
Reddit on White Nationalism

Moonbats from Reddit have finally discovered an old post of mine: Reddit and Racism. There is a link to it in the Reddit Politics section called “White Nationalists are Trying to Invade Reddit.” The article currently has 1,509 up votes and almost 1,933 comments.

For a month now, I have systematically been submitting White Nationalist content to Reddit, Delicious, Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. Every article that has been posted here since late May has been posted to Reddit. We’ve also been posting content from related sites like Occidental Observer, TOQ Online, and Alternative Right.

Quietly, we have also been down voting some of the worst liberal submissions. Most threads only get a few up votes. It is easy for a group of us to go into a new liberal thread and knock it down before it gets traction.

I would prefer not to operate this way. Unfortunately, that’s the way Reddit works.

The Moonbat hordes mindlessly down vote every submission they ideologically disagree with. I can despise Tim Wise, but grant that his arguments are more sophisticated than the standard fare on the anti-racist side of the political spectrum.

Stereotypes are often true. Moonbats are the spitting image of everything they can accuse their opponents of being:

1.) The engage in mindless group think.
2.) They are bigoted, hateful, and prejudiced.
3.) They are intolerant of other perspectives.
4.) They are vulgar and ignorant.
5.) They are unsophisticated.
6.) They lack the intelligence to properly analyze ideas.

As proof, I offer this Reddit comment thread and the vulgar OD comments they are posting here. The vast majority of these people can’t even formulate a one-liner with proper spelling and grammar.

The discussions that go on here are far superior in original insight and analysis. In contrast, I can point to the threads where the Redditors show up. There is always a decline in the length, civility, and discernment of submissions.

We’re going to keep coming at them. This latest thread shows how much we are already getting under their skin.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Reddit is owned by Conde Nast, a division of Advance Publications, owned by the Jewish Newhouse family. It’s populated by the dregs of 4chan, and a handful of gay rights/Democratic party activists. As you can see from all the new “readers” their level of argumentation is generally:

    Derp derp. Im a white nationalist. I’m convinced I’m not a retard. Hurr hurr white power!

    and lots of stupid “memes” about bacon and narwhals.

    Projection. They accuse their opponents of everything they are.

    We’re going to keep coming at them. This latest thread shows how much we are already getting under their skin.

    Aside from trolling for hits, there is no point. The management will never allow a pro-White perspective. What we need is our own media, like OD, but better:

  2. Wow. Those comments are incredible. Thanks to this forum I actually lost touch with the net-wide prevalence of such shit. Their hatred is so revealing. They hate us, no, they HATE that we dare to question their mindless mantras and be concerned with our survival.

    Although it is amusing, I feel it is just a waste of time… On the other hand if there are decent people out there they may get insight into inner working of those around them whom they didnt question before.

  3. RF – What you saw is not a fluke; that’s the type of “discourse” moonbats use on all of their fora, including Firedoglake and Daily Kos. Hunter’s analysis of moonbats fits to a “T”. And they don’t just keep it verbal; remember how Andrew Yeoman and his cohorts were physically attacked by antifa in San Francisco.

    It may not necessarily be useful to actually post comments on Reddit or Digg, but it may still be useful to register on both sites just so we can give anti-White comments a thumbs-down and pro-White comments a thumbs-up.

  4. Ive been a good little hasbara on reddit every day, upvoting & downvoting, and leaving the occaisional comment too.

  5. Just seen this handy post on reddit:

    20 racists

    I must say that was jolly decent of him, thats 20 more guys for me to follow round upvoting!

    OK, not quite 20, I already follow some of them. Especially the the awesome johnny_cash.

  6. Given the type of mindless individuals who frequent Reddit, I see no point whatsoever in wasting time there. It only takes time from worthwhile projects. Just my opinion.

    Erik Nordman (formerly Nordicreb)

  7. I’d say that the usefulness of having a presence on sites like Reddit would be determined by how many dedicated people you have to actively vote up whatever content you’re submitting and to actively downvote and leave negative comments about stuff we’re opposed to.

    I don’t know the magic number, but the Jews in the Megaphone network know how to game the system like this – they have a decent number of dedicated activists running the megaphone client and can use it to “swarm” stories of interest (to leave comments, to up/downvote, etc).

    Personally, “several” doesn’t sound like enough. You’re several are easily drowned out by the thousands of unorganized but ideologically committed leftists on reddit. Turn your several into maybe 20-30 dedicated WN’s running a WN-version of Megaphone and I’d say you would be on to something.

    (That is also a hint, for any programmers out there. Obviously we don’t want to use Jewish software on our computers as who knows what kind of backdoors it has in it.)

  8. Actually, it seems like they made you look ridiculous, particularly for the hypocracy of asking your readers to vote based on politics while denouncing that very position. Too stupid for words.

  9. yoyo,

    The reality of the situation is that the leftists who control Reddit mindlessly up vote or down vote on the basis of the situation. That will never change. We are simply acknowledging the facts and responding accordingly.

  10. Ive been checking out those names mentioned on reddit.

    Its comical.

    Most of them exhibit nothing that could be mistaken for a pro-white position.

    An odd complaint here and there about Israel is enough to get you listed as a ‘racist’. Anyone who complains only about Israel and decouples that from the jews in general is barely any use at all.

