Richard Hoste has a piece at his HBD Books site, Pitfalls of White Nationalism, which embraces the American right’s single most time-honored tradition: that of attacking somebody to the right of yourself to win the respect of our Leftist overlords.
Murray Rothbard [Jewish] in the 1990s wrote that while he opposed anti-Semitism, nobody in America who was an anti-Semite had any power so he focused on the dangers posed by anti-anti-Semites. I feel the same way. If Jews were being persecuted I would stand up for them, but many of them today are the persecutors both in America and Palestine. I don’t attack extreme white nationalists because they have no power either. The people who say race is nothing control the government and all intellectual discourse so why waste time bashing those who just as crazily think race is everything?
Still, to distance myself from opinions that are truly insane I have to say that this piece from Occidental Dissent is something else. It shows sympathy towards some sick ideology called “National Bolshevism.”
Based on Hoste’s article, one would be left with the entirely wrong impression that Gregory Hood was advocating for National Bolshevism. When one bothers to actually read the article and then recognize its place in the context of our fierce debate centering on the anti-American/pro-Soviet sentiments of Francis Parker Yockey, the concerns that our good friend Mr. Hood may be “truly insane” and enthralled by a “sick ideology” can be safely put to rest.
Does this sound to you like a man who’s delusional in his affinity for Russia…
Does this mean that the USSR was somehow some closet WN force? Of course not and it’s simply stupid to suggest that. The Soviet Union funded the guerrillas that washed away Rhodesia and white South Africa in rivers of blood. They promoted Latin American revolutionaries that were thinly veiled anti-white brown chauvinists. Communist propaganda constantly attacked our country as racist and spouted the usual anti-racist line. Nor was America some inherently destructive force. The USA manipulated elections to prevent the Reds from taking over Italy and France in the 1940’s. We used military coups to stop Communism in Greece and Chile, among other places. Overtly and covertly, America assisted right wing regimes around the world throughout the 20th century and, deliberately or not, fought for the pro white side in many cases.
For American white nationalists, National Bolshevism is something to be studied, for the truths revealed within and for its importance to contemporary politics, but not something to be emulated.
Personally, I think Hoste’s libertarianism is the truly insane, sick ideology. In fact, he may even be a “libertarian nut“.
Dear Richard Hoste…
- When you declare that you feel the “same way” as Murray Rothbard on the subject of anti-Semitism, believing it to be a “danger”, what do you define as anti-Semitism? Do you consider Justin Raimondo anti-Semitic? What about Pat Buchanan? Is somebody who asserts that Jews intrinsically have dual national loyalties and are therefore unfit for high office an anti-Semite?
- When you declare that you don’t attack extreme white nationalists because they have no power, are you implying that you would attack white nationalists if they had power, or only extreme ones? If so, would you please elucidate your distinction between an extreme white nationalist and a sensible one?
- Who “crazily [thought] race means everything“?
- What does race mean to you, personally? What sacrifices would you be willing to make to defend your White American ethnic identity? How important is race to you compared to, say, libertarian ideals?
- If socialism is a disease that should “be eradicated”, what steps do you believe would be appropriate to eradicate the menace of “socialism”?
I googled “Richard Hoste” and this came up:
Gregory Hood isn’t a National Bolshevik. He isn’t advocating National Bolshevism either. We had a good laugh about this earlier.
Hoste’s post is sensible and accurate.
While he’s probably not as idealistic and racialist as many here, compared to others in the HBD community he is far to the right.
His perception of race being the number one motivation among the majority of OD posters and commentators is wrong, it’s not race, it’s anti-Semitism that is the main driving force.
His remark about there’s no reason to oppose “racists” when the Left has all the power makes sense, it’s the kind of thing that resonates with the average person. The common perception is there’s all of this institutionalized racism everywhere, when in fact the only thing that is institutionalized is anti-racism or anti-Whitism/anti-Europeanism.
“Hoste’s post is sensible and accurate.”
Hoste could have just said “I disagree with the ideas in this article by Gregory Hood, and here is why.”
Instead, he used the words “sick,” “insane,” and “Occidental Dissent” in the same sentence.
That sounds like something Tim Wise or Abe Foxman would say, not sensible or accurate commentary.
America needs its own version of National Bolshevism. We should revisit William Jennings Bryan, Huey Long, and Father Coughlin. They all represented a traditionalist, populist tradition native to America that stood against international finance (ie., Jews).
Well, I would never shy away attacking somebody on the right of myself, if he is advocating something stupid, wrong or unjustifiable. And not any “Leftist overlord” can force me into solidarity with jerks, only because they happen to be Rightists of some sort as well.
Nazbolchs may have lots of hot young chicks and good-looking dudes on their side, but essentially all this is as bonkers – and as campy – as it gets. Worse, its imagery is based on both nostalgia and iconoclasm and seems more like an all-too-obvious try for provocation, to “scare the bourgeois” and deliberately play the bogeyman for liberals by embracing BOTH of their worst nightmares, Hitler AND Stalin, because it is so much fun seeing them get the creeps. It is exactly the same joke as in The Simpsons, only played out in epic real-life proportions, and self-parody is always just around the corner. There is nothing politically valuable in that – it just makes up for a great show and some youthful rebellion. How could a movement led by a screwball such as Eduard Limonow, a punk rocker who never grew up, be any different?
