak Anglo-American civilization win war after war and effectively conquer the globe?
In my opinion, the problem with our Anglo-American civilization is that it built itself on the wrong foundation. Instead of centering itself on the robust cornerstones of European identity and tradition it chose to lay its foundation with abstract principles like liberty and natural rights. Even in this late hour we can see the consequences of this decision as angry conservatives try to save their nation by rallying themselves under the banner of those same abstract principles, all the while trying to tell themselves that identity doesn’t really matter in a futile attempt to show that they’re not racist.
“If America – its origin and destiny – is not European, then what is it?”
Depends on the definition of ‘European’. If you mean ‘white’, then yes. If you mean what is today defined as continental ‘European’ culture, which was formed by the Romantic & Marxist movements, we don’t need or want these poisons.
As regards feminism, one can pull as many names of theorists from continental Europe as from the Anglosphere
As far as actual measurements for takeover by feminism, we can examine the dates as which women received full suffrage. Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Poland, the Netherlands, all gave women full suffrage before the US did, though only by a couple decades or so. Sweden did this in 1718(!), well before the U.S was even a country.
Comparing “romanticism” which in England and America was a literary
and artistic movement to jewish Marxism is totally disingenuous. I suppose the next essay will refer to Poe as a communist European! What a joke this is becoming.
Singer advocated abortion and birth control and wanted it imposed world wide. Lets look at the advocates of the UN?
“Second, the Anglo-Protestant culture they draw upon is weak, which is why the United States today is the Great Satan spreading anti-white universalism and pro-Jewish particularism all over the world.”
If it was so weak it couldn’t have become the “Great” Satan could it.
“Third, it is obviously insincere, and although sincerity and honesty and frankness are nowhere held in lower regard than in Anglo-America”
This is just ethnic hatred masquerading as ideological conflict.
No one is going to be able to create a mass movement built on a hatred of a large part of their potential supporters.
“How could a weak Anglo-American civilization win war after war and effectively conquer the globe?”
Is a 200 lb Aryan muscleman who is dominated and bossed around and driven to ruin by a shrewish Jewish princess a strong man or a weak man?
There are different kinds of strength, and you are focusing on the most superficial one.
Your claim that America has false ideological foundations is a big part of what I mean by a cultural weakness.
Actually, this has been my view for years now. In 2006, I started OD as a response to the defunct Stirpes forum.
1.) The original sub-title of this blog was “Racial and Cultural Preservation in North America.”
2.) For several years now, I have written almost exclusively about the United States. There have only been a handful of exceptions: a few posts about Britain, a few about Whites in Africa, one or two about Germany.
3.) European nationalists focus on their own countries. I prefer to focus on mine.
4.) I’m not anti-European in the slightest. I want to see the nationalist movement overseas succeed. The most logical way for Americans to contribute to that project is to take back our own country. What good are American nationalists to our European allies if current regime in Washington remains in place?
What initiated this whole debate is Francis Parker Yockey’s anti-Americanism and the fact that you are promoting it. I disagreed with several of his core premises. I punctured several holes in his romanticization of Europe and its alleged stability.
Europe was no more immune to Jewish influence than America. Russia, as we have seen, fell to the Bolsheviks. In the 1920s, Germany was already overrun by Jews. France and Britain had Jewish Prime Ministers. The Netherlands was full of powerful and influential Jews.
What’s more, the “High Culture” of Europe has been pumping out one crazy idea after another for as long as I can remember, especially since the end of the Second World War. Look no further than Jean-Paul Sartre who traveled the world with Simone de Beauvoir sucking up Communist dictators and promoting non-White revolution in the Third World.
1.) You think we need still more European ideas. What passes for “common sense” in America today is a pastiche of Cultural Marxism, feminism, expressive individualism, romanticism of non-Whites, Western self loathing and hatred – all shit that poured out of France and Western Europe in the 1950s and 1960s – which has since filtered down through our universities and public schools. The humanities in particular are full of this fashionable intellectual nonsense.
2.) Ridicule “common sense” all you want, but I would take the “common sense” of the of the American South circa 1950 over all the European intellectuals of the twentieth century. Back then we had the sense to know that America was a “White Man’s Country” and should remain that way indefinitely. If we actually cared today about our own heritage and tradition enough to reactive them, we wouldn’t have many of these problems.
3.) “Common sense” says that the reason the White Nationalist movement never goes anywhere is because no one ever does anything in the real world. There is no one doing anything on the ground here in Virginia. That is why our enemies seem omnipotent.
Instead of doing things in reality, we have thousands of people discussing the most intricate and elaborate details of a fantasy White ethnostate and feuding with each other on the internet over subjects like Nordicism and Christianity instead of actually taking the first steps to bring said ethnostate about.
4.) We already have one good idea – a White ethnostate. End of story. That idea alone is sufficient. Let’s take that one idea and work on implementing it in the real world. That’s a better use of our time than naval gazing all day over Martin Heidegger. These philosophical discussions can go on until the sun goes supernova within the context of a White ethnostate.
“Is a 200 lb Aryan muscleman who is dominated and bossed around and driven to ruin by a shrewish Jewish princess a strong man or a weak man?”