The Youth Vote

Here’s a surprising finding: White teenagers are less enthusiastic about Barack Obama and the American future than White adults.

– 69% of black teenagers believe their standard of living will be higher than their parents, but only 36% of White teenagers expect this to be true.

– 70% of black teenagers give Barack Obama a favorable approval rating, but only 21% of White teenagers approve of his job performance.

– 92% of black adults approve of Barack Obama’s job performance, but only 35% of White adults give him a positive approval rating.

– 58% of young voters under the age of 35 believe America is in decline.

-57% of elderly voters over the age of 65 believe America is in decline.

In 2008, Barack Obama won 43% of the White vote, but defeated John McCain by 10 points with White voters 18 to 29 years old. By June 2010, 46% of White voters under 40 approved of his job performance and Obama had fallen into negative territory with White women (35% approve) and college educated White voters (54% disapprove). Only 28% of Whites now plan to re-elect Barack Obama as President of the United States.

The enthusiasm gap is even bigger: 46% of Whites strongly disapprove of Barack Obama’s job performance; 19% strongly approve. If Barack Obama continues to push forward with the progressive agenda, Whites will increasingly act less like the divided, apathetic majority we are accustomed to, and more like a united, racially conscious minority.

Progressives like Spock are counting on racial conflict diminishing as the Baby Boomers retire and the Greatest Generation dies off. The racial polarization between teenagers suggests otherwise.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “70% of black teenagers give Barack Obama a favorable approval rating, but only 21% of White teenagers approve of his job performance.”

    That’s very surprising that White teenagers are more down on Obama than Whites overall, certainly goes against the sterotype.

    Of course when you think about it teenagers spend more time around other teenagers, and teenagers are much less likely to be European-Americans than the overall population.

    For this reason teenaged Whites probably have to deal much more with non-Whites than older Whites do.

    Perhaps that’s the driver behind this?

    If your 60 you don’t have to worry about competing with a Mexican for a job nearly as much as if you’re 18, for example.

  2. It is probably because young Whites are getting shit on more than anyone else. They are the ones who have to attend the integrated schools. They have to compete with Mexicans for jobs. They are the ones who have to face affirmative action in the universities. They are the ones who will live under the “Minority-Majority.”

  3. Hunter Wallace: And, most importantly, they (age, below 35) are the ones who have to compete with the Tropical Races, for White females!

    Even the media’s brainwashing of several degenerate White males to like Latinas and Black mulatto women would not be enough, without the super-heavy taboo against White males being angry about the Blacks and Browns hoarding our women. Of course, the taboo is even more strongly enforced than the prude attitudes of the MA puritans.

  4. I understand it is important to remain openly silent about my point, with the mainstream. But, with the more dedicated branch of White Preservationism, I believe it could make a great recruitment campaign for Young White Males

  5. Hunter, you should have listen to me. Had a delightful dinner this evening with several REAL White leaders.

    You need to show up in Knoxville tomorrow if you want to stay relevent.

  6. BR,

    There is a certain irony to your comment. I too had a delightful dinner this evening with several REAL White leaders.

    The circus that went on for months in the OD forum (which I noticed you took to White News Now and Stormfront) played an important role in convincing me to start looking elsewhere.

    I won’t be in Knoxville tomorrow. I’m not anywhere near Virginia or Tennessee at the moment. I’ve also abandoned the ambition to stay “relevant” in White Nationalist circles.

    By relevance, you mean say saying extreme things on the internet under an anonymous pseudonym, and doing nothing to reverse our decline in reality.

    That’s not going to work.

  7. If true (i.e., the surprising result that younger American whites tend to have lower opinion of Barry Soetoro than older ones), I would think the larger and more powerful driver is the real economy and their perception (i.e., each white age group’s) of it going forward. At this point, even largely brainwashed and brain dead useful idiots may be questioning the relationship between supporting someone who wants them disposed and/or dead and someone who doesn’t just see them as a means of subsidizing the hoard that is meant to replace them. Younger American whites are probably right now closer to the economic mallaise that grows as the producers are overwhelmed by Barry and Company’s actions. Wow, maybe as the economy circles the drain it is beginning to sink in and counteract the diversity meme. Ya think? That is, in a shrinking economy it becomes clearer and clearer which ‘leader’ is truely on your side (like a receeding tide tends to show the flotsam and jetsam that wasn’t seen before); and Barry has sure done his part to destroy the economy and transfer more wealth away from the producers to the parasites (which will soon complete the circle of transfer, destroy, transfer until economic bad times are had by almost all). Yep, there are few cases where economic devastation doesn’t result in some pretty hairy rides (especially against those perceived to have mislead and caused the crisis – Can you say ‘Michelle Antoinette’?). But I’m sure in this ‘post racial’ era all will be well and the anti-white chosen one will get a pass by all whites? Not.

  8. “- 69% of black teenagers believe their standard of living will be higher than their parents, but only 36% of White teenagers expect this to be true.”

    The kind of results you’d expect from those with low IQ and unwarranted high self-esteem. Do black teenagers pay even the slightest bit of attention to the economic news?

  9. The competition for resources will cancel out all the expensively instituted multicultural ideology, and create sharp racial dividing lines.

    Look at it via the Jewish psychologist Abraham Maslow and the hierarchy of needs. Biological needs come first.

    The Communist/liberalist vision is that the races will join together to fight for resources to distribute to themselves from the hands of the billionaires. This vision has never been realized, but remained in the realm of left wing utopian fantasy.

    The lower classes (the trash) can be bribed into a life of welfare and vice. Social climbing types can be bribed into race-mixing since they thing it enhances their multiculti “cred” and hence their “career.”

    We can only be bribed into living la vida diversity.

    Let us imagine limited resources and blacks and whites together. The blacks are going to immediately . . . IMMEDIATELY, say, “all for us, YT, yer a bunch of racists you get nothing — see ya, wouldn’t want to be ya!”

    Those could be the most liberal, anti-racist whites ever, with dreadlocks and black significant others, and the blacks will still say, “all for us, none for you.” Whites have to make up for slavery and Jim Crow, you know, and blacks will give them any chance possible to “make up for past wrongs.” LOL.

    The multicultural ideology is blatantly hateful against Whites. The people behind it assume that, because they see heavily bribed Whites going along with the anti-white hate, that must mean we are ALL going along with it, right? That is the illusion of those who get to make a living as left wing intellectuals or therapeutic-managerial bureaucrats of the multicult.

    The anti-white hate gets more and more blatant every year. They assume a lack of rebellion means they can go farther and farther. They assume we’ll keep going along with it, keep eating shit and bowing to the multicult (or else!).

    They keep introducing greater and greater instability into the system. I believe the motive behind multiculturalism is simply sadism and the epic boredom of the super-rich. Nothing less than real life snuff porn is able to excite their living-dead flesh.

    Here’s what’s going to happen. The poverty of this country will force the rising generations of White kids to adapt, to become hard and resilient. They will notice the anti-white hate (how can they not, at this point), and will become as fanatical as us.

    The anti-white sadists have been “sowing the wind” like no time before. The rage will be more than dynamite, it will be like a nuclear explosion, a fusion reaction from sea to shining sea.

  10. “But then that raises the question of why Black Teenagers are also more down on Obama than their elders.”

    It’s probably because they got none of the free stuff they were expecting.

  11. @ Hunter

    “By relevance, you mean say saying extreme things on the internet under an anonymous pseudonym, and doing nothing to reverse our decline in reality.

    That’s not going to work.”

    Sooo true of the guns, ammo, Hitler, gold & silver, collodial silver, Hitler, freeze dried food crowd, Hitler, German wonder weapons, Hitler, LOL.

    The only smart thing about Hitler was that he was an anti-semite.

  12. maxsnafu: That’s probably exactly right. “Where’s my stuff? Why isn’t everything going my way?” The Big Man hasn’t delivered, and they want to know why.

  13. Youth are the first to support a new charismatic figure and the first to turn against him when nothing changes, there is no surprise here. The video Vlad Katonic links above is humorous; you’re dealing with people with very low IQs, borderline retarded, and the immaturity to match. Again, no surprises. Blacks are 12% of the population and concentrated in a handful of cities, with no money and no social power – almost totally irrelevant.

    Obama is self-admittedly the product of the Jewish establishment in Chicago, and the Jewish media nationally. The fact we are discussing him and blacks was the whole point, to give the Jews in power something to hide behind.

    One would hope that Whites wouldn’t be mesmerized by the shiny object here and keep their eyes on the actual powers-that-be.

    A case in point is Eric Holder and the Justice Department. People are outraged over dropping the case against the Black Panthers, which itself was wholly symbolic, stopping at most a half dozen Whites from voting. Symbolic, outrageous, and in the grand scheme of things, wholly irrelevant. Does anyone really believe that Holder and the handful of affirmative action attorneys at the JD really run anything or make any important decisions?

    Even numerically, it’s the Mestizos, not the Negros, that are significant. Bitterly complaining about Negroes simply shows you aren’t smart or talented enough to make enough money to move into a White neighborhood, like everyone else already did 30 years ago. And why complain about Mestizos, unless you don’t have enough money to hire one to mow your lawn?

    I suggest a new campaign slogan: It’s the Jews, Stupid.

  14. I hire young whites to help me out with my construction work when I need an extra hand. I always bring up the race issue. There are some white contractors who tell these guys: “Why should I hire you at $15 when I can hire a Mexican at $10/hr?” Young whites are supposed to be into high-paying computer jobs. That leaves the vast majority to compete with Mexicans etc. The biggest hurdle to white identity is the current fascination with the ‘cosmic identity’, as mentioned on this site before. When that dream fades then the young will awaken to their native inborn idealism and racial identity. That’s when things will happen.

  15. Hunter is generally correct and bitching online under an internet handle, but how are the Tea Parties much different? Sure, it’s the “real world” where you go in public and hold up a sign – the equivalent of posting something on the internet. The audience that will see your sign is probably equivalent to a blog post isn’t it?

    Aside from the actual GOP lobbyists that are organizing the Tea Parties, the Tea Partiers themselves are doing absolutely nothing of consequence – they are not forming independent organizations, they are not fundraising outside of the GOP, they are not creating any wealth or new technology. It’s a GOP pep rally.

    At best, they are the Ron Paul movement part 2 (and remember Ron Paul wouldn’t have raised a dime if it wasn’t for the online activism you’re complaining about.) But what happened with the Ron Paul campaign? First, they wilted when the Jewish TV media called them “racists” and then they were outmaneuvered in the caucuses by the full time GOP establishment.

    Just showing up at Tea Party organized by Dick Armey’s lobbying firm isn’t automatically superior than posting on the internet, and in many cases, it’s inferior.

    If the Tea Parties are successful of nominated anti-immigration candidates that win – then they were useful. And you can be sure that if they do, online activism and fundraising were key to the victory.

    Until there are more people holding up “Yeah I’m a Racist” signs at the Tea Parties than there are participants in the “Diversi-Tea” rallies, it probably would have been better for them to stay at home and post on the internet.

  16. Kievsky well said, it does seem the “elite” it is about sadism and maybe a little more power. God bless them and their little dark hearts what would we do without such a small slice of demographic hell, maybe 5-7% of the population holding such hateful views?

    Somehow I think the views of these “youth” should be canvassed, all too often they are merely talked at not talked to, and who wouldn’t resent that?

  17. LandsEnd sent me an email regarding back-to-school products. It shows a young black boy and a young white girl with their arms around each other. I’m DISGUSTED! And, they expect me to buy their products??? Their stuff is shit – genuine 150% crappola – anyway. Let the blacks buy it – or steal it which is more like it!

  18. We moan and moan about how tough we have, but if you want to see tough and taxing go to a lefty site and sift thru a long thread of emotional wreck cult followers moaning and moaning about how “nice” they are and how much they “love and respect” the others.

  19. I was displaced on the early tide of race quotas and mass immigration, in Southern California. Some decent White people just didn’t believe it was happening, and thought that it was just an excuse for failure. (A sociologist from Cal State Long Beach, Frederick Lynch, wrote a book about this.) Still, when you google “affirmative action”, or if you checked the comments in the LA Times on the Gregory Rodriguez article posted here, there are people writing that it’s all a racist myth. But the wave of anti-Whiteness has moved far beyond SoCal, and the numbers of Darks are far larger. More and more of these young people in flyover country are having it thrown in their faces that they are no longer wanted, and they blame the Darks. They need to learn just who the Darks are working for.

  20. White America is the biggest threat to the white race in history, the only purpose of whites in America seems to be to empower the Negro and any other non whites to the point that the Negro is the new god of White America.

    The demise of White America and a strong Russia is the only hope for the white race.

    America greatest heroes are Lebron James, Air Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, Tiger Woods, Oprah, Rihana, Beyonce, Will Smith, Michael Jackson, Michelle Obama and Hussein and thousands more.

    Hussein is the symbol of the end of White America and the rise of the Mulatto.

  21. I am surprised that an Eastern European cannot tell the difference between Whites and Jews. The Slavs have had their own problems with Judeo-Marxist rule, you’d think they’d be able to smell the bagels. To call for the demise of White America is to ally yourself with Israel. The hope of our race is both a strong White America and a strong Europe, East and West.

  22. The hatred of America in some WN circles is pathological. A few always come out of the woodwork on every White-oriented Web site.

  23. Why not a return to Confederation as the preferred government set-up?
    Confederation plus some libertarian ideals for within the country.

    Whites overwhelmingly group around such ideas. In the future if Confederation is restored then states can create separate racial enclaves over time. It would be easier to win states then the federal government.

    It’s really just restoring the founding traditions. It seems to me everyone could easily defend this publicly.

  24. I am well aware of the jews, they killed one million of my people, the elite, after WW2, when your hero pilots bombed some of our cities.

    White America bombed Serbia and created two Islamic states in the balkans.

    In the crimean war England and France sided with the Ottoman Empire against Russia and white countries from the Balkans, we will not forget.

    America is empowering the Jews, without White America and anglo saxons, the jews would be irrelevant.

    Only the death of White America and the English can save the white race.

  25. EEURO: You are a fool or a liar. You would kill the patient to destroy the virus. Unless, of course, you are the virus. Over and out.

  26. “Only the death of White America and the English can save the white race.

    Quit trolling. There are many things that can save the White race, such as peak oil. Let the oil start to run out and things will go tribal as ethnicities withdrawal to their traditional lands. Peak oil is happening right now and it is a whole new ballgame. Our job is inform and teach, as we are doing right now by talking on the internet. When the shit hits the fan, and it will, American Whites are going to be as racially sophisticated as Russians and Eastern Europeans.

  27. I am not a jew, I am a guy from Romania who knows a little bit of history that you cannot deny that is the truth and you cannot rewrite it.

    I lived four years in Detroit and negroes were more friendly to me than white americans, I know who you are, you consider us inferior.

    Well, I think you are not white but arrogant degenerated mongrels destined to create a muslim mulatto nation that will hate and try to destroy Eastern Europe.

    Your highly educated youth elected an abomination, a muslim mulatto who hates the white race as president, is there a reason to consider white america a threat to the whole white race?

    I think there is.

  28. “. . .have to attend the integrated schools. . .”

    Disintegrated. To say “integration” implies intregrity and wholeness. Don’t use the terms of the enemy. Segregated schools are integrated, based on the proper relationships between parts and wholes.

  29. @EEuro,
    “Well, I think you are not white but arrogant degenerated mongrels destined to create a muslim mulatto nation that will hate and try to destroy Eastern Europe.”

    Idiots who post at OD with the explicit intention of defaming Whites should be flushed.

    Title: Episode #31 – ZOG will REALLY Fuck U Up
    Time: 08/15/2010 09:00 PM EDT
    Episode Notes: Episode #31 — ZOG will REALLY Fuck U Up. Special Longer, Harder, & Uncut Episode. Hal Turner thought ZOG was his pal, and as a paytridiot ‘thought’ that he would spy on Whigger Nutsionalists. And so Hal Turner denied being a ZOGbot until the day that ZOG thought Hal Went too far and decided to fuck the Turdnerstein up. By the way, the baal-priests Sci-Fi Faber, jewromy Visser, and sundry ZOGbot pisser-possums are still running wild, eating shit & bothering pisspul. Edgar Steele, The Whigger-Whimperer, is supposedly facing trial, represented by a pub[l]ic pretender, like Halster Turdnerstein, to be held Monday. The Whigger-Whimperer better figure out quick, a way to derail the Railroad, or get jewst to living in a ZOG jewlag cage with the Halster & Tyrone & MuhDikkk X. Introducing a new parody song to the Lindstedt EIB Network (Erysipelas In Broadcasting) called “ZOG WILL Fuck U Up”, which is a variant on a somewhat blasphemous little ditty. So if you are gonna get butt-fucked by ZOG, and it is because YOU begged for it, then might as well enjoy the ride, even if only third-‘hand’. Hail Victory!!!

  31. EEuro: I understand your frustration; America and Canada are used as a very powerful proxy against Whites & Christians worldwide.

    However, you are fooling yourself, if you want almost 300 million Whites (about 30% of White Christians) extinct. America is only a little over 60% White, and that includes Whites married to non-Whites and White Single Mothers who will only give birth to Black and Brown babies-as well as the mulatto babies themselves. We White Americans were out-voted in 2008 (John McCain actually won the White American vote, while Western European leftists were lecturing us on Obama). Canada is turning non-White very quickly, with an immigration policy even less sane than ours. The United Kingdom is also an important nation for European survival

    We also have no voice. It is our elites who make all of the decisions, not us common Whites who oppose the recent wars, once we know the true facts. The Democrats control both political branches, without a threat of a fillibuster. Yet, we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan-very unpopular wars. How is this the fault of common White Americans & White Canadians?

    Your complaint would have some merit, if it advocated temporary checks on American global hegemony or restrictions on our cultural elites’ damage. But the full extinction of White Americans & White Canadians, and perhaps Britons entails very severe consequences-as the Europeans can hardly afford to lose a third of their global population and most of their real estate.

  32. @EEuro

    “America is empowering the Jews, without White America and anglo saxons, the jews would be irrelevant. Only the death of White America and the English can save the white race.”

    You do have a point that my people built very powerful countries and then let the jews take them over and use that power to destroy white people but…

    the simple fact is the anglo-saxons are the only white people who are both smart and savage enough to beat them so unless we wake up in time to re-arrange the world before it’s too late you’re all f**ked anyway.

  33. EEuro is a troll, but the perception that Anglo-Saxons are uniquely degenerate and responsible for the West’s decline is widely held among nationalists in Europe. It’s an idea that needs to be taken seriously. English speaking elites seem to be the most enthusiastic about abolishing borders, national cultures and traditions of all kinds. Furthermore, capitalism, which has played a too often underestimated role in our destruction originated in England.

  34. Don’t kid yourself, the Serbs really hate us, and the Brits for what we did in bombing Serbia, and forcing the Serbs out of Kosovo.

    All I can say to the Serbs is that Bill Clinton is a dumb ass hillbilly from Arkansas who has a lip lock on Jew ass for dollars. His butt ugly daughter even married a kike.

  35. Don’t kid yourself, the Serbs really hate us, and the Brits for what we did in terror bombing Serbia, and forcing the Serbs out of Kosovo.

    All I can say to the Serbs is that Bill Clinton is a dumb ass hillbilly from Arkansas who has a lip lock on Jew ass for dollars. His butt ugly daughter even married a greasy kike.

  36. “EEuro is a troll, but the perception that Anglo-Saxons are uniquely degenerate and responsible for the West’s decline is widely held among nationalists in Europe.”

    Of course. It is held by nationalists here as well.

  37. If the “Knoxville” comment and the exchange between Hunter Wallace and BiologicalRacist above has to do with the “National Socialist Movement” and their Knoxville rally, than I unequivocally side with Hunter Wallace on this.

    The NSM is such an obvious false front/honey pot it’s encouraging that not everyone has fallen for it. These people have the uniforms and everything. They are posting outright pro-terrorist, probably illegal comments on Kevin MacDonald’s blog, and the obvious tip-off should be that they are the ones getting coverage by the Jewish media. “J.T. Ready” has been anointed as the leader of the immigration restrictionist movement by the Jewish media – just in time to derail the mainstream Arizona victories. They are quite literally from Central Casting and follow the ADL/$PLC script to the letter.

    Interestingly enough, there are a lot of these neo-fascists that also call for the “multi-racial anti-Jew” coalition, which not only tags them as simple “anti-semites” but not even real advocates for White people.

    Anybody remember Frank Collin/Cohen?

    This is serious business folks, do not underestimate the enemy. They will – and have – dressed up like nazis, Arabs, confederates, etc., in order to discredit White people. In fact, they do it *all the time*

  38. Of course, the taboo is even more strongly enforced than the prude attitudes of the MA puritans.

    The Puritans weren’t prudes.

  39. Let us not forget that Eastern European countries like Romania during the Soviet Union times were forced to promote socialism (i.e., an effectively anti-white policy of taking resources from countries like Russia, Romania, etc. and building ‘world communism’ in mostly non-European countries while trying to weaken the U.S.). Actually, a primary objective was destroying non-socialist white America. As one commenter has pointed out they were effectively forced to do this, so we shouldn’t write them off now. In a similar manner, Eastern Europeans shouldn’t write the U.S. off at this stage as clarity is setting in for non-Jewish whites as the economy sinks. Yes, bombing Serbia was wrong, and pushing the EU to admit a place like Turkey is wrong. That noted, if the U.S. currently had the real per capita income of a place like Romania, I would contend we would be a hell of alot further down the road of throwing off our multicultural overlords than Romania, for example. At this stage, writing off any white group that isn’t clearly against your interests is foolish. Finally, lest us not forget that most European whites in Europe were more pro-Barry Soetoro than U.S. whites. Regardless, as the U.S. sinks into an economic black hole, the game will change; and let’s show a little patience and faith in what will come out the other side, and do our best to encourage an outcome that helps mostly the true citizens of the U.S. as well as minimally does no harm against places like Romania.

  40. EEuro is understandably bitter. Cut him a bit of slack. American sanctions and pressure were a large factor in the downfall of Rhodesia and South Africa. What America did in Kosova was reprehensible. It will be interesting to see how your government responds when the exact same scenario plays out in California, as it surely will.

    But I don’t blame the American people for those actions. Americans are not evil, just terribly gullible. Possibly some of the readers of this blog can recall with embarrassment protesting against Apartheid. Maybe you were just there to meet girls. No doubt you can remember how you were taught in school that all White South Africans are evil. Brainwashing is insidious.

    The bottom line, though, is that we can’t write off America. If America is lost, that’s pretty much it for the world. White people world-wide are too few and control too little territory to be able to afford to squabble amongst ourselves.

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