Agreed. What we need is an Andrew Jackson to shut down the god-damned Fed.
I have read a lot of stuff over at Alt Right that I consider insane. I also have read a lot of things that I find useful. Hoste for example I find useful and one of the better contributors over at Alt-right.
I will say this though, libertarianism and its spin offs of race realism and HBD are a dead end for our people. In my view, they offer nothing to rally behind as they are empty ideas that have no heart.
I think race realism and HBD are very important: if these truths ever got out, they would blow apart the entire basis that our current corrupt social order is based on. The current order could even survive the ‘holocaust’ being proven a hoax, but it could not survive wide acceptance of innate differences in races.
HBD and race realism are important in the sense that they are better than what we have. Hpwever, HBD and race realism focus on IQ which floods our nations with Asians instead of third world refuse. I see it as worthless. My opinion.
“I will say this though, libertarianism and its spin offs of race realism and HBD are a dead end for our people. In my view, they offer nothing to rally behind as they are empty ideas that have no heart.”
I think there’s two halves to it.
When the cultural marxists attacked the old culture they attacked every aspect of it, from hundreds of different directions and all at once. Attacking and knocking down the dominant culture is like the air force preparing the ground. Libertarianism, race realism and HBD can all be used for that.
Actually advancing and taking the ground afterwards with an organisation comes second, and yes that probably needs to be driven by heart.
When the cultural marxists attacked the old culture they attacked every aspect of it, from hundreds of different directions and all at once. Attacking and knocking down the dominant culture is like the air force preparing the ground. Libertarianism, race realism and HBD can all be used for that.</i.
This is true and why I would never attack HBD with all my heart like I would against our true enemies. I simply do not agree that it is the best outcome for our people. We should however try to convince them (HBD types) to rid themselves of their fanatics who would love to flood our nations with Asians. They do nothing but serve the opposite of what we should be doing.
When the cultural marxists attacked the old culture they attacked every aspect of it, from hundreds of different directions and all at once. Attacking and knocking down the dominant culture is like the air force preparing the ground. Libertarianism, race realism and HBD can all be used for that.
This is true and why I would never attack HBD with all my heart like I would against our true enemies. I simply do not agree that it is the best outcome for our people. We should however try to convince them (HBD types) to rid themselves of their fanatics who would love to flood our nations with Asians. They do nothing but serve the opposite of what we should be doing.
(Mods delete the post i messed up above please)
“We should however try to convince them (HBD types) to rid themselves of their fanatics who would love to flood our nations with Asians.”
Fair point. I’d forgotten about them.
H. Rock White said…
I think race realism and HBD are very important: if these truths ever got out, they would blow apart the entire basis that our current corrupt social order is based on. The current order could even survive the ‘holocaust’ being proven a hoax, but it could not survive wide acceptance of innate differences in races.
I think you underestimate the capacity for humans, particularly humans who aren’t intellectually-inclined, to blissfully retain inconsistencies and contradictions. We’ve had the crime statistics and intelligence metrics from concrete sources, from myriad directions, for decades. But most people are more concerned about being “right” than being “correct”. While the correct answer is that human populations have profound and consequential differences, the right answer is that Judeo-Masonic myth of intrinsic equality.
As others have suggested, the second problem with HBD is that it doesn’t so much advance our cause as shift the battlefield. A man who has no sense of fraternity with his ethnic people will simply make private decisions to avoid Blacks and Mexicans while looking forward to the arrival of more Asian and Jewish technocrats. In my opinion, an alien overclass is more deleterious to our long-term interests than an alien underclass, anyway.
I think race realism and HBD are very important: if these truths ever got out, they would blow apart the entire basis that our current corrupt social order is based on. The current order could even survive the ‘holocaust’ being proven a hoax, but it could not survive wide acceptance of innate differences in races.
n/a has been posting recently on how the current order will respond to scientific facts about racial differences. They will just go from saying “race does not exist” to saying “races may be different but it does not matter.”
What we need is a shift in morality.
This is about the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen. How fucking bored must these two people be to be taking shots at each other. Talk about not having anything fucking better to do.
June 24, 2010 at 11:02 pm
I googled “Richard Hoste” and this came up:
That is a page about someone named Jack Silverstein.
Does this imply that Richard Hoste is a pseudonym and Silverstein is his real name?
Or does it merely imply that Jack Silverstein is a separate person who reads Richard Hoste’s writings?
I consider hbd/race realism as an ‘in’ only, a penetrating tool. piercing thick-skulls requires different tools for different thick-skulls. Some people will never be reached with our blatant activism, and need to be slowly, subtly introduced.
His perception of race being the number one motivation among the majority of OD posters and commentators is wrong, it’s not race, it’s anti-Semitism that is the main driving force.
This is unfortunately very true.
