In The New York Times, Noah Feldman has a disgusting op-ed column called “The Triumphant Decline of the WASP.” It is a “cause for celebration” that “no one much cares about the nominee’s religion.” America has “progressed” to the point where there is no longer a “Catholic seat” or a “Jewish seat.” White Protestants have been completely eliminated from the pinnacle of the federal judiciary.
This Jew rambles on at some length about how the “greatest triumph” of the WASP was their surrender of power to Jews and Catholics.
Of course the same Jews who celebrate WASP colorblindness and encourage WASP racial masochism are the same ones who push the hardest for “inclusiveness” and “diversity” in every institution. The Supreme Court needs a lesbian because she is a lesbian; a Hispanic because she is Hispanic; a negro because he is a negro; a woman because she is a woman, etc.
With the Kagan nomination, Jews have thrown their little principle of diversity out the window. “Diversity” has been revealed to be nothing more than a hollow abstraction that Jews and non-Whites hide behind and invoke to increase their power at the expense of Whites.
It would be false and misleading to label them hypocrites. That is too kind of a description. Jews never believed in “diversity” in the first place. All their rhetoric about tolerance, diversity, equality, colorblindness and the like was nothing more than a language game.
White Americans are in a power struggle between competing ethnic groups. In such a struggle, it is only logical for WASPs to take their own side, as other groups do without hesitation.
WASPs should start asking questions like this: Jews will soon comprise 3/4th of the liberal wing of the Supreme Court. The ADL, a Jewish organization, is using the federal courts to fight Arizona’s new immigration law. Is this “good for the WASPs”?
The answer is no.
If WASPs evaluated Jews from the perspective of ethnic self interest, they would soon discover that they dislike their Jewish cultural and political elite. WASPs who are serious about taking their country back must realize that this requires coming to terms with the Jewish Question.
This particular kike looks like a Khazar/Slav rather than a Semite.
Paradoxically, this kind of statement just makes me hold our natural [WASP] ruling class in contempt. How could they fold so completely and abandon their post to aliens! How could they be willing to sacrifice so much to take out the Confederacy only to give everything away to a ragtag bunch of immigrants just a few years later? Doesn’t make any sense…
Well, American Jewry does live in some of our most diverse areas, as their population is mostly concentrated in NYC and California.
The last WASP on the Supreme Court is John Paul Stevens, the ultimate self-hating White liberal. Instead of focusing on Jews, I wonder if it’s better to focus on shaming and belittling Wasp elites that undermine us: Bill Gates, Warren Buffet … are there any other well-known Wasp elites left? The Paris Hilton family?
“How could they be willing to sacrifice so much to take out the Confederacy only to give everything away to a ragtag bunch of immigrants just a few years later?”
Must be that famous Wasp guilt.
Anyone want to wager on whether or not any Republicans will mention the words “Jew” or “Wasp” during the confirmation hearings?
I don’t know about Bill Gates. As he ages, the Khazar is coming out in him. Just look at a recent pic of him and imagine a yarmulke atop his head.
Reading that article is like getting stabbed in eyeballs, repeatedly.
Feldman writes “The Protestant governing elite must also bear its own share of responsibility for slavery and racial discrimination.”
Presumably this “racial discrimination” includes the instances of anti-Semitism that occurred in the Ivy League schools that Feldman refers to, such as Gentiles not eating with Jews. But what “Protestant governing elite” ought to bear responsibility? Isn’t that the whole point of his article, that there is no longer a Protestant governing elite?
His Wikipedia entry is informative. Among other things, apparently he himself has been rumored to be a front-runner for a future SCOTUS nomination.
correction: the eyeballs
All that said, it’s all the more reason to regroup around state/regional issues and politics. As mad as Feldman’s article made me, it also confirmed for me once again that the national political scene is too far gone to expect a fair shake for Whites.
For whatever reason, they lost the will to govern their own people. I don’t understand it.
“What a fucking arrogant little kike.”
As I’m sure you know I’m an advocate of not using language like that in my day to day or political discourse and I am very disappointed in the language you use to describe people with a religion or opinion different from your own. I’m concerned that the language you choose reflects badly on my contributions to OD and the racial separatist movement on the whole. This is nothing personal but I think that others will assume I sympathize with this attitude if I continue to contribute to this blog. So with that in mind I request that comment and similar sentiments not be allowed in the future or I will cease my contribution to OD.
