China Forges Ahead

In The Washington Post, an important article worthy of being featured on the OD front page:

In 2007, Chinese geneticists discovered vast differences in the genetic makeup of Africans, Asians and Caucasians. They will soon report a breakthrough showing why some people — such as Tibetans — can live effortlessly at high altitudes while others can’t. . .

Now a full-time employee while continuing his studies, Zhao is turning his attention to a topic Western researchers have shied away from because of ethical worries: Zhao plans to study the genes of 1,000 of his best-performing classmates at a top high school in Beijing and compare them, he said, “with 1,000 normal kids.” . . .

“If I had stayed in America, the chances of making a discovery would have been lower,” he said. “Here, people are willing to take risks. They give you money, and essentially you can do whatever you want.”

The Chinese, unencumbered by a hostile Jewish elite, political correctness, and multiculturalism are forging ahead in genetic research. They are becoming a bull in the china shop of anti-racism. Their scientific breakthroughs in this area could disrupt the reigning “race doesn’t exist” status quo.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In this case, at least, the Chinese are the good fortune of the whites.

    The site at

    has predicted that the Chinese will forge ahead with eugenic breeding programs. That could be a very interesting sort of competition.

    Even if they don’t go in for human breeding, their advances in biotech should prove to be disruptive to the status quo.

  2. Excellent article!

    I notice China is now leading genetic studies, and is becoming more powerful-ironically from the same elites seeking to deny the existence of race. Our very elites who want us to ignore race, are funding China and indirectly its efforts against political correctness.

    Our hostile elites will be in for a shock, when China replaces the U.S. as the World’s superpower.

  3. This kind of information used to be common knowledge in medical and scientific communities. Jewish “scientists” like Stephen Jay Gould and Roger Lewin have worked to suppress this information in the West.

  4. Very interesting. It would be delicious irony if communist China were to violate taboos of this kind on the national stage.

    Our hostile elites will be in for a shock, when China replaces the U.S. as the World’s superpower.

    China is a huge mess of a country and will never lead the world like the U.S. once did. At best it will be the regional powerhouse of Asia and even then I have my doubts.

  5. In a few years the Left will be hard pressed to control a few gated communities in some wildly dystopic former Blue State.

  6. I concur with notuswind.

    While no one doubts that China has been rising in power and influence for the past 40 years or so, it’s power is and will be limited to such an extent that it will never be what we would call a ‘super power’.

    Much of the power and affluence projected by China, and slavishing reported by the media and business realm, is an illusion.

    If fact, I would go so far as to say that China has more to lose when our economy finally takes the big tumble, then we do. Or to put it another way, we have more to gain than they do.

    Also, let us not forget that while NE-Asian IQs are on par with Europeans, they are severely lacking when it comes to ingenuity. Ex. The Chinese invented what is now called gun powder. But they never went beyond using it for stuff like fireworks.

    When European man got a hold of it…we made real use of it.

  7. Without detracting from the value of the posting, isn’t there someway we can refer to the “hostile Jewish elite” without using “elite”? “Elite” sounds like people we want to emulate and honor, and people who represent the best among us.

    Here are some possibilities: hostile Jewish pirates, hostile Jewish pillagers, hostile Jewish aggressors, hostile Jewish schemers, hostile Jewish destructive class, alien urban-coastal class, etc.

    We need to rip away every shred of legitimacy they have claimed. They are not our elites, they are alien elites.

  8. Lawrence of Appalachia: while your contention may well be correct, the example is not … the Chinese certainly developed firearms.

  9. Scientific discoveries don’t come out of “thin air”.

    A couple professors at University of Utah have alluded to the issue of high altitude mutations on page 56 of their new book, “The Ten Thousand Year Explosion”

    “Amerindians of the high Andes have barrel chests and blood crammed with red cells; the Tibetan’s, on the other hand, have much lower levels of hemoglobin, but breath faster to take in more oxygen. Both peoples are far better adapted to high altitude than flat-landers, but the Tibetan adaptation is apparently more effective…”

    The book contains some fascinating hypothesization about genetic mutations among Jay’s “Alien Urban-Coastal Dwellers” as well.

  10. To be a bit more specific, my two main criticisms of China are as follows:

    (1) China = Definition of environmentally unsustainable

    In short, China is an overpopulated and polluted mess of a country.

    Not only is the vast majority (i.e. 90+%) of their fresh water not safe for human consumption by US and EU standards but also it is increasingly the case that the majority of it isn’t even safe for farming and industrial use! Furthermore, the scale of industrial farming needed to feed such a large population is creating so much runoff that it is killing their coastal fisheries, which makes it harder to feed their population in the first place leading to an agricultural downward spiral.

    Furthermore, as the Chinese economy grows so does its energy requirements, which are largely met via coal. Of course, the Chinese don’t have the patience to build the more efficient coal plants that have been developed in the West but continue to build the older models that generate more pollution but are less expensive. The result is that their major cities and mining areas are blanketed by an inhuman smog.

    No wonder that China is seeing a surge of cancer villages and birth defects! China is showing the West that there is more than one way to destroy the native population.

    (2) China = Definition of economically unsustainable

    China is now trying to sustain their double digit GDP growth rate through construction at an unprecedented rate and on an unprecedented scale. Of course, they don’t actually need all this construction, they are just doing it in order to keep as much of the population employed as possible while maintaining a targeted growth rate. What this means in practice is that China is building more capacity then it will ever need, whole cities are being constructed on the periphery of the Gobi desert with no one living in them.

    If you thought the bursting of the subprime mortgage bubble in the U.S. was bad you ain’t seen nothing yet.

    (Conclusion) Chinese civilization = Massive epic fail

    Just because their civilization has saner views on race doesn’t mean that they’re heading in the right direction.

  11. There is no other nation in Asia other than China to be a regional superpower
    after the ZOG empire inevitably collapses. India is even more dysfunctional and Third World than China is and Japan is just a indebted, spoiled US client state that lost any national pride or honor after being smashed in 1945. By the way, Northeast Asian IQs are not on par with Europeans, they are slightly higher, by 5 points I believe.

  12. Japan owns a huge amount of debt US securities, just like China does. Their problem is that they built their economy around an ‘industrial policy’ and exports to the US, which eventually hit a ceiling, especially when they had to compete with China. They’re still doing well comparatively, but their example shows there is a ceiling to the Asian model, because it depends on industrial exports to other countries.

  13. I’d much rather be an exporter to other nations than an indebted, consumer nation with a corrupt kike financial plutocracy. Of course, the best option is being both a strong exporter as well as having a vibrant domestic market.

  14. Communism got its wealth from Whites in the West, through jew york shitty. What was given to Soviet Russia was also given to the Chicoms. There is no Chinese economic miracle- the country was built up by foreigners. All patents were put on Cds and DVDs and given to the Chinese during clinton.

    An American expatriate, living in China, said “If all Westerners left China, the ‘Chinese’ economy would be dead in the water within six months.”

    The successful orientals here are cherry-picked from the right tail of the BC. Don’t forget regression to the mean- children are rarely as smart as high IQ parents.

    I remember a prof from long ago saying “The orientals I have met can’t understand the scientific method.” Well, they don’t understand the law of non-contradiction. Ba Gua, black shades into white, ying becomes yang, They have got us by the ying-yang, of our own making.

  15. Japan probably comes closest to that of any country.

    China is held back because the communist party system wishes to remain in political control, so a huge part of the economy is based on cronyism

  16. Notuswind: China can and may eventually take Eastern Russia and Australia. That would allow the Chinese to spread out and find more resources. I would be very upset with such a colonization, but it is a strong possibility.

  17. Jay: I did not claim “elite” was necessarily a good thing. “Elite” is commonly used to describe the real decision-makers of this country-those who fully control us. Historically, many oppressed peoples actually viewed their elites as a bad thing-some before their revolutions. We saw King George 3 and the rest of the British elites as elites, before we stood up for ourselves. Likewise with the French and their respective Monarchy. And, many Democrats have no problem referring to George W. Bush’s best friends as elites. I don’t think the Democrats are being positive about them.

  18. That American expat is an idiot. China already has much of Western tech in its belt and is already pursuing an ‘indigenous innovation’ policy. And if China dumped the dollar, the ZOG economy would be dead in the water in 6 fucking days, let alone months. China is already exiting the dollar trap and the reserve currency status for the dollar wont last much longer. What the expat said is at least 15 years behind the mark.

  19. Steve in the Swamps,

    Notuswind: China can and may eventually take Eastern Russia and Australia. That would allow the Chinese to spread out and find more resources. I would be very upset with such a colonization, but it is a strong possibility.

    Yes, there is that possibility; however, I consider this to be unlikely for several reasons.

    (1) Historically, the Chinese have always been an insular nation and may lack the cultural (and/or genetic) ingredients needed to pull off anything like European colonization.

    (2) It is more likely than not that China doesn’t even have the military capability to pull off such a feat. In our technologically advanced age you can’t measure military strength by pure numbers. To wit, the size of China’s army is misleading when assessing its true military strength (the reality of which may not be all that impressive).

    (3) China’s current regime is more fragile than any of us realize. I would imagine that the bond between the government and its people would have be stronger (than it is today in China) in order for colonization to be possible. While economic development has lifted many Chinese people out of poverty and made them happy it has also left behind at least many in polluted villages with no hope for the future.

  20. While China’s economy is a huge bubble, and they are most likely going into a sharp economic decline, with the social unrest that goes along with it, two developments in China are worth noting.

    First, a large surplus of males. This tends to mean colonization and war. The Africans are going to be begging for the Whites to come back and rule over them once they have a taste of Chinese rule.

    Second, scientific advances such as the genetic research above. This sort of thing only needs a small subset of their population and the government will most likely give them a free hand. They already have a pseudo-eugenic program with their “one child” policy, and you can imagine that embryo screening will become popular.

    anon, China is very aware of the Jewish question. Jews have been courting them for some time, Israel often sells them US military tech we give them. But Chinese aren’t as gullible as TV-addled Whites in the West.

  21. I wouldn’t underestimate Chinese nationalism. They, like the Russians, no what’s in store for them if they don’t stick together.

  22. It’s America’s economy that’s a huge bubble. Listen to Gerald Celente, Igor Panarin, Peter Shciff (although he’s a yid). The American economy itself is a huge Ponzi (or in this case, kosher) scheme that makes Madoff’s little heist look like a drop in the water.

  23. Dan,

    First, a large surplus of males. This tends to mean colonization and war.

    And social unrest.

    Bad Economy + Surplus of Males = Fail

    Second, scientific advances such as the genetic research above. This sort of thing only needs a small subset of their population and the government will most likely give them a free hand. They already have a pseudo-eugenic program with their “one child” policy, and you can imagine that embryo screening will become popular.

    Don’t count on a centrally planned communist government to play this card right.

    The Africans are going to be begging for the Whites to come back

    They already are, see the recent op-eds by Kristoff in the Times.

  24. anon,

    It’s America’s economy that’s a huge bubble.

    The problem isn’t just America, the entire global economic system is one big unsustainable bubble. You seem to think that just because Jews aren’t culturally dominant in Russia or China that these countries will somehow navigate the rough waters ahead.

    In my opinion we are headed for a chaos so great and terrifying that it will force modern man to reconsider everything he thought he knew about the world. Left wing ideas will be exchanged for their traditional counterparts as people struggle to rebuild order out of the wreckage.

  25. The Chinese are communist is name only, Marxist economics plays virtually no role in China. Their economy is best described as authoritarian mercantilist.

    And centrally planned economies work just great, see the large centrally planned economies of GE, Exxon, Walmart, etc.

    But I agree that they are in a bubble, the crash will cause significant social unrest, and they are poisoning themselves and their environment like there’s no tomorrow. But I wouldn’t count China out just yet. As the article says, their elites are Han just like their masses, and don’t have the same hostility to those the rule like Jews have for us.

  26. A great illustration is patents and “intellectual property.” While in the US, intellectual property, patents, copyrights, and the like, are harshly enforced all the way from patent troll firms to suing school kids for downloading music, in China, they simply could not give a damn. This has immediate consequences for genetics, while in the West firms have been able to patent genes and the like, I would guess that China will simply ignore any legal, non-material restrictions on such things.

    How could the West retaliate? Trade sanctions? I think most would agree that will never happen.

  27. notuswind,
    Jews are not just culturally dominant in this country, they are economically, politically and socially. Culture is not even the most important component of their tyranny.

  28. Dan,

    The Chinese are communist is name only, Marxist economics plays virtually no role in China. Their economy is best described as authoritarian mercantilist.

    While China has certainly changed it is still centrally planned in very important ways.

    All the big economic decisions about the national growth rate and the allocation of capital are decided by a bunch of idiots in a conference room. The 20th century has made it abundantly clear that this model doesn’t work long-term regardless of how its tweaked.

  29. The US economy is as centrally planned as China’s. In the US, interest rates and monetary policy are centrally planned by the Federal Reserve board. Production is centrally planned by the large corporations – a bunch of idiots in a conference room. “Defense” makes up a huge portion of the US economy, it’s centrally planned by Congress and the army of lobbyists for Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, etc. Consumer good for a large portion of the US are centrally planned in Bentonville, Arkansas.

    Obviously, Moscow bureaucrats centrally planning how many shoes to manufacture doesn’t work and the 20th century has certainly made that clear. But the “free market” mythology of the West is just that – mythology. Instead of the Ministry of Shoes we have Nike – a lot more flexible and responsive to markets, but centrally planned all the same.

    I wouldn’t underestimate China’s economic prowess just because their ruling class aren’t MBAs and lawyers. Instead, they’re engineers.

  30. Dan,

    My apologies, I should have made my response to you in one large comment.

    And centrally planned economies work just great, see the large centrally planned economies of GE, Exxon, Walmart, etc.

    The comparison doesn’t work, the large corporations that you listed are economic actors and not economies.

    While in the US, intellectual property, patents, copyrights, and the like, are harshly enforced all the way from patent troll firms to suing school kids for downloading music, in China, they simply could not give a damn. This has immediate consequences for genetics, while in the West firms have been able to patent genes and the like, I would guess that China will simply ignore any legal, non-material restrictions on such things.

    It doesn’t really matter, we’re still decades away from translating the science of human genetics into a practical eugenics program. By the time those advances are made we’ll be living in a different world.


    Jews are not just culturally dominant in this country, they are economically, politically and socially. Culture is not even the most important component of their tyranny.


  31. Without detracting from the value of the posting, isn’t there someway we can refer to the “hostile Jewish elite” without using “elite”? “Elite” sounds like people we want to emulate

    I think hostile Jewish “elite” is just fine.

    Just be sure to include the scare quotes.

  32. Dan,

    The US economy is as centrally planned as China’s.

    Come on.

    The American economy is heavily managed in various ways but it is not centrally planned. There is a difference. For example, GDP is a post-hoc calculation for us and not a target, like it is for China today and like it was for the old Soviet Union.

    Production is centrally planned by the large corporations – a bunch of idiots in a conference room.

    Large corporations manage their own affairs according to their own projections and estimates, they do not get together and centrally plan Western economies.

    I’ll agree with you that they are idiots though.

    Instead of the Ministry of Shoes we have Nike – a lot more flexible and responsive to markets, but centrally planned all the same.

    The central planners in communist countries have to make decisions over a wide range of economic activity. On the other hand, large multinationals like Nike only have to make economic decisions about their specific products. Furthermore, the relationship between corporations in Western economies is completely dissimilar to that of the various ministries of a communist government, at least in political terms. The analogy just does not work.

  33. I think it’s funny how the same people who insist that there are no differences between the races will to shut you up proclaim how much smarter Asians are.

  34. I really need to respond to this statement in a separate comment.

    But the “free market” mythology of the West is just that – mythology.

    The free market ideology of the West does work as an economic engine. However, it is not a substitute for real politics as it has nothing to say about a great many things of societal importance – such as culture, social values, ethnicity, political structure, environment, etc.

  35. the Chinese have always been an insular nation and may lack the cultural (and/or genetic) ingredients needed to pull off anything like European colonization.

    There’s a long established, centrally located Chinatown in every Western city on the planet. China’s ongoing race replacement of the Tibetans, and their current economic colonization of Africa also seem to show otherwise.

    the large corporations that you listed are economic actors and not economies.

    Walmart is the direct equivalent of the Ministry of Shoe Production (or whatever), an economic actor. And once you move beyond the basics of survival, i.e., one pair of shoes, everything else has unlimited elasticity of demand, and coupled with advertising, that means these economic actors create both the supply and the demand. I think the comparison holds.

    we’re still decades away from translating the science of human genetics into a practical eugenics program

    One decade closer than we were in 2000. Widespread sex selection and embryo screening is a rudimentary eugenics program (perhaps dysgenic in some cases). Whenever it happens, China looks to be in a better position to capitalize on it than us.

    The Chinese invented what is now called gun powder. But they never went beyond using it for stuff like fireworks.

    When European man got a hold of it…we made real use of it.

    My Dad used to tell me when I was a kid, evidently this is a long standing piece of conventional wisdom about how us Whites are more “creative” than others. It’s certainly a morale-booster, but past returns are not indicative of future results.

    I hope the story of Katrina Leung serves to warn whites away from rosy scenarios about our relationships with the Chinese. The USA has Chinese elected officials – does China have any White officials?

    The US has been the “world leader” for 60 years, due almost entirely to Europe destroying itself. A key component of that leadership is controlling the global reserve currency; something that the US is rapidly losing.

    China will be a major competitor in every realm.

  36. “Free markets” and “centrally planned markets” are different in degree, not in kind. A good example is in software engineering: a new technique is to hire two or three teams to write the same software, then you use the best one. Netflix has used this technique to some success.

    So in the “free” economy, we have dozens of bureaucracies making shoes, and the consumer picks the best. This is obviously superior to having one bureaucracy making shoes, and the consumer has no other options no matter how inferior the product is. But over time this develops monopolies, often at first earned in the market than begins to develop barriers to entry, etc.

    Raw GDP may not be a centrally planned target but interest rates sure are. Considering how much of our economy is financial and related, and how even large industrial companies like GE usually have a financial arm (GE Capital), the fact this all comes under the Fed at some point is, itself, central planning. Also, much of the consumer economy is financed, again, going right back to the centralized credit system (literally, suggested in the Communist Manifesto)

    Plus, the idea that there is a distinction between the “public” and “private” economy is a mirage. All corporations are licensed by the state, all the major corporations pay/bribe politicians and there is a revolving door between public office and corporate office.

    The major difference between the US and Chinese economy is that their centralized policy has been to focus on export markets, while the US relies much more heavily on domestic consumption.

    And as to social stability when/if the economic SHTF, the Chinese are already going back to their farms. When the cable gets shut off in America – what will Whites do?

  37. Dan,

    “Free markets” and “centrally planned markets” are different in degree, not in kind
    Plus, the idea that there is a distinction between the “public” and “private” economy is a mirage. All corporations are licensed by the state, all the major corporations pay/bribe politicians and there is a revolving door between public office and corporate office.

    While you raised some some good points I think we ought to just agree to disagree. Quite frankly, I’ve said just about all I’ve got to say on these matters right now.

    And as to social stability when/if the economic SHTF, the Chinese are already going back to their farms.

    But will their land produce like before?

  38. It’s no secret the Chinese will find that intelligence quotient is the primary determining factor in scholastic success. Perhaps they’ll unlock more mysteries about human potential and ethnic differences. The U.S. should be conducting pioneering research into racial differences and IQ were it not for the unofficial policy of Soviet Lysenkoism in American universities.

  39. ‘Here are some possibilities: hostile Jewish pirates, hostile Jewish pillagers, hostile Jewish aggressors, hostile Jewish schemers, hostile Jewish destructive class, alien urban-coastal class, etc.’






  40. I think that one interesting factor is that a huge portion of China’s national income is based on selling goods to the United States. When the U.S. economy really tanks, that source may dry up. On the other hand, when everyone gets poorer, Wal-Mart and the Dollar Tree might be all we can afford, which would maintain/boost Chinese revenue. Just a loose thought.

  41. Regarding eugenics: I have thought for some time that the intelligent, fertile daughters of liberals, after their parents are sent away for race treason, should “give back” to the White community by childbearing. Intelligent White men who have served our race could each father a dozen or so. We don’t need to wait for any scientific advances, the technology for this program is available off-the-shelf.
    Laugh if you want, but any White nationalist regime will have to sort out the betrayers among us. Once you stick a news editor or psychology professor or civil rights lawyer on a collective farm or an environmental cleanup detail, what will you do with his 16 year old Yale-bound daughter?
    I know that some will point out that due to the regression to the mean, we couldn’t count on getting a crop of IQ 130 babies every year, but some social classes have higher means that others, and I don’t mean Jews. The typical editor of professor or lawyer comes from a family of professionals or nearly so, and they breed with their peers. Not many PhDs have a brother who drives a cement truck, and their offspring don’t either. Too much of our genetic wealth has been enslaved, and we ought to liberate it when we can.

  42. The Ayurvedic approach to health, longevity and medicine makes sense to me. Dr Deeprak Choprah has published several books on the subject. I’m no New Ager, but can see the tie-in between the human body and our universe.

    Modern Western medicine can be inclined to be too categorized, too techno, and damn expensive for those of us who don’t like to make the Medical Industry rich at our own expense. Western medicine tends to categorize anatomy and health as a stand alone subject.

    I wonder what MacDonald’s think?

    (the citation in this log entry are in sync with Ayurveda principles – nothing wrong with that – but what we do know is that current Western medicine and philosophy is out of sync with our universe, else we wouldn’t be in the fix we’re in… hmm?)

  43. The problem with medicine is 1000% due to statist involvement.
    There’s no money in being healthy.

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