  11. Please – upvoting and downvoting on reddit is a *complete and utter waste of time* – it may as well be a video game. Like online poker – how could it *not* be rigged?

    Sure, comment on the various internet forums. But clicking the mouse on a virtual reality game is pointless.

    If you’re an admin or mod on these sites, you can upvote 50 times, or ban comments, etc. Conde Nast is not stupid. Reddit is not “crowd sourced” It’s a video game.

    By all means, get traffic and generate dialog from reddit and other sites. But upvoting/downvoting is idiocy, it’s like “investing” by buying lottery tickets. NO

    Better yet – look at who advertises on reddit. Find out who is paying reddit money for page views/clicks/audience participation, etc.

    Stop playing the game and find the dealers.

  12. Donald,

    “Turn your several into maybe 20-30 dedicated WN’s running a WN-version of Megaphone and I’d say you would be on to something.”

    From what I understand, “megaphone” is mostly an RSS feed. The OD “autobot” forum works in mostly the same way. If OD programmed it to find various keywords and you subscribed to the feed, you’d have an updated list of links to click on and comment, rate, forward, etc.

    There is no need for programmers – it’s free.

  13. When I woke up this morning, Reddit was the last thing on my mind. I noticed there were 80+ comments in the queue. It quickly became apparent that something we had written had been linked over there. It turned out to be that post I wrote a month or so ago.

  14. At the end of the day, the Moonbats accomplished pretty much zilch. The Reddit company had to eat the cost of the extra bandwidth, likely with little to show for it.

    The haters, realists, elitists, and people who like to share a little history, science, and current events with others are grabbing a great deal of free attention for little to no investment.

  15. Dan,

    I don’t know exactly how Megaphone works (and I’m not really willing to install it for personal security reasons – maybe I can play with it on a Virtual Machine later)

    Keyword watches are good (I get Google News updates for various racial topics sent straight to my inbox as they break the wires, for example) but the human eye is better for finding the stories of interest and importance. You don’t want to spam users with hundreds of stories that are nominally about race in some way each day – there needs to be some filtering. Perhaps a voting system (that is, a voting system just inside the WN megaphone itself, not the Reddit votes; these votes would determine if the story is a “hot topic” and after a threshold is triggered, it could “show up” for the more casual users who don’t have time to filter through all the stories manually).

    RSS is just a means of syndicating content. There are, of course, countless RSS readers out there. But the Megaphone works because it’s designed to give your minions filtered content featuring the most important stories that need attention.

  16. I mention these techniques, but it is easy enough for Reddit to simply bend to pressure not to tolerate us. All they have to do is declare WNisn and HBDism to be unacceptable viewpoints and simply banish it from discussion. I’ve mentioned how Digg bans many WN sites from submission as well as many non-racialist leftist anti-zionist blogs (Mondoweiss, for example).

    So even if we did manage to game Reddit, I don’t honestly thing we’d last there very long if we became successful.

  17. Donald, yes I agree you make a good point.

    A human filter/sharing system is better. I’m sure there’s an OD forum thread that can be reserved for human-selected links to alert others to topics of interest.

    Reddit itself is irrelevant. Conde Nast – an old, dinosaur Jewish media company – bought a San Francisco website to try to remain “hip” and spam their audience with content from their tired magazines like Wired, etc.

    New York Jewish media companies like Conde Nast, Newsweek, Time Warner, etc., simply hire lots of their Jewish relatives to write crap – lots, and lots, of crap. And pay some photographers for some photographs.

    It’s really not that difficult. It sure as hell isn’t rocket science. All they have that we don’t have is Federal Reserve Notes.

  18. I used to have that megaphone thing on my computer when it first came out. It basically sends you popup alerts for polls, news articles, etc that have to do with Israel, kind of like a mass instant messaging system

  19. Yup, the liberal faggots on reddit are trying to saturate the web with their idiocy. But happily, the more they spew (shit) on the truth, the clearer the truth becomes. It is pretty clear that they are majority jews, faggots, blacks and all the other usual suspects. Best to let them make all the noise they want in their echo chamber and track down those that you can in the real world and make them pay – humiliate them, post their pictures, names, addresses along with their nonsensical opinions so that their families, neighbors, employers know who they are and what they’re really saying.

  20. If you think I’m liberal, you’re more than mistaken. I’m just a good Christian who believes in the US as it was founded, not in the bullshit that pervades today.

  21. The Moonbat hordes mindlessly down vote every submission they ideologically disagree with. I can despise Tim Wise, but grant that his arguments are more sophisticated than the standard fare on the anti-racist side of the political spectrum.

    Stereotypes are often true. Moonbats are the spitting image of everything they can accuse their opponents of being:

    1.) The engage in mindless group think.
    2.) They are bigoted, hateful, and prejudiced.
    3.) They are intolerant of other perspectives.
    4.) They are vulgar and ignorant.
    5.) They are unsophisticated.
    6.) They lack the intelligence to properly analyze ideas.

    The level of hatred, bigotry, and prejudice found in the Reddit comments dwarfs anything found on this website.

    Once you’ve spent enough time around both groups you find that similar mentalities exist on both sides. That profile fits plenty of White nationalists as well, the most vile I’ve come into contact with being VNN types, some of whom are on this site.

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