Wow. What a fucking pussy. Hey Yeoman, take a hike if you cant handle it.
Fucking shabbos goyim.
I agree that OC should not allow the use of the “F word”.
When I was public school teacher just outside Red Hook Brooklyn, I made a point of not allowing my students to use either the “F word” or the “N Word”.
White Western Civilization needs to have some standards or it’s all going down.
The use of the term “kike” is appropriate here.
Get that petulant little fuck off your masthead or I’ll go find another WN blog to read (not that you care or anything).
It is a war to the death- not a difference of opinion. The language is justified, if not required.
Instead of focusing on Jews, I wonder if it’s better to focus on shaming and belittling Wasp elites that undermine us
The point of the post is that the two issues are interrelated. WASPs that fall for the diversity racket have been sold a bill of goods by Jews, who are merely using the idea of diversity to advance their own ethnic interests. The Jews that push diversity are the equivalent of a professional organization of cat burglars preaching the immorality of locks and alarms. It’s pure self-interest.
It will help WASPs to resist the diversity racket to understand how the racket actually works.
Once in a while a good f****n cussing is totally appropriate and righteous. Just don’t make it a daily event. That way the contrast is really effective. As far as I’m concerned that was an honest response to an arrogant fu****n kike trash-talking about white people. F**** him.
That article is a great example of “chutzpah.” I am guessing that Macdonald will respond to it since it is so Jewy and deceptive. As far as Hunter’s language, whatever, Noah Feldman deserves to be spoken of that way.
You have every right to give Hunter that choice. I grit my teeth, myself, when the epithets are thrown out. Admittedly, I approved of this particular one in this particular context. But that’s subjective, of course. What’s not appropriate is for you to create a public episode out of a disagreement in tact and tactics. It’s not appropriate for you to essentially attempt to bully the other contributors in public. It’s antisocial, disrespectful, and does at least as much damage to our cause and our image as dropping the k-bomb on a deserving target.
Of course, but I have a hard time believing that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are actual believers in the diversity racket and don’t know about Jewish ethnocentrism. Any WASP smart enough to be an elite now that goes along with it must be doing so consciously. Perhaps the previous generations were fooled but I just can’t see Buffet not knowing what “diversity” means at Goldman Sachs.
And on the language issue, Andrew makes a good point, given his specific brand of activism. I certainly don’t mind it myself but it does turn certain people off.
“You have every right to give Hunter that choice.” Of course he does. IN A PRIVATE FUCKING EMAIL.
I thought the description of Feldman as a “fucking arrogant little kike” was entirely accurate and warranted. That is exactly what he is: he has the audacity to openly gloat over our demise as a people, even going so far as to call it “our greatest triumph,” in America’s “newspaper of record.”
It is a slap across the face. He is openly twisting our nose.
I took it as a slap across the face and responded in kind. In hindsight, I probably should have moderated my language. I was already planning to edit this post after I finished the latest one.
With all that said, I think there is a substantive issue to be debated here: what level of gentility is warranted on a White Nationalist website. I think slurs and epithets should be discouraged as a rule, but can be quite effective when used sparingly.
I have never seen our enemies spare us a verbal lashing. When was the last time a Jewish column about White Nationalism contained anything but abusive epithets? All these people do is call us names.
Gentility can be taken to perverse extremes. At least 50% of anti-racism consists of upper class Whites decorating themselves with slurs aimed at the White masses designed to flaunt their social status. It is nothing but a game in which Whites compete to show their neighbors how “enlightened” and “genteel” they are.
Manners are a good thing and have their place. At the same time, I am convinced that those White Nationalists who take politeness to an exaggerated extreme will not fight back. People who can’t even call their enemies a crude name on occasion can be written off.
They for damn sure aren’t going pick up a gun and fight back. They probably won’t even raise the subject in public for fear of “giving offense” to people who warrant being offended on account of their actions.
We disagree on various other points as well. You have accused me of “misogyny” for pointing out that women don’t have the physical strength to defend and secure a White ethnostate.
I don’t think feminism and politeness will suffice to get us from here to there. You are free to disagree and argue the contrary.
In light of the valuable contributions you have made here, I will grant your request though.
I should probably add for some context in that Noah Feldman caused quite a stir the Orthodox jewish community (he is himself an Orthodox jew if memory serves) here in NYC a couple of years ago now (back in 2006 to 2008) when he advocated jewish mixed-race marriage (his wife is mongoloid [Korean I think]) and it sparked off what was and is called the ‘Feldman Controversy’ within the community between those Orthofox jews who were not opposed to inter-racial marriage and acceptance of said non-jewish partners into Orthodox Judaism and those the traditionalists (the clear majority), who opposed this.
Basically it all ended with Feldman being on very bad terms with the jewish community here and as far as I know he’s still on very bad terms with them and he isn’t allowed to many an Orthodox shul.
“What’s not appropriate is for you to create a public episode out of a disagreement in tact and tactics. It’s not appropriate for you to essentially attempt to bully the other contributors in public. It’s antisocial, disrespectful, and does at least as much damage to our cause and our image as dropping the k-bomb on a deserving target.”
– Yea, verily, well said Matt. Andrew your “contributions” won’t be missed if you do decide to “deprive” us of them. After all, your Puritan notions of propriety are not shared by everyone here and this movement (if it can be termed such, as yet) has been damaged enough in the past by contol freaks who believe that their God given duty is to micromanage group behavior and judge the value of contributions by their peers. Most of us have had it “up to here” with the PC life and behavior management techniques in universal use by corporate and government entities. And that is what your demand smacks of – PC submissiveness. “Don’t hurt my little virgin ears” (or eyes in this case) and “don’t make the opposition angry by being serious”.
Does anyone else find it amusing that it is the “anarchist” among us who is most opposed to foul language?
At least he has biracial children. That means he isn’t merely a blood jew wearing a liberal democratic cloak.
The language has been removed from the post.
I still think it is an excellent topic to debate though. We have never had a discussion about this here.
Look at the winners of history. Can you imagine the Roman legions censoring themselves in such a way? What about Confederate or Union troops? What about the sailors of the British Navy? What about the Wehrmacht or Red Army?
Winners have a few discernible qualities. They are tough, hard, disciplined, insolent, and brave. It is no accident that our rulers discourage these qualities in White men.
“What a fucking arrogant little kike. Normally, I don’t use this language, but there is no other way to sum up my volatile reaction to this article.”
Politically the problem with language comes from the multicult’s propaganda that white activism revolves *solely* around surface identity issues i.e they implicitly claim that if a jew spent his entire life helping old ladies across the road white patriots would still hate him for *being* a jew.
I saw a f*****g n****r buying some milk.
I saw a f*****g n****r mugging a blind nun.
In the first case there’s nothing wrong with buying milk so it’s solely about being a f*****g n****r and that reinforces multicult conditioning.
In the second case it’s about, or at least could be, anger at someone mugging a blind nun so it’s different.
When it’s an angry reaction to something specific then it reinforces the specific reaction – like swearing when you stub your toe.
That’s a long explanation of why i think it’s fine in this circumstance – someone just waking up and reading the blog probably wouldn’t be put off reading that whereas they might if it was kike this, kike that, all the time.
A well written piece, Hunter. Also agree with you that decorum is needed but that there are limits and exceptions.
It’s just like with alcohol: good and healthy as long it is done in moderation. Although, not everyone has the same level of tolerance. The same goes with cursing.
Jews have redefined gentility to be synonymous with political correctness.
I think that we should probably avoid slurs in the name of Taqqiyah. Using a well placed slur can be very satisfying, but it’s sort of like masturbating rather than sex leading to conception.
Describing Noah Feldman’s actions while holding back what you really think of him is like holding in the jihad-energy, and letting it recycle through you. Many religions believe in “continence” that is, purposely going for long periods without ahem, having a “little death” as the French call it.
Taqqiyah is about verbal continence — about holding it back, and building up jihad-energy. As John Milton put it in Paradise Lost:
What though the field be lost? [ 105 ]
All is not lost; the unconquerable Will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield:
Let us be emotionally continent, and make a study of revenge and immortal hate, as Milton’s Satan advises.
Thanks Hunter for your candid appreciation of the matter.
You know I’m not one to ‘hide’ my opinion about people I don’t like either and I have a reputation for inflammatory rhetoric and being anything but PC but I do that in a way that focuses attention on the hateful anti-white bias of Others without language that detracts from our cause to the public. A gentlemanly tact will always outweigh vitriol and malice in a political debate.
Save provocations for the battlefield, not the Internet.
“Does anyone else find it amusing that it is the “anarchist” among us who is most opposed to foul language?”
Yes. Borderline hilarious actually.
I wonder if he’d die from exposure to foul language if he read the famous Anarchist magazine-cum-newspaper: ‘Class War’. They swear at least twenty times a page… heh.
Mind you I have never rated most Anarchists as being overly bright beyond Kropotkin and Bakunin of course (who were both very bright if rather odd).
Well, since there is a existential war going on against the Founding Stock of this nation by the likes of this utterly arrogant alien, I thought it would be fitting to salute the brave men of the Confederacy who gave themselves body and soul to fight against this kind of tyranny against their kith and kin.
May the souls and spirits of Generals Lee, Stonewall Jackson, P.G.T. Beauregard, Nathan Bedford Forrest … President Davis and Vice President Stevens … and all the other heroes of the South guide and sustain us in the perilous days ahead.
Dixie to arms! – Dixie war song of the Confederacy
Everyone … let’s stop piling on. I was going to remove the comment myself anyway. I had second thoughts about it while I was writing the last post.
Andrew Yeoman,
I honestly do not understand you.
You apparently have no problem attending a dinner in honor of Francis Parker Yockey, a man who dedicated a book to the so-called “hero of WW2, Adolf Hitler”, a man who furthermore did everything he could to aid the Soviet Union against America just because he thought Stalin was more anti-Semitic than us.
Yet you bristle with self-righteous philo-Semitic outrage when Hunter Wallace, in a moment of justifiable anger, insults Noah Feldman?
“Yet you bristle with self-righteous philo-Semitic outrage when Hunter Wallace, in a moment of justifiable anger, insults Noah Feldman?”
-Hmmm….now that does seem just a wee bit hypocritical of him, now doesn’t it?
Whites Unite,
Well, discussing Yockey’s ideas is not an endorsement of everything he thought of (and neither is making the video or the memorial service) but I still have a lot of respect for what he did.
I really love the vital ideas that are discussed back and forth and OD and the last thing I want to see happen is it turn into a VNN. I’ll vigorously attempt to raise the standards of political discourse we use amongst each other to achieve our goals. I may or not be successful with that but I know that using offensive language doesn’t take us down a path we want to go. I hope to make my own contribution to the debate on language when I have the time to finish an article I’m working on.
Don’t get mad, get even. That’s not threat or a call to violence. It’s a call to outwit the enemy. Glenn Miller, during a recent radio interview, said something I regard as brilliant. To paraphrase, ‘I don’t want to kill the jews, but they must be punished for what they have done to Whites. Everything they have visited upon us should be brought down upon them. Their children should be educated to feel miserable at the crimes they have inflicted upon Whites, just as they have inflicted White guilt upon us. They should be coerced into interbreeding with non-Whites to destroy their genetic line and cultural heritage. Every Jewish holiday should be a call to denigrate their history.’
In practice I don’t know if this is feasible, but I like the notion of pointing out how jews and anti-Whites have demonstrably hurt White America during the past century, and that it’s not enough for them to stop – they must be punished to make amends. It’s a bit like the idea of black reparations. It’s thinking on the offensive rather than the defensive.
That said, for me true target is the strain of White anti-Whites, not jewish anti-Whites. Whites are ultimately the cause of their own misfortune and if one must “hate,” reserve one’s hate for anti-White Whites, who are truly the ones who must be stopped in their filthy tracks.
On the article itself:
1. I assume they’ll head towards 5 jews and 4 non-white(r) next, with the white catholics gradually pushed out as white people become a minority.
2. If it’s true that white people naturally think in terms of universal morality whereas jews only think in terms of “is it good for the jews,” then in relation to white people, if not between themselves, jews would have the identical world-view of a white sociopath. The “chutzpah” they are so proud of would then be their word for this sociopathic behaviour. Ted Bundy had chutzpah.
I really appreciate this as I too would hate to see OD become another VNN or Stormfront. We should all try to keep the level of political discourse around here as high as possible.
“I really love the vital ideas that are discussed back and forth and OD and the last thing I want to see happen is it turn into a VNN.” – Andrew Yeoman
VNN was the first prowhite site I ever read. (Talk about getting your feet wet.) I tend to be a bit slow to catch on to things and can safely say that I needed Alex and his outrageous VNNers to thump some sense into me. For some people, high standards of political discourse won’t do it.
I propose a rule! When the urge to slur strikes us, use the terms:
hostile elite/alien elite/hostile alien elite
Code wording can be more powerful than slurring.
Hunter should have phrased his description of Feldman as “filthy, parasitic kike”. The f-word was entirely uncalled for.
“We should all try to keep the level of political discourse around here as high as possible.”
Foul language would not subtract from the level of political discourse, dumb-asses writing for the blog would.
I think Hunter’s original, measured use of expletives was fine, but I do agree that excessive vulgar language is counter-productive. There is a time and a place for everything – and the problem with the use of vulgar language in a broader sense is that it is too liberally used – thereby diluting any really power it has to communicate emotion and instead becomes just another outward sign of the general debasement of dialogue.
This debasement of dialogue is also evident in the childish bickering and the piling-on of insults being directed at Andrew. I personally think Andrew is being rather priggish (especially when he criticizes “language (Hunter) use(d) to describe people with a religion or opinion different from (his) own” – because it might reflect badly on “the racial separatist movement as a whole”. This is rather laughable, because the entire justification of a racial separatist movement is based on the realities of irreconcilable (and frictional) differences between precisely these people.
Whether or not Andrew should have made his comment privately to Hunter is debatable. On the one hand, it is more of a personal quibble – but on the other, he did encourage a lot of commentary and interaction at this post – including my own. That this is consequently a subject of public discussion is beneficial (and it is a subject worthy of discussion).
Obviously, I agree in part with Andrew’s general intent – but not the extent of it. Similarly, I agree with Hunter’s position (probably more so) – although I do not agree at all with his comment suggesting that those who temper their language are weak. To the contrary, I think Hunter is demonstrably wrong in this assumption – and he uses in one of his replies above examples of people (e.g. Confederates and the Wehrmacht) who (contrary to his suggestion) did indeed temper themselves – not only their language but their behavior (think Confederate troops versus Union – or Wehrmacht versus Red Army) – and yet who were far more valorous than any of the keyboard heroes posting expletives and missives against Andrew for daring to voice an opinion they disagree with.
I would suggest to Mr. Wallace that General Lee (pick a generation – Light-horse Harry or Robert), General Washington, Generalfeldmarschall Rommel and who knows how many others were recognized for their gentlemanly behavior and civility. I would also suggest that if Hunter were to find himself facing one of these gentlemen on a real field of battle, he’d soon find out that men of few (and often kind) words can take the lives of their enemies with resolve and fury. Cursing is not action. It is posturing.
Kind regards,
I have to admit being dumbstruck by the lack of any commentary on Noah Feldman’s gratuitous and hateful use of an insect name for us — WASP. If it is unclear to readers, let me just advise you that when Paul Gottfried or Noah Feldman use the hate caricature WASP to name us, they are insulting us — even those of us who are white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Let’s take look at Noah’s slur of WASP.
1) This crude hate caricature was first used by a self-hating man with the name of Andrew Hacker in a 1957 publication. It is difficult to sort out just what the names of his grandparents were, but we are reliably informed that none used Hacker. If you don’t know who Andrew Hacker was, he was far worst in attacking the diverse white American peoples than Noel Ignatiev (who also calls us WASPs) ever dreamed of being.
2) This hate label was thereafter widely popularized by E. Digby Baltzell whose forefathers were not Anglo-Saxons — they changed their religion and their name in England before migrating to America. Baltzell made a twisted fetish of tweed jackets and bowties, apparently under the impression that dressing British on the outside covered up his non-British inside. He was a member in good standing of the urban-coastal class that holds us in contempt.
3) The hate slur is unworthy of the diverse European Americans, or any segment thereof, to claim as their own. It was a label created by the Other, promoted by the Other, and fastened on us by the Other through their publications and entertainment media.