Exhibit A (of a long list of exhibits) is CompassionateFascist, who said the following: “the new regime might resemble – can’t recall the poster here, but thanks for the phrase – ‘an anti-Jewish rainbow coalition’. I like it.”
I am the one who came up with the derogatory phrase “anti-Jewish rainbow coalition” to disparage those on this site (and other racialist sites) who care more about being anti-Jewish than the preservation of their race. Incredibly, CompassionateFascist has adopted this phrase as an encapsulation of his goal.
Jack Silverstein (Amazon page)
“I’m interested in history, philosophy, politics and anything having to do with human biodiversity.”
Steve :
Apr 18, 2010 11:13 am |
“It takes a Jew to name the Jew”.
Say Richard, is your real name Jack Silverstein by any chance? That’s the name that comes up when one searches Amazon under “Richard Hoste”. It would appear that you’ve deleted your previous account.
JL :
Apr 18, 2010 5:09 pm |
Say Richard, is your real name Jack Silverstein by any chance? That’s the name that comes up when one searches Amazon under “Richard Hoste”. It would appear that you’ve deleted your previous account.
Indeed. What the hell?
Steve :
Apr 18, 2010 8:48 pm |
It’s curious. I’ve never seen a picture of him represented anywhere. Now I understand.
‘It’s curious. I’ve never seen a picture of him represented anywhere. Now I understand.’
I think alternativeright.com has a picture with the “Richard Hoste” columns.
I had assumed that Hoste was the guy wearing the hat.
“We’ve had the crime statistics and intelligence metrics from concrete sources, from myriad directions, for decades.”
That may be true but personally speaking i only knew about the IQ thing in the last couple of years. I’d say only a tiny percentage know about it.
“I think you underestimate the capacity for humans, particularly humans who aren’t intellectually-inclined, to blissfully retain inconsistencies and contradictions.”
Those are exactly the people who’d believe and propagate it the most though – white blue-collar kids, mexicans, pakistanis all using it to smack-talk each other and annoy blacks online. It’s the intellectuals who can rationalize away inconsistencies.
“n/a has been posting recently on how the current order will respond to scientific facts about racial differences. They will just go from saying “race does not exist” to saying “races may be different but it does not matter.””
Good. That’s what we want. From race doesn’t exist to race exists but it doesn’t matter is a *huge* shift in our direction.
I jump on “race is a social contruct” with both feet every time it comes up.
desert-nazi: race is a social construct
patriotic anti-racist: no it isn’t
desert-nazi: race is a social construct hater nazi
patriotic anti-racist: no it isn’t
(repeat till they get annoyed just for fun)
(have two or three examples memorized)
patriotic anti-racist: example, white people can digest milk because of herd animals or something while most other people can’t
desert-nazi: hater nazi white supremacist
patriotic anti-racist: nope – another example black sprinters at the olympics are all descended from people who originally came from west africa
desert-nazi: hater nazi white supremacist
patriotic anti-racist: nope – another example black long distance runners at the olympics are all descended from people who originally came high altitude parts of east africa
desert-nazi: hater nazi white supremacist
patriotic anti-racist: nope, i’m not saying race matters, just that race exists
desert-nazi: hater nazi white supremacist
patriotic anti-racist: nope, i’m not saying race matters, just that race exists
(repeat till they give in)
Important notes:
1. Always use one example of something that obviously does, or at least *did* matter at some point in time, like lactose tolerance.
2. Always throw in the same or more pro-black examples to neutralize the white supremacist counter.
3. Never mention IQ in initial battles over this.
4. Fighting back and not losing is more important than winning.
5. The audience is what matters. There’s no point arguing with a multicultist on their own with no audience except for practise.
6. When arguing with a multicultist always cheat.
Richard Hoste writes some quality material when it doesn’t involve ideology but he fails big time on politics.
He does a poor job of reconciling his views on race with his free-market absolutism: one cannot be for unrestricted capitalism while being picky about who crosses your borders; they are mutually exclusive. He absolutely refuses to answer me when I point out that his economic ideology bankrupts whites by making them compete with Chinese slave labor and imported labor.
HBDers tend to have intellectual black holes (Auster is good at pointing this out) being fundamentally materialist. HBDism in of itself is a poor political driver; it needs to be wedded with something of a traditionalist nature.
Would anyone seriously want to end up with a political system full of people like Hoste, Sailer, and Roissy? I sure as hell wouldn’t.
Re: Hoste’s identity. No certain knowledge, but saw a post on the racehist blog citing a post on Half Sigma from a “Richard H” that self-identified as having Jewish and Arab ancestry.
Yes, Richard Hoste must be a carbon-copy of Madison Grant..
“Personally, I think Hoste’s libertarianism is the truly insane, sick ideology.”
Yes, yes it is a sick ideology.
Libertarianism can be best understood as an inverted Jewish Bolshevism. Instead of the state controlling everything (with Jews controlling the state) the Libertarian version consists of capitalists controlling everything (with Jew bankers then controlling the capitalists).
National Bolshevism is clearly a better Pro-White ideology then de-racinated libertarianism.
How about racinated libertarianism: