BP Gulf Oil Disaster Far Worse Than 9-11

The Gulf Oil Disaster is destroying a huge foodshed of seafood and a unique ecology. There will be massive human displacement from the shore of the Gulf. It’s going to to become a ghost town. People who live in the New Orleans area are packing up,ala the Joads from “Grapes of Wrath.”

I’ve been part of the Peak Oil discussion for a while now, and the reason we are still a car-tard nation is because of offshore drilling. The end of the personal automobile will solve a lot of our cultural problems, for a variety of reasons.

First of all, the end of the personal auto will downsize and restructure the “Economy” into infinitely segmented “economies.” Monotheism will fall back into an infinite polytheism, because the economy shapes god itself.

We’ll have to get around and do things on our own. We’re like a bunch of laboratory mice who are about to get released into the field out back of the laboratory, or a brood of poodle puppies left in the middle of the woods in January.

I saw the old “Grapes of Wrath” movie in Black and White. Like my recent viewing of Mad Max, I was underwhelmed. Reality is going to be way worse. It already is, for tens of thousands of people living basically feral lives in tent cities now. Hopefully there’s a few Mind-Weapons developing in those tent cities.

In private discussions with a good colleague, I have been warned that I focus too much on money and production, and I’ll get wealthy and lose my idealism and abandon the White Advocacy movement. I don’t think there’s too much danger of getting wealthy, but even if I did I would just use it set up worthwhile comrades in tenant farming, and develop a trading network/resilient economy.

It’s a pity that my colleagues seem to operate on the assumption that the status quo is locked in, and “doomers” like me are unlikely to be right. If you aren’t terrified of the situation, you aren’t paying attention. You’re going to kick yourself for not preparing more. Hopefully you’ll live through it.

One thing I am quite sure of is that “unbounded multiculturalism” and political correctness will be smashed to smithereens in the coming shakeup. Just as in the old days race realism was taken for granted, so it shall be again.


  1. ‘the reason we are still a car-tard nation is because of offshore drilling. The end of the personal automobile will solve a lot of our cultural problems, for a variety of reasons.’

    The problem is not cars per se, it’s that people accept whatever cars the system offers them. If people were making their own cars in local communities, there would be less passive acceptance and more active creativity.

    See also


  2. Monotheism will fall back into an infinite polytheism, because the economy shapes god itself.

    I can understand why White Nationalism isn’t gaining any traction. The vast majority of White people are Christians like myself and to read this kind of offensive trash is a major turnoff because it reeks of satanism.

  3. Oh boo hoo Tony. If you don’t realize that Money is the real God that rules over us all quite immediately, then you are mired in Satanism yourself, but you call it by your preferred name.

    Are these Jesus people who speculate on real estate and worship football players more akin to you, because they have “Jesus” on their lips all the time?

    I am in open rebellion against the rule of Mammon. I don’t say “Jesus” but I work hard to reject the moneychangers and go back to a production economy.

    When you have a population that pursues the medium of value, rather than value itself, that’s real Satanism. The monotheism I speak of is the monotheism of Mammonism. There are millions of Mammonists with Jesus on their lips.

    Relocalized economy will be a healthier polytheism. Peoples affections and attentions and energies will be refocused on the homegrown, the local, rather than worshipping centralized brand names.

  4. Tony, a white nationalists doesn’t want to get just “anywhere”, a white
    nationalist has quite a few anti-Christian goals in mind. A white nationalist looks at what is best for whites and sees that turning the other cheek, loving ones neighbor, etc. shouldn’t apply to Jews, blacks etc. because those races follow a different set of rules.

    They are racial; that is to say, they choose religions that exalt their race, not teach it that victory in this world is a thing to be wished against.

    Saul of Tarsus is the perfect example; he hated the white Romans that were humbling his people. He didn’t have the physical strength to defeat them but he noticed that Christianity was quite a potent way of demilitarizing Roman soldiers.

    So he hijacked Christianity and turned it into a mind-weapon against whites.

    By the time whites knew what hit them, Muslims were breathing down our throats at the battle of Tours (732) and all our native spiritual practices had been uprooted (especially science).

    It was only when our leaders abandoned Christianity in their own hearts, while paying lip service to it for the sake of the masses in the Renaissance, that we started kicking ass again.

    Science, the white spiritual way of looking at the world, allowed our race to conquer disease, ignorance, and even the forces of gravity, to say nothing of the entire brown world.

    It was only our internal civil war in the 20th century that allowed the boot to come off the throat of the browns. When we look at that civil war we see Jewish fingerprints all over it. And they were the ones to gain the most. Jews love Christianity because it means that the white race will be subjected to a Jewish God from the cradle.

    Most thinking whites of this generation are non-Christian, and even anti-Christian. We remember that it is organizations like the Catholic Church that want our borders completely erased and that MLK et al. was a true believing Christian.

    Christians also spare no expense at attacking Darwin and other scientists.

    Evolution-science is uncovering the glories of our ancient ancestors as they “Left Behind” black Africa and crawled out of the mud. If not for the flood of the Black Sea 7500 years ago, (yes the Bible doesn’t quite have the story right does it?) our people would have never Prometheus-like brought the light of civilization to China, Egypt and the Middle East and beyond.

    The mythic hero Prometheus is known in many civilizations precisely because white refugees from the Black Sea (dare I say Atlantis?) touched so many civilizations (the original Diaspora). Prometheus, the light bearer, Lucifer if you wish to call him that, is hated in Jew religion, because he is the race enemy of Jews. As with anything, consider the source. The Bible was written of, by, and for Jews. Jews rule our society. There is a one-to-one causal relationship between the two facts.

    Just something to think about.

    White leaders have been free for religion for some time now (you think Skull and Bones warmonger Bush is a Christian?!? Or Dick Cheney?!?) , occasionally that fact gets down to the masses and they get confused. Oh well, you can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.

    They don’t call it a slave religion for nothing.

  5. The Church did give Europe a good enough reason to unite against the up-n-coming Islam, so I have to give it a bit of credit there…

  6. Good stuff, Nietzsche.

    I’m not purposely antagonizing Christians. The ones who get offended such as Tony don’t understand the “meta” of what’s going on, like a fish doesn’t understand the concept of water because it lives in water.

    Mammonism rules. If you aren’t fighting Mammonism, then you are under its boot.

    Fighting Mammonism will make you a production-oriented, results-oriented mind-weapon warrior anarch. Because Mammonism, at this historical moment, is the war we must fight.

    Mammonism took away our ability to fend for ourselves, and made us as livestock. And now we the biped livestock shall be cut loose into the wild to fend for ourselves.

    What I am advocating is becoming a human version of a wild animals as much as possible, as quickly as possible.

  7. One day the rest of the world will wake up and realize that they are financing a third world country with first world debt obligagtions and a second world banking system.

    Think about it, a Chinaman living in China has got to be upset or a bit puzzled to see his work propping up President Shabbaz X’s welfare loads.
    And I’m sure his cousin on the West Coast has plenty of unPC tales of the 80 IQ blacks who strut like clown Nazis thruout our social and political mileu.

    Now I’m sure deepdown that Asians believe in white supremacy, but for the life of me are they this dense as to prop up President Shabbaz X as he turns America into the three thousand mile wide Detroit and completely disenfranchises the people who built something worthwhile.

  8. Kievesky “Good stuff, Nietzsche.”

    No, Mr. Mind Weapon, it is the stuff of preconceived world-view shoe-horning. But worst, it is just dumb strategy, and a separate essay that should be put elsewhere (forum?). I would argue (Mr. Mind Weapon), that one true drag on WN is that it is a cadre of self-appointed elite that, like boys on a playground, use dirt clods and pull hair, to distinguish themselves. Christians (right or wrong, dumb or brilliant), are wary of those that value nothing greater than the advancement of themselves, especially at the expense of others/groups. A Christians vertical hierarchy has God at the top. The Godless has himself at the top. Any strategy to merge the groups has got to be very clever, subtle, in order to harmonize interests. Nevertheless, it has been done before… it was called WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

    And so, in a perfect example of self-contradiction, betraying the above hierarchy — something a Christian is TRAINED to recognize.

    “It was only when our leaders abandoned Christianity in their own hearts, while paying lip service to it for the sake of the masses in the Renaissance, that we started kicking ass again.”

    …now re-read the whole post and notice how the author then, in total, is taking a huge dump in the lap of Christians. The author, without reference, without any scholarship, then proceeds with his pet conspiracy theory regarding the author of the very first extant writings of Christianity (none of which support his thesis, which he would know, if he had taken the time to read them like I have, repeatedly).

    Greg Johnson did the same thing recently, and then issued a mea culpa. Can you understand how repelling it is to a Christian, that a Godless man would claim Christians are untrustworthy as comrades?

    But please, if you don’t believe me, or take the time to understand, let us go our separate ways, and we will try to get there separately. But each of us gets to walk away with what we have brought to the table:

    My people take the greatest bestseller of all of time. The one that has inspired the majority of Great Western minds that you puff your chest out and falsely claim for your own.
    My people get all of the major houses of worship in the West, along with the mind weapons who were inspired to put their structures to paper and fill them with the art. We get the great Christian warrior ethos, the great works of love and literature. The value of Truth (you can have empirical truth), from which flows love and beauty.

    You get the point. Deal?


  9. St. Paul preached Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. In other words, pagans, jews, and other non-believers could not be saved! There is no working your way into heaven in St. Paul’s theology. Your only chance at Salvation is through Jesus Christ.

    So Kievsky you will be burning in hell with the kikes. Not a pleasant future. LOL.

  10. On the other hand, Kievsky could do a last minute turn-around on his death bed, suddenly “find the lord” and get into heaven along with all the convicted murders and rapists who find religion in prison. No work involved at all, just a flip of the switch. What a convenient religion you have there.

    What puzzles me why so many Christians seem so sad when a fellow Christian dies (gets cancer, gets hit by a bus, etc.). Surely they should be happy that he or she is in everlasting heaven, drinking rumpunch with Jesus.

    In any case, White patriots care about the here and now and the future of their children, not the afterlife. In fact, our children ARE our afterlife since our genes live on in THEM. Meanwhile, the brain, the epicenter of our consciousness, will die and decay and return to the earth from which it came, along with the rest of the body.

  11. Feminized Western male and other Christians,

    The stuff you are bringing up is a red herring. If you don’t like me, why come here and lecture me? Go hang with your football fan friends and classic car buffs in the parking lot of the church. There’s zillions of Christians out there. Why do you bother with my thread? Are you trying to proselytize me? Make me feel sorry for (quite inadvertently) hurting your feelings?

    “Oy vey, what you say is offensive to me as a Christian.”

    I didn’t say anything about Christians in my post, but here come the breast-beaters. “Oh you are insulting my religion! You won’t get anywhere with your anti-Christian attitude!”

    What. Ever.

    I am concerned with real concrete things. You commenters who come here to split hairs about semantics of religion are a joke. You are debating the arrangement of the deck chairs while the ship is sinking.

  12. Tom,

    We are already, you and me and all of us, “burning in hell with the kikes” right here and now.

    We don’t have to wait to die! Hell came to us! You just haven’t accepted that fact into your heart yet.

  13. Kievsky,

    We are already, you and me and all of us…

    Hell on Earth = Living in China’s coal belt

  14. @Kievsky

    I don’t think that anyone here doubts we have a problem with the kikes here, and now. But, if you want to spend eternity with the Jews listening to them whine—that’s your decision. There is no Salvation except through Jesus Christ!

  15. “Greg Johnson did the same thing recently, and then issued a mea culpa. Can you understand how repelling it is to a Christian, that a Godless man would claim Christians are untrustworthy as comrades?”

    Give me a Thor-worshipping Dane who cares about his people (wait a minute, that’s an oxymoron) over a Nigerian Bishop with the precise correct doctrine any day.

  16. @John

    If you can find a Thor worshipping Dane. LOL. More than likely you will find a Jew worshipping Dane. LOL. But, both will end up in hell together—Thor and the Jew!

  17. If you can find a Thor worshipping Dane. LOL. More than likely you will find a Jew worshipping Dane. LOL. But, both will end up in hell together—Thor and the Jew!

    Meanwhile, in “heaven”, the Nigerian Christian preacher marries your great-granddaughter.

  18. Meanwhile, in “heaven”, the Nigerian Christian preacher marries your great-granddaughter.

    They neither marry nor are given in marriage in Heaven.

  19. “FeminizedWesternMale said:

    The Godless has himself at the top. Any strategy to merge the groups has got to be very clever, subtle, in order to harmonize interests. Nevertheless, it has been done before… it was called WESTERN CIVILIZATION.”

    Can Christian WN be re-harmonized with pagan WN? Let’s take a moment to conceptualize this.

    In the conservative Christian world view, Transcendent God is the grounds of being, which defines human nature, and represents the human good. Given this, the good life is the life that is consistent with human nature and leads to the hereafter. Now part of human nature, as defined by God, is to be social and particular; if you are catholic, that means being a part of a national community in the sense of John Paul’s ‘Memory and Identity.’ I am sure Protestants have some equivalent conception. Since national communities implies kin ties, It’s only natural for White Christian to a conservative Christians and to be a White nationalist, in the passive sense. The Key here is that for the Christian conservative, the primary Good is located on a vertical spiritual dimension and living towards this is done through the horizontal social dimension.

    In the neopagan world View, things are reversed. Worldly Earth is the grounds of being, our biology defines our nature, and living in harmony with that represents the human good. Now, part of nature, as defined by our sociobiology, is to be social and spiritual. Since social, understood, biologically implies kin, that means living in national communities and having national mythos. As such it is only natural or a white pagan to be a White nationalist, in the active sense, and to have a national spirituality which is in harmony with who they are. The Key here is that for the White pagan, the primary Good is located on a horizontal social dimension and living in this is done through the vertical spiritual dimension.

    As Mike notes, these two ways were harmonized in western civilization. Right? The nationalism of conservatives Christians is a parochial altruism. And whites use to live next to each other and form (White) nations. The spirituality of white pagans was a transcendent universalism. And at the time the universe was that of Christendom. So these things fit together.

    It doesn’t work so well now does it?. In a globalized, integrated, diverse world, the conservative Christian parochial altruism, becomes defensive of multicultural “nations,” and un-white. And The transcendent universalism of the white pagan becomes anti-natural.

    Ah, wouldn’t it be nice to have an ethnostate — to recapture how Western Civilization was, how it allowed one to be authentically Christian and authentically white? My suggestion has been that you need something more. Which is why I have been pushing a neoplatonic white nationalism (Westernism). Something to allows a philosophical synthesis. And something which once allowed a similar synthesis between the Christian and the pagan.

    Regardless, Conservative Christianity is transcendent-spiritual endeavor with worldly implications. White Paganism is a worldly endeavor with spiritual-transcendent manifestations. There is nothing holding them together like there was, when there was a geographic West. You either need an ethnostate or a change in mental state.

    My 22.2 cents.

  20. Firstly, all the critiques you level Kievsky apply equally to non-Christians and the Christians you are leveling them against are more likely Bible Belt Southerners or materialistic, churchapreneur types. These people aren’t really Christians in a meaningful sense Kievsky. I think you know that, but I think you should be a little clearer.

  21. “They neither marry nor are given in marriage in Heaven.”

    No Jim Crow laws, either.

    Any religion that’s open to anyone from any ethnicity is inherently a conflict with WN (and any religion that’s not explicitly tied to blood and soil is poison for European peoples, imo). Particularly if part of the doctrine is to put the religion any other consideration, no matter how important. Fortunately for us in Europe, not one in ten here takes the zombie cannibal cult serious.

  22. “Why is it, I have never met a Pagan who isn’t a former Roman Catholic?”

    Because most of us have had 16+ years of Jesuit schooling. And they teach a lot about Western Civ. So when we realize we have to make a choice, we make the right one.

  23. Here’s some feet on the ground reality, and I don’t take any offense at Kievsky’s essay or Nietzsche’s comment or anyone else looking for solutions with their feet on the ground. But the Roman Catholics were the last bulwark to fall in the battle for the soul of this country. They were the ones who kept a grip on Hollywood, abortion and divorce. Most importantly, Hollywood. Now you can take or leave the mysticism, but the idea is perfect. Truth exists outside of us, there is one Truth, we fall short, but that does not mean we cannot speak of it. This is the exact counter to the Jewish idea – that Truth is for our people, and we can’t live up to it, so we twist it to justify our faults.

    This is recent history. We don’t have to go back thousands of years to find something that worked. I’d like to think I’m not arguing religion, but ideas. I mean what sounder basis to redeem a culture than this:

    “Truth exists outside of us, there is one Truth, we fall short, but that does not mean we cannot speak of it or discover it.”

    That’s it, man. And then 2000 years of mostly white guys talking about and developing this idea. Take away the Jewish media neghead garbage and all the left wing freak Catholics and and the near total collapse of the Church in the last 40 years and you’ve got one hell of a compelling idea and an idea that worked.

  24. I mean what sounder basis to redeem a culture than this:

    “Truth exists outside of us, there is one Truth, we fall short, but that does not mean we cannot speak of it or discover it.”


    This is fine for what it is. But catholicism is neutral on the issue of ethnoracial identity. Half of African and most of Latin American are Catholic. So it’s no help against the anti-racists and multiculturalists. The issue is creating a common identity that can resist both. Some type of WN is needed. Christianity by itself will not work. Anti-Christian paganism will not work in the US — even if it is seen as a sort of needed medicine to balance out the humours.

  25. Chuck, thanks for the great response.

    I thought Truth would work because I can’t see how Truth would allow for affirmative action, open borders, unsafe neighborhoods, fractional reserve banking, open pornography from Hollywood and other media, divorce, legal abortion, and all the other ills that plague our culture. In other words, Truth would allow whites to be whites. Up until very recently it did. To me it seems simple that it would again, if we could reclaim it. It’s just common sense, that’s all it is. Apparently you have to turn it into a religion for it to stick.

  26. Me; Any religion that’s open to anyone from any ethnicity is inherently a conflict with WN

    danielj; That is a non-sequitor.

    Only for those whose people are more important than their universalist religion.

  27. Spooky said: “I thought Truth would work because I can’t see how Truth would allow…Up until very recently it did. To me it seems simple that it would again, if we could reclaim it. It’s just common sense, that’s all it is. Apparently you have to turn it into a religion for it to stick.”

    Christian Truth is not working in the modern world. Or Christian Truth is working too much and is unintentionally luring moths into the flames. Is that the Truth’s fault, or is the moth just not adapted to live in the modern world, in light of the Truth.

    I don’t know. But it is not working. Or the moths keep burning.

    Does one then need a new religion, a new Truth? Which will keep the moths away from the flames and in the dark? Should one seek the dark night, deep in some northern forest as some neopagans wish to?

    I am not suggesting a new religion. I am suggesting a school of thought, which might allows some people to make WN their religion and serve the community and others to keep their WN in midst of their religion and diverse community.

  28. “Any religion that’s open to anyone from any ethnicity is inherently a conflict with WN.”

    Only if that religion doesn’t accept the Truth that people prefer to be with those of their own kind.

  29. As one who prefers the “dark night, deep in some northern forest,” I prefer sound, rigorous cultures that inhibit the libido and keep the genie in the bottle. Then there’s plenty of room around the fringes for all kinds of people. It’s only when the people around the fringes demand to have their “Truth” recognized that there is no room left around the fringes. The cancer of “individual truth” reaches places that the older culture left untouched and destroys the presumption of innocence. I can’t stress how gravely important the presumption of innocence is and how bloody difficult it is to preserve it. Of all the losses and destruction we’ve seen in the last 70 years, it is that loss that pains me most. Culture should change like the old common law – at a glacial pace. I think there is plenty of room in the Catholic culture for people who prefer the dark forest. As for whether Truth can be replaced and provide the same kind of freedom? Probably. But it seems a bit like inventing nuclear energy to boil water.

  30. John said: “Only for those whose people are more important than their universalist religion”

    So the question is: in the modern global world, can one have a transcendent-universal religion and a robust sense of People?

    I use to agree with you that one couldn’t, but I’ve changed my mind on this.

    Look, our minds move like trains on a track. They go from one idea-feeling to the next unless there is an viable alternative. Sometimes it now seems that “having no sense of people” follows from “having a transcendent-universal religion,” but this is because no alternative way of thinking has been carved out and maintained. Spooky is right that there was a way of thinking. But it was not tailored to the demands of the modern world.

    So the question is: in the modern global world, how can one hold to a transcendent-universal religion and yet have a robust sense of People?

    That’s an interesting philosophical question.

  31. John, if the universal religion under question endorses an ethnonationalist or tribal arrangement as universally valid then I don’t see the conflict. WN’s have suffered some discourse poisoning and picked up the false meme that universalism of any kind entails a rejection of ethnonationalism. If universalism qua universalism is impossible or invalid why argue, debate or appeal to people of other races? The only option to avail one’s self of after accepting this rejection as the sine qua non of ethnonationalism is total conflict with the other.

  32. Vlad Katonic says:

    July 10, 2010 at 3:16 pm

    The Church did give Europe a good enough reason to unite against the up-n-coming Islam, so I have to give it a bit of credit there…”

    The Church also provided the inspiration for much of the West’s greatest cultural achievements in art, architecture, music and literature.

    I think it deserves credit there as well.

  33. Mr. Mind Weapon:

    “I am concerned with real concrete things. You commenters who come here to split hairs about semantics of religion are a joke. You are debating the arrangement of the deck chairs while the ship is sinking.”

    You are monocular, forward, and to the future. If you’d comprehended my post, you would’ve seen I was arguing for the binocular forward, present and past. Because you didn’t comprehend my post, your rebuttal demonstrated my complaint of WN, in general.

    Exhibit A: “The stuff you are bringing up is a red herring. If you don’t like me, why come here and lecture me? Go hang with your football fan friends and classic car buffs in the parking lot of the church. There’s zillions of Christians out there. Why do you bother with my thread? Are you trying to proselytize me? Make me feel sorry for (quite inadvertently) hurting your feelings?”

    Your critical theory approach does the work of your enemies. Thanks. How is your attitude any different than the current Liberal-Semitic Orthodoxy that we fight?

    Who is more despised by our enemies, the pious Western and Christian male, or micro-Fuhrers of White Nationalism? What does that mean? Who then would be the most potent allies?

    You’re mad because you don’t understand. Any military reader, or innate strategist would understand.


  34. Tony, a white nationalists doesn’t want to get just “anywhere”, a white
    nationalist has quite a few anti-Christian goals in mind.

    Not this one.

    A white nationalist looks at what is best for whites and sees that turning the other cheek, loving ones neighbor, etc. shouldn’t apply to Jews, blacks etc. because those races follow a different set of rules.

    How does this square with the assertion that moral universalism is poison? Is your critique based solely upon the non-reciprocation of racial others?

    They are racial; that is to say, they choose religions that exalt their race, not teach it that victory in this world is a thing to be wished against.

    Blacks are tactical?

    Saul of Tarsus is the perfect example; he hated the white Romans that were humbling his people. He didn’t have the physical strength to defeat them but he noticed that Christianity was quite a potent way of demilitarizing Roman soldiers.

    So he hijacked Christianity and turned it into a mind-weapon against whites.

    Really? The same Paul that wrote Romans 13? This is groundless (and ridiculous) speculation for which there is not a single shred of evidence.

    By the time whites knew what hit them, Muslims were breathing down our throats at the battle of Tours (732) and all our native spiritual practices had been uprooted (especially science).

    The Muslims brought us science. We rediscovered the texts which sparked humanistic learning through Averros and Avicenna.

    It was only when our leaders abandoned Christianity in their own hearts, while paying lip service to it for the sake of the masses in the Renaissance, that we started kicking ass again.

    Deism isn’t lip service to Christianity, it’s Deism.

    Science, the white spiritual way of looking at the world, allowed our race to conquer disease, ignorance, and even the forces of gravity, to say nothing of the entire brown world.

    Scientism is entirely opposed to “spirituality” of any kind. The scientific method is just that, a method and the people that ascribe ontological significance to something so small are small people.

    It was only our internal civil war in the 20th century that allowed the boot to come off the throat of the browns. When we look at that civil war we see Jewish fingerprints all over it. And they were the ones to gain the most. Jews love Christianity because it means that the white race will be subjected to a Jewish God from the cradle.

    Jesus is a Hebrew or Israelite and not a “Jew.” He didn’t practice “Judaism.”

    Most thinking whites of this generation are non-Christian, and even anti-Christian.

    This is simply the obvious fall-out from most Whites of this generation being non-Christian.

    We remember that it is organizations like the Catholic Church that want our borders completely erased and that MLK et al. was a true believing Christian.

    MLK was not a Christian. MLK was a Marxist, a plagiarist and was most likely a big fan of the Arian heresy.

    Christians also spare no expense at attacking Darwin and other scientists.

    Darwin is not Darwinianism. The two are distinct. I’ll attack Kinsey and Kinseyism though.

    White leaders have been free for religion for some time now (you think Skull and Bones warmonger Bush is a Christian?!? Or Dick Cheney?!?) , occasionally that fact gets down to the masses and they get confused. Oh well, you can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.

    No. We don’t think Bush is a Christian.

  35. I’ve read the post and this whole thread and I still don’t see how it ended up on Christianity. Except for hijacking it, that is. By Christians.

    If Christians want their voices heard why don’t you write up a post and send it to Hunter? He’s always looking for new material.

    Share what you see the problems to be and what you see as the solutions.

    Many of you quite obviously enjoy your nitpicking, a horrible quality of WN in general, but it’s dysfunctional and accomplishes nothing so just get over it and spell out exactly what you think would make things better.

  36. Chuck;in the modern global world, how can one hold to a transcendent-universal religion and yet have a robust sense of People?

    It depends on the temperament of the person.

    If the person has a strong capacity for individual action and can resist going along with crowds when they do not suit his purpose, then he can take a cerebral approach to both religion and People. His mind does not move like a train on a track, but like a helicopter.

    If the person does *not* have a strong capacity for individual action, then he will tend to be dominated by emotions. His mind will have less ability to choose; he will move like a train on tracks, without the capacity to maneuver. Such a person is likely to sacrifice at least one of his universal religion or his sense of People.

  37. I’ve read the post and this whole thread and I still don’t see how it ended up on Christianity. Except for hijacking it, that is. By Christians.

    I can’t believe I’m reduced to this, but, I have to say I didn’t start it. I’d prefer to not talk about it when it is unrelated.

  38. I’m too weary to read all these comments in detail, but scanning them causes me to wonder, do some WN love their own people, or do they just hate others?

  39. (Since this is already hoplessly off track)

    I have watched this mind-numbing religious bickering go on for the entire two decades I have been racially aware, and it is as tedious as it is destructive.

    (I note the following with some irony given recent discussions here)
    One of the reasons I moved away from organizations like the CofCC, which I had joined back in the mid-90’s, was the utter intolerance of any dissent on the religion issue, and the insistence on wearing their Christian “faith” upon their collective sleeve. For me as a non-believer it was, in time, just such a complete turn-off – it alienates, annoys and yes, can drive people away. My point is, this cuts BOTH WAYS!

    Another observation – I see a truly surprising openness to the realities of race among younger people. Though it seems counter-intuitive given their lifelong brainwashing, many twenty-somethings and early thirty-somethings I know are far more open-minded on the race issue than those I know in their forties, fifties, sixties and so forth. These young people of which I speak are almost invariably non-believers and in many cases, openly hostile to religion. I know of several who were immediately turned-off by White Nationalism they discoverd on sites like Stormfront or the like, because they presumed Christian belief was a virtual requirement to be involved.

    I know we can all cite our personal experiences as supporting or refuting both sides. I’m just suggesting that we need to realize not all our racially aware brothers and sisters believe all that we believe – and it does us no good to take offense at every assertion we may find religiously problematic.

  40. “I have watched this mind-numbing religious bickering go on for the entire two decades I have been racially aware, and it is as tedious as it is destructive.”

    Two decades? No answers? That’s rather depressing.

  41. “John, if the universal religion under question endorses an ethnonationalist or tribal arrangement as universally valid then I don’t see the conflict. WN’s have suffered some discourse poisoning and picked up the false meme that universalism of any kind entails a rejection of ethnonationalism. If universalism qua universalism is impossible or invalid why argue, debate or appeal to people of other races? The only option to avail one’s self of after accepting this rejection as the sine qua non of ethnonationalism is total conflict with the other.”

    I consider using White peoples’ resources, often at the cost of their lives, to educate and Christianiise Africans an extremely unfortunate consequence of universalism. Of course, what Christian churches (including the Southern Baptists even) have been doing since mass immigration from the Third World into the West began is yet more unfortunate

  42. Lay aside your eschatological prejudices and beliefs for a moment and answer me this: Westerners have no religion. You are designing one for them from scratch that you want to be most conducive to the continued survival of their genetic heritage. This religion is a) exclusive to them and puts them at the center or b) universalist?

    Someone tell me how Christian universality is anything but negative for Europeans.

  43. All this theological debate is way off topic on this thread.

    Be warned, Dueling Bible Banjos — I will delete your comments in the future. Don’t bother. I don’t give a shit about your theological debates, and I don’t care if I offended your religious sensibilities. I won’t go out of my way to do so, but if you come here and say, “boo hoo, you offended my religion” and post long, boo hoo, Bible Banjo comments, I will terminate your comments.

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