4) It is evidence, as a name imposed on us, of a claim to supremacy underlying the gentle mercies of our Semitic overlords (the Morlock class). Why should we accept it?
5) Using WASP is just another way to cover up the wonderful diversity that exists among white Americans. If you haven’t noticed, there is no feature of the diverse white American peoples that is more covered up than our diversity. What to us is immediately apparent in hair color & texture, facial features, national origins, regional origins, and linguistic origins is simply swept aside by the urban-coastal class which, in their malice, is uniformly upheld. [President Obama gave voice to this claim during his campaign that we have no diversity in his vicious remark that there was such a thing as a typical white person.]
6) WASP is not different from another unpleasant term, WEJ, which stands for white European Jew. It will be easier for some to see WEJ as a slur than to see that WASP is a slur.
7) In short, WASP is an insect-based racial, ethnic, and religious hate caricature showing contempt for all the diverse white Euro-Americans.
Where did Hunter call this individual a fucking kike, I can’t find it?
I agree that one should try and avoid the profanity, but I also agree with EuroMike that at times it is appropriate and even necessary, as long as it doesn’t come to dominate the discourse.
Now I see that Hunter edited the post, that explains it.
Anger must not be discharged at the same level of the perceived/real offense but rather transmuted into clear, cold wisdom.
Otherwise – you fall into the trap (confusion, generalized hostility) while the higher intelectual functions atrophy.
Revenge/Justice/Action is best undertaken COLD.
The fact is that organized Jewry has ruined the USA just as they have ruined so many other nations and empires before. This pissant Jew lawyer Feldman is nothing worth crying in your beer over.
Do you all think it’s a coincidence that right now, when American Whites (especially WASPs) are at the nadir of their power and influence in the USA – and organized Jewry is at the apex of their power – that the USA in completely falling apart? Notice the parallels with this article by the Jew Feldman – which discusses the decline of American WASPdom – with another op-ed in the NYT today by the Jew Krugman that the USA is slowly declining in to a long economic depression – http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/28/opinion/28krugman.html – and in both cases, who are the people who made the modern USA such a depressed place economically, socially, politically, and most importantly RACIALLY? Well, blame those who are currently in charge of America and have been for quite a while now: organized Jewry.
So in the modern USA Jews are in charge, they run things, they are the overclass, elite, the plutocrats, the hotshot lawyers, the academics, the mass media people, etc…and yet under this excellent Jewish leadership the USA is obviously coming apart at the seams, falling apart on so many levels before our very eyes. This is not a coincidence: Jews are ruiners and mismanagers plain and simple.
Jews are parasites and nation-wreckers – that fact must always be remembered: history shows us how Jews have wrecked so many nations and empires before this: what is happening in 21st century America has happened time and time again whenever organized Jewry has come to (mis)rule a nation or empire.
“Do you all think it’s a coincidence that right now, when American Whites (especially WASPs) are at the nadir of their power and influence in the USA – and organized Jewry is at the apex of their power – that the USA in completely falling apart?”
If you divide concern into three segments: immediate family / extended family / nation, and you’ve ever spent a lot of time with middle-easterners or africans then you’ll know that their concern is divided up very roughly like 50/50/0 i.e they have no concern for their nation (exagerating a bit to make the point), whereas with white people it’s more 60/20/20.
Kevin MacDonald has a theory for why this is, especially the bit from An Ethnic Basis for Western Inidivdualism.
You could look at jews either way, 50/50/0 if you take the nation to be the host nation or 60/20/20 if you took the nation to be the international jewish nation.
For example, apparently throughout the dark age after the fall of Rome jews dominated trade in Europe until 1290 when they were expelled from England gradually followed by expulsions elsewhere.
Imagine a wealthy jewish wool merchant in England in 1289. He wants to have a good reputation with his nation – which he sees as international jewry and not England – so say there’s an earthquake in Syria and some jews lose their business he sends money to help them. In 1291 he’s been replaced by a rich English wool merchant who wants to have a good reputation with his nation – which is England – so he increases his nation’s capital by building a bridge or founding a school.
They don’t care about the host nations because it’s not their nation so they suck capital out instead of ploughing it back in leading to a slow rot.