Oakland may erupt in a Race Riot

I’m diligently keeping tabs of the situation in Oakland.  A white transit cop was convicted today of manslaughter for killing a black passenger last year.  At this point in time 1,000-1,200 people are believed on the streets of Oakland and the Oakland PD and neighboring Fremont PD are on the streets in full riot gear.

Earlier today Governor Schwarzenegger appealed for calm across the State to try to ward off any violent protests.

In Los Angeles a San Francisco Chronicle reporter relayed this “A speaker in Los Angeles is railing hard against the judgement and police brutality. Scary talk as he was calling the crowd to take up “weapons”, real and metaphoric against the “system”.” http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/ybenjamin/detail?%3Fblogid=150&entry_id=67466#ixzz0t8cCxKb7

You can listen in on the Oakland PD radio by doing the following:

1. install the free listening client: www.proscan.org

2. find this stream on the list: oaklandscanner.webhop.net

Alternately you can watch the ABC video stream at http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/livenow?id=7544815

Of course the Nation Of Islam, the NAACP, black preachers, and even the Black Panthers are allowed to provide their narrative of these events and how it affects their community but no media attention is given to the white and Asian communities who have been terrified by the black response to this incident.

I have received reports that workers in San Francisco earlier today shared concerned emails that if they lived in East Bay to take the Bart train back earlier and that Bart cars normally near empty at 3pm were packed full.

What does the death of Oscar Grant mean to white people compared to blacks?  Well the painfully obvious answer is that whites do not see this as based on a conflict between blacks and whites but an unfortunate incident between Grant and a rookie cop.  Blacks however assume that every black injured by the system is an attack on them all and they respond in kind.  When is the last time a white mob gathered when a man or woman was killed by a black, in uniform or not?  Not in anyones living memory.  Whites continue to cower when the multiracial hell they created bites back, and the rest of us that never wanted this situation in the first place end up paying the price.

This article will be updated with any important developments.

UPDATE: July 9

83 were arrested, mostly “anarchists” from out of town.  I have wrote elsewhere on the futility of breaking store windows as a revolutionary act and the pointless exercise of violence that alienates a community from your cause.  Black residents were heard shouting at the anarchists “go home. This is our city. Don’t destroy it.”

“Grace Lee, 27, the owner of Grace Beauty Supply near the corner of 17th Street and Broadway, said “tons of people” broke into her store through the window to steal hair extensions and other expensive merchandise. Lee said she had watched the bedlam unfold on her store’s surveillance camera.

“I’m upset. People walked in here and police could not stop them. I don’t know what to do,” Lee said.

Lee said she believed those responsible for the looting weren’t actually protesting the verdict.

“I feel like they were familiar with the store. They knew what they wanted,” Lee said. “I don’t think it was people doing the demonstration. I feel like it was more like they waited for something to happen so they could do their own stuff.”

Had I been there I would of been there with the community leaders identifying the groups to be stopped.

Source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/07/09/BAH61EBUBF.DTL

Two men, presumedly black, were killed in separate incidents in Oakland.  As one commentor noted “where is the outrage? where is the community coming together to stop this.”

Source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/07/09/BAH61EBUGQ.DTL

Elsewhere, a black rapist, believed to be a serial offender, raped a woman in her apartment.  For those unfamiliar with the area the city Walnut Creek is an upscale community with very few blacks it is possible this attack is an act of ethnic intimidation.

Source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/07/09/BAH61EBUMS.DTL


  1. Sigh; if only Whites had as much (or any) ethnocentrism as the other races do you would not be seeing this kind of “reaction” from the blacks in Oakland or anywhere else.

  2. It’s only a matter of time before the Justice Department retries the case and gets a first degree murder conviction. They’ll still be rioting now and then.

  3. Andrew, I heard about the verdict on the radio (in New Orleans) on the way home from the office, and I remember thinking why is the verdict in a murder case in California being reported on local radio in Louisiana? It makes sense now. Thanks for this valuable information.

  4. “Blacks however assume that every black injured by the system is an attack on them all and they respond in kind.”

    Kind of like NATO. Only in this case NATO stands for Niggers Against Theoretical Oppression.

  5. “Blacks however assume that every black injured by the system is an attack on them all and they respond in kind.”

    What an incredible claim! What a bold generalization! How is it that Andrew Yeoman has such a pulse on what ALL black people think? Evidence, please!

  6. He wrote “assume” not “think”, and if black group behavior isn’t clear to you, you should start with racialism 101. I suggest chimpout.com.

  7. Nathan Maas – How is it that your are so blind to what your five senses tell you, particularly your sense of sight? How many times do you need to see Blacks chimp out en masse before you’ll admit that they are predisposed to act tribally, thoughtlessly, and destructively? It happens everywhere Blacks congregate in large numbers — Oakland, Detroit, South Africa, Rhodesia, etc., etc., etc….

    Oh, and when we say ALL Black people, we are speaking rhetorically; we know that not every Black person thinks that way. But you bring up that “ALL” rubbish merely as a distraction.

  8. Morphy, I think your clarification between “think” and “assume” missed the point. The point being, how can one person know what any group, as if it’s a hive to begin with, thinks or assumes?

    I can’t tell if your chimpout.com recommendation was a joke or not, but I sincerely hope it was.

    Anchorage, my sense of sight is fine, as is my ability to process visual information. Our difference most likely lies in how we were raised. I had many black friends growing up, as I continue to today – I have witnessed nothing of what you speak of. I am assuming from your name that you live in Anchorage, Alaska, and that perhaps you haven’t had much contact with black people. Perhaps you were also raised in a racist family. Regardless if you think racism is wrong, right, or just a “PC” rebranding of “accurate discrimination”, you must realize that if one is brought up in a certain mindset, they are overwhelmingly likely to continue that mindset. Catholics tend to raise Catholics, Buddhists tend to raise Buddhists, etc. You are often what was around you.

    This being said, these blacks you somehow think represent “rhetorically all” of black people were most likely raised in a lower-class family in an environment lacking proper education and holding a strong generational link to segregation days, with perhaps an elder family member being the son or daughter of a slave. Imagine yourself in this situation and imagine how easy it is for anger and ignorance to build up in the local community. Add to that the strong remnants of racism that still continue today. It does not make for a sane society. Social traits do not come from your race, they come from your environment. There is not one gene that MAKES someone violent. It is social conditioning. Look at some peer-reviewed studies on this very subject. There are literally thousands and I’m sure you will find many that interest you. Seek opposing studies and look at their methodology.

    On the subject of words, if you mean “most of”, say it. If you mean “all”, say that. Say what you mean. I’m sure you can agree that striving for excellence in communication is something worthwhile. Otherwise, your words really do become a “distraction”!

  9. Nathan Maas,

    You’re right. I’m going to move to Detroit, South Side Chicago, Newark, South Central L.A., East St. Louis, or Washington D.C. ASAP. Thanks for opening my eyes to the errors of my ways. Peace and Love.

  10. I ate burritos on Slauson in South Central LA tonight. It’s a great place and if you had been down here with me, you would probably agree, instead of projecting. I’m glad I could open your eyes, even if you see facetiously for now.

    And I know you’re working on your humor, but i’d rather start a relief fund for the world than one single group.

  11. I’ve had burritos in Westwood, but only driven through South Central. Were you near USC? Would you consider living in the blackest part of L.A. in the blackest part of any of the other cities I mentioned?

    If donations were allocated according to impoverishment owing to racial discrimination, the Palestinians would receive a significant amount from the fund due to the racist policies of Israel. Do you agree?

  12. Oops… (and sorry if this thread is getting detoured on account of my dancing with trolls).

    Would you consider living in the blackest part of L.A. OR in the blackest part of any of the other cities I mentioned?

  13. Yes, I most surely would live in any of those areas. I was recently seriously considering Detroit, actually. Intensely black neighborhoods are some of the strongest communities I’ve ever lived in – whether you are black, asian, latino, etc. All that matters is what should matter anywhere – that you are caring. But you’re still going to have ignorant people, no matter if you’re in Beverly Hills or Compton.

    On the Palestinian / Israeli front, both sides have racism. Proportion-wise is irrelevant to me, for if you treat one side more favorably, you’re only creating more indifference. You can’t bring a balance without actual equality. This is why things like Affirmative Action don’t work. You’re not targeting the root cause and you’re only creating a reverse discrimination based on a history the individuals did not create.

    Also, I think its fairly obvious I’m not a “troll”. Just because I have a different view on the subject? If that’s what a troll is to you, I welcome them.

  14. If you were eating burritos in south central Los Angeles, you were among Mexicans, not Blacks. The Mexicans have been cleansing the ghetto for years, driving the Blacks out into the desert towns, like Lancaster and Berdoo. You need to work on your storytelling.

    “…many Black friends…” Right. “Friendship” with Blacks is on Black terms, they won’t have you unless you buy their excuses. Get off your knees.

  15. “Intensely black neighborhoods are some of the strongest communities I’ve ever lived in – whether you are black, asian, latino, etc.”

    Hi, I’m Asian. Just curious about something. Weren’t you implying through your earlier post that strong community identity is among the root causes of racism, at least among whites?

  16. That “Nathan” is another incarnation of J. Imp. Impermeable to logic when it doesnt suit him.

    I once had a online chat with a jew who tried to persuade me that I AM AN ALIENATED JEW – halfblood or quarteron suffering from a sort of inner guilt and envy because i am so much concerned about deeds of these parasites and because i demonstrated some knowledge on the topic.

    dont spend too much time on them.

  17. “Social traits do not come from your race, they come from your environment. There is not one gene that MAKES someone violent.”

    All psychophysiological and social traits are strongly inherited and differ between races

    Here we have genes for violence, which PREDISPOSES for violence. And this predisposition ALWAYS translates into different social statistics for different groups regardless interventions.


    But you can provide evidence for contrary – show any not pre-selected Negro population which is not different from any other major race with respect to lets say criminality or other main traits.

  18. I think White Nationalists have a huge science problem (just like almost everyone else for that matter). Here’s the issue:

    Scientists have discovered certain persistent genetic differences between populations of different people. Racialists often make the mistake of ascribing observed behaviors to these differences, when no such evidence for that connection exists.

    Commonly, the myriad cultural factors in determining behavior is seemingly ignored or paid short shrift. The contribution of individualism is also discarded.

    Examples of this kind of fallacious thinking abound on this and other racialist blogs . Did you observe a person of a certain ethnicity acting a certain way? Stock response: “Everyone knows that’s just how those people are” followed by an apocryphal story of the environmental conditions that the person’s forebears possibly experienced 5000 or so years ago.

    The idea that the minor genetic differences between populations, the scientific understanding of which is still in its infancy, can be used to accurately explain such behaviors is ludicrous.

    Genetics undoubtedly determine behavior in some way, but how and by how much is still unknown. However, we can easily see the impact of culture on behavior.

    Blacks raised in upper-class suburban communities usually behave like whites raised in upper-class suburban communities. Whites raised in lower-class urban communities usually behave like blacks raised in lower-class urban communities.

    There’s a huge population of Japanese in the LA area, and those people act much more like Los Angelenos (for better or worse) than like Japanese nationals living in Japan.

    If you want to make it your life’s work to advocate for a racially pure white ethnostate, then I say go for it. It’s a free country. But I don’t think that the misuse and abuse of science does anyone any favors.

  19. @ Garver who said:

    “Blacks raised in upper-class suburban communities usually behave like whites raised in upper-class suburban communities.”

    That’s bullshit. LOL.

    They say there is only a tiny genetic differece between man and chimp—I believe it.

  20. Randy,

    I believe you have a huge knowledge problem that you should address before making blanket accusations that we have a science problem. Of course many of the crude correlations are bunk, but there’s a very strong body of research supporting the proposition that these persistent group differences are genetic, not environmental. I suggest a good place to start would be here…


    Additionally, this would illuminate some of your fallacious thought patterns relating to the subject…


    Science certainly has yet to find the elusive “preference for menthol cigarettes” gene, but there’s actually a very mature and solidly peer-reviewed body of data on this subject that has been tested and challenged again and again over the course of several decades.

  21. The idea that human behavior is purely cultural is ridiculous.

    If human behavior is purely cultural, explain the genetic diseases that are known to profoundly alter human behavior. Minor genetic screw ups can be fatal.

    Men and women share the same culture. Why are men – young men, in particular – overwhelmingly more likely to commit violent crimes than women? Why are young people more criminally inclined than the elderly?

    It is only when the subject is racial differences within the human species – a politically incorrect topic – that leftists resort to this “culture explains it all” nonsense. Animal breeders have known for thousands of years that other mammalian species can be bred for behavior.

    Culturalism is easily discredited. In the American South, blacks and Whites share the same culture: same language, same political ideology, same religion, same food, same holidays. Blacks and Whites often live in the same neighborhoods. They go to the same schools.

    If culture is a more important determinant of behavior than heredity, why do Whites of German ancestry in America – who speak English, not German – track more closely to Germans in Bavaria – who speak German, not English – than to blacks of West African ancestry who live in the same city and sit in the same classrooms?

    In terms of intelligence and personality, German-Americans are more like Germans than blacks or Hispanics. Mexican-Americans are more like Mexicans than Anglo-Americans. The Anglo-Americans are more like the English than blacks.

    Cultural differences are superficial. An English-speaker can learn French and vice versa. A child with Tay Sachs disease or cystic fibrosis can’t “change his culture” and become normal.

    Humans are mammals. Like any other mammalian species, human behavior is largely determined by heredity. The unsavory implication is that humans can be bred for behavior like any other species.

  22. I guarantee you that none of these trolls and mud-sympathizers have ever spent any length of time in ‘da hood’…they have NO IDEA of real street life, and real niggers and would die of fright before their frail liberal bodies hit the pavement if they did experience it. Their anecdotes of ‘nice’ blacks and such are either total fictions, or they probably roomed with a NONKY in freshman year at Berkeley, and dress up that experience with fictions to make their trolling here seem objective and valid. White folks from poor urban areas always know the score, and fall squarely on the side of racial realities. We’ve lived thru the gauntlet and fight fire with fire. Go to Brooklyn or South Philly or Baltimore, etc etc etc and leave no doubts in your mind.

  23. The question of these liberal cult kiddies is, do they believe in the Blank Slate Theory?

    We thought they believed in Evolution, guess not. We thought they believed in human bio diversity, guess not.

    We thought they were against racial genocide, a BIG guess not. So for the trolls I ask, “Why are you so eager for racial genocide of my race the white race?”

  24. Oakland did erupt in rioting and looting. Drudge has links to several stories. It seems that the rioters included many white Anarchist “black-block” types who go from event to event just for the opportunity to smash and loot. Nice guys. (Andrew: you’re swimming uphill with that name of yours.)

    Here is a you tube of the Foot Locker being looted:

  25. Just to be clear, I’m not suggesting at all that race doesn’t make a difference, only that the current state of the science is not yet advanced enough to predict “which” differences, at least to the extent many racialists appear to believe. That’s a most critical distinction.

    Regarding RF’s post about the “Warrior Gene” study, here are followup comments made by the author himself:

    ROD LEA: Well, this… this gene has been linked to different anti-social behaviours and risk taking behaviours, but the link that’s been made is usually quite weak and often is only present in association with non-genetic factors, that is other factors such as upbringing, socio-economic circumstances, other lifestyle factors.

    So the thinking is that this gene may increase the tendency of a person becoming aggressive or taking risks, or that sort of thing, but it will only do so in combination with a lot of other genes, as well as a lot of other lifestyle factors.

    So in and of itself, it’s not a useful predictor, if you like, of behaviour.

    Mr. Parrott, I thank you for those links and will carefully read them. I’ll gladly eat my words if I’m mistaken.

  26. Mommy Prof. has put their cult kiddies into a positive feed back loop destined to eat itself.

    White guilt is its operative mechanism, which fuels black rage, which can only be tempered temporarily by more white guilt continue on till whites are ethnically/racially cleansed and the Africans revert to being Africans.

    Call it the Detroit syndrome except President Shabazz X has plans to turn the USA into a three thousand mile wide Detroit.

    We really won’t advance with Crime studies and IQ studies they are interesting and informative but they at best are stepping stones and not keystones. Debating them with the cult kiddies is more or less debating Mommy Prof’s wind up dolls on their terms.

    I do not believe in the Blank Slate theory, I do not feel or think I’m guilty of the failures of white liberals and non whites, and an emphatic NO on feeling guilty of being against my race’s genocide.

  27. The idea that human behavior is purely cultural is ridiculous.

    Even if we allowed that, where does culture come from? Culture is a human construction that is rooted in the genetics of its builders. Culture doesn’t spring out of the aether.

  28. Acclaim for J. Philippe Rushton’s
    Race, Evolution, and Behavior
    “(An) incendiary thesis….that separate races of human beings evolved different reproductive strategies to cope with
    different environments and that these strategies led to physical differences in brain size and hence in intelligence.
    Human beings who evolved in the warm but highly unpredictable environment of Africa adopted a strategy of high reproduction, while human beings who migrated to the hostile cold of Europe and northern Asia took to producing
    fewer children but nurturing them more carefully.”
    —Malcolm W. Browne, New York Times Book Review
    “Rushton is a serious scholar who has assembled serious data. Consider just one example: brain size. The empirical
    reality, verified by numerous modern studies, including several based on magnetic resonance imaging, is that a
    significant and substantial relationship does exist between brain size and measured intelligence after body size is
    taken into account and that the races do have different distributions of brain size.”
    —Charles Murray, Afterword to The Bell Curve
    “Describes hundreds of studies worldwide that show a consistent pattern of human racial differences in such
    characteristics as intelligence, brain size, genital size, strength of sex drive, reproductive potency, industriousness,
    sociability, and rule following. On each of these variables, the groups are aligned in the order: Orientals, Caucasians,
    —Mark Snyderman, National Review
    “Rushton’s Race, Evolution, and Behavior…is an attempt to understand [race] differences in terms of life-history
    evolution….Perhaps there ultimately will be some serious contribution from the traditional smoke-and-mirrors social
    science treatment of IQ, but for now Rushton’s framework is essentially the only game in town.”
    —Henry Harpending, Evolutionary Anthropology
    .“This brilliant book is the most impressive theory-based study…of the psychological and behavioral differences
    between the major racial groups that I have encountered in the world literature on this subject.”
    —Arthur R. Jensen, University of California, Berkeley
    “The only acceptable explanation of race differences in behavior allowed in public discourse is an entirely
    environmental one…Professor Rushton deserves our gratitude for having the courage to declare that ‘this emperor
    has no clothes,’ and that a more satisfactory explanation must be sought.”
    —Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr., University of Minnesota
    “The remarkable resistance to racial science in our times has led to comparisons with the inquisition of Rome, active
    during the Renaissance…. Astronomy and the physical sciences had their Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo a few
    centuries ago; society and the welfare of humanity is the better for it today. In a directly analogous fashion,
    psychology and the social sciences today have their Darwin, Galton, and Rushton.”
    —Glayde Whitney, Contemporary Psychology
    “The data are startling to the uninitiated….Race, Evolution, and Behavior confronts us as few books have with the
    dilemmas wrought in a democratic society by individual and group differences in key human traits.”
    —Linda Gottfredson, Politics and the Life Sciences
    “Professor Rushton is widely known and respected for the unusual combination of rigour and originality in his
    work….Few concerned with understanding the problems associated with race can afford to disregard this storehouse
    of well-integrated information which gives rise to a remarkable synthesis.”
    —Hans J. Eysenck, University of London
    “Should, if there is any justice, receive a Nobel Prize.”
    —Richard Lynn, Spectator.

  29. Yes, I most surely would live in any of those areas.

    Until you do you should refrain from asserting the superiority, livability or sustainability of the neighborhoods under question and refrain from making claims about the root causes of their dysfunction.

    I was recently seriously considering Detroit, actually. Intensely black neighborhoods are some of the strongest communities I’ve ever lived in – whether you are black, asian, latino, etc. All that matters is what should matter anywhere – that you are caring.

    I’m not really understanding these sentences. Are you saying that living in an essentially homogenous black community as a minority is easy if you “care”? Define ‘caring’ as it relates to this train of that.

    But you’re still going to have ignorant people, no matter if you’re in Beverly Hills or Compton.

    Define ‘ignorant’ for us. I’m guessing you think a racist is ignorant no matter how intelligent, well-read, refined and accomplished he is.

    On the Palestinian / Israeli front, both sides have racism.

    NO THEY DON’T! Racism is prejudice plus power and the Palestinians are essentially disempowered. Hamas don’t control the media bro.

    Proportion-wise is irrelevant to me, for if you treat one side more favorably, you’re only creating more indifference. You can’t bring a balance without actual equality. This is why things like Affirmative Action don’t work.

    Tell that to all your nigger homeboys and see what color your eyes end up.

    You’re not targeting the root cause and you’re only creating a reverse discrimination based on a history the individuals did not create.

    The root cause of inequality is diversity.

    Also, I think its fairly obvious I’m not a “troll”. Just because I have a different view on the subject? If that’s what a troll is to you, I welcome them.

    For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re a troll, I think you’re wrong.

  30. Randy,
    Let me advise you.
    The research on racial differences in intelligence is one is the most thorough researches in the history of humankind. No less. Formally it began some 150 years ago when the first anthropologists began measuring and compare brains and heads between races. Regardless what liberals shriek and wail, that ancient research IS valid and being confirmed time and time again. Except that by now the newest findings obtained by using modern techniques completely overshadow those oldest data.

    Look, I dont know how familiar you are with the Scientific Method.

    “Scientists have discovered certain persistent genetic differences between populations of different people. Racialists often make the mistake of ascribing observed behaviors to these differences, when no such evidence for that connection exists.

    Commonly, the myriad cultural factors in determining behavior is seemingly ignored or paid short shrift. The contribution of individualism is also discarded.”

    What you said here is a kind of arrogance of a 7 years old who knows everything in this world. It is SCIENCE, Randy. Like that that makes you cellphone work. That you dont understand those things doesn’t mean they are rubbish. The best of jew detractors broke their teeth trying to discredit these findings. It didnt work. This is why they simply suppress and ridicule them.
    My own example. I am a little bit familiar with Scientific Method as I hold PhD in Neuroscience and do physiological research routinely and when these things came into my sphere of attention I was nearly instantly swayed by overwhelming evidence.

    So if you really want to learn, you will. Albeit it wouldnt make your days brighter.

  31. I can’t believe there are still people honestly spouting the environment over genetics line. Are you serious? Do you believe in Spontaneous Generation as well?

  32. I was recently seriously considering Detroit, actually. Intensely black neighborhoods are some of the strongest communities I’ve ever lived in – whether you are black, asian, latino, etc. All that matters is what should matter anywhere – that you are caring.

    That gave it away. Nice try though.

    Still, so many people do seem to think this way that it’s worthwhile pointing out that just as it has been said that “making love” is what a girl does while a guy fucks her, “embracing diversity” is what whites do while everyone else fucks them over. (Well, not exactly, a bit of diversity can spice things up nicely, and it’s not surprising that a lot of people like — not merely “tolerate” — a bit of it. But America long ago left “a bit” behind.)

  33. @danielj: Culture is a product of the interplay between a near infinite number of factors over eons, including biology, geography, climate, geology, interaction with neighboring groups, technology, politics, etc etc.

    There seems to be a lack of nuance here, as if one either has to pledge allegiance to blank slatism or geneticism as the genesis of all human behavior. Let’s consider the possibility that it’s a complex interplay of many factors.

    Science rarely produces easy and incontrovertible answers despite the strong desire from people to have them.

    I find it laughable that a white doctor would have more in common with an inner city “wigger” type person than with a black doctor (personally, I think the word wigger is painfully pejorative, but it is rather unambiguous).

    Further, I would wager that a healthy majority of white doctors would rather live next door to a black doctor of similar wealth than next door to an inner city white person who just won the lottery and could now afford a luxury home.

    “Culturalism is easily discredited. In the American South, blacks and Whites share the same culture: same language, same political ideology, same religion, same food, same holidays.” –Hunter Wallace

    I would respectfully disagree with this statement. Certainly there are pockets where this has happened, but for the most part white folks have associated mostly with white folks and black folks with black folks. They tend to go to different churches, have different social circles, and often attend different schools.

    I grew up in the northeast in a middle-class suburb and went to a 99% white school. There were a couple of black kids and a couple of asian kids, and they were as culturally whitebread as anyone else. I’ve worked with black engineers in California who were such “nonkeys” (LOL) that you could collaborate with them for 6 months and never know they were black until you met them in person.

    As for the IQ debate, that’s a topic for another post.

  34. Racial Diversity as some sort of source of strength is merely an article of faith for the latest fad religion: secular humanism. Article of faith because it can’t be backed up by scientific fact or historical experience, phoney troll anecdotes not withstanding.

  35. unfortunately for nonkeys, they are only accepted by white people, and are ruthlessly bullied by their fellow blacks.

  36. @RF: Let’s keep this collegial.

    Here is an article from a few days ago that discusses IQ:

    “PhysOrg.com) — Researchers in the US have noted areas of the world with the lowest average intelligence quotient (IQ) also tend to have the highest rates of infectious diseases, and suggest the energy required to fight off the diseases may hinder brain development in children because both are metabolically costly processes.”


    Another article about the relationship between IQ, antisocial behavior, and nutrition:


    “Poor nutrition, characterized by zinc, iron, vitamin B and protein deficiencies, leads to low IQ, which leads to later antisocial behavior”

    The gist: IQ differences across the globe are at least partially the result of environmental conditions such as nutrition and parasitism.

  37. Randy Garver: “I find it laughable that a white doctor would have more in common with an inner city “wigger” type person than with a black doctor.”

    Even if the “wigger” is his own son?

    “Further, I would wager that a healthy majority of white doctors would rather live next door to a black doctor of similar wealth than next door to an inner city white person who just won the lottery and could now afford a luxury home.”

    So, there is something inherently wrong about a “typical” White person who lives in the inner city? Imagine how your type would get us for defaming a “typical” inner city Black.

    I would also like to ask how a White doctor’s preference for a neighbor has anything to do with disproving racial differences-genetic and phenotypical.

    “for the most part white folks have associated mostly with white folks and black folks with black folks. They tend to go to different churches, have different social circles, and often attend different schools.”

    Don’t over-generalize, if you don’t want us to. This is correct to an extent, but most institutions have a very significant degree of racial integration. If not, how are Black-White intermarriages skyrocketing, in the Eastern half of the U.S. (particularly in the Southeast and along the Atlantic Coast)?

    Whites and Blacks still share a common culture.

    “There were a couple of black kids and a couple of asian kids, and they were as culturally whitebread as anyone else.”

    What a nasty way to insult Whites?! You use a potentail slur, and make it a patronizing insult-with your claim that Blacks and Asians are-meaningfully-as White as we are.

    “I’ve worked with black engineers in California who were such “nonkeys” (LOL) that you could collaborate with them for 6 months and never know they were black until you met them in person.”

    What is that supposed to mean?

  38. “…you could collaborate with them for 6 months and never know they were black until you met them in person.”

    “What is that supposed to mean?”

    never know they were black=relative command of the english language, lack of ever-changing and meaningless ghetto idioms, volume control on their vocal chordsd, some measure of impulse control, can form a coherent thought, keep a job, etc? am i gettin warm?

  39. “Culture is a product of the interplay between a near infinite number of factors over eons, including biology, geography, climate, geology, interaction with neighboring groups, technology, politics, etc etc.”

    This is the kind of PC speak that drives me nuts. This the result of and results in total devolution of trust and principle and the loss of the presumption of innocence in our culture.

    This is what that statement says:

    “We don’t trust people to live according to broad conclusions that they come to through seeing with their eyes and discerning with their mind because filthy disgusting people cannot be trusted to understand there are exceptions to the rule.”

    Have some respect for people you stinking douche bag.

  40. Sorry. A huge part of taking back the culture is taking back the language and part of that means having no truck with elitist snobs constantly pointing out the exceptions to the rule. Because ohmygosh, we uneducated swine might actually believe in some kind of principle we might actually act on or believe in! Good golly we must keep that kind of heathen thinking down!

  41. Culture is a product of the interplay between a near infinite number of factors over eons, including biology, geography, climate, geology, interaction with neighboring groups, technology, politics, etc etc.

    If you are a materialist (and I’m operating under the assumption that you are) then you have no option.

    Culture is, in toto, the federated genetic response to the above mentioned factors. Biology, since it is the always operational variable, determines culture. Other factors can change culture but only because of the operation of biology.

    I also think find it telling that you worry about complete biological causation but do not assert that human freedom has anything to do with the creation of culture. What does it matter what culture reduces to if human freedom is not part of the finally and totally reduced equation?

  42. So the point stands. Biology is the determining factor in culture creation unless one is willing to admit that completely inert, teleologically lacking matter and weather patterns are capable of affecting humanity in a more meaningful way than the very DNA they are comprised of.

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