Boston Protest

Boston Tea Party

The scum of the earth is assembling in Boston to protest Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona. I was forwarded this message from Daniel Smeriglio on Facebook:

You know what, maybe a roadtrip is in order for this saturday!?! These scumbags wanna organize and protest Brewer in Boston and call her racist and all of the other tired terms these morons have well why should theirs be the only voice!?! So I ask you, who is interested in going to Boston this saturday to show some support for Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer? I say Let’s Roll!

I like this guy’s attitude. If memory serves, OPP hates Smeriglio because he organized that Arizona rally a few weeks ago. The gutless coward William Gheen of ALIPAC also denounced him. Another point in his favor.

Boston is too far outside our area for us to attend, but OD has plenty of supporters in New England. We are a national media organization that reaches into every corner of America.

The idea of a Boston counterprotest is naturally appealing to me. I believe in striking back at the enemy. I like attacking the enemy at his strongest point. We’ve protested Red Jeffrey twice before in the imperial capital.

Just getting the word out.

White men of New England: Don’t let A.N.S.W.E.R. march in your streets unopposed.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Barack Obama is saying it’s illegal for Americans to defend their border.

    I wonder what the average American thinks of that. Do they think that’s right? Do they want to live in a country where you are told you must welcome criminals into your backyard? That in fact you are the criminal for wanting to keep them out? That legal action will be taken against your representatives for expressing your democratic rights?

    Talk about change. That’s change alright. Change we can believe in? You can believe it’s happening. And that’s about it.

  2. Barack Obama is saying it’s illegal for Americans to defend their border.

    I wonder what the average American thinks of that.

    Obama has been a godsend for WN. The fact that he hates Whites and can barely hold his tongue is pure gravy.

  3. Obama has been a godsend for WN. The fact that he hates Whites and can barely hold his tongue is pure gravy.

    Agree. It really was a major strategic error on the part of the PTB to make him president, IMO. I think it was meant as an apology to the world for their Iraq War and to mend the frayed edges of the empire. But it didn’t work apparently — the rest of the world sees us as weaker for having elected Barack Hussein Obama, not stronger and more noble as the MSM tries to spin it. And it’s a frontal assault on White Americans’ very sense of nation and self. While Whites were being replaced in elite institutions, having a White government at least kept the process of White disenfranchisement hidden from plain view. No longer. Whites are waking up. Thank you Barack Hussein Obama’s kingmakers and handlers for being so decadent and detached that you believe your own propaganda!

  4. …the rest of the world sees us the United States as weaker for having elected Barack Hussein Obama…

    My language still contains vestiges of my previous mindset.

  5. There are lots of names to call this thing… “my country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty” or “land of the free” aren’t two of them. “Home of the brave” might still apply. I hope